LT. COl. Allen West - Global & Domestic Threats 2.51 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 75]

Background Briefing: With the 2020 election coming up, America is at a critical crossroad. Lt. Col Allen West visits the Economic War Room to provide an update regarding external and internal threats facing America. Also, Col. West makes a major announcement about his plans to help America and Texas.

WARNING: China and Iran may have more interest in what happens to the US election in 2020 than the average voter. This briefing highlights what you should be sharing with your friends and associates now.

Your Mission: To better understand the key internal and external threats facing America, the motivations behind them, and why with this upcoming election your vote is more important than ever!

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(OSINT)– Open Sourced Intelligence Briefing Open Sourced Intelligence Briefing with highlights. This includes quotes and summaries of conversations in the Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman and Lt. Col. Allen West.

1. The Importance of American Sovereignty and Peace Through Strength:

• We want to have a credible military deterrent We do not want more wars, but our adversaries need to believe that we will confront and engage them when it is needed.

• The successful strategy of “Peace through Strength” is very different than Obama’s approach of “Strategic Patience.” The patience strategy led to the rise of ISIS and the enablement of Iran.

• With the Trump administration, we went from a weak presence to a strong presence globally. You might hear different narratives in the media, and at times it may disrupt the old guard, but our enemies/adversaries no longer assume America will sit back and be taken advantage of.

• Economics, Energy, and National Security are all related. The Obama administration decimated all three.

• We are now an exporter of oil and natural gas. Without this strength in energy, Iran and the Middle East could push high energy prices for all. Higher energy prices would drag on the economy.

• Strength in energy undermines Russia and Middle East leverage against the US. Look at what has happened in the Strait of Hormuz. Yet, oil prices in the US and around the world remain reasonable.

Suddenly holding our allies accountable is shocking to the political and media narratives.

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“President Trump even called out Angela Merkel, essentiall asking, ‘Why are you having this energy agreement with Russia when you’re asking us to be a part of NATO and protect you from Russia? And you’re not even paying your own fair share as far as NATO members.’ So those are the type of things that we need, a strong leader on foreign policy aspect, the national security aspect and our economic security aspect.” –Lt. Col. Allen West

2. Internal Threats: rising in prominence and within our media. “You don’t have to convince anyone who the other side is. They have come out of the closet and have frankly said ‘We’re socialists. We believe in wealth redistribution. We believe in nationalizing economic production. We believe in the creation and expansion of a welfare nanny state. We believe in social egalitarianism and we believe in secular humanism.’ Now, those things have never been successful anywhere in the world.” –Lt. Col. Allen West

• Socialists have come out of the closet. The left thinks they know better and wants to tell you how to live your life.

• They are supporting what appears to be cultural Marxism, where they are just destroying what is traditional America.

• They will try to point to all the Scandinavian countries as examples of socialism success. Scandinavian countries have strong social welfare policies but are still free market economies. page 3 LT. COl. Allen West - Global & Domestic Threats 2.51 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 75]

• These are very small homogenous countries and not scalable. Most are smaller than the Dallas/Ft Worth, Texas area.

In addition to Socialism there are numerous other internal threats the US is facing that include: a) Illegal immigration. b) Lack of belief in the rule of law and our constitution. c) The threat to the traditional family especially in urban cities. d) Arising domestic terrorist groups like . e) New Concerns over free and fair elections. f) Censorship.

• With the open borders agenda led by the left, this means even more people flooding the country looking for social benefits. The Socialistic Utopia they hope for becomes even more impossible.

• If you come here illegally and support illegal immigration, that means you do not believe in the sovereignty of the United States. You don’t believe in the rule of law and our Constitution. Without a border, there is no nation. Without a nation, we do not have a future.

• Many in the mainstream media are supporting the socialist narrative and that is a threat to our free market.

• Traditional America is being destroyed. Just look at something as basic as a nuclear family. This is especially true in our inner city urban communities.

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`In 1961, the percentage of two-parent (father/mother) households in the black community was between 70% and 77%. Today is 23-24%. Look at all the problems you have in the inner city urban communities.

• Antifa in the US - They look like and meet the criteria of a domestic terror organization. But, they are allowed to continue in their efforts to take down America and free speech through violence.

CASE STUDY from the left– Government knows best and wants control.

Berkley California wants to control what you cook with and how you heat your home. What happened to the freedom-loving hippies?

If you live in Berkeley the government is now telling you no natural gas ovens or stoves. Homes need to be entirely electric. The ironic part is that their electricity is often derived from natural gas.

Berkeley is going to drive up the energy cost of its residents. We have seen similar failed experiements in some Texas towns.

“You want to the right way to to heat a tortilla? It is to cook it over an open flame. We’ve eliminated that in Berkeley, California, right down to the nitty gritty. Socialism wants to control what people think, how they act, and every aspect of your life.

“Constitutional conservatism believes in the strength of the individual while progressive socialism believes in the subjugation of the individual and the rise of the collective. You can’t even make a decision about your own house. You know, they’ve already said, you have to have these solar panels on your home, and all of these other specifications.” –Kevin Freeman page 5 LT. COl. Allen West - Global & Domestic Threats 2.51 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 75]

3. This is the most important election of our lifetime and China knows it!

• Could 2020 be the last free election we have?

• External Threats: China, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela would love to have a progressive socialist in the White House that doesn’t pay attention to them. A president that says that these are all the things that we’re going to do here in the United States:

We’re going to implement the policies of a wealth tax.

We’re going to implement the policies of free college tuition.

We’re going to continue to allow legal immigrants to come into the country. This means that Hezbollah can work with the drug cartels and get their people into the country.

• We need to elect a president in 2020 that believes in the Constitution, or we will have no nation, no future.

• President Trump appears to be leading against US internal and external geopolitical threats. Trump’s stance with China is clearly a challenge to the Chinese Dream of stealing intellectual property, forced transfer of technology, hacking, and the dominance of the Chinese Communist Party.

• WATCH OUT: President Trump’s actions to defend America through tariffs are impacting China’s economy and China is highly incented to ensure Trump does not win another term.

• China has a long-ball strategy. And China is going to try to hold out as long as possible with the hope that President Trump can be defeated in November, 2020. page 6 LT. COl. Allen West - Global & Domestic Threats 2.51 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 75]

• China’s economy will be in significant trouble with four more years of Trump and they recognize the threat. What will they do about it? Just about anything is on the table.

• If President Trump wins re-election, the Chinese will come to the table to say, ‘No more. Whatever you want, let’s do it.’ Right now, they feel they can potentially wait two more years before conceding and are looking for ways to weaken Trump as a candidate. The media, and other elites seem to even be hinting for China to hold out until another election cycle.

4. Concern over free and fair elections in the US?

• There’s a concern there will be no more free and fair elections, especially when you have these technology companies controlling the dialogue by search-engine manipulation and social media censorship/throttling.

• It is a threat to our free market. It’s a threat to the Republic. It’s a threat to one man, one vote. “I Google myself and I see what kind of stories pop up and sometimes there are stories from eight years ago. That’s the first thing someone’s going to see. And they’re not favorable stories. But when you get to that point, when you get to the point that people are manipulating a narrative, then guess what? That’s what George Orwell wrote about it in his book, 1984. And here we are living it.” – Lt. Col. Allen West

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5. Iran is also significant external threat and hoping for a Trump loss in 2020.

• Look at what Iran was able to do under the Obama administration.

» Iran has been able to extend its regional hegemonic dominance because they want to create that land bridge. They have successfully done so coming out of Tehran through Iraq, into Syria and over to the Mediterranean.

• Let’s talk about the real collusion. The collusion of Russia with Iran. The collusion of North Korea with Iran. The exchange of missile technology and nuclear technology.

• Iran appears to be the number-one state sponsor of Islamic Jihad.

• China appears to be bartering with Iran for oil, instead of purchasing it, to avoid violating sanctions.

• Trump has been strong to say if you do business with Iran, we will go after those countries economically.

• We may have to demonstrate targeted military strength in Iran as well if things escalate further.

• The Iranians are trying to kick up things because they want to try to embarrass the President. They know that the Democrats will try to use this and position Trump as the warmonger, as they try to resurrect the Obama Iranian agreement.

• The Obama administration shifted US ties to Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East. President Trump has more closely aligned with Saudi Arabia.

• Today, the Muslim Brotherhood’s status in the US still needs to be addressed.

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“You have this incredible four horsemen of an apocalypse. Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. And then, of course, you can’t forget, the Islamic jihadists out there as well. But that’s where our focus should be. And they’re all intertwined.” –Lt. Col. Allen West

6. There is a concern China could be funding the Democratic Socialists of America:

• We know now the KGB was funding radical leftist groups. That came out in the document dumps after the collapsed. If you read the Chinese book Unrestricted Warfare, there should be no doubt that this is in China’s game plan as well.

• We do not have proof of it yet, but China could be helping fund radical elements of Antifa and others.

• If we declared Antifa a domestic terrorist, we could go after their funding sources and better determine their support.

• We should also be looking at groups Iran might be trying to support in the US. “I think that one of the key things that the president should be running on in 2020 is this: ‘Here are the people that don’t want to see me in the White House. Now, do you do you want to side with Nicolas Maduro? (Venezuela) Do you want to side with Xi Jiping? (China) Do you want to side with the Ayatollah and Hassan Rouhani in Iran?’ Make that a clear distinction as we go into this election.” –Lt. Col. Allen West

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WARNING: Every single leader listed in the quoted above would want an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez backed candidate. A Bernie Sanders or Kamala Harris.

7. The 2020 Election - It is a clear choice for economic security, energy security, and national security. But what are others thinking?

• An economic downturn that ushers in socialism could be the end of the republic. “There’s a 100 percent correlation between the party in the White House losing in the midst of a new economic and stock market crash. If that crash happens within 12 months of the election, the party in power loses. China is aware of this.” –Kevin Freeman

• China outlined in Unrestricted Warfare that ‘a single man-made stock market crash is a new concept weapon.’ And then they make the point that China is achieving the level of significance in the global economy, that they could cause the American economy to collapse if they did the right things.

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• It is concerning that those who are most incentivized to see change in the White House, recognize that a market and economic crash could achieve their goals. China feels like they are in a position to do that.

Perhaps that is why we democrat candidates, media, and celebrities are trying to talk down the economy?:

» Elizabeth Warren just put out a full whitepaper on a US economic crash and hoping for downturn that could possible propel her into office.

» Bill Maher stated he was hoping for the economy to fail so President Trump would not get reelected. “So the doomsday prophets have to come out there and say that the good economy is not going to last forever. And, you know, even though the stock market is doing well, and even though all the wage growth is underway, they will deny it. Why? What are they going to offer? They’re going to offer us to go back and have seven million people on food stamps. We’re going to go back to 1.3% GDP growth.” –Lt. Col. Allen West

• A strong economy gives the US global leverage. If our economy was not as strong as it is right now, with the wage growth and with the jobs, then the confrontation that we’re having with China would probably not be to our benefit.

• When you look at a side by side, and you see the adverse effects on China’s economy, right now, we have both the moral high ground and the economic high ground. China has lost some of their capability and now is the time for the US to stay strong.

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• The US strength in energy has allowed our economy to thrive despite Straits of Hormuz turmoil in the Middle East. In the past, the global economy would have been hit hard with higher energy prices.

• The Saudis are pumping oil, we have the American Shale movement, and the fracking revolution. Texas is now number 3 in global energy production. Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Texas are the top 3 producers.

8. Why Texas matters in the 2020 National Election and America’s future. If we do not keep Texas, we do not keep the American Republic.

• Lt. Col. Allen West announces he is running for the Texas Chairmanship of the GOP

• Texas is the largest conservative state and Texas is the second- largest state with 38 electoral votes.

• Texas is shifting more purple when you look at our major population centers. The major cities are all run by the progressive socialist left.

• Austin, Texas, which is supposed to be the capital of Texas, now more resembles San Francisco than a city in Texas.

• The mayor of Austin just signed an order saying that the homeless people can erect tents in downtown Austin.

• It’s very important that we stem that tide before we get there, because Texas is much like America. Our strength is with energy, economics, and our strategic national security bases.

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1. The world’s largest military installation is at Fort Hood, Texas.

2. The major defense industries are located in Texas - Bell, Lockheed Martin, and the F-35 was developed here.

3. Texas has strategic ports, the refineries and everything that is fueling our economic security, our energy security and national security. “I think it was the Economist Magazine that had an article recently titled ‘Texafornia.’ They said the future of America comes down to two states. They’re two large states, California and Texas. I don’t think we want to have the United States of America or Texas resemble California. And it is so interesting that people are fleeing from California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey. These are all failed blue states. And they’re bringing that same failing ideology to a successful state like Texas. We’ve got a challenge we need to address now.”–Lt. Col. Allen West

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Why You Should Care:

• With moral leadership, American sovereignty, and strength we can ensure peace not war.

• Socialism’s rising prominence is built on false narratives and potentially being driven by our adversaries.

• A free and fair election is needed for America’s Republic to continue.

• China and Iran are both very interested in the 2020 election. What is really motivating them? And, what are they doing about it?

• National Security, Economic Security and Energy are critical to maintaining America’s Republic.

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In the Economic War Room, we encourage Americans to be the “small ships that make the difference.” You cannot rely on the government or the President to solve your problems. You have to make a difference. It is up to you to help take our country back. Economic Patriot Action Plan Action Steps:

Step 1: Share this battle plan with friends and reinforce the importance of a strong national security, economic, and energy. America’s survival as a republic depends on it.

Step 2: Our Republic was built on putting the good of the country over our individual needs. Many have sacrificed for the freedoms we have. It is critical we are aware of our adversaries/enemies motivations and tactics to manipulate results and voter perceptions.

• Think about what the politicians are saying and doing in this upcoming election and how that aligns with the founding principles of America. • Be aware of potential corrupt Google/Social Media results and narratives. • When you see the riots/disruptions on the streets seek to understand what really may be happening there and how was it organized?

Step 3: Be alert to how countries like China and Iran could be colluding to influence the US 2020 election.

Step 4: If we do not keep Texas Red, we do not keep the Republic. Get Lt. Col. Allen West’s new book, Hold Texas, Hold the Nation: Victory or Death

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Step 5: Take time to understand Lt. Col. West’s vision for Texas and America. If you live in Texas consider supporting him with your vote.

Step 6: Last week’s mission had this action step and it applies this week as well. Recognize that the alarmists are often economists bought and paid for by our adversaries. China and other adversaries help fund our think tanks and academics, and they get them to write white papers supporting adversarial positions over what is really in America’s best interest.

Look for ways you can mobilize or weaponize your money toward things that strengthen America. Nominate your financial advisor for our National Security Investment Consultant Institute (NSIC) classes at

We need more Economic Patriots on the team! Consider what can you do now to help strengthen America or even help someone in need. Keep in touch with your congressional representatives. Choose from the list or set your own goals: Get others to sign up at and review our weekly Economic Battle Plans™. Each of these will address critical solutions to the threats highlighted on this briefing.

Subscribe to our weekly Economic War Room show on TheBlaze. We need to break the digital ghetto that is limiting free speech regarding truth and liberty.

Follow, like, comment and share on Facebook and . We recognize these tools may be compromised at times, but when they are not filtered, they can be major platforms available to reach out to the public.

Share this Economic Battle PlanTM and our short video segments on Facebook or YouTube with friends. We set up the Economic War Room to be your resource for information, preparation, and mobilization.

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Think about ways you can mobilize or weaponize your money towards things that strengthen American. This can be through charitable giving, spending, or investments.

Shareable QUOTE:

(share this quote with your friends or at the office) “The future of America comes down to two states: California and Texas.”

–Lt. Col. Allen West (ret US Army)

*DISCLAIMER: The Economic War Room and its affiliates do not provide investment advice. In cases where guests or others may discuss investment ideas, these should not be viewed or construed as advice. The sole purpose is education and information. And, viewers should realize that in any case past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither Kevin Freeman, his guests or EWR-Media Holdings, LLC suggests, offers, or guarantees any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment even if discussed on the show or any show-affiliated materials or websites. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You must make independent decisions regarding information, investments, or strategies mentioned on this website or on the show. Before acting on information on website or on the show, or any related materials, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment adviser.

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The EWR Collection Deck From Kevin Freeman

QUICK SECTION LINKS About Lt. Col. Allen West Peace Through Strength Socialism Immigration Breakdown of the Family Antifa and the Muslim Brotherhood China/Iran Hope for Trump’s Failure Election Manipulation Why Texas Matters

[+] Must Read/Watch


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ABOUT LT. COL. ALLEN WEST [+] The Old School Patriot

Lt. Col. Allen West : Announcement About My Political Future ~ VIDEO UPDATE future/#ixzz5y8p2muNo

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Texas Public Policy Foundation

[+] Allen West for State Chair

The News and Why It Matters

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BET founder: US economy is on a strong growth path path.html

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America’s energy boom is changing geopolitics, just as Reagan foresaw geopolitics-just-as-reagan-foresaw

How an Oil Boom in West Texas Is Reshaping the World

Reagan’s “Peace through Strength” Cold War Strategy war-strategy-integrating-defense-nuclear

[+] Trump Winning With ‘Peace Through Strength’ strength039_442018.html

Trump shows peace through strength works after Obama works-after-obama

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SOCIALISM Polls Shows Americans are Embracing Socialism. You Should Be Worried socialism-you-should-be-worried-71861

[+] Can Socialism Win in 2020? Democrats Aren’t Embracing It

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Communism’s Bloody Century

Communism and Religion Can’t Coexist

The Myth of Nordic Socialism

Shattering the Myth of Nordic Socialism

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[+] Daniel Turner: California’s latest descent into liberal madness – Berkeley bans natural gas businesses

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Democrats Love a Wealth Tax, But Europeans Are Ditching the Idea europeans-are-ditching-the-idea

‘Damn socialism, why are you chasing me?’ Chinese-Americans see ghost of communism in Democrats’ leftward turn chinese-americans-see-ghost-of-communism-in-democrats-leftward-turn

The Democrats’ $100 Trillion Agenda Could Easily Tilt the Nation agenda-could-easily-tilt-the-nation-n2543324

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The Black Family: 40 Years of Lies

[+] CNN’s Don Lemon says more than 72 percent of African-American births are out of wedlock lemon-says-more-72-percent-african-americ/ page 21 LT. COl. Allen West - Global & Domestic Threats 2.51 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 75]

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[+] Ilhan Omar’s plan to end ‘capitalist system’

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If California’s the future, why are so many leaving? texas

California Vs. Texas: Oil And Natural Gas — Comparing The Two States 1 In 5 Americans Call Home two-states-1-in-5-americans-call-home/

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