Chapter One 10 Introduction

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Chapter One 10 Introduction Cover Page The handle holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Amiq Title: Islamic manuscript culture in the Pondok Pesantren of East Java in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Issue Date: 2015-12-22 ISLAMIC MANUSCRIPT CULTURE IN THE PONDOK PESANTREN OF EAST JAVA IN THE NINETEENTH AND TWENTIETH CENTURIES Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden op gezag van Rector Magnificus Dr. Carel Stolker, hoogleraar in de faculteit der rechtsgeleerdheid, welke graad volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties, genomen op 10 september 2015, wegens ernstige ziekte van de kandidaat zonder verdediging van het proefschrift is verleend aan Amiq Geboren te Gresik, Indonesia in 1966 LEIDEN / SURABAYA 2015 1 Promotiecommissie: Promotor: Prof. dr Jan Just Witkam Overige leden: Prof. dr. J.A.A.M. Biemans (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Prof. dr. Léon Buskens Prof. dr. C. van Dijk This dissertation is dedicated to 1. My late parents, Qaani’ Ahyad and Afuwah 2. My late teachers, KH. Imam Zarkasyi and K.H. Abdullah Faqih 2 Acknowledgements I owe thanks to many people who contributed greatly to helping me conduct my research and complete this dissertation. With regards to my research, I must thank the owners of the MIPES (Manuskrip Islam Pesantren) collections in three districts, who granted me access to their heritage. In Kabupaten Lamongan I owe my gratitude to Bapak Rahmat Dasi who guided me to the other Keranji collections. In Kabupaten Ponorogo, I am indebted to the late Bapak Saiful Azhari, Bapak Kuat, Kyai Syamsuddin and Bapak Jamal Nasuhi who allowed me to make a digital facsimile of their entire manuscript collection. In Kabupaten Tuban, I must express my thanks to the late Kyai Abdullah Faqih, the head of Pondok Pesantren Langitan whose support gave me the energy to preserve and study the MIPES collection. I must mention two other people, Gus Abdullah Munif, the keeper of the Langitan collection whose hospitality to me and my research team made difficult research a joyful experience; and to Kyai Jalil of Senori, the son of Kyai Abu Faḍal and keeper of his father’s work who allowed me access to the collection. I am grateful to Dr. Annabel Teh Gallop, who informed me about the Endangered Archive Program of the British Library, which went on to fund my initial research. I am also thankful to my research fellows Muhammad Sholihin, Prastiwi ‘Tiwi’ AWS (photographers), Rouly Sitorus, Agustin Juwono, Coleta, Fadli, Ratih and Ahmad Frank (graphic editors), Ghozi, Salim Ahyar, Rini and M. Nasir, who assisted me in the process of making a digital facsimile of the MIPES collections. My two research counterparts, Jeje Abdurrazaq and Masyhudi, also contributed greatly to the success of the field research. Their support really helped to make the experience a happy one. In addition, I am grateful to the staff at Lembaga Pengkajian Agama dan Masyarakat, LPAM (‘The Institute for the Study of Religion and Society’) Surabaya, where the initial research was housed, and, in particular Ahmad Jainuri, Ahmad Nur Fuad, and Nur Mufid, three wonderful colleagues who supported me and provided me with critical insight throughout this process, from the initial stages through to the completion of the research. My special thanks go to the management of the Indonesian Young Leaders Programme. The IYLP provided me with a full scholarship during my four years of study in Leiden. Prof. W.L. Stokhof, the former director of the programme, and Dr. N.J.G Kaptein, his successor, provided me with financial assistance and made this PhD study possible. And my thanks go also to Ms. Marise van Amersfoort who helped me with almost every administrative issue during my stay in the Netherlands. I owe sincere thanks to Lorie Lijnders who supported me during my illness and treatment at the LUMC Rehabilitation Centre. She worked tirelessly to arrange insurance to pay my medical costs during a difficult period. And to all my colleagues at PPI (Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia) Leiden whose ‘bezoeken’ meant so 3 much and strengthened my spirit and aided my recovery. Permit me, too, to thank my best doctor ever, Dr. Lipka, and all the nurses at LUMC who kept me smiling and looked after me during difficult circumstances. I would like to express my wholehearted thanks to you all. I must mention, too, my extended family in Leiden: Pak Mintardjo and his late wife Liliyana and their children; Ratnawati and her husband Arno, Nurkasih and her husband Jeroen de Buijs, you were the perfect antidote to the loneliness of being away from my family in Indonesia. Life in the Netherlands, away from my family was not always easy, but I met many friends and colleagues on the Indonesian Young Leaders Programme: Yasrul Huda and Yanwar Pribadi at the University of Leiden; Nurul Azkiyah at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Kusmana at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Nurkholis at the VU in Amsterdam; and Din Wahid, Hilman Latief and Salamah Agung at Utrecht University; their warmth and friendship touched my heart and their critical contributions during our PhD peer seminars sharpened the focus of this study. The librarians of the Library of KITLV and the library of the University of Leiden, especially the department of Oriental Manuscripts, helped me access their collections and made the process of research much easier. Their dedication to helping researchers is inspiring. I know the Leiden tradition does not allow me to thank to my academic supervisor, Prof. Jan Just Witkam; allow me, then, to mention him as my best friend and to say that I am honoured that he shared with me his work in progress –volumes eight and nine of his Inventory. Thank you. Your contribution to my academic career will forever be in my memory. I am indebted to my parents-in-law, Abd Rahem and Suriyah, who took care of my family during my absence. The last words are for my wife, Elly Sutiana, who has been both father and mother to our children while I undertook this study. Please accept my deepest gratitude; and for my children, Nabila Absari Ahmad (17) and Ilham Najahi (12), one day you will know that the completion of this work is the best way to express my love to you. Learning is an endless process. Leiden / Surabaya, 2015, Amiq Ahyad 4 About the Promovendus Amiq was born in Gresik on 11 January 1966. He studied Arabic, English and Islam in Pondok Moden Gontor Ponorogo where he completed his elementary study in 1984. He studied Naval Engineering at Muhammadiyah University at Surabaya but never graduated. Subsequently, he decided to study Islamic History and Civilization at the department of Islamic History of Civilization, IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya and graduated in 1992. Since 1993 he has been a lecturer at his alma mater in the Department of Islamic History and Civilization, where he teaches Social History and Islamic Philology. In 1998 he earned his Master’s degree in Islamic Studies (Cum Laude) at the University of Leiden. In 1999, he studied Oriental Studies at the Center for Non-Western Studies (CNWS) at the University of Leiden. In 2000 he became a guest lecturer at IAIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta where he taught Political Islam. In 2007 he was given the opportunity to continue his post-graduate studies and to taste the legacy of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje at Leiden University as one of Snouck Hurgronje’s academic ‘great-grandchildren’ by studying Islamic manuscriprs in general and Islamic codicology and philology in particular. 5 Samenvatting Mijn onderzoek met islamitische handschriften heeft twee aspecten. Ik heb de collecties in de Leidse bibliotheek bestudeerd. Ik heb daarnaast veldwerk verricht aan vergelijkbare verzamelingen in Oost Java. Hoofdstuk Eén van deze studie over islamitische boekcultuur in de Oost-Javaanse pondok pesantren begint met een kort overzicht van het onderzoek dat eerder al door mij is verricht. Ik maak duidelijk wat mij ertoe heeft gebracht om dit onderzoek te doen. Ik leg uit uit wat mijn werkwijze is. Ik formuleer mijn onderzoeksvragen, en ik ga in op het belang van de bestudering van de Islam in Indonesië. Hoofdstuk Twee vertelt de geschiedenis van de twee handschriftencollecties waarop ik mij heb geconcentreerd, die van de Leidse Universiteitsbibliotheek en die van de pondok pesantren collecties in drie regio’s in Oost Java. Ik geef ook inzicht in de wijze waarop de uit Indonesië afkomstige islamitische handschriften van de Leidse bibliotheek in Leiden zijn terecht gekomen. Daarnaast schrijf ik een korte geschiedenis van de islamitische collecties in vijf instellingen van islamitisch onderwijs in drie regio’s op Oost Java. Ik ga daarbij in op de wijze waarop LPAM Surabaya deze verzamelingen heeft gedigitaliseerd. Hoofdstuk Drie onderzoekt de codicologische bijzonderheden van de verzamelingen op Oost Jave die ik heb bestudeerd. Tegenslag met mijn gezondheid tijdens mijn onderzoek hebben mijn mogelijkheden tot veldwerk beperkt. Zodoende is de directe bestudering van de Oost-Javaanse handschriften voor een groot deel gebaseerd op gegevens die ik in 2005-2006 in het veld had verzameld. Ik ga ik vooral in op niet alleen codicologische details: soorten papier, schrift, taal, inkt, pagina-indeling, systemen voor het handhaven van de juiste volgorde van de bladzijden, maar ook op de inhoud van de teksten (zij het in zeer algemene zin) en de geschiedenis van individuele stukken. Illustraties geven mijn verhaal een visuele dimensie. Hoofdstuk Vier bevat een complete beschrijving van de vijf collecties in de drie regios (MIPES collectie) waarmee ik heb gewerkt. Ik behandel verzameling na verzameling en vermeld bij ieder stuk de parallel- handschriften, zowel in de Oost-Javaanse verzamelingen als in de Leidse bibliotheek. Hoofdstuk Vijf behandelt de typologieën die ik heb ontworpen.
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