Exploring the Dimensions of Convenience Food
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EXPLORING THE DIMENSIONS OF CONVENIENCE FOOD An empirical study researching the attitudes towards and perceptions of convenience food NINA GADEGAARD VELLEV & ANNETTE RIIS VILLADSEN INTEGRATED FOOD STUDIES, AALBORG UNIVERSITY COPENHAGEN, 2016 Exploring the Dimensions of Convenience Food An empirical study researching the attitudes towards and perceptions of convenience food Master Thesis Integrated Food Studies Aalborg University Copenhagen Submission Date: June 2nd 2016 Pages: 161 Authors Nina Gadegaard Vellev Study number 20141138 Annette Riis Villadsen Study number 20141134 Supervisor Morten Hedegaard Larsen Abstract The use of convenience food is increasing worldwide and has gradually been accepted as common practice within the way most people cook and eat. However, the ideal of cooking from scratch remains. This thesis sets out to grasp the attitudes towards and perceptions of convenience food among retirees and new mothers. In order to shed light on this field, present thesis seeks to comprehend how consumers’ values in relation to food affect their attitudes towards and perceptions of convenience food. Further, an understanding of how a convenience food meal can be accepted as a proper meal was examined. Simultaneously with a growing demand for convenience food solutions, the wish for authentic, sustainable and healthy food is gaining ground. Thus, a focus for this thesis is to establish whether new mothers and retirees perceive a paradox between convenience food and the three tendencies authenticity, sustainability and health or if can they be perceived as being compatible in the same product In order to accomplish such contribution, a qualitative methodological approach was found most suitable for researching in a complex field like the one at hand. Two focus group interviews were conducted with a group of retirees and a group of new mothers, respectively. The pivot of the interviews were three case companies and a selected convenience food product from each company: a meal box from Sund Takeaway, the Kvik-KvikKasse from Aarstiderne and a frozen chilli con carne from Hanegal. To systematically uncover patterns in the empirical data, a thematic analysis was applied to analyse the data. In the course of the research, a number of values could be identified to be important in relation to a positive perception of the convenience food products. Freshness, naturalness, transparency and health were valued highly by both groups, while organics additionally was very important to the new mothers and Danish produce was important to the retirees. Thus, this thesis establishes that the participants’ values in regards to food have a great influence on their perception of the case products. Consequently, the values attached to the product have to be in accordance with one’s individual values in order to be accepted as a proper meal. Further, it was found that the more the involvement, from the informants, with the cooking process the better a meal was perceived. Whether the retirees and new mothers perceive a paradox between convenience food and sustainability, health or authenticity depends on which values are embedded in the concepts of sustainability, health or authenticity for the companies of the convenience product and if these values were in alignment with the values the individual ascribe to these concepts. Resume Brugen af convenience-mad er stigende på verdensplan og er gradvist blevet accepteret som almindelig praksis inden for den måde de fleste mennesker laver mad og spiser. Dog er det stadig idealet at lave mad fra bunden. Dette speciale har til formål at forstå holdningerne og opfattelserne af convenience-mad blandt pensionister og nybagte mødre. For at belyse dette område, søger dette speciale at forstå, hvordan forbrugernes værdier i forhold til mad påvirker deres holdninger til og opfattelser af convenience-mad. Derudover har det undersøgt, hvordan et convenience-måltid kan blive accepteret som et ordentligt måltid. Samtidigt med en stigende efterspørgsmål på convenience-madløsninger er der også et ønske om autentisk, bæredygtig og sund mad. Således er et fokus for dette speciale at klarlægge hvorvidt nybagte mødre og pensionister opfatter et paradoks mellem convenience-mad og de tre tendenser autenticitet, bæredygtighed og sundhed eller om de kan blive opfattet som værende forenelige i et og samme produkt. For at opnå et sådant bidrag, var en kvalitativ metode fundet mest passende til at forske i et komplekst felt som det foreliggende. To fokusgruppeinterviews var udført med henholdsvis en gruppe pensionsister og en gruppe nybagte mødre. Omdrejningspunktet for interviewsene var tre case virksomheder og et udvalgt convenience-madprodukt fra hver virksomhed: et færdigpakket måltid fra Sund Takeaway, Kvik-KvikKassen fra Aarstiderne og en frossen chili con carne fra Hanegal. For systematisk at kunne åbenbare mønstre i den empiriske data var en tematisk analyse anvendt til at analysere dataene. I forbindelse med forskningen, kunne en række værdier identificeres til at være vigtige i forhold til en positiv opfattelse af convenience-madprodukter. Friskhed, naturlighed, gennemsigtighed og sundhed blev vurderet højt af begge grupper, mens økologi derudover var meget vigtigt for de nybagte mødre og danske råvarer var vigtig for pensionisterne. Resultatet af den empiriske undersøgelse viste, at deltagernes værdier i forhold til mad har en stor indflydelse på deres opfattelse af case-produkterne. Derfor skal værdierne knyttet til et produkt være i overensstemmelse med ens individuelle værdier for at blive accepteret som et ordentlig måltid. Endvidere viste det sig, at jo mere inddragelse fra informanterne i forbindelse med tilberedningen af maden jo bedre blev et måltid opfattet. Hvorvidt pensionisterne og de nybagte mødre opfattede et paradoks mellem convenience-mad og bæredygtighed, sundhed og autenticitet afhænger af hvilke værdier der er indlejret i begreberne bærdygtighed, sundhed og autenticitet for virksomhederne bag convenience-madprodukterne og om disse værdier stemmer overens med de værdier den enkelte tilskriver disse begreber. Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 2.4.4 Ethical Considerations…………………………………. 26 1. Introduction…………………………………………………. 2 2.4.5 The Interview Situation………………………………… 26 1.1 Problem Statement …………………………………………. 4 2.4.6 Experiences with Focus Group Interviews………..… 29 1.1.1 Research Question………………………………………. 4 2.4.7 Transcription Policy…………………………………….. 30 1.2 Structure of Thesis …………………………………………. 5 2.5 Thematic Analysis ………………………………………….. 31 1.3 Delimitations ………………………………………………… 6 2.5.1 Thematic Network Analysis…………………………… 32 1.4 Philosophy of Science……………………………………… 7 CHAPTER 3 1.4.1 Scientific Method of Social Constructivism……………. 7 3. Theoretical Foundation ………………………………… 35 1.4.2 Validity and Reliability…………………………………… 8 3.1 Definition of Convenience Food………………………… 35 1.5 Case Descriptions…………………………………………… 10 3.2 Convenience in Relation the the two Target Groups.. 36 1.6 Selection of Target Groups………………………………… 13 3.2.1 New Mothers …………………………………………… 36 CHAPTER 2 3.2.1 Retirees ………………………………………………… 38 2. Method……………………………………………………….. 15 3.3 The Convenience Food User…………………………….. 40 2.1 The Qualitative Research Approach …………………….. 15 3.4. Health, Authenticity & Sustainability in Relation to 2.2 Research Design…………………………………………….. 16 Convenience Food……………………………………….. 42 2.2.1 The research Process…………………………………… 17 3.4.1 Convenience Food and Health ………………………. 42 2.3 Semi Structured Interviews with Case Companies……. 17 3.4.2 An Introduction to the Concept of Authenticity……… 44 2.4 An introduction to Focus Group Interviews…………….. 18 3.4.3 Convenience and Sustainability………………………. 47 2.4.1 The Interview Guide …………………………………….. 19 3.5 Identity……………………………………………………….. 49 2.4.2 The Role of the Moderator……………………………… 24 3.6 The Modern Consumer……………………………………. 51 2.4.3 The Interview Participants………………………………. 24 3.7 Proper meal…………………………………………………. 52 CHAPTER 4 4.5.3 Organising Theme: Price……………………………… 121 4. Data Presentation, Analysis & Discussion……………. 57 4.5.4 Organising Theme: Sustainability……………………. 125 4.1 Thematic Network: Proper Meal………………………….. 58 4.6 Discussion………………………………………………….. 133 4.1.1 Organising Theme: Case Products as Proper Meals… 59 4.6.1 Discussion of Informants……………………………… 133 4.1.2 Organising Theme: Health……………………………… 60 4.6.2 Discussion of Method………………………………….. 135 4.1.3 Organising Theme: Taste ………………………………. 70 4.6.3 Discussion of Validity, Generalisation and Reliability. 136 4.2 Thematic Network: Sceptisism…………………………… 74 CHAPTER 5 4.2.1 Organising Theme: Transperency……………………… 75 5. Conclusion……………………………………………………….. 140 4.2.2 Organising Theme: Storytelling and Branding ……….. 78 6. Further Perspectives…………………………………………… 142 4.2.3 Organising Theme: Health……………………………… 82 7. References……………………………………………………….. 144 4.2.4 Organising Theme: Trust ……………………………….. 87 8. Appendix Overview ……………………………………………. 155 4.3 Thematic Network: Authenticity …………………………. 91 8.1 Appendix 1: Transcription Sund Takeaway……………….. 156 4.3.1 Organising Theme: Authenticity………………………… 91 8.2 Appendix 2: Transcription Hanegal……………………….. 158 4.4. Thematic Network: Involvement…………………………. 101 8.3 Appendix 3: Transcription Aarstiderne……………………. 159 4.4.1 Organising Theme: Time ……………………………….. 102 8.4 Appendix 4: Interview Guides……………………………… 161 4.4.2 Organising Theme: Influence on Choice……………… 105 8.5 Appendix 5: Picture Material Sund Takeaway……………. 169 4.4.3 Organising Theme: Meals Made from Scratch……….. 106 8.6 Appendix 6: Picture Material