In This Issue, We Reflect on Service and What It Can Mean for the Participant and the Wider Community

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In This Issue, We Reflect on Service and What It Can Mean for the Participant and the Wider Community Illustrating the work of the International Award globally through case studies, features and best practice Issue 59 October 2008 > Pieter Verhoog on how the Award changed his life In this > Section spotlight: Service > Foreign connections: Gold Award holders issue > Tips on how to take a good Award photo Welcome Well, here we are into our second issue of the new look Award World, which we hope is even better than the first. Judging by the feedback we’ve had from some of you, the changes we’ve made have gone down well. Thank you to everyone who has been in touch. As many of you will be aware, over the last year the Association has been highlighting the impact of the Award in secure institutions. We really believe that the Programme can provide young offenders with the tools to build a more positive future for themselves. But it’s not just the young people in prisons who are affected by the Award – on page 4 you can read Pieter’s story and find out how adults working with young offenders can find the direction of their lives changed by the Programme. Of course, as well as trying to make the Award available to different groups of young people, our challenge is to extend the geographical reach of the Programme. Our feature on Extending the Award (page 12) focuses on one of the key countries we are targeting: Brazil. With a youth population of around 35 million, and its position of strategic significance within South America, it’s a country that offers huge opportunities for the Award. Sifting through so many positive Award stories and deciding which to include in the magazine is a challenge at the best of times. Thankfully I don’t have to do it alone, as I have recently been joined by Pamela Marmito (pictured below left), our new communications executive, who is now in charge of Award World. She is eager to get to know you all and tease out your best stories! (To find out more about her turn to People News on page 22). Please get in touch with Pam ([email protected]) if you have a tale to tell, or want to give us any feedback about the magazine. Becky Becky Hirt Head of Communications Page 2 | Award World Inside... Features 10 Foreign connections 12 Extending the Award: Brazil 14 Reaching Finland’s immigrant communities 17 Round the world with 21 events 18 How to take a good Award photo 10 20 Section spotlight: Service Regulars 4 How the Award changed my life 6 Around the world - Africa 7 Around the world - Americas 8 Around the world - Asia Pacific 9 Around the world - EMAS 16 A day in the life 22 People news 23 Award directory Editor: Becky Hirt Sub-editor: Pam Marmito The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award International Association Award House 7-11 St Matthew Street London 12 SW1P 2JT Tel: +44 (0) 20 7222 4242 [email protected] Registered charity in the UK number 1072453 Company limited by guarantee number 3666389 Award World is the International Award Association’s internal magazine for Award operators, leaders and volunteers. It has a print run of 15,000 copies, is published twice a year and distributed to National Award Authorities and Independent Operators in over 125 countries. Printed by Newman Thomson Ltd, and designed by Front cover photograph: Rosalyn Yake The submission deadline for the next edition is 5 Dec 2008, for publication in April 2009. Any photographs submitted must be a minimum of 300 dpi. The International Award is an exciting self- development programme available to young people worldwide, equipping them with life skills to make a difference to themselves, their communities and the world. To date, over 6 million young people from over 125 countries have been motivated to undertake a variety of voluntary and challenging activities. 4 © 2008 The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award International Association Award World | Page 3 How the Award changed my life How the Award changed my life Pieter Verhoog “My name is Pieter Verhoog and I am a correctional official and Award Leader “I had always been curious at the Brandvlei Youth Centre in South Africa, which is home to about 480 young about what the members and offenders. I had worked at the Brandvlei Maximum Security Centre for eight years but inmates were doing when they got transferred to the Youth Centre just after it was newly built to accommodate juveniles. went on expeditions in the This was where I first heard about the Award Programme. My work at the Brandvlei Youth mountains so I volunteered.” Centre was mainly security and one of the Award Leaders, John Joubert, was participating inmates per year. looking for a security member to escort At Brandvlei Youth Centre we have the Bronze candidates for an expedition. 12 enthusiastic Award Leaders and a full- I had always been curious about what time school where the Award is part of the members and inmates were doing the school programme. I am a full-time when they went on expeditions in the Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture (SRAC) Below: mountains so I volunteered. This was a official and on my timetable for the week Inmates real eye-opener for me because I saw first- there are ten periods allocated for the undertake the Skills Section. hand how the Programme was bringing Programme. Most offenders have a real new opportunities to inmates. When the aversion to school but the Programme has government committed to change every prison warder’s main focus from security to the rehabilitation of offenders for successful reintegration into communities, I decided that it was the right time to be part of the Programme and be part of this big family. I also wanted to be part of the change in the participants’ lives so when the Programme was looking for people to be trained as facilitators at Brandvlei, my name was first on the list. I’ve been with the Award for seven years and the Programme is very successful here at Brandvlei. About 30 of our young offenders have gained their Gold Award and 150 have their Silver and Bronze. Until 2004 we enrolled about 12-15 participants per year but now the number of participants has increased to 40 at the Youth Centre, 20 at the Medium Security Centre and 15 at the Maximum Security Centre. Overall, we have massively increased the number of Page 4 | Award World How the Award changed my life been a big success in motivating them to gain education achievements. Our inmates “Gangsterism is do various activities including drama, motivational talks with outside schools, a big problem and attending courses such as business skills, first aid or a football referees’ in prison but course through the South African Football Association (SAFA). During April this year, Read more the drama group toured the Southern Cape when some of testimonials at doing drug and alcohol awareness and Aids these youngsters drama performances at various schools. Planning ahead is very important in correctional services. We started the join the Award Programme in February and divided up the school year to focus on each Section. Programme, Term one is dedicated to Skills and Physical Recreation, term two is for Service and their whole life Skills, term three is Adventurous Journey and term four is when we work mostly with our Silver and Gold participants. Our changes. They biggest challenge is changing the mindset of security members. Security is an important become better part of correctional services and when you take inmates out to do their community people.” service or expeditions, there is always the risk that they will escape. But in the 14 years that the Award has been running in The inmates love and enjoy the Award and correctional services in South Africa, there it has made a big difference in our prison has not been one escape, which just shows system. More prisons have joined the the impact on those taking part. Programme and have made it part of their Gangsterism is a big problem in prison life skills project. but when some of these youngsters join I really enjoy being part of the Award the Award Programme, their whole life and it is very rewarding when you see the changes. They become better people. The change in the inmates and watch them Programme gives them confidence and grow into better people. I feel very proud makes them realise that they should make to be making a difference to their lives. The better choices in life. I also get a lot from Programme gives these young people hope being personally involved in the Award. I for the future and it gives me hope for the meet so many different people every time I future.” go on an expedition or Adventurous Journey and I also get to see the inmates beginning to understand that prison is not a place for young people. I am very passionate and committed to the Award and what it is doing for our inmates. Below: This Programme has definitely given A group of participants the participants a new outlook on life. from Brandvlei Once released, most of them never return paving the to prison again and when you talk to them grounds of a about the Programme, they tell you about school. the changes it has brought to their lives. Award World | Page 5 Around the world - Africa Africa Crossing divides in Malawi to portable water, comprehensive healthcare, education or a livelihood, many are forced into extreme poverty and hunger.
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