Local Action Groups and Regional Network of

LEADER PROGRAM 2007 - 2013


Associació d’Iniciatives Rurals de Catalunya

Xarxa Regional dels Grups d’Acció Local de Catalunya

T +34 973 48 17 52 F+34 973 48 11 34

C/ Pujada del Seminari s/n 25280 Solsona ()


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Local Action Groups and Regional Network of Catalonia

1. Programme of the rural development of Catalonia 2007 – 2013 2

2. Associació d’Iniciatives Rurals de Catalunya (ARCA)

3. Local Action Groups of Catalonia


Catalonia is a European country set in the western Mediterranean which is a “comunitat autònoma” of . It is situated in the north‐east coast of the Iberian Peninsula. It borders on Andorra and France to the north, to the west with the “comunitat autònoma” of Aragon, to the south with the “comunitat autònoma” of País Valencià and to the east with the Mediterranean Sea.

It has a population estimated at 7 504 881 inhabitants in 2010. Catalonia is the second most populated “comunitat autònoma” in Spain. It has got an approximate area of 32,000 squared kilometres and a great geographical diversity taking into account the relatively small area of its territory. Its geography is determined by the Mediterranean coast which has got 580 kilometres and the great land of the Pyrenees in the north. 3

The 62% of the Catalan territory is a rural zone where the 10% of the inhabitants of Catalonia live. This numbers tell us why having an own Programa de Desenvolupament Rural for Catalonia is important. For the period 2007‐2013 it is structured in three main topics and a fourth methodological topic.

PDR Catalonia 2007‐2013, with a programmed budget of 1 016 719 570 euros:

‐ Topic 1: Increase of the competitiveness in the forest and agricultural sector. ‐ Topic 2: Improvement of the environment and its rural environment. ‐ Topic 3: Quality of life in the rural areas and diversification of the rural economy. ‐ Topic 4: Application of the Leader methodology.

To be able to put into practice the Leader methodology 13 Grups d’Acció Local (GAL) have been chosen with their local strategies that represent the 66% of the territory of Catalonia, with the 8% of the total population, the 51’8% of the Catalan municipalities and an average density of the Leader zone of 27 inhabitants per km2.

The 13 local strategies are mainly based in some measures aimed at the economical development and the quality of life in the rural zones. They include, as a highlighted and new value in the Leader programme, the application of the Responsabilitat Social i Empresarial through the application of a sustainable code of management specified in economical acts of advice, environment and social responsibility for the companies which are benefited by the Leader help.

Topic 4: Application of the Leader methodology The total of the public programmed expenses: 106.446.374 € Programmed public Measures and actions Intensity of the help 4 expenses 41. Application of local strategies 12301. Help for investments for the To 40% of the improvement of the investment if they are transformation and 22.000.000 PIMES commercialization of the To 20% for the rest agricultural products in the Leader territory. 312. Help for the creation To 40% of the and development of micro 30.000.000 investment companies 313. Promotion of tourist To 40% of the 25.000.000 activities investment 323. Conservation and To 80% of the improvement of the rural 10.000.000 investment heritage 421. Interterritorial and To the 100% of the transnational 6.776.767 cooperation between the expenses of the project GAL and Catalonia 431. How the GAL works, To 15% of the total acquisition of capacities assigned public 12.669.607 and promotion of the expenses territory


ARCA is a net that includes the 13 Grups d’Acció Local de Catalunya (GAL). It was born in January 2010 to support the Grups d’Acció Local, in the Departament d’Agricultura, Alimentació i Acció Rural (the authority for the management of the Leader Programme) and to be an official negotiator for the whole territory and agents involved in a sustainable rural development.

ARCA structures its actuation in 4 topics: the technical service to support the GAL groups; the communication and the spreading of projects, good practice and methodology; the representation and presence of the Catalan net in other organizations and institutions and the participation in projects of rural development of regional interest.

5 ARCA has the aim to be the referent association for the rural development in Catalonia for the GAL groups, giving them the needed support; for the media, including all the information connected with the rural environment in the media; and for other institutions, having the role of representing the GAL groups in front all the other national and international nets.



• Associació pel Desenvolupament de la Catalunya Central

• Consorci Intercomarcal d’Iniciatives Socioeconòmiques

• Associació per al Desenvolupament Rural Integral de la

Zona nord – oriental de Catalunya

• Consorci de Desenvolupament Alt Camp, Conca de

Barberà i

• Consorci GAL Alt – Cerdanya

• Consorci per al Desenvolupament del Baix Ebre i


• Consorci per al Desenvolupament de la Catalunya

7 Central

• Consorci Leader Urgell – Pla d’Urgell

• Consorci Garrigues per al Desenvolupament del Territori

• Consorci Grup d’Acció Local Noguera – Segrià Nord

• Consorci Centre de Desenvolupament Rural Pallars –


• Consorci Leader Priorat – Baix Camp

• Associació per la Gestió del Programa Leader Ripollès

Ges Bisaura


Area: 2.010,10 km2 Population: 64.317 population Average population density: 32 hab./ km2

Districts and municipalities:

El Berguedà: Avià, Bagà, Berga, Borredà, Capolat, Casserres, Castell de l'Areny, Castellar de n'Hug, Castellar del Riu, Cercs, l'Espunyola, Fígols, Gironella, Gisclareny, Gósol, Guardiola de Berguedà, Montclar, Montmajor, la Nou de Berguedà, Olvan, , Puig‐reig, la Quar, Sagàs, Saldes, Sant Jaume de Frontanyà, Sant Julià de Cerdanyola, Santa Maria de Merlès, Vallcebre, Vilada and Viver i Serrateix.

Osona: , Collsuspina, Lluçà, Muntanyola, Olost, Oristà, Perafita, Prats de Lluçanès, Sant Agustí de Lluçanès, Sant Bartomeu del Grau, Sant Boi de Lluçanès, Sant Martí d’Albars, Santa Eulàlia de Riuprimer and Sobremunt.

8 El Bages: Calders, Gaià, l’Estany, Moià, Monistrol de Calders, Mura, Sant Feliu Sasserra, Santa Maria d’Oló and Talamanca.

El Vallès Oriental: Castellcir, Castellterçol, Granera and Sant Quirze de Safaja.


Office Berga c/Lluís Companys, 10 bxs. 08600 Berga Tel. 93 821 42 25 [email protected]

Office Lluçanès c/ Vell, 3. 08515 Sta. Creu de Jutglar Tel. 93 888 00 50 [email protected]

Office del Moianès c/ De les Joies, 11‐13‐ 08180 Moià Tel. 93 830 14 18 [email protected]

Office Valls del Montcau Antigues Escoles de Mura 08278 Mura Tel. 93 831 83 75 / [email protected]

L’Associació pel Desenvolupament de la Catalunya Central is made up by 58 municipalities from the districts called Bages, Berguedà, Osona and Vallès Oriental with a population of approximately 62,684.

The main goal the Associació is looking for the quality which is already searching the main part of the other Catalan Leader areas. The Associació wishes to obtain complete quality: Central Catalonia, area of quality.

To get this quality, the Associació is working on three topics: the value of the land and its natural environment as important elements to give cohesion and responsibility to the territory, the promotion of business and firms and the support to get human resources and the improvement of the employment. 9

The Associació is working to preserve and restore the heritage and the landscape in order to make the population understand the importance of the natural resources that the territory possesses. The consolidation and road signs to mark different routes, to catalogue the heritage and the cleaning and reforestation are some of the actions that it promotes to preserve and promote the heritage.

The second topic is working on is the promotion of businesses and firms. It is important to support the industry which wishes to create and consolidate very small firms in the area. Enterprising businesses and the innovation are very important for the development of a territory and for this reason this Associació is working on the establishment of coaching services and on the supervision to support the business initiative that can arise. It has to be considered that tourism is a crucial element for the economical development, the work to achieve a better and wider knowledge of this area can allow people to know this territory better and it can make them visit it.

The third topic the Associació is working on is the promotion of the human resources present on the territory. It is supporting some measures what can help the least favoured groups. The Associació is looking for the increase of the employment and it tries to adapt the existent jobs to the kind of work people are applying for in the zone.

10 Interests for cooperation projects:

‐ Biomass and renewable energy. ‐ The recovery of cattle paths and other historical ones.



Area: 1.568,69 km2 Population: 36.974 population Average population density: 23,2 hab./km2

Districts and municipalities:

Ribera d’Ebre: Ascó, Benissanet, Flix, Garcia, Ginestar, Miravet, Móra d’Ebre, Móra la Nova, La Palma d’Ebre, Rasquera, Riba‐Roja d’Ebre, Tivissa, La Torre de l’Espanyol and Vinebre.

Terra Alta: Arnes, Batea, Bot, Caseres, Corbera d’Ebre, La Fatarella, Gandesa, Horta de Sant Joan, El Pinell de Brai, La Pobla de Massaluca, Prat de Comte and Vilalba dels Arcs. 12


Office Móra d’Ebre Plaça Sant Roc, 2 43740 Móra d’Ebre Tel. 977.402.792

Office Gandesa Av. Catalunya, 31 43780 Gandesa Tel. 977.421.926

The Consorci Intercomarcal d’Iniciatives Socioeconòmiques comprises the districts of Ribera d’Ebre and Terra Alta. This zone is set in Terres de l’Ebre and has got a very important feature: the river Ebre.

At present the Consorci is clearly promoting the endogenous resources of the territory. Thanks to the collaboration of all the social, economical and political agents of the zone, there is just one aim: to get their own management for the development of this area.

To achieve this target, the food and agriculture sector is launching different actions such s the improvement to market the local products, to promote the tourism in the countryside and to increase the ecological products.


On the other side the Consorci wishes to promote all the tourist features of the territory and it tries to avoid mass tourism in favour of the quality tourism. Something very valuable in the territory is the “Camí de Sirga” (Sirga path). The recovery of this space as a natural and historical route in the landscape is one of the actions

which is going to be taken into account to promote the tourist activities of this period.

The cultural heritage is something very important which can be promoted. The transformation of this heritage in an important tourist feature is going to be very valuable to develop the tourism in the area.

The Consorci also thinks there is the need to have a better road network and more modern industry improving the telecommunication nets.

Interests for cooperation projects:

‐ To market and transform the local products: Food and agriculture products, quality products and manufactured ones.

‐ Economical activities which promote the features of the landscape 14 and at the same time the respect for the environment:

* Tourism in rural areas. * Food and agriculture production and ecological production. * Extensive cattle raising as something that can regenerate the landscape. * Promotion of renewable energy.

‐ Conservation, promotion and market of the tourist features and the natural, historical and architectural heritage inside and outside the towns.

‐ Firms: * In favour of women’s businesses and employment. * Adaptation of the industry structures to the new rules for the sensible use of water. * Use of the NTIC and the innovation of the companies.

‐ Govern and improvement of the quality of life: * The public participation of the local agents for the search of solutions of the rural problems and to decide. * Use of the NTIC for the wealth and the quality of life of the population.



Area: 1.627,79 km2 Population: 67.713 population Average population density: 41,60 hab/ km2

Districts and municipalities:

Garrotxa: , Besalú, , , Maià de Montcal, Mieres, , , les Planes d'Hostoles, , , , , , , , , , Tortellà, and la Vall d'en Bas.

Alt Empordà: , Albanyà, , Boadella, , , , , , , , , Lladó, Maçanet de Cabrenys, , Mollet de , Pau, Palau‐saverdera, Rabós, , Sant Llorenç de la Muga, , Vilajuïga, and . 16 Osona: Rupit i Pruit, Santa Maria de Corcó – l’Esquirol, Tavertet and Vilanova de Sau.

Pla de l’Estany: .


Office Olot Onze de setembre, 22 2a planta. 17800 Olot Tel. 972271600 [email protected] www.adrinoc.cat

Office Alt Empordà C. Nou, 48. 17600 Tel.972503088 [email protected]

L’Associació per al Desenvolupament Rural Integral de la Zona Nord ‐ Oriental de Catalunya (ADRINOC) is made up by 51 municipalities of the districts of Alt Empordà, Garrotxa, Pla de l’Estany and with an approximate population of 67,707.

17 In this period ADRINOC’s strategy is to get a sustainable territorial development. What it wishes to obtain is an equal growth of the different sectors of production and the different zones in the same territory. This model of development will have to be able to adapt to a very changeable reality, it will have to improve constantly to be absolutely useful for the future.

The target is to improve the Integral Quality of the whole territory through the establishment of improvement agreements, organizational efficiency and evaluation processes and collaboration. The group Leader establishes two concepts to promote this goal:

‐ The mark of Territorial Quality that validates the quality of the management and / or the products of the firms bearing in mind the principles of Territoriality and Sustainability.

‐ The Responsabilitat Social Empresarial (RSE) is a warranty of the balanced development of the social and economical activities of the territory.

Both concepts become the Codi de Gestió Sostenible (Code of Sustainable Management), a tool which wants to rule the behaviour of the socio‐economical organizations of the zone. It does not only wish to satisfy the economical interests or to obtain profits, it also works for the respect of the environment and the people who take part in achieving that. The Codi de Gestió Sostenible has to allow us to get closer to the wished Desenvolupament Territorial Sostenible (Sustainable Territorial Development) model.

During this period, ADRINOC is developing additional actions such as the promotion of tourist activities, the conservation of the rural heritage, the increase in value of the agricultural production and the creation and development of micro companies. All these actions have to follow the principles of responsibility and sustainability.

Interests for cooperation projects:

18 ‐ RSE: responsible and sustainable management. ‐ Development of micro companies. ‐ Territorial quality.



Area: 1.362,61 Km.² Population: 64.602 population Average population density: 47,45 hab./Km.².

Districts and municipalities:

Alt Camp: Aiguamúrcia, Alcover, Alió, Bràfim, Cabra del Camp, Figuerola de C., els Garidells, la Masó, el Milà, Montferri, Mont‐rai, Nulles, el Pla de Santa Maria, el Pont Armentera, Puigpelat, Querol, la Riba, Rodonyà, el Rourell, Vallmoll, Valls, Vilabella and Vila‐Rodona.

Conca de Barberà: Barberà de la Conca, Blancafort, Conesa, l’Espluga de Francolí, Foràs, Llorac, Montblanc, Passanant i Belltall, les Piles, Pira, Pontils, Rocafort de 20 Queralt, Santa de Queralt, Santa Maria de Miralles, Sarral, Savallà de comtat, Senan, Solivella, Vallclara, Vallfogona de Riucorb, Vilanova de Prades, Vilaverd iVimbodí and Poblet.

Anoia: Sant Martí de Tous, Orpí, la Llacuna, Carme and Bellprat.

Baix Penedés: Montmell.


CONCACTIVA c/ Daroca, 1 43400 Montblanc Tel. 977861338 Fax 977860334 [email protected]

CC. L’ALT CAMP c/ Mossen Martí, 3 43800 Valls [email protected]

Where the Consorci de Desenvolupament Alt Camp, Conca de Barberà i Anoia acts is in the districts of Alt Camp and Conca de Barberà, and in the municipalities of Sant Martí de Tous, Orpí, La Llacuna, Carme and Bellprat from the district of Anoia and Montmell which belongs to the district of Baix Penedès.

The group Leader has two main targets: the boost of tourism of quality with the route of Cister as a central element and the encouragement for the creation of micro companies in all municipalities where it is possible to establish an industrial net everywhere in the territory.

To develop tourism of quality the Consorci has a very wide architectural heritage. On the one side the Ruta del Cister (Route of the Cister) is one of the most consolidated tourist points in the zone. It can stimulate the creation of new products and activities of quality. Taking advantage of this important feature, new spaces and natural routes can be opened to promote other leisure activities in the territory.

21 On the other side, the Consorci has some cellars and modernist cooperatives which make up a unique heritage in the Catalan territory. The group establishes a modernist route, promotes the creation of wine shops and works so that the cellars of the zone become a meeting point for visitors who wish to do different activities. It would be an advantage to create a specific wine tourism offer in order to complement the others existing in the area.

Economically, the Consorci wishes to promote new business strategies in the territory. It wants to stimulate the creation of firms, micro companies and new kinds of business, especially in little towns to generate different industrial activities to deal with new social needs. In every municipality it wants to spread an industrial net so that all of them possess an economical activity: a company, a cooperative or a commercial establishment.

The cooperation that can arise between these economical activities and the big projects will be able to improve the level of employment and people’s income and by doing so the social welfare and the quality of life of the population.

Interests for cooperation projects:

‐ Firm bed and promotion of companies: Incubator – firm beds. Training and promotion of companies. Advice for the creation and consolidation of firms. 22 ‐ Development of wine companies. ‐Introduction of the New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC) in the rural world. ‐ Improvement of the quality of the services and the activities of the territory.



Area: 1.762,70 km2 Population: 24.421 population Average population density: 13,85 hab./ km2

Districts and municipalities:

Alt Urgell: Alàs i Cerc, Arsèguel, , Cabó, Cava, Coll de Nargó, , Fígols i Alinyà, Josa i Tuixent, Montferrer i Castellbó, , Organyà, , Pont de Bar, Ribera d’Urgellet, La Seu d’Urgell, Valls d’Aguilar, Valls de Valira, La Vansa and Fòrnols.

Cerdanya: , , , Montellà i Martinet and .

24 Headquarters:

Office La Seu d’Urgell Plaça de les Monges. Centre Les Monges 25700 La Seu d’Urgell

Office La Seu d’Urgell Passeig Joan Brudieu, 15 25700 La Seu d’Urgell Tel. 973353112 [email protected]

The Consorci GAL Alt Urgell – Cerdanya is in the district of Alt Urgell and it is made up by the municipalities of the western part of 25 Cerdanya. It is a territory in the Pyrenees, with very clearly characteristics from the regions set in the mountains. It has got a large diversity of landscape which represents itself a natural richness which defines the identity of the zone.

Its economy, traditionally dedicated to agriculture, has diversified a lot especially in the tertiary sector. Nowadays, the economical activities related with the tourism (trade and the restaurant industry) represent a lot of income for the territory.

In this new period, the Leader programme leads the area to protect and sustain the territory. It promotes companies, the local products and different associations.

To get a proper and good development of the territory, this programme also starts projects which have to do with the environmental protection. It promotes the conservation and the improvement of the rural landscape with the promotion of the production and commercialization of the renewable energy.

Another of the targets of the Consorci is to obtain a big level of territorial quality thanks to the promotion and the commercialization of the products of the zone; it gives a bigger boost to the designations of quality and the promotion of the creation of businesses particularly between women, young people and unemployed; and thanks to the diversification of the industrial activities not only in the primary sector but also in other sectors we can find some improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants of the zone.

Finally we have to state that the Consorci promotes the association and the cooperation as an instrument for working together in some projects. Associations help to encourage the cooperation between the political, economical and social agents in a territory; this is the key to spread strategies for the rural development in a suitable way.

26 Interests for cooperation projects:

‐ Cross‐country skiing and mountain sports. ‐ Sustainable ornithological tourism. ‐ Biomass and renewable energy. ‐ Promotion of local products.



Area: 1.146,13 Km.² Population: 51.160 population Average population density: 44,64 hab./Km.²

Districts and municipalities:

Baix Ebre: Aldea, Aldover, Alfara de Carles, Benifallet, Camarles, Paüls, El Perelló, Roquetes, Tivenys, Xerta, l’EMD de Jesús i els nuclis de població del municipi de Tortosa que són : Campredó, Bítem, Reguers and Vinallop.

Montsià: Freginals, La Galera, Godall, Mas de Barberans, Masdenverge, Santa Bàrbara, La Sénia and Ulldecona.

28 Headquarter:

Office Tortosa Plaça d’Alfons XII, 7 1r. B 43500 Tortosa Tel. 977 44 21 16 Fax. 977 44 22 90 [email protected]

The area where the Consorci per al Desenvolupament del Baix Ebre i Montsià acts is in the majority of the municipalities of the districts from Baix Ebre i Montsià except the municipalities from the coast. This territory is part of Terres de l’Ebre, a zone which is shared by the four southern districts of Catalonien (Baix Ebre, Montsià, Ribre d’Ebre and Terra Alta).

The main goal of the Consorci is being an example of organization which knows how to invigorate the territory. This encouragement has its own limits because the zone has some needs. For that reason it is important to act so that in the future there is a territorial balance in production, infrastructures and varied equipment.


The Consorci is working on:

‐ The boost of the economical diversification to prevent the population from only depending on a certain sector.

‐ Avoiding the loss of population in small towns creating and consolidating jobs to take up the residence of the population in the zone and promoting the participation of the least favoured groups of population, particularly women and young people in the industrial net of the territory.

‐ Contributing to the continuation of the actions that increase the level of quality of life of the rural population giving importance to the services and the infrastructures in the rural towns.

‐ The boost of the socioeconomic development of the zone thanks to its own resources and the sale of its own agricultural products.

Another important aim for the Consorci is the management of the different elements that the territory offers: the river Ebre, the Ports de Tortosa – Beseit, the cultural heritage and the cuisine of the zone. It is necessary to change the present tourist model and try to get another one more balanced and different which strengthens the identity of this area.

The promotion of the tourist activities based in what can be found in the territory, the conservation, the improvement of the rural 30 heritage and the recovery of the landscape make this territory more attractive to visitors and at the same time the industrial net is being modernized and getting better.

Interests for cooperation projects:

‐Fluvial / river tourism and protection of the water landscape. ‐Cave painting and cultural heritage. ‐Ecotourism and agro tourism in natural spaces with figures which deserve protection. ‐To value the local productions.



Area: 2.379,29 km2 Population: 46.348 population Average population density: 19,48 hab./ km2

Districts and municipalities:

Segarra: , , Estaràs, , Granyena de , , , , , Montornès de Segarra, , Els Plans de Sió, Ribera d'Ondara, Sanaüja, , , , Talavera, , Torà and .

Solsonès: , , , , , , , Navès, Odèn, , Pinell del Solsonès, Pinós, , Sant Llorenç de Morunys and Solsona. 32 Alta Anoia: Argençola, , de Segarra, Castellfollit de Riubregós, , Jorba, , Prats de Rei, , Rubió, Sant Martí de Sesgueioles, , and .

Bages: Aguilar de Segarra, Castellfollit del Boix, Fonollosa, Rajadell and .


Office Segarra Passeig Jaume Balmes, 3 25200 Cervera Tel. 973531300 [email protected]

Office Solsonès Pujada del Seminari s/n 25280 Solsona

Office Anoia c/ Ravalet, 31 08021 Els Prats de Rei

The Consorci per al Desenvolupament de la Catalunya Central works in a zone made up of 54 municipalities that belong to the districts of Segarra, Solsonès, Anoia and Bages, with a surface of more than 2,300 squared kilometres and a population of more than 45,000.

After a previous study, the group Leader thinks that there are some priorities in order to develop the territory:

‐ It is important to encourage the production of local goods. The territory has agricultural productions which are often seen in the present markets: the little chickpea of Alta Anoia, the potato of Alt Solsonès, the Celler Comalats / Comalats Cellar, etc. These products are very valuable and need to be promoted so that they are known in other markets. The creation of craft firms and the recovery of lost jobs are 33 also two other activities which the Consorci wishes to promote.

‐ To give services to the population and the companies. It is necessary to create companies that give close services to the population of the rural areas so as to improve their quality of life. There will be advantages to create micro companies that can provide new jobs.

‐ The promotion of tourism of quality is another of the aims of the group. The production of tourist goods where the main different features of the region can be noticed is also one of the priorities. The groups with special needs are being taken into account by adapting the infrastructures to their needs to be able to offer a suitable product for everybody, tourists and visitors.

‐ The group is going to create some products and services related to the cultural and natural heritage of this zone. All of them can bring to a tourist offer of quality which will make that visitors come at different times of the year and the present heritage in the territory will be promoted.

The Consorci per al Desenvolupament de la Catalunya Central demands the rural life is a way of life which is different socially and culturally. On the one side it has to maintain its own cultural identity and on the other side, it has to offer services and quality as bigger towns can offer too.

Interests for cooperation projects: 34 ‐ Take into account the natural spaces for leisure activities in the rural environment. ‐ Take advantage of the natural resources to produce energy (biomass, biogas …) ‐ Market and commercialization of local products and other elements. ‐ Creation and management of social, transport and formation services adapted to places with low population density.



Area: 905,30 km2 Population: 70.713 population Average population density: 78,11 hab./ km2

Districts and municipalities:

Pla d’Urgell: , Bell‐lloc d’Urgell, Bellvís, , , Golmés, Ivars d’Urgell, , , , El Palau d’, , , , Vilanova de and Vila‐sana.

Segrià: Els Alamús.

Urgell: , Anglesola, , Bellpuig, Castellserà, , , Guimerà, Maldà, , , Ossó de Sió, , Puigverd d’Agramunt, Sant Martí de Riucorb, Tàrrega, , , Verdú and . 36


Office Pla d’Urgell Office Urgell Prat de la Riba, 1 Agoders, 16 25230 Mollerussa 25300 Tàrrega Tel. 973711313 [email protected]

The Consorci Leader Urgell – Pla d’Urgell works for a total of 37 municipalities situated in Pla d’Urgell and the east of Segrià with a population of more than 70,000 inhabitants.

During this new period, the Consorci is working to apply a territorial strategy and has taken the following measures:

‐ Investments to improve the processes of transformation and commercialization of agricultural products. It is crucial to boost new ideas for the agricultural production that mean the modernization of the productive process. It is important to promote any idea whose aim is the publicity among consumers about the advantages of the ecological products. The opening of agricultural shops which sell local brands is a key point for the distribution and also for a higher income for farmers.

‐ Creation and development of micro companies. The Consorci has to support all projects that diversify and strengthen the economical situation in the zone. The promotion of the 37 improvement of micro companies linked to industrial emergent sectors is going to help the consolidation of a unitary use of the territory and the creation of new jobs.

‐ Promotion of tourist activities through the boost of all those projects of micro, small and middle companies which wish the creation and the improvement of the tourist accommodation. Specially regarded will be the places which promote the cuisine of the zone as something different and with quality features.

‐ Conservation and improvement of the rural heritage through actions to embellish little towns. Nowadays the traditional architecture is being recovered and there is the aim to improve the historical centres of big towns. These actions have to generate a growing interest to know the region.

By doing so the group Leader wants to make the population live in the territory to maintain a good territorial balance. It promotes the economical activities that complement and diversify the agricultural activity to obtain an increase of the income and the welfare of its inhabitants.


Interests for projects of cooperation:

‐ Ornithological tourism and tourism of observation of the nature. ‐ Promotion of the landscapes with water, natural heritage around the canals and the water. ‐ Promotion of the food and agricultural local productions of quality. ‐ Promotion of the tourism focusing on important routes (BTT and on foot), the Route of Cister, the Camí de Sant Jaume, etc. ‐ Promotion of the wine tourism and the oil tourism. ‐ Promotion of the landscape heritage taking into account some figures of natural protection (XN2000). ‐ Promotion and conservation of the architectonic and rural heritage (huts with round ceilings and roof, constructions with stone, mud walls, etc.)



Area: 1.261,43 km2 Population: 27.353 population Average population density: 21,68 hab./ km2

Districts and municipalities:

Garrigues: L’Albagés, L’Albi, , , , , , Cervià de les Garrigues, , L’Espluga Calba, La Floresta, , , Granyena de les Garrigues, , , , La Pobla de Cérvoles, Puiggròs, El Soleràs, Tarrés, , and .

Segrià: Alcanó, Alfés, , Aspa, La Granja d’Escarp, , , , , Seròs, Sunyer and .



Office Borges Blanques Av. Francesc Macià, 54 25400 Les Borges Blanques Tel. 973142658 [email protected]

The Consorci Garrigues per al Desenvolupament del Territori is made up by the district of Garrigues and the municipalities of Seròs, Massalcoreig and Granja d’Escarp, set in the sub district of Baix Segre which belongs to Segrià. The total number of municipalities is 36 and they all share big socioeconomic similarities as well as the landscape.

By putting into practice the programme Leader in the territory, it wishes to get an economical model based in three main ideas:

41 ‐ Culture / the oil landscape: the brand. The main actions to be able to create the own brand based in the oil landscape and culture have to promote the education about the product, the oil and the olive trees, its natural environment, landscape, heritage and culture. The consequence of the sum of product and environment is the appearance of a certain culture, oil tourism. This one has to be used to promote the tourism. Once visitors are have heard of it, it has to be possible to make them interested in the rural heritage or the agricultural products produced in the zone.

‐ Companies with technological basis. The Consorci wishes not to lose some parts of the population, particularly young people and wants to stimulate the return of the people who develop their job in other places. It is important to promote companies with technological basis. These companies are part of an economic sector based in the human resources and the ideas; this is why they can be situated anywhere and this means that work could be done from rural areas, too. According to that, these firms can have the advantages that a rural environment can offer: a better quality of life and lower expenses.

‐ Welfare economy. This is a sector which needs its own human resources. The activities or companies of services are important in order to physically establish the population to its territory. This target has not been brought to practice yet.

Additionally the Consorci is working on the conservation of 42 the rural and natural heritage of the zone so that it can become another tool to support the tourist activity of the territory.

Interests for cooperation projects:

‐ To promote the local products. ‐ To promote the rural and natural heritage. ‐ The arrival of new inhabitants and the return of the native population.



Area: 1.828,62 km2 Population: 45.416 population Average population density: 24,84 hab./ km2

Districts and municipalities:

Noguera: Àger, , , Alòs de , , Avellanes i Santa Linya, Balaguer, Baronia de Rialb, Bellcaire d’Urgell, Bellmunt d’Urgell, , Camarassa, Castelló de Farfanya, , , , Menàrguens, , , , , Ponts, , La Sentiu de Sió, Térmens, , , , Vilanova de l’Aguda and Vilanova de Meià.

Segrià: Alfarràs, and .



Office Balaguer Ps. Àngel Guimerà, 28‐30 25600 Balaguer Tel. 973448933 [email protected]


The area of the Consorci Grup d’Acció Local Noguera – Segrià Nord is made up by the whole district of the Noguera and the municipalities of Alfarràs, La Portella and Vilanova de la Barca situated in the north of the district of Segrià. This is a territory where historically its inhabitants have worked in the primary sector. This can be deduced by the numerous actions that have been promoted from this sector the last years.

In this programme Leader the Consorci wishes to achieve three main goals:

‐ The promotion of a dynamic, competitive and strong food and agriculture model.

‐ The promotion of the diversification of products and services due to the collaboration between the different sectors.

‐ Try to make the tourism the main activity of the territorial economy.

Firstly the Consorci wants to promote a dynamic food and agriculture model by stimulating the modernisation of the agricultural sector thanks to the introduction of new technology in the companies that can perfect the production phase. If it is possible to get a modernisation of the sector it is believed the products will acquire better quality and the production phase will improve. The investments of the group Leader in this sector are aimed at the boost of the best commercialization processes having special care to the final presentation of the products. The target is increasing the quality of the products by promoting the distinctions of quality.

Secondly the Consorci is trying to get the diversification of the products. It is more interested in promoting the investment in the emergent industrial sectors and in increasing the number of companies to obtain more industrial competitiveness. The last aim is to achieve a productive and diversified net that can supply new services to the industry and the inhabitants. It is very important to bear in mind that all the initiatives promoted have to be respectful with the rural environment to encourage a balanced and sustainable growth. 46

The third goal of the group is to promote the tourism so that it becomes really important for the economical development of the zone. The creation of new attractive items for the tourists is basic to make visitors come continually. The Consorci wishes to recover the heritage of the environment and tries to encourage the future visitors to sleep and stay in the zone by increasing the offer of tourist and cultural activities.

Interests for cooperation projects:

‐ The economical and social promotion of the municipalities of the territory. ‐ Rural tourism dedicated to the observation of the landscape. ‐ Development of the food and the agricultural industry of the zone.



Area: 3.148,00 km2 Population: 25.493 population Average population density: 8,10 hab./ km2

Districts and municipalities:

Alta Ribagorça: , La Vall de Boí, and .

Pallars Jussà: , , , , Isona i Conca Dellà, , La Torre de Capdella, , Salàs de Pallars, Esteve de la Sarga, , , and .

Pallars Sobirà: , Alt Àneu, , , Esterri d’Àneu, Esterri de Cardós, , La Guingueta d’Àneu, , Llavorsí, , , Sort, Tírvia and Vall 48 de Cardós.


Office Tremp Av. Alcalde Altisent, 25, B, 2n 1a 25620 Tremp

Office Sort Plaça de la Constitució, 1 25560 Sort

Office El Pont de Suert c/ Monestir de Lavaix, 1 25520 El Pont de Suert Tel. 973652529 [email protected]

The geographical space where the Consorci Centre de Desenvolupament Rural Pallars – Ribagorça acts is in north‐western Catalonia and it is made up by the districts of Alta Ribagorça, Pallars Sobirà and Pallars Jussà.

They have 32 municipalities and 318 towns and villages. This territory has rough landscape which determines its infrastructures and the telecommunication nets. This fact and the big distance between the developed places in the territory have to be taken into account by the Consorci when it designs the strategies for the development for the period 2007‐2013.


Bearing that in mind and considering the capacity of promotion the population of this area has shown in past times, the group Leader establishes some strategies that will allow it to promote the local attractions of the territory.

The first strategy has the aim to make the tourist activity run the whole year so that the population which works in this sector has higher stability. The Leader actions search the promotion of a quality tourism that appreciates the natural and cultural heritage. To get that it is important to develop a whole tourist services offer so that this model becomes environmentally sustainable and economically suitable. In this region there are very known and important attractions that have to do with the beautiful and interesting landscape that can be visited in Parc Nacional d’Aigües Tortes and Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu. Culturally speaking the Romanic architecture from Vall de Boí and others can be seen in this area too. These attractions can contribute to the conservation and recovery of the rural architecture in the small towns of the zone.

The second strategy of the group consists in changing the primary sector by supporting the young farmers and the new ideas that can help to market the local products. These innovations ask for a new management of the product and this is a fact which allows the creation of the own quality brands.

50 Finally the group wishes to diversify the production. The new firms and businesses which have nothing or little to do with the agricultural or tourist sectors and can generate employment are very welcome. It is crucial for the Consorci to encourage the less favoured groups to find a job. The goal is to generate quality employment to prevent people from leaving the territory.

Interests for cooperation projects:

‐ Mountain sports: hill walking, cross‐country skiing and water activities. ‐ Management of the territory and its resources: forest, biomass and renewable energy. ‐ Promotion of the local food and agricultural products. ‐ Promotion of the natural heritage: dinosaurs, ornithological tourism and landscape; cultural heritage: architecture, art and ethnology.



Area: 838,99 km2 Population: 21.805 population Average population density: 31,48 hab./ km2

Districts and municipalities:

Priorat: Bellmunt del Priorat, La Bisbal de Falset, Cabacés, Capçanes, Cornudella de Montsant, Falset, La Figuera, Gratallops, Els Guiamets, El Lloar, Marçà, Margalef, El Masroig, El Molar, La Morera de Montsant, Poboleda, Porrera, Pradell de la Teixeta, La Torre de Fontaubella, Torroja del Priorat, Ulldemolins, La Vilella Alta and La Vilella Baixa.

Baix Camp: Alforja, Arbolí, Capafonts, la Febró, l'Albiol, l'Aleixar, l'Argentera, les Borges del Camp, Botarell, Colldejou, Duesaigües, Maspujols, Prades, Pratdip, Riudecanyes, Riudecols, Vilanova d'Escornalbou and Vilaplana. 52


Office Priorat Plaça de la Quartera, 1 43730 Falset Tel. 977 830119

Office Baix Camp Passeig Sunyer, 4‐6, 2n pis 43202 Reus Tel. 977 326336 info@priorat‐baixcamp.cat

The Consorci Leader Priorat – Baix Camp is made up by 41 municipalities belonging to the districts of Priorat and Baix Camp with an approximate population of 22,000 inhabitants.

During this period, the strategies of the Consorci Leader Priorat – Baix Camp are the diversification of the production and its value, the promotion of the micro companies in the different sectors of production and the improvement of the infrastructures and the services that are offered from the tourist sector.

The Consorci wants to make possible to visit the cellars and promote activities connected with the field of wine. It is crucial to promote the tourism related to wine and get to establish the “Cultura del Vi” / “Wine Culture”. At the same time, it is important to give a boost to products such as the oil and present it as a quality and 53 exclusive product from the zone. The experience of the Leader group in the sectors of the oil and wine contributes in their promotion globally, i.e. from the quality of the product until the reception of the last consumer and from the environment where it is produced to their sale. To do so what must be done is the modernization of the agricultural commercialization structures extending the distribution markets and improving the final presentation of the products.

Another challenge of the group is the promotion of the creation of micro companies in different sectors. Other kinds of production in other sectors have to be considered important and some other small industrial and craft activities have to be promoted as well. By doing so the numbers of firms that offer services are going to increase and the necessities of the population will be satisfied in the future.

Finally it is important to highlight that the Consorci is looking for new leisure and tourist offers mainly related to nature. If it gives importance to the rural heritage and increases the offer of tourist accommodation in the least known areas, some other leisure activities linked to nature and the environmental education could be promoted. The final goal is to be able to work together to obtain a better management of the tourist promotion and the recovery of the rural heritage. The conservation of these spaces will likely help revitalize the territory.

54 Interests for cooperation projects:

‐ Conservation and promotion of the landscape. ‐ Wine tourism. ‐ Oil tourism. ‐ Conservation and promotion of the local traditions. ‐ Transformation and sale of the local products.



Area: 1.167,41 km2 Population: 35.047 population Average population density: 30,08 hab./ km2

Districts and municipalities:

Ripollès: Campdevànol, , , Gombrèn, , Les Llosses, Molló, , Pardines, , , , , Sant Joan de les Abadesses, Sant Pau de Segúries, , , Vallfogona del Ripollès, and Sant Quirze de Besora

Osona: Sant Quirze de Besora, , Vidrà, , Sora, Sant Pere de Torelló, Sant Vicenç de Torelló and Orís.



Office Ripoll Pol. Ind. Els Pintors C/Joan Miró núm.2 17500 Ripoll

Office Torelló C/ Enric Prat de la Riba 17‐19 – 08570 Torelló Tel. 972 70 44 99 [email protected]

The Associació per la Gestió del Programa Leader Ripollès Ges Bisaura works for a total of 27 municipalities that belong to the districts of Ripollès and Osona. These municipalities are set between the Pyrenees, the Pre‐Pyrenees and Serralada Transversal. This zone is quite rough with ranges of mountains and peaks that get lower to the south. It is important to mention that in this territory there are nine areas included in the Pla d’Espais d’Interès Natural (PEIN*).

In this Leader programme, the group works to promote new activities that 57 allow to diversify and complement the economical activity, increase the level of income of the population and contribute to the creation of jobs. All these goals have to be obtained by taking advantage of the resources of the territory with the aim of improving the quality of life of its inhabitants.

The Association needs to work in four main projects to get all these targets:

‐ Encourage the food and agricultural sector and promote its natural resources. The forest activity has to be recovered and it has to be used for the biomass. This is a source of energetic production that gives importance to the natural resources the territory has.

‐ The improvement of the competitiveness in the zone and its productive elements.

‐ The Association supports the innovative ideas that can bring to the cohesion and the development of the business net in the territory. It contributes to get a socioeconomic

development. To improve the competitiveness it is crucial to promote the appearance of new companies and the employment creation.

‐ It wishes to improve the quality of life through a boost of the business activities that create new services for the population and improve the quality of the ones which already exist.

‐ Promote and consolidate the territory as quality tourist destination.Tourist attractions as the landscape, the creation of new products and tourist services from this zone (Terra de Comtes / Land of Counts, itineraries …), the heritage and the cuisine diversify progressively the tourist offer (adventure sports, rural tourism, cultural heritage …).

*PEIN: The Pla d’Interès Natural, approved by the Government of the Generalitat of Catalunya, is a legal configuration which has the aim of establishing the needed measures for the basic protection of the natural spaces, the conservation of which it is crucial to maintain according to the scientific, ecological, cultural, social, didactic, entertaining and landscape values that they possess.


Interests for projects of cooperation:

‐ Nets for hill walking and mountain tourism. ‐ New energetic culture in the rural world. Renewable energy, energy saving. ‐ Forest management and promotion of the forest biomass. ‐ Extensive farming in spaces of natural interest. ‐ Promotion of the primary sector. Shepherds, professionalization, generational change and cattle promotion. Promotion of the landscape and other figures of natural protection (XN2000). ‐ Ornithological tourism and observation of the nature. ‐ Values of the rural world. Slow lands, slow cities and peaceful areas. ‐ Promotion of the local food and agricultural product. Close commercialization and short channels of commercialization. ‐ Wood craft. Local craftsmen and craftswomen. ‐ Tourist diversification in the mountain territories. Tourist products. ‐ Promotion of the hotel trade in rural territories. Cuisine with local products. ‐ Consolidation of local micro companies. Social responsibility and territorial link. Promotion of the creation of businesses.