ISSUE 3 March 2007 Greetings all Flag Institute members and welcome to our third edition of eFlags. As you can see we have developed our logo a bit now….at least it’s memorable! This edition seems to have developed something of an African theme growing out of the chairman’s visit to the cinema to see the ‘Last King of Scotland’ (an amazing and flesh cringing film…well worth a visit by the way). Events have also moved fast in the Institute’s development, and we hope the final section will keep you all in touch. Please do think about coming to one of our meetings, they are great fun, ( its one of the few occasions when you can talk about flags and not face the ridicule of your family or friends!) and we have a line up of some fascinating presentations. As always any comments or suggestions would be gratefully received at
[email protected] . THE EMPEROR, THE MIGHTY WARRIOR & THE LORD OF THE ALL THE BEASTS page 2 NEW FLAG DISCOVERED page 9 FLAGS IN THE NEWS page 10 SITES OF VEXILLOGICAL INTEREST page 11 PUTTING A FACE ON FLAGS page 12 FLAG INSTITUTE EVENTS page 13 NEW COUNCIL MEMBERS page 14 HOW TO GET IN TOUCH WITH THE INSTITUTE page 15 1 The Emperor, the Mighty Warrior and the Lord of All the Beasts. The 1970s in Africa saw the rise of a number of ‘colourful’ figures in the national histories of various countries. Of course the term ‘colourful’ here is used to mean that very African blend of an eccentric figure of fun, with brutal psychopath.