Introduction: the Missionary Movement, the Local and the Global
Notes Introduction: the missionary movement, the local and the global 1. Kathryn Sutherland, ‘Hannah More’s counter-revolutionary femi- nism’, in Kelvin Everest (ed.), Revolution in Writing: British Literary Responses to the French Revolution (Buckingham: Open University Press, 1991), p. 40. 2. Reverend Arthur Roberts (ed.), Mendip Annals, or, A Narrative of the Charitable Labours of Hannah and Martha More in their Neighbourhood, 3rd edition (London: James Nisbet, 1839 [1834]), p. 28. 3. Hannah More to Elizabeth Montagu, 10 October 1789, quoted in Anne Stott, Hannah More: The First Victorian (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), p. 110. 4. Hannah More to Zachary Macaulay, January 1796, about the pros- perity of the new school (‘Which you remember we used to call “Botany Bay” ’). A. Roberts (ed.), Letters of Hannah More to Zachary Macaulay (London: James Nisbet, 1860), p. 10. 5. Roberts (ed.), Mendip Annals,p.43. 6. See also: Hannah More to William Wilberforce, 14 October 1795, in W. Roberts (ed.), Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Mrs Hannah More (London: Seeley and Burnside, 1839), p. 244; M. G. Jones, Hannah More (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1952), p. 165. 7. Extract from an account of the Mendip Schools, Society for Better- ing the Condition of the Poor, The Reports of the Society for Bettering the Condition and Increasing the Comforts of the Poor, 4th edition, vol. 1 (London, 1805), p. 297. 8. The Sierra Leone project, which originated in the search for an alter- native destination for convicts following the ‘closure’ of America to such purposes, aimed to promote legitimate commerce and agricul- ture and to provide a solution to the ‘problem’ of London’s Black poor.
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