29, 1955 Pullnhehl Westfleli)
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THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Mo$t Widely Circulated Weekly Newapaper In County pIXTH YEAR—No. Second Cla Pout office. — -lass Matter WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, TH URSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1955 PullnheHl Westfleli). K. J. Every Thumdav 24 P«f—B C—U •ingSemesterOf Adult Winners Chosen 100I To Open Jan. 30 In Christmas Previous Year's Problems Lighting Contest Fer23 Continued Here In 1955 First Prize To mt Courses; S. U. Phares Of School Board 24—Meyner To Speak In Tojnfclf Water, School Tuesday _•-'••.. g Shadowlawn Drive Election Feb. 14 Lenten Service* To Begin T«K-: INew Ones night --. ---is Final judging -was completed The annual school board Enrollments Still Adjustment Body Lints Rea- Tuesday evening for the Westfield eltction will b« KeM Tytr.d.y, sons For Recommendation SS |he spring semester of the Christmas lighting contest. Threi F«b. 14 from 5 to 8 p.m. Old Guards Honor Founder i Adult School opens Jan. winners were announced by the War* 1 aa4 2 will voU in Plague Officials at 22nd Anniversary Kit* ssit fa total of 23 different Westfield Junior Chamber of Com tha Elm Strut School ana1 MARCH . ' '•gSi Pline of them will be new merce, sponsors of the contest: W.rd. 3 and 4 will TOU in In Westfield 1PEB wan a year in 3—Council Approves Increased ach year it is customary First place, Mr. and Mrs, S, U Lincoln School. Vot.ri will which problems that faced the com- Budget -jfc seasonal courses as Fhares, 620 Shadowlawn drive; be asked to approve th« fchool munity In the previous year New Inspection Station faff: dening, home landscape second place, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. bud(«t and to elect three tinned to plague officials. The wa- Local-Union Area Seen , nail boat handling and Whitenight, 731 Lenape trail and members to three-year \mrmt ter problem was still with us and fceginners. The other new 1 Girl Scouti Plan ActWItlM third place, Mr. and Mrs. Orva, on lb> Board of Education the school board was Btill faced For Annlveraary We«ls : j include "Securities and Goodman, 826 East Broad street, Peraoni who are not r»§. with increasing school enrollments. which is sponsored by Two honorable mentions were al- 10—School Board Stand* Pat •• Utered in th«ir local votinf Before the year was out, the water Freeman Decision S 'York Stock Exchange; so Included with the three winners, district! and who wiih to vote supply had improved and additions World," an armchair James W. Landers, chairman of Teachers Get Increase! In at tha annual election ara re- to the schools solved that problem New Salary Guide .•*:,-« |urse; "Practical Public the contest, announced. The hon- minded that they mutt ro|it- at least temporarily. " flower arrangements orable mentions went to Mr., and VFW Launches Dnvc FOT.S MRS. ALICE WINDSOR ter with the Town Clerk at It was a year In which the May- New Building Fund color. Mrs. Eugene H. Saxtan, 866 Win. tha Municipal Building or at or and Council made national news yah avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Girl Scout* Plan a JulietW with a complete list- the Union County Board of by buying tho railroad station and Low Party Monday : ::; courses, including the ert R, Pollard, 901 Coolidge Btreet, Election!, Court Home, Elis- adjoining property as another step "le fee, together with Newspaperwoman The final judging was accom- abeth on or before next in its program for more public 17—Funeral Homes Proposal Wlna Ral for registration by plished by a committee of local Thurtday, Jan, 8, Council Approval parking spaces. It was a year in Garden Club Plans Strollinf Pailable in the Weat- To Speak Here residents who selected the winners which the townspeople rose up in |ic Library, YMCA, and from ten entries which had been arms when the Board of Education Flower Show in May ./ anks. Registration night chosen In preliminary judging refused to renew the contract of Citizens Uroup Sums Vp Plan Salute Facts In Freeman Case : 16 in the cafeteria of Public Invited To Monday evening by members of Joseph Freeman as coach of the elt Junior High School the Jaycees. The judges were high school football team and it Churches Unite In 'One Great p.m. Classes begin Hear Miss Higgin§ Mayor H. Emerson Thomas, Jul To Eisenhower was a year in which hundreds, of Hour of Sharing* ; . continue for ten con- ian K. Couzens, Westfield archi- local organizations presented full 24—New PmbyteHan Pastor Oc- jlltonday nighta ending Marguerite Higgins, world fa- tect, Mrs. Henry Riehter, repre- programs for their memberships. cupies Pulpit Sunday mous newspaper correspondent, sentative of the Westfield Garden Mayor to Hend January saw Mayor Thomas Local Attorney Succeed* will speak at the open m e e t- Club, and Mrs. Charles M. Bar- take over the reins of office from Pierson As V President • c« Windsor of Maple- nett, local artist, Local Committee 1 return to Westfield to ing of the Woman's Club of West- Mayor Bailey who retired after 60th Reconnaissance Battal- field, Jan. 9 at 8:15 p.m. at the The first prise display was a serving four terms to become a ion Review to Honor Hep. entirely new "See the composite decoration of windows Mayor H. Emerson Thomas has urse based on her see- Senior High School, member of the Board of Freehold- Willisms and door with the highlight being been named honorary chairman of s. 31—Council Acts To Purchase RR the world tour from She is at present chief of the a Christmas tree framed by a pic- the Westfleld committee for the MRS. GEORGE S. LAIRD JR. MRS. HENRY C. DOHRMANN In community affairs the United Property For Parkin* ' ^tober of this year. Ex- New York Herald Tribune's Mos- ture window. The window appear- Jan. SO nation-wide "Salute to Els- Campaign for $121,801) took the 300 Students To Participate piandicrafts will aecom- cow Bureau, and the author of a ed to be bound with ribbon and enhower," according to mi an- 1: lead throughout much of the year. In .Spring Festival • , • lectures, together with new book "Red Plush—Black bow and B drape afforded the nouncemont by David Van Alstyne The chairman was named In July Plans for Annual Katter Egf _ Jifllms all in color. Bread." background for the tree which was Jr., chairman of the New Jersey und the drivo officially opened in Hunt Now In Profits* Ipindsor's lecture topic At the age of 33, Miss Higgins decorated with white lights and Appoint Ward Leaders For sponsoring group. October. Since the goal has yet aude: The Imperial City o has become a Iegtmdiry figure in covered with spun glass. The door- APRIL The event Is planned a« H trib to be reached the campaign is not {Japanese Temples and American journalism and among way was decorated with Christmas 7—Churches Afranfe Easter Hong Kong to the Red Mothers' March On Polio Here ute to President Dwight D. El»en oven the GIs. Within hours of the abor- greens bound with ribbon and fur- hower on tbc occasion of the thirc Programs ",•'•;'',• * It was a year that saw the dis- Board Fall* To Name Ne» Bangkok, the Fabulous tive revolution against Peron, ther developed by a spotlightpg . The anniversary of his inauguration, 7Th« Culture of Thailand Miss Higgins was in Buenos Aires l bld b Mrs. Charles P. Eddy Jr., di- two years, pensing of Sulk polio vaccine loc- HS Football Coach , ' ;;? entire display was balanced by rector of the Mothers' March on Mrs. Lulrd and to rals« funds for the I960 Ancient Orient, including getting the facts and analyzing the candles Is a graduate of Republican presidential campaign ally, with adminlstiatidn of the Lions Easter fin Hunt !• singlg e in certain other Polio, today announced the ap Westfleld High School und Welles- ; and Siani; British Sea' situation, Immediately after that Across the nation, approximate' shots beginning In April. The con- Park Saturday ••• • ^,: "Is windowid s of the house. pointment of leaders for the first ley College, A charter member of |iU»C«pore; Ceylon, Islam she scooped the other correspond- ly 60 "Salute to Elsenhower" com tro>orty over whether there should Merchants Offer DUplaf f The first prize display will be and third wards for the march the W<?«lfl<ild Wcaveri group, -Mr». Bali the Unchanged ents attending- the Geneva, Con- 'mlttoM''Vrfli'-'htvc'.flOO per peraoi be freoSalk shot clinics was a '_".. -SpateTM F)w»» 8hMj--.*||3 entered in the jiition.l contest'be- which will be held Tuesday Jan. Lulrd in-at present B member of by Freighter, this ference by slipping off to Konrad dinners to mark the event, wftl vembeV'nlffhllirhi followed by the M—Local Election Lacks fa(*ree£5 ing sponsored by the General Elec« 31. Mrs. Henry C. Dohrraann and the Wilson and Junior High PTA be offered from Adenauer's vacation villa to get New Jersey and New York coni' Westfleld Board of Health's deci- Building Restriction PIftiQ trie Co. The results of this entry Mrs. George S. Laird Jr., are the and head den mother for Cub sion to set1 up a public clinic lo- Falls -Of Council Support ,. ;-'v the first interview with the Ger- will be known the first part of bining their state efforts fn a pro- i tuin to page 2) man chancellor on his reactions to leaders for the first ward while Puck 171. cally. Bd. of Education Awert*; ,i January, The Weatfield entry in Mrs.