Interviews Renowned Fantasy Artist Paul Bonner Golden Demon Winner Christian Hardy Tutorials Base making with Daniel Gütl Sculpting the Cyanolith with Carmine Giugliano Nurgle freehands with Sean Garbe Credits Welcome to issue 33 WAMP Founder Greetings Portal readers! Brett Johnson Brett has kindly asked me to take on the role of editor for the Editor magazine (for my sins). He has also tasked me with writing the Adam Parkhouse introduction to the magazine from now on! It almost feels like that moment when White Dwarf used to change editors in the 90s, in Design Editor that you get so used to one face that it seems a little strange to not Angelos Passamitros have Brett feature in the magazine! Review Editor Still, I’m very happy and honoured to take the reins of Portal. I’ve Randy Shea (Cregan Tur) been an avid Wamper for about 3 years now, and always downloaded Cover Image the magazine. I also have to give a big shout out to Jon Webb, who Cyanolith helped to get the magazine back on its feet. As a team, we were artwork by Paul Bonner, sculpt by amazed to see issue 31 reach the heights it did, and hope for future Carmine Giugliano issues to have that level of success. There are obviously lessons Contributors for us to learn, and hopefully you’ll be with us as the magazine WAMPERS of the World evolves into something bigger and better than it was before. united:) The design and feel of the magazine is something we’re keen to develop, and as we head forward, we’ll be aiming Contact Portal at for regular features such as army painting tutorials, scenery tutorials, and at least one monthly interview with
[email protected] interesting people from all parts of the hobby.