35906 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 118 / Monday, June 20, 2011 / Notices

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ALL MODES Total Number Responses ...... 8572 ...... Total Burden Hours ...... 602 ......

Status of the proposed information FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To 4(c)(2)(A) of the Act requires us to collection: Continuing under current request information, see ‘‘VIII. review each listed species’ status at least authorization. Contacts.’’ Individuals who are hearing once every 5 years. Then, under section Authority: Section 8(C)(1) of the United impaired or speech impaired may call 4(c)(2)(B), we determine whether to States Housing Act of 1937. the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877– remove any species from the List 8337 for TTY (telephone typewriter or (delist), to reclassify it from endangered Dated: June 9, 2011. teletypewriter) assistance. to threatened, or to reclassify it from Raphael W. Bostic, SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: We are threatened to endangered. Any change Assistant Secretary for Policy Development initiating 5-year status reviews under in Federal classification requires a & Research. the Act of 2 animal and 10 separate rulemaking process. [FR Doc. 2011–15275 Filed 6–17–11; 8:45 am] species: Autumn buttercup (Ranunculus In classifying, we use the following BILLING CODE 4210–67–P acriformis var. aestivalis), clay definitions, from 50 CFR 424.02: (Phacelia argillacea), Colorado butterfly A. Species includes any species or plant (Gaura neomexicana ssp. subspecies of fish, wildlife, or plant, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR coloradensis), desert yellowhead and any distinct population segment of (Yermo xanthocephalus), dwarf bear- any species of vertebrate, that Fish and Wildlife Service poppy (Arctomecon humilis), Last interbreeds when mature; Chance (Townsendia B. Endangered species means any [FWS–R6–ES–2011–N101; 60120–1113– aprica), Neosho madtom (Noturus species that is in danger of 0000; C4] placidus), Penland alpine fen mustard throughout all or a significant portion of (Eutrema penlandii), Salt Creek tiger its range; and Endangered and Threatened Wildlife beetle (Cicindela nevadica lincolniana), C. Threatened species means any and ; 5-Year Status Reviews of San Rafael ( species that is likely to become an 12 Species in the Mountain-Prairie despainii), Welsh’s milkweed (Asclepias endangered species within the Region welshii), and Winkler cactus foreseeable future throughout all or a () species. significant portion of its range. AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, We must support delisting by the best Interior. I. Why do we conduct 5-year reviews? scientific and commercial data ACTION: Notice of initiation of reviews; We conduct 5-year status reviews to available, and only consider delisting if request for information. ensure that our classification of each data substantiate that the species is species on the Lists of Endangered and neither endangered nor threatened for SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Threatened Wildlife and Plants as one or more of the following reasons (50 Wildlife Service, are initiating 5-year threatened or endangered is accurate. A CFR 424.11(d)): status reviews under the Endangered 5-year review assesses the best scientific A. The species is considered extinct; Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act), and commercial data available at the B. The species is considered to be of 2 animal and 10 plant species. We are time of the review. We are requesting recovered; or requesting any information that has any information that has become C. The original data available when become available since our original available since our original listing of the the species was listed, or the listing of each of these species. Based on species under review. Based on review interpretation of data, were in error. review results, we will determine results, we will determine whether we Our regulations at 50 CFR 424.21 whether we should change the listing should change the listing status of any require that we publish a notice in the status of any of these species. of these species. Federal Register announcing the species DATES: To ensure consideration, please Under the Act, we maintain Lists of we are reviewing. send your written information by Endangered and Threatened Wildlife August 19, 2011. and Plants (which we collectively refer II. What species are under review? ADDRESSES: For how and where to send to as the List) in the Code of Federal This notice announces our active 5- comments or information, see ‘‘VIII. Regulations (CFR) at 50 CFR 17.11 (for year status reviews of the species in Contacts.’’ animals) and 17.12 (for plants). Section Table 1.


Final listing rule publication Common name Scientific name Status Where listed date & citation


Beetle, Salt Creek Tiger .... Cicindela nevadica Endangered ...... U.S.A. (NE) ...... October 6, 2005 (70 FR lincolniana. 58335). Madtom, Neosho ...... Noturus placidus ...... Threatened ...... U.S.A. (KS, MO, OK) ...... May 22, 1990 (55 FR 21148).

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Final listing rule publication Common name Scientific name Status Where listed date & citation


Autumn buttercup ...... Ranunculus acriformis var. Endangered ...... U.S.A. (UT) ...... July 21, 1989 (54 FR aestivalis. 30550). Clay phacelia ...... Phacelia argillacea ...... Endangered ...... U.S.A. (UT) ...... September 28, 1978 (43 FR 44810). Colorado butterfly plant ..... Gaura Neomexicana ssp. Threatened ...... U.S.A. (WY, NE, CO) ...... October 18, 2000 (65 FR coloradensis. 62302). Desert yellowhead ...... Yermo xanthocephalus ..... Threatened ...... U.S.A. (WY) ...... March 14, 2002 (67 FR 11442). Dwarf bear-poppy ...... Arctomecon humilis ...... Endangered ...... U.S.A. (UT) ...... November 6, 1979 (44 FR 64250). Last Chance townsendia ... ...... Threatened ...... U.S.A. (UT) ...... August 21, 1985 (50 FR 33734). Penland alpine fen mus- Eutrema penlandii ...... Threatened ...... U.S.A. (CO) ...... July 28, 1993 (58 FR tard. 40539). San Rafael cactus ...... ...... Endangered ...... U.S.A. (UT) ...... September 16, 1987 (52 FR 34914). Welsh’s milkweed ...... Asclepias welshii ...... Threatened ...... U.S.A. (AZ, UT) ...... October 28, 1987 (52 FR 41435). Winkler cactus ...... Pediocactus winkleri ...... Threatened ...... U.S.A. (UT) ...... August 20, 1998 (63 FR 44587).

III. What do we consider in our review? B. Overutilization for commercial, documentation such as maps, recreational, scientific, or educational bibliographic references, methods used We consider all new information purposes; to gather and analyze the data, and/or available at the time we conduct a 5- C. Disease or predation; copies of any pertinent publications, year status review. We consider the best D. The inadequacy of existing reports, or letters by knowledgeable scientific and commercial data that has regulatory mechanisms; or sources. become available since our current E. Other natural or manmade factors Submit your comments and materials listing determination or most recent affecting its continued existence. status review, such as: to the appropriate Fish and Wildlife Under section 4(b)(1) of the Act, we Office listed under ‘‘VIII. Contacts.’’ A. Species biology, including but not must base our assessment of these limited to population trends, factors solely on the best scientific and VII. Public Availability of Comments distribution, abundance, demographics, commercial data available. Before including your address, phone and genetics; V. What could happen as a result of our number, e-mail address, or other B. Habitat conditions, including but review? personal identifying information in your not limited to amount, distribution, and comment, you should be aware that For each species under review, if we suitability; your entire comment—including your find new information that indicates a C. Conservation measures that have personal identifying information—may change in classification may be been implemented that benefit the be made publicly available at any time. warranted, we may propose a new rule species; While you can ask us in your comment D. Threat status and trends (see five that could do one of the following: A. Reclassify the species from to withhold your personal identifying factors under heading ‘‘IV. How do we information from public review, we determine whether a species is threatened to endangered (uplist); B. Reclassify the species from cannot guarantee that we will be able to endangered or threatened?’’); and endangered to threatened (downlist); or do so. Comments and materials received E. Other new information, data, or C. Remove the species from the List will be available for public inspection, corrections, including but not limited to (delist). by appointment, during normal business taxonomic or nomenclatural changes, If we determine that a change in hours at the offices where the comments identification of erroneous information classification is not warranted, then the are submitted. contained in the List, and improved species remains on the List under its VIII. Contacts analytical methods. current status. Send your comments and information IV. How do we determine whether a VI. Request for New Information species is endangered or threatened? on the following species, as well as To ensure that a 5-year review is requests for information, to the Section 4(a)(1) of the Act requires that complete and based on the best corresponding contacts/addresses we determine whether a species is available scientific and commercial included in Table 2. You may view endangered or threatened based on one information, we request new information we receive in response to or more of the five following factors: information from all sources. See ‘‘III. this notice, as well as other A. The present or threatened What do we consider in our review?’’ documentation in our files, at the destruction, modification, or for specific criteria. If you submit following locations by appointment, curtailment of its habitat or range; information, support it with during normal business hours.

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Species Contact person, phone, e-mail Contact address

Neosho Madtom ...... Mike LeValley, Kansas Field Supervisor; (785) Kansas Field Office, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Serv- 539–3474; e-mail [email protected]. ice, Attention: Neosho Madtom 5-Year Re- view, 2609 Anderson Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66502. Salt Creek Tiger Beetle ...... Michael George, Nebraska Field Supervisor; Nebraska Field Office, U.S. Fish & Wildlife (308) 382–6468; e-mail Service, Attention: Salt Creek Tiger Beetle [email protected]. 5-Year Review, 203 West Second, 2nd Floor, Federal Building, Grand Island, NE 68801. Autumn buttercup, Clay phacelia, Dwarf bear- Larry Crist, Field Supervisor; (801) 975– Utah Field Office, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, poppy, Last Chance townsendia, San Rafael 3330; e-mail [email protected]. Attention: 5-Year Review, 2369 West Orton cactus, Winkler cactus, Welsh’s milkweed. Circle, Suite 50, West Valley City, UT 84119. Colorado butterfly plant, Desert yellowhead ..... Mark Sattelberg, Wyoming Field Supervisor; Wyoming Field Office, U.S. Fish & Wildlife (307) 772–2374; e-mail Service, Attention: 5-Year Review, 5353 [email protected]. Yellowstone Road, Suite 308A, Cheyenne, WY 82009. Penland alpine fen mustard ...... Al Pfister, Western Colorado Supervisor; (970) Western Colorado Field Office, U.S. Fish & 243–2778; e-mail [email protected]. Wildlife Service, Attention: 5-Year Review, 764 Horizon Drive, Building B, Grand Junc- tion, CO 81506–3946.

IX. Authority DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR required payment. A person or party who wishes to protest against a survey We publish this notice under the Bureau of Land Management must file a notice that they wish to authority of the Endangered Species Act [LLOR957000–L631000000–HD000; HAG11– protest (at the above address) with the of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et 0249] Oregon/Washington State Director, seq.). Bureau of Land Management, Portland, Dated: May 25, 2011. Filing of Plats of Survey; Oregon/ Oregon. Washington Noreen E. Walsh, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kyle Deputy Regional Director, Denver, Colorado. AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Hensley, (503) 808–6124, Branch of [FR Doc. 2011–15183 Filed 6–17–11; 8:45 am] Interior. Geographic Sciences, Bureau of Land BILLING CODE 4310–55–P ACTION: Notice. Management, 333 SW. 1st Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204. Persons who SUMMARY: The plats of survey of the use a telecommunications device for the following described lands are scheduled DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR deaf (TDD) may call the Federal to be officially filed in the Bureau of Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1– Bureau of Land Management Land Management Oregon/Washington 800–877–8339 to contact the above State Office, Portland, Oregon, 30 days from the date of this publication. individual during normal business [LLNVS00560.L58530000.FR0000.241A; N– hours. The FIRS is available 24 hours a 57230; 11–08807; MO#450020986; Willamette Meridian day, 7 days a week, to leave a message TAS:14X5232] Oregon or question with the above individual. Notice of Correction for Conveyance of You will receive a reply during normal T. 30 S., R. 3 W., accepted May 2, 2011. business hours. Public Lands for Airport Purposes in T. 23 S., R. 3 W., accepted May 2, 2011. Clark County, Nevada T. 7 S., R. 9 W., accepted May 13, 2011. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Before T. 30 S., R. 8 W., accepted May 13, including your address, phone number, In notice document 2011–12626 2011. e-mail address, or other personal appearing on page 29784 in the issue of T. 15 S., R. 1 W., accepted May 13, identifying information in your Monday, May 23, 2011 make the 2011. comment, you should be aware that following correction: T. 27 S., R. 3 W., accepted May 18, your entire comment—including your In the second column, under the 2011. personal identifying information—may heading ‘‘Mount Diablo Meridian’’ in T. 27 S., R. 4 W. accepted May 18, 2011. be made publicly available at any time. T. 34 S., R. 3 W., accepted May 25, the fifth line ‘‘NW14NE14SE1⁄4’’ should While you can ask us in your comment 2011. read ‘‘NW1⁄4NE1⁄4SE1⁄4’’. to withhold your personal identifying [FR Doc. C1–2011–12626 Filed 6–17–11; 8:45 am] Washington information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to BILLING CODE 1505–01–D T. 20 N., R. 2 W., accepted May 13, do so. 2011. ADDRESSES: A copy of the plats may be Fred O’Ferrall, obtained from the Land Office at the Chief, Branch of Land, Mineral, and Energy Bureau of Land Management, Oregon/ Resources. Washington State Office, 333 SW 1st [FR Doc. 2011–15184 Filed 6–17–11; 8:45 am] Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, upon BILLING CODE 4310–33–P

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