Proceedings JABODETABEK 2013 RESILIENT MEGACITIES: IDEA, REALITY, AND MOVEMENT IPB INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTER Bogor, 8 - 9 October 2013 Cataloging in Publication Data © Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Center for Regional System Analysis, Planning and Development (Crestpent) Cataloging in Publication Data Proceeding of Jabodetabek Study Forum, Crestpent IPB/ ErnanRustiadi, Tommy Firman, Ruchyat D. Djakapermana, Christophe Girot, Hadi S. Arifin, R. B. Singh, Shin Muramatsu, Setia Hadi, Alinda F. Zain (Eds.) ISBN : 978-602-72009-0-6 First Publish 2014 Copyeditor : Galuh S. Indraprahasta Candraningratri E. Widodo Rezky Khrismansyah Cindy Aliffia F. S. Putri Cantika Layouter : Muhammad Nurdin Cover Designer : Januar Sena Published by: Crespent Press@2014, member of IKAPI P4W/Crestpent IPB, Kampus IPB Baranangsiang, Bogor 16144 Phone/Fax: +62 (0)251 8359072 Email:
[email protected] All rights reserved. iv Preface The 4th Jabodetabek (Greater Jakarta) Forum Seminar with the theme “Resilient Megacity: Idea, Reality and Movement” was held in Bogor, Indonesia, during 8-9 October 2013. This event was attended by Indonesian as well as foreign participants, particularly from RIHN network and ETH Zurich-NUS colleagues. The plenary lectures were very insightful and delivered by distinguished keynote speakers, which include the Deputy Minister from the Ministry of Public Works, Deputy Minister from the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, and Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University. The government spectrum has broaden our understanding about the policy challenges that we are facing today. The academic explanation, on the other side, has opened up another perspective of viewing those challenges. The parallel session was attended by 33 participants and was productive in term of sharing knowledge and experiences.