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May 1, 2014 The many sides and challenges of fatigue management ANYTOWN, USA – Voluntary Ashburn, Va., late last year. United Motorcoach Association say they do so “occasionally.” motorcoach company fatigue Robert Crescenzo, vice presi- Special Report members prefer to avoid travel be- Just under 10 percent of the management programs will not dent of safety and loss control at tween midnight and 6 a.m., accord- carriers responding to the survey solve the risks associated with Lancer Insurance, discussed the ment elements you can add into ing to the 2013 UMA Membership indicated they do not operate overnight bus travel, but more dangers of driver fatigue, and es- your business,” he said. Survey and Industry Assessment. overnight. likely will shift those trips to carri- pecially overnight travel, at the Overnight travel often is re- An additional 6.4 percent of Michael Neustadt, president of ers with less devotion to safety. safety seminar. quested by charter bus customers operators say they would prefer Coach Tours in Brookfield, Conn., That’s the opinion of coach During his presentation, Cres- as a means of logging miles while not to operate during any time of told Bus & Motorcoach News that company executives who have cenzo suggested carriers educate avoiding the expense of a night’s darkness. an educational approach to ad- spoken out since a presentation on customers about the risks of such lodging, earning such bookings Due to customer demand, how- dressing customer demands for driver fatigue highlighted the trips and decline to accept them. industry nicknames like “silent- ever, 26.1 percent of operators say overnight trips probably would not United Motorcoach Association “That’s probably one of the hotel” or “traveling-motel” trips. they “routinely” operate overnight improve overall motorcoach indus- Safety Management Seminar in most significant fatigue manage- Two-thirds (67 percent) of charter service, and 59.8 percent CONTINUED ON PAGE 16 c Study reveals New coach slim, efficient sales climb industry in ’12 during 2013 WASHINGTON — During 2012, the North American motor- Combined private- and public- coach industry was leaner and op- sector sales of new MCI, Prevost, erated more efficiently than it had Setra, Van Hool and Volvo motor- in recent years, according to the coaches rose last year, paced by a latest industry census conducted double-digit increase in purchases for the American Bus Association by private bus operators. Foundation. Deliveries of new 45- and 40- Total passenger trips by motor- foot monocoque models by the coach in the U.S. and Canada grew five brands totaled 1,639 motor- by 1.7 percent, to 637.44 million, in coaches during the year. 2012, even as the number of motor- That’s a 7 percent increase coach companies and the number of from the 1,525 new 45- and 40- buses in operation was declining. foot coaches delivered by the same Other highlights from the Mo- Royal Shuttle Service. A Washington, D.C. conversion vans that seat eight. The fare is $90 brands in 2012. torcoach Census include: entrepreneur has launched a boutique bus ser- each way. Expansion to Philadelphia is planned. See Sales of the five brands in 2011 • About 35 percent of the pas- vice between D.C. and N.Y.C. Royal Sprinter uses story on Page 13. totaled 1,366 units, meaning 2013 senger trips in 2012 were provided sales were 20 percent higher than by large companies operating 100 Stanford U.: Tour buses unwelcome in 2011. or more motorcoaches; 25 percent PALO ALTO, Calif. — Stan- accommodate our many visitors state: Still, sales of new 45- and 40- were by midsize companies operat- ford University, the academic heart while ensuring the university com- • Reserving a time slot allows foot new coaches remain well ing 25 to 99 motorcoaches, and 41 of Silicon Valley, has instituted munity is able to conduct daily ac- tour groups access to a specific below 2,000 units, a benchmark percent were by small companies what may be the nation’s strictest tivities without disruption, as well tour parking spot in a staging area. figure for the industry. operating fewer than 25 coaches. policies for tour buses, including a as to ensure traffic safety and the • Groups arriving outside the Sales for 2013 marked the fifth • The industry continues to be $200-per-bus, per-hour visiting fee. safety of visitors on private prop- reserved time slots will be denied consecutive year new coach deliv- a bastion of small business, with The university, renowned as the erty,” states the university website. access, may be fined and could eries in the U.S. and Canada have 94 percent of the companies oper- cradle of Google, Yahoo! and other Under the rules that went into jeopardize future access. failed to approach 2,000 units. Dur- ating fewer than 25 motorcoaches, tech companies, attributed the need effect last month, tour bus opera- • Cancellations must be made ing the past 10 years, sales exceed- and 82.4 percent operating fewer for its tough, formal guidelines to tors are required to register — in two weeks in advance to receive ed 2,000 new coaches during the than 10 coaches. “a dramatic increase” in tour bus advance of visits — for specific refunds. years 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. • Motorcoach companies offer visits to the campus. times and to purchase the $200 Registration and reservations The 2013 figures exclude sales CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 c “The program is designed to “reservations.” The guidelines also CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 c CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 c Rev up for MCI’s Reliability Rally! Test-rides, deals, lunch and more. 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WESTERN REGION Costa Mesa, California 800.322.2877 MIDWEST REGION Faribault, Minnesota Additional pre-owned units currently available: 800.222.2875 VIN Year Model Eng/Trans Price SOUTHWEST REGION Grand Prairie, Texas Yes on bottom ---- 2012 J4500’s --- 7 coming 61758 2002 MCI J4500 Detroit/Allison $124,900 800.222.2877 Cummins B500 -- call for price 70406 2005 GCA M1035 Cummins/Allison $ 54,900 NORTHEAST REGION Camden, New Jersey 58760 2007 MCI D4505 Repower Detroit/Allison $249,000 800.222.2873 46775 2008 VH C2045 Detroit/Allison $299,900 2007 MCI D4505 Repower at ABC MN SOUTHEAST REGION Winter Garden, Florida Used vehicles sold “As-is.” Actual coach may vary from photo. Conditions may vary by location. No warranties expressed or implied. Financing and special lease rates available to qualified customers. 800.222.2871 58760 / Detroit/All $225,000 Photos and info for pre-owned units available at View hundreds of other pre-owned units at & 4/14 Bus & Motorcoach News INDUSTRY NEWS May 1, 2014 3 Texas judge blocks sections CARB proposals would impact fleets SACRAMENTO, Calif. — ance requirements, which would incentives. of onerous Austin ordinance The California Air Resources mean additional opportunities for “We’re going to communicate AUSTIN, Texas — A federal such as inspections and require- Board has announced proposed them to apply for and receive pub- that we are not supportive of any judge has ordered the city of Aus- ments for minimum insurance and amendments to its California lic incentive funding. further financial consideration to tin not to enforce parts of an ordi- commercial driver’s licenses. The Statewide Truck and Bus Rule that • A compliance route for own- companies beyond what CARB is nance designed to regulate charter Austin City Council had approved it says will provide new flexibility ers currently unable to qualify for already giving,” Seal said. buses and impose fees for operat- the ordinance in June 2013. for small fleets, low-mileage loans to finance required upgrades. “The board was concerned ing motorcoaches within the city But after hearing both sides in fleets, and fleets that operate in • An expansion of the low-use that those companies that went limits — at least until the court his courtroom in late January (see certain rural areas. vehicle exemption from less than into debt are not anxious to bail makes a final ruling. March 1 Bus & Motorcoach At the same time, the proposed 1,000 miles per year to fewer than out those that ignored the rule and U.S. District Court Judge Sam News), Judge Sparks filed an order changes would “better protect the 5,000 miles per year. did nothing up until now,” he said. Sparks granted a preliminary in- in late March barring the city from emission and health benefits of • Allow a vehicle with a par- Further, he said, the CBA will junction, requested by the United enforcing two provisions of the or- the regulations,” says the environ- ticulate matter filter retrofit that press for a resolution of continu- Motorcoach Association, enjoining dinance until further notice, while mental regulatory agency. has been recalled to operate up to ing problems with diesel particu- the city from enforcing those as- keeping others in place. Meanwhile, the California Bus five years from the date of the late filter retrofits.