BRIEFING PAPER Policy Department External Policies THE STATUS AND LOCATION OF THE MILITARY INSTALLATIONS OF THE MEMBER STATES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THEIR POTENTIAL ROLE FOR THE EUROPEAN SECURITY AND DEFENCE POLICY (ESDP) SECURITY AND DEFENCE February 2009 JANUARY 2004 EN This briefing paper was requested by the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Security and Defence. It is published in the following language: English Authors: James Rogers and Luis Simón James Rogers is D.R.S. Scholar at Pembroke College, University of Cambridge and Luis Simón is Thomas Holloway Scholar and Fellow of the E.F.S.P.S Programme at Royal Holloway, University of London. Mr. Rogers was a Visiting Fellow at the European Union Institute for Security Studies during Autumn 2008, while Mr. Simón was a Visiting Fellow at the European Policy Centre during Spring 2008. Both are completing their Ph.D.s with a focus on European Security and Defence Pol- icy. Responsible Official: Dr Gerrard Quille Directorate‐General for External Policies of the Union Policy Department WIB 06M081 rue Wiertz B‐1047 Brussels E‐mail:
[email protected] Publisher European Parliament Manuscript completed on 19 February 2009. The briefing paper is available on the Internet at If you are unable to download the information you require, please request a paper copy by e‐mail : xp‐
[email protected] Brussels: European Parliament, 2009. Any opinions expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessar‐ ily represent the official position of the European Parliament.