Defending Development Recreating the Contemporary Operating Environment

Satellite tracking gannets Bempton Cliffs, East Yorkshire Help for Heroes Tedworth House Conservation Group Editor Clare Backman Photography Competition Defence Infrastructure Organisation Designed by Aspire Defence Services Ltd Multi Media Centre Editorial Board John Oliver (Chairman) Pippa Morrison Ian Barnes Tony Moran Editorial Contact Defence Infrastructure Organisation Building 97A Land Warfare Centre Warminster BA12 0DJ Email: [email protected] Tel: 01985 222877 Cover image credit Winner of Conservation Group Photography Competition Melita dimidiata © Miles Hodgkiss Sanctuary is an annual publication about conservation of the natural and historic environment on the defence estate. It illustrates how the Ministry of Defence (MOD) is King penguin at Paloma Beach © Roy Smith undertaking its responsibility for stewardship of the estate in the UK This is the second year of the MOD window. This photograph has great and overseas through its policies Conservation Group photographic initial impact and a lovely image to take! and their subsequent competition and yet again we have had The image was captured by Hugh Clark implementation. It an excellent response with many from Pippingford Park Conservation is designed for a wide audience, wonderful and interesting photos. The Group. from the general public, to the Sanctuary board and independent judge, professional photographer David Kjaer Highly commended was the photograph people who work for us or (, had a difficult above of a king penguin at Paloma volunteer as members of the MOD choice but the overall winner was a beach, Falkland Islands, taken by Roy Conservation Groups. superb close-up photograph taken by Smith from Falklands Conservation Group. Apparently, there is a story Sanctuary is produced for the Miles Hodgkiss, a member of Imber Conservation Group, of mining bees behind this, the penguin came out of the MOD by the Defence Melitta dimidiata exhibiting a rarely sea walked towards the photographer Infrastructure Organisation. recorded drone roosting behaviour on and posed for a few minutes to enable . This extraordinary image this photograph to be taken. It then fully deserves the pride of place on the turned tail and walked back into the sea! front cover of this years Sanctuary! This years competition has been a great The runner up, which can be seen on the success and we shall be running the back cover, was a barn owl captured in competition again next year, so keep flight, framed beautifully by an old your cameras at the ready!

Sanctuary 40 • 2011 FOREWORD

Foreword by Andrew Manley Chief Executive Defence Infrastructure Organisation

I am delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to Sanctuary as it reaches a milestone with its 40th edition. I continue to be impressed by the range of activities undertaken by the Department to support the stewardship of the MOD estate and to sustainably manage our Defence activities. This edition comes at an important time for the Ministry of Defence. The results of the Strategic Defence and Security Review are transforming the way MOD does its business, including the management of its estate. Sustainable development is an essential part of these changes and delivering Defence in the most effective, efficient and sustainable way is one of the key priorities in the Defence Plan. Over the next couple of years, we will see a transition as the newly-formed Defence Infrastructure Organisation manages the estate and the next generation of estate contracts with our industry partners. I would particularly like to draw your attention to the articles “Defending Development”, “Taking Flight Andrew Manley, Chief Executive Defence Infrastructure Organisation over the Wash” and “Avoiding Collateral Damage”, © Crown which show some of the ways we are integrating an evolving military requirement with the sustainable Conservation Group members. The winning image, management of the estate to directly support showing some rare mining bees Melitta dimidiata operations such as Afghanistan and Libya. I am glad on Salisbury Plain, shows that the MOD estate to see ‘Working in partnership’ as a theme for this continues to support and protect important wildlife edition; it has been a key approach within the MOD as well as delivering the Defence requirement. It for many years. It is essential at every level of also highlights the ongoing enthusiasm for what I Defence business, whether on operations, or consider to be a superb and unique part of the working with the estate suppliers; from projects to government estate. I would also like to congratulate reduce energy consumption to initiatives to protect the Sanctuary and Energy Award winners and valuable wildlife with non-governmental runners up - their enthusiasm and drive sets a organisations such as Pond Conservation; and to standard for others to follow. the largely unseen, yet hugely important, individual Finally, my thanks go to the production and design contributions of the MOD Conservation Group team for another superb edition. I hope you will volunteers. The articles in this edition show both the enjoy reading the 40th edition of Sanctuary range of partners who help the MOD to manage magazine. the estate and the myriad of projects underway for its stewardship. My thanks go to our estate suppliers for their generous sponsorship of this edition. The photography competition for the Sanctuary front cover had some excellent entries from

Sanctuary 40 • 2011 1 CONTENTS


Spotlight on… THE SANCTUARY AWARDS 3 MOD Shoeburyness, Essex 66 RAF Valley, 68 RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire 68 THE ENERGY AWARDS 8 RAF Halton, Buckinghamshire 69

RAF Wittering, Cambridgeshire 69 FEATURES Aberporth Range, Ceredigion 70 MOD rises to the carbon reduction challenge 9 Antony, 71 Castlemartin Access Project 10 Penhale , Cornwall 71 Defending Development 13 Predannack, Cornwall 72 The Warcop Training Area woodland creation scheme 16 Ballykinler, County Down 73 Defending the Past 18 Magilligan, County Londonderry 73 Avoiding collateral damage - Assessing the impact of 20 Warcop, 74 weapons testing activities at MOD Pendine Britannia Royal Naval College, Devon 75 The Million Ponds Project - bringing back clean water to 23 the countryside Bovington and Lulworth, Dorset 76 Taking flight over The Wash 26 Kirkcudbright Training Centre, Dumfries 77 and Galloway Access at Kirkcudbright Training Centre 28 MDPGA Wethersfield, Essex 78 Military training areas benefit from partnership approach 30 RAF , Fife 79 Digging the Better ’Ole… First World War Trenches and 32 Abbey Wood, Gloucestershire 80 Modern Training at RAF Halton Defence Training Estate Home Counties, 80 Satellite tracking gannets at Bempton Cliffs 34 Maritime environmental assessments in The 36 Defence Munitions Gosport, Hampshire 82 Tedworth House, Help for Heroes 38 HMS Excellent, Hampshire 82 Monitoring sooty terns on Ascension 40 The Army Training Regiment Bassingbourn, 83 awarded biodiversity benchmark 42 Hertfordshire Newtown Range and Jersey Camp, Isle of Wight 84 Understanding Loe Pool for its future 43 Defence Training Estate South East, 85 From Thin Air to Hot Air 44 and East Balmacara House - An exemplar of collaboration 46 Altcar Training Camp, Merseyside 87 Sanctuary Sponsors 48 Stanford Training Area, Norfolk 88 11 (ATT) Squadron RM Instow 50 Bicester Garrison, Oxfordshire 89 Heathland Restoration at Predannack Airfield 52 Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, Surrey 89 Project Allenby/Connaught: delivering a sustainable estate 53 Thorney Island, West Sussex 91 Conservation at the Defence Academy 56 DM Kineton, Warwickshire 91 INTERNATIONAL Boscombe Down, Wiltshire 92 , Wiltshire 93 Biodiversity Conservation within the Sovereign Base 58 Areas of Cyprus Imber, Wiltshire 94 Conservation of micromoths in the Falkland Islands 61 Larkhill and Westdown, Wiltshire 95 The Falkland Islands update 63 DSTL Porton Down, Wiltshire 96 DST Leconfield Carrs, East Yorkshire 96 CONTACTS 97

2 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 THE SANCTUARY AWARDS

The Sanctuary Awards The Sanctuary Award Board The Sanctuary Award Board for The aim of the Sanctuary Awards is to recognise and encourage group 2011 were from Defence and individual efforts that benefit wildlife, archaeology, environmental Infrastructure Organisation: improvement or community awareness of conservation on or within Martin Coulson, Deputy Head (Policy), Alan Mayes, Deputy land and property that the MOD owns or uses in the UK or overseas. Head (Secretariat), Pippa The 2011 Awards were divided into four categories: Environmental Morrison, Senior Policy Advisor, Ian Barnes, Principal Project, Heritage Project, Sustainability Project and Individual Environmental Advisor and Achievement. The winners of each category are considered for an overall from the Joint Nature winner and receive the coveted Silver Otter for one year. Conservation Council Marcus Yeo, Chief Executive who acted as external judge.

ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT AWARD WINNER SILVER OTTER WINNER Castlemartin Access Project appropriate and provides public access, local community and biodiversity benefits. It has achieved bringing the military authorities, Defence Infrastructure Organisation, the Welsh Assembly Government, Countryside Council for , the National Park, our tenant farmers, our contractors and the community together to a position of agreement. The judges also noted that the route has quite rightly earned a place in the “All Wales Coastal Path”, and is a very worthy overall winner.

To find out more about this project please see the article on pages 10 - 12.

Bullslaughter cliffs on Range East Castlemartin Range© Crown

The Castlemartin Access Project was can be used by walkers, horse riders instigated following consultations on and off-road cyclists and has the added improving access to the range led by benefit of giving great panoramic views Defence Training Estates Headquarters of the range and the Castlemartin and the Access and Recreation Team coast; and by linking with existing from Defence Infrastructure rights of way the CRT also provides a Organisation’s Environmental Advisory circular route around Range East during Services. The Castlemartin Range Trail non-firing periods. (CRT) was created to provide a 10km stretch of multi-user path around the The Award Board was enormously northern boundary of the range thus impressed by the achievement of the enabling users of the team and the wide engagement Coast Path to remain off-road at all support from the local community. The times. Prior to its existence users were excellent outcome of this project forced to use dangerous narrow lanes exemplifies MOD’s commitment to around the ranges. The multi-user trail public access where safe and Lyserry gate with flowers and red flag© Crown

Sanctuary 40 • 2011 3 THE SANCTUARY AWARDS

environmental project award runner up Cadet150 Tree planting project The cadet movement as a whole (Army celebrations. The first plantings took world record of planting 20,436 trees in Cadet Force, Combined Cadet Force, place in autumn 2009 and the final one hour was set during this project – a Sea Cadet Corps and the Air Training target was reached in April 2011. great achievement. Corps) comprises 131,000 young people and 25,000 adult volunteers in The Award Board was impressed by the over 3,000 locations the length and way the Cadet Forces have worked in breadth of the UK and 2010 marked the partnership with the Woodland Trust, 150th anniversary of the MOD- landowners and local communities to sponsored cadet forces. As part of the plant a phenomenal 150,000 trees cadet movement’s commitment to the around the UK. This is an excellent development of good citizens and work example of young people working in the community, a partnership was together and is to be applauded for the formed with the Woodland Trust to positive messages in the local plant 150,000 native trees all across the communities and in media coverage. UK over the course of the Cadet150 The judges also recognise that a new Cadets dig in, only 149,999 trees to go! © Crown environmental project award HIGHLY COMMENDED Cawdor Barracks Conservation Project Cawdor Barracks Conservation Project is The Award Board was impressed by the now in its fourth year and aims to initiative of the team to build continually improve its contribution to relationships with the Bumblebee all conservation matters within Cawdor Conservation Trust, National Trust, and site. Projects include skylark surveys, Birch Utilities, and the success in habitat improvement to benefit the minimising costs that this delivered. The shrill carder bee, creation of wildlife judges also noted the dedication wood piles and grazing in partnership shown by the team and by Rhodri with the National Trust. Kemp, in particular, over the last four years of this ongoing project. Captain Karen Thomson (Unit Safety & Environmental Advisor) with the National Trust after releasing the ponies © Crown SUSTAINABILITY AWARD WINNER DIO and Debut - RM Instow Site Development

The aim of this project was to provide The Award Board was enormously new vehicle dip tank facilities, living impressed by the use of multiple accommodation, catering amenities, energy efficient methods in the design, armoury, magazine stores and to together with energy saving practices demolish existing structures that were during construction, despite the team no longer required. The main role of being challenged by two floods and a 11(ATT) Sqn at Instow is to develop and deep freeze. The judges recognise the trial beach plant, recovery vehicles, programme management of this landing and raiding craft. The project to ensure that waste from establishment also trains personnel in demolition was utilised on site, and that waterproofing and deep fording of the achievement of 94% diversion from vehicles. The new training facilities at landfill rate was no mean feat. The Instow have sustainability at their core; judges also note that the majority of from design through construction and new materials were procured from subsequent operation; careful within a 50 mile radius. integration of energy and resource saving design ensured the building To find out more about this project please kept its environmental impact to a see the article on pages 50 - 51. Solar panels one of the projects many energy saving minimum and reduced overall measures © Debut running costs.

4 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 THE SANCTUARY AWARDS

SUSTAINABILITY AWARD RUNNER UP SUSTAINABILITY AWARD HIGHLY COMMENDED Debut Services Bunds Project Turner Estate Solutions logistically awkward. Debut and the Defence Infrastructure Organisation Integrated Welfare have developed a mobile oil water separation plant that removes Facility at RAF Leuchars hydrocarbon contamination from bund water to enable clean filtered water to The aim of this Project was to provide a be disposed of through existing Fit for Purpose, modern, centralised drainage infrastructure. welfare facility for the Community Support Team at RAF Leuchars. The new The Award Board was impressed by the community centre houses the way the project dealt with a multiple Community Development Team, Padre, site problem of disposal of HIVE, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and contaminated water. This is an excellent Families Association and the Health example of a sustainability project Visitor, as well as offering multi-use working to minimise environmental Separator in action © Debut activity space, external and internal play impacts. The judges commend the areas and a multi-faith prayer room. innovative use of the mobile separation The build up of rainwater within Located beside the nursery and multi plant to filter the water and note the traditional oil storage tank bunds has use games area, the centre is accessible proactive approach of emptying bunds been an area of risk to the MOD on the to both Service families and the wider as a result of a forecast of heavy rainfall. Regional Prime Contract South West for community. several years. A study was undertaken to assess the existing arrangements in place to remove bund water using tankers, which proved expensive and

SUSTAINABILITY AWARD RUNNER UP Joint Supply Chain Service Bicester Pallet Waste Recycling Project

Joint Supply Chain Service (JSCS) The Award Board was impressed that Bicester is one of the two main defence the problem of waste pallets was warehousing and distribution sites and turned from a cost into an income by generates a huge amount of waste the team working with a local recycling packaging every year including company for their disposal. The judges thousands of storage pallets. Sorting recognise the way that this simple Internal play area at RAF Leuchars © Crown damaged pallets had been delivered in-house but changes within JSCS The Award Board was impressed by the made this no longer practical. construction of an environmentally compliant community centre, Through the commercial team, the incorporating various energy-saving General Manager negotiated a local methods in the design. They recognised agreement with Alford Pallet Recycling that the project was delivered ahead of (APR) for the sorting and removal of schedule and is looking toward an unserviceable pallets and scrap wood “excellent” Defence Related Environmental for recycling from the Garrison. Key to Assessment Method rating. The judges this agreement was that APR had to also noted the use of offcuts from the sort the waste and provide labour and A simple solution to reduce landfill© Crown construction work to build bat boxes to transport at no cost to the authority. As offset disturbance from proposed part of an ongoing waste management solution has lead to further waste future development plans. programme at Bicester a number of collection on the site and a consequent new practices have been introduced to reduction in waste to landfill of 1500 boost recycling and divert waste from tonnes and over £30,000 saved in landfill by 31 per cent against a target 12 months. of five per cent.

Sanctuary 40 • 2011 5 THE SANCTUARY AWARDS

HERITAGE PROJECT AWARD WINNER Defending the Past, Cape Wrath Training Centre the Royal Commission of the Ancient playing cards with an environmental and Historic Monuments of theme that could be handed out to (RCAHMS), was to cultivate a mutual troops using the training area. understanding of the cultural heritage of the military training area by the local The Award Board were impressed with community and with the troops who this interesting community project, the come to Cape Wrath to train. strength of engagement with local schools and the team’s promotion of A number of initiatives were used to Cape Wrath through the many media engage all partners, including: channels. The Award recognises the enthusiasm and dedication of the • Children from Kinlochbervie High project team and commends the School designing new ration packs relationship that was built up with for the soldiers after being given a RCAHMS. The judges also note the standard MOD-issued ration pack. team were successful in securing DIO • Designing a new milestone to funding and a Heritage Lottery grant for replace the missing 8th mile marker the project, which was vital to its on the 11 mile long public road success. Be very scared! © Crown running through the range from the ferry slipway on the Kyle of Durness To find out more about this project please The aim of Defending the Past (DtP) a which dates back to the mid 1830s. see the article on pages 18 - 19. partnership project between Defence • National photography competition Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) and to generate imagery for a set of

HERITAGE PROJECT AWARD RUNNER UP World War 2 Wrecks in the Eastern Solent maritime invasion of Normandy 1944 time over the past three years. The (Operation NEPTUNE - the maritime Award recognises Alison’s tenacity and phase of – the initiative in developing new skills to invasion of Normandy by sea and the research and document the area and to liberation of France). Alison Mayor from progress the project. The judges also Southsea Sub-Aqua Club led a team of note that the sites have been adopted recreational scuba divers to investigate by the Southsea Sub Aqua Club under a number of wrecks in the area believed the ‘Adopt a Wreck’ scheme, and that to have a D Day connection. The English Heritage is expected to bring a project developed in two phases. test case to protect the Tanks and Phase one was to survey and record the Bulldozers under the ‘Ancient wreck site known as the Tanks and Monuments’ legislation. Bulldozers (near Selsey Bill West Sussex), identify the vehicles and find out how they came to rest on the sea bed. Phase two was to look for, survey and identify the wreck of the Landing Craft tank from which the vehicles were lost.

Alison clearly in her element © Crown The Award Board were impressed by this very practical project with a military The overall aim of the project was to history connection, and with the hard investigate World War 2 wrecks in the work and dedication of the team Eastern Solent with a connection to the carrying out this work in their spare The underwater world of tanks and bulldozers © Crown

6 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 THE SANCTUARY AWARDS

INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD WINNER Robert Tolley shown excellent leadership and difficulties, and building tern nests. implementation skills and the judges Robert’s enthusiasm and hard work are wish to thank him for the tremendous exemplary. achievement of raising awareness and changing attitudes towards the By sharing his experiences and best environment and sustainability. His practices around the region and by initiatives have produced a number of inviting representatives from other ‘firsts’ from the first biomass boiler on a Regional Prime Contrators to military establishment, to the first green conferences he has also raised sedum roof on an industrial military awareness across the wider building, and his efforts in reducing Defence estate. waste and improving recycling that achieved a 70% reduction in waste to landfill. Robert organised Sustainable Solutions days for staff, clients and suppliers, and has involved the local community by forging links with a local school and college.

Robert Tolley © Debut He has also organised Community Days which have involved 484 volunteers Robert Tolley, Environment and giving 3872 hours to activities such as Sustainability Manager for Debut refurbishing Hospice gardens, creating Services (South West) has safe play areas for children with learning Biomass boiler on a military establishment © Debut

INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT award RUNNER UP Helen Clark The Award Board were impressed with recognises her success in implementing Helen’s dedication and determination a wide range of small scale projects by shown in her commitment to spread involving the local community in the word on sustainability across the activities such as litter picking, shrub defence housing estate through the and bulb planting, and communal MODern Housing Solutions (MHS) garden projects. contract. She has developed close working relationships with her The judges also note that MHS won the company’s consultant ecologist to Most Sustainable Private Sector formulate approaches to protected Organisation in the Sustainable FM species, with her supply chain, and the magazine 2010 Awards - an excellent Defence Infrastructure Organisation result and recognised by MHS to be as a Accommodation team to establish a result of Helen’s activities. joint working group to enable delivery of sustainable initiatives. Her motivation Helen Clark © Crown has not waivered and the Award

INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT award HIGHLY COMMENDED Kevin Teesdale On behalf of the MOD the judges wish time he has recruited, organised and to thank Kevin Teesdale, from the motivated countless volunteers who Military Dog Section of Catterick have freely given up their time and Barracks in Bielefeld, Germany, for his effort to maintain and manage the hard work over the last 14 years to fishing lake, memorial garden, pond preserve the wildlife areas on the and beehive conservation area. Catterick estate in Bielefeld. During this

Kevin Teesdale the conservationist © Crown Sanctuary 40 • 2011 7 THE ENERGY AWARDS

Energy AWARD WINNER INDIVIDUAL energy award WINNER PJHQ Sustainable Development Team Les Walshe, Energy Permanent Joint Headquarters, electric buggies, two hybrid cars and Manager, Blandford Northwood is responsible for the two small low emission cars, all planning and execution of overseas resulting in a saving of 9,723 kg CO2. Camp operations and has over the past five years undergone a major The savings achieved under the Blandford Camp, Dorset home to the redevelopment. Sustainable direction of the partnership with the Royal School of Signals is a large and busy development principles including support of the site population have, in site, with a daily footfall of some 4,000 carbon management and energy this year alone, realised an energy personnel. In 2010/11 Les Walshe, the efficiency have been incorporated into saving of 485,971 kilowatt-hour, a sites energy manager was challenged by the programme delivered by the PFI reduction and a saving of £28,340 in the Camp Commandant, to reduce contractors Carillion PLC. utility costs. energy consumption by 10% for that year.

Carillion and the MOD team worked With no funding for spend to save together and delivered a range of projects, Les took the initative and initiatives that made carbon and reviewed the effectiveness of the Building financial savings, whilst maintaining Energy Management System. By making military outputs. These included adjustments to time schedules, adjustment of the heating and air optimisers, compensaters and heating/ conditioning parameters; improved water temperature settings he single lighting; installation of low emission handedly reduced the Garrison’s energy condensing boilers and replacement of consumption beyond the original target a fleet of diesel vehicles with three The team proud of their achievement © Crown by some 12%. Energy AWARD RUNNER UP Abbey Wood Green Travel Campaign

MOD Abbey Wood is one of South Gloucestershire’s largest employers with future increases by 2012 as Defence Equipment and Support concentrates its business activities at the site. The Les saving energy all the way © Crown site’s Environmental Team have An extraordinary 4.2 million kiloWatts implemented the Green Travel of energy was saved, worth in excess Campaign which aims to reduce the of £150,000. The financial savings Les has environmental impact of commuting made from improved energy and business travel and relieve local management have benefited the and site congestion. Garrison in other ways, such as improving The Green Travel Campaign is a big success © Crown soldier living arrangements and training The team implemented a series of facilties. measures and awareness campaigns to parking spaces have been provided encourage employees to use housed within purpose built shelters. alternative means of travelling to work Car sharing has been such a success such as walking, public transport and with staff making use of dedicated cycling. Cycling facilities have been parking spaces that Abbey Wood is one upgraded, changing room and locker of the top car sharing organisations facilities expanded and 800 cycle nationally. INDIVIDUAL energy award RUNNER up Nicky MacNeil, Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde Air Squadron Nicky MacNeil monitoring energy usage © Crown The Universities of Glasgow and Critical to the site’s success was the of a Grade A combi boiler. Nicky also led Strathclyde Air Squadron building effort made by Nicky MacNeil. Nicky communication and staff engagement (UGSAS) in Glasgow, was one of the 25 took the lead and engaged with the activities and introduced tailored heating sites involved in the government-wide facilities management contractor and and IT control policies. commitment to reduce carbon the RAF Utility Management Bureau emissions by 10% within 12 months. Service to deliver a series of carbon Nicky’s dedication and drive ensured the UGSAS not only met the 10% target but saving projects in year in order to meet successful implementation of a local exceed it, achieving an incredible 50% this challenging target. Projects energy management strategy, without reduction. included loft insulation, energy efficient which the significant savings achieved by lighting upgrades and the installation the site would not have been possible. 8 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 FEATURES

With limited funding and very little MOD rises to the carbon time, behavioural change was absolutely crucial to delivering the target. The word was spread throughout the sites using e-mail, reduction challenge display stands, town hall briefings, notice boards and posters, as well as They were supported by a central articles in newsletters to explain the “I don’t want to hear warm words project team formed by staff from the target and encourage everyone to get about the environment. I want to DIO Utilities and Director Business involved. At some sites, staff see real action. I want this to be Resilience Sustainable Development volunteered as energy wardens or the greenest government ever. teams. green champions to raise local Today, I commit us to a 10% awareness of the project. reduction in carbon emissions Key to driving this initiative forward was across central Government in the leadership and a clear commitment to This however, is just the start. A new next twelve months. You’ll be achieve this target cascaded from and even more challenging carbon driving this forward.” Ministers right down to the individual target has been set for all government site manager, then onto their respective departments to reduce estate and staff. A range of actions were This was one of the first business-related transport emissions by implemented and continue to be 25% by 2015. This new target will cover announcements made by the then new applied across the sites including: Prime Minister David Cameron back in a wider scope of the defence estate and will require the MOD to build on past May 2010 and set a challenging • Adjusting heating and cooling commitment on central government to carbon reduction successes where a temperatures and times 19.4% reduction against a 12.5% target reduce its carbon emissions by 10% • Lighting improvements (reducing within 12 months. As one of the largest by 2010/11 was achieved a year early unnecessary lighting or fitting and apply the lessons learned from this contributors to CO2 emissions across movement activated sensors and year to the rest of the estate. the government estate, MOD stepped replacing existing light bulbs with up to the challenge achieving an energy saving ones) excellent 14% reduction, some MOD’s future energy reduction success • Installing energy efficient boilers will depend upon spend-to-save 9,000tCO2 by May 2011. • Improvements to insulation in investment, improved asset utilisation buildings But what does this reduction actually and importantly the everyday small • Reducing the number of lifts in measures taken by all staff. Not only will mean? Well, it is the equivalent of action heating around 3,000 average three using less energy save money across • Use of timers on electrical defence, but it will also help us meet bedroom semi-detached houses for an equipment entire year, or printing 142 million the challenge to continue to reduce • Implementing weekend and holiday our carbon footprint. sheets of A4 paper, which would take shutdowns you 13 years to complete! • Staff behavioural change (switching Rebekah Jones PCs and monitors off when not in DIO Central Programme Office for Energy For MOD the 10% challenge applied to use; only printing when necessary 25 sites that make up the civil office and printing double sided) estate and included Abbey Wood in Bristol, Kentigern House in Glasgow and various Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) offices.

The headquarters at Main Building in played a major part in several Whitehall specific initiatives, including installing a real-time energy display system which allows the building’s energy use to be constantly updated and can be viewed on line at Main Building also came top of the Whitehall league by making a huge 46% emission reduction over the Christmas period, saving approximately £13,000 (or 155,000kWh) worth of electricity compared to the same period in 2009/2010.

The level of hard work and initiative shown by the staff, and our facility management partners across all of the sites involved was tremendous. Ministry of Defence, Main Building, Whitehall © Crown

Sanctuary 40 • 2011 9 FEATURES

Castlemartin Access Project

Colonel Richard Howard-Gash, Commander DTE Wales and West and Jane Davidson, Welsh Assembly Government Environment Minister at the opening of the Castlemartin Range Trail © Crown Primarily, the Castlemartin Range Trail policy presumption in favour of public For many years restrictions to (CRT) was created to provide a 10km access, where safe and appropriate, and public access on Castlemartin stretch of multi-user path around the is a great example of true partnership range within the Pembrokeshire northern boundary of the range, working across many organisations. Coast National Park (PCNP) has enabling users of the Pembrokeshire been an emotive issue. With Coast Path to remain off-road at all Alongside the CRT additional access increasing pressure from times, even during firing periods. The improvements have been made: emerging coastal access route also uses some National Trust initiatives in Wales, the subject land. Prior to its existence users were • Two new mobile sentry posts have was repeatedly being raised by forced to use dangerous narrow lanes been provided to enable minimal other government departments around the ranges. This had been an closures of the cliff top path in range and non-governmental issue at Castlemartin for many years East during periods of limited firing organisations at a local and and had been raised on many enabling recreational visitors more national level. occasions by users, local authorities and time to enjoy Castlemartin Ranges’ the Countryside Council for Wales breathtaking scenery. (CCW). • The climber’s cliff top path in Range The Castlemartin Access Project was West clearly way-marked to ensure instigated following consultations on The multi-user trail is designed for that climbers can be certain of where improving access to the range led by walkers, horse riders and off-road the safe route runs. Defence Training Estates (DTE) and the cyclists and has the added benefit of • Clearer signage and information Access and Recreation Team (ART) from great panoramic views of the range and provided at the Stack Rocks Road Defence Infrastructure Organisation’s the Castlemartin coast. By linking with car-park to ensure that only briefed Environmental Advisory Services (DIO existing rights of way the CRT also personnel enter into Range West. EAS) as a direct result of the external provides circular routes around Range • Additional access to Range West pressure for improved access. The East during non-firing periods. granted to climbers during summer resulting study made recommendations evenings. into improving public access and a The route has now been included as project board was established, part of the ‘All Wales Coastal Path’ to be The project board members have all consisting of MOD staff and external opened in 2012. This initiative been key to the success of this project. partner organisations. highlights MOD’ s commitment to our Since June 2008 each board member

10 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 FEATURES

The official opening of the CRT by the Welsh Assembly Environment Minister, Jane Davidson, in November 2010 received wide media coverage has added value through their specialist • Range safety inspections undertaken local walkers and tourists but also knowledge and have been supported and additional signage and fencing with climbers who have greater by range staff and many external put in place to ensure public safety. access to pitches. organisations. Enthusiasm for the • Agreement that the path should project has been huge, with support remain permissive to ensure MOD The CRT was 100% funded by WAG via from the Welsh Assembly Government could retain operational flexibility CCW and PCNPA. The original offer of (WAG) and local individuals alike. The for future training. This agreement 75% funding was increased to 100% day to day management and delivery allows for the avoidance of very wet when the MOD agreed to allow the CRT of the trail was undertaken by ground found along some lengths of to become part of the official ‘All Wales Landmarc Support Services (LSS) and the CRT. Rather than engineer Coastal Path’. This is recognition of the local contractors overseen by the PCNP expensive drainage solutions, the standard of, and public interest in, the Castlemartin Ranger, who is part MOD or Pembrokeshire Coast route. The additional mobile sentry funded by DIO. The delivery of the CRT National Park Authority (PCNPA) can posts, climbers path waymarking and to tight timescales and financial close wet sections of the path, Stack Rocks Road car-park signage were constraints has required a huge amount diverting the path back to its original all funded by the MOD. of dedication from the project team. road route, to protect the route from The enthusiasm and expectation raised heavy poaching and to ensure that The official opening of the CRT by the externally by the promise of the CRT members of the public avoiding Welsh Assembly Environment Minister, and other access improvements flooded ground do not stray Jane Davidson, in November 2010 ensured that the staff involved inadvertently into the range. received wide media coverage. The remained very focussed on the delivery • The use of mobile sentry posts on project’s progress was also monitored timetable, managing the expectations Range East has been welcomed and reported on by BBC Radio Wales. of many along the way. Despite many locally and gives the majority of This media coverage has highlighted issues and difficulties that arose during casual visitors to the cliff tops far not only the route itself but the wider the project implementation, staff greater access on to the range. This environmental stewardship at remained positive and determined to novel management of range safety Castlemartin range and across the rest deliver this high profile route. Particular has won great favour not only with of the defence estate. The project has mention should be made of Lynne Houlston, the Castlemartin Ranger, who was paramount to the success of project delivery on the ground.

The project has successfully managed a range of stakeholders and their objectives. The project, and in particular the CRT, has been driven by the strength and determination of all the parties and is an example of how a ‘can do’ attitude can overcome obstacles. Key successes of the project include:

• Path standards agreed between MOD, contractors, CCW and the National Park – all of whom had different expectations! • A signage and waymarking strategy agreed including a trail emblem. Signage and direction indicators had to be bi-lingual (English and Welsh) to meet with funders conditions. • Tenant farmers and graziers brought onside to ensure that their stock management enabled safe passage of the route. • Ecological and archaeological consultations undertaken to ensure that path works were undertaken avoiding sensitive areas or times. Cyclist pushing his bike at the far western end of the CRT © Crown

Sanctuary 40 • 2011 11 FEATURES

demonstrated to a wide audience that It is a flagship of partnership working The future….Watch this space the MOD can, and does, work to deliver and is a success on many levels for all of on its environmental policy in the stakeholders and users. The path is The CRT is now the focus of a project partnership with a huge variety of well used and appreciated thanks to led by the Bumblebee Conservation stakeholders. promotion by all the project partners. Trust to improve bumblebee habitat connectivity for some of the scarcest The project has brought together a Richard Brooks species. Habitat management and huge number of interested parties and DIO EAS Senior Access and Recreation improvement will be supplemented by stakeholders and delivered successfully. Advisor information and interpretation along It has forged partnerships and built the route making the CRT and the trust and awareness between each range a bumblebee stronghold in West organisation as the project has Wales. developed.

The project board which oversaw the implementation of the access project consisted of: DIO EAS Senior Access and Recreation Advisor Richard Brooks (Chair) DTE Wales and West Commander Col Richard Howard-Gash (previously Lt Col Peter Hollins; Lt Col Johnny Rogers) DTE HQ Staff Nigel Hayward (previously Lt Col Paul Norrington-Davies; Major Hamish Miln) DTE Castlemartin Range Officer Major Paul Snelling DIO Land Management Services Lisa Payne Landmarc Support Services Anna Sutcliffe Countryside Council for Wales Bob Haycock Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority CRT along the front of Merrion Camp © Crown Lynne Houlston The National Trust Richard Ellis Further project support was made available from: DIO Environmental Advisory Services staff Castlemartin Range and Landmarc Support Services staff Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority staff Pembrokeshire County Council Tenant farmers/graziers Dyfed Archaeological Trust The British Horse Society The Ramblers The British Mountaineering Council © Crown Castlemartin Range East Cliffs – made more available to climbers through improved access management

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Defending Development

40 Commando on operations in Afghanistan © Crown

compounds; Counter Improvised Over a third of the 240,000 hectares (ha) Regular readers of Sanctuary Explosive Device (C-IED) lanes, as well of defence estate is designated as Site Magazine will be fully aware as new tracks, firing points and targetry. of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), and that much of the UK’s defence On the test and evaluation estate there almost all of this SSSI area is also estate has high importance and have been programmes to upgrade protected as part of the Natura 2000 communications infrastructure and Network, Special Protection Areas (SPA) value for wildlife. create new magazines to enhance and/or Special Areas of Conservation safety. Airfields have had new hangars (SAC). Over 30,000ha are within and taxiways to accommodate new National Parks and 18,000ha are within This is because the estate largely aircraft, munitions depots have had Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty escaped twentieth century agricultural new fencing, and at each of the naval (AONBs) (or devolved equivalents). improvement, urbanisation and bases there are new and upgraded Three case studies are presented to fragmentation, and many jetties to build and berthing pockets to illustrate how we successfully integrate establishments stand out as islands of dredge. Many of these developments both military training and nature rich biodiversity in a sea of arable fields have been within designated sites, conservation objectives through careful and urban sprawl. One legacy of this and all have had the potential to planning and effective liaison between ‘sanctuary’ is that because natural affect protected species and military, environmental and habitats and species have declined so wider biodiversity. construction subject matter experts. drastically in the wider landscape, the MOD has significant statutory responsibilities to protect and maintain its natural heritage, and potentially faces significant obstacles when it needs to develop the estate.

Recent developments on the Defence Training Estate (DTE) have mainly focused on recreating the ‘Contemporary Operating Environment’ for predeployment training, including networks of Forward Operating Bases (FOBs); mock Afghan villages and STANTA Westmere FOB © Crown

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CASE STUDIES In terms of administration, the project strimmed before work commenced so required a Sustainability Appraisal, an Ecological Clerk of Works was Habitats Regulations Assessment, present during the topsoil stripping. Salisbury Plain Training Area: Planning Permission and a Felling Baden’s Clump Complex Licence, but was not subject to statutory Environmental Impact Magilligan Underslung This recently completed complex is one Grenade Launcher (UGL) Range of many training facilities that together Assessment. Practically, a number of replicate the “Contemporary Operating impact avoidance and mitigation In 2010 DTE identified urgent Environment” on Salisbury Plain. It measures were used. Removal of a few operational requirements for a series of comprises nine Afghan-style compounds mature Scots pine Pinus sylvestris was new ranges for training with the with 3m high concrete walls, and required in order to construct the Under-slung Grenade Launcher (UGL), provides a series of tight fighting feature and there were records of a rare which is used on operations in spaces, with a number of Explosive bird (listed on Schedule 1 of the Wildlife Afghanistan. After an assessment of Method of Entry points. It can be used and Countryside Act) nesting in the troop location and site availability HQ for conventional and counter area. However, as the majority of these DTE directed that one of the ranges insurgency training, to deliver combat trees were retained it was not felt that should be constructed at Magilligan team, hybrid-foundation training and this would result in any detrimental Training Centre (MTC) in Northern mission-specific training objectives. impacts on this species. There were no to meet the needs of 19 Bde records of any other rare birds and the units completing Mission Specific Despite being within the boundary of nearest nesting area for stone curlew Training prior to deployment on Op Salisbury Plain SSSI/SAC/SPA the nature Burhinus oedicnemus (an SPA feature) Herrick, Afghanistan. conservation impact of the was some distance away and not visible development has been kept low by from the training feature. Unusually for Magilligan Training Centre covers 911ha careful choice of location. There was no the area no signs of badger were noted. of dune habitats at a stunning location species-rich grassland in the on the north coast of County development footprint, which is almost The only potential impact was assessed Londonderry. The dune system is one entirely within a young, plantation. to be on the rough grassland which of the largest and most important in Some areas of species poor, rough could support small mammals, insects and 795ha is grassland have been lost, but the and the protected species slow worm designated as an Area of Special presence of the plantations meant that Anguis fragilis, and common lizard Scientific Interest (ASSI) and a SAC. Any the area could not be easily grazed so Zootoca vivipara. However, this impact new military development therefore there was little potential for the species was assessed as low in the context of needs careful planning to secure assent richness to improve. Some chalk tracks the wider environment and was from the Northern Ireland Environment in the vicinity had the potential to minimised by carefully removing scrub Agency. support fairy shrimp Chirocephalus and bramble by hand and strimming diaphanus, a SSSI species. These tracks grassland before work commenced to In order to minimise the impact of the will remain and greater usage of the encourage animals to disperse. UGL range it was based around the area should result in increased Vegetatation arisings were stacked to footprint of an existing 400m rifle range disturbance and therefore an increase form habitat piles/hibernation sites at with the addition of a new main firing in suitable habitat for this species. the edges of the surrounding point, stop butts, bunds and grenade plantations. One small area was not landing area. The size and shape of the new range meant there would be some encroachment on to the ASSI with 600m2 of dune grassland potentially being lost. There were other secondary impacts associated with the project such as the risk of ground disturbance during construction and an increased risk of fire during range operations.

To ensure that there was net biodiversity gain rather than loss, control and mitigation measures incorporated into the project included allowing the bare bunds to re-vegetate naturally; restoring grazing across 2000m2 within the old rifle range footprint to encourage reversion to dune grassland; and the installation of firebreaks to control the fire risk. These and other measures ensured that favourable conservation status of the fixed dune grassland was not compromised and the project went ahead to provide realistic pre- deployment preparation. Salisbury Plain Training Area Afghan compound © Crown

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Bovington Counter Improvised Dorset Heaths SPA and SAC. It is also an Explosive Device Lanes area that supports a good population Roles and Responsibilities in of sand lizard Lacerta agilis a European The Chief of the General Staff and Protected Species and so avoiding any Development Commander Force Development impact on the animals and their habitat The ways in which developments are Training have directed that the British was an important consideration during planned and delivered are varied. Army is to ‘train as it needs to fight’. This the construction and operation of Those involved may include internal has prompted a need to ‘contemporise’ the lanes. MOD staff such as military users and the training facilities across the defence trainers, site staff, and environmental estate including those at Bovington The layout of the C-IED lanes was and planning subject matter experts; Training Area in Dorset. Amongst the designed to minimise the area of sand external contractors such as civil many recent training area lizard habitat that was affected. engineers and environmental enhancements is the construction of Appropriate sites for storing materials consultants; external regulators such as C-IED lanes. IEDs, also known as and access routes for construction Natural and Local Planning roadside bombs, have been responsible traffic were selected to ensure habitat for 66% of casualties in the current Authorities; as well as non- was not damaged by vehicles or plant. governmental organisations, local Afghanistan conflict and preparing This meant the principle impact of the experts and other interested parties. troops to combat this threat is an C-IED lane development was the essential part of pre-deployment conversion of 240m2 of dense self sown training. Different types of C-IED pine and underlying sand/gravel The role of MOD Conservation Groups lanes are required to detect and avoid substrate to sand. The development did (CGs) varies across the country and an IED from within a vehicle (mounted) not damage any heathland but it did between projects. Members provide or on foot (dismounted). remove any potential for the restoration baseline information and raise of heathland in the future. For this awareness of important site features To provide a realistic facility at reason a small amount of mitigation through discussion and reports to CG Bovington an area 40 metres long and was undertaken, removing self sown meetings, and the development of site 6 metres wide was required with a soft pine trees from a 0.1ha of heathland dossiers, sensitivity mapping and vehicle track through the middle. This adjacent to the C-IED lanes. This work conservation management plans. CGs area was excavated to a depth of exposed areas of mature heather and a may be directly consulted in the design 800mm and backfilled with sand. south facing bank to restore some and environmental impact assessment Training IEDs can then be buried good quality sand lizard habitat. In the of developments, but this is not always anywhere within the lane to a depth of long term the C-IED lanes themselves possible, especially when timescales are 500mm. Locating the dismounted could become valuable breeding tight or where external contractors are C-IED lane adjacent to the mounted habitat if the IED threat is reduced and unaware that CGs exist. Many CG lane was important so they could be the lanes are no longer required for members are consultees for Town and used in conjunction with each other to training. Country Planning and other regulatory provide a more realistic and coherent processes, and can and do use their training exercise. Dr Stuart Otway knowledge of the estate to comment Senior Natural Environment Advisor, DIO on proposals, sometimes identifying Several locations were considered for issues and impacts that need further the lanes but most were unsuitable Oliver Howells attention, but often countering because of their impact on other Natural Environment Advisor, DIO training activities or sensitive habitats objections from those less familiar with the defence estate. CGs also provide an across what is a very busy training area. Julie Swain invaluable role by helping us monitor The chosen location was partly within Natural Environment Advisor, DIO Turners Puddle Heath SSSI and the the estate, enabling us to continue to balance training and environmental objectives through long-term and large-scale adaptive management.

The Strategic Defence and Security Review has already led to the formation of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, and over the next few years there will be major changes and reductions in internal staffing; new streamlined estates processes; and competitions for the Next Generation Estates Contracts. It is important that throughout these changes we continue to maintain early and open dialogue, so that we can continue to improve both the natural environment and the training value of the estate.

Members of 63 Squadron (Queens Colour Squadron) RAF Regiment use metal detectors to check for IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) ahead of a patrol around Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan© Crown

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As a forester for the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) I have The Warcop Training Area had the privilege of working on some of the most beautiful areas of the defence estate. My favourite, by far, is Woodland Creation Warcop Training Area (WTA) in Cumbria. Warcop is undoubtedly one of our most impressive training areas. Covering Scheme nearly 10,000 hectares (ha), it forms part of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and over 50% of the estate has been designated within the Appleby Fells and Site of Special Scientific Interest. The training area has its origins as a tank gunnery range, established in 1942, to prepare troops for the invasion of mainland Europe.

The existing woodlands at Warcop, some 150ha, provides a valuable military training resource, with excellent potential for future development. They are an integral part of the landscape and make a significant contribution to enhancing biodiversity within the training area. The Warcop Integrated Rural Management Plan recognised the potential for enhancing woodland cover on the training area but funding constraints have prevented these aspirations from being realised.

To overcome this problem, the DIO Forestry team have increasingly explored opportunities to work in partnership with estate stakeholders with a shared interest in woodland Planting the woodland © Crown creation. This has culminated in DIO and the Woodland Trust entering into An innovative funding model for an agreement, in 2011, to jointly explore the potential for and facilitate woodland creation on the public estate woodland creation across the defence estate.

Working with the Woodland Trust, developing on an existing partnership with the North Pennines AONB Partnership, the opportunity arose for the establishment of 160ha of new native woodland on WTA. This represents a 106% increase in woodland cover on the estate. This was jointly funded by the North Pennines AONB and the Woodland Trust. The North Pennines AONB provided funding from their Living North Pennines project. The Woodland Trust have secured sponsorship from both Waitrose and Eurocamp, through participation in their Woodland Carbon Scheme which allows individuals and businesses to mitigate their carbon emissions by funding the creation of The woodland creation project nearing completion © Crown

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native woodland. The project is now being used as an example of how the woodland carbon scheme can work by the Forestry Commission.

Whilst enhancing the estate for military training was always the primary driver for this project, new woodland locations were chosen for the contribution they would make to enhancing biodiversity habitats for species such as the red squirrel and the landscape. The majority of the sites were ultimately selected for their direct benefit to the long term integrity of woodland within the wider landscape context.

The woodland will be planted over two years. The initial phase of the woodland creation scheme involved the planting Enhancing the biodiversity of the woodland © Crown of around 40ha jointly funded by the Woodland Trust and the AONB. This was in addition to 10ha of new woodland planted last year by local community groups and volunteers, resulting in around 50ha being planted during the 2010/2011 planting season. The remaining 110ha will be planted by the end of 2012.

The woodlands are to be planted using 0.7 or 1.2 metre tree tubes, at an average stocking density of 1100 trees per hectare which equates to 176,000 trees for the whole project. All the species are native to the area and, when available, of local provenance. The woodlands have been designed around the National Vegetation Classification (NVC) W9 upland mixed broadleaved woodland. The species will include ash, downy birch, rowan, hawthorn, hazel, sessile oak, alder, holly, aspen and bird cherry, characteristic of the ancient semi-natural woodlands found in the northern Pennines The majority of the new woodland will be planted in areas still grazed by sheep and the management of grazing is key to the successful establishment of the woodland. This project therefore also acts to highlight how, given the right circumstances, woodland creation and upland farming can be compatible, with any marginal effects on the estate’s graziers mitigated by maintaining agricultural payments.

Jez Kalkowski Head Regional Forester Defence Infrastructure Organisation

Completed section of the woodland © Crown

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Defending the Past

Pupils from Durness Primary School – be scared! © Crown Durness, with a population of about slipway on the Kyle of Durness is The aim of the project was to 300, is the most north-westerly village marked by milestones which date to cultivate an understanding of the on the British mainland and is one of the mid 1830s. The RCAHMS 2008 cultural and built heritage of the the few remaining villages of its size in survey highlighted that the 8th mile military training area by the local mainland Scotland that is accessed only marker was missing and pupils from community - and for the by single track road. It is located 103 Kinlochbervie High School designed a community to share that miles from the nearest city, Inverness, new milestone which was duly erected understanding with the troops and is immediately adjacent to CWTC, in its rightful position. who come to Cape Wrath to train. one of the most important training areas in the British Isles used by all three By offering a range of activities DtP had branches of the armed forces. A Project many strings to its bow. Informal Thomas Edison had a lightbulb Manager, Laura Gutierrez, was lectures on the heritage of Cape Wrath moment when he declared that employed specifically for the DtP were provided by staff of RCAHMS and ‘Success is 10 percent inspiration and project with regular input from DIO and DIO and in the summer months, a 90 percent perspiration’. Well, if Mr RCAHMS staff. professional storyteller, Bob Pegg, met Edison had taken part in the Defending with a number of local residents with the Past project based around the Cape One of the first activities in early 2010 memories or connections to Cape Wrath Training Centre (CWTC) he would was a primary school visit to Faraid Wrath in order to document their have included a dash of determination, Head, the range’s military control tower, stories on an audio recording. Material a splash of education and more than a where students learnt more about the from RCAHMS’ extensive collections jot of jubilation. Defending the Past current military use of the training were made available and such was the (DtP), a jointly-run, year-long project centre and met soldiers from the Black interest in the range of aerial with Defence Infrastructure Watch regiment who spoke of their photographic images of Durness and Organisation (DIO), formerly Defence recent tour to Afghanistan. Children its environs that a framed series of Estates and the Royal Commission on from the school designed new ration these images are now permanently the Ancient and Historical Monuments packs for the soldiers after displayed in Durness Village of Scotland (RCAHMS), has come to a being given a standard MOD-issued Community Hall. close. What started off as a survey of the ration pack. architecture and archaeology of the The project coincided with a prominent CWTC in north-west Sutherland Pupils from Durness Primary School also week-long community running event developed into a community project visited the famous Stevenson (the Cape Wrath Challenge) in May. which took on board field trips, range lighthouse, built in 1828 on the tip of Taking advantage of the influx of camping, a photographic competition, Cape Wrath. The 11 mile long public visitors who enter the various running The Cape Wrath Challenge marathon, a road running from the lighthouse events on offer, a project stall ‘designer’ milestone and art installations. through the range down to the ferry containing information about the

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heritage of the area was set up in the The final 52 card photographs were what spring to mind when we think of Village Hall and several guided walks drawn from the competition entrants, archaeology and our cultural heritage. looking at significant sites of DIO’s image library, the RCAHMS But there is a growing awareness that archaeological interest were undertaken. collections and that of the Sutherland the past is all around us and it needn’t Project staff from RCAHMS and DIO also Partnership who provided images of be hundreds or thousands of years old. participated in the beach run and relay local wildlife and plants. A Range The objects of the recent past are the marathon as part of the Cape Wrath Warden, Tony Jackson, provided archaeology of tomorrow or even of Challenge, finishing a commendable assistance with the captions for a today. The abandoned hulk on the fourth out of 11 teams. number of photographs. range has as much a story to tell as the Viking house next to it. By working A highlight of DtP was an overnight Educational, informative and enjoyable with the members of the local camping trip on the training area for though DtP was, there was of course a community, and in particular the pupils of Kinlochbervie High School. serious message to the project…. Yes, younger generation, DtP has shown Before the trip the pupils formulated Cape Wrath is a remote and beautiful that military training, conservation, and firmed-up their ideas under the area, yes it’s home to remarkable community involvement, access, guidance of environmental artist Ruth biodiversity and yes there are the education and teamwork are part and Macdougall. These included ‘re- remains of archaeological and cultural parcel of the responsible running of a designing’ several of the Armoured heritage importance….but it is also one major military training area. Personnel Carriers used as targets and of the most important training areas in creating colourful signs which pointed the country where the serious business Phil Abramson out sites of heritage significance to of military training is available to all Archaeological Advisor, DIO soldiers using the training area. The three services. Reconciling all these interests was a major aim of the project camping trip allowed them to see their Laura Gutierrez and its success can perhaps best be final design concepts implemented on DtP Project Manager summed up by those who took part in the training area itself. A huge some of the activities: contributory factor towards the success Major David Halpin of the overnight camp was the “I learnt much more about what actually Commandant CWTC presence of the Cape Wrath Training happens at Cape Wrath. A lot of things I Centre Commandant, Major David learnt I didn’t know before and kind of Acknowledgements: Halpin. Under the supervision of Major surprised me” (S1 pupil, Kinlochbervie We are grateful to the HLF, Sutherland Halpin the children did physical High School). training, team sports and set up a Partnership and the Live Literature Fund, fantastic beach barbeque. managed by the Scottish Book Trust for “We visited Faraid Head Military Control their financial support. Local Community Facility and pupils found the experience In May 2010, the project launched a residents Ronnie Lansley and Graham very interesting. It was good to get the Bruce and a host of other village national photography competition to perspective of current military use. The find photographs for a set of playing members supported the project, as did pupils saw the range of skills and staff of Durness Primary School and cards with an environmental theme teamwork needed to conduct this sort of that could be handed out to troops Kinlochbervie High School. DIO staff were military activity” (Teacher, Kinlochbervie extremely helpful, particularly Iain using the training area. The competition High School) received wide media coverage and Robertson and Major Kim Torp-Petersen and Project Manager Laura Gutierrez generated over 235 entries, with a Stone Circles, Roman Forts, Time Team, number submitted by local residents. worked her socks off to keep us all to burials, bones and bling are usually budget and timetable. No mean feat!

Physical training on the beach, the fireman’s lift© Crown Winning eighth milestone © Crown

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Avoiding collateral damage Assessing the impact of weapons testing activities at MOD Pendine

Common scoter duck © Graham Maples

MOD Pendine is situated on the north Britain as it is the most important UK the sea danger area and are particularly shore of Carmarthen Bay, south west site for migratory and overwintering sensitive to underwater explosions and Wales, and operated on behalf of the common scoter ducks. related noises. In addition to being MOD by QinetiQ Ltd. During WWII the considered ‘typical species’ of the site was selected to become the UK’s Following QinetiQ’s recent application marine SAC, cetaceans are also main Small Arms Ammunition (SAA) to renew the range‘s Food and European Protected Species (EPS) and Test and Evaluation (T&E) facility, firing Environmental Protection Act (FEPA) have legal protection in their own right. and tracking bullets out over the 18km license (which permits the deposit of Last but by no means least, there are Sea Danger Area. The site also hosts a materials in the sea), the Countryside regular sightings of leatherback turtles wide variety of other trials activities and Council for Wales (CCW), as statutory in the Bay that feed here on jellyfish training exercises, mainly based in the advisor to the Welsh Assembly blooms. Leatherbacks are an EPS and sand dunes, but also on the beach and Government and other competent are listed by the International Union for in the sea. authorities and as a consultee on the Conservation of Nature as Critically FEPA application, completed a ‘test of Endangered. In 2002 the sand dunes, intertidal likely significant effect’ to identify and habitats and associated species at highlight issues likely to undermine the As the initial assessment had identified Pendine were re-designated as the conservation objectives for the potential impacts, an appropriate enlarged Laugharne - Pendine Burrows designated sites. assessment (AA) by the MOD was Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI); required. UK and NATO T&E activities the first SSSI notification that included This assessment identified potential were at risk of restrictions and possibly MOD Pendine dates back to 1953. The habitats and species found at MOD impacts on scoter ducks and their stoppages unless it could be proven Pendine are not only of national habitat. During the winter, scoter feed beyond reasonable scientific doubt that importance – they are remarkable in large numbers in the Bay, by diving there would be no adverse effect on within a European context. for invertebrates. Potential disturbance the integrity of the European sites. Consequently, the Carmarthen Bay and damage to intertidal and subtidal Dunes Special Area of Conservation habitats, were also recognised as DIO’s internal Environmental Advisory (SAC) and the Carmarthen Bay and threats to the SACs and SPA, including Services started an extensive desktop Estuaries SAC were designated more contamination by lead and other metal study to address the issues, with CCW recently, under the EC Habitats and components of projectiles. providing detailed reports on Species Directive. In 2003, Carmarthen Furthermore, dolphins and other invertebrates, marine mammals, the Bay was also classified as the first wholly cetaceans are regular visitors to SPA scoter population, and the various marine Special Protection Area (SPA) in Carmarthen Bay; they are known to use fish species that are special features of

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the results, approximately 27,500kg (i.e. Marine Environmental Monitoring (Rod Penrose) 27.5 tonnes) of lead would need to be Sightings of live leatherbacks (1908-2003) deposited each year in order to exceed the seawater EQS. The Pendine sea = Rhizostoma distribution 2003 contamination register, showed that in 2007 and 2008 lead deposits were less than 1-2% of this level. There was still a need to confirm these modelling predictions, and also to establish whether there was any accumulation of heavy metals within the sediments of Carmarthen Bay.

The Environment Agency Wales provided ten years of water quality monitoring data, including dissolved heavy metals. Samples from shellfish beds adjacent to Pendine and Pembrey Sands had an average dissolved lead concentration of 0.1 micrograms (μg/l), peaking at 1.46 μg/l, therefore well below the commonly used 25 μg/l Diagram showing the sightings of live leatherback turtles in Welsh waters and the rhizostoma jelllyfish distribution marine EQS and guideline toxicity (1908-2003). Map courtesy of Dr Jonathan Houghton. levels. This allowed us to conclude that the Carmarthen Bay SAC (river and sea of SAA fired into the sea. This report there was no dissolved lead lamprey, and Allis and Twaite shad). provided a detailed assessment of the contamination of the adjacent shellfish composition and degradation of fired beds nor the wider Carmarthen Bay and A key document for understanding the SAA, including the rates and modes of its designated nature conservation sites. possible environmental risk from heavy release of copper and lead into metals was a Defence Science and seawater, and comparison of expected Seabed sediment samples were taken Technology Laboratory study into the concentrations with environmental by QinetiQ and analysed for heavy ecotoxicology and environmental fate quality standards (EQS). Extrapolating metals, in particular lead, copper and

Pendine © QinetiQ

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be no adverse effect on the integrity of Lead sample analysis results the SACs and SPA and to reduce residual impacts to the minimum. The controls were also designed so that the range 12 activities would not result in any offence being committed under European 10 Protected Species legislation. The Welsh 8 Government accepted this assessment and duly renewed the site’s FEPA 6 Series 1 license.

ad mg/kg Several QinetiQ staff have now been Le 4 trained as Marine Mammal Observers 2 with elements to cover cetaceans, seals, turtles and scoter ducks to enable a 0 2km exclusion zone to be visually 0102030 checked prior to firing. Additional Stop Butts on small arms ranges are planned Sand sample no. to further reduce deposits of lead. Passive acoustic monitoring will also be employed from the Range Safety Boat Graph showing lead concentrations in sediment samples taken from the range danger area to determine if cetaceans, in particular antimony. All results showed levels well The most sensitive groups are those harbour porpoise are in the vicinity below guideline concentrations with air-filled cavities, such as mammals prior to detonations. Underwater demonstrating that range activities (including humans), turtles and also fish explosive tests will be timed to avoid over the past 70 years have not caused with swim bladders, with smaller fish the main fish aggregations in April, May significant seabed sediment being most sensitive to injury. Safe and September and there will be a “slow contamination. distances for mammals and turtles are start” procedure adopted to scare usually quoted as over 1km, although remaining mammals and fish from the The graph shows that lead recent Joint Nature Conservation area prior to detonation of larger concentrations in sediment samples Committee guidance suggests that charges. taken from the range danger area cetaceans can be disturbed up to (11-30), averaged 6 mg per kg, much 1.5km. Empirical models predict that These and other conditions are all now lower than the commonly used 35mg/ for a 500kg munition, safe distances for enshrined in Pendine’s Standing Orders, kg EQS, and lower than levels in swim bladder fish can be up to 900m; Environmental Management System, samples 1-10 which were taken from safe distances for invertebrates vary and the new Integrated Rural the public beach and areas adjacent to from 200m (crabs) to 17m (shrimp), and Management Plan. Pendine village. The slightly elevated non-swim bladder fish such as flounder levels adjacent to the range may be due have 90% survivability as close as 11m, The working practices between the to roof and road run-off and sewage which is surprising. MOD, QinetiQ and their consultant, and treatment effluent. CCW that were adopted during the It was decided to contract in Habitats Regulations Assessment Having determined that contamination consultancy support to complete the process can only be described as one of was not a significant issue, we were ecological impact assessment for Best Practice, and it is hoped it will set then able to focus on the risks of marine trials and training at Pendine. an example for future cooperation underwater explosions killing, injuring QinetiQ commissioned Dr Andy and collaboration. or disturbing mammals, fish and Woolmer of Salacia-Marine, a fisheries invertebrates, and the risk of SAA trials management and marine ecological Dr Stuart Otway resulting in killing, injuring or impact assessment specialist, who had Senior Natural Environment Advisor, DIO disturbance to the 17,000 common studied the benthic ecology of scoter which overwinter annually in Carmarthen Bay for his PhD thesis. The Mike Hodges the Bay. task was to review the desktop study Health, Safety and Environmental and contamination data, analyse Advisor, QinetiQ, Pendine Range Underwater explosives activities at possible effects on the various habitats Pendine include munitions of up to and species in the Bay, and to liaise with Dr Ziggy Otto 500kg Net Explosive Quantity. The CCW and other stakeholders to agree Senior Marine Conservation Officer, propagation of underwater pressure how these could best be reduced or Countryside Council for Wales, and waves is well understood and over the avoided by additional controls and School of Law, Swansea University, past 50 years various empirical studies mitigation measures, and the Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP have measured the impacts on different significance of any residual effects. groups of marine wildlife. Survivability and safe distances have been found to The resulting reports enabled the MOD vary not just with source intensity, but and CCW to identify and formulate also with water depth, and the depth, appropriate controls and mitigation size and species of the receiving animal. measures to make sure that there would

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The Million Ponds Project bringing back clean water to the countryside

Spangled water beetle Graphoderus zonatus © Roger Key

When 80% of our most threatened sensitive wetland species like tassel how the land is managed – field drains freshwater plants and animals rely on stonewort Tolypella intricata squeezed can be blocked or diverted, livestock clean water, it is worrying to discover into increasingly isolated pockets of numbers reduced, a small field left that clean water is now a rarity across clean water, like the Otmoor Ranges. unploughed and unfertilised, much of Britain. Progress is being made woodland, rough grassland or to clean up rivers and lakes, sorting out The good news is that by creating lots heathland created. the most polluting sewage works of new, clean water ponds across the and pumping millions of pounds into UK, we can both strengthen Freshwater gems on the agri-environment schemes, but these populations and link them up to defence estate still have a long way to go. For many of provide long-term protection in these Ponds can be very rich, supporting our larger waterbodies we’ve so far climatically uncertain times. failed to get them back to their once more species across a landscape than rivers, lakes, ditches or streams, and also wildlife-rich condition. But don’t lose Fortunately, it’s possible to create clean more rare species. And whilst ponds heart – there is another way to protect water ponds even in landscapes where make up just 5% of the total area of our freshwater wildlife. We just need to larger waterbodies are heavily polluted. freshwater habitats, they alone support think small, which is exactly what This is because ponds have relatively populations of between two-thirds and Pond Conservation and Defence small catchments – the area of land Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) three-quarters of all freshwater species. around a pond that feeds water into it have done. To see examples of what ponds can – so clean water ponds can be dug in and should be like, look no further than quite small patches of ‘clean’ land. And Clean water: what, why and the defence estate. where even if there is no existing ‘clean’ land, it’s still possible to create small clean The New Pill on the Otmoor Ranges is The bad news is that many freshwater patches by making simple changes to habitats in the UK are in a poor state. one of the best ponds in the UK, with There are no longer any undamaged rich assemblages of plants and animals rivers left in lowland England and Wales, that you only get at clean water sites, and even the tiniest water courses are such as tubular water-dropwort widely impacted: 87% of English Oenanthe fistulosa. The large headwater streams show signs of drawdown zone – the area between biological degradation east of a line the high and low water levels is what from the Humber to Dorset. helps make this pond so rich. Among the many plants it supports is the only Ponds are just as bad: only 8% of ponds Oxfordshire population of Red Data in England and Wales are in a pristine Book plant lesser water-plantain state biologically. This leaves our more Baldellia ranunculoides. Tassel stonewort Tolypella intricata © Stephen Lambert Sanctuary 40 • 2011 23 FEATURES

MOD land supports many of the UK’s best ponds, mainly because the majority of the estate is protected from the all pervasive impacts of modern agriculture on the water environment. In Sanctuary Magazine 2010, Robert Aquilina commented that “MOD ponds tend to have very good water quality. Whether they are stream or groundwater- fed they are often within unpolluted catchments with a lack of intensive agriculture, artificial drainage, runoff, dumping or poaching by livestock. The surrounding habitats can themselves provide important features for non- aquatic species associated with ponds, such as dragonflies that will forage and roost across heathland, scrub and grassland. These habitats also provide a buffering effect from pollution and disturbance.”

It follows, then, that MOD properties include some of the best places to make new clean water ponds – almost Fairy shrimp Chirocephalus diaphanus © Iain Perkins anywhere you dig a pond on the Fossombronia foveolata in the margins, 101 of our rarest pond plants and ranges it will be protected from and the downy emerald dragonfly. animals. The whole toolkit is available pollution and disturbance, and have for free at the potential to develop into rich Salisbury Plain is an outstanding uk/millionponds/pondcreationtoolkit. habitats. landscape and supports many specialist species including the fairy shrimp The Toolkit goes into great detail, but Ponds on Povington Heath on the Chirocephalus diaphanus. Ponds form in the recipe for a clean water pond Lulworth ranges have a rich the wheel ruts on Salisbury Plain, requires just three ingredients: assemblage of plants and animals, with providing an ideal home for the a number of rare species present in shrimps, which thrive in these small 1. A clean water source - new ponds most ponds. Each pond has at least seasonal pools. should be located in natural one Red Data Book species and a surrounds, with no inflows from number of notable water beetle Clean water pond creation streams, ditches or field drains, and species. Together they support the no added topsoil. notable downy emerald dragonfly When the potential of new clean water 2. Natural colonisation - new ponds Cordulia aenea, leech species and pond creation was realised, Pond should not be stocked with plants, caddis fly Tricholeiochiton fagesii found Conservation initiated the Million Ponds fish or other animals. at only eight sites in the UK, plus Project, an ambitious 50 year plan to 3. Few impacts during the pond’s Biodiversity Action Plan fern and bring back clean water to the lifetime - new ponds should be liverwort species. A pond at West landscape. Since MOD land supports Holme heath, dug in 1995 by the MOD, so many fantastic ponds, and has great protected from frequent stands out, holding a good selection of potential for new clean water ponds, disturbance from dogs or duck the usual heathland pond plants in the MOD is a key partner in the project. feeding. addition to a huge population of the rare aquatic fern pillwort Pilularia To help people make clean water Across the defence estate, this recipe is globulifera, the liverwort pitted frillwort ponds, and avoid the many pitfalls that being followed to create many new limit a new pond’s potential, the Million clean water ponds for Biodiversity Ponds Project has published the Pond Action Plan species including bats, Creation Toolkit. The toolkit consists of birds, plants, mammals and a series of factsheets covering the invertebrates. Some of the work has planning, design and construction of been funded by the Million Pond ponds, species dossiers detailing pond Project supported by Biffaward who habitat requirements of 50 of our rarest have committed £500,000 to a Pond species, habitat factsheets discussing Digging Fund. pond creation in woodlands, grassland, heathland, floodplains and wetlands, Last year ponds were dug on the and two problem solving factsheets heathland at Woolmer Forest, covering the risk of birdstrike and Hampshire by Amphibian and Reptile public access. The toolkit also includes Conservation. The ponds will provide a the BAP Species Map, an interactive habitat for the incredibly rare and online map showing the distribution of beautiful spangled water beetle Baldellia ranunculoides © Jeremy Biggs

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Earlier this year, the Conservation be secure populations of freshwater Committee at the Reserved Forces and plants and animals, resilient to climatic Cadets Association Altcar site in North changes. But this will only happen if we Merseyside, created several new ponds fiercely protect these gems, create for natterjack toad. The ponds are only more high quality freshwater habitats, a few months old and already natterjack and provide links to create networks toads are breeding in them. Unlike across the landscape. those in older, more established ponds, the tadpoles here will benefit from the DIO has a vital role to play here, both as absence of predators such as water custodians of many of Britain’s finest beetle and dragonfly larvae, or freshwater habitats, and as an competitors like common toad Bufo organisation with an unrivalled bufo tadpoles. opportunity to make even more wonderful waterbodies. Plans are in place to create scrapes on Predannack Downs, Cornwall. The Visit the Million Ponds Project website scheme is aimed at supporting populations of rare plants such millionponds now or contact the three-lobed water-crowfoot Ranunculus Million Ponds Project team on tripartitus. Although frequently 01865 483 249 or email overlooked, small seasonal waterbodies [email protected] in areas of non-intensive farming and for further support and advice on traditional grazing methods are vital for creating clean water ponds. Three-lobed water-crowfoot Ranunculus tripartitus many plants and animals. © Pascale Nicolet Becca Cleaver Graphoderus zonatus and the natterjack What more can be done Million Ponds Project Officer for toad Epidalea calamita, though since Northern England Altogether, these small, individually the fairy shrimp Chirocephalus diaphanus has also been found on site, apparently insignificant ponds can the pond may prove to be a boost for make up an impressive collection of this seasonal pond specialist too. freshwater habitats. The result should

Pond on Altcar © David Orchard

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Taking flight over The Wash

A flock of knots in flight© Crown

A military training ground Holbeach Range as being one of the Special measures safest and most efficient air weapons The Wash is situated on the east coast ranges in the UK contributes markedly Needing careful conservation to of England between the coastal towns towards this end. Together with RAF safeguard its future, The Wash and of Hunstanton in north Norfolk and Donna Nook, situated further north on north Norfolk coast was designated a Skegness in . It is, at over the Lincolnshire coast, by the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) with 62,200 hectares, the largest estuarine Humber estuary, it is of national three Special Protection Areas (SPA) system in the UK. Four rivers, the military importance. through EU and UK legislation, in Witham, Welland, Nene and Great Ouse addition to its re-designation as a Site provide the main freshwater flow into A special place of Special Scientific Interest in 1983. As The Wash from a large catchment area the sites extend below the high water extending across approximately 12% of The Wash and north Norfolk coast mark, collectively they are known as a England; but marine processes comprise the single most important European Marine Site (EMS). predominate. site in the whole of the UK for waterbirds. At peak times the area can This means there are now greater The Wash has been used by the military support a total of over half a million responsibilities on public authorities since the 1890s, firstly for artillery visiting wildfowl and waders. In and agencies to work closely together practice and then with flying addition, there are also some very to safeguard the nature conservation commencing in 1914. RAF Holbeach’s important populations of interests, while encouraging sustainable use as an air to ground bombing range breeding birds. use. To achieve this, an EMS commenced in 1929 and RAF management group was set up and an Wainfleet’s in 1936. RAF Wainfleet Air Concentrations on this scale are of EMS Management Scheme launched in Weapons Range (AWR) closed in 2009, global importance and we have an 2002. MOD is a partner to the Scheme with RAF Holbeach AWR remaining international responsibility to ensure as RAF Holbeach AWR extends into the operational, serving UK and NATO that these bird populations are designated area and is represented by air forces. protected. The area also supports Defence Infrastructure Organisation, marine communities and a breeding formerly Defence Estates, on the Routine training for both fixed colony of common seals of management group. aircraft and helicopters is essential in European importance. order to keep a minimum number of aircrew and aircraft at the peak of their performance and using the most up to date technology.

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The original aims were to carry out observations at Wainfleet and Holbeach but the decision to close RAF Wainfleet led to the study focussing on RAF Holbeach. The study was also reliant on the aircraft that were booked into the range; it was not possible to manage the number or types of aircraft and there often were low numbers present due to operational priorities. Most observations were of fixed-wing aircraft. This resulted in insufficient data for statistical analysis but some conclusions can be made.

Tornado © Crown The majority of birds showed no or Understanding the effect of management of the natural litttle reaction to the passage of fast jets activities environment and also other land over Holbeach, and movements of management themes such as public birds was predominately linked to the From the outset it was recognised that access, agriculture and estate tidal cycle. Ten species were monitored a variety of activities could have an management and cultural heritage, in detail: dark-bellied brent geese, impact on the important habitats, with the overarching military shelduck, wigeon, oystercatcher, grey plants and animals. New initiatives were requirement for the use of the estate. plover, knot, dunlin, bar-tailed godwit, considered, and incorporated in the Range operators are also well assisted curlew and redshank. Of these, six EMS Management Scheme Action Plan in nature conservation related decision showed no reaction, whilst four species concerning air, water and land based making by Holbeach Conservation did show some in terms of differences activities carried out by individuals, Group who meet every 6 months. in the numbers of birds present or of groups, or organisations. A whole range behaviour in the presence of military of activities occur around the Wash and flying activity. The more sensitive include commercial fishing, shellfish Assessing the disturbance of species appeared to be shelduck, collection, bait digging and recreational birds by aircraft in the Wash bar-tailed godwit, dark-bellied brent use as well as military flying activity. Arising from the concerns of Natural geese and curlew. England and the EMS Board about the From the data recorded around the potential impact of the introduction of In the presence of helicopters more coast and a variety of other studies Apache attack helicopter activity, species appeared to show differences there is the potential for low flying actions under the EMS management of behaviour with only three species, activities to have a disturbing affect on plan and commencement of the wigeon, oystercatcher and dunlin protected bird and seal populations. preparation of an IRMP for the Wash showing no reaction. There is also the added risk of bird-strike ranges in 2007 Defence Estates agreed and accidents, particularly when to study interactions between birds and It is difficult to make definite migratory birds are flocking to the area. aircraft around the Wash. Following a conclusions other than there is more lengthy procurement process work work that could be done. There did The MOD is one of a number of relevant commenced in 2009. seem to be different reactions from authorities responsible for ensuring The different species and confirmation of Wash and North Norfolk Coast The outcomes the more disturbing effect of European Marine Site is compliant with helicopters, but there was no evidence the requirements set out in the EU Birds The research project was divided into for any significant impact. and Habitats Directives of 1979 and two parts, a desk study reviewing the 1992 and the UK Habitats Regulations ornithological interests of The Wash and However, the study has produced a 2010. As a result maintaining the nature military use of the ranges from which valuable baseline and records of conservation value of the range and followed a survey programme. species, numbers and movements of adjoining areas of the EMS is a statutory Observations were carried out to birds that previously was not available obligation. One of the conservation attempt to assess whether there was and this can be used to inform future objectives is to ensure that there is no any significant disturbance of birds in management decisions and monitoring significant disturbance of the species and around the AWR, using the on the defence estate. for which the site was designated. distribution and behaviour of over- wintering water birds as evidence. Peter Rushmer The MOD is also committed under the Project Manager for the Wash and terms of the Declaration of Intent The Wash presents many logistical North Norfolk Coast European Marine between MOD and Natural England to difficulties to the design of bird surveys Site Management Scheme protect wherever possible the nature as a consequence of its topography conservation assets of its estate. Site and its large size as well as safety Moira Owen management plans agreed with Natural considerations. This is in addition to the Natural Environment Advisor, DIO England provide the basis for this. The environmental factors that are required Integrated Rural Managment Plan to be optimal with, for example, the full (IRMP) process developed by the tidal cycle between low and high tide former Defence Estates integrates coinciding with daylight hours and hopefully good weather. Sanctuary 40 • 2011 27 FEATURES

In the Integrated Rural Management Plan for KTC which was produced in Access at Kirkcudbright 2007, the MOD adopted an action to look at increasing access opportunities in the future, with a view to possibly creating a north – south route from Training Centre Dunrod to Mullock Bay. After discussion between DIO EAS Access and Recreation Advisor and the Officer Commanding and Range Officer at KTC, it was agreed that this particular route was not really a feasible option, due to factors that would make it very difficult to safely manage access. It was therefore decided to look at creating some walks of different lengths through areas of the site that presented no risks to the public. Eventually three new routes were identified, which offered shorter, circular walks for people that may not want to transit the whole of the Training Centre on the existing access route.

Two of the new “loops” are in the west of the site starting near Balmae, with the third being in the east of the site at Netherlaw. All of the new routes are waymarked along their lengths, and there are directional fingerposts positioned at strategic points to avoid any confusion.

The “Townhead” Loop, at just over four and a half miles, is the longest of the new routes. It starts near Balmae, and is probably best walked in an anti- clockwise direction. The route enters the training area and passes the former site of Balmae House, now long since demolished, before heading past Little Balmae and on towards Howwell House, formerly used as the Officers Mess for the Training Centre. Once past Howwell House, the route continues Walker at Kirkcudbright © David Crosbie northwards until it reaches the U85 In Sanctuary Magazine 2008, my this, access was only by prior public road. The route then follows the colleague from the Access & Recreation arrangement and then only after a public road, from which you can see Team, Richard Brooks, wrote about the safety briefing from range staff, due to the remains of Dunrod Church and the new public access route that had the nature of the training being graveyard as well as the remains of a recently opened at Kirkcudbright undertaken and the risk of unexploded . You then head on through the Training Centre (KTC). ordnance. This new route, which was small cluster of farm buildings and Now, four years on, there have been waymarked along its entire length, new improvements to the public access would be open to walkers, cyclists and opportunities at KTC, so I thought I horse riders whenever red flags or would take this opportunity to lamps were not displayed and there highlight and promote them. would be no need for briefings.

On 30th November 2006 Councillor Four and a half years on the route is still Jane Maitland from Dumfries and very well used by locals and visitors Galloway Council officially opened the alike, with Range staff at KTC receiving seven mile multi-user public access regular requests from the local Tourist path that runs across KTC in a west-east Information Centre for more copies of direction from Torrs Point to Abbey the Access Information Leaflet that has Burn Foot. This was a real step change been produced for the site. in public access at the site, as before Howwell House © David Crosbie

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burn below and may see a wide variety of bird species, as well as the very attractive woodland flora, especially in late spring and summer.

These routes have been deliberately chosen to offer the public some alternatives to the longer existing access route, but also for their safe locations within KTC.

There are large areas of KTC which are simply not suitable for public access, and as such path users must keep to the defined routes, and only when the range is not active.

For more information on access at Kirkcudbright and to download a copy of the access Information Leaflet for the site, as well as to find out more information on Access to MOD land across the UK, please visit Kirkcudbright Access Waymarkers at Little Balmae © Crown houses at Townhead and past the site the now demolished Netherlaw House Scott Ashworth of the former King Barracks, and then and it’s various related outbuildings. DIO Access and Recreation Advisor travel along the road back to the start There are still some visible historic signs Scotland, DIO point. While this road is very quiet, of these buildings as you walk along people should still be aware of farm vehicles and other occasional traffic the route. This a very pleasant walk, that may use it. much of it through woodland above Netherlaw Glen, where you can see the At three and a quarter miles long, the “Howwell” Loop starts at the same place and follows some of the same track as the “Townhead” Loop, but returns via a different route. Unlike the Townhead Loop, the whole of this route is within the MOD boundary. There are open fields on both sides along much of this route, and you may be lucky enough to see a number of species of birds, as well as butterflies and dragonflies through the summer months.

The final new route is the “Netherlaw” Loop, which is on the east of the Training Centre. This is the shortest of the new routes at around a mile long and is ideal for a short dog walk or a walk with small children. The public can park at Abbey Burn Foot and then enter MOD land along the existing public access route, before reaching the fingerpost which signals the direction of the Netherlaw Loop. This route is situated in the area that used to contain Vintage tank hulks seen from the northern coastline path © Crown

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Military training areas benefit from partnership approach

and have built up a wealth of expertise relating to management, the ecology of our reptiles and amphibians and the policy and legislation that relates to their conservation. This is put to use in a variety of ways on MOD land including habitat management of sites where ARC are tenants, provision of advice and the delivery of training events to MOD staff and contractors. Partnership benefits MOD has a close working relationship with ARC at Bovington Training Area. ARC currently has a ten year licence agreement to manage more than 120 hectares of heathland habitat across the training area, all of which falls within Turner’s Puddle Heath SSSI. As part of the licence they are directly responsible for SSSI management and this is partially funded by a Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) agreement. The MOD has the same arrangement with many of its long term agricultural tenants and licensees across the estate, who get management grants through HLS or other environmental stewardship schemes.

Another notable example is Woolmer Forest where the longstanding Longmoor Conservation Group, which Natterjack toad © Iain Perkins also includes representatives from other non-government organisations and New government policy aims to expertise and a local perspective that amateur naturalists, has had a big hand increase the role that people, local ensures MOD sites are managed to in reversing the fortune of the communities and the voluntary and maximise biodiversity, while minimising natterjack toad Epidalea calamita. private sector play in sustainable the cost to the taxpayer. Woolmer is home to the last surviving development on the government native population of natterjacks in the estate. This includes promoting The relationship that the MOD has south of England. The population, once biodiversity and the natural developed with Amphibian and Reptile on the verge of extinction, is now on environment and working with Conservation (ARC) in Dorset and the the increase with an average of more charitable organisations to manage Home Counties provides a great than 75 spawn counts per year. Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). example of how MOD can engage with a specialist charity for mutual benefit. This might sound like a step change to The expertise ARC has in amphibian many but in actual fact this has been and reptile conservation is being put to happening for many years on the good effect at Bovington, Lulworth, defence estate. The MOD Conservation West Moors, Hankley, Woolmer and Ash Groups have provided the perfect Ranges. forum for engaging local naturalists, community groups and specialist ARC background charities in the work being done to ARC, previously known as the manage and promote biodiversity at Herpetological Conservation Trust, have the site level. The contributions made been involved in the conservation of by these groups provide valuable our native herpetofauna for many years Constructed natterjack pond © Crown

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Summary The benefits of a partnership between MOD and ARC can be seen across a number of sites and the condition of the SSSIs they manage. There is also considerable exchange of data and knowledge between the two organisations.

The partnership delivers the shared objective of conserving rare reptile populations and other heathland wildlife while maintaining an estate that is suitable for essential military training.

Oliver Howells Natural Environment Advisor, DIO

Gary Powell Senior Reserves Manager, ARC

Woolmer © Crown

The benefit of ARC managing these Over time ARC have developed a good areas is that they can access funding understanding of military training not available directly to MOD and they across many sites and the constraints provide knowledge and resources not this imposes on conservation available to most other tenants or management. From an ARC contractors. The ARC reserves perspective, it is the limited public management team undertake work access to these sites that helps maintain such as tree and scrub cutting, bracken them in good condition, with lower spraying, conservation grazing, pond levels of disturbance and fewer creation, heather cutting, and the incidents of arson, which can impact on creation of bare sand strips. the reptiles, birds and the habitat they occupy. Creating bare sand provides egg laying sites for sand lizard Lacerta agilis as well as habitat for heathland invertebrates Sand lizard scrape © Crown such as the mottled bee fly Thyridanthrax fenestratus. To be effective it has to be situated in the right place and created in the right way, something ARC staff have the knowledge and equipment to do. Military users Close liaison between all MOD tenants and the military user is essential to avoid conflict and confusion. This is particularly true when livestock are being brought on to a site for conservation grazing. A good working relationship between ARC and the military is imperative at sites like Bovington where training is continuous, often dangerous and access to the training area can be limited. Getting the appropriate security passes, health and safety briefings and gaining access through the right channels is all part of managing the defence estate.

Sand lizard area © Crown

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Digging the Better ’Ole… First World War Trenches and Modern Training at RAF Halton

RAF Halton Hope Street or Fat Rat’s Alley leads up to the Front Line from the Support Trench called Parly Street © Crown

Rothschild was happy to loan his estate trenches and very much part of the Young RAF recruits at to the Army. Soldiers, including men of station’s historic landscape. The CO then the (RFC) passed asked whether they could be used in RAF Halton are used to through Halton in order to learn the some way for force development, being given unfamiliar skills that would serve them well on perhaps by rebuilding them. and above the battlefields; in 1918 the things to do as part of RFC would be transformed in the RAF their training but none who still occupy the site today. Miles of trenches were dug during the wartime of them expected to be training, transforming the quiet rebuilding First World Buckinghamshire countryside with their deep earthworks snaking across the War trenches in 2010! landscape. At the end of the war in 1918 many of the trenches were backfilled and have disappeared into RAF Halton occupies a house and the landscape but some small sections grounds that were once the property of may still be found around the site. The tycoon and pioneer aviation enthusiast Station Commander had spotted some A pipe found during re-excavation of the Sir Alfred Rothschild. At the outbreak of of the earthworks and asked his trenches © Crown war in 1914 Lord Kitchener appealed for environmental team what they were. citizen volunteers to build a New Army The query was passed to Defence The vision for the trench reconstruction capable of meeting the German Estates’, as was, Historic Environment drew together several strands. In the onslaught in Flanders. This new force Team and the author confirmed that first instance the Commander and his required training grounds and Lord these were First World War training team were keen to place this with the

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and a history with which they have physically engaged. Meanwhile, the SATT who follow them will also learn through experience, as they extend and maintain the trenches for years to come. Finally, the very positive response of the young airmen and women was testament to the value of the project and the effort put in by RAF Halton staff: while it may be a tradition in the Services that one never volunteers for anything, the trainers found there was never a shortage of personnel ready and willing to experience military training of days gone by in order to create something for today!

Martin Brown Archaeological Advisor, DIO

RAF Halton Trainees at work on the reconstructions © Crown Service Personnel Awaiting Trade author advised WO1 Lister, who was Training (SATT). RAF Halton’s SATT are responsible for the overall works, to personnel at the beginning of their RAF ensure historical accuracy, using Army careers, who have finished their initial manuals from the war as well as induction and training and who are experience from archaeological awaiting posting to their new excavations in Britain and Belgium. The squadrons. The period of waiting is a combination of hard work and careful period of limbo, punctuated by drill and research means that the Halton physical training. Feedback from trenches are a perfect recreation of recruits is that it can be a frustrating, training trenches of a century ago. The even a boring time. It was agreed that authenticity is not just down to rebuilding the trenches would help sandbags, A-frames and fire-steps. It maintain fitness, encourage team even includes the names given to the working and be a different experience trenches and displayed on signs. In for SATT, keeping them busy and reality, many training trench systems RAF Halton This rusty fragment of a hand-grenade engaged. In addition, some of the key named their elements, while all shows that these trenches were originally sometimes skills, such as safe use of tools and filling operational trenches were given names used for very real training © Crown sandbags are as useful today as they because this facilitated navigation were in 1914! The project also had through the labyrinth of inter- educational aims: by working on the connected positions. In addition, trenches the SATT would directly naming trenches allowed individual engage with Britain’s military heritage units to mark their presence in a and the history of the origins of the RAF landscape: for example, a formation itself. Finally, the CO envisaged a from a particular town or city would community benefit for the trenches by often use street names from their creating an educational resource homes, while other names might reflect available to local schools. The heritage an incident or memorable feature. At aspect was underlined when a series of RAF Halton Mr Lister’s Liverpool roots information panels were researched are evident in ‘Hope Street Trench’, and which now stand on site. The site while ‘Fat Rat’s Alley’ says something has already had many visitors and this about the wildlife encountered in will increase with the centenary of the another trench. war between 2014 and 2018. The result is a remarkable The project team included RAF reconstruction of a First World War personnel involved in training and training site, built to the specifications education, and site conservation group of the appropriate manual, but it is member Russ Barber. Russ provided more than that. The RAF Halton’s RAF Halton A local ginger beer bottle found during conservation advice and removed trenches represent the labour of re-excavation of the trenches. Evidence of self-seeded trees from the earthworks, modern trainees who were keeping fit refreshments bought and enjoyed by trainees planking them up into lengths for use and learning valuable skills for their RAF © Crown in the reconstructions. The tree careers. At the same time they now see clearance also created a glade themselves as part of a continuing beneficial to wildlife. Meanwhile, the tradition stretching back into history,

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Satellite tracking gannets at Bempton Cliffs

The project in action © Steve Race Joint project with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds gannets Morus bassanus to allow their experience working with gannets and Objectives of the feeding grounds to be pinpointed in satellite trackers on the Bass Rock, near project were; to carry the North Sea. North Berwick, Scotland. out satellite tracking of Renewable offshore wind energy is a The gannet is the largest UK seabird modern buzz word and wind turbines a with a wingspan of over 2 metres (m). breeding gannets; and familiar sight on many horizons today Bempton’s gannetry is the largest on to investigate their on land and at sea. Behind this the English mainland with a population particular proposal was the Crown of approximately 20,000, breeding on foraging ranges and Estate’s decision to licence nine the 120m high cliffs. The gannets pair destinations in relation offshore wind zones to successful for life and are specialised divers often bidders; three of these – Dogger Bank, from 30m above the sea hitting the to proposed sites for Hornsea and Norfolk Banks Zones – are surface at speeds of up to 100 offshore wind farms. relatively close to Bempton. Of kilometres per hour. Their skull is particular concern were the gannets, designed like a crash helmet and the and as a condition of the licensing bird’s throat pouches fill with air as they At the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) process, the Department of Energy and hit the water, rather like a drivers airbag, Ringers’ Conference I was approached Climate Change had agreed to fund preventing damage on impact. by Dr Rowena Langston of the Royal research into the birds’ feeding forays. Society for the Protection of Birds Gannets rely on the fish in the North My part in the project was to source (RSPB), who had an outline plan, and a Sea to raise their young and could climbers of sufficient skill and promise of funding, to enquire whether conceivably be on a collision course confidence to negotiate the loose and the MOD could assist in any way with a with the proposed wind farms once easily disturbed Cretaceous chalk cliffs project at Bempton Cliffs RSPB Reserve constructed. Rowena had been tasked directly above the sea. Not only was in East Yorkshire in July 2010 and July with carrying out this research working the climbing an issue, but there was 2011. The requirement was to place closely with Dr Keith Hamer of Leeds also the serious possibility of dis- satellite trackers on the tails of northern University who has extensive lodging large fragments of stone, which

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could tumble down onto the birds birds breeding so close together the The tags lasted for between 13-84 days below. An additional consideration was need to select every step carefully also and results showed that the majority of that it was highly unlikely any military became apparent; the potential for the direct feeding flights ranged climbers had ever experienced catching casualties was everywhere. After a between 50 – 100 kilometres (km) of or handling a gannet before! period of trepidation and time taken to Bempton. The average direct foraging create small operating platforms, the range from Bempton was 63.6km while My immediate thoughts were to climbers quickly became accustomed the average length of a return foraging contact the Joint Services Mountain to the sensitivities of the situation. The trip was 158.6km and at the time of Training Wing (JSMTW) at Ripon. On first birds were eventually hooked and writing several of the 2011 transmitters completion of the necessary protocols the unique opportunity to hold one of are still providing information. JSMTW saw the project as a challenge these large, powerful birds without and kindly scheduled it into their busy being seriously bitten was finally The information generated will inform summer programmes. experienced. A suitable technique for the licensing of the wind farm project ‘bagging’ and sending the birds up to around the Wash and will ensure the With the climbers sourced, the cliff top the cliff top was soon developed and gannets continue to thrive in relative party remained to be organised, and thereafter the quota of 15 adults on safety in the future. the equipment necessary to fit the tags both occasions was virtually achieved. and ring the birds to be found. This is Having reached the top the birds were The project was a great success and the not quite as simple as it sounds and processed with great care to ensure no result of collaboration between RSPB, there is a real skill to securing these damage was done to either the JSMTW and MOD on a largely antennae to the tail feathers so that processor or the bird itself. With a metal inaccessible site. they will not drop off prematurely. BTO ring fitted the bird was weighed Once fitted, they can be followed by and measured before having the Thanks go to the expert climbing skills satellite for several weeks and as part of substantial antenna fitted around the and determined approach of WO2 the learning process we found that four central tail feathers. (QMSI) Ady Haslam, Chips Rafferty and some continued to send signals for Andy Phillips, all current or ex members much longer than the 30 or so days As the battery life of the transmitter of the Royal Army Physical Training originally expected, with 84 days being fades the antenna is expected to fall off Corps and Drs Rowena Langston and the longest period achieved by one when the bird moults and renews its Keith Hamer who arranged and single transmitter. tail feathers; there is no chance of supervised the tagging. Members of recovery of these moderately expensive our own Swaledale Ringing Group from Armed with all the necessary climbing items. Catterick benefitted greatly from the gear, hessian sacks, catching poles and opportunity to handle and process additional ropes, and after a certain It was difficult to decide who was more these magnificent birds. amount of reiterating the potential relieved as the birds were individually dangers to the birds – never mind the released; the indignant ‘solan geese’ Maj (Retd) AJ Crease climbers, three stalwarts from the Royal were certainly pleased to be free again Deputy Commander, DTE North Army Physical Training Corps accessed but there was a palpable sign of relief the colony during two descents. within the processors also! Holding an Despite years of practice and adult gannet for 15 minutes at a time, experience abseiling down cliffs, the bagging and measuring it, keeping it prospect of outcrops of loose stone still while the antenna is fitted all takes dropping off onto the chicks below was patience, skill and some luck. Their bite daunting, the care being taken not to is fierce and guaranteed to leave a very cause injury to man or bird! With the obvious laceration!

Gannets at Bempton Cliffs © Maj (Retd) Crease Maj (Retd) Crease holding a gannet © Steve Race

Sanctuary 40 • 2011 35 FEATURES

Maritime environmental assessments in The Royal Navy

Dolphins escorting HMS Ocean in the Arabian Gulf © Crown

The maritime dimension components tend to be coastal or Environmental risk inshore where research is easier and management at sea For many years the majority of MOD’s controls can be based on well founded work on environmental protection has data. This applies to many breeding and The Royal Navy (RN) recognises that lain within the defence estate. The feeding habitats for protected species many of their activities carried out at Armed Forces have used established of birds, general coastal habitats, the sea have the potential to impact on the firing ranges across the UK for many sea bed and the protection of marine environment to varying degrees and is years. Indeed, many such sites which mammals. The further from the shore determined to ensure that this risk is now form part of the Defence Training we go, the less precise our knowledge both managed effectively and Estate have created a protected becomes and the more difficult it is to minimised. In support of this environment for species by default define the environmental risk. overarching philosophy Environmental thanks to the enforced absence of ‘Standard Operating Procedures’ (SOPs) human influence. However in recent Maritime legislation are considered and generally devised years UK national and European Union during the procurement cycle before (EU) legislation embracing the maritime There is now a much greater emphasis any military equipment comes into environment have increased on identifying, defining and managing service. These are often modified in the considerably. Controlled areas with environmental risk in UK waters, light of experience at sea or as a result maritime components are known resulting in new legislation which has of changing requirements and generically as Marine Protected both national and EU authority. This legislation, but they ensure that the use Areas (MPAs). legislation will result in a significant of naval equipment meets appropriate increase in the number of MPAs and environmental legislation and that the MPAs are primarily concentrated in UK’s will also expand their presence potential for adverse environmental coastal waters. This in part reflects the throughout our offshore waters out to impact is minimised. practicalities of identifying and defining the approximately 320 kilometre limit the need for protection but also the of UK’s Economic Exploitation Zone However, these globally applied greater concentration of biodiversity in (EEZ). The principal vehicles for MPA procedures may not always be coastal waters. Whilst habitats and expansion are currently the development adequate when operating within or species on land are relatively easy to of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) adjacent to environmentally sensitive or access, assess and monitor, at sea throughout English, Welsh (through the important marine areas. Therefore millions of square kilometres of open use of ‘Highly Protected Areas’) and within UK waters where MPAs are ocean make these processes far more Northern Ireland waters under the clearly defined, MOD planners are difficult. It is often impossible to define Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 being provided with a chart based accurately the locations, populations, and in Scottish waters the establishment system giving them precautionary movement and status of species or of new MPAs under the Marine guidance on environmentally their habitats. Hence the majority of (Scotland) Act 2010. appropriate activity. This guidance will protected areas with marine

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be supported by the production of Throughout, the process has been The reality is that these activities are ‘Additional Military Layers’ (AMLs) within steered by the key directive by the subject to rigorous controls and the RN electronic charting systems, Secretary of State for Defence which is safeguards based on the latest scientific incorporating environmental data on that environmental protection comes research. MPAs and the RN environmental before the achievement of exercise guidelines. By activating these AMLs aims and is only subordinate to The MESAT will continue to evolve as planners will be able to identify exactly operational necessity. legislation develops and in response to where MPAs are located, what their the latest research and scientific status and qualifying interests may be Whilst the MESAT addresses all forms of evidence, thus ensuring that the RN and what environmental guidelines potential environmental impact, those takes every possible measure to protect should be applied when operating in which most engage Naval planners the habitats and species that form our their vicinity. relate to noise generated by exploding rich maritime environment. ordnance on the sea bed or in the It is anticipated that this guidance will water column and the use of high Commander Keith Redford result in some activities moving to powered active sonar. Such activities Royal Navy (Retd) other sea areas or to be otherwise tend to be targeted and blamed for Principal Warfare Officer and navigation moderated early in the planning environmental incidents by specialist. process in order to avoid any environmental pressure groups and interaction with MPAs. However, if often by the media. This is especially so His career spans nearly five decades, neither of these options is viable and in relation to the stranding of marine including over 25 years at sea and three the guidelines cannot be adhered to, it mammals. This blame culture emanates sea commands. will be necessary to conduct a deeper in part from a lack of understanding of analysis of the impact of activities by Naval activity, particularly in terms of its using the Maritime Environmental and frequency and its intensity. Sustainability Assessment Tool (MESAT). By conducting environmental The MESAT has been developed to assessments using the MESAT and steer Naval planners through a detailed employing the RN’s standard safeguards analysis of their intended activity, such as Sonar Risk Assessments, providing a much fuller assessment of planners will be able to demonstrate the risks and suggesting appropriate the actual levels of interaction between measures to be taken in mitigation. activity and MPA.

Should a MESAT assessment identify that, even with mitigation, there remains a significant risk to the environment but it is deemed that LAYERED MARITIME ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION there is a pressing need to proceed, wider engagement with Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies (SNCBs) will almost certainly be required. With MOD Standard Operating Procedures applied globally SNCB advice it may be necessary to undertake further environmental assessment and it may even be SOPs supplemented by activity guidelines possible that a license to conduct the when in the vicinity of MPAs activity would be required.

These levels of risk management can be seen as a layered approach to Use of MESAT to analyse risk and safeguarding the environment as enhance mitigation illustrated in the diagram opposite.

The environmental guidelines embedded in MESAT cover every type SNCB assisted of Naval activity and every UK MPA, assessment together with similar guidelines for activities on the high seas remote from any MPA. They have been License developed in consultation with the UK Government Joint Nature Conservation Committee and the individual SNCBs in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Sanctuary 40 • 2011 37 FEATURES

Tedworth House

Tedworth House © Crown

Along with the building of the House, Rather than an ice skating rink, further An extensive Smith’s obsession was hunting and he research has shown that it was a roller also built the adjacent magnificent skating rink – one of the earliest in the renovation project will stables and kennels which could house country. Within the house a particularly allow Help for Heroes to 50 horses and 400 hounds. His other fine decorative feature is the stained passions included yachting, rowing, glass which shows naturalistic scenes of transform Tedworth cricket, billiards and boxing. In the birds, fish and animals. Despite the very House into a Personnel grounds there was the kitchen garden high quality of the work, who the artist and the mausoleum. The mausoleum was remains a mystery. Recovery and no longer exists though a fine print in Assessment Centre. the Illustrated London News shows the With a growing presence on Salisbury interior. On Smith’s death in 1853, the Plain by the Army, Tedworth House was house was rented out to a succession an ideal location for use by the War Tedworth House is a Grade II* listed of tenants, one of whom was Edward Office, and it was purchased in 1897. building located at Tidworth, Wiltshire Studd, whose son, CT Studd, went on The House was initially used as the on the edge of Salisbury Plain and has to play cricket for England against residence and offices of the Garrison been in MOD ownership since 1897. Australia to win the Ashes in 1883. Commanding Officer . The present house was started in 1828 In 1899 it became the Army’s by Thomas Assheton Smith III, however The house was sold to Sir John Kelk in Headquarters for Salisbury Plain and in a previous house stood on the site, but 1878. Kelk made his fortune as a civil its location, design or architecture are engineer and he and the architect John all unknown. Johnson worked on many famous joint projects including Alexandra Palace, the Smith created a magnificent house and Victoria and Albert Museum, and the grounds, parts of which have survived imposing church of St Mary’s Tidworth, to the present day. One item which which stands a short distance from the unfortunately does not survive is the house. The church is now unused, but it ‘railroad’ from the kitchen to the dining is maintained by the Churches room, along which dishes were carried, Conservation Trust. Kelk and Johnson and ‘thus he obviated the necessity of renovated and rebuilt large sections of his servants quitting the room and the the house in the 1880s. Kelk’s consequence delay’. As this anecdote monogram – JK – can still be seen over shows, Smith himself was a larger than the entrance of the North Range, life character, and whilst some and his coat of arms is over the contemporaries portrayed him as the south façade. typical country squire, liberal with his purse and popular with all classes of There are several notable features of the society, it was also said of him that ‘he house and grounds. The large building was never happy unless he was to the rear of the house is described as engaged in a quarrel’. a ‘Skating Rink’ on a Victorian maps. Decorative stained glass window © Crown

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Kelk coat of arms © Crown Tedworth House logo © Help for Heroes

1905 became the official residence of February 2011. An extensive £17 Chris Daniell the General Officer Commanding-in- million renovation project by Help for Senior Historic Buildings Advisor Chief until the early years of the First Heroes will result in Tedworth House World War when it became the becoming the PRAC to include support Historic Environment Team, DIO Tidworth Officers’ Club and later, nurses and activities for wounded, sick and accommodation, which continued to injured service personnel. the interwar years.

During the Second World War, Tedworth House was given to the United States Army for use as a club for GIs run by the American Red Cross and the Tidworth Officers’ Club was located in ‘The White Bungalow’ in Tidworth. In 1947 Tedworth House reverted to the Officers’ Club. It was also used as nurses’ accommodation until 1977 when the military hospital closed and then served as an Officers’ Mess and Officers’ Club until 2011.

As part of Project Allenby/Connaught, new and refurbished officers’ accommodation have been built elsewhere in Tidworth to fulfil the requirements of the modern serviceman, and the Officers’ Mess was moved out of Tedworth House. Without an occupant the magnificent House was in danger of falling into disrepair so a buyer or lessee was sought.

Help for Heroes expressed an interest in Tedworth House as a Personnel Recovery and Assessment Centre (PRAC) for wounded Servicemen and women. The complex negotiations proceeded well and the keys to Tedworth House were handed over to the charity, Help for Heroes on the 18th The Three Graces © Crown

Sanctuary 40 • 2011 39 FEATURES Monitoring sooty terns on Ascension eggs by common myna Acridotheres tristus that have a habit of pecking several eggs before eating one. Once the eggs have hatched the chicks then face predation during their first week by Ascension frigate birds Fregata aquila. After a week the young are able to find hiding places under rocks eventually forming large crèches. Rat surveys were also carried as the introduced black rats Rattus rattus predate both eggs and chicks. Samples were taken of the rats for analysis by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) to determine the percentages of their diet during the tern breeding season. Attaching the geolocators We have good data for the birds during their breeding on Ascension, but we do not have any evidence of where they go once they head out to sea. We know the young spend five years at sea on the wing before they return to breed. We suspect the adults head to parts of the ocean that are rich in sprat and squid; where deep cold currents mix with warmer waters. Sooty tern © AOS Technology enables us to attach birds against a 102 hour effort. The geolocator tracking devices to rings on The Army Ornithological Society ringing programme has confirmed legs and one of the main aims of the (AOS) organised a Joint Service sub-annual breeding and will enable us trip was to attach geolcators to 20 birds. scientific expedition in March 2011 to estimate adult and juvenile survival. The geolocators are programmed to to Ascension Island to monitor The second task was the survey of the record the time of daylight, from which various bird populations as part of fairs (sub-colonies). This involves longitude and latitude can be the Seabird Restoration working out the size of the fairs and the determined. But to do this the devices Programme. density of the birds. Quadrats of ten have to be recovered to download the square metres are used to work out the data. The geolocators are attached after density. It was very noticeable how the ring has been fitted to the birds leg. This was the 16th expedition to the This is a delicate job as the ring has to Island by the AOS, which enhances the groups of birds on the fairs are starting be firmly in place and a special licence work carried out by the local to spread out so instead of one large is required. They have only a miniscule conservation office by concentrating fair there could be five different impact on the bird as the rings weighs on the sooty tern Onychoprion fuscatus subcolonies. It was estimated that the less than two grams. population. The sooty tern on birds on Mars Bay occupied 5.22 Ascension is unique in that it has a hectares at a density of 1.32 per square breeding cycle of 9.6 months rather metre and that on Waterside the area Re-trapping the birds than yearly as with most other was 5.47 hectares with a density of 2.05 To enhance the chances of re-trapping populations. Over the years the AOS per square metre giving a estimated a bird with a device we have marked has built up an invaluable long term breeding population of 181,000 pairs. the birds with additional coloured rings data set on the sooty tern. There are and about 120 of their neighbours. We two main breeding colonies on Nest survival exercise know that the birds are neighbour Ascension, Mars Bay and Waterside faithful rather than site faithful so if we which are just over three kilometres A nest survival exercise assists in locate one bird with the additional apart on the south west coast. determining the breeding success. An coloured rings, the birds with a aspect of the breeding is the amount of geolocator will be close by. Over the years the AOS has ringed over eggs that are deserted during the 20,000 birds so one of the first activities incubation phase. There is more Unfortunately there are many things on arrival is the re-trapping of ringed desertion on the edges than in the that could prevent the birds returning. birds. On this trip we re-trapped 385 middle. One reason is the predation on To improve the likelihood, we ringed

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birds in a small sub-colony separated that worked together to improve from the main group and thus likely to our knowledge and understanding of fail in breeding which will mean that birds on the island. Finally, our thanks to they should be in the first wave of RAF Ascension and HQ British Forces returning birds. South Atlantic, as it is their support that allows the Services to continue to be Next steps highly regarded by the authorities responsible for the governance and Our first attempt at re-trapping will conservation of UK Overseas Territories. happen in early January 2012 and there will be another opportunity in October Andrew Bray 2012. Ascension Island Government AOS Army Ornithological Society © The geolocators were funded by the University of Birmingham, RSPB, The Royal Navy Bird Watching Society and the AOS. It is expected that our results will form part of the case for an EU Net Biome project to ring birds around the world to determine their movement at sea. This is an exciting scientific development in understanding the migration of seabirds. Our experience will also influence the fitting of geolocators to other birds as well as sooty terns. Summary This was a very successful expedition which added to our scientific knowledge on the sooty terns breeding on Ascension. Our thanks to the Service ornithological societies and the Ascension Island Conservation Office Masked boobie © AOS

Member of AOS walking in the tern colony fair © AOS

Sanctuary 40 • 2011 41 FEATURES

Met Office awarded biodiversity benchmark

Common blue © Neal Pearce

The Benchmark follows on from the The range of work has already had a In July, the Met Office achieved work of volunteer members of staff at positive impact, with significantly more the Wildlife Trust’s prestigious the Exeter site who helped to create its diversity of species observed on the benchmark for biodiversity at its first wildflower meadow. In 2007, an site, including the rare maiden pink Exeter HQ. While proactive area of the Met Office Exeter HQ site Dianthus deltoides wild flower, which is biodiversity management at the was developed into a wildflower classified as a nationally scarce species. Met Office was initially instigated meadow and work began to clear the by a small group of volunteers, it area of invasive weeds. The key to getting this recognition has is now set to be applied at other not only been in recognising and Met Office sites. Through a combination of meadow encouraging biodiversity on the site, stewardship and selective planting of but also integrating biodiversity native wildflowers, the diversity of considerations into the management The Biodiversity Benchmark Award from observed species improved systems to ensure environmental the Wildlife Trust recognises the Met significantly. Initially the area concerns are taken into account in the Office’s efforts in integrating wildlife designated as a wildflower meadow decisions we make. and environmental considerations into covered 0.3 hectares, but this has now its day to day operations. Only 15 been extended to 1.2 hectares. Looking to the future, the Met Office organisations in the UK have met this aims to increase biodiversity rigorous standard so far and the Met To support continuing work in pro- management across its sites, widening Office is the first from the public sector. active environmental management, the best practice to its other sites as it Met Office adopted biodiversity as an continues to build on its commitment This standard is very difficult to achieve environmental objective in 2010. of encouraging biodiversity. and maintain, as it requires sites to be Additional habitats have now been environmentally managed to the identified across the site to encourage a Neal Pearce highest of levels. This award reflects the wide range of wildlife. Bee hives have Environmental Advisor commitment of the Met Office to been added and nesting boxes for Met Office minimise its negative impacts upon the swifts and bats are being investigated environment, whilst endeavouring to as part of a regional project supported promote and actively enhance the by the Devon Wildlife Trust. biodiversity performance from its sites.

42 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 FEATURES

Understanding Loe Pool for its future

Loe Pool from Bar, looking towards the National Trust’s Penrose Estate © Sarah Maiden

Loe Pool near in Cornwall is a pool via a treatment works on the Efforts to decrease nutrients originating special place, deeply in need of some Carminowe stream. Kelda Water from RNAS Culdrose is likely to come in special measures to bring it back to its Services is responsible for the operation two forms – removal of phosphate former glory. Loe Pool was formed of the works, via the Aquatrine contract. using chemical dosing at the treatment several thousand years ago when a vast works, and a forthcoming European bar of shingle blocked the mouth of the A year-long scientific program was ban on phosphates in washing powder. , to form Loe Bar. The lake is arranged to check nutrient a unique habitat for rare mosses, algae concentrations and gauge flow in the The efforts of the Forum should help to and insects – including the only known tributaries to the Pool. NT volunteers improve this beautiful, part of the Cornish habitat of a rare woodlouse did the work on the ground, while county. A remarkably similar issue has Porcellio dilatatus. It is an Area of Kelda’s strategic partner Severn Trent arisen at Llyn Penrhyn lake near RAF Outstanding Natural Beauty and a Site Labs undertook the analysis. Now that Valley in Anglesey, and a similar project of Special Scientific Interest. But the the results have been analysed by the to gauge impacts is due to begin in lake is suffering from a surplus of EA and put into context, they have 2012. nutrients, making it prone to algal surprised everyone, and are guiding the blooms which devastates it of its Forum on where to focus its attentions. Dr Lewis McCaffrey wildlife. This leaves parts of the lake bed It has been shown that the Naval Environmental Manager bare of plants and devoid of Station produces over 20% of the Kelda Water Services invertebrates on which higher nutrients entering the pool - a animals depend. significant proportion, and the first time it has been quantified. Farming To address this problem a group of practices add another significant stakeholders was formed to do proportion, often via the over- something about managing the lake application of NPK (nitrogen, and bringing it back to its former good phosphorous and potassium) fertiliser, ecological status. The Loe Pool Forum is or via sludge handling practices. a group of concerned organisations which includes the Royal Navy, The project has now moved into a Environment Agency (EA), National difficult phase; that of moving onto the Trust (NT), Natural England, Kelda Water solution. The NT is in a position to Services, and Cornwall influence agricultural sources of College. The Royal Naval Air Squadron nutrients, since much of the catchment (RNAS) at Culdrose discharges to the is comprised of tenanted NT farms. Carminowe stream in flood © Dr Lewis McCaffrey

Sanctuary 40 • 2011 43 FEATURES

From Thin Air to Hot Air

Completed refurbished timber hut © Landmarc

for replacement, refurbishment of the Generating energy and reducing carbon existing assets was the only viable option. In order to reduce energy costs emissions using air source heat pumps at and carbon emissions it was decided, following technical analysis, that a Sennybridge Training Area combination of improved insulation

The camp forms the headquarters of In 2008 the Defence Training the DTE Wales and West and provides Estate (DTE) undertook a facilities for live firing and dry training. It Sanctuary-award wining project to has the capacity to accommodate 1,151 provide environmentally friendly soldiers at any heating to camp accommodation one time. blocks. Having proved significant carbon and energy savings as well The camp was developed during the as improving the quality of Second World War. Timber hut accommodation for visiting units, accommodation buildings were put up the concept has been extended on site as cheaply and as quickly as Stripped out timber hut showing timber frame and and is again delivering against the possible, at a time when energy roof structure above suspended ceilings © Landmarc MOD’s energy agenda. efficiency was of little or no concern. With no wall cavity insulation, only 100mm loft insulation and a heating Sennybridge Training Area (SENTA) is system with no temperature or time the third largest military training area in controls, by modern standards, energy the UK at nearly 15,000 hectares and is efficiency of the buildings was located on the Mynydd Epynt, a plateau extremely poor and a solution to that lies between the Brecon Beacons improve or remove energy to the south and the Cambrian consumption was needed. Mountains to the north. With the accommodation still required by visiting units and no available funds Completed refurbished timber hut © Landmarc

44 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 FEATURES and efficient modern controllable source performance has improved and Emission reductions heating would be the best option, savings (in comparison to ground which would also meet the source heat pumps) are made through Twenty accommodation huts were departmental payback requirements. installation costs as there is no refurbished throughout the two-phase requirement to drill a borehole for each project. As part of the phase one works meters were fitted to both an improved Insulation of existing structures pump installation and there is no disruption to the substrate which could hut and an unimproved hut to monitor In order to bring the insulation value of affect aquifers or water tables. energy usage. Each hut was subjected the external fabric of the building up to to similar occupation patterns with current building regulations it was Partnering success meter readings being taken on a necessary to completely strip out the weekly basis. The findings indicated fuel existing internal wall linings and As the Defence Training Estate’s cost savings in the region of 90% and a suspended ceilings thus exposing the strategic partner, Landmarc Support reduction in CO2 emissions of around underlying timber frame. Whilst Services were involved at an early stage. 98% equating to 26 tonnes per year. carrying out this exercise it was possible By coordinating the development and to determine the condition of the frame submission of the projects through The refurbishment scheme is expected and carry out remedial works before Landmarc’s Building Services Manager to break even in 10 years, whilst the relining. Timber ceiling joists were and in liaison with the DTEs Energy heat pumps have a life-span of at least fixed to the existing structure so that Working Group it was possible to 15 years. In addition, structural a plasterboard ceiling could be establish shared objectives which improvements to the buildings constructed, above this 300mm enabled the smooth delivery on time themselves have added at least another of fibreglass insulation was laid, and within budget. 15 years to the life of the camp, thus ensuring this part of the providing extremely good value for structure complied with building The project is an example of partnering money on the original investment. regulations. The walls were lined at its best, even enabling Landmarc to with insulated plasterboard. reschedule planned maintenance Helen Self expenditure on internal decorations Communications Manager Replacement heating system and rewiring to coincide with the Landmarc project so that expenditure from the Each wooden hut contained three LPG MOD and Landmarc were mutually fuelled heaters without electronic beneficial. igniters or any form of thermostatic control which were notoriously difficult to ignite and consequently tended to be left on. The heaters were removed and replaced with air to water heat- pumps, running on mains electricity. The heat emission being via a pressurised wet radiator system filled with an anti-freeze solution. The heat pump is a low carbon alternative to traditional boilers. The heat pump works by using heat from the air, converting it to a higher temperature through gas compression. The process is very similar to how a refrigerator works, except it is in reverse, producing useable heat. Heat pumps are seen by the Carbon Trust and Government as preferable to traditional heating methods. They are a low energy option for providing heat that is capable of using renewable energy. As such the DTE was able to apply for and obtain a grant which contributed significantly to the cost of the heat pumps.

To answer the question of why air source as opposed to ground source, the simple answer is cost. When heat pumps were first used on the DTE at Crowborough, ground, rather than air was the source of choice. Technical data on air source energy demonstrated at that time that ground source was the more efficient provider of heat. Now air Original timber accommodation hut showing Drugasar heaters, poorly insulated suspended ceiling and un-insulated walls © Landmarc

Sanctuary 40 • 2011 45 FEATURES

Balmacara House An exemplar of collaboration

Final tidy up after works complete © Stephen Hudson, Turner Estate Solutions Ltd

Defence Infrastructure Organisation house. All of this work has given Balmacara House lies on a remote (DIO), DTE and Regional Prime Balmacara House a new lease of life and coastal site on the west coast of Contractor (Scotland) (RPC S) industry should ensure that the house remains Scotland near the Kyle-of- partner Turner Estate Solutions (TES), in good condition for years to come. Lochalsh and is within easy reach has seen Balmacara House refurbished The facility accommodates 35 of some of the most spectacular to become a Tri-services facility as a personnel and guests enjoy the use of mountain ranges in Scotland: training facility for the Defence Diving two TV lounges, two dining rooms, a The Cuillins on Skye, Kintail and School. With good communications gymnasium, bar and self-service Torridon. and an ever-increasing understanding laundry. It is planned to use the of each others requirements, a strong building as a base for adventure relationship was formed and funding training across the Armed Forces. The 13 bedroom house was built circa was found to enable extensive remedial 1805 by Sir Hugh Innes who sold it to work to be carried out to the exterior The RPC S team worked closely Alexander Matheson MP for Ardross. It and interior of the building. together to ensure the works were was later sold to Sir Daniel Hamilton, completed to the highest standard, (politician, social reformist, and Over the three month renovation the despite working through one of the philanthropist) who bequeathed the outside of the house was completely most severe winters in recent history. estate to be administered for the good renovated including replacing rotting The team also worked with the of the people of the Highlands. It is windows, rendering, decorating, the landlord - The Highland Council, and now leased to the MOD by the replacement of rotting roof-timbers National Trust for Scotland for their Highland Regional Council. and most of the guttering. Inside there consent and agreements. has been some major plumbing work During its lifetime the House has had under the banner of legionella There is still work to be done in the many identities including an prevention, a major overhaul of the future but those that have been agricultural school, accommodation for showers and ablutions and full involved are very pleased with the Royal Navy submarine trials teams and redecoration of the interior of the results and see it as an exemplar of emergency accommodation for up to 100 submariners on camp beds! It was transferred to the Defence Training Estate in April 2007 and is now a tri service facility, used mostly by the Defence Diving School (DDS) as a training facility, due to its proximity to deep sheltered offshore diving.

On transfer to Defence Training Estates (DTE) from the Navy work was undertaken to refurbish the building. A collaborative approach between During works © Stephen Hudson, TES

46 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 FEATURES

what can be achieved, despite a Lieutenant Commander Jacqueline scarcity of resources, through good McWilliams, 2IC Defence Diving School, communications and cooperation. said:

Commander DTE Colonel Mark Waring “Balmacara House has for many years travelled up to see the work completed provided a base for our staff and students to date, and recorded a special note of whilst undertaking the arduous deep thanks to John Rennie Deputy Head diving element of professional diving Ops (DHO) EM (Scot & NI) and the RPC S training and although the House staff team for supporting this project, and to have always been exceptionally helpful TES for completing the work on and professional and the food excellent schedule. the building has not always been up to Prior to works © Stephen Hudson, TES the task. This recent refurbishment has Ronnie Graham Assistant Head EM (Ops improved the House significantly turning N) and DIO Project Manager said: a tired, dated and cold building into an excellent facility with good “DIO’s top priority is supporting our Armed accommodation and recreation areas. Forces in preparing for operations. DDS looks forward to many more years Balmacara House is a unique facility and use of the House.” we’re delighted to have helped secure its future and make a significant difference James Morice, TES Operations Manager for those who use the estate. We formed a North said: strong relationship with our partners and found significant funding which allowed “Turner Estate Solutions are delighted to us to renovate this historic building and have been associated with this unique make it fit for our Service personnel to use refurbishment project, collaborating with in the 21st century. This is an excellent all involved to deliver on time despite example of what can be achieved when being challenged by the poor weather the estate community work closely conditions encountered at this remote together as it can and has in this case location.” made a significant difference for others. “ Jillian Kelly Communications Advisor Turner Estate Solutions Ltd Finishing being applied © Stephen Hudson, TES

The RPCS team with Colonel Mark Waring Commander DTE (bottom row, second from the right) © Stephen Hudson, TES

Sanctuary 40 • 2011 47 SPONSORS

THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE CONSERVATION MAGAZINE Sanctuary is the MOD publication aimed at highlighting the environment and heritage work carried out across the defence estate both in the UK and overseas

This year marks its 40th edition offer our thanks to Aspire and for the first time the Defence, publication has been generously Group, CarillionEnterprise Ltd, supported by our industry Kelda Water Services, Landmarc partners and we would like to Support Services and Lend Lease.

48 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 SPONSORS

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11(ATT) Squadron RM Instow

One of the new facilities ‘green roof’ incorporating sun pipes which are innovative forms of natural lighting © Debut Vehicle Dip Tank, Catering Facilities and Accommodation

disembark from Landing Craft, wading • Re-use of existing dip-tank to house Defence Infrastructure across water up to 1.5m in depth. rainwater harvesting tank • Use of imported recycled material Organisation (DIO), in The aim of this project was to provide collaboration with new living accommodation, training The buildings achieved a Defence facilities, catering amenities, armoury Related Environmental Assessment Prime Contractor and magazine stores, demolishing Methodology (DREAM) score of 85%, Debut, have maintained existing structures no longer required. equivalent to Building Research A crucial element of these facilities was Establishment Environmental their excellent record in the provision of a new vehicle dip tank, Assessment Method (BREEAM) the delivery of which is where drivers and mechanics Outstanding. The recycled content of are taught to waterproof their own materials exceeds MOD targets; for sustainable buildings, vehicles and trials of new vehicle types example, the steel reinforcement was through the provision or vehicle waterproofing kits take place. 100% recycled. The project diverted 91% of waste from landfill, in excess of of new training facilities In accordance with MOD policy the MOD target of 80% and innovations at RM Instow. sustainability was a key consideration in in design led to features such as a green the design and construction of the roof. project, the new facilities incorporate The village of Instow in north Devon is many sustainable features including: Partnering home to the Royal Marines 11 Amphibious Trials and Training (ATT) • Natural ventilation including wind Working collaboratively with DIO, the Squadron. The surrounding catchers project was delivered through Debut’s geographical features enable them to • Natural lighting including sun pipes local supply chain partners with train in extreme conditions of sea and • Passive solar shading materials and labour locally sourced surf. The beach conditions and vehicle • Rainwater harvesting wherever possible, within 50 miles of access also make it the ideal location to • Solar water heating the site. train Amphibious Beach Unit (ABU) • Sedum roof personnel in beach reconnaissance and • Flow restrictors on taps and low Environmental impact recovery operations. Landing Craft flush WCs A Debut Environment and Sustainability coxswains are trained to negotiate the • Presence detection lighting Manager was assigned to the project most demanding beach conditions. • Re-use of excavated material and was a key member of the project Drivers are taught to embark and

50 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 FEATURES

delivery team from the outset. A MOD properties. The green roof assists in attenuation, minimising initial heavy Sustainability Appraisal was undertaken removal of carbon from the runoff, to prevent localised flooding in accordance with the Sustainability atmosphere and compensates for the and reduce pressure on the sewage and Environmental Appraisal Tool loss of green surfaces, providing a system. Handbook during Assessment Study beneficial environment to bird, plant stage to identify potential issues and and insect life. Following heavy rainfall Natural ventilation and wind minimise environmental impact from the sedum roof will also aid water project inception. catchers Natural ventilation is provided through In accordance with MOD Policy all two differing variations of wind construction works followed catchers to reduce energy useage, sustainability best practice, taking which operate by drawing air through a account of statutory and mandatory roof mounted louvered box, bringing it environmental regulations and into the building at a controlled rate of agreements and project value flow, whilst simultaneously expelling engineering assessments. Initiatives warm air. To mitigate reliance on wind implemented during construction to speed the wind catcher houses a fan, minimise carbon emissions included a which is powered by a photovoltaic “Lights Out Policy”, identifying which panel, providing an energy efficient lights and equipment can be turned off means of natural ventilation and fresh when not in use through risk air intake regardless of weather assessments and a Carbon conditions. Management Plan that incorporated actions to stop idling of plant and Summary equipment and the use of energy This is an outstanding example of how efficient machinery. Fuel and electricity sustainability and sustainable solutions usage data was collected and can drive the design, construction and monitored on a monthly basis, with subsequent operations of a new energy consumption analysed and building. trends identified for future reduction. Instow dip tank © Debut David Williams A construction waste diversion from DIO Project Manager landfill rate of 91% was achieved through a Site Waste Management Plan, Bob Groom which included designing out waste, Debut Project Manager minimising offcuts and damage to materials, and making use of ‘take back’ Catherine Pinney schemes. Debut Environment & Sustainability Thermally efficient building Manager The majority of the structure was made up of concrete panels pre-fabricated New catering facilities © Debut off-site by local company Cornish Concrete. Over 70% of the material in the pre-cast concrete panels came from secondary sources, supplied locally, such as waste material from the extraction of china clay. By using pre-cast panels, many of the traditional hazards associated with concrete site works such as noise, dust and wastage on site were removed and on-site water use reduced.

Precast concrete, with in-situ concrete infill, was used within the envelope of the building, combined with rendered rigid board insulation, providing an increased thermal mass for the structure that exceeds current Part L Building Regulations by over 20%.

A Sedum roof was incorporated to improve energy efficiency and increase the building’s thermal insulation 2 RM Instow using the new dip tank © Debut

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Heathland restoration at Predannack Airfield

heathland regeneration. The survey indicated very positive results with recommendations for further areas to be included in the restoration process.

‘Within just a few seasons areas where the mowing pressure has ceased or relaxed have developed without intervention into lowland heath and lowland acid dry grassland communities of nature conservation value .…. It is recommended that further areas are taken out of the intensive mowing regime, and allowed to revert without intervention for two years’. Rachel Holder National Trust Heathland restoration © OCS

including the “return to grass” guarantee Regional Prime Contractor OCS should the RN wish it. The operational, On trial areas flocking birds have not Defence (formerly Cannon ecological, safety and financial viability congregated in recent winters and Horticulture) together with of allowing areas to re-establish further instead solitary heathland bird species supply chain partners Debut have was undertaken and trials were then can be seen including stonechat and made positive steps towards extended in 2008 to include additional the rarer Dartford warbler Sylvia undata. increasing the amount of areas. This approach is resulting in major internationally important Cornish gains for MOD in reducing the risk of heathland at Predannack airfield Andrew Tregunna OCS Operations bird strike, reducing mowing costs and in south west Cornwall. Manager for Culdrose and Predannack increasing the area of internationally said “we carefully selected areas where important heathland habitat making heathland plants were already growing positive contributions towards UK and Predannack airfield in south west amongst the grass and once we local Biodiversity Action Plan targets Cornwall is part of the West Lizard Site stopped the summer grass mowing and MOD and Natural England of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) as regime the heather was able to conservation objectives. well as an important training site for re-colonise very quickly”. Royal Navy (RN) helicopter pilots. The It is hoped that more areas will become threat of bird strike is a very real Heathland is a rare and threatened incorporated into this project and at problem and the short mown grass that habitat worldwide with heathland on OCS we hope to continue to play a results from a continuous mowing being particularly special as it major part in maintaining this very regime can attract flocks of wading is derived from the underlying special SSSI in favourable condition. birds, particularly in the winter. serpentine rock. This results in a diverse plant community that includes some Jeremy Steed Making the environment species only found on the Lizard. OCS Rural Estates Advisor unattractive for birds by moving away from short-mown grass was considered The reverting heathland is becoming a better approach than relying on well established and includes common corrective actions that expel birds and heather Calluna vulgaris, western gorse during survey work remnant heathland Ulex gallii and bristle-bent grass Agrostis plants were noted amongst the grass curtisii together with rare white- sward. flowering Cornish heather Erica vagans and black bog rush Schoenus nigricans. In the spring of 2007 the RN gave permission for a small trial area of In July 2011 the National Trust carried mown grass to be excluded from the out a botanical survey of selected trial cutting regime with assurances given areas to determine progress of Cornish heather Erica vagans mix © OCS

52 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 FEATURES

Project Allenby/Connaught: delivering a sustainable estate

Common blue damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum © Iain Perkins

Project overview delivered, a similar number of change and keeping up with the demolitions have taken place and more momentum of national efforts – Project Allenby/Connaught (PAC) than 7,200 soldiers are now enjoying particularly in government – for became a reality in the Spring of 2006 their own single en suite bedrooms. performing against increasingly tight when the 35-year Private Finance All of this supported by a vast range sustainable performance criteria. Initiative (PFI) contract was awarded to of support services, from stores Aspire Defence Limited (Aspire), a management to tailoring, from the Achieving sustainability consortium of Carillion and KBR. For provision of transport to catering, in readers unfamiliar with this hugely fact everything needed to run a through design and innovation important £8bn project, it is military garrison. Since the Project’s beginnings in 2006, redeveloping and maintaining the sustainable development has been garrisons across Salisbury Plain as well Many of the Allenby/Connaught sites incorporated as an important element as Aldershot, and on a vast scale: are located adjacent to designated of the masterplan, covering such ecologically-sensitive areas, areas of features as landscape, water resources, • 385 new and 180 refurbished or natural beauty or within regions of building elements, waste management, altered buildings archaeological significance, such as the energy technology and biodiversity. • 500 demolitions World Heritage Site, and Aspire Defence has set about delivering • 11,800 Single Living therefore sustainability was a key these improvements under the Accommodation bedspaces criterion during tender evaluation and auspices of BREEAM (Building Research throughout negotiations and is now Establishment Environmental A few quirky facts… embedded in the heart of the project in • Total area of construction sites is all its design, construction and service equivalent to five times the area of delivery elements. Hyde Park • Using enough bricks to reach from This approach presented a number of London to Monte Carlo significant opportunities for • Over 5,250 tonnes of mortar will be embedding sustainable development used – more than the weight of 750 principles into the design and delivery elephants of the Project. Given Aspire Defence’s 35 year tenure to deliver the best Progress has been impressive and in a possible service to the Army, the little over five years nearly 400 new and sustainable legacy of its buildings is of Solar thermal heating solutions at Assaye Barracks, refurbished buildings have been importance for demonstrating positive Tidworth © Project Allenby/Connaught

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Assessment Method); a national Approach to ecology taken to safely remove these bats under building scoring and certification licence, if required. The new build scheme, which is being used to score Local ecological considerations are of phase of the Project will see 2,500 418 individual building projects, high importance to the Project, specially designed ‘bat bricks’ making it the largest ever certification. particularly given the nationally incorporated into the external corners The scheme recognises measures such significant landscapes that exist outside of buildings, in addition to specially as efficient energy and water the garrison footprints. Tidworth designed attic spaces to encourage equipment, in-built ecology features Garrison sits immediately to the future bat roosts and to sustain a and effective waste and energy south-east of the Salisbury Plain Site of healthy resident population in the monitoring regimes, all of which are Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), an area camps. All in all this represents the being habitually incorporated into of high chalk plain landscape type that largest bat mitigation project ever Aspire Defence’s building designs. rises locally up to Clarendon Hill. At undertaken in the UK. points in the development phase, An in-house team of licensed BREEAM construction activities come very close Where development has meant the specialists carry out detailed analysis of to this boundary. Aspire Defence has necessary encroachment into areas of each building for energy and water use, taken special measures to ensure that high ecology value, Aspire Defence has materials efficiency, transport, waste ecological impacts are minimised as far set in place measures to reduce the management, ecology, public health, as is possible through designating impact to protected species. The local amenities etc, to ensure that each set-aside land for protection and biggest such example of this work is in one achieves a recognised standard of following a rigorous monitoring regime. a reptile translocation scheme, which at least ‘Very Good’ for all refurbishments took place in Perham Down camp, and ‘Excellent’ for most new builds. To Not all the inhabitants of the Project safely relocating over 1,000 individual date, over 370 buildings have been area wear uniforms, and Warminster common lizards and slow worms, successfully certified. Garrison, to the West of Salisbury Plain, and holding them in a designated has a healthy resident population of containment area prior to the A number of energy efficient badgers to which particular attention site development. technologies have been designed into has been paid in considerate working practices and awareness-raising to staff. our buildings since the start of the Balancing water drainage with contract, where all appropriate new Across all Project sites, other protected buildings will incorporate some form of species such as nesting birds, bats and ecology and sustainability sustainable energy technology. All new reptiles are being specifically Part of the masterplan for the accommodation buildings are fitted considered through landscape redevelopment is an improved, with either solar thermal heating panels assessment, land remediation and ecologically sensitive approach to water – with a surface area larger than the design components. The Project has a resources and drainage. This approach floor area of Westminster Abbey – or particular focus on minimising the begins with ensuring that water micro-CHP (Combined Heat and Power) long-term impacts to bat habitats resources are used as efficiently as boilers, as appropriate. Many large within its footprint, particularly given possible. Aspire Defence is fitting 100 facilities, such as diners are also the high number of demolitions and buildings with rainwater harvesting benefitting from solar thermal refurbishments taking place to tanks that collect rainwater that falls on technology, in addition to air-source buildings that have been successful the roofs for use in flushing toilets in heat pumps for most offices, technical habitats for these animals. Each the buildings. All internal water fittings and training buildings, many having it building due to be demolished or are being installed as standard with as their sole source of heating and hot refurbished is carefully assessed for the efficient controls, such as push-taps water, completely cutting out the need presence of bats and measures are for gas or other fossil fuel energy. This is only possible where there aren’t intensive hot water needs, such as showers and large scale catering.

A large number of buildings are incorporating under-floor heating into their design (evenly warmed floors instead of radiators) as an added energy-efficient element. At present there is a building scheme under design in Aldershot, that will be the first under the Project to incorporate ground-source heat pump systems, where all of the building’s heating needs are supplied by geothermal sources. This will deliver a substantial saving on carbon emissions over the building’s operational life, particularly as the country’s supply of grid electricity moves towards more renewable resources. Brown long-eared bat safely being rehomed © Parsons Brinckerhoff

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branches and rolls of coir. This preserves the integrity of the soil abutting the canal waters, allowing waterside flora to thrive. The team has also created a stag beetle pyramid from felled tree trunks – also, incidentally, home to a growing number of fungus species – and a pair of otter holts to encourage these elusive mammals to make their home in the area.

Conclusion The MOD made sustainability a key requirement in its negotiations prior to contract award. Aspire Defence embraced this requirement and as a result a large part of the MOD estate, accommodating 20% of the , is being built, maintained and serviced to very high sustainability standards. It is at the heart of what is important to the supplier, Aspire Defence Ltd, and the customer, the MOD, over the duration of this 35 year Otter holt adjacent to Basingstoke Canal, Aldershot © Project Allenby/Connaught contract. It is tempting to think that at the end of this period, PAC and other and air-infiltrating taps and shower damselfly) have been recorded on the major estate development projects will heads. As weather patterns are often canal, raising its importance as a site of have made sustainability a routine part sporadic, it is important that conservation due to the richness of the of daily business. development takes into consideration species found there. the influences of prolonged wet and Michael Whitehead dry spells on ecology and sustainable In collaboration with the Basingstoke means of flood water attenuation. In a Canal Authority, Aspire Defence has Environmental Advisor, number of schemes, the latter need has tasked its employees with taking part in Aspire Defence Capital Works been balanced with the needs of local conservation and restoration activities ecology with the designing-in of water along the canal. Over two years, a features, such as Sustainable Drainage stretch of 60 metres of bank has been Systems (SUDS) ponds and swales, restored in a sturdy and sustainable which have a large capacity for manner, using hand-woven hazel collecting and naturally screening surface run-off water under gravity rather than relying on lengthy underground pipework and mechanical pumping systems. Where these ponds are being made an incidental wetland feature for local wildlife is also being created, promoting particular species of bird, mammal, amphibian, reptile and invertebrate to inhabit the area.

The SUDS features in St Omer Barracks in Aldershot, are of particular significance as they sit adjacent to the Basingstoke Canal, an important SSSI. These ponds serve to collect and screen run-off water before its outfall into the canal, which was an important development consideration. The canal is home to ninety species of aquatic flora. Among the vast array of native flora and fauna one prominent sight in late May is the emergence of thousands of dazzling common blue damselflies, Enallagma cyathigerum. In total, 24 species of Odonata (dragonfly and Golden pholiota, Pholiota aurivella, emerging from ‘Stag beetle pyramid’ © Michael Whitehead

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Conservation at the Defence Academy

maintenance. Additionally, the MOD had the Carbon Trust conduct and produce an Energy Conservation Management Plan which is being implemented in partnership with Serco. More effective insulation of buildings, light/heat sensors fitted to common areas are but a few of these initiatives.

The Defence Academy pledged its support to the 10:10 initiative and committed to reducing its carbon emissions by 10% during the 12 month period from 1 April 2010.

No funding was available for spend-to- save measures and reduction in carbon emissions, especially those attributed to energy, were to be achieved through behavioural change. To assist in this process, a Carbon Footprint Action Group was formed with representation from MOD, Cranfield Defence and Security, Serco and ESS. Furthermore, energy and green champions were identified within each workplace and used to disseminate information and promote energy conservation. Various other means to promote 10:10 were used including:

• 10:10 website • Newsletters • In-house magazines e.g. Community News • Posters • 10:10 stand at the Academy Open Day • Competition for energy saving suggestions

As a result of the control regime, behavioral change and the requirement to reduce travel costs, the overall reduction in carbon emissions was 22.15%. Hover-fly Syrphus pyrastri on red campion Silene vulgaris © Crown

The Defence Academy is the institution Chaplaincy Centre. Serco is one of the Conservation days responsible for post-graduate Academy’s strategic partners and Sporting gardening gloves and with education and the majority of provides a fully serviced infrastructure buckets of enthusiasm, 17 trainee command, staff, leadership, defence service across the Shrivenham site. lumberjacks, volunteers from the management, acquisition and various Serco offices around site, technology training for members of Carbon reduction converged on Little Wellington Wood the UK Armed Forces and MOD Both the MOD and Serco are working for a day of conserving and conversing Civil Servants. together to reduce the carbon footprint on this, the 2nd Conservation Day to be produced by the Defence Academy. held at the Defence Academy of the The Academy has a number of sites One initiative has been the introduction . across the UK and is comprised of the of electric vehicles used by the Royal College of Defence Studies, the maintenance team. These vehicles In military terms, the mission was to Joint Services Command and Staff replaced fossil fuelled vans which were clear the woodland floor of debris left College, the College of Management used to visit buildings on site and the behind after recent tree felling in order and Technology and the Armed Forces married quarters to conduct routine to enhance the development of flora

56 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 FEATURES

and fauna. In Serco terms, it provided the intrepid woodlanders with a chance to get to grips with nature whilst getting to know each other a little better.

It is true to say that the phrase ‘not seeing the wood for the trees’ has never resonated quite as clearly as it did on this particular day. However, sustained by a remarkable tea trolley, a barbeque lunch and a sense of humour the team achieved a tremendous amount in the given time and even the Grounds Maintenance Contractor said they’d done well! With everyone sporting aches, pains, bruises and big smiles the day soon came to an end, however, it is recognised that this sort of day is of value to both Serco employees and the local environment and it is hoped that these conservation days will continue Trainee lumberjacks © Crown to be supported. Willows Wild flower areas The crack willows were pollarded in Defence Academy and Serco carry out 2001 and are reduced to a 2.5 metre on the Shrivenham site in support of There is now an abundance of native height every 10 years. Timber cut from nature conservation and energy wild flowers growing in the natural the trees has been left in stacks to awareness. grass areas. The 53 species identified, decompose, providing a refuge and include ox-eye daisies, sneezewort, food source for insects and cover for Nigel Mulholland fleabane and campion. They not only small mammals and amphibians. Defence Academy SHEF Advisor look very attractive but also provide an ideal habitat and food source for a wide This short article provides a brief Darren Harrisson variety of butterflies and insects. overview as to some of the work the Serco Quantity Surveyor

The natural grass areas are cut once a year in September after seeding has occurred. Native wild flowers thrive on poor soils and so all cuttings are removed to prevent them from enriching the soil. Bower Brook Wood The strip of woodland that runs along the south bank of the Bower Brook is made up from 23 species of trees and shrubs. Whilst the aspen and grey alder predominate, there are also good specimens of box, yew, oak and beech. For the purpose of management, this area has been divided into ten sections, each of about 60 metres in length. Each year one section will be cleared of all unwanted undergrowth and saplings (elder, hawthorn, blackthorn, small elms etc.) during December and January. Shade tolerant plants such as yew and spindle, along with potential future trees will be retained. Wood piles will be made from the felled saplings. These will be allowed to decompose and provide habitat for insects and small mammals. The crack willows © Crown

Sanctuary 40 • 2011 57 INTERNATIONAL

Biodiversity Conservation within the Sovereign Base Areas of Cyprus

area of Cyprus (approximately 25,400 hectares), they host an impressive share of its biodiversity. The mosaic of Annex I habitats (of the Habitats Directive) within the SBAs and Troodos covers 31 terrestrial and marine habitat types (out of a total of 64 in the whole of Cyprus), including six priority ones (out of a total of 18 in Cyprus). Akrotiri wetlands is the largest aquatic system in Cyprus with a wide range of saline and freshwater influences, comprising a major salt lake, saline pools, salt marsh, sand flats and freshwater marshes. Episkopi Forest includes primarily Juniperus phoenicea, arborescent matorral, Cupressus forest, Olea and ceratonia forest and Mediterranean pine forest. Cape Pyla consists mainly of Aegean phrygana and vegetated sea-cliffs. Dhekelia Garrison covers Sarcopoterium spinosum phrygana and Arborescent matorral with juniperus spp. and Troodos Camp has good examples of Pallas’s pine forest. Flora It has been estimated that Akrotiri Peninsula alone, within the Western SBA, hosts between 800 and 1000 vascular plant species, representing 40-50% of all the flora taxa found in Cyprus.

The Red Data Book of the Flora of Cyprus includes 328 rare, endangered Arab mantis Blepharopsis mendica © Makris Christodoulos plants. More than 45 of these occur within the SBAs and Troodos Camp, The restrictions on non-military with 17 having been recorded in The biodiversity within the development have retained extensive Cyprus only within the SBAs including: Sovereign Base Areas (SBAs) of areas in the two SBAs of Akrotiri- a broomrape Cistanche phylypaea, a Cyprus is extremely diverse. Episkopi and Dhekelia, in semi-natural species from the sedge family Cladium Explained below are the benefits condition with high conservation value. mariscus and pungent sage Salvia of biodiversity conservation and The same applies to the retained site of dominica. Akrotiri Peninsula alone, the challenges facing the SBAs Troodos and the former training area at which is one of the three best hotspots future managment. the Akamas Peninsula. As a result, most of threatened plants in the Republic of part of the SBAs as well as Troodos and Cyprus (along with Troodos Forest and Akamas have been designated or are the Peninsula of Akamas), hosts 22 Red Biodiversity of habitats and candidate Special Protection Areas Book Plant species. (SPAs) and Special Areas of species in Cyprus and the SBAs Conservation (SACs), under SBA More than 35 out of the 52 Cyprus Cyprus is part of the Mediterranean ordances whereas Akrotiri wetlands orchid species occur within the SBAs Basin, one of the hotspots for biological have been designated as a Ramsar and Troodos Camp, with more than 30 diversity on Earth. At the same time, the Wetland of International Importance. at Akrotiri Peninsula alone. environment of this region is highly threatened due to the rapid, Habitats Vertebrate fauna unsustainable development of coastal Although the SBAs cover only The fauna of Cyprus includes an areas, which are Europe’s favourite approximately three per cent of the vacation destination. estimation of at least 36 mammal, 370

58 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 INTERNATIONAL bird, 24 reptile, three amphibian, 250 bat species confirmed so far, the most Invertebrate fauna fish and 6000 invertebrate species. The notable being the maternity roosts in most prominent feature within the coastal caves at Episkopi and The marine, freshwater and land invertebrate interest within the SBAs SBAs is its avifauna, with 260 bird Cape Pyla of the Egyptian fruit bat includes a rich representation of the species recorded at Akrotiri Peninsula Rousettus aegyptiacus, and the island’s diversity. alone. Akrotiri Salt Lake and the maternity roosts within buildings at surrounding marshes, lagoons and Troodos Camp of the greater noctule It has been estimated that insects in pools, halophilus scrubs, eucalyptus bat Nyctalus lasiopterus and the Cyprus number around 5,000 species, plantations and farmland support the Mediterranean long-eared bat Plecotus but only a few groups have so far been largest number of water birds in Cyprus kolombatovici. studied well. The results of these studies as well as other bird species. These indicate that a significant proportion of include 89 migratory water bird species, Akrotiri marine caves are home to the Cyprus insects occur within the thousands of overwintering flamingos, another significant mammal, the SBAs. For example, out of the total of 52 hundreds of roosting demoiselle cranes, Mediterranean monk seal Monachus butterfly species identified in Cyprus, 46 large concentrations of white storks monachus, which is a priority species of occur within the SBAs and Troodos, and common cranes, 20 staging species Annex II of the Habitats Directive. The including the three endemic of sandpipers, dozens of nesting pairs rest of the mammals within the SBAs Glaucopsyche paphos, Hipparchia of black-winged stilts and Kentish are common in the rest of Cyprus (fox, cypriensis and Maniola cypricola. Also, plovers. Plus significant numbers of hare, hedgehog, rodents, dolphins), but out of the 34 Odonata, the 86 overwintering shelducks and large there are occasional surprises such as a Buprestidae, and the 242 Carabidae numbers of migratory slender-billed recent record at Akrotiri of a group of species, 25, 33 and 102 species gulls and bee-eaters. Fassouri marsh 20 rough-toothed dolphins Steno accordingly, occur at Akrotiri Peninsula regularly hosts nesting spur-winged bredanensis, which stranded - alone, where the total number of plovers and in 2005 became a nesting eventually rescued - at Lady’s Mile insects has been estimated at more site (the only one in Cyprus) for the Beach. than 2,000 species. This includes many globally endangered ferruginous duck. endemic species as well as insects with In addition, it is one of the two nesting A notable part of the reptile and distribution limited to Akrotiri, such as sites on the island for the black-headed amphibian interest within the SBAs the impressive Chlaenius dimidiatus yellow wagtail. includes the nesting beaches of found only at Fassouri Marsh and the loggerhead and green turtles, both endemic Xantomus cyprius subsp. Akrotiri is an important site for being priority species of Annex II of the cyprius found at Lady’s Mile. Other migratory raptors as well, with 25 Habitats Directive, the significant impressive insects found at Akrotiri are species recorded passing through the coastal habitats of Schreiber’s Fringe- the tiger beetle Megacephala euphratica area, including hundreds of redfooted toed lizard Acanthodactylus schreiberi and the Arab mantis Blepharopsis falcons, thousands of honey buzzards and the important populations of mendica. and hundreds of marsh harriers and Savigny’s treefrog Hyla savignyi, which lesser kestrels. The cliffs at Akrotiri and are an important part of the food chain Challenges and future Episkopi are important breeding sites at Fassouri Marsh. management for the migrant breeder Eleonora’s falcon, as well as the resident breeders As far as fish are concerned, it is worth The environment of the SBAs are under Griffon vulture, European shag and mentioning the South European mounting risks from both natural and anthropogenic factors. The biggest peregrine falcon. toothcarp Aphanius fasciatus, which natural pressure comes from climate occurs within the saline part of Akrotiri change and the continuous reduction The mammalian interest within the wetlands. in rainfall levels in Cyprus. The average SBAs and Troodos Camp includes eight precipitation for the period 1916-2000 was 513 mm, whereas for 1987-2000 it was only 447 mm, down by 13%. Water is a key factor to the ecology of Akrotiri wetlands and SBA Authorities have commissioned a Water Level Management Study to inform the management decisions for the way forward.

Coastal erosion due to a combination of different factors - river damming, quarrying of sedimentary materials, tectonic movements and mean sea level rise - is another threat for Akrotiri Peninsula. Soft measures and a managed retreat strategy have so far been employed to address this issue.

Seral succession is another significant biological factor, which is changing the Blunt-nosed viper Vipera lebetina © Pantelis Charilaou

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herb and rush meadow at Fassouri Marsh into reed-bed. The tools under consideration to deal with this are water level management, controlled fire, targeted harvesting and grazing. The anthropogenic pressure includes aspirations for all kinds of development, both military and civilian, including dwelling houses, golf courses and other large scale leisure development, warehouses, industrial facilities, renewable energy plants, roads etc. These cause potential direct damage such as habitat loss and fragmentation as well as indirect impact. The management of these pressures is underpinned by environmental legislation such as the Environmental Impact Assessment, the Protection and Management of Nature and Wildlife and the Protection and Management of Wild Birds Ordinances. This legislation Tiger beetle Megacephala euphratica © Makris Christodoulos imposes requirements for conservation impact on biodiversity. The control of and European exchange programs, as of protected species, environmental another area of environmental assessment, and designation and these species is one of the priority opportunity. management of protected sites. management actions underway.

Unmanaged access and activities put The SBA Authorities are co-operating The future additional pressure on the with the Republic of Cyprus, NGOs, The biodiversity within the SBAs is a environment, by damaging sensitive independent experts and other significant part of the natural wealth of habitats, species, soil, hydrology and stakeholders, engaging in baseline Cyprus and the whole of Europe. We all other features. Fly-tipping, poaching studies and research to support have a responsibility to ensure its and fishing are also detrimental human biodiversity conservation. Considerable preservation for enjoyment by both activities. Characteristic examples are investment has also been made in current and future generations. This can the shooting of 52 red-footed falcons at environmental education through the only be achieved through the Fassouri plantations in October 2007 establishment and operation of the implementation of sustainable and more than 50 marine turtles, the Akrotiri Environmental Education and principles in agreed, holistic, long-term majority of which apparently killed as Information Centre. The Centre is part management approaches supported fishing by-catch, which washed up on of a pan-island network of by wide stakeholder participation and the SBA beaches at Akrotiri-Episkopi environmental centres, run by the commitment. Bay last year. Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Cyprus, offering Pantelis Charilaou, HND Eng, BSc The introduction in the last century of environmental programs to schools, as Eng, MSc Eng, Pgd Eng, MSc EDM alien invasive species, especially Acacia part of their education curriculum. The Acting Head of SBAA Environment saligna, is having a continuous adverse Centre is also promoting ecotourism Department

Two whip snakes © Chris Goodman

60 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 INTERNATIONAL

Conservation of Micromoths in the Falkland Islands

Exaeretia ammitis - a species with fully formed wings © Andrew Wakeham-Dawson Borkhausenia falklandensis - a brachypterous moth with reduced wings © Andrew Wakeham-Dawson

The Falkland Islands lie in the South preliminary catalogue was drawn up by from some 18 micromoth species: five Atlantic Ocean about 500 km east of the late Dr Gaden Robinson at the of these are species, such as the brown Patagonia in South America. The islands Natural History Museum (NHM), house moth Hofmannophila are a United Kingdom Overseas London. Further progress was made pseudospretella and clothes moth Tinea Territory and British troops have been when Falklands Conservation (the pellionella, which have arrived in the stationed here in significant numbers organisation overseeing wildlife islands with humans; at least six are since 1982 when the sovereignty of the conservation in the islands) launched Patagonian species (such as the islands was challenged by an invasion its Invertebrate Conservation oecophorid Exaeretia ammitis) most of Argentine forces. The 700 or so Programme (FIICP) in 2004. This project likely blown over by the prevailing wind treeless islands that make up the was set up to allow the Falkland Islands and the others are endemic species. archipelago are famous for their wildlife to become signatories to the UN This relatively impoverished fauna is and attract visitors from all over the Convention on Biological Diversity. The probably a result of the isolation and world who come to see the marine fieldwork was carried out between austere conditions of these islands. mammals, penguins and other bird 2004 and 2007 by Dr Alex Jones Study of FIICP material has revealed at species. Far less well known are the supported by the NHM, London, the least four species that appear new to plants and insects. About 80-90% of the University Museum of Zoology, science and we are in the process of flora is also recorded from Patagonia Cambridge, and funded by the Darwin formally describing them. and Tierra del Fuego but includes about Initiative through Defra. Falklands 13 species unique (endemic) to the Conservation’s aim was to catalogue Adaptations to sub-Antarctic Falkland Islands. The insect fauna is the invertebrates present in the islands similar with some species being in order to identify species of island habitats common to the South American conservation priority and draw up Of particular interest are three species mainland or introduced from elsewhere Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs). of endemic micromoth, each in a - but again there is a number of Identification of the specimens different taxonomic family, that have interesting species that are endemic to collected during the study is a lengthy evolved wings so reduced in size and the Falkland Islands. process. I was posted to the Falklands in shape that the moths can no longer fly. 2005-2006 and 2009-2010 during which These short-winged brachypterous Falkland Islands Invertebrate time I was able to contribute to data species are: Borkhausenia falklandensis collection for FIICP and I am currently (an oecophorid moth), Irenicodes Conservation Programme identifying the moth material, holdgatei (an elachistid moth) and a, (FIICP) concentrating initially on the smaller as yet unnamed, species of gelechiid A few studies of Falkland Islands insects ‘micromoth’ species. moth. have been carried out over the last hundred years or so but it was not until The Micromoths Flight is a risky business in the strong winds of the Falkland Islands; it is all too soon after the Conflict in 1982 that Using various types of net and light- easy to be blown significant distances attention was focussed on them and a traps, the survey collected material

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from an isolated food plant. Instead, given the impoverished soil and diffusum and a range of micromoth these moths crawl or jump, using their austere weather. species such as the plume moth short wings for balance, in the relative Lioptilodes rionegroicus and a new safety among the tussac grass Poa Conservation of grassland species of momphid moth. The flabellata on which they depend. The growing awareness of the conservation In response, Falklands Conservation is tussac grass grows in mounds (fibrous needs of grassland habitats and the encouraging controlled grazing and pedestals) up to three metres tall and, species they support will ensure the re-planting of tussac grass. Farmers in the absence of overgrazing, survival of the unique and fascinating around the Falklands have responded dominates the ground right across Falkland Islands wildlife. to the conservation of this important small islands and around the coastline habitat, often with the help of of the larger islands. The pedestals can Revd Dr Andrew Wakeham-Dawson conservation parties made up of be hundreds of years old. They provide HQ Air Command islanders and military personnel. It is a plentiful source of food for the moth Chaplaincy Service also interesting to note that there is a larvae and a warm, sheltered RAF High Wycombe rich diversity of plant species in microclimate; conditions that other grassland within the boundary of species such as sea-lions and about Mount Pleasant Airfield from which three quarters of the nesting birds also domestic grazing livestock are exploit. Although these moths are excluded. This and other areas where endemic to the Falkland Islands, species grazing is controlled are rich in plants of flightless moths have also evolved on such as the bush-daisy Chiliotrichum other sub-Antarctic islands in similar environmental conditions.

Detrimental effect of over-grazing Tussac grass, however, provides a nutritious source of forage for livestock especially during winter. Over 80% has disappeared in the last hundred years as Falkland farmers have traditionally used it to feed their sheep and cattle, often taking the livestock over from the main islands to the closer small islands by boat. The result is that the slow- growing tussac has been over-grazed and the valuable habitat it provides destroyed or seriously reduced in quality: so endangering the moths and other species that rely on it. Over- grazing is not just restricted to tussac grass: many areas of grassland have been over-exploited and vegetation does not grow back easily Looking for moths in overgrazed tussac grass, Weddell Island © Andrew Wakeham-Dawson

Tussac grass on West Point Island © Andrew Wakeham-Dawson

62 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 INTERNATIONAL

The Falkland Islands update

A striated caracara Phalcoboenus australis with albatross chick © Roy Smith A Year in the British Forces South Atlantic Islands Conservation Group

species. We have three kinds of thistles The Group, regularly travel cross The group was re-established in – spear, creeping and winged. The burrs country to Whale Point. After an June 2010 and with nearly 100 catch on the sheep’s wool and when “interesting” journey of one and a half members we try to mix shorn this detracts from the price paid; hours where those in the car get an conservation with enjoying the thistle can be spread in the fleece too. opportunity to really get to know each rich and varied wildlife that is Another common invasive plant is other, being thrown around when present in the Falklands. We have ragwort which can cause respiratory travelling across the rough terrain. We the luxury of a Ramsar site; Bertha’s problems in exercising troops when arrive both shaken and stirred at the Beach on our door step. crawling through grass contaminated beach where there can be as many as Participating in the Beach with ragwort. 50 elephant seals. This is a mammal that Cleaning event Beach Watch 2010, likes to lay in groups but gets quite we managed to collect only 14 The Group is lucky enough to help in aggressive if one fidgets; they are huge, bags; the beaches here are some small way with conservation work noisy and interesting. The bulls have a generally clear of the detritus that in exchange for a chance to learn about large proboscis and a thick layer of fat plagues many other countries. the successful interactions between especially around the neck. This serves various species such as at New Island to protect the animal during the where we have a wonderful disagreements and when sparring in relationship with the New Island the mating season when the most We have a very positive working Conservation Trust. At the rookery we relationship with Falklands Conservation watch the imperial cormorants and and have joined forces in order to rockhopper penguins nesting together; undertake various conservation tasks both enjoying mutual protection such as blue grass and tussac against predators. Ian Strange and his replanting and eradication of rats from daughter Georgina have provided the isolated islands. Now we are helping opportunity for our members - Service secure a penguin sanctuary facility for personnel and civilians alike to learn oiled birds. about these collaborations, generously encouraging us to appreciate nature in One of the challenges British Forces a beautiful, unspoiled environment. South Atlantic Islands (BFSAI) and the Paloma Beach © Roy Smith Group face is controlling invasive

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dominant gets his harem together. The Port San Carlos – about 35 miles. Here, white sand. It looked good on Google bull is as much as four times larger the entire party was invited in for tea Earth but was physically breathtaking than the female. You can also see and cakes by Nick and his partner standing there. Plans to beach clean Commersen’s dolphins play “surfing” on Doreen before setting off under their melted when we saw that there was the breaking waves. guidance. Incredible scenery greeted little to clear and set about delighting the Group as the mist cleared and in the king, magellanic and gentoo Driving to the beach is not plain sailing provided an exciting journey over high penguins. At one point a king penguin and it is not unusual to get the whole hills, past incredible rock formations came out of the sea, walked and stood car “beached” on the peat. A chance and down steep gullies. It is safe to say in the middle of our group members, so look on Google Earth identified the that sitting at the bottom of one such close that even with a wide angle lens it interesting but isolated Paloma Beach. “mountain”, none of us really believed more than filled the viewfinder! A Land owner Lewis Clifton granted that the route would include a drive to further exciting overland return and permission for a visit and we were put the top; but it did. more tea and cakes made it a real day in touch with the land manager Nick to remember. Davies to make arrangements. 23 of the As we neared our destination clearing Group travelled from a windy (46 knots) skies revealed the most pristine beach, Very recently the members helped Mount Pleasant to a calm and fogged-in turquoise water, rolling waves and reduce sheep casualties by filling in abandoned Observation Point’s (OP’s) at an MOD site, Bush Rincon. Acting as animal traps, the fox holes had killed sheep unfortunate enough to fall in. Camouflage netting too was ensnaring the sheep and causing distress. The task was too big for manual work and we were able to use one of the major plant vehicles to carry the back-fill earth after manually clearing each of the OP’s. Enthusiastic help was provided by the Group members including the Volborth family – Dad Jim, Daniel (7), Zoe (5) and Eleanor (4). The area was made safe, litter collected and good fun was had by all.

The BFSAI Group meet each second Wednesday of the month in the Joint Education Centre at Mount Pleasant. We have enjoyed talks on invasive species, eradication of rats, the role of Falklands Conservation and penguins (of course!), conservation work on Gough Island and on the BFSAI ranges with impromptu discussions with local land owners.

Joining the Group gives anyone the opportunity to get off camp at least once a month, to explore and enjoy the rugged Falklands environment; and be so close to nature that you can smell it. I apologise in advance for the penguins and Elephant seals!

Roy Smith British Forces South Atlantic Islands Conservation Group Chairman

King penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus © Roy Smith

64 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 AROUND THE REGIONS

Around the Regions with the Conservation Groups

There are over 120 Conservation Groups operating across the MOD. The following Key: UK map section provides an update on the dedicated work of some of these groups. Featured Regional 1. RAF Valley, Anglesey Conservation Group 2. RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire Other Regional Conservation Group 3. RAF Halton, Buckinghamshire 4. RAF Wittering, Cambridgeshire 5. Aberporth Range, Ceredigion 6. Antony, Cornwall 7. Penhale Sands, Cornwall 8. Predannack, Cornwall 17 9. Ballykinler, County Down 10. Magilligan, County Londonderry 11. Warcop, Cumbria 12. Britannia Royal Naval College, Devon 10 11 13. Bovington and Lulworth, Dorset 14 14. Kirkcudbright Training Centre, Dumfries & Galloway 9

15. MDPGA Wethersfield, Essex 36 16. MOD Shoeburyness, Essex 25 17. RAF Leuchars, Fife 1 18. Abbey Wood, Gloucestershire

19. Defence Training Estate Home 4 26 Counties, Hampshire 2 20. Defence Munitions Gosport, 5 30 22 15 Hampshire 27 3 16 21. HMS Excellent, Hampshire 18 28 33 34 32 19 22. The Army Training Regiment 31 35 24 Bassingbourn, Hertfordshire 2021 29 23. Newtown Range and Jersey Camp, 13 23 Isle of Wight 7 6 12 24. Defence Training Estate South East, 8 Kent and East Sussex 29. Thorney Island, West Sussex 34. Larkhill and Westdown, 25. Altcar Training Camp, Merseyside Wiltshire 30. DM Kineton, Warwickshire 26. Stanford Training Area, Norfolk 35. DSTL Porton Down, 31. Boscombe Down, Wiltshire 27. Bicester Garrison, Oxfordshire Wiltshire 32. Bulford, Wiltshire 28. Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, 36. DST Leconfield Carrs, Surrey 33. Imber, Wiltshire East Yorkshire

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Spotlight on… MOD Shoeburyness

16 Conservation Group, Essex (16)

had a surviving population of introduced plants at Ware Corner (Part Foulness SSSI Unit 15). The Group had promoted landscaping of the area to provide nesting for terns but the machine operator was not mindful of the plant and buried it under the spoil. As chairman, I had some personal responsibility and quickly learned that I needed to be alert to the possibility of machine operators not having environmental awareness. There have been attempts to establish a population elsewhere but it is a very specialised pioneer plant with a seed and seedling that is nutritious for birds and susceptible to competition and prolonged flooding.

The gains have been many, the IRMP Twm Wade outside the Manor House © Crown draft has benefited from increased and improved delivery of statistical data Would anyone believe that Britain was good. With beautiful weather, it was a collated by members of the group. big enough, or had rivers that were big wonderful occasion. There is also a greater knowledge of enough to form a delta. Well, at the what species the site has and where mouth of the Rivers Thames, Roach and There have been administrative they are located for example the Crouch there is a delta and all the changes as the Group evolved in step identification and location of water islands are owned by the MOD. with the working arrangements voles Arvicola terrestris, long eared bats between MOD and QinetiQ. The great Plecotus auritus, and avocets strength of the Group is the diversity, For 150 years the MOD has had an Recurvirostra avosetta. artillery range at Shoeburyness that is enthusiasm and dedication of its members and the great respect unique to Europe because shells can be My principle contribution has been a fired over water and retrieved from the between volunteers and those who are paid, like me. study of the drainage network vast foreshore known as Maplin Sands. and identifying priorities so that the The whole area is of international We started the process of creating the reduced funding can be used to environmental importance for feeding IRMP (Integrated Rural Management address key areas and issues. Once we migratory birds but also has a long Plan) in February 2006. There was have a working network in place, we history with its major waterways that intense activity in the first year while can find a suitable location for annual were key to trade in years past. information was collated, considered, sea purslane, for terns and avocets to drafted into a report which supported a nest safe from predation and other flora I took up responsibility for the land plan of action, de-conflicted, redrafted, and fauna to prosper. management of the site on 1 April 2004 revised, updated and so on. This was but attended my first Conservation being done while keeping up with The other matter I have focussed on is Group meeting on 4 March, which Tony other work. In addition, the process of to bring unused areas into a sustainable Garrick chaired. Meetings remain its creation gave rise to insights that system of management, restoring Unit quarterly with the exception of the needed urgent addressing; new work. 4 to grassland (not scrub), finding ways 100th which was held on 28 April 2006. of reducing ground maintenance costs The 100th meeting was shorter than So what has been achieved and while having a management scheme usual and members moved on to the what lost….. that ensures the environment is celebration where Ian Andrews, 2PUS, maintained and enhanced. at the time was the principle speaker. The main loss was the accidental Many of the founder members destruction of 45% of the UK’s annual attended as well as the great and the sea purslane Atriplex pedunculata. We

66 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 AROUND THE REGIONS

As regards the historic environment, we have 12 ‘listings’ one of which is Grade 2* and also on the Buildings at Risk register. The good news is that Temple Trust, a buildings preservation trust, are willing to take on the Manor House on Suttons Road (also know as Suttons Manor). We hope to establish a network with Temple Trust, that will eventually bring on board others that are willing to take on vacant listed buildings needing restoration.

We are fortunate in having within the estate the Foulness Conservation and Archaeological Society (FCAS) who established the Heritage Centre in the former primary school. As the name suggests, this society covers both the natural and historic environment and has brought together much of the history of Foulness Island. The Centre opens to the public once a month in Avocet © Crown the summer and runs tours for the visitors. Not only does the FCAS So, while this has been a personal contribute to MOD’s stewardship of contribute to Group meetings, it is also journey outside my previous MOD Shoeburyness for many years to the agent to fulfil the Group’s aim to experience, I have been blessed with a come.. involve local people and provide a dynamic team of knowledgeable and forum to discuss the natural and experienced people who are Twm Wade historic environment resource on the conversant with what the site does and MOD Shoeburyness Conservation site and bring it to the notice of the passionate about the site’s heritage and Group Chairman wider public. At the same time, it is environment. I am sure we will see the making the site accessible to the public. volunteers in the Group continuing to

Corn bunting © Crown

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1 RAF Valley (1) 2

RAF Valley Conservation Group is made growth in the lake the group agreed to up of representatives from Countryside the establishment of a separate Llyn Council for Wales, Royal Society for the Penrhyn Technical Working Group Protection of Birds, Environment made up of suitably qualified experts. Agency Wales, Kelda Water Services They were tasked with planning a study (Defence) Limited and the Ministry of to identify the origins of the extra Defence. nutrients. Next year there will be intensive water sampling in and around RAF Valley is located on Anglesey, north the lake. The group are working Wales. Within 3km of RAF Valley there towards a target date of 1 January 2012 are 11 Sites of Special Scientific Interest as the start to the monitoring year. Data (SSSI), three Special Protection Areas, collected will be then be used in a two Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) computer model to help decide on the and one Area of Outstanding Natural most effective actions to reduce Beauty. nutrient levels.

Llyn Penrhyn SSSI (Llyn being the Welsh Robert A Hughes word for lake) forms part of the Valley Station Energy & Environmental Lakes SAC, and following concerns Protection Advisor raised over levels of nutrients and algae Aerial view of RAF Valley © Crown Bedfordshire RAF Henlow (2)

RAF Henlow Conservation Group has for the plants. Once the plants were in created at conservation area on the we built a wooden picket fence north site of the Station. A small group in-between the buildings and planted a of volunteers at have taken nearly two willow hedge in a semi-circle around years to create a wildlife pond. The the pond with willow donated from pond is alive with water beetles, pond Priory Park, . The area is a dog skaters, water snails, water boatmen, free area and families are welcome as dragonflies, damselflies and many other long as children are supervised at all invertebrates. There is seating available times. for those who wish to have their lunch in the area or just want five minutes Our next project is a Nature/Heritage away from the office. One of the walk around the grass airfield. This will benches in this area is made by Crown involve creating nature boards for all Paints out of recycled paint pots. Dragonfly© SAC Mainwaring the flora and fauna, history boards A liner was placed over the sand and showing the station as it was during The pond took quite a while to filled up with the help of the Fire construction in 1917 using pictures excavate due to finding part of an old Section and it didn’t take long until we from glass negatives donated to the platform from the railway line that used had our first live visitor to the pond – a station and renovating the two to run through the station. After many, hedgehog. pillboxes that will be included in the many evenings digging, the base was walk. finally finished. The pond was lined with A couple of rain water butts were fixed old carpet, sand and we did manage to to the nearest building to supply water Denise O’Hara have a few laughs along the way. Conservation Group Secretary

68 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 AROUND THE REGIONS

woodland area which is located at the Buckinghamshire southwest corner of our Airfield. Previously the wood had become overgrown and was not very bio- RAF Halton (3) diverse; the project aims to create a 4 3 thriving habitat along with a functional training area. It has provided, and will continue to provide, an opportunity for young people and cadets to have a hands on go at conservation activities The RAF Halton Conservation Group good number of Amber List species and learn about woodland species. It has, despite being somewhat disjointed including house martins, red kites, will also provide a long term project for for the last two years, been proactive mistle thrushes, stock doves and barn the Conservation Group volunteers and remains lucky to have some owls. who will get the opportunity to learn extremely enthusiastic volunteers who about methods of management and have continued their good work in the creating habitats and an area in which absence of a committee. Some of the personnel can enjoy the stunning activities that have been carried out surroundings. include newt surveys by newly trained attendees of the DIO course, bird To really bring the group together, the surveys and a fantastic woodland first meeting of volunteers took place in management project. We have a July and will hopefully culminate in the member who is involved with local compilation of a three year plan for barn owl projects and bat groups; he projects and surveys. This will enable has been monitoring our bird boxes the group to continue their good work which have proven extremely in the conservation of what is, by all successful this year with multiple Barn owl © Crown accounts, a beautiful Station. broods. The bird survey identified a number of Red List species such as The woodland management project Kathryn Dunnell skylarks, spotted flycatchers, starlings has been underway for over a year now Station Health, Safety and Environment and song thrushes; there were also a and involves the clearing of rides and Advisor coppicing of Rosemead Covert, a small Cambridgeshire RAF Wittering (4)

Conservation activities have continued OCS personnel regularly report ad hoc their native Scandinavia had forced quietly in the background of significant flora and fauna observations; during flocks to seek food further afield than change at RAF Wittering this past year 2010 we received notification of good was usual; hence landing on our native which ultimately saw the crops of early purple orchid in one of soil. decommissioning of the Harrier aircraft our woodland areas, a couple of and its supporting services; a poignant grizzled skipper and half a dozen dingy NE was primarily on site to assess the time for the military but I think the birds skipper butterflies. annual scrub clearance for Whitewater were quite happy. Valley Site of Special Scientific Interest In January 2011, whilst an OCS (SSSI). Clearance of the scrub focuses In the summer of 2010 the Harrier was representative and I escorted Natural still flying regularly, so the birds needed England (NE) on a visit to the Station to be vigilant; a pair of curlew decided we were lucky enough to observe a they wanted to set up home and raise couple of waxwings feasting on the their young on the airfield grass. berries available to them on our south Probably not the best option to go for west boundary. The birds are slightly but, on behalf of the curlews, One smaller than a blackbird, have striking Complete Solution (OCS) grounds colourful plumage and a signature crest maintenance in negotiation with the on their head. I was advised that this Station flight safety team obtained sighting was quite a rarity for the region permission to leave the nesting area as apparently they are predominantly uncut to allow the curlew to hatch and seen further east, particularly to the Waxwing at RAF Wittering © OCS raise their young successfully. north. The good breeding season in

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degradation and would only need rubble removing. The second building was derelict but still a sound brick structure; a potential ‘home’ for bats. It was decided that even though Regional Prime Contract had carried out an environmental impact assessment of the area it would still be beneficial to take a more in depth search around the brick structure for evidence of bat life.

Visits from a licensed bat surveyor, torch in hand, concluded that bats were not using the building, so the demolition was completed early March 2011. Whilst this was not directly a Station conservation measure it is hoped that the void left in the woodland will allow the existing trees and ground flora to Curlew nest and eggs, RAF Wittering Airfield© OCS self seed and flourish again.

on the bog area and allows for the Station for demolition; this included Sharon Rawnsley natural habitats of both flora and fauna two old communication buildings Conservation Group Secretary to flourish in this wet woodland. located in the wooded area of the SSSI. Work in the SSSI cannot be carried out During the latter part of the financial without assent from NE; an initial visit year the Site Estate Team (SET) from NE established that one building earmarked a number of buildings on was all but demolished by natural

Ceredigion Aberporth Range (5) 5

I am the Conservation Liaison Officer Field trips which have taken place this for the Aberporth Range. There is a year are; beached bird survey, breeding MOD Conservation Group on site with bird survey and follow up breeding bird members consisting of QinetiQ surveys. employees past and present, various ecological specialists, MOD Coming up this year we have; the MOD representatives as well as other Bird Count and botanical surveys. Next stake-holder parties. year the bird and botanical surveys will continue and we are hoping to invite a The Aberporth site is situated on a fungi and mammal specialist onto site. headland jutting out into Cardigan Bay Dolphin in Cardigan Bay © SeaMor and the SSSI area includes the cliffs Cardigan Bay has been designated as a Karen Williams around the edge of the site, the very Special Area of Conservation because QinetiQ Conservation Liaison Officer steep grassy or wooded slopes, as well of its importance for marine mammals and Compliance Co-ordinator as some of the gentler slopes on the – dolphins, porpoises and seals as well plateau above. as lamprey, reefs, sandbanks and sea caves. The area is important as it is one of last remaining unimproved areas of coastal Cardigan Bay is especially important for heath and grasslands in Ceredigion. The bottlenose dolphins as it is one of only areas of hanging oak woodlands at the two areas around the UK with a resident eastern edge of the site are unique population. along this part of the coast.

70 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 AROUND THE REGIONS

Cornwall Antony (6)

7 6

‘Tis from deepest Cornwall that this ‘ere “try rubbing them between your fingers!” But having said that, I’ve just been dive column has been penned. I’ve been Bonkers, blinkin’ bonkers the lot of bombed by swifts and swallows as I asked to write a few words about them. ventured out of my office. I’ve just Conservation in South East Cornwall, witnessed a weasel via the CCTV and in particular about the Antony scurrying across the Fort’s entrance Conservation Group working out of road, closely observed by the resident Tregantle Fort (‘tis God’s own country buzzard. I’ve had a barn owl sitting on a you know). window sill no more than 20 feet away and watched kestrels soaring on the Well, when it comes to conservation I’m thermal currents. My family and I have a complete heathen, or should I say been wrapt in awe as a school of was. I can remember the occasion dolphins swam joyfully by whilst we sat when Mr Ian Bennallick (a member of stunned on Longsands Beach; closely our merry band) and I were strolling followed by a basking shark. So yes, I around inside the Fort; he was might be a Conservation heathen, but scribbling down notes after every step. I even I have to admit that nature itself is don’t know what he was looking at, but just stunning. all I could see was grass. Or the occasion when I reluctantly joined Ms Clive Joyce Josephine Haskett the local Landmarc Deputy Commandant Assistant REM looking for bats. “Here’s Tregantle Fort and Ranges some bat droppings” she proudly stated, Eerie Tregantle © Crown Cornwall Penhale Sands (7)

2010-2011 has been a year of changes popular with visiting units for various for Penhale Camp and Training area, activities and there is also an ‘Off Road some good and some not so good. Driver Training Route’. The MOD Training Area of the dunes remains closed to In April-May 2011 the MOD fenced general public access, except along the Camp area was closed and sold to a Coast and Permissive Paths or on the private landowner. This meant that all ‘Warden-led’ walks, events, school visits MOD and Landmarc staff, who were and workshops. based at Penhale, have now moved to staff offices at RAF St. Mawgan, about 6 The Penhale Conservation Group miles away, near . remain active and held their AGM in Scrub cutting Penhale © Crown February at St. Mawgan. On every visit There is no longer any built to the dunes, some new/recent re- owned area of the adjacent dunes, accommodation on site for visiting discovery of a rare species is made, which are frequently used for recreation units, except those wanting to camp at usually of an invertebrate, thanks to the and access. Some interesting the Bivi Site or on the dune fronts specialist knowledge and enthusiasm differences were noted and she is now where ‘Survival Skills’ training is carried of the Group members. In 2010-11 a a new member of the Conservation out. All MOD units, cadets etc, are now student from Cornwall College carried Group - we have also gained a few accommodated at RAF St. Mawgan. out her dissertation on the rare silver more new members, from links with studded blue butterfly, comparing Cornwall Wildlife Trust (CWT), The Training Area remains in MOD numbers, behaviour and habitats Amphibian and Reptile Group UK ownership and despite the drawback of between the non-public access MOD workshops and Cornwall Butterfly having to travel further, it is still very area and Perran Sands/Bourne Leisure Conservation.

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Another major, and positive change has security and it is hoped that the Sarah Taylor been the signing of a Tenancy relationship between CWT, MOD and Penhale Sands SAC Reserves Warden Agreement between MOD and CWT, Landmarc will continue to thrive and Cornwall Wildlife Trust which also meant that in December benefit the dunes as a whole. 2010, a Higher Level Stewardship Agreement (HLS) was signed between Natural England and CWT, providing funding for management work, interpretation, surveys and a Management Plan and any contributions necessary towards the ‘Penhale Warden Project’. CWT therefore now have responsibility for managing the conservation value of the MOD dunes, while Landmarc still maintain a role in managing the boundary fencing, signs and Bivi site/ MOD training facilities.

The dunes continue to thrive, both in conservation and training terms. We have yet to see what the future has to hold for the area, but the HLS Agreement and Tenancy provides 10 years of funding and management Grass snake found at Penhale © Crown

Cornwall Predannack (8)


Predannack Airfield is a satellite station Previous work includes monitoring a to RNAS Culdrose and used primarily for trial in the reduction of mowing across helicopter pilot and fire fighting the airfield, a balance between flight training. The Airfield is situated within safety and encouraging flora and fauna. the Lizard Peninsular and is surrounded A scrub management trial which has by areas of SSSI and SAC. 40% of the seen a significant reduction of scrub site is leased from the National Trust, over the last five years. and within this area fire fighting training is carried out. Future work includes maintaining the Lizard SSSI in a favourable state, The Conservation Group meet on a six creating Mediterranean temporary - monthly basis and consist of: ponds in three different locations and assisting the National Trust in school • Uniformed users of Predannack visits and guided walks. • DIO including Regional Representatives Nick Kyte • Regional Prime Contractors Environmental Protection Advisor/ • Recreational users Pollution Control Officer • Outside agencies including National RNAS Culdrose Trust, Natural England and Cornwall Predannack airstrip © Crown Wildlife Trust • Lodger Units including Shelterbox and RAF Gliding School

72 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 AROUND THE REGIONS

10 County Down 9 Ballykinler (9)

The Ballykinler Conservation Group has Interest (ASSI) and other features across The number of seals hauling out on the continued its role as an important the site. The Northern Ireland beach at Ballykinler may have been management forum in the past year Environment Agency has recently down slightly last year even though with much progress being made to re-assessed the ASSI and concluded counts of 200 seals were regularly made manage the Area of Special Scientific that all the dune features at Ballykinkler between August and October. are in either ‘favourable’ condition or Numbers fluctuate because the seals they are ‘unfavourable recovering due form part of a larger colony across to management change’. This reflects Dundrum Bay. Detailed monitoring the efforts of the Group over the last suggests that other beaches are five years. This work continues and preferred for giving birth and the another 71 hectares of the dunes will numbers have continued to increase at be grazed from the summer of 2011. Minerstown in recent years.

Meanwhile Ballykinler has been heavily Disturbance of seals by civilian motor used for training in the past year with boats and other recreational users at 19 Brigade preparing for operations in the Ballykinler end of Dundrum Bay Afghanistan. This has led to an remains a concern with the spectacular increased risk of fires across the site and setting and backdrop of the Mourne steps have been taken to reduce this Mountains making it popular with risk and tackle fires more promptly. This tourists in the summer months. has included discussions with Northern Ireland Fire Service and the purchase of Oliver Howells some fire fighting equipment to be Natural Environment Advisor used by range staff to tackle small DIO range fires before they get out of hand. Ballykinler coastal scene © Crown County Londonderry Magilligan (10)

The dramatic backdrop of Lough Foyle opened up. The graziers now attend all and County Doneghal makes the Conservation Group meetings to Magilligan one of the most picturesque report on progress. sites on the defence estate and Magilligan Conservation Group plays an The site was visited by a group of sand essential part in managing the site, dune ecologists and site managers which is designated as both an Area of from across Britain and beyond when Special Scientific Interest (ASSI) and 30 members of the UK Sand Dune and Special Area of Conservation. All the Shingle Network visited in October dune habitats and species that are ASSI 2010. They were shown how the MOD features have now been classified by Magilligan © Crown integrates urgent operational military Northern Ireland Environment Agency training with its responsibilities to as being in either ‘favourable’ condition In the last year the effects of the new maintain biodiversity across the site and or ‘unfavourable recovering due to grazing regimes have become apparent by all accounts they were impressed by management change’. This progress has as three new tenants are grazing cattle the level of active management taking been made despite a heavy training across the vast majority of the dunes. place. load with 19 Bde undertaking a busy Parts of the dunes have not been pre-deployment training schedule prior grazed in recent memory and the Oliver Howells to deployment in Afghanistan. effects have been marked with the Natural Environment Advisor rather rank and dense sward being DIO

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11 Cumbria Warcop (11)

Tree planting Their less selective browsing will also remove the excess of rough grass Phase 2 of a voluntary tree planting growth and allow flowering plants, exercise involving members of the heathers and scrubby trees to flourish. conservation group and local volunteers was conducted over the This regime would also enable weekend 5 and 6 March, where some vegetation growing in the cracks in the 3,000 additional trees were planted in limestone pavement, including ferns, and around the lower area of trees and woodland flowers to expand Haybergill Range. beyond the crevices. Having some Planting the woodland © Crown successional scrub growth, particularly A media event was held at Warcop on scattered trees of mixed age would The aim of the enclosure is to exclude 17 March to promote the tree planting provide a valuable continuation of the stock from an area of approximately project and the agreement between woodland habitats of the adjacent 14ha containing Teesdale violet, to Defence Infrastructure Organisation Helbeck Woods. Such areas of upland protect the plants from grazing while (DIO), the Woodland Trust and the Area fringe woodland are very uncommon in they are flowering and setting seed. The of Outstanding Natural Beauty, for the the North Pennines. planting of 50 hectares (ha) of trees in enclosure will be grazed during the autumn to prevent coarse grasses small blocks along the Southern edge Sheep, by contrast, are more selective dominating the limestone sward and of the estate in 2010/11 with a further grazers, which often preferentially graze out-competing the Teesdale violet. planting of 110ha of trees in 2011/2012. flowering plants, and leave the coarser These areas have been chosen primarily grasses. They are also agile enough to for their military training value and the High Level Scheme venture onto areas of limestone proposal is to plant around 1100 trees Beef short horn cattle are now grazing pavement, and will often graze the per ha, using native species indicative in the area of Musgrave allotment for characteristic plants which grow to the area, where possible reflecting the first time at Warcop and form part amongst the pavement. the existing natural woodland of a High Level Scheme. The ideal remnants. management for the allotment would Maj (Retd) Tam Campbell be to have cattle only grazing, as cattle Conservation Group Chairman will not selectively graze the flowering plants within the limestone grassland.

Cattle grazing the training area © Crown

Long Fell Natural England and DIO have agreed a proposal to fence an area of land on Long Fell to help protect the rare Teesdale violet. This rare plant which occurs in only two places in Cumbria, one of which is Long Fell. Recent monitoring has shown that the population is declining in this area. Volunteers who helped to plant the woodland © Crown

74 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 AROUND THE REGIONS

Devon Britannia Royal Naval College (12)


Britannia Royal Naval College (BRNC) is a unique site located within the South Hams AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) and is surrounded by county wildlife sites. I have been in post here at BRNC as the Energy and Environmental Protection Advisor for one year and I am still always taken aback by the beauty of the site and its surroundings as I make my way up the meandering path every morning beneath the variety of towering trees dodging squirrels, magpies and slowing to admire the odd buzzard perched on the lamp post.

Within the first few months of my appointment I found we have several feral bee colonies living in wall cavities, numerous areas used for bat hibernation roosts and maternity roosts (horseshoe species) as well as rare fungi identified by on site enthusiasts, Alan Payne and Carol Rampling all to be Close up of bees © Crown dealt with appropriately. As part of the Conservation Management Plan the knotweed issue on site, potential site has a Extended Phase 1 Habitat funding opportunities in the creation of Survey as a good basis with some a wetland area and a woodland survey recommendations for enhancement. with the view to implement a woodland management plan. I am also Due to the fact that the site is not listed in the process of liaising with the South as a SSSI, I have taken the approach to Hams Bee Keeping Association to look be the central point of contact for at the possibility of extending the bee internal and external contacts to ensure population and including site bee hives progress. Ideas are discussed at the in an orchard area and there is always Safety, Health, Environment and Fire the advertising of the MOD bird count. committee meeting and I action agreed outcomes in cooperation with external There is still much to be done, with the agencies and subject matter experts to estuary frontage at Sandquay. I often gain expert knowledge. hear reports of kingfishers and other wildlife on the potentially important So far I have held a fungi foray for staff intertidal mudflats which is next on my led by Alan and Carol which was a list with monitoring and external help successful and hugely informative to note the importance of the still couple of hours. I have organised and relatively undisturbed area occupied by participated in a regular bat monitoring the Royal Navy. surveys with members of the Devon Bat Group as well as facilitated An enjoyable afternoon at work for volunteers training with bat exit counts. anyone. Bees © Crown South Hams AONB have conducted a site visit and provided valuable advice Hannah Govier in ways of managing the japanese Conservation Group Chairman

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Dorset Bovington and Lulworth (13)


Probably in common with most training Dormouse surveys are being carried estate, there has been an increase in out at Lulworth. They have moved demand for new facilities, and an from the gorse into boxes in the hazel inexorable desire to bring training near the impact area of Heath ranges. facilities up to reflect the contemporary Thankfully none were found in the environment. Whilst this has the gorse this year, which will favourably potential to steam ahead without affect the licence for scrub concern for the environment, we management. appear to be striking a balance. Similarly, there is concern from our Insect life continues to thrive and is group, that following some good work providing further evidence that BTA AFV Driver Training Area - tank manoeuvre area on SSSI maintenance and improvement, conservation activities do work. Dr Tony and metaled driving circuit © Crown there are questions over availability of Warne from our conservation group has skater and an uncommon diving beetle. funding for maintenance in the future. reported on some differences between Surprisingly, no tadpoles were found on traps set some 10 years ago before a Wool Heath but there are palmate The strategy of encouragement to get new tank manoeuvre area was newts. all our tenant farmers into Higher Level constructed and trees removed and this Stewardship may have benefits for the year. Also, Malaise traps have been put Woodland management continues future. Most of our SSSI areas that can in the area between Toby’s Pond and with thinning and felling in accordance be, are now being grazed. Of particular the all weather driving circuit around with a 20 year plan started in 2009. The note is our arrangements with the the same area as the one 7/8 years ago. arrangement which allows us to use Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Preliminary results from both show that funds generated from the sale of timber Trust, who, following some successful there has been significantly increased to use on other non SSSI conservation ventures in Bovington training area, will numbers of most insects. projects is working well, allowing for hopefully be assisting us in Lulworth us coppicing at 8 Acre Coppice, hedgerow to ensure the healthy management of During a survey of the ponds on Wool development at Bovington Farm and some of our newly formed heathland, Heath and Area South previously thinning of holly in Furzy Coppice to following felling. unrecorded species have been found encourage ground flora and natural including the largest species of pond tree regeneration. The deer exclusion fence in Tyneham Great Wood is being monitored to record the effect on ground flora.

Well – there’s more, but you would have to be one of our conservation group to get the full benefit of what’s happening around Bovington and Lulworth training areas. Happy surveying!

Lt Col (Retd) Chris Donaghy Commandant DIO DTE Bovington and Lulworth Training Area

Small red damselfly© Iain Perkins

76 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 AROUND THE REGIONS

Dumfries and Galloway 14 Kirkcudbright Training Centre (14)

We are on the southern coast of historically the land which the range storms and high tides bring in a wealth Scotland, between Kirkcudbright Bay has occupied since 1943 has been of marine life for our experts to examine (pronounced Cur-koo-bree) and the inhabited, farmed and fought over for and record. The whole coastline is a Solway Firth, facing the Isle of Man and hundreds of years. We have 193 geological SSSI. the . registered sites of archaeological interest. On our eastern border are the The south facing coastal slopes also This increasingly busy training area, remains of Dundrennan Abbey keep our botanist fully employed. approximately 2020 hectares, offers a (Cistercian – founded 1142), also the Whilst many areas are grazed others diverse spread of habitat types, range encloses at least two Iron Age remain undisturbed, allowing a very including sea cliff and rocky coastal forts, the remains of two churches and varied range of species to flourish. At shore, rough grassy coastal plain, scrub many ‘cup and ring’ marked rocks. Our the time of writing this the woodland and shrub, agricultural grazing and southern seaward boundary was much area and fringes are carpeted blue with cropping, mature deciduous woodland, used in the past for both legal and native Scottish bluebells. new and old coniferous plantations, illegal trading between England, Ireland areas of overgrown hedging, wetland and the Isle of Man. The caves and With a major geese wintering area to and reed beds. underground cellar along the shore still the east in the Solway and a red kite attest to the dangers and rewards of release in the Galloway Forest Park, we Since 2006 public access has been smuggling along this rocky coast. see a very large range of bird species in available via a seven mile route across this area. Our own unique position and the centre of the range which is Our archaeologist, historian and habitat range attracts very many types regularly frequented when the range is geologist are therefore not short of of migrant birds, both breeding and inactive. More recently, shorter circular material to keep them busy. Likewise, passing through. All these movements routes have been made available at the with badger setts rapidly approaching are monitored via our BirdTrack surveys east and west ends, which will appeal 200, our mammals experts are fully and we are currently hoping to define to those wishing to take a shorter walk. employed monitoring these and all the the precise areas within the range other mammal species in existence boundary which are proving to be the Whilst our area is relatively undeveloped here. most attractive to each species. and has been variously described by some of our visiting military customers There are many coastal bays, not always Raymond Mounsey as ‘the back of beyond’, ‘the land that easily accessible, where seals and otters Ornithologist, Kirkcudbright time forgot’ or even ‘Jurassic Jockland’, play. The prevailing south westerly Conservation Committee

View to Little Ross lighthouse from Balmae © Crown

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Essex MDPGA Wethersfield (15) 15

Local Wildlife Site designation Rare plant species discovered Conflict of interest granted I invited the Essex Recorder for the There’s a conflict of interest here with A long-forgotten 4 hectare slice of Botanical Society for the British Isles, Dr. the mix of dog training, cadet gliding ancient woodland, Park Wood, has now, Ken Adams, to record our flora. He was school, 4 x 4 training and hay cutting under the stewardship of the Ministry really pleased to discover a colony of by contractors who sometimes disturb of Defence Police and Guarding Agency 400 oxlips Primula elatior, in Park Wood. protected ground-nesting species, (MDPGA) Environmental specialist, Ros Once common in East Anglia, they are including skylarks and brown hares. Gourgey, been granted the protective now very rare owing to habitat loss. Fortunately, due to a last-minute status of Local Wildlife Site. change of instructions to the grass In addition, Tim Pyner, Essex Recorder cutting crew we saved several clusters ‘The Citation is currently being drawn for Mosses and Bryophytes recorded 67 of bee orchids Orchis apifera. up, but this is wonderful news for all species, including one extremely rare those volunteers from MDPGA staff, our moss, the tongue-twisting clay-screw This site’s natural heritage has been resident Army families and Essex moss Tortula amplexa, known at only neglected for too many years. Progress Wildlife Trust, who have worked hard four sites in the UK. has been slow but is gaining clearing areas so that ground flora and momentum as more and more people amphibians can flourish’, says Ros. Red and Amber-listed species realise just what a wildlife sanctuary recorded they have, quite literally, on their The Military Correction & Training doorstep. Centre, Colchester, work party came up Among the 50 breeding species with the clever suggestion to build recorded were numerous Red and Ros Gourgey rustic bridges over a couple of ditches Amber-listed birds. 2010 was a good Sustainability Manager which solved a ‘thorny problem’. They year with 1,181 birds ringed and 35 nest were full of initiative and got the boxes installed. However, Wethersfield Judith Slater project off to a good start. bird enthusiasts are expecting reduced Corporate Communications, MDPGA numbers in the 2011 British Trust for This ancient woodland now has a path Ornithology Survey, because of the which will become a nature trail for all harsh winter. the families on site. Woodland creation By planting 3,300 trees and shrubs close to the edge of Wethersfield airfield, Ostend Wood, outside our perimeter fence, has now been successfully extended. In partnership with the Woodland Trust, we planted oak, hornbeam, ash and field maple saplings, as well as hawthorn and spindle.

This provides habitat to encourage bird and insect life, as well as putting back what was formerly cleared for the ‘war effort’. In addition, nearly a kilometre of native hedgerow now defines the boundary of the nature reserve and protects an important tract of grassland, grazed by rabbits, encouraging successful germination of wild flowers to attract butterflies and other insects. Lee Dudley of Woodland Trust, Steve Love QPM, Chief Constable of MDPGA and Duncan Ford of RDT plant an oak, with staff members (Ros Gourgey, Lucy Sanders & Cheryl Spiers)© Paul Kemp MDPGA 78 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 AROUND THE REGIONS

17 Fife RAF Leuchars (17)

Leuchars Conservation Group Railway Siding event group photo © Crown

It’s been a time of change at RAF With most people’s attention fixed on The rest of the Group have been busy Leuchars this year. In the spring we the Station’s newest arrival – the too helping the local Community waved goodbye to 111(F) Squadron Typhoon FGR4 jet fighter, I found myself Council transform the disused railway with our Conservation Officer (the looking skyward for some more familiar siding (which formerly served to bring Squadron’s JENGO) in tow. I was happy wings: oystercatchers, pipistrelle bats supplies into RAF Leuchars) from a to take on the conservation role and and even the mighty sea eagle. wasteland into a nature trail. Our duly signed up. I mention the latter specifically because, annual Beach Clean on the north shore it seems, that in my thick Perthshire of the Eden Estuary concentrated on accent, the terms “sea eagle” and removing the harmful plastics that get “seagull” are indistinguishable. A fact I washed inland on that stretch of coast. discovered when, upon excitedly recalling a recent sighting of one such Not everything was successful however. My Saturday afternoon presentation on bird perched on the runway lights and Saltmarsh Restoration couldn’t stating that very few personnel on compete with the Ladies Final at Station had ever seen such a creature, I Wimbledon and, as a result, only two found that I had rendered my listener people attended. I’ll reschedule it speechless! though and this time I’ll bring biscuits. Plans are in the pipeline for more Luckily, there is no such confusion for events and presentations so if you’re the Conservation Group’s two resident ever in the area and would like to find ornithologists. Vron and George can be out more, just follow the trail of found out in all weathers (though it’s chocolate digestives! mostly rain) taking part in bird surveys, the results of which are fed into the “KC” Campbell MOD Bird Count. Conservation Officer Conservation Officer (KC on the right) and the RAF Leuchars Conservation Group Secretary (Vron Wootton on the left) on a litter pick © Crown

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Gloucestershire Abbey Wood (18)

18 19

Many people arriving for work each wildlife access to and from the water. Heron fishing at Abbey Wood© Andrew Linnett morning might think that Abbey Wood The rejuvenated ponds not only isn’t a very exciting place for wildlife. In enhance the appearance of the variety of woodland ground flora. The fact there is plenty to see around Abbey grounds but also provide a more Splatts Wood volunteer groups also Wood, particularly the lake and also in suitable habitat to attract dragonflies, work closely with British Trust for neighbouring Splatts Wood which frogs and newts to breed. Together Conservation Volunteers. provides a great place for staff to go for with the addition of extra log piles, this a lunchtime walk. As well as a resident is starting to encourage an increase in Meanwhile, the OCS Group have community of small mammals, the wildlife. sponsored a meadow near Stanley woodland and water birds there may Farm and wildflower and meadow seed be even the chance to spot something For several years local volunteers have was sown the previous autumn. A rarer including a kingfisher, a pair of been carrying out valuable coppicing sympathetic mowing regime has been nesting kestrels, heron, bank voles and work and laying a wood chip path in recently extended around the site to even a visiting cormorant. Splatts Wood. This is part of the Abbey allow the wildflowers time to flower Wood site but is leased to South and set seed. The new planting scheme Despite funding restrictions, a project Gloucestershire Council. Led by the will not only add colour to the office arranged by the Environmental Team to council’s conservation officer, Chris landscape but will also provide shelter restore the ornamental ponds, Giles, a working party from an for wildlife and nectar for butterflies including the garden of remembrance, Integrated Project Team in Abbey Wood and bumblebees. is now nearing completion. Banks went out again in the New Year to cut planted with native pond plants have down and clear branches from the David Harrington been placed in each pond to allow hazel trees to create space for a wider Conservation Group member Hampshire Defence Training Estate Home Counties (19)

The heathlands of the Home Counties’ are most useful to our populations of Training Areas are particularly solitary bees and wasps and their important for the many scarce insects parasites. All of this disturbance creates associated with them and which what are called early-successional provide opportunities for them to habitats in mosaic within the “heather” construct their nesting sites in the areas of the heathlands. sandy soils. Many of these wonderful sites contain a legacy of what is The bare ground is the essential habitat occasionally disturbed bare sandy component in conjunction with the dry ground areas. These are frequently heathland containing nectar-rich caused as a result of the disturbance by summer-flowering dwarf shrubs in the military vehicle training activities or by form of ling Calluna vulgaris and bell the use of the paths and tracks for heather Erica cinerea with cross-leaved The mottled bee-fly Thyridanthrax fenestratus sitting walking or the riding of horses. It is the heath Erica tetralix in the wetter areas. on hot bare sand © BENHS very occasional disturbance by tracked Bare ground areas warm up quickly in wasps, like Ammophila pubescens, vehicles that can be particularly useful the sun, an essential requisite for many which then stock them into their nest in tearing up the vegetation perhaps insects. The heathland vegetation also holes in the sand. High numbers of once in ten years. Alternatively, for the provides the food sources that the scarce to very rare species of solitary more frequently used tracks it is the progeny of some insects depend on, bees, wasps and flies are also known edges of such sites where they remain this is in the form of the many moth from all these areas. as bare soil, or where cuttings have caterpillar species which feed on these been made through sandy hillocks, plants. These caterpillars are captured In late 2009 the creation of additional thereby leaving cliff-like sand faces that and paralysed by stinging by solitary bare sandy patches within the “heather”

80 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 AROUND THE REGIONS

Ammophila pubescens, the host wasp of the mottled bee-fly, on the edge of its nest hole in bare sand© Chris Spilling areas commenced on the Aldershot tendency in recent years for hard Military Training Area. This continuing surfacing to be applied to the bare programme is being undertaken under sandy tracks these species formerly Higher Level Stewardship to recreate used. additional bare sandy areas because some older bare ground sites on the An essential pre-condition of bare tracks have been lost due to hard ground creation was agreed by surfacing, applied to facilitate the Defence Infrastructure Organisation access of fire and military vehicles. A Land Managers and Natural England continuous programme of bare patch staff. This is because the Aldershot creation is necessary as these patches training area is both a Site of Special A new bare sand patch created within the heather regenerate into heather covered areas Scientific Interest and a part of the areas to help nesting solitary bees and wasps. Note within five to ten years of their original Thames Basin Heath’s Special Protection the south-facing soil and turf bank, which is also used creation. These new bare sand patches Area. It was also necessary to liaise with by a variety of insects both to nest in and to locate will help the Biodiversity Action Plan the local bird experts on the prey © Stephen R Miles species, the mottled bee-fly, Conservation Group to minimise Thyridanthrax fenestratus which is in damage to bird territories of species must be dug in mosaic within the very low numbers on this site. Its host such as woodlark and Dartford warbler. “heather” areas, just sitting them in wasp, Ammophila pubescens will also be Timing of the digging of such sites is grassland or bracken heathland edge enabled to survive here too. Both also essential in that the patches need areas will not do. species have declined due to to be excavated in November to disturbance of the hard bare sand they January before woodlarks set up their Stephen R Miles, FRES need by high numbers of the public territories. But all parties need to Conservation Group member visiting and trampling this site and the understand that such bare patches

Sanctuary 40 • 2011 81 AROUND THE REGIONS

Hampshire Defence Munitions Gosport (20)


Defence Munitions Gosport is situated group who passes the details to the on a peninsula to the west of British Trust for Ornithology. Harbour. Occupying 196 hectares and adjacent to a unique The site has been included in the stretch of coastline with important Million Ponds Project sponsored by the wintering populations of waterfowl Ponds Conservation Trust and Biffaward. has SSSI, SPA and Final approval and funding has just Ramsar status. There is also an ancient been agreed to create seven new monument, Fort Elson, which is in a ponds adjacent to the existing great state of controlled degradation and is crested newt pond. occupied by a colony of pipistrelle bats. Three rare species of butterfly survive Ancient woodland in the explosives on the site, white letter hairstreak, area is home to one of Hampshire’s grizzled skippers and small heath. largest heronries. The 2011 survey Annual butterfly and moth counts are carried out by volunteers has revealed carried out by the Hants and Isle Of the population remains stable with 72 Wight Butterfly and Moth Society nesting pairs of herons and egrets. assisted by Owen Parker and other Unfortunately our bird ringing expert is conservation group members. The now on active overseas duty and we latest moth survey in May revealed are currently appealing for a volunteer something exciting, a rare moth, to fill this important conservation role. Coleophora vibecella, pupae. This species has only been found in a few Important information about the habits other sites in Southern England. of birds in the Portsmouth Harbour area have also been revealed in the high tide Kevin Cooper count carried out annually by Ian Environment Manager Calderwood from the conservation DM Gosport Heron landing © Russell Howard Hampshire HMS Excellent (21)

Deep down on the South Coast sit a One unit of the SSSI meets the rare walled bedstraw proved series of manmade islands and a low favourable condition but two are under noteworthy. lying peninsula that form HMS a five year management plan to Excellent, the main being Whale Island improve the conditions from • Butterfly surveys are conducted on a the home to the Fleet HQ, the site also unfavourable to favourable recovering. regular basis and resistant elm trees comprises Ranges and Horsea and buckthorn saplings have been Island. All of the above are surrounded Regular surveys are conducted around planted to promote and encourage by Portsmouth Harbour which in turn is the estate including: certain species. both a Special Protection Area and a Ramsar site. Within these boundaries • Bryological surveys for mosses and • Moth surveys were also completed, are three units of land designated as liverworts which identified 54 with six consecutive Fridays in the Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) species including the rare bearded summer set aside to collect the data and the whole of Horsea Island was earth-moss. using a team of enthusiasts. The recently designated as a Site of team used the light trapping Importance to Nature Conservation by • Botanical surveys carried out method, which proved very effective the Hampshire Biodiversity Partnership. identified 149 species of which the especially for nocturnal species. This

82 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 AROUND THE REGIONS

allows the observer to catch large All the boxes are made from woodcrete, numbers of moths and subsequently a mixture of sawdust clay and concrete, release them safely back to their extremely durable, does not warp or rot environment. The survey proved very is maintenance free and has excellent successful with 174 species of moth thermal properties. both large and micro, in particular and notable were the yarrow pug Further to all of the above a local bee and the L-album wainscot. keeper requested permission to site two apiaries at Horsea Island, which Bird watching is carried out on a was recently approved by DIO and monthly basis by a local twitcher who should be in situ soon. produces a master spreadsheet of all sightings annually, the most recent Ian Mackfall showing a total of 50 species, not Environment Manager including the waders that frequent the foreshores, of particular note recently was a migrant grey phalarope.

At all three sites much is being done to improve the biodiversity and infrastructure for the existing flora and fauna. Certain areas of the sites are left fallow to promote nature, flowers and insects alike.

Throughout the site bat boxes, bumblebee boxes, insect boxes, lacewing boxes, bird boxes and swift boxes have been sited, not forgetting the most recent addition of a sparrow terrace.

Insect box © Crown One of the bat boxes on site © Crown

Hertfordshire The Army Training Regiment

22 Bassingbourn (22)

The Army Training Regiment (ATR) on certain parts of the station. These Bassingbourn, it is located on the orchids are protected from grass Hertfordshire/Cambridgeshire border cutting and personnel picking them. and, has been in existence since the Bee orchids are notoriously 1930s and is a SSSI. The Outside Training unpredictable, appearing for a few Area (OTA) is full of wildlife from hedge years at a site in good numbers and sparrows to pheasants, fox and muntjac then completely vanishing! deer. There is also the Tower Museum which is a Grade 2 listed building, Following the Strategic Defence and dedicated to the 91st USAF Bomber Security Review the question as to Group, which is run by the East Anglian whether ATR Bassingbourn will remain Aviation Society. open is still to be considered.

I have been in post for a number of Terry Simpson AIIRSM, AIOSH years now and have always been Unit SHE Advisor informed by the locals that bee orchids can be found on the OTA but sadly I have never seen any. There is however an abundance of bee orchids flowering Bee orchid © Crown

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Isle of Wight Newtown Range and Jersey Camp (23)


4 adults and 6 juveniles were recorded, so too was a squirrel dray in a nesting box. The dray was confirmed by Helen. We hope that it will be used again, probably for a nursery.

2010 was Cadet 150; this was to celebrate 150 years of the ACF. The cadets had a fun day on the Range meadow culminating with HM Lord - Lieutenant of the Isle of Wight, Major General Martin White CB CBE JP, presenting awards and planting a red oak tree to commemorate the event.

In November we held our AGM chaired by the new Deputy Chief Executive for SE RFCA, Lt Col (Retd) Chris Booth. During the meeting the chairman presented Sue Blackwell and Lee Glover with Defence Infrastructure Organisation Certificates, thanking them for their many years service to Conservation.

Another interesting and diverse year with Fungi Surveys conducted by Isle of Wight Natural History & Archaeological Society and the Hampshire Fungi Glanville fritillary butterfly © Barry Angell Group. Moth trapping and bird ringing continue to be a regular occurrence Two snow falls in one year, unheard of our AGM. Nicola Wheeler and colleague during the year. on the Isle of Wight “never had snow like spent the day checking and recording this for 30 years”. As well as bringing the all our 20 odd ponds in the preparation Maj (Retd) Dave Maidment Island to a stop it did brighten up the for a more in-depth survey to follow. Range Officer & Training Estate landscape and threw a different light During the survey 10 brown hares were Manager on the beautiful training estate we have sighted in the same field on here. Lambsleaze Farm.

The annual wildlife walk went well, with The annual check on the nesting boxes viewing of the green winged orchids in Locks Copse was carried out by which seem to be in a decline cycle but Group members Richard Grogan our plenty of bluebells and other flora and licensed dormouse handler, fauna for our visitors to see. ornithologist John Willmott, botanist Bill Shepard and invited guest Helen Butler. Barry Angell, our neighbour farmer and Helen runs the Wight Squirrel Project Lepidoptera expert, was overjoyed to on the island. Red squirrels are confirm a rare Glanville fritillary Melitaea indigenous here, greys are not present. cinxia, butterfly in the area of the Butts. A good watch is kept by the residents Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust to ensure that the greys stay on the were invited in to carry out a survey of mainland. During the survey we the ponds; this has been discussed in normally encounter dormice. A total of Shepards Hill January 2010 © Crown

84 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 AROUND THE REGIONS

Kent and East Sussex Defence Training Estate South East (24) 24

DTE SE Dry Training Areas The Agri-Environment Higher Level Stewardship schemes would appear to be contributing significantly to the bio-diversity of many hectares across the Dry Training Areas (DTA) and coupled with a more robust approach to rabbits, the future at present looks positive. Highland cattle grazing at Great Shuttlesfield SSSI exemplified the use of traditional breeds on un-improved grassland and it is expected that Natural England monitoring of indicators of success together with Conservation Group members’ surveys and reports in 2011 will confirm this improvement across the DTA. Worthy of note was the finding of the nationally vulnerable lizard orchid Himantoglossum hircinum Skimmer, heathland pools © Bob Kennedy at St Martins Plain DTA in the summer. Defence Training Estate South East (DTE Fortunately a significant number of SE) has put large scale investment into large concrete blocks, (arising from Lydd Ranges projects at Lydd and Hythe Ranges to project work and a programme of Accidental fires on the ranges remain enhance current pre-deployment redundant building demolition being an issue. Whilst burns on the training. Developments have included carried out by Landmarc) have been unmanaged neutral grassland could be the construction of an Advanced Close made available. In April the seen as beneficial, the danger of fire Quarter Battle facility, an extensive Environment Agency improved the spreading into the perennial shingle Counter Improvised Explosive Device protection at Galloways using this training site and a number of significant recycled material (as rock armour) changes to existing ranges. These which will enable the facility to survive projects have taken up considerable until 2017. However this is only a resources of DTE SE personnel and have temporary measure and plans are been a prime example of stakeholders being drawn up for a long term working together. For all projects at solution which is likely to involve the Lydd Ranges, Habitat Regulations were relocation of look-out and adjacent an important factor in determining the sub-station and improvements to the locations chosen for development and flood resilience of infrastructure. close liaison with Statutory Bodies was The waste sorting facility constructed in a key component throughout the 2009 at Lydd continues to successfully process. recycle (tins, timber, metal, plastics, cardboard and paper) from Lydd Camp The Coastal Defence Strategy for this and Ranges. In December 2010, section of Kent has experienced further planning consent was achieved to delays due to funding and at present allow the transport of recyclable the future remains unclear; thus short material from all other MOD sites within term maintenance to the sea defences the Shepway District Area, thus continues. The look-out and electrical enhancing the green credentials of DTE sub-station at Galloways, Lydd Ranges, SE. A conscientious Landmarc team run is one of the main areas of concern as the facility, keeping detailed records of being at high risk of flood inundation. the by-products that are processed. Wood vetch © Peter Gay

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vegetation is ever present. Recent arose when it became apparent that first confirmed record of dormice in this studies by Dr Brian Ferry on vegetation extensive water ingress behind the 80 hectares wood for many years. The recovery within burnt areas suggest outer brick skin during adverse weather flora of Reinden Wood was also that in particular the prostrate could negatively impact the integrity of surveyed and several species of orchid blackthorn and their associated the anchoring. Extra funding was and the parasitic toothwort Lathraea epiphytic lichen will take decades to secured from DTE HQ late in the year to squamaria were recorded. recover. To aid limiting the spread of re-asphalt the terreplein above the fires Landmarc successfully completed in question. The stabilisation Recently bird reports have been more the re-instatement of a network of and re-asphalting was completed extensive for Lydd Ranges due in part firebreaks at Southbrooks and Midrips. within a very limited window of to the proposed extension to the In addition flexible water dams have opportunity and was driven by the Special Protection Area (SPA) and been purchased through SSSI close supervision of the Landmarc Ramsar designations. The proposed Improvement funding which will act as Building Services Manager. designations at Lydd Ranges have been temporary reservoirs for the Fire Service subject to extensive discussions when they are on site fire fighting to Conservation Groups between DIO and Natural England and reduce the need for lengthy trips to agreement to the extent of proposals is re-fill appliances. Attendance at Conservation Group expected in the near future. During meetings remained high. Summer visits discussions, site visits were held and in The area of the Ranges cut for hay was included a field trip to Watersend spring 24 avocets were present on extended last year and grazing finally Woods to view recent wide ride the Wicks. commenced on the Forelands. Due to creation and an extensive tour of Lydd the small number of traditional breed Ranges during the summer closedown. A total of 52 bird species were recorded cattle on the area, improvement to the The Pippingford Park Conservation at Pippingford Park last season. Whilst sward will take some time but Group was given a talk on dragonflies no Dartford warblers were present (a reduction in the rank grass is already and damselflies by David Chelmick designated SPA Annex 1 species), good evident. Proposals to extend grazing on which was followed by a site visit to numbers of redstarts and tree pipits the ranges are well underway although their habitats within the Park. All those were recorded as well as a pair of (the complicated ballistic templates mean who attended the talk by David stated Annex 1) woodlark. The data for that careful planning is required to how instructive and interesting the Ashdown Forest as a whole confirms a ensure there will be no impact on day was. crash in the numbers of Dartford military training. warbler thus it is not specific to Monitoring the Park. Scheduled Ancient Monuments Proposed dormice monitoring has Richard Goslett The brickwork stabilisation at the been delayed at Watersend Woods; was undertaken however another scheme initiated by Defence Infrastructure Organisation through REES funding and involved the the White Cliffs Countryside Partnership Land Management Services installation of scores of “Syntech™” commenced in Reinden Wood. One of DTE SE masonry anchors. Whilst works were the newly positioned nest boxes was underway an unforeseen problem soon occupied which represented the

Pippingford Park Conservation Group, Dragonfly walk© Bob Kennedy

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Merseyside 25 Altcar Training Camp (25)

Altcar Training Camp, situated on the bird-ringing studies, monitoring of rare coast a few miles north of Liverpool, species including natterjack toad and celebrated 150 years of continuous use red squirrel, maintaining the site on 30th July 2011. The origins of the dossier, leading guided walks and rifle ranges at Altcar go back to the advising on estate management, threat of invasion by France in 1859 and including applying for funding. Careful the response of the War Office to management of the estate by RFCA establish volunteer rifle and artillery with the help of the Conservation corps. One of these, the 5th Lancashire Advisory Group has created fields of Rifle Volunteers, was formed by rare orchids and provided habitat for Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Gladstone brown hare, bats and owls. and in 1860 he found an ideal site for the establishment of a rifle range on To celebrate this 150 year milestone approximately 60 hectares of recently the Conservation Advisory Group has reclaimed land at the mouth of the Alt prepared a new booklet on the history Estuary. and wildlife of this special place. The booklet will be available to the visiting Within a few years the site was serving public and others and will help to show volunteer units from throughout how we maintain and enhance wildlife Lancashire and towards the end of the on the military estate. nineteenth century the site was also Sand dune system at Altcar © Crown used by the regular army. In 1912 the John Houston West Lancashire Territorial Association Chairman Altcar Training Estate purchased the present-day estate. The Conservation Advisory Group site has a very interesting history, and although requisitioned in both World Wars, it remains owned and managed by the Reserve Forces and Cadets Association (RFCA) of and the Isle of Man.

As well as a large area of open ranges, the Altcar estate includes a wide foreshore of international importance for overwintering and migratory waterfowl, foredunes, fixed dunes and dune grasslands, damp meadows, scrub and plantation woods. The site forms part of the Sefton Coast dune system, the largest in England and part of the site lies within the Natura 2000 network of European protected sites. Military use and nature are very compatible on the site and the relatively small-scale disturbance from training activity helps to keep some of the dune areas more open.

The Conservation Advisory Group, established in 1977, has an active and Altcar Training Camp booklet © Crown long-standing membership. Members are involved in archaeological surveys,

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Norfolk Stanford Training Area (STANTA) (26) 26

Otters and crayfish in STANTA they can also be carried by birds. On are also eaten. Water voles therefore are arrival in a new area, it is therefore likely potentially at risk, although they are not In spite of prolonged and sometimes that the fungus spores can be easily accessible, because they can intensive military activity in STANTA, distributed locally on the footwear of escape into holes of river banks that are otters have continued to thrive since people and also by the movements of too small for the otters to enter. my article was published in the aquatic birds and mammals, including However, these holes can be entered Sanctuary Magazine in 2009. This is otters. Fortunately the spores have a by the much smaller, non-indigenous undoubtedly due to the presence of a short survival period and are sensitive American mink. large area of suitable habitat, enabling to both excessively high and low them to retreat to quieter areas if temperatures. Although they can It will be interesting to see how the diet disturbed. One or two traditional disappear from infected lakes and rivers of the otters changes in STANTA and sprainting sites have been abandoned within a month of first occurrence, elsewhere. The otters will probably and other sites used instead. Although every precaution should be taken to continue to eat what is most readily otters are usually nocturnal, there have minimise the spread of the fungus. The available. Salmonids such as trout are been several sightings of both adults spores are easily re-introduced, likely to be taken mainly in fish farms and cubs in broad daylight. especially in rivers where there is a where they are easily caught, rather focus of infection upstream, for than in rivers where the flow makes Until the ‘70s the main diet of this example where signal crayfish are them more difficult to catch. It is also omnivorous animal appeared to be eels present. Scientific research is on-going possible that recently released young and so-called coarse fish such as pike, and further results will hopefully lead to trout may be caught before they have roach, rudd, tench etc. When the eel a way of eliminating the plague. had time to adapt to their new population declined and apparently environment. became extinct, the otters preyed Since the crayfish mortality, superficial heavily on the indigenous white- examinations of the spraints have Monitoring the otter population in clawed crayfish Austropotamobius shown remains of small birds, but STANTA will continue to be conducted pallipes. In 2002, this species was very mainly fish scales. Otters are by members of the Conservation Group plentiful in the river Wissey near the omnivorous and detailed microscopic whenever possible. western border of STANTA but in 2004 examinations of spraints in other areas widespread mortality was noticed. of the UK have shown they will even Dr Ian F. Keymer Crayfish and remains were last seen in eat aquatic larvae of dragonflies and Conservation Group Member October 2009, since when the species other invertebrates. It is well known appears to have died out completely. that amphibians and small mammals Investigations by the Environment Agency showed that the mortality was caused by a fungus known as Aphanomyces astaci. This water mould is carried by the introduced North American signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus. Although harmless to this species it is highly pathogenic to the white-clawed crayfish. As a careful search of the Wissey and its tributaries has not revealed the presence of any signal crayfish, there is little doubt that the fungal spores of this so-called “Crayfish Plague” have been introduced accidentally. Transmission can occur by contamination of foot-wear, fishing tackle and bait or almost any item that has had contact with water where signal crayfish are present. The fungus produces spores and it is possible that White-clawed crayfish © Ben Rushbrook

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Oxfordshire Bicester Garrison (27) 27 28

During the four years of being ornithologists. I must thank all employed to look after the Garrison ecologists that have been involved with Estate, I feel a real sense of Project RSME. This year has also seen achievement, in particular with the the introduction and trial of small birds development of what I believe will be a being ringed to allow for tracking and state of the art training facility for joint monitoring their movements, a good force operational training. selection has been made already for the MOD Bird Count. The time spent actively monitoring the estate has produced some outstanding The highlight for myself has been the results in all respects, from woodland success of achieving and passing the management through to bird ringing British Deer Society Deer management activities there is still a long way to go, course, also known as the advance being patient due to seasonal restraints stalkers course, and I am looking will without doubt produce the best forward to putting my skills to use. outcome for all. Gary Beckett At the time of writing this article Conservation Group Chairman another successful achievement has been again the barn owl rearing programme producing 7 barn owlets being ringed. Since 2006 there have been 34 owlets ringed by the trust’s Barn owl chick being ringed © Gary Beckett Surrey Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (28)

The Sandhurst Conservation Group Project ACORN is a base foundation internationally important populations plays an important part within the fully supported by volunteers, subject of nightjar, woodlark and Dartford estate and meets bi-annually reporting matter experts and our Commandant. warbler. The area also supports directly to the Commandant Major He takes a very keen interest in nationally important assemblages of General Patrick Marriott CBE. It consists conservation. With his direction we dragonfly and damselfly and includes of local volunteers, our own bailiffs, as continue to sow the seeds to ensure the valley bogs of Wishmoor Bottom well as professional conservation the legacy left to us is continued and which together with Broadmoor organisations and subject matter remains the bedrock to the RMAS Bottom form the most important experts. These include Defence heritage. remaining type of habitat in the area. Infrastructure Organisation, Natural England, English Heritage, Surrey We seek to balance conservation with The sustainable development of RMAS Wildlife Trust and Bracknell Forest the operational output and activity in adopts an approach whereby it fulfils Borough Council who all work together training our Officer Cadets in mind. present and future needs. A recent to ensure MOD and Government Barossa Training Area is designated as example of this has been to reinstate conservation legislation is adhered to SSSI, SPA and SAC. The woodland along the walled Victorian garden at and the future conservation of the the A30 trunk road is recognised as a Government House, where the estate is assured. All Royal Military site of nature conservation importance Commandant kindly agreed to open Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) and there are a number of listed the area as gardening allotments to conservation works now comes under buildings, broadleaved woodland, dry military residents based on the Station. one banner known as Project ACORN. and wet healthland. It supports They were officially opened by

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is one of the rarest habitats in Europe. Constant management is required to maintain Barossa’s biodiversity and rare species. The cattle are a big part of the picture in providing this management alongside other management techniques such as scrub clearance with conservation volunteers groups. Our links with the local community are far reaching, private visits by organised groups can be booked through the Sandhurst Foundation ( and annually Sandhurst opens its gates when we hold a Heritage Day. This year we had a record 13,000 visitors. Our guests are given access to view and enjoy the grounds, conservation and environmental awareness is promoted with a variety of stands. A recent appearance on the BBC programme Penelope Keith CBE DL opening Lodge farm allotments 30 July 2010 © Crown Countryfile was deemed a real success with Matt Baker showing Officer Cadet’s Miss Penelope Keith CBE DL on the 30 In partnership with DIO and Surrey some handy dance moves following his July 2010, in that “Sandhurst Way” an Wildlife Trust a small herd of placid appearance on Strictly Come Dancing, afternoon tea was served to the sounds belted Galloway cattle have been as well as reporting on the surroundings of a brass quartet. As the growing introduced onto the Barossa training and habitat of RMAS. season enters its second year residents area. “Barossa” provides a vital habitat are enjoying the fruits and vegetables, for wildlife in a predominantly urban Major Andy Stephens RLC of their labours. Taking the project area. The site’s primary use is military Conservation Group Chairman forward a small orchard is planned, training but this can happily coexist which will incorporate a picnic area. with looking after the heathland which

Major Andrew Speed on Winston, Old College Steps © Crown

90 Sanctuary 40 • 2011 AROUND THE REGIONS

West Sussex Thorney Island (29)



Million Ponds Project Black poplar trees Following the award of a pond creation Earlier this year, the National Trust grant under the Million Ponds Project, planted 12 black poplar trees in various five ponds have been created to locations on the island. The black encourage the habitation of poplar tree is a protected species that is invertebrates and their future study. virtually extinct in the UK. It is hoped to The project is led by Dr Pascale Nicolet, encourage their growth on TI. To date Area Co-ordinator and assisted by only three have been lost, mainly to survey studies from Southampton deer damage. University. Chichester Harbour Conservancy tree planting Bat surveys © Crown Bees Community tree planting These surveys were started by the Thorney Island is now producing its National Trust during 2010, TI having During the course of the last year, 1500 own honey! During 2010 two been identified as a good bat habitat. trees have been planted in woodland successful bee hives were installed on The 2011 surveys have now started in copse on Thorney Island (TI). This the island. Following that success, it is different areas, including service project has been funded by Chichester hoped to install a further two hives. hangars. Harbour Conservancy – Project Leader, Secondly a member of TI Shoot has Nicky Horner. Teams of volunteers from installed an organic bee hive to Maj (Retd) Chris Hallam ‘Friends of Chichester Harbour’, National encourage new bee species onto the Conservation Group Chairman Trust, TI Shoot and conservation island. specialists from TI have braved all weather conditions to assist with the success of this project. Warwickshire DM Kineton (30)

Here’s a nice little tale of triumph over never been allowed to grow but now Anyway – these tremendously pretty adversity. This particular tale shows that several bee orchids had appeared rising little flowers caused quite a commotion cost cutting in the Ministry of Defence majestically from the earth to peer at and on a personal level seeing them can be an advantage. In recent times, their surroundings. Perhaps they had (for the very first time) was one of the some of the ‘nice-to-have’s’ such as been waiting for several years for this real highlights of the summer. grass cutting on a grand scale has had one opportunity much like a sapling to cease in favour of doing only waits in the rainforest for an old tree to Due to the financial restraints I am able essential areas. fall so that it might reach for the light to provide photographic evidence of that the gap created? the jewels of nature that DM Kineton True, this leads to some tracts of land has tucked away. We have some rarely being unsightly but if one puts the seen flora and fauna but in order to find aesthetics aside the land is not just it I am often reminded of the wonderful about us humans – it’s about the maxim, it’s not enough to look – you marvellous flora and fauna that live and have to see. breed on it. Carl Portman I was delighted in the summer of 2010 Conservation Group Member to learn that bee orchids were growing on a small patch of ground that hitherto had been neatly cut and cropped. The foliage and grass had Bee orchids at DM Kineton © Crown

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Wiltshire Boscombe Down (31)


It’s been a couple of years since we last Boscombe, has also finally retired Wessex Linear SU14 SE749, Wessex contributed to Around the Regions, and (although, not being able to stay away Archaeology was called in to assess the in that time we have recruited two new from Boscombe, he does still come in ground for archaeology. Dr Phil Harding replacements for our butterfly recorders occasionally to help out). (of Time Team fame!) visited and Mr Jon Millo and Mr Tony Horner. inspected the area, declaring it ‘all clear’ Although ‘new’ isn’t really fair as they’ve At the 2010 Spring meeting of the for work to proceed. been assisting Tony for some while Boscombe Down Conservation Group, now. Mr Tim Frawley and Mr John Mr Paul Whitelegg, Head of Site, at This spring (2011) a Group working England are recording the butterflies Boscombe Down presented certificates party coppiced one of the Nature and birds seen in the areas that they issued by Defence Estates, to two long Conservation Areas and removed scrub transect for butterflies, along the standing members of the Group for from another. Considering that on both disused railway embankment. Both Jon ‘Outstanding Contribution to occasions the working parties were and Tony have contributed some 16 Conservation’; they were the Airfield only three or four persons strong, we years each towards the group; Jon Falconer, Mr Nigel Warrington and Mr managed surprisingly well. We are began carrying out and recording Dennis Hill, our estates contact for hoping to increase the size of our butterfly transects along the disused ground works. Both members having working parties and have another go at railway embankment whilst here with completed over 20 years each, with scrub clearing later in the year. the RAF and continued to do so after Nigel being one of the founder he was ‘demobbed’. Tony has been members. Mike Stone recording bird species here at Boscombe Down Conservation Group Boscombe Down for many years and, During May of last year (2010) there was Secretary following Jon’s move to Norfolk, he some major trench work noticed in and took over the butterfly recording. For a around the Hardened Aircraft Shelters while Jon continued to record and (HAS). It was fortuitous that we were table the butterfly records, but has now able to photograph the Wessex Linear finally left the Group. This last year of ditch (Monument SU14SE749) that recording (2010) at Boscombe, Jon saw traverses that area whilst the trench a record number of Adonis Blue was open. sightings, in excess of 150 on one very hot and sunny day in June. Tony, During work on the construction of a having completed over 50 years here at facility which was also near to the

Dennis Hill, Paul Whitelegg and Nigel Warrington © QinetiQ Open trench showing ditch in 2010 © Mike Stone

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Wiltshire Bulford (32)


Chairmanship of the Group has passed ornamental pond and mausoleum, Within the Garrison, a joint venture with from Lt Col Simon Ledger to Lt Col which we hope will add to the general Wiltshire Wildlife Trust’s ‘There is Space David Barron, the incoming ambience of the site. Here!’ programme is developing Commanding Officer of the Garrison woodland walks around Bulford and Support Unit. Membership continues The Ornithology Sub Group continues Tedworth Park with the aim of to thrive with well over a hundred to support the BTO with a ‘Constant promoting awareness of the natural names on the books which spawns a Effort Site’ led by Robert Hayden and habitat and all that it supports in the small but dedicated band of enthusiasts Simon Lane ringing migrant birds, area. who can be found out and about particularly warblers, and they have running the Group’s various recorded a large number of white Lt Col David Barron conservation projects. throats returning this season. In Conservation Group Chairman addition, efforts are being made to Commanding Officer increase the list of breeding populations for the BTO Atlas. The stone curlews are in residence and breeding well, although numbers of surviving chicks have yet to be confirmed, sadly the same does not apply to lapwings who are having a torrid time of it.

The activities of the botany sub-group span the plants and the dependent small animals, butterflies, and other Roman cremation urn © Crown invertebrates. During the autumn and winter months continuing scrub The recent months have seen a number clearance at the Figheldean Bridge SSSI of interesting archaeological finds with has improved the environment for construction of the eastern range road Desmoulin’s whorl snail colony. A leading to the excavation of a Roman sycamore sapling invasion was cutback cremation urn, a red deer antler pick on a hillside south of Tidworth to and the discovery of postholes for a maintain the chalk grassland flora Bronze Age house. Chisenbury Midden which has benefited the green has made two appearances on coloured cistus forester moth. television in ‘Secret Britain’ and ‘A History of Ancient Britain’. This spring and summer the sub-group has assessed the health of rarer plant The Bulford received its annual and insect communities especially clean from the New Zealand High those of interest to Natural England. Commissioner, with some assistance, The known distribution of purple milk Red deer antler © Crown on the anniversary of the Battle of vetch has been expanded westwards Messines. Readers will be reassured to with several new patches discovered. know that Wessex Archaeology have Marsh fritillary butterflies clearly lay assessed the threat to ancient eggs on all three of their scabious larval monuments from military training as food plants and we have proved that low compared to burrowing animals, two big colonies are linked which suggesting that our badger population increases their chance of survival. is thriving. Also in 2011 a brown-banded At Tedworth House, now an bumblebee colony was discovered with impressively refurbished Help for queens and workers identified. There is Heroes Recovery Centre, our volunteers always more to do than the time allows are endeavouring to restore an in the brief summer months!

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Wiltshire Imber (33)


some of which caught fire. This is one good work by members of the ICG in explanation for the low barn owl the Spring. The work being done each broods. The previous cold Winter did year has been welcomed by the Church not help either. There was a slight Conservation Trust, Edington Parish of improvement in the little owl breeding which Imber Church is part, and by the when compared to the disastrous many visitors at Easter and over the results in 2009. The new nest box made Christmas period. Neil Skelton of the by Geordie Ward and his team is ICG who leads this project oversaw the designed to keep the juveniles within re-installation of a set of six bells in the their nest site for up to a week longer, tower in August 2010, a marvellous step so increasing the chances of survival. forward. Nest box cameras have been installed at three sites as part of Emily Joachim’s A well attended summer BBQ took postgraduate research, which has been place in Imber Village in June 2010 and enormously helpful over the last few a very well attended AGM took place in years. October. Aspire Defence have continued to support the ICG with A great success in 2010 was the printing support for our newsletters participation in the final year of the and funding via the Red Start Project Fairy shrimp © Iain Perkins SPTA Butterfly Survey, coordinated by through the sale of nest boxes. The Imber Conservation Group (ICG) Iain Perkins on behalf of DIO with our continues to do its best to support records collated by ICG Secretary, Tilly Chairman Lieutenant Colonel (Retd) Defence Infrastructure Organisation Gregory. I am hoping that the example Mike Jelf and Sub-Group Leaders (DIO) staff at Westdown Camp, but with set by this data collection will be taken increasing levels of training and thereby up by other members. poorer access, this has become more difficult. We suspect there will be little Imber Churchyard is looking very much change in the next few years. However, better and more cared for after sheep we still managed to do quite a bit were let loose for a couple of weeks in around Salisbury Plain Training Area February 2010, followed up by some (SPTA) West. There has been a strong showing within sub-groups, in particular Archaeology, Ornithology and Butterflies. That is not to lessen the efforts of those surveying the bats, badgers and fairy shrimps.

The Barn Owl and Raptor project that has been continuing on the Plain for over 25 years shows no sign of easing off and continues to attract support and plaudits. The nest boxes, made locally, are designed to provide safe roosting and nesting sites for cavity nesting birds of prey. SPTA is a good habitat but lacks natural nesting sites. 2010 was to have been a ‘vole’ year and we had hoped to repeat the success of 2005 to boost numbers. It was not to be as we had an exceptionally dry Spring, so much so that instead of lush green grassland we had tinder dry areas Poppies on Battlesbury Hillfort © Imber Consevation Group

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Wiltshire Larkhill and Westdown (34)


After a harsh winter and dry spring, summer has arrived on Salisbury Plain and we can assess the results of the hard work of the sub-groups over the year. Scrub clearance by the archaeologists has prepared Can Down for further exploration, the deer management efforts have ensured a healthy and robust population in our area; the bird ringing programme and nesting box efforts have increased and we have new group leaders for entomology, bats and botany, a thriving beekeeping group and a vacancy for someone to take on the badgers.

Lone trees – ancient waymarks, unique habitat and welcome shelter – are becoming an endangered species as monoculture marches across our chalk upland. We’ve lost three old favourites View West from SU101521 to Church Ditches © Christopher Beese over the year but hope the rest will be conserved. done well; a harsh winter and a late We are privileged to have all this on a breeding season suggest no second doorstep and hope anyone reading this Our ringing teams have trapped and broods this year. The tawnys are down may be moved to join us in doing our ringed over 2000 birds. The isolated on last year and we have only found small bit for its conservation. area of hawthorn, gorse and bramble one family of little owls. A ruddy scrub at Westdown has proved vital to shelduck has taken over one barn owl Brian Nicol the conservation of the breeding box and produced eleven eggs! Conservation Group Secretary warblers and the autumn migrants. The numbers of birds passing through our We are living on one of the most area is remarkable – nearly three diverse habitats in northern Europe. hundred whitethroats, garden warblers Besides our birds, mammals, reptiles and willow warblers were ringed in and archaeological treasures, it August and over four hundred supports at least 13 species of blackcaps and chiffchaffs in September. nationally rare or endangered plants and many more that are scarce or just Sadly the dry spring and absence of plain interesting. As well as chalk mud for nesting materials, coupled with grassland, it has a range of habitats of predation by sparrow hawks (seen high ecological value, including invading the bunkers and hunting chalk-heath, woodlands, lichen rich turf fledglings), has diminished our swallow and burnt or disturbed ground. population. Some of the special plants growing on Our continued effort on conserving the Larkhill and Westdown ranges and monitoring our nightingales has include: tuberous thistle Cirsium paid off - in April we identified seven tuberosum, Deptford pink Dianthus territories with singing males, at least armeria, dwarf sedge Carex humilis, four of whom are returners. early gentian Gentianella Anglica, frog orchid Coeloglossum viridis, meadow The owls and raptors have had a clary Salvia pratensis, green winged difficult year; our barn owls have not orchid Anacamptis morio, bastard toadflax Thesium humifusum. Nightingale © Phil Deacon

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Wiltshire DSTL Porton Down (35)

36 35

during the harshest of the winter and proof cages that have been placed at then lightly boiled in the April sun. A various locations around the site. recent check of the cuttings was carried Different ground covers have been out. Brown thin twigs confirmed death chosen, ranging from pure unvegetated whilst green-ness tempted a look at the chalk to rabbit scrapes to short-grazed healthy developing root system. grassland. Cages have also been placed to have different aspects. In each cage Expectations of success in seed sowing 1000 seeds were sown. These seeds were low but two weeks ago eight very were subjected to 66 weeks in a tiny perfect juniper plants were found domestic refrigerator following advice X-pad level © Crown to have emerged. From sowing to given at a Plantlife workshop that this establishment of 1cm high plants took increases germination dramatically. The past year has seen a number of around 18 months. Such germination Germination and development within actions being undertaken to benefit from a small sample of seed is very these cages will be followed to assess the wildlife of Porton Down. important as the viability of seed from differences between ‘soils’ in which the Porton Down is thought to be very low. seed was sown, the effects of other On the SSSI one of our problematic vegetation growing and the direction species, juniper, has been taken in hand Another call will soon be made for the in which the cage faces. to persuade it to reproduce, or at least return of the volunteers to pot up their produce replicates. As part of a project cuttings for growing on and find out if After many years of only being able to being led by Plantlife, Dstl has taken they have green fingers or whether report sad news about juniper it is hundreds of cuttings which have been they might be better to taking up good to be able to have some protected in a polytunnel on site with another hobby. A combination of optimism about a potential future for an automatic watering system. growing plants from cuttings and from this species at Porton Down. Conservation Group members seed may see the beginning of an individually potted the cuttings into increase in the juniper population on Stuart Corbett various types of media, labelling their the Range Dstl Conservation Officer efforts. At the same time, as a test, I also sowed a few seeds of juniper into pure Another aspect of the Plantlife Juniper chalk from the Range. These sat, along project involves the use of mammal- with the cuttings, being frozen solid East Yorkshire DST Leconfield Carrs(36)

Sand martins first bred at the Defence manufactured for the sand martins School of Transport site a couple of involving a not inconsiderable amount years ago, temporarily stopping work of planning, man hours, and machinery, on improvements to the Training Area, utilising an area which was close to by making good use of some of the where they had previously set up heaps of sand that had been brought in home. Close attention was paid to the to create a sand track. The sand track direction of the bank, how steep to was one of several developments to make the gradient, and getting just the turn parts of the former WW2 airfield right consistency and colour of sand. Sand martin © Dave Kjaer into a more realistic and challenging The purpose-built sand bank looked training environment, simulating perfect in every way, so surely any ...Back to the drawing board, nature conditions in Afghanistan for students. discerning sand martin would choose wins again! this over and above those rough and To prevent any interruption to training, ready sand heaps on the sand track, Alan Bakewell MCMI a special purpose-built sand bank was time and time again wouldn’t they?... Conservation Group Chairman


Secretariat Defence Infrastructure Organisation Environmental Advisory Services Secretariat maintains the long-term strategy Building 21 for the estate and develops policy and best Westdown Camp practice guidance on estate management Tilshead issues. It is the policy lead for sustainable Salisbury SP3 4RS estate. The Directorate is responsible for Tel: 01980 674704 Sanctuary Magazine. EAS Natural Environment Team Defence Infrastructure Organisation Westdown Camp Secretariat Tel: 01980 674820 Kingston Road Sutton Coldfield B75 7RL EAS Historic Environment Team Tel: 0121 311 2021 Westdown Camp Tel: 01980 674718 Land management, including agriculture Six-spot burnet moths Zygaena filipendulae and forestry, public access, byelaws and EAS Sustainable Development Support © Iain Perkins Town and Country Planning Westdown Camp Kingston Road Tel: 01980 674866 Sutton Coldfield B75 7RL Tel: 0121 311 2127 EAS Environmental Planning Team The opinions expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the Ministry of Nature conservation, historic environment, Westdown Camp waste, sustainable procurement, climate Tel: 01980 674665 Defence. Notwithstanding Section 48 of change adaptation and environmental the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act assessment processes EAS Access & Recreation Team 1988, the Ministry of Defence reserves the Room 14 K Block Warminster right to publish authors’ literary and Foxhill Tel: 01985 222913 photographic contributions to Sanctuary Bath BA1 5AB in further and similar publications owned Tel: 01225 885133 EAS Scottish Environmental Liaison Team Rosyth by the Ministry of Defence. This is subject to contrary agreement, which must be Energy policy and land quality Tel: 01383 648042 Kingston Road communicated to the editor in writing. Sutton Coldfield B75 7RL Defence Training Estate Authors’ contributions will be Tel: 0121 311 2018 acknowledged with each and every The Defence Training Estate is responsible for publication. Maps in this publication are the provision of safe and sustainable facilities reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Defence Infrastructure for the delivery of military training across the map, by Defence Infrastructure Organisation Environmental United Kingdom. This now includes most of the ranges and training areas formerly Organisation, with the permission of the Advisory Services managed by the and Royal controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery The Environmental Advisory Services Navy. Office, Crown Copyright. (EAS) provides professional ecological, archaeological and planning support to Headquarters Defence Training Estate Unauthorised reproduction infringes the MOD. EAS acts as a focal point for all Defence Infrastructure Organisation Crown Copyright and may lead to environmental needs and enquiries across Land Warfare Centre prosecution or civil proceedings. Licence the Defence Estate providing a dedicated Warminster BA12 0DJ Number GD3189G. team of professional experts in a variety of Tel: 01985 222862 environmental disciplines. Submissions If you would like to contribute to Defence Sanctuary Magazine or enter Infrastructure Organisation future Sanctuary Awards please contact Clare Backman, Editor at: [email protected]

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