Peter Baker Peter Thomson John Henly Phil Hawkins Peter Howlett
SOH800271-0001 Portsmouth aud South East Hampshire Health Authority HELICOPTER LANDING SITES Notes ofa meetiug held on 23 August 1999 Present " Peter Baker Deputy District Controller, H M Coastguard Peter Thomson Chief Pilot, Bristows, Search and Rescue Service John Henly Director of Policy & Performance, Portsmouth & S E Hampshire Health Authority Phil Hawkins Risk and Emergency Planning Manager, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust Peter Howlett Director of Developmen{, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust Apologies : Gary Smith Director of Intensive Care, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust Purpose of n" The meetin,~ ~,her of aspects relating to the helicopter t ~nd the Isle of Wight to Queen Ale tr. In particular, an alternativ, :rs to Queen Alexandra Hospital ’ing the closure of Haslar. Diffio Peter,, ,h and rescue helicopters werl,,/ andra site. Three specific risk the 111.~ and other spectators the congested the lack of an alternative "~,,,, the event of an aborted/emergency landing 3 Types/Numbers of transfers Three types of transfers were identified ¯ "medivac" transfers f’rom the Isle of Wight - usually intensive care patients being transferred to Queen Alexandra Hospital (about 10-12 per year?) ¯ divers requMng emergency decompression at Haslar (9 so far this year) ¯ other inarine casualties requiring emergency care at Haslar (19 so far this year) SOH800271-0002 Portsmouth and South East Hampshire Health Authority HELICOPTER LANDING SITES Notes of a meeting held on 23 August 1999 Present ¯ Peter Baker Deputy District Controller, H M Coastguard
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