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'I If yoa want o The Itunnnan Star JB day's Kcwb, todny U the-- paper that 'ifl yon can find it In Roos Into, tho best THE 8TAK THE HAWAIIAN STAR. homes or llonolnln c?. vol. vnr. HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY, IvfAY 21, 1901. No. 2865 3 NEARLY 10 01 IS Ulilll Mil IY SOI PETITION 10 OUST M IE I PRICE OF UT ID ES fill fll II I. j GEN- $30,000 THE LATEST THING - COURT ON i NARROW ESCAPE OF IISTEAMER ATTITUDE OP ATTORNEY THE LEGISLATURE'S ABOUT IN HOME WHY BUTCHERS ARE ASKING- SUPREME. IMPORTANT MAUI LAST NIGHT. ERAL APPROVED. SPENT. RULE SCHEMES. MORE. LAND CASE. Struck a Rock Near Molokal Light- Judge Humphreys Dismisses Order In Members Lost No Time, But DreW Waiting for News of the Resolutions Claim That They Have Been Selling In) Chrlstley vs. Magoon Plaintiff Gets ' -- it house and Had to Return to Hono- Bribery Matter as to Him Cooper, Before Notice of Signing the Appro- Beckley Took Proposed Canvass of At a Loss to Themselves The Two All he asked for Lessees of Property lulu for Repairs. McCandless and Thurston. priation Act Was Read. The Islands for Signatures. Markets. In Agreement Are Protected.. About 10:30 o'clock last night tho Acting Governor Cooper, Attorney-Gener- al About $3,000 are left of the $30,000 A petition to remove Governor Dole Some days ago, the" rumor was rife In the case of Chrlstley vs. Magoon. ("Wilder company's steamer Maul, Cap- E. P. Dole, former Superinten- appropriated for the expenses of tho Is one of the latest Ideas among the upon the streets that the meat markets the Supreme Court this morning hand- tain Sachs, struck on a rock oil tho dent of Public Works, McCandless and extra session of the legislature'. No Home Rulers who think they can in- had combined and an advance In the ed down a decision In which the conten- Molokal Lighthouse and sprung a leak. L. A. Thurston appeared in the Circuit time was lost, In getting the cash, mem- fluence the president to take such a price of fresh meats had been ma'de tions of the plaintiff are entirely sus- morning to cause why step. They are waiting to see what tained. The following Is the substance, , After ascertaining tliat the damage Court this show bers not even waiting till the houses ' by the Honolulu Market Company an1 was not so great as to render It unsate they should not testify before the grand had been formally given the official no- becornes of Representative Beckley the Metropolitan Meat Company. Ac- it the court's ruling; to travel any distance with the boat, Jury in regard to the now noted bribery tice that the bill had been signed. In when., he gets to San Francisco with the cording to the rumors, prices were to "Deed held to have been procured Cptaln Sachs decided to return to Ho- cases. Returns to the order were filed House and Senate the letter announ- Home Rule resolutions, for which the be advanced apyHvhee from 10 to 25 through undue Influence. ns shown by nolulu. He came along at a slow rate by each of the gentlemen named. The cing that Acting Governor Cooper had national executive is expected .to reach per cent all along the line. the existence of the confidential' rela- Attorney-Gener- al as or tionships, ol speed with two pumps Working all return of Dole was signed .the net was read yesterday. It soon as ne learns tneir existence. The price of certain cuts of meat has of attorney and client nnd accepted as sufficient, and the rule us to was news, If advices from the coast and Wash- been advanced prices asked prlnclpol and agent between the parties, the time keeping the vessel afloat and a bit of stale for about halt ington seem to but are i him was dlsmussed. the money on indicate that tho Presi- so high as Is generally supposed, the mentnl weaknesses .of the plaintiff reached here early this morning and had been drawn Satur was enough not Inadequacy docked at the old Flshmarket wharf. When the court opened the room was day. dent not impressed with say those who have the Interests of the und the of the consider- i, petition The exact extent of tho damage can Jammed with people "and dozens crowd-- On Friday last, the act to appropri the resolutions, the plain will two companies In charge. Manaecr ation. ,i,.n.mi,.n,i imtn tho pn ed about the doors. Most of the mem- - ate money the purpose of defray next have attention. Those who favor Waller of the Metropolitan said this "Acts held not to shqw acquiescence voni for up or In- ves- - Ser5t!.he,,b?5w!!:Lpr.e!.ent- - ju A ing the expenses of session the scheme think they can get a morning: "The price of prime beef has ratification when done while the on the marine railway. That the the extra monster petition by canvassing Isl- fluence of the defendants over Bel did not go to the bottom was sin appeared A. Thurs- and the unpaid bills of the regular the, been raised, because the two companies the thought ton; E. P. Dole for himself and Acting session of Legislature Ter ands, and they also think that It would felt they could no longer sell at plaintiff continued though after the ter- gulariy fortunate for It Is by Cooper; the of the be a heavy weight "knock" Wash- that it mination of the relationships of attor- her captain that she struck on a pinna- Governor Hatch and Judge ritory of Hawaii," was signed by Acting at the ligures which have prevailed here ney Whiting for J, A. McCandless. Henry Cooper. ington. Home Rule voters would sign some time. Heretofore, and client and principal and agent. cle rock. Governor E. In great numbers, It is for it has been "Failure of the grantor to Attorney-Gener- al Dole opened by claimed. possible to buy piece prime tender to The Maul left here yesterday after- A large portion of the appropriation "How could McKlnloy Ignore a great a of beef the grantee before suit what the noon at 6 o'clock for Paauhau, Ookala, stating that he Wished to file returns was for paying the salaries of the Sen- for the same price It could be taken grantee paid or on to to cause In ators Und petition, signed by a big majority of the off in addi- had to account of the Kukatau, Laupahoehoe and Papaaloa the order show the cases the Representatives. There of the block San Francisco. In grantor under the agreement, cannot be cargo 13 negroes who of Henry E. Cooper, J. A. McQandless has been $18,177.36 drawn from the fund. natives Hawaii?" said a Home tion to this, we have to pay heavily for with a big and (1 Em-melu- th relied on question . i r r . '1 n htmaAlP.... r,Trif' II .rnn panil flrat Ruler,, who has been burning with Is when the was not were going 10 one oi me nawuimii f i.. " " " Of this sum $9,000 is for salaries of the transportation. All we ask a living raised in the lower court and Acting o $600 zeal. "He would have to take profit. prices govern- when the plantations. In spite o the fact that It the Governor stated that Senators and Representatives: notice ' of Our here will be grantor alleged In his bill he had he had not knowledge In regard to brl- - is for mileage, making of $9,600 the document with its vast ed entirely by the prices In California, that there were Beveral wenches aboard tho a total number of signatures. If we can't ac- requested an accounting which had bery except statements made to him as nas gone pockets frpm whence we draw the greater por- - i good luck which Is said to follow a tnat into the of the complish our object In .way, we been refused, had prayed for an ao- Territory and in con- - $8,577.36 one can of our supply." of to cope with creiary 4the lawmakers. The remaining tion counting grantee , U lady color was unable fldence, understanding try a more effective plan." and the had received the dread number 13. The vessel was the that the represents salaries of the officers In the The plan Is to Home1 Mr. Davis of the Honolulu Market, rents and profits and It did not appear vtwo- have Rule men Bpoke in a similar ques- making full speed when she struck tKe ln.matin houses; bills for printing, station In every district of the Islands circulate strain. When how much the grantee ljad paid for or rock. Fortunately It was a glancing sllu,dnnotAZfi,,!,',?,?,8 ery and other Incidentals. There re- copies tioned regarding the relations of the on account of the grantor and the "Hi?,1 "'""T of the petition and get signa- two corporations on subject ot sell- blow as was shown by the fact that "Autch mains at the, demand of the Legisla tures. When this work was finished, the grantor had offered at the hearing in - evidence toZZm Mr. Is verv ereak The tors ii,S2Z.4. According to. present another member ot party ing meats, he replied: "There no the lower court to pay whatever the estimates, when all debts are paid, the could take contract between this and the other grantee paid on JoVscVhVe PP" WS?S" afthlf a trip ,4o Washlngtop and present the company had his account.