
Rural National Rural Development Network

Issue 22 year II, March 2015

Romulus Duică “The -growing sub-programme is the solution for increasing the sector’s competitiveness” THE Research Institute for Fruit Growing Mărăcineni - The Keeper of Romanian FRUIT-GROWING Agriculture Can Be Made on Any Surface: One Hectare Garden Nursery, in Dorobanți Strawberries from Oltenia Beneath the Mountain


Ministerul Agriculturii și Dezvoltării Rurale REGIONAL OFFICES Support Network of the National Rural Development Network Contents

BRĂILA EDITORIAL 282 Independentei Blvd., 1st floor, postal code 810124, [email protected] Pomiculture, an industry about to be reborn...... 3 Tel.: 0339 732 009, Fax: 0339 732 016 CRAIOVA INTERVIEW Romulus Duică, Deputy General Manager - General Rural Development Division, Management Authority for the 19 Libertatii St., The Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, room L-311, 2nd floor, postal code 200421, National Rural Development Programme: “The pomiculture sub-programme is the solution for increasing the sector’s [email protected] competitiveness”...... 4 Tel.: 0251 460 377, Fax: 0251 423 651 ZALĂU RURAL DEVELOPMENT 49 Kossuth Lajos St., postal code 450010, [email protected] The Pomiculture Research and Development Institute in Mărăcineni - The Keeper of Romanian Pomiculture...... 10 Tel.: 0360 404 056, Fax: 0360 404 158 Past, present and future in the Romanian pomiculture...... 14 TÂRGU MUREŞ Agriculture can be made on any surface: one hectare garden nursery, in Dorobanți - Arad...... 17 60 Mihai Eminescu St., postal code 540331, [email protected] Tel.: 0365 430 349, Fax: 0365 430 351 PEOPLE IAŞI 1 Decembrie Orchard: the success of a family business...... 22 Ciric Recration Area – Ciric Recreation Complex, postal code 700064, [email protected] Wine cellar in Aiud’s center...... 25 Tel.: 0332 881 281, Fax: 0332 881 282 TIMIŞOARA EXPERIENCES 53 Take Ionescu Blvd., 2nd floor, office 26, postal code 300074, [email protected] My Farm: : 20 hectares of organic orchard, in Cheresig – Bihor...... 27 My Business: Honey, a sweet treat of millions of Euros...... 30 Tel.: 0356 460 982, Fax: 0356 460 983 My Community: Strawberries in Oltenia beneath the mountains - County Association of Strawberries, Fruit Shrubs TÂRGOVIŞTE and Growers in Vâlcea...... 34 7A Varzaru Armasu St., postal code 130169, [email protected] Tel.: 0345 100 025, Fax: 0345 100 605 UP TO DATE LEADER BUCUREŞTI Local Action Group “Valea Cricovului” Association...... 38 39-41 Nicolae Filipescu St., 6th floor, 2nd district, postal code 020961, [email protected] Tel.: 0316 900 214, Fax: 0316 900 215 NEWS AND EVENTS On-Line procurement procedures for the private beneficiaries of European funds...... 42 Tel.: 0316 900 214, Fax: 0316 900 215 APIA releases certifications for bird breeders ...... 43 The text of this publication is for informational purposes only and does not entail any legal liability. MARD published Annex II related to the pomiculture zonation...... 44 Additional information on MARD and NSU can be accessed on-line under: www.madr.ro, www.rndr.ro NSU, Department for Publications, March, 2015 THE RNDR MEMBERS INTRODUCE THEMSELVES ISSN 2393-123x The Research and Development Institute for the Industrialization and Marketing of Horticultural Products - Horting ...... 45 ISSN-L 2393-123x Research - Development Station for Pomiculture in Vâlcea...... 49 © RNDR, 2015 The reproduction of the texts from this magazine is authorized, provided that the source is indicated. Printed in Romania. Photograph copyright: The Research-Development Institute for the Industrialization and Marketing of Horticulture Products “Horting” Bucharest, Iosif Sarusi, Constantin Demian, GAL Valea Cricovului, Research and Development Station for Pomiculture Vâlcea, www.dreamstime.com.

1 Rural Romania – no. 22


Pomiculture, an industry about to be reborn

Everybody loves fruit and we all eat European funds for the modernization them in various forms. Over the past and establishment orchards. years, the Romanian consumer show- ed concerns related to nourishment The pomiculture reconversion pro- and healthy eating. At the same time, gramme has foreseen total funds in the Romanians’ desire to eat food pro- value of Eur 320 million, from whi- duced in our country is noticeable. ch EUR 40 million for the products’ All these aspects encourage the enti- processing and sale. Through this re specialized industry, starting with sub-programme, the Ministry of farmers and ending with hypermarket Agriculture considers that approxi- chains wanting Romanian products mately 35,000 ha of orchards can be on their shelves. rehabilitated. MARD’s aims is that by the end of 2020, Romania increases its Coming back to fruit, the pomicultu- orchard surface, from approximately re in Romania slackened after 1990. 159,000 ha at present, among which This is the result of the lack of money 83,000 ha are on a downward path, to which could have supported invest- 194,000 hectares. The specialists re- ments in the field, considering that gards this target as being achievable. the tree plantations start bearing fru- it as late as the 2nd, 3rd or even the The pomiculture reorganization pro- 5th year. As such, the orchardist must gramme is planned to cover all issues first invest resources for a few years of this sector, with planting, organiza- and then start to produce, write-off tion, storage, conditioning, marketing the investment and finally gain from and capitalization related components. such a business. The assigned amounts will be used to establish the plantation, to produce se- Today, on national level, the plum and eding material, for the supporting and apple tree cultures prevail, a large part irrigation system for the endowment thereof organized a classical system, a with machinery, for the production few of them being intensively exploited storage and processing. and even fewer in modern plantations. A survey was carried out on national It’s true that from 1990 until now, level which identifies the potential there have been investments in the areas within each county, according small surfaces, as you are about to Romanian pomiculture, but they were to the pomicultural tradition of the see in the pages of this issue of the scarce. There are people who managed region and the specific pedoclimatic magazine. Generally, in trees a 15 ha to keep old plantations and moderni- conditions. Thus, the soil and climate undertaking is very good, profitable ze them, as you are about to read in must comply with the features of the and a 5 ha undertaking does the same the pages of our magazine. In all these seeing material. for fruit shrubs. years, European funds were accessed to develop small orchards. Since this It is recommended for all those who It is important for the projects to be a field requiring substantial financial wish to draft projects to attract designed according to the size of the resources, things were not as simple European funds in pomiculture to do undertaking, which should be able as in other agricultural sectors, especi- research, since according to the speci- to capitalize the entire pomiculture ally that the fruit and fruit-based pro- alists in Romania there are assortment mechanization to the fullest extent. ducts’ market has just started to spre- studies recommending certain bree- ad lately. For example, for orchadists, ding varieties. When ordering seeding A orchard can provide health nourish- apple juice became an opportunity and material, the European funds benefici- ment as well as profit. they started producing natural juice. aries must do research and turn to the Romanian researchers, for example, Viviana Vasile, Team Leader of Now, through the new National Rural with great achievements in the field. “Establishment and Support of the Development Programme 2014-2020, National Rural Development Network our pomiculture takes advantage of Pomiculture can also be made on Project”

2 3 Rural Romania – no. 22


sub-programme is EUR 320 million protection systems against hail equipment and tools, within the Romulus Duică, Deputy General Manager - (EU contribution). and rain; limits of that product’s market • establishment of garden nurse- value General Rural Development Division, ries for the production of fruit • the procurement, including by What kind of investments can breeding materials and seeding leasing of compact, refrigerated be achieved and how are these material, including the costs means of transportation for the amounts assigned? Management Authority for the National for seeding materials, support purpose of selling the products systems, soil preparation, seeding within short chains; Romulus Duică: the fruit-growing Rural Development Programme: ”The works, anti-hail nets, etc; sub-programme can support invest- • the arrangement, construction, ments in the modernization of pomi- • establishment, expansion and/ endowment of the sales spaces wi- pomiculture sub-programme is the solution for cultural undertakings, both by the or modernization of the storage, thin the undertaking and other procurement of machinery and equip- conditioning and packing systems marketing activities (e.g.: food increasing the sector’s competitiveness” ment and by the establishment of new and of the processing units on the trailers); orchards and/or reseeding high qua- undertaking level; • investments targeting the im- lity biological material in the already In the old NRDP, pomiculture • the procurement, including by provement of the environmental existing orchards, which came to the was never included as an indi- the leasing of new machinery/ performances of the pomicultural end of the exploitation period, the cre- vidual measure nor did a speci- ation or modernization of warehouses, al measure work as in the case processing units, selection, calibra- of viticulture. What determined tion, conditioning installations, etc. the appearance in NRDP 2014- 2020 of a special sub-program- The assignment on measures is the me dedicated to pomiculture? following 260 mil. (4.1a), 40 mil. (4.2a), 5 mil. (9a), 6 mil. (16.1a), 9 Romulus Duică: The difficult si- mil. (16.4a). tuation of the pomicultural sector was determined as a result of the analysis carried out by the Ministry of Who are the eligible Agriculture and Rural Development. beneficiaries? The most appropriate solution for in- creasing the sector’s competitiveness Romulus Duică: The beneficiaries is represented by granting the support of the fruit-growing sub-programme in an integrated manner and the fru- are farmers, groups of manufacturers, it-growing sub-programme provides cooperatives and partnerships establi- this support. shed within the sub-measures 16.1a and 16.4a.

Why was there no reconversion and reorganization in place for What kind of expenses are pomiculture, similar to the ones eligible? in viticulture? Romulus Duică: The fruit-growing Measure 16 - Cooperation sub-programme includes the following - 16.1a Support for the esta- Romulus Duică: : The eligible ex- Romulus Duică: No simple recon- measures / sub-measures: blishment and operation of penses of the fruit-growing sub-pro- gramme are: version was carried out, as in the case Measure 4 – Investments in physi- operational groups (OG), the de- of viticulture, since the pomicultural cal assets: velopment of new pilot-projects, • reconversion of the existing plan- sector can only be revived through a products and processes - 4.1a - Investments in pomicultu- tations, including the costs for complete package of measures, inte- ral undertakings; - 16.4a Support for the horizontal land clearing, seeding materials, grating production and processing, and vertical cooperation betwe- support systems, soil preparation, promoting innovation, cooperation - 4.2a - Investments in the pro- en the players of the supply seeding works, protection systems and association and leading to obtai- cessing / marketing of products chain; against hail and rain, irrigation ning products with a high added value. from the pomicultural sector; equipment on the undertaking Measure 9 – Groups of What is the value of the assig- level; manufacturers ned funds? • establishment of orchards, in- What does this pomicultural - 9a – Establishment of the cluding the costs for seeding sub-programme foresee? Which Manufactures’ Group in the po- Romulus Duică: The total assign- materials, support systems, soil are its measures? micultural sector ment of the thematic pomicultural preparation, seeding works,

4 5 Rural Romania – no. 22

According to which princi- leading for an integrated food - EUR 600,000 in case of invest- ples are the selection criteria chain on the agricultural un- ments in the production activity established? dertaking level (production, (machinery, establishment). processing, sales). Romulus Duică: The selection crite- In case of small and medium farms, ria are established based on the selec- Medium farms: to obtain breeding material and fruit tion principles existing in the measure planting material, the intensity of the • The support intensity is 50% of charts. These principles were determi- non-repayable support will be increa- the total eligible expenses, witho- ned based on the analysis of the sector, sed by 20 percent, but the maximum ut exceeding: needs and identified solutions and their combined support rate cannot exce- effect will be the impact maximization - EUR 200,000 for invest- ed 90% for: ments involving simple of the support granted to the sector. • investments made by young far- procurements; mers under 40 years old on the - EUR 600,000 in case of in- submission date of the financing Which are the amounts and vestments in the production application (as defined by Art. 2 support rates applicable within activity (machinery, establish- of the Regulation no. 1305/2013 this measure? ment, reconversion); or which were installed in the past - EUR 900,000 for investments five years, previously to the appli- Romulus Duică: They are divided leading for an integrated food cation for support, according to into several categories, as follows: chain on the agricultural un- Annex II of the same regulation)*; dertaking level (production, • collective investments** and inte- Small farms: processing, sales). grated projects; • The support intensity is 50% of • operations supported within the total eligible expenses, witho- Obtaining breeding material and fruit the European Partnership for ut exceeding: planting material Innovation (EPI); - EUR 100,000 for simple • The support intensity is 50% of • investments related to the ope- procurements; the total eligible expenses, witho- rations foreseen by Article 28 - EUR 300,000 in case of in- ut exceeding: (Agri-environment) and Art. 29 vestments in the production activity (machinery, establish- *Not applicable to investments made by association forms. undertakings (increasing the must prove his/her ability to provi- only use fruit material from a cer- ment, reconversion); energy efficiency of the buildings, de the investment co-financing. Also, tified biological category; ** Only applicable to investments made by association forms. - EUR 450,000 for investments the procurement of renewable the investment must be classified in at • In case of garden nurseries, power generation installations on least one of the support types foreseen the applicant binds that the re- the undertaking level**); by the sub-measure. Other eligibility sulting material will be fruit • enclosing the surfaces on which conditions the potential beneficiary material from a certified biologi- the investments is made and ope- must observe are: cal category; rational roads; • • The economic reliabi- • The undertaking must comply • supplementing the gaps wi- lity of the investment must be with the viable economic dimen- th seedlings in trees and shrubs proven based on the submissi- sions, of at least EUR 8,000 SO; plantations (replanting); on of the technical-economical • The established / replanted surfa- documentation. • compliance with the European ce foreseen by the project must be Union standards; • The investment will comply with equivalent with at least: the requirements regarding the • the software procurement or de- - EUR 7,000 SO in case of compliance with the standards velopment and the procurement strawberries culture in the field and demanded by the national and of patents, licenses, copyrights, protected spaces; European legislation; trademarks as per Art. 45 (2) (d) - EUR 6,000 SO in case of pro- of the Regulation no. 1305/2013; • The investment must made only ducing breeding materials and fruit in the territorial-administrative planting material; units present in Annex II of STP - EUR 3,000 SO for all other and must comply with the variety Can you provide several eligibi- varieties and culture systems. lity examples? zoning, except for strawberries culture in greenhouses and These are several requirements, but Romulus Duică: First of all, the solariums; they are detailed in addition to others applicant must be classified in the • In case of establishment and/or in the technical measure chart, publi- category of eligible beneficiaries and reconversion, the applicant must shed on the Ministry’s website.

6 7 Rural Romania – no. 22

• increasing the added value of Which expenses are eligible and in leasing, of new machinery, the products in the pomicultural what is the value the investments installations, equipment and spe- sector; can reach? cialized means of transportation, for the purpose of collecting raw • increasing the internal quality Romulus Duică: The maximum materials; control; support granted by this sub-measu- • the procurement, including by • increasing the number of jobs; re is EUR 1,500,000 for the invest- leasing of specialized means of • decreasing the power consumpti- ments leading to an integrated food transportation for the purpose of on and the GES emissions. chain (collection, selection, storage, selling fruit products within short packaging, processing). chains; • investments in renewable energy The specific eligible expenses are the Who are the beneficiaries of the for internal use and/or energetic following: sub-measure 4.2a and how can efficiency, water saving systems they access it? • establishment, expansion and and in-house waste disposal modernization of units collecting, technology; Romulus Duică: The beneficia- conditioning and/or processing • Expenses generated by the im- ries of sub-measure 4.2a are enter- raw materials coming from the provement of the internal quality prises, groups of manufacturers and pomicultural sector; control and compliance with the cooperatives. • the procurement, inclusively new standards demanded by the European legislation for the pro- cessing and sale of agricultural and food products. • Expenses with marketing activities, • Expenses generated by invest- ments in non-tangible assets.

What does this program aim? (Ecologic agriculture) of the (EU) • operations supported within EPI. • investments related to the ope- (What is the estimated pomicul- Regulation no. 1305/2013; rations foreseen by Article 28 tural surface estimated in The Association forms • areas facing natural constraints (Agri-environment) and Art. 29 fruit-growing sub-programme? and with other specific con- (Ecologic agriculture) of the (EU) What is the fruit quantity esti- The support intensity is 50% of strains, mentioned under Art. 32. Regulation no. 1305/2013; mated for processing?) the total eligible expenses, without • areas facing natural constraints Large farms: exceeding: Romulus Duică: The existing po- and with other specific con- - EUR 350,000 for investments in- micultural surface is approximately • The support intensity is 50% of strains, mentioned under Art. 32. volving simple procurements; 159,000 hectares and the sub-pro- the total eligible expenses, witho- gramme can support the establish- ut exceeding: - EUR 750,000 in case of invest- ments in the production activity What does the support measu- ment or reconversion of approxima- - EUR 250,000 for invest- (establishment and reconversion); re for the fruit and fruit pro- tely 35,000 hectares, but this surface ments involving simple is closely correlated to the size of the - EUR 1,050,000 for investments ducts processing and market- procurements; investments made by the beneficiaries leading for an integrated food cha- ing foresee? within the undertaking. - EUR 750,000 in case of in- in on the agricultural undertaking vestments in the production level (production, processing, Romulus Duică: : Within the sub- activity (establishment and sales). measure 4.2a, the support is granted The quantity of processed fruit is not reconversion); to enterprises for tangible and intan- important but the obtained products - EUR 1,050,000 for invest- The intensity of the non-repayable gible investments in the fruit products and their destination (self-consump- ments leading for an integrated support will be increased by 20 per- processing /marketing for: tion or sale) is. Thus, the main pur- centages, but the maximum rate of poses for supporting the processing food chain on the agricultural • the modernization and creation of the combined support cannot exce- are: increasing the product quality, undertaking level (production, processing and sale units; processing, sales). ed 90% for: obtaining products with high added • the introduction of new tech- value, increasing and diversification The intensity of the non-repayable • collective investments and inte- nologies for the development of of the farmers’ income. Increasing the support can be increased by 20 per- grated projects; new products and technological processed fruit quantity is just a side cent for: • operations supported within EPI. processes; effect of the aforementioned targets.

8 9 Rural Romania – no. 22

Rural Development

The area has excellent climatic con- The Pomiculture Research and ditions for tree cultures; the multi- annual average temperature is 9.7°C, the maximum absolute temperature Development Institute in Mărăcineni - The is 38.8°C and the absolute minimum is -24.4°C; the amount of annual pre- keeper of Romanian pomiculture cipitations is 663.3 mm.

About beginnings The first autumn frosts occur at the end of October and the last ones are The current Pomiculture Research and registered up to the second decade in Development Institute in Mărăcineni April and especially by accident later. was established in 1967 in Argeș County, under the leadership of T. The best fruit - an Bordeianu, professor academician. outstanding objective of scientific research The first location of the institute was established in Micești commune, lo- Even from the beginning, the Institute cated in km 11 on DN7, connecting was established for the purpose of de- Pitești to Câmpulung Muscel and mo- veloping scientific research and tech- ved to the current building after only nological development activities in the four years. Ten years since its esta- pomiculture area, for the purpose of blishment, in 1977, the Pomiculture participating to the drawing up of the Research and Production Institute development strategy of this field and as it was called back then, transfor- the prioritized achievement of scienti- med into the “Pomicultural Research, fic and technological objectives. Design, Technological Engineering and Production”, also based in Pitești The basic scientific research is cur- – Mărăcineni and the number of the subordinated pomicultural stations rently oriented and carried out for grew to 26. the purpose of increasing the level of knowledge in the field and related fi- This was the form in which it succee- elds of science and technique. ded an integrated coordination of the activity from the Romanian pomicul- In the pomiculture field, the objective ture through the basic sectors of this is to create new varieties and tree clo- new unit: research, design, produc- nes, the improvement of the current tion and development. In this form, assortment, but also the organizati- the trust operated up to 1979 when on, arrangement and improvement of in Pitești – Mărăcineni the only re- the terrains for pomiculture. The con- the specific conditions of activity are- the production of certified pomicultu- maining sectors of the Pomiculture stant objectives are the production of as, the retrofitting and modernizati- ral seeding material, the organization, Research and Production Institute pomicultural seeding material free of on of enterprises and economic units arrangement and improvement of ter- were research and design. After viroses, from superior biological cate- in pomiculture and the production of rains, the establishment, organization 1990, the Pomiculture Research and gories, the production of fruit, the en- pomicultural seeding material. and exploitation of orchards. Production Institute mainly carried County, in the northern part of the planes with a 287 meters altitude in vironmental protection related to the out research activities within the se- Pitești Municipality, in Mărăcineni the area of Pitești Municipality to hills pomicultural activity, the research of The scientific research of the institute The same institution carrying out spe- ven remaining pomicultural stations. commune, approximately seven ki- with a 800 meters altitude at the base, analysis and investigation methods in considers the drawing up of studies, cialized research also provides sci- lometers away from the municipa- in the area of Bilcești locality. pomiculture, etc. strategies, diagnoses and prognoses entific and technological services of lity capital. The experimental fields related to the development of science the economic agents or any interested Determination in the were established according to strictly Regarding the applicative research, and technology in pomiculture. Both beneficiaries, but also specialized ex- geographical area scientific criteria, being located both Soil and climate its objective is the execution of expe- the fundamental as well as the appli- pertise, services related to the establi- around the institute premises as well rimental models and polygons, pilot cative research develop a constant ac- shment and exploitation of orchards. The area of the Pomiculture as in its own farms in Colibași and The type of land of the institute farms stations, improvements of methods, tivity for the purpose of producing and Research and Production Institute Leordeni, with the geographical co- is predominantly from the category of technologies and existing creations. capitalizing the pomicultural seeding For several years, the institute has in Mărăcineni was selected after ordinates 44°51’30” northern latitude brown soils, starting with luvisoils to material. At the same time, associated been drafting on request and for a thorough prospects, being located and 24°52’ eastern longitude, i.e. a re- eroded colluvial and alluvial brown The field of applicative research also activities of the research-development fee, feasibility and marketing studies in the center of the Meridional Sub- latively equal distance to the Equator soils, with medium or reduced humus considers the establishment of culture process are carried out, by granting te- and also carries out analyses and tests Carpathians, on the territory of Argeș and North Pole. The relief ranges from content. technologies for fruit trees, adjusted to chnical assistance and consultancy in in the field of pomicultural activity.

10 11 Rural Romania – no. 22

PRE-BASE and BASE biologic cate- gory for pomicultural (in the Official Catalog of culture vari- eties in Romania).

Last year, on July 30th, wi- thin an event, the management of the Pomiculture Research and Development Institute (PRDI) Pitești- Mărăcineni showed the application results of an efficient protection te- chnology for the apple tree cultures.

On this occasion, Mihail Coman, Ph.D. Eng., as General Manager, underlined the importance of pomicultural re- search in Romania’s economic context and also provided a review of this field:

“We are currently facing a decline of Romania’s pomiculture potential, since many plantations are old and compromised. The experts and sci- entific researchers of the Pomiculture Research and Development Institute in Mărăcineni drafted over the years, several proposals related to the esta- blishment of new plantations accor- ding to the specifics of each pomicul- tural area. Another one of our priori- ties for the period between 2014 and 2020 will be the provision of plan- ting material for the establishment of new orchards. It must be underlined Here, in Mărăcineni, the training and modernized on international level. It countries, within which the results that the fruit production in Romania specialization of researchers and spe- drafted, edited and broadcast the sci- of the internal researches were also does not reflect the real potential of cialized staff in this activity field ta- entific results through printed, audio presented. the country, the main causes being kes place, by organizing classes re- and visual materials. determined by the fact that 90% of lated to pomicultural experimental Over the past years, partnerships were the farms are subsistence ones, under technique, the quality control of po- For the practitioners in the pomicultu- established with companies in the UE, 2-3 hectares, although there should be micultural products, doctoral theses ral field, demonstrative batches were for the purpose of the capitalization viable 20-30 hectares farms. There is and documentation and improvement made with immediate effect on the of new biological creations (varieti- also a reduced endowment degree of internships in the country and abroad. farmers in the pomicultural field. The es and parent stock) on European le- the undertakings with modern techni- According to the thematic in the pomi- new creations of the scientific resear- vel. The Institute also intensified the cal means of production and harves- cultural field, the institute established ch in Mărăcineni were included in the information and biological exchange ting. It is notable that Romania has an and consolidated international scien- Official Varieties Catalog and in the with units with similar activities on amount of EUR 8.128 billion assigned tific cooperation relationships with re- National Patent Registry. These va- European and global level. from the European Agricultural Fund search and education institutes. rieties are maintained, providing the for Rural Development (EAFRD) for necessary material for multiplication. The efforts of the PRDI’s researchers the following seven years. We hope will begin and that PRDI Mărăcineni Adama Agricultural Solutions with was rewarded by the internal recog- has an important role in this respect. Making the most of the that the new NRDP assigning an a special interest in pomicultural cul- Numerous symposiums, workshops, nition as research results supplier in amount of EUR 260 million for the Today, I am pleased that our insti- tures, invested in a complete treat- research, development etc. were organized for the purpose of the pomiculture field (varieties, parent modernization and reconversion of tute is involved in three actions and ment programme for a 4.5 ha plot of and innovation results making the most of the scientific re- stock, technologies, etc.) and as main orchards, estimated to reach 194,000 the first one aims the event organized apple tree culture of age. For over 40 search results. Special attention was improver of pomicultural varieties and hectares and another EUR 40 million by the company Adama Agricultural For a better knowledge in the field, the granted to dissemination of the sci- parent stock for most tempered clima- for processing fruit, will have a positi- Solutions, the former Makhteshim years, PRDI Mărăcineni made sub- institute multiplied and spread in the entific research results on internatio- te pomicultural species. The Ministry ve effect in re-launching this sector. It Agan, whose history on the Romanian stantial efforts, by investing a lot of production area the biological creati- nal level, through the specialists par- of Agriculture and Rural Development is clear that during the following peri- agricultural market exceeds 20 years. knowledge in the genetic improve- ons, sequences and new technologies, ticipation to symposiums in various declared the Institute a keeper of the od the massive planting programme Within the institute, the company ment related to fungal infestation.”

12 13 Rural Romania – no. 22

Wallachia. Among those we note the place where “rare trees and dried “Agricultural Manual” and I. Hentescu Past, present and future in the Romanian following: the Venetian doctor Matei fruit” were brought to Moldavia and (1871) publishes the “Pomiculture, de Murano, called to the Court of Wallachia. Varieties and Agri-Technique”. In 1937 Ștefan cel Mare (Stephen the Great) the Institute of Agronomic Research pomiculture (1502); Walter Baltazar (1595), the The surfaces of the orchards in the Institute in Romania is created and improved from spontaneous flora nu- historiographer of Mihai Viteazul’s past on the Romanian territory can the first Research Stations (Strehaia The origins of grape vine and fruit trees cultivation on the current merous local plants and all (Michael the Brave) life; the catho- be compared to the current ones, star- and Fălticeni). Romanian territory go back to time immemorial, even to the Neolithic. One species. The migrations of nomadic lic archbishop Marc Boudinus (1646); ting with the current territory assign- of the oldest evidence related to practicing the two occupations were found populations (Tatars, 13th -14th cen- Paul de Allep, companion of the pa- ment. Then, just like now, trees were in Teiu locality in Argeș County, an archaeological area of the Gumelnița tury), then the subordination to the triarch Macarie during his visit to cultivated especially in hilly areas - Key moments of culture. The objects found here indicate that the inhabitants with surface Ottoman Empire (15th-19th century) the Galata monastery in Iași (1650 the everlasting cradle of wild pomi- pomiculture in Romania accommodations grew animals, cultivated the land and dealt with house- had detrimental consequences on the – 1660), who especially noticed the cultural species. hold crafts such as pottery, spinning and weaving. entire social and economic life and that there were no orchards on the After the World War Two, the regi- implicitly on the pomiculture, which Moldavian hills, but whole forests with An extremely important moment for me installed in Romania was singled became one of the living sources of fruit trees. the Romanian pomiculture is repre- out due to the social inequities it ge- Pomiculture, the main of new grape vine and fruit trees va- the population and also to cover taxes. sented by the second half of the 19th nerated (nationalization, establish- employment of the rieties, the execution of new tools and The government’s intervention in the century, when the pomiculture orga- ment of cooperatives in the agricul- improved installations. Even though Starting with the 15th century, nume- tural field, etc.). But, paradoxically ancestors protection and development of pomi- nization began. During this period, we have very few testimonies from the rous royal charters were preserved culture is attested from the 17th cen- tree kernels and , pomicultural a consolidation of the pomicultural population migration, some Romanian regarding the transactions between tury. An example is Vasile Lupu’s no- seeding materials were imported from areas and centers takes place by es- The two ancestral employments, the historians and researchers consider various merchants through which or- tablishing hundreds, even thousands grape vine and fruit tree cultivation mocanon which said the following: France, Germany and Belgium. that, during that age, viticulture and chards were bestowed to monasteries “The ones entering the vineyard or the of hectares of orchards, initially in a knew a special development in the or individuals, in addition to estates pomiculture were the main occupati- orchard to eat fruit shall not be scol- In 1852 in Pantelimon, the classical system, then in an intensive Roman age. The popular and scienti- ons of our ancestors. Numerous do- or buildings. and super-intensive system. ded [...], but the ones cutting the trees “Agricultural School” was establi- fic names of the main fruit trees vari- cuments attest the viticulture and po- shall be scolded like thieves”. shed, which in 1853 turned into eties (apple tree, , apricot, peach, miculture development in the Middle Later on, numerous Romanian chro- Along with the expansion of orchards, the “Agricultural Institute” and in walnut tree, quince, plum tree, hazel, Ages. niclers, lords such as Petre Șchiopu the hills in our country were again re- Beginning with the feudal era, pomi- 1867 into the “Central Agriculture etc.) have their origins in . It is and historiographers or foreign tra- stored to pomiculture by arranging the culture knew a significant develop- and Forestry School”. In 1869, His considered that the role of Romans Pomiculture on the Romanian ter- velers record in their writings more down-grade terrains in the shape of ment in Transilvania. This was the Holiness Amelion publishes the in the development of viticulture and ritory was practiced from far-off ti- and more often and eulogistic, the terraces and planting trees in the di- pomiculture involved the extension of mes. Thus, the populations from wealth from “ortigeards” as they cal- rection of level curves. An important the cultivated areas, the introduction the Carpathian Basin selected and led fruit tree gardens in Moldavia and moment in the consolidation of the Romanian pomiculture was the esta- blishment in 1967 of the Pomiculture Research and Production Institute, under the leadership of T. Bordeianu, Acad. Prof., in Micești commune, Argeș County. In 1977, outstanding specialists, dedicated to the science of fruit-growing managed to deter- mine the governors of that time, to

14 15 Rural Romania – no. 22

transform the Pomiculture Research sector in Romania. Among the projects and Production Institute into the we note: “Increasing the production Agriculture can be made on any surface: “Institute for Research, Design, and quality of plums considering the Technological Engineering and damages caused by harmful insects One hectare garden nursery, Pomicultural Production” with the in fruit, by using integrated fighting office in Pitești – Mărăcineni and the means’; “The improvement of poor number of pomicultural station in- productive acid spoils in sub mon- in Dorobanți creased to 26. tane areas by the ecological cultu- The idea came from youth re of high-bush blueberry and with As Ilarie Isac, Ph.D. Eng. explained When we speak of agriculture, that this organization led to the invol- a low chemical intake degree of the He made contact with this trade from vement into production of the specia- blackberry”. The series of examples we rush to place many num- childhood, even if his parents did not could fill whole pages. lized division clerks. Thus, an integra- bers in front of the word “hec- practice pomiculture, but he used to ted coordination of the activity from travel during summer to the plantation the Romanian pomiculture succee- tares”. Even vegetable growing in this birth commune Dorobanți, whi- ded through the basic sectors of this Orchard rejuvenation ch pertained to Lipova, where he dis- becomes efficient when made new unit: research, design, production through NRDP 2014-2020 covered the first secrets of the orchard. and development. The trust operated on large surfaces. Iosif Sarusi He said that in the ninth or tenth gra- in this form until 1979 when the ac- The future of the Romanian pomicul- de, he noticed that at the market, the tivities of the Pomiculture Research ture started to take a clear shape once from Dorobanți, Arad mana- seedlings had double the price of the and Production Institute were li- it was included in a wide reconversion ged to make agriculture on nursery garden and then he thought mited to research and design. After plan, similar to the one the viticulture about making a business out of it. 1990, the Pomiculture Research and sector took advantage of. one hectare. He has 12 fruit After the revolution, beginning with Production Institute mainly carried 1993, he started with small trade: he out research activities and the gui- tree species and a few shrubs. According to the preliminary data, bought from the nursery garden in dance of such activity within the se- pomiculture will receive around There’s no need for more land Dorobanți and took the trees to the ven remaining pomicultural stations. EUR 320 million from the European market. After two years while he con- In the current organization form and to get started on agriculture. funds available within the Ministry of solidated his motivation, he thought it once Romania acceded to the EU, the would be more profitable to produce scientific research activity was ma- Agriculture and Rural Development. inly carried out by drafting the ne- The National Rural Development cessary projects for the development Programme 2014-2020 also aims the and modernization of the pomiculture pomiculture rejuvenation in Romania.

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the seedling plants himself and he He didn’t go to any special school, he He is not bound to use fertilizes sin- manner. “I can say that the price was slowly started to cultivate the garden. learned under way, from books and ce the soil is a good quality one. He even five times higher, but I preferred mistakes. His wife went to the faculty only uses insecticides for the soil lar- to pay for the effort these people make. of agronomy in Timișoara, later, in vae and pesticides against diseases, I felt that I am helping in this way.” Trust is earned with 1997. which he buys from the phytosanitary honesty pharmacies. He doesn’t need much of any equip- ment, only a hoe, a rototiller (he He continued to take everything he A troublesome In the beginning, he used to buy the changed several of them until he un- cultivated to the market. He produ- technological process for the parent stock and the graft derstood which one is the best) and ced and sold several hundred trees branches from Romania, but after a scissors. Family members, friends each season. It wasn’t easy for him, The production cycle takes three years. while he noticed that a wider and hi- and relatives are enough to cover the since there were periods in which he During the first year the parent stock gher quality assortment can be found necessary work. Only in certain mo- in Hungary. “Unfortunately, our coun- couldn’t get any sleep: he would take is seeded, then the seedling plants gets ments, during seeding or the try no longer has parent plantations, the trees out at night and take them replanted in another location and then turns to day laborers and seven or ei- they were no longer cared for, the re- to the market during the day. The ho- it is grafted in the summer. During the ght of them are enough. Unfortunately search is gone and no quality materi- nesty of his trade eventually paid off. final year, the seedling plants are cut it is hard for him to find people who als can be found; furthermore, I was are actually good at this. The fact that there were traders on the and then left to grow from the grafted tricked and I didn’t get what I asked market concerned only with their own . If they are not sold until the cycle for”. He would buy from Romania, sin- Productivity is conditioned by graft gain, which did not gave the buyers ends, the trees from most species must ce he feels the money should stay in attachment. He was unable to clearly another thought, actually helped him. be discarded, since the root develops the country, but he cannot find what identify the factors responsible for the “There were fooling the people in a too much and they can no longer be he needs. Last year he found some new differences occurring from one year to serious manner. I never tricked them pulled out. The only ones which can plum varieties, created in Bistrița and another. The climate has an influence, and after five or six years, when the be kept longer are the apple and plumb which he will be able to sell this au- somewhat, but it’s not only this. Each trees I sold started to bear fruit, pe- tree, since their radicular system, but tumn. These are varieties which to- species varies independently from the ople started looking for me”. he usually does not keep them either. lerate the plum pox virus in a good others, that is during one year a spe- cies takes better root and other don’t. In average, he produces about twenty thousand pieces each season.

He has a long term profit, not only in one production cycle. There are years in which his gain is very high and other years when he suffers losses. The species demanded on The quantity he produces is not large. the market prevail He addresses the people planting trees in their own yards and not the plan- Assumed risks tations. But he thinks he will be able He cultivates 12 fruit tree speci- to cover larger orders, but not from es (apricot, peach, cherry and sweet The nursery garden spreads on one one day to the next. He doesn’t wish to cherry tree, nectarine tree, apple tree, hectare, which includes the paths and expand, because he doesn’t think the plum, pear, walnut tree, almond tree, distances between species and varie- local market could absorb any more quince, medlar, hazel tree), four shrub ties. It is not his property, the land is and he doesn’t think that people would leased. “People don’t want to sell and species (blueberry, gooseberry bush, come all the way to Arad from other I cannot make them, maybe they will raspberry cane, blackberry) to whi- parts of the country. change their minds down the road”, ch grape vine, ornamental trees and as Iosif Sarusi explains. shrubs and roses are added. But he is more focused on the demand: cherry He only sells from the Since the surface is small, any ca- and sweet cherry tree, apple tree, pear, farm lamity would cause a total damage. plum, apricot, peach. “There are no For example, there is a risk that hail large plantations in the Arad area Now he sells from the farm and he destroys everything. He was insured and people who plant about twenty doesn’t go to the market anymore. and when the suffered damages the trees in their gardens come here and He feels that the trading spirit down insurer found all sorts of reasons to buy a few varieties from each species, there is not to his advantage: “You can avoid payment. That is why he takes as they please”, Iosif explains. There buy anything you want from the mar- the risks alone, without “wasting the are seven to ten varieties, according ket”, says Iosif maliciously, adding: “If money on insurance policies”, since to the species. Cherry tree has even you ask for a variety that does not there is no guarantee anyway. fewer ones. exist, one out of three traders claims

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to have it 100%. You only have to say supermarkets with specialized spaces, they must be cleaned in stages or else “Give me the moon - cherry but he does not agree with their form you hurt the tree. You can deal with three” or invent another work and one of presentation: “In my opinion trees a part of it now, then wait for a week of them will still say he has it. One sho- cannot be sold as they want them to. and in three stages you stop its vege- uld pay better attention to the identity I cannot put the root into that small tation”, Iosif Sarusi explains a techni- of the varieties. The consumers sho- bag, as they demand to, since you ei- cal detail regarding the trees’ health. uld be protected and the sale without ther rip the bag or cut the root. We a label should be forbidden.” That is have beautiful trees and I cannot pack He thinks a regulation related to the why the market business is no longer the root that way. Furthermore, the profitable. And not only for these rea- trees are pulled out early to get there, moment when the trees should be sold, sons. “I got the people used to coming in September, because the supermar- would be useful, since a rush carousel home; there they have all assortments ket wants to be the first on the mar- is started and each trader wants to be and taking the trees to the market is ket. Then, the selection, packaging, the first on the market and the loss is also not a good idea, since their roots transportation takes about two or first of all of the beneficiaries. “The become dehydrated. You can see the three weeks. Thus, since they are not agricultural divisions in each county seller in the market only then, whi- yet mature, some of them die; the ones should establish the period in which le in my case, people can come back holding one start from vegetation due the tree dislocation can commence. if they wish to report something or to the heat. If I could find a trader whi- Each year is different; if this year the if they liked the product and wish to ch observed the storage conditions, I weather is too hot, they should not be buy more. My wife can also provide would have nothing against it”. allowed to take out the trees, but when telephone counseling for spraying and other issues they encounter.” He ad- He says he pulls out the trees towards the proper conditions are set - they vertises on his website and he relies the end of October, November because should receive the go-ahead”, Iosif on the advertisement made by the pe- he waits for the vegetative rest. “Last Sarusi explains how the “prohibition” ople who bought from him and were year were had to take the down should be established in the pomicul- satisfied. He could have delivered to from the tree; you can do that, but tural garden nurseries.

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such as Belgium, The Netherlands, is a species requiring a lot of sun. The “I have been working with the mar- 1 Decembrie Orchard: the success of a Germany and Slovakia, from 28 com- apple tree and pear need a black net, kets and hypermarkets for two panies we stopped at 14 and then at since its shading degree is 18%”, no- years. I have been a member of the 4 and in the end, we bought seeding tes the plantation owner. Interprofessional Organizations for family business material from Holland, Germany and Agri-Food Products - IOAP for three Slovakia”, says Adrian Popescu. This Another investment from European years and this gave us the possibility year, he hopes there will no longer be to attend many fairs and internatio- Near Bucharest, the 1 funds was made in solar panels and late spring rimes or hail and that the the development has not stopped here. nal exhibitions, organized with the Decembrie locality is the loca- production will be 12-16 tons per hec- A warehouse was built, since there is support of the Romanian Government tion of one of the orchards es- tare with an approximate calculation no point in having quality fruit if they for the purpose of promoting pomicul- of 10 kilograms per cherry tree and are not stored in an adequate man- ture. I contacted various small and tablished with non-repayable 1,600 trees per hectare. But, he is awa- ner. “Cherries are in danger if they large companies, I had the possibility of meeting farmers from other coun- financing of one million Euro. re that there is a long way to go from remain in the field for more than two tries, they came to me, I went to them Only three years since its es- sending the merchandise to supermar- hours. They must be cooled imme- and I also obtained contacts for sale kets and there are many factors that diately from 25 degrees Celsius to 2 tablishment, the orchard can with large suppliers. Furthermore, I can influence this process. degrees Celsius. It is a special coo- learned about how things will hap- be regarded as one of the most ling technique that I have. I still need pen, how will the commerce be years beautiful in the country, with a Investments generate to improve it, since I’ve seen what is from now. We think about what to do wrong with it. You must calculate how production estimated to appro- profit tomorrow, they think about what to long they are staying in the super- do in five or ten years. The problem ximately 15 tons per hectare. It The orchard close to Bucharest takes market or at the market, including is the demand is for a very high qua- is estimated that the investment advantage of an extremely important the consumer’s fridge and even on lity merchandise, the prices are so- the table. All must be fresh down to will be written-off in four years. investment, namely the anti-hail net, mewhat acceptable, but quantities with a multifunctional functionality the last fruit reaching the consumer”, are also needed and for this, I figured since the terrain is located in a woo- says the grower in Ilfov. out that I have to be able to join for- The works began in 2012, on a surfa- ded area so the trees are also protected ces with another two or three compa- ce of 174 hectares, with investments from the birds nearby. Furthermore, Considering that one harvests 20 tons nies, in the form of a cooperative or made with European financing. The the net provides a microclimate for the of fruit per day, one must also have organization, through which we wo- terrain surface was expanded during plantation. “It provides a 12% shading an organized delivery systems to the uld sell our products together”, says the following tears with four hectares degree, since the sweet cherry three shops. Adrian Popescu. and the investment was made with internal funds. The development was constant and 30 hectares of the 32 ha of the pomicultural farm are cur- rently planted.

A zoo-technical farm is located on the terrain now planted only with fruit trees. The first step involved the ter- rain sanitation. which involved all operations related to the removal of Among the 32 hectares, 22 are planted certain areas. But the investment will concrete slabs, leveling and scarifi- with sweet cherry trees, six of them be written-off in maximum four years, cation. “Subsequently, the technical with and two with plum trees. under normal circumstances. project was drafted, which we sub- mitted to the Agency of Payment The sweet cherry trees have several for Rural Development and Fishery varieties which are very demanded on The seeding material, the (APRDF) and which materialized in the Romanian and European market. pièce de résistance of the a very short period. The European project was used for actually making They are planted on Gisela 5, a parent investment the plantation, the anti-hail system stock which impresses the graft with and the irrigation system. We sub- a reduced vigor for an increased qua- One of the challenges of the ones who sequently endowed ourselves with lity fruit. wish to establish a super-intensive machinery and a refrigerated ware- plantation is represented by fining house, cherry, apple, plum and pear The plantation was finalized in the quality seeding material. The same selection machinery”, said Adrian year the works began, i.e. 2012. Last happened with the pomicultural farm Popescu, the one behind this wide year, the production was pretty low, in 1 Decembrie. “After two years of ex- project, whose job is horticultural around 80 tons. Furthermore, due ploration and traveling through most engineer. to the rains, the cherries burst in fruit growing countries in Europe,

22 23 Rural Romania – no. 22

Wine cellar in Aiud’s center

Emil Andraș is metallurgical engineer with a wine cellar in Aiud. He has gathered wines for his collection for over 20 years and he currently han- dles 21 hectares of grape vine. He reconverted 15 hectares and submitted a project for another 3 hectares. In time, his initial passion turned into a promising business.

The wine cellar located in the center “Our area is not famous for red wi- of Aiud town, Alba County accom- nes, since they require more sun ho- modates thousands of liters of wine urs that the white ones. But, in 2007, gathered since 1991, the year the for- each year we had enough sun, so I mer metallurgical engineer added had the courage to plant a hectare his first wine bottle to the collection. from which to obtain red grapes. In “The cellar has been here for over 200 addition, I even found tree hectares years. It is as old as the building. This of Fetească Neagră, in a single pla- was a self-financing school and the ce where the sun was shining from teachers would take a part of their morning till dusk”, says Emil Andraș, salaries in wine. The school had over who has been taking care of the wine 40 hectares of grape vine and a cellar. cellar since 1990. For now, I took the barrels out of there and brought them to this cellar. The “The wine cellar I first bought had a capacity in barrels exceeds 165,000 capacity of 60,000 liters of wine. It liters”, stated Emil Andraș, owner of was a little bit much for a hobby. After Logos Wine Cellar. I bought another wing of the buil- ding, the capacity grew to 160,000 Regarding its new occupation, he says liters and changed things. Of cour- it’s also a job involving the pouring of se, I still invest in this business, even liquid, only not as hot as in metallurgy - it’s still chemistry, just a very com- plex one.

Business born from Commitment, work, are costs involved. As such, the con- devotion. “I have been working with passion devotion - road to success sultant must provide a lot of informa- my wife, who is a Ph.D. engineer in tion to that person”, thinks the pro- agricultural chemistry. Things are If in the beginning, he produced wine ducer from Ilfov. from bought grapes, now the metallur- The new National Rural Development divided and each of us knows what to gical engineer planted 21 hectares of Programme includes several measu- do. We work together on technological Considering the fact that on the level grape vine. What initially was just a res for the pomiculture reconversi- issues, she deals with the irrigation of plantations from the entire coun- passion, slowly turned into a business. on and for establishing plantations, try, there is an advanced aging pro- and fertilizing problems and she de- Thus, the persons interested in this cess, exceeding 25 years in a rate of termines the measures. The commer- One of the strongholds of the Logos subject have a consistent support. “I approximately 90%, such measures cial section is all mine. The storage Wine Cellar is tradition, which was understood that things are simpler aim to support the establishment of part belongs to my wife. It takes a kept during the entire wine prepara- now, but the investor must really be young plantations. An aged plantati- lot of work during that period and tion process. The steps taken for re- aware of what he wants, since he will on will not provide fruit of the quality things need to be handled with great conversion are also very important. be investing his money as well as mo- currently demanded by the Romanian From the 21 hectares planted with gra- care, people have to be followed and ney from NRDP. In pomiculture, the- consumers and others pe vine, the reconversion was carried advised on how to proceed, becau- re are three or four years of financial out on 15 hectares and these will bear support without any gain, since the The business run by Adrian Popescu se if they hit the fruit, they will rece- fruit next years. The planted varieties production doesn’t start until the se- is a family one and can be considered de very fast”, said the producer who are Pink Traminer, Pinot Gris, Muscat cond or even the third year. The plan- to be successful. But, to get to this le- spends around 300 days per year in Ottonel, Sauvignon Blanc, Fetească tation needs maintenance and there vel, it required commitment, work and the orchard. Regală, Fetească Albă and Pinot Noir.

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today. The profit is long in coming, off-dry Sauvignon. The wine is just as wine cellar in Aiud, young wines have but I know that this is the future of alive as a human being born. Then it prices beginning with the amount of My Farm my company. In addition, I also have grows and reaches adulthood. Then Lei 12, but the most expensive wine another job, since otherwise I couldn’t comes the decay”, said the producer, in the collection, which is more than 20 hectares of organic apple tree orchard, in support the investment here”, said who in started the production with 20 years old, costs Lei 50. Emil Andraș, who works with compa- Italian Riesling. nies from Germany, for which he exe- Among the plans for the future, the- Cheresig - Bihor cutes induction coils. In the beginning re is one connected to planting new he worked with 300 people, but now Old wines are more and hectares with grape vine. A project Constantin Demian started to he has only 26 left, since he had to cut more wanted was already submitted for the recon- practice pomiculture by acci- down on the activity due to the crisis version of three hectares and his son and to the fact that many preferred to The wines are ennobled in the wine works to submit the papers for another dent. He did business in con- take the production to . cellar in Aiud’s center and the bottles seven hectares. “It’s not necessarily structions and wanted to in- are covered with mold. Although the- about the money, but about leaving In the wine production, he has em- re were times when people asked for something behind. “I hope my son will vest in terrains. In 2012, he bou- ployed four people in the cellar, three young wine, now the interest for col- fill my shoes”, said Emil Andraș. tractor drivers in the grape vine, ght about 37 hectares from an lection wines has increased a great one technician and day laborers for deal. “Tastes are different. It’s natu- Another step is the investment in a Austrian company. During the the grape vine plantation and their ral. There are people who enjoy fresh, new technology for the modernizati- number reaches 25, according to the works, he needed an office spa- fruit-tasting wine. A clientage is star- on of grape processing. One requires period. ting to take shape for collection wines, a consistent wine preparation and a ce and found a farm nearby he which are matured and went through good technology when dealing with wished to buy, but the owner wo- “We pick the wine the scent of the church, with Muscat 20 hectares of grape vine, and the con- uld only sell it with the orchard. according to the mood” taste and a beeswax bouquet and ca- trolled fermentations is the most im- ramelized”, states Emil Andraș. In the portant one. Currently, the distribution is carried out directly from the wine cellar and Constantin Demian, manager of the Efficiency demands He intends to access funds based on through the store in Aiud. “Up to 2012, company Agromec Cheresig, confesses expansion the pomiculture sub-programme. He we also sold wines to a store chain, that he is prejudiced from childhood says he must expand, because he will but in 2012 we pulled out 15 grape regarding the fact that agriculture will Currently, Agromec Cheresig explo- lack efficiency at these dimensions. hectares of grape vine, we could no not make you rich, but once you start its 20 hectares of organic apple tree “We want an efficient warehouse, sin- longer cover the demand and we gave the business you must move forward. orchard. ce the one we have is small. In addi- up. Next year, if the grape vine bears He thinks the approach used by the tion to the refrigerated warehouse, I fruit, I will search for a network to former owner of the orchard, namely The initial investment taken over by also want an efficient juice producti- sell wine through”, said the producer the “bio” type of culture, was good and him, was made based on an European on line and a fruit selection line. The in Aiud, who gradually learned all the that this niche of bio-products will ex- project and its value was approxima- current juice production line is good, secrets of the wine. Even though he pand in Romania also, and that is why tely EUR 120 thousand. But this va- always kept himself informed, practice he is patient. Especially considering lue was for the plantation only, be- but its capacity is very small and can’t is still the best teacher. One of the re- that natural juice is produced from cause when he took over the orchard handle the production I have in the cent surprises was that although last the in Cheresig, which have a the only machinery he found was the orchard. To process the apples in due year the grapes did not have a lot of high demand on the market. spraying pump. time, to avoid their decay, I also need sugar, the taste of wine is excellent.

He says we pick the wine according to our moods. “I like Pinot Gris. It’s a manly wine. It can be sweet, but in our area we don’t have a lot of sweet wine. In 2011 we had 260 grams of sugar per must liter, but the wine still wasn’t sweet because the acidity of the area covers up the sweetness. It’s like eating apples with lemon. I provide 50 years warranty to the wine. There are times when you’d rather have a perfumed Muscat, which is sweet and goes straight to your heart or when you feel like having a fruit-scented

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a storage facility where I can keep Looking forward to the then I will be able to speak of effici- apply insecticides with a price of Lei The apple juice from the Things on the internal market also them and another high-capacity line, european money from ency”, stated the producer from Bihor. 800 per liter and we still need foliar bio-orchard in Bihor didn’t go very well last year, since im- to avoid keeping them in storage for One liter of juice is obtained from two fertilizers”, said Constantin Demian. ports lowered the price to a great ex- NRDP 2014-2020 for kilograms of apples. He turns the pro- These are supplemented by the ma- county “Is Worth It” too long”, says Constantin Demian. tent. He is lucky with the Association pomiculture cessing residue to animal farms near- nual operations: cutting, mowing the by, free of charge. grass and picking. Ten employees han- Currently, the processing capacity in of Operators in the Organic Bio- The varieties in his orchard, coming Constantin Demian thinks that the dle the cutting, but he needs twenty Agromec Cheresig is approximately Agriculture in Romania, since he from Hungary, are resilient to ill- three, four hundred thousand Euro For an annual production cycle he per day for picking and he hires day 30-40% than the harvested one. And concluded a contract with it. So far ness, but are pretty perishable after he could get with the aid of European invests approximately Lei 300 thou- laborers for mowing. unfortunately, he doesn’t manage to he only sold the juice through them; picking. They need special conditions. sell all the products he does not pro- funding for pomiculture from NRDP sand. “The treatments add up to Lei this autumn they will also take over This is the reason for which the cur- 2014-2020 (with non-repayable per- 80,000. Add the diesel fuel and man cess. He also has losses. The decayed He thinks more leniency would be the apples, as many as they can sell. rent capacity of the warehouse, whi- centage of 70%) would be enough to power, you exceed this amount for the required for the deadlines, since he products are sold to the ‘palincă” pro- ch is 100 tons is not enough to handle build an approximately 400 tons wa- 20 hectares”. had the misfortune of not being able to ducers, for a price next to nothing. The brand used to sell the apple juice an average production of 400 tons per rehouse, with an air-conditioning comply with the certification strictly in is created by Constantin Demian hi- year. And this even if we don’t pick system and apple washing and selec- He applies special phytosanitary treat- the application submission period for In Constantin Demian’s opinion, the all the apples at one time. “We begin tion station and a processing installa- ments for organic cultures, which are granting subsidies for organic agricul- price of apples is influenced by the lar- mself. He said that if sour cherries are tion located in front of the storage faci- ge juice producers. He doesn’t event in August and continue picking until more expensive than the ones used in tures and no more applications were used to make “vișinată” [sour cherry lity, as well as a processing line. a conventional orchard. “I use received the next year and only the work with them. He received an offer October. I fill the storage facility up, I brandy], sweet cherries are used to oil in spring, then I apply a substan- surfaces included a year before still from Hungary, for 4 cents per apple sell some, then I pick some more and make “cireșată” [cherry brandy], the He now produces approximately ce which costs Lei 17, VAT excluded had validity. kilogram, but he would rather sell apple juice should be called “merită” sell again. If I had a bigger storage 20,000 bag-in-boxes, three liters each per liter and I need 23 liters per hec- them to the palincă producers, for 50 facility, I would fill it up and avoid and hopes to increase the capacity five tare. Then I apply substances for all He chops the branches and leaves them bani per kilogram. Two years ago, the This is how he came up with the name the stress related to the production times. “If I have 100,000 bag-in-bo- kinds of fungi, bluestone or copper- on the ground as fertilizer. He also uses sent apples for concentrated juice to of the organic apple juice in Cheresig - going bad and me having to sell it.” xes, I will reach 300,000 liters and based Funguran OH 300 and then I manure from the animal farms nearby. Poland, also for 50 bani a kilogram. “Merita” [apple juice in English].

28 29 Rural Romania – no. 22

My Business Honey, a sweet treat of millions of Euros

Victor Mateș, a physics pro- fessor, gave up teaching in 1991 to start his own business from passion: love for bees. He cur- important client, but also in Poland, Germany, France and Spain”, said rently processes up to 1,800 Apidava’s manager. tons of honey per year and the The superior qualities of this brand turnover of the two compa- were certified within the International Apimondia Congress in 2009 where nies held by him is eight milli- the bee honey from Apidava Blaj re- on Euros. ceived an award.

As in any beginnings, the one of the Honey-based cosmetic producer in Blaj wasn’t too easy either. products He worked, he invested, he learned and now he is the one helping beekeepers The company of the former physics pro- who have just started the business. fessor expanded its range of products “Everybody has room in this, since with the Apidava cosmetics. The pro- the honey consumption continues to duct range was created by incorpora- increase, and the honey coming from ting the decades long experience into a small private beekeeper is more trus- the selection of 100% natural beekee- tworthy, since you know he produces a ping products into an efficient formu- few hundred kilograms and this acti- la providing the complexion hydration vity is the one supplementing his inco- using a honey, beeswax, propolis and me. I offered advice to a lot of beekee- royal jelly compound. This formula in- pers. I have supported them, taught volves the incorporation of beekeeping them and showed them what to do. products in a pure state and keeping The teaching period also paid off, since their properties unaltered. “The idea approximately 70% of the company’s of cosmetics based on beekeeping pro- employees are former students, who ducts came to use from our partner in were 16-18 years old then and now Japan. He invited us over, showed us they are about 40”, says Victor Mateș, the factory, which generates a produc- manager of the company Apidava, with tion in value of 100 million dollars per the office in Blaj, Alba County. year, in the back of a village with enou- gh asphalt to fit one car. It is a different Even from the start he processed 500 kind of trade, since they deliver solely kilograms from one single beekeeper The company run by Victor Mateș orga- store chains and works with several by courier and post services”, expla- and currently the quantity is 1,600 - nizes “The Honey Festival” each year, thousand suppliers and purchase com- ins Victor Mateș, who also told us that 1,800 tons per year. in March, together with the represen- panies in Romania. the partner in Japan created its own research and analysis institute based tatives of the County Council in Alba Although the unit managed by the on the model in Bucharest which it vi- and the Blaj City-Hall, which is a fair The products are sold on the internal former professor cannot be compa- sited in our country. The Japanese in- destined to the consumers of beekee- market as well as on the foreign one, red to the processing units in Western vestment raised up to Eur 10 million Europe, in Italy, France or Germany, on ping products, but also to beekeepers. in a 50%-50% rate. “We are exporting and new products are being prepared national level, it is one of the biggest, packed honey to Israel, Canada, China in a few dozen laboratories, the enti- with 50 permanent employees and a The company in Blaj packs the honey and bulk honey, in 300 liters barrels, re raw material entering the proces- turnover of Eur 6 million generated by under the brand “Roua Florilor”, but generally for the cosmetics industry sing is analyzed and then the quality the honey sales alone. also under the internal brands of some to Japan, where we have our most is certified.

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Several million Euros Romanian honey is from honey and sought after all over the beekeeping equipment trade world

The manufacturer in Blaj began to sell Regarding the quality of the Romanian cosmetic products and did not neglect honey, Victor Mateș says it first of all the on-line environment. “Thus part depends on the beekeeper and then on is the one with the best perspective, the favorable conditions, such as the since the cosmetics industry is a huge acacia and linden tree forests. The two business. We must be patient, we must assortments, locust and linden, place develop it and promote new products us somewhere on top of the honey qua- and maintain the quality”, said Victor lity on European level. If acacia is pre- Mateș who works in the company side sent all over the world, if the trees are by side to his entire family: the wife not concentrated on hundreds of hec- handles the financial - banking de- partment, the oldest daughter the le- tares, they cannot provide quantity and gal department and the younger one quality to the honey during the harvest. is involved in the cosmetic products The acacia honey in Romania is extre- manufacture. mely valued in Germany and France and the linden one is highly appreci- The son-in-law of Apidava’s manager ated in Poland. handles the beekeeping equipment trade for which they recently built an But, the best seller is the polyfloral ho- 1,400 square meters hall. “Sales are ney, since it has an accessible price and carried out separately., The equip- the other types of honey are regarded ment is sold through the company as specialties and their price is higher. Apis, with a turnover of approxima- One of the top specialties is the man- tely two million Euros per year and it started four years ago with Eur na honey sold in very small quantities. 150,000. Apidava only handles the honey trade. We buy and sell packed Candied honey is also very sought af- or bulk honey and our turnover re- ter at the moment and represents 50% ached six million Euros”, stated the of the market segment in Austria and manufacturer. Germany.

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Need brought them expensive to them and when their da- and unitary quantities, that is from the My Community together, but there are mages amount to 70% they say that same variety, but they couldn’t even strawberries no longer work and they coordinate on this chapter. The redu- still problems give up”. In the beginning, they used ced financial possibilities most of the to buy the plant protection substan- associated members had, did not allow Strawberries in Oltenia beneath the mountains - The economic mechanisms do not fa- ces together, but since along the way a quality unification. vor the weak and the lonely ones. That some of them could no longer afford is why association is the only solution. County Association of Strawberries, Fruit Shrubs them, each of them had to buy what Unfortunately, they didn’t manage the Sorinel Pătruț also understood this he needed. European funds granted from semi- and decided he must do something subsistence projects either, because and Tree Growers in Vâlcea after an engineer from the Institute They didn’t manage to handle the ca- the money was enough only to start in Mărăcineni opened his eyes. “In pitalization through the association a plantation and exploit it for a while. 2003 - 2004 I went to the Institute to The hilly area of Romania whi- get about ten thousand strawberry either, except for the first years. The It didn’t become profitable, because, wholesale companies asked for large in four years a strawberry plantation ch also includes Oltenia bene- stools and one of the engineers down there asked me why wouldn’t we es- ath the mountain - as referred tablish an association. I didn’t really trust this, I knew how people are aro- to by Sorinel Pătruț, President und here. But he began explaining the of the County Association of advantages and I was very recepti- ve. He explained how we could even Strawberries, Shrubs and Fruit buy cheaper stools, but also plum and Trees Cultivators in Vâlcea, has apple tree seedling plants and he spo- ke to me about many other advanta- its own particular features re- ges. Then I decided to try something. One year I gathered a few agricultu- garding the economy, life style rists in the area, five members to be and access to information. For precise and we established the asso- ciation. We had 20 hectares together, the hill regions, in addition to apple tree, pear and strawberries”. breeding animals, pomicultu- Others have joined along the way and now there are about three hundred re came in handy as a source householders in the association, but meanwhile they aged and things are of income. not going so well anymore.

At one point in 2008, they transfor- Fruit producers adjusted not sold at the market, were taken «to on strawberries, we picked them for med the association in a group of the market demands in the center».” a month and had no illnesses. Now, producers, but the requirements the unless you spray them seven or eight time group had to fulfill increased and in He considers that the cause of this de- times, you end up picking nothing. 2010 they returned to the associati- cay is the labor force reduction, which The «Zenga» variety had a large pro- on status. Before the Revolution, “Oltenia be- on the one hand has become old and ductivity, but they were small and neath the mountain” (from Horezu, on the other hand, travelled abroad. “I medium in size and we used to select The association works, but it didn’t re- Vaideeni, Polovragi, Baia de Fier, up to used to go over two villages and take them; we took the medium strawber- ach the point of efficiency. The advan- Bunești, Tomșani, Slătioara) had about workers from there. Now, the women ries to the free market (Bucharest, tages considered in the beginning fai- one thousand hectares of strawberries; are old, the young ones don’t want Constanța or wherever each went) led to materialize. The still buys large now, the surfaces have decreased dra- to come, they go to Italy and Spain, and the small-sized strawberries quantities of stools (he even bought matically. Sorinel Pătruț says that “in because they earn a thousand Euros were placed in barrels, oxidized and a hundred thousand stalks per cam- 20 years, the surfaces have diminished per month”. sent all over Europe”. paign) by these quantities are decre- to such an extent, that there isn’t even asing because some of the members five percent of it left. There are these They had to adjust to the market re- He thinks that those varieties are are getting old and no longer have the old apple tree and plum plantations quirements which puts great value on lost. “I don’t know when we will power to plant and others give up, be- and several new apple tree plantati- appearance, on big strawberries which pull ourselves together and plant cause they don’t understand they have ons, but they are scarce. There used to last longer to the detriment of taste. those strawberries again and offer to use more inputs and they no lon- be procurement centers, the products And this would not be an issue if the- Romanians what we used to like 20 ger achieve results. “They are used were exported to Russia and the col- se «new» varieties would not be too years ago, because finding those vari- to not spraying, as they did when lection was made directly in barrels, sensitive: “Up to 25-30 years ago, we eties is very difficult and I think they they had the old varieties and the not crates. The products which were didn’t have to apply any substances are lost all together.” pesticides and insecticides seem too

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gets old, it must be established again was not a good idea, that is where each works here, this works there», so we the one received from foreign buyers. to provide an example to the others: and they didn’t have the funds for it. person had his/her inheritance. They wouldn’t have to spray these varieties That is why, he doesn’t pick the fruit “Look, this is what he can do!’ should have received the entire surfa- for then times; there’s no point in ha- and lets them fall down on their own He also says about the project drafting ce in one place. Then, the association ving big strawberries and add 5 lei to and fertilize the soil. He thinks that maybe, through the procedure that, on the one hand it is would have worked: “Five persons co- the price, if we pay 6 lei for spraying”. new NRDP, we will obtain the mo- pretty slow and on the other hand, it uld easily make up ten hectares in one Blueberries and raspberries can also ney for the association and set-up a is to scrupulously interpreted by the place. But this way, from these pieces, Aside from strawberries, there are also be picked in the area from the sponta- processing plant. We is waiting for clerks handling the document collecti- you must gather twenty persons to plum and apple trees in the area, but neous flora, by the Romanian market the measures, the demanded requi- on: “I have to travel 60 km to Vâlcea, come up with five hectares and there’s the plantations are as old as 30 - 40 does not really ask for such products rements and the application proce- draw-up a project and I need a bun- always one who doesn’t want to.” years. The fruit cannot be sold, each and foreigners are the ones who buy dures. He doesn’t have the informa- ch of endorsements. I should be com- owner processes them alone and ma- them. The claims that from the moun- tion and brought up the lack there- mitted to this each day. The law sta- Research could also be kes “țuică” [traditional Romanian spi- tain area in Sibiu, Petroșani, next to of many times during the conversati- tes one document or the other, but supported by cultivators rit]. This is not a business, since they Rânca in Gorj, Vâlcea and Argeș two, on. He says he would very much wish the clerk asks me for both, just to be cannot sell it. The excises would be three thousand tons can be collected to see the faster incorporation of the sure. Or, he asked for an endorsement Sorinel Pătruț thinks that it would too high compared to the price of the at the very least. And this by including Agricultural Chambers, which he re- which expired by the time the project have been better to improve the old product. He remembers that Jonathan only the big buyers, to which the small gards as very useful from this point was approved and I had to bring a varieties he could keep even for ten apples were highly appreciated abroad, ones are added, along with the small of view. new one”. years and which he thinks were better even if they had worms. Foreigners factories in the area. and believes that the size and decay still come to buy them, but they pay a All hope is not lost. For sure that by le- Although the surfaces on which issue could have been solved by the poor price. He says he calculated just He trusts the pomiculture program- arning from the mistakes made so far, strawberries are cultivated are de- Romanian research. “It would have the pole shaking of the trees and the me, which in his opinion might revita- the solutions we can propose to these creasing, the disintegration of pro- been better if each cultivator gave up picking of apples by men, the packa- lize the activity in the area. He wishes people will restore their enthusiasm, perties makes the cropping systems one percent of his gains to support ging in bags and transportation to the things were less complicated than they so that this area could return to being very difficult. He thinks that the ter- research institutes, which could pro- center and he obtained a price which are now. He says he intends to make a the most important strawberry pro- rain retrocession on the old location vide new varieties and tell us «this is 30 bani higher per kilogram than reconversion on about two hectares, duction center in the country.

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the investment idea on paper is what ownership documents for buildings; The LAG experts will verify the Local Action Group "Valea Cricovului" comes next, by drawing up a project specific endorsements and appro- Financing Application and the rest of including a Financing Application, spe- vals issued by the National Sanitary the file and after this compliance stage, Association cific to each and every measure, with Veterinary and Food Safety Authority the Financing Applications enter the all the necessary documents. When (NSVFSA), Environmental Protection project eligibility confirmation phase. the Financing Application and the ne- Agency (EPA), etc.; affidavits; other cessary documentation are filled-out, relevant documents according to the A final step with a defining importan- The Local Action Group “Valea the eligibility requirements indicated specifics of the investment activity pro- ce is the verification in the field of the Cricovului” Association repre- in the Applicant”s Guide pertaining to financing applications by LAG and the accessed measure must be strictly posed for financing. sents a public-private part- RIFA experts. During this stage, the nership which includes the complied with. The financing applica- The Financing Application (next to the assessing experts verify if the data sub- South-East areas of Prahova tion must be filled-out according to the related annexes, in three copies: ori- mitted in the technical and adminis- County (communes: Albești standard template available in elec- ginal and copies) will be submitted in trative annexes comply with the status – Paleologu, Bucov, Ceptura, tronic form on the Rural Investments person or by proxy to the Local Action in the field. The purpose of these veri- Ciorani, Drăgănești, Gornet Financing Agency (RIFA) website. Cricov, Iordăcheanu, Sălciile, Group “Valea Cricovului”, once the fications is to avoid any inadvertences If one turns to consultancy compa- Valea Călugărească and Urlați tender opening is notified for sub- which might influence the financing nies, all expenses related to drafting town) and an area form the mitting projects through LAG. selection of the submitted projects. the Financing Application are con- North-West of Ialomița County sidered to be eligible and can be re- (Jilavele commune), covering a imbursed after signing the project’s territory of 11 localities, with Financing Contract. 69,981 inhabitants and a sur- face of 586 km2. The project is approved for financing based on the Financing Application In this context, the territory pertai- The partnership is carried out wi- and the contract framework is provi- ning to LAG “Valea Cricovului” is thin the LEADER Axis of the National The Steps of an ded to implement the investment. identified by the fact that it includes Rural Development Programme investment through LAG Some of the necessary documents, localities on the Cricovul Sărat ri- (NRDP), which provides the finan- which are Annexes to the Financing ver valley (an 83 km long river, cros- cing of integrated local development First and foremost, the first step to Application are (specified as referen- sing the Prahova, Buzău and Ialomița strategies in a framework encoura- obtain non-repayable European funds ce): Feasibility Study - document re- Counties), which are located in the ging the partnership and territorial is the precise identification of the in- quested for the projects foreseeing famous “Wine Road” and are united approach. The objectives identified for vestment field targeted by the desi- constructions-assembly works or by a common history at the border of the development of the related LAG red project. After this, the benefici- a Substantiating Brief - for the pro- the Sub-Carpathians of Curvature, “Valea Cricovului” region are speci- ary must contact LAG by telephone, jects which do not foreseen construc- Getic Plateau and Romanian Plain. fic to NRDP measures; the develop- in writing and directly at the office, or tion -assembly works; the document ment of the basic rural physical in- the website www.galvaleacricovului. proving the applicant”s co-finan- In a styled form, territory of LAG frastructure - modernization and/or ro can be accessed to establish the in- cing - letter of comfort or statement “Valea Cricovului” has the shape of expansion; the development of basic vestment eligibility and to identify the of account; ownership documents or a goblet, filled with wine with fine services for the population and of the bouquets, made in Dealu Mare, who- non-agricultural economic activities; financing line which fully serves the documents proving the use of the ter- se scents blend with the intoxicating the development of agricultural ac- beneficiary”s business plan. Putting rain the investment will be made on; perfume of fruit, to balance and cover tivities; the development of tourism for the pungent smell of muds harbo- and capitalization of the natural and red by the bed of the Cricov river or in landscape patrimony of the territory; the depths of the “Bărăgan Eye” as the preservation and capitalization of the Rodeanu Lake in Jilavele commune is Romanian cultural and architectural referred to. Metaphorically speaking, traditional patrimony, supporting the its cup blends like the bubbles of a bu- operation of the Local Action Group bbly wine, Bucov, Valea Călugărească, “Valea Cricovului”. Urlați, Iordăcheanu, Gornet-Cricov and Ceptura, slowly sliding towards The LAG “Valea Cricovului” the base of our imaginary cup, whe- Association was legally established re Albești-Paleologu, Drăgănești, in November 2012 and in March 2013 Ciorani, Sălciile and Jilavele create the financing contract was signed wi- the support of the glass raised to ho- thin the LEADER Axis of the National nor the inhabitants of the entire ter- Rural Development Programme ritory as well as any visitor. 2007-2013.

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The projects declared as eligible are Measure 322 - Renovation Another project undergoing im- the investment has a major contributi- classified according to the obtained and development villages, plementation is the one in Valea on to the improvement of the life con- score the project value. According improving the economy Călugărească, through which the ditions of the inhabitants of the Valea to the funds available for the sessi- commune in Prahova County takes Călugărească commune. on in which the projects were sub- and basic services of the advantage of European funds to re- mitted, they will be selected by LAG rural population and novate the city-hall. The total project This project aims the execution of all by drawing up a selection report. After value is Eur 132,677, among which Eur increasing the value of works required at the framework and publishing the report on the Internet 85,806 as eligible value and non-re- the rural heritage coating level for the purpose of com- page www.galvaleacricovului.ro, the payable aid (aid rate: 100%). plying with the needs and current re- beneficiaries are notified regarding The local roads network in the Jilavele the project assessment stage. After the Due to the lack of money, the city- quirements of comfort and safe opera- commune, Ialomița County is im- hall building decayed in time and the tion; the replacement of the exterior LAG selection, the projects are sub- proved with the aid of LAG “Valea coating was extremely damages. The carpentry, plus the endowment with mitted to the County Offices for Rural Cricovului”. The project is undergoing emergency intervention is a must to thermally insulating windows, as well Investments Financing (CORIF) for implementation and has a total value stop the accentuated deterioration of as reconditioning the exterior paint on the purpose of making the final deci- of Eur 120,128, with an eligible value the building and to modernize it and the entire construction level. sion. The financing contract signing of Eur 74,615, equal to the non-repa- will be solved with RIFA. yable aid.

According to the Financing Contract, This project involved investments in the European fund beneficiaries will the commune road infrastructure, have to comply with a series of requi- which connects the main road routes. rements: all eligibility and selection The project beneficiaries are the in- criteria assumed in the Financing habitants of Jilavele commune. Up to Application will have to be complied now, two local streets were paved with with during the entire contract peri- asphalt and these are the main access od; the project must not be amended roads in Jilavele commune, providing for a period of five years from the sig- the population access to DN 1D and ning date of the Financing Contract DC16 and to the social-cultural ob- with RIFA; the Financing Contract cage module, as well as for the purpo- (S.P.) subsequently to its approval. The jectives of the commune. execution period is three years for the se of increasing the economic size of young beekeeper decided to start his projects foreseeing investments inclu- the farm with at least 4 UDE (increa- own business after working in the fa- Also through the Local Action Group ding constructions and/or assembly, sing the quail stock from 8,400 in year mily bee garden and he subsequently “Valea Cricovului” , Ceptura commu- namely two years for the investments zero to 10,700 in the 1st year). The to- set up as head of operations in the ne in Prahova County took advantage projects including simple equipment tal investment value is lei 178,840 (Eur bee garden located in Cioranii de Jos of European funds to purchase spe- procurements. 40,000) and the public financing per- commune, Prahova County. The eco- cialized equipment for toilet dischar- centage is 100%. Currently the project nomic size increase of the beekeeping ge systems within the public service is undergoing implementation. of the City-Hall structure of Ceptura farm will be provided by the increase Measure 112 - Setting up commune. The total investment value of the bee family number from 172 to of young farmers The young quail breeder accessed was Eur 116,386, among which the eli- non-repayable European funds throu- 225. The main project objective is to gible value and non-repayable aid was 28 year old Mădălina – Victorița gh the National Rural Development purchase 183 vertical beehives and Eur 92,000. The project was comple- Gojnea, owns a quail breeding farm Programme with the aid of the Local new beekeeping equipment (stain- ted and its purpose was to improve with a total of 8,400 birds. The SC Action Group “Valea Cricovului” less steel centrifuge, propolis collec- the access to basic public services for Romad Bio Invest SRL exploitation Association, whose technical team tor, solar melting device, honey con- the rural population, namely to pro- facility is seated in Urlați, Prahova monitors the project implementation tainer, etc.). vide a complete communal household County, and its main activity is which will contribute to the increase service for the discharge of septic tan- growing quails for the production of of her life standard. The total investment value reaches ks and dischargeable tanks, as well as eggs sold for consumption. lei 178,840 (Eur 40,000) and the pu- the efficient maintenance of the sewa- Another successful project drafted blic financing rate is 100%. Florin ge network, for intervention in case of After graduating high school, by LAG Valea Cricovului based on damage or faulty operation. Daniel Oprea”s project is undergoing Mădălina – Victorița Gojnea took care Measure 112 is the “Improvement implementation. of quails with her family and this be- and Competitiveness Increase of The inhabitants of the Ceptura came o permanent occupation. the Beekeeping Farm in Ciorani commune are the beneficiaries of the Commune, Prahova County”. Florin LAG “Valea Cricovului” is also suppor- investment made with the aid of LAG, In summer 2014, the youngster sub- Daniel Oprea submitted the project on ting the access to non-repayable along with the inhabitants of the ne- mitted a project on Axis 1- Measure Axis 1 - Measure 112 - Setting Up of European funds through the National arby communes which are part of the 112 - Setting Up of Young Farmers with Young Farmers, as private individual Rural Development Programme in the Local Action Group “Valea Cricovului” the objective of purchasing 60 quail and incorporated an Sole Partnership case of the young beekeeper. Association.

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News and Events

On-line procurement procedures for the private APIA releases certifications for beneficiaries of European funds bird breeders The Rural Investment Financing Subsequently during the procedure, website and subsequently, they will The Agency for Payments and 16th - November 15th, 2014 for Agency modified the specific procure- the contract will be updated using submit the offers on-line for the pro- Intervention for Agriculture (APIA) Measure 215 - Payments regarding ment methodology for the private be- addenda. They can be concluded, as curement procedure in question. notifies that it releases certifications animal welfare - Birds, as well as neficiaries of European funds granted applicable, as a result of amendments for the beneficiaries of Measure 215 the amount representing 20% of for agriculture and rural environment occurred as a result of the on-line pro- As an additional simplification measu- - Payments regarding animal welfa- the value requested in the payment development by adapting the proce- curement process development or may re, the minimum number of received re - package b) Birds, which intends application. If none of the afore- dure manual for procurements to the include other amendments of the pro- compliant bids was reduced to two, to access loans to finance the current mentioned certifications are issued, development and on-line endorsement ject. The addenda will be concluded from at least three determined in the activities from the banks which con- a certification can be issued at the flow of procurement procedures. up to the final endorsement of the previous procedure. cluded agreements with the Agency. applicants” request, confirming the procurements, according to the new fact that the applicant submitted The portal used for the on-line procu- procedure. The verification and endorsement of The Rural Credit Guarantee Fund during October 16th - November rements is the Agency”s webpage, whi- the procurement file is made on-li- IFN - SA and the National Credit 15th, 2014, a payment applicati- ch can be accessed at RIFA”s address: This approach avoids the occurrence ne on CORIF”s level and on the le- Guarantee Fund for Small and on and two quarterly deduction http://www.afir.info. of delays in the development of the fi- vel of the Regional Centers for Rural Medium Enterprises guarantee the sheets as proof for Measure 215 - nancing contracts. Investments Financing (RCRIF), loans granted by banks to the farmers Payments regarding animal welfare “This action was carried out by RIFA through the specialized departments. within this type of agreement. - Birds, as well as the amount repre- to simplify the implementation of in- “The procurement procedure esta- senting 50% of the value requested vestment projects of the beneficiaries blishes the development and testing Subsequently, the www.afir.info web- All agreements concluded between in the payment application (except of the National Rural Development manner of procurement contracts site will publish the result of the pro- APIA and the Guarantee Fund will for the beneficiaries which applied Programme. We feel that it is an im- for services, goods, with or without curement procedure (including the be posted on APIA”s website, under for a medium stock and which are portant stage related to the simplifi- assembly and the execution of works notifications for the winning and non- www.apia.org.ro. not bound to submit a quarterly de- cation and transparency of the procu- (constructions, assembly) within the winning bidders), in compliance with duction sheet as proof). rement process and at the same time projects financed through NRDP for According to the agreements, upon the one of the important commitments private beneficiaries”, stated the ge- the legal deadline for the submission written request of the farmer, APIA According to the provisions of the assumed by RIFA in the relationship neral manager of RIFA. of possible challenges. will release the following types of cer- Order no. 703/ 23.07.2013, issued by with the European Committee and tificates, according to the submissi- the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Programme beneficiaries. This acti- For the purpose of the on-line deve- After the expiration of this term, the on session and commitment year, as Development, related to the appro- on represents a premiere for the im- lopment of the procurement procedu- beneficiary will conclude the contract follows: val of the conditions for the conclusi- plementation process of European res, private beneficiaries are bound to with the bidder declared winner and on of Agreements between financial funds granted for Agriculture”, stated undergo an authentication procedure will publish the challenge resolution banking and non-banking instituti- David Eugen Popescu, general mana- on the official RIFA page, in the top on the website. 1 for the 2nd submission session - ons and the Agency for Payments and ger of the Rural Investment Financing section of the page, destined to on-li- 1st commitment year: certificate Agency. ne submission. Thus, the private be- The entire procedure will be carried confirming that the applicant sub- Intervention in Agriculture, for the neficiary will publish the invitation out on-line, according to the procedu- mitted during May 20th - June purpose of financing the current acti- The on-line procedure is applicable for to attend and the application file in re provisions and the use instructions 30th 2014, an aid application for vities of the beneficiaries of payments all procurements initiated beginning electronic format on the RIFA websi- (tutorials) from the Agency”s website, Measure 215 - Payments regarding received through APIA, the bank must from the middle of March this year, no te. Also, the bidders will undergo a re- valid both for the private beneficiaries animal welfare and the amount re- comply with the cost levels of the loans matter the financing contract version. gistration procedure on the Agency”s of NRDP as well as for the bidders. presenting 50% of the requested for the direct payments beneficiaries, amount in the aid application per- so as the final interest applied to the taining to the 2nd submission ses- beneficiary will not exceed ROBOR sion - 1st commitment year, minus 6M + 4% and the loan-related fees are the value of the previously issued kept within the 1% limit. certificate, except for the benefici- aries which applied for a medium Also, according to the same regulati- stock and which are not bound to on, the bank must prove that during submit a quarterly deduction sheet 2008 - 2012 it granted loans to the as proof. beneficiaries of Axis I - Increasing of Competitiveness in the Agricultural 2 for the 1st submission session - 3rd and Forestry Sectors, Axis III - commitment year: certification Quality of Life in Rural Areas and confirming the fact that the appli- Diversification of Rural Economy and cant submitted a payment appli- Axis IV LEADER from the National cation and two quarterly deducti- Rural Development Programme on sheets as proof, during October 2007-2013.

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MARD published Annex II related to the THEMSELVES pomiculture zonation The Research and Development Institute The Ministry for Agriculture and carry out their activity in locali- are irrigated. The irrigation for the Industrialization and Marketing of Rural Development published on its ties with a potentate favorability systems must be functional website the final versions of Annex grade >/=2,40, are eligible for and connected to a water so- II, including the pomiculture zonati- support; urce which can provide the Horticultural Products - Horting on, the study methodology and valu- - for sub-measure 4.1a: necessary flow for the afo- The research activity had fundamen- es for the standard costs and nature rementioned pomicultural tal and applicative character and it a) the projects implemented in Horticultural products represent an important food source, occupying an contribution, applicable on sub-mea- surfaces. followed the following directions: TAUs with a natural favorabi- essential place in human nourishment due to their complex biochemical sure 4.1a. c) for the TAUs in this annex composition. They have an important weight in the daily food intake of lity grade >=2,40 are eligible ; - The conditioning and preservation with a potentate favorability the modern man. of fresh horticultural products; According to the document, Annex II b) the projects implemented in grade <2,40, locations wi- STP applies as follows: TAUs with a natural favora- thin the TAU can be eligible Romania has a sensible horticultural potential, which in the second half - The processing of horticultural bility grade <2.40, but with a of the aid beneficiary submits of the 20th century, led to the achievement of an organized framework products (canned vegetables and - for the sub-measures 4.2a, 6.1, potentate favorability grade to RIFA a study endorsed by destined to its superior capitalization for the purpose of satisfying the fruit, natural juices, dehydrated 6.3 and 9a the projects im- >=2.40 are eligible if the pro- PRDI Mărăcineni or by a po- need for quality fresh and processed horticultural products all year long. and frozen products); plemented in the territorial ject also foresees an irrigation micultural station, carried out - Aromatic concentrates and refres- administrative units (TAU) with system for the entire establi- using the methodology of this This fact determined the specialists with a high scientific training in hment beverages; a potentate favorability grade >/= shed surface in reconversion. study, proving that the site has the horticulture field to take the initiative of establishing the Research - Packaging, transportation, 2,40, are eligible for support. In this case, the projects fo- a natural or potentate favora- and Development Institute for the Industrialization and Marketing of mechanization, organization and - for the sub-measure 16.4a, the reseeing simple procurements bility grade >=2.40, provided Horticultural Products - Horting more than 40 years ago. capitalization economy of horti- partnership projects in which are only eligible only if the or- point b) is complied with in ca- cultural products; farmers and associated forms chards held by the beneficiary se of the potentate grade. The Research and Development the Institute was endowed with expe- - Cultivation of vegetables and Institute for the Industrialization and rimental storage facilities, a pilot stati- in greenhouses and the ca- Marketing of Horticultural Products on for processing and vegetables pitalization thereof. in Bucharest was designed as a bench- and for producing aromatic concentra- mark unit, achieving an experimental Horticulture knew an exceptional de- tes, refreshments and beverages, gre- production, testing new technologies velopment in the beginning of the ac- and serving as training base for the enhouses for vegetables and flowers. tivity. The institute had approximately people working in the fruit and vegeta- For the purpose of integrating the pro- 328 employees, among which 166 re- bles capitalization sector. At that time, ducer - consumer chain, a benchmark searchers and designers, organized in back in 1967, when it was established, sale shop (Fortuna) was established. six research laboratories and a design

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workshop. Over the years, the Institute (cans, juices, refreshments) and which - 274 new canned and processed - Greenhouse legumes (cca. 3500 approved by ASAS and submitted to developed and reached approximately regularly provided tastings and consu- assortments were produced, which tons/year)); MEC and MARD are: 1,100 employees (in 1990) among whi- mer surveys regarding the new pro- were homologated; 17 types of pas- - Greenhouse flowers (cca. 700,000 - Obtaining new products from ch about 200 researchers and desig- ducts or their appearance. teurized natural juices, 7 aromatic stalks/year); vegetables and fruit for vulne- ners with higher education. There were concentrates of the «Brifcor» type, rable groups of consumers and 18 analysis laboratories and resear- 18 aromatic concentrates for hou- Horting during 1967-1990 drawing-up new technologies (20 ch units in the country (Arad, Oradea, sehold use, 35 types of refreshment Benchmark Unit of the new hypoglycemic, hypocaloric, Baia Mare, Bistrița, Brașov, Buzău, beverages, 6 types of concentrated Romanian Research Among the achievements of the 1967- nutraceutical products with the- Cluj, Constanța, Craiova, Focșani, juices. in the Horticultural 1990, we note: rapeutic action were obtained, Iași, Târgu Mureș etc.). The endow- - Pectolytic enzymes PECTIROM - Drawing-up 55 conditioning and Products Field etc. ); ment with research equipment was re- were obtained and patented; preservation technologies; - Drawing-up and reviewing the latively good (ventilating rooms, ex- - 8 new culture technologies we- After 1990, the activities of RDIIMHP - The completion of 92 physiological quality standards of fresh and perimental preservation refrigerated re created for greenhouse Horting are found in the 52 research and biochemical analysis methods processed horticultural products. and air-conditioning cells, gas chro- technologies; themes of the Programme Horizon to determine the pollution degree, Drawing-up national standards, matograph, thermal hydrographs, pe- - A national flower collection was 2000, 6 projects within the AGRAL netrometers, microscopes, devices to to prevent and fight the illnesses as well as regulations regarding and pests after harvesting; obtained, with approximately 850 Programme, 4 projects in the CALIST determine shocks and vibrations, pul- varieties and 19 new homologated Programme, 16 projects in the CEEX the quality and capitalization - 70 new types of packaging were pers, etc.). vegetable and flower hybrids were Programme (Modules I, III and of horticultural products by the created (crates, pallets) and auxi- created ; IV), 10 projects within the Sectorial alignment thereof to the provi- For the purpose of modernizing the liary packaging (plates, baskets, sions of the European Union (39 - Data bases were created for the Programme, 2 CNCSIS grants, 8 PN horticultural products sale, in 1970, the tarpaulins, etc.) and delivery ma- regulations related to the type, characterization of horticultural II projects, 6 international projects Institute organized and endowed the terials (pallets, cupboards); content, manufacture, quality, resources and information on the developed as activities coordinated Fortuna shop in Bucharest, on Calea - More than 235 quality standards packaging, labeling, marking, sto- sector-related machinery system. by the Institute or in partnership with Victoriei, with commercial furniture were drawn-up and reviewed for Universities, research and production rage and transportation of the designed by the Institute, which intro- fresh and processed horticultural The design activity started right from units in the country and abroad: Italy, processed fruit and vegetable pro- duced for the first time in our country products and 306 regulations and the establishment and its purpose was France, Greece, Belgium, Israel, The ducts as well as 36 commercial the sale of pre-packed products, as well technical instructions for canned to put into practice the results obtained Netherlands, , Spain. quality standards for fresh horti- as of other products of the Institute products; in the research sector. cultural products); The main research - development di- - Drawing-up a food quality ma- The main achievements in the design rections materialized in the thema- nagement system based on the field included the drawing up of exe- tic plan of RDIIMNP Horting, drawn management of chemical, bioche- cution and technological engineering up based on the National Research - mical and microbiological risks documentation required for 315 ob- Development - Innovation Strategy, (Guideline for drawing-up the jectives (vegetable and fruit preserva- management system related to tion facilities with mechanical ventila- defined by the Law no. 217/2007, tion and refrigeration systems, canned products factories and vegetable - fruit processing divisions, wine preparation centers, industrial mushroom growing units, distilleries for “țuică” and natu- ral brandies, canned products storage facilities, juice production units, toma- to paste production units).

Aside from these achievements, we must note the experimental produc- tion of the Institute, achieved in the micro-production unit and greenhouse sector. The activity includes: - The annual storage in refrigera- ted spaces (200 tons of fruit and vegetables; - Canned products manufacture (cca. 2000 tons/year); - Refreshments (cca. 300 tons/ year); - Aromatic concentrates (cca. 250 tons/year);

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the security - sanitation of food the quality and safety of agri-food units and factories for canned products); raw materials and food products products); Research - Development Station for and using the freshness factor de- - Testing the behavior during the - In the development sector “pilot termined based on the content of capitalization for the purpose of station for agriculture and pro- Pomiculture in Vâlcea homologating 150 new varieties biogenic amines; cessing”, the Institute obtained and vegetable hybrids and 15 fruit these surfaces contain the only na- - Research regarding the execution each year vegetable and flower varieties); of an integrated ecologic pro- RDSP Vâlcea is a research- development unit whose aim is to re-launch tional collections of domestic or fo- products in protected areas, a wi- - Drafting marketing studies, orga- duction system in horticultural and modernize Romanian pomiculture in general and the pomiculture in reign genetic resources, with a very de range of sterilized vegetable nization and economic efficiency greenhouses, formed by the inte- Oltenia region, in particular, and to integrate and align this field from the important role in the development of in the capitalization and sale of gration of aquaculture as source of and fruit cans, natural juices and scientific and economic viewpoint to the European Union, in compliance Romanian pomiculture. horticultural products (four mar- nourishing substances in the hor- refreshments, it preserved fresh with the community requirements and by providing an international com- ket studies and four feasibility ticulture crop, as a biological and horticultural products (apples, petitiveness of the pomicultural products, bio-energetic and environmen- studies); mechanical filter in aquaculture; pears, grapes, potatoes) in refri- tal production products. The activity purpose of RDSP Vâlcea is to provide 40 new varieties were the scientific, biological and technological grounds able to contribute to the - Extension of the preservation pe- gerated spaces and in controlled created in RDSP Vâlcea - The establishment of alternatives modernization of the Romanian pomiculture and provide the professional riod of excessively perishable and to the use of methyl bromide to di- atmosphere conditions; training and improvement of students, MA and Ph.D. students in the field. The research - development divisi- very perishable fruit through the sinfect the soil for the cultivation - During the past years, as a result ons within the unit are: genetic im- management of risk factors with of vegetables in protected areas; of the research-development pro- provement if the varieties and parent action before and after harvesting; - Establishing methods to protect The Research - Development Station Researchers well-known and appreci- ject, the Institute”s patrimony stock for walnut, chestnut and plum; - Characterization of the biologi- the ozone layer, an European pro- for Pomiculture in Vâlcea was esta- ated both in the country and abroad enriched with a laboratory for the identification, collection, assess- cal material from the viewpoint of ject (FP6 - coordinated by France), blished in 1997 by decree, for the pur- carry out their activity within the determining the quality of hor- ment, use and preservation of genetic quality and preservation capacity in which Horting is one of the nine pose of providing the scientific, biolo- Station, as well as Ph.D. students ticultural products, certified by resources in national collections for in apple and pear varieties resili- partners; gical and technological grounds able and MA students from the Faculty ent to illness, for the purpose of the Romanian Accreditation the species: Prunus, Juglans, Corylus, - Feasibility studies for industrial to contribute to the modernization of for Horticulture and Agriculture in selecting new varieties suitable Association [RAA], to determine Castanea; the modernization and in- objectives financed from internal the Romanian pomiculture and pro- Craiova. for ecologic cultivation; biogenic amines and three pilot creasing the efficiency of pomicultural sources and /or non-repayable so- stations, unique in Romania: a pi- vide the professional training and im- plants from superior biological cate- - Modernization and optimizati- urces and projects for investments provement of students, MA and Ph.D. Currently, the research and develop- on of technologies specific to the lot station to obtain dehydrated gories; modern, integrated and eco- made by producers (greenhouses, students in the field. ment activity of RDSP is carried out dehydration of ecological horti- products, a pilot station to obta- logical technologies for the culture solarium, refrigerated storage fa- on a surface of 129.02 hectares, terrain cultural products; in grafted vegetable seedling, of pomicultural plants; technologi- cilities, conditioning and packing Since 2009, when it was took over by from the state”s public domain. There cal transfer. namely a pilot station to obtain - The establishment of a laboratory centers, etc.) and by vegetable merger by the University in Craiova, were and there still are problems (liti- specialized in the assessment of vegetables in protected spaces, and fruit processing units (lines, RDSP Vâlcea is a public institution gations in court) caused by the terrain Since its incorporation and until on a floating system sublayer with without a legal personality. retrocession in the station, although now, RDSP Vâlcea created 40 new effluent resulting from aquacultu- re in protected areas.

With an adequate financing, RDIIMHP Horting can become a benchmark unit of Romanian research in the field of hor- ticultural product capitalization and greenhouse vegetable cultures, able to answer the requirements of the mar- ket economy and of the agri-food sec- tor, providing the quality control of the fresh and processed products, obtaining higher quality processed products, the implementation of modern technolo- gies, granting highly qualified techni- cal assistance and advisory services for the achievement of reliable products, for training the farmers and involved per- sons in the production and capitaliza- tion of fruit and vegetables, all for the benefit of the superior capitalization of horticultural products and providing the consumers” protection.

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extremely valuable varieties, among Research objectives which we note: On national level: - plum varieties: Andreea, Vâlcean, Topval, Alutus; - The development of a durable po- miculture with economic and - walnut varieties: Valcor, Valrex, social benefits for the current ge- Valmit, Timval, Unival; neration, without harming the - hazel varieties: Vâlcea 22, fundamental ecologic processing Romavel, Cozia, Uriaşe de Vâlcea, and without compromising the Arutela, Roverd; future generation”s ability to ful- - edible chestnut varieties: Romval. fill its own wishes; - The genetic improvement of Adequate parent stock was also cre- the following varieties and pa- ated, to suit the modern culture of rent stock: plum, walnut, hazel, pomicultural plants. In plum the chestnut and apple tree, for the following parent stock was obtained: purpose of improving the produc- Oteşani 8, Oteşani 11, Rival, Miroval, tivity, the quality and resistance Pinval; in walnut the Portval parent to illness and pests and for provi- stock and in the edible chestnut the ding a real competitiveness on the Casval parent stock. European Union markets, but al- so on other markets; As a result of the research activity de- veloped within a POS-CEE project, - The modernization and produc- willow varieties were created and tion of pomicultural seeding homologated for biomass ((Robisal, material from superior biological Fragisal, Cozia 1, Pesred) for the pur- categories (pre-base and base), including by the use of modern pose of obtaining non-polluting and biotechnology, for the purpose of renewable energy. providing the free circulation on the EU markets and other markets; The specialists of the University in Craiova - RDSP Vâlcea drafted and pu- - The establishment of pomicultural blished a significant number of books, systems, technologies and modern treaties, monographs, scientific and technological chains for the plum, technical papers for popularization. walnut, hazel, chestnut and apple tree plantations in various ecologi- On an annual basis, the nursery gar- cal parts of the country. den is multiplied with tens of thou- On area level: sands of pomicultural plants of high - Providing new concepts related to biological value, from the following the reorganization and moderni- species: apple tree, plum, peach, apri- zation of pomiculture; cot, hazel, walnut, edible chestnut, va- rieties adjusted to our environmental - Establishing the structu- conditions. re of pomicultural plants and assortments in the area, able to RDSP Vâlcea provides seven thousand handle the competition on diffe- grafted walnuts on an annual basis rent markets; from the varieties recommended for - The modernization of the po- cultivation in Romania. The walnut micultural seeding material grafting takes place in a special in- production certified according to stallation in the country. the EU requirements; - Drafting documentations regar- Through its specialists, the station ding the feasibility studies and permanently attended the technolo- technical-economical projects to gical transfer using multiple imple- establish new pomicultural and mentation methods of the most valu- dendrological parks; able research results to the production - The performance of an effici- farms in various areas of the country ent and modern technological (Călăraşi, Sibiu, Ilfov, Mureş Vâlcea, transfer to the pomicultural ex- etc.). ploitations in the influence area.

50 51 Rural Romania – no. 22

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This publication was produced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Romania, as part of the project “Founding and Supporting the National Rural Development Network.” Project co-funded under the EAFRD through Measure 511 of the National Rural Development Programme 2007-2013. March, 2015 The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union. Free distribution.