Great Apple Recipes to Welcome Fall

Fall can sometimes bring the blues as we put away our summer clothes and prepare for the onset of another long winter. But, there’s certainly one reason to be happy in fall – it’s Apple season! You might be thinking “there’s an apple season?”, and you’d be right to wonder why then we get apples all year round. The apples that we eat all year round are either exported from other countries, usually from the southern hemisphere or have been sitting in long-term cold storage since the last season. Unfortunately, long-term cold storage can have an effect on the flavor of apples, so it’s best to get them while they’re in the optimum eating condition in the fall! Here at NetCost Market, we’ve got some great apple recipes that will help you make the most of this delicious fruit that’s grown and enjoyed all over the world!

Sharlotka – Fluffy Russian Apple Cake Sharlotka is a traditional Russian apple cake and it makes the perfect dessert at Thanksgiving!

You will need: 4 Granny-smith apples (peeled, cored and thinly sliced), 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice, 1 cup of sugar, ¾ cup and 2 tbsp all-purpose flour, ¼ teaspoon ground , ¼ teaspoon grated nutmeg, pinch of salt, 3 large eggs, ½ teaspoon extract, powdered sugar for dusting.

How to make:

1. Preheat your oven to 350F and grease the bottom and sides of an 8-inch springform baking pan. 2. Mix the apples and lemon juice with 2 tbsp of sugar in a large bowl and leave to stand for 15 minutes (or longer if possible). 3. While that is standing, whisk the flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt in a small bowl. In another bowl, beat the 3 eggs with the almond extract and the remaining sugar on a medium heat until a thick and yellow smooth paste is formed. It should take between 8 to 10 minutes. Next, gently fold in the dry ingredients until a thick mixture is formed. Be careful not to lose the airiness of the mixture! 4. Spread the apples in the greased baking pan in a spiral type pattern. Pour over the mixture until the apples are evenly covered and let it stand for 5 minutes. 5. Bake for 1 hour. The top should be crisp and brown, and the middle nice and firm (use a cake tester or to test). 6. Tip out onto a serving platter and dust with powdered sugar and serve it nice and warm.

Caramel Chocolate Apple! Fall also brings Halloween, so it’s a great idea to think of clever ideas to inspire the kids and get creative! This simple caramel apple recipe is quick, easy, and certainly more nutritious than a mountain of candy, and with Halloween falling right in apple season, there’s no excuse not to try this one!

You will need: 6 apples, 14 ounces caramels, 2 tablespoons milk, 1 large bar milk chocolate.

How to make: 1. Remove the stems from the apples and push through a craft stick (non-sharp ones are best) 2. Butter a baking tray. 3. Add the caramels and milk to a bowl and microwave for 2 minutes, stirring once halfway through. 4. Roll each apple very quickly in the caramel sauce, making sure they’re well coated and then carefully place them on the sheet. 5. Put them in the refrigerator to set. 6. Melt the chocolate bar either on the stove using hot water and a bowl, or in the microwave. 7. Once the caramel has set, dip the apples in the chocolate, once again placing them on the tray and back into the refrigerator. 8. Once set, they’re ready to go!

You can also try some fun tricks like adding bat wings or spider legs to make your candy apples spookier!

Apple, and Cheddar Cheese Soup Not all apple recipes need to be sweet desserts! There’s plenty of great savory recipes out there, and this one is no exception! This winter warmer is the perfect way to keep the cold at bay this fall, and its easy, cheap and full of vital nutrients to keep away any winter illnesses!

You will need: 2 tbsp butter, 2 tbsp olive oil, 3 (trimmed, and roughly chopped), 2 green apples (peeled and roughly chopped), ½ cup all-purpose flour, 1 ½ tsp turmeric, 1 ½ cups apple cider, 2 ½ cups vegetable broth, 2 cups grated cheddar cheese, salt and pepper to taste, chopped and cranberries for garnish!

How to make:

1. Heat the butter and olive oil in a pot large enough to fit all the ingredients. 2. Add the leeks and apples and cook for 10 minutes on a medium heat until both have softened. 3. Next, add the all-purpose flour and stir for 1 minute. 4. Add the turmeric and salt and pepper (you can add more at the end if desired). 5. Now add the apple cider vinegar and vegetable broth, stir the ingredients and let it simmer for around 15 minutes. 6. Once the vegetables are very soft, take off the heat, and blend the mixture until smooth. 7. Put the pot back on the heat and add the cheese, stirring it in slowly until all has been melted. 8. Use a ladle to serve the soup in small soup bowls, topping with the chopped walnuts and cranberries to give it that real fall feeling!

Apples are one of the world’s most eaten fruits, so it’s no surprise that there’s such a great variety of meals they can be used in. Try making the most of apple season this year and get creative with how you eat apples! NetCost Market stocks a great variety of apples, so head down to your local store to check out what you can make this coming fall!

Menu for Active People

Our lives became incredibly busy. Everyone is rushing around to work, college, or to meet friends – it’s nonstop! On top of that, more and more of us are taking up activities that help to keep our bodies fit and healthy. Whether you do it for aesthetic reasons, health reasons, or simply because you enjoy it, it’s important that you fuel your body with nutritious and delicious meals to ensure that your body can continue to help you succeed in all aspects of your busy life. At NetCost Market, we have put some ideas together to bring you three quick and easy dishes to add to your weekly meal plan that are packed with goodness, are seasonal and taste great!

Pumpkin and Coconut Curry

Pumpkin season is upon us, but instead of reaching for the typical Pumpkin Spiced Latte which lacks nutritional value, try out this coconut and pumpkin curry. It’s delicious on its own, with rice, a simple side salad, or light bread.

You Will Need: (Serves 4-6)

1 ½ lb chicken breast, 4 Cups Pumpkin – cubed, 2 Medium Carrots – cubed, 1 Small – diced, 2 Cups Spinach, 1 Cup Coconut Milk, 1 ½ Cup Stock (chicken or vegetable is best), 3 Tbsp Olive Oil, ½ Tsp Garam Masala, 1 Tsp Ground , 2 Tsp Ground Turmeric, 1 thumb sized piece of fresh Ginger, Sea Salt and Fresh . Cilantro – chopped for garnish.

How to:

1. Take a thumb sized piece of ginger, peel, grate, and place in a small bowl. 2. Add the garam masala, cumin, turmeric, salt, and pepper to the ginger and set to one side. 3. Take the chicken and prepare by cutting into bite-sized chunks and sprinkle with sea salt. 4. Heat 1 Tbsp of olive oil in a pot, add the chicken and cook over a medium heat. When the chicken is no longer pink on the inside add half of your pre-prepared spice mix to the pot and coat the chicken evenly. Cook for a minute or so until aromatic. 5. Remove the chicken from the pot and set to one side. Add the other 2 tbsp of oil to the pot along with the diced onion and cook until soft, then add the remaining spice mixture and cook for one more minute. 6. Add the pumpkin and carrot to the pot and mix well to distribute the spices, and then quickly add the stock and coconut milk. 7. Bring the curry to the boil and then reduce the heat, cooking for approximately 15- 20 minutes or until the pumpkin is soft. 8. Return your cooked chicken to the pot and add the spinach, stir through and cook for a further 2 minutes. 9. Garnish with chopped cilantro to serve. Enjoy! Crispy Chicken

Maybe you’re craving some kind of fast food but don’t want to give into it? Then try your hand at this crispy chicken recipe. Reminiscent of the classic chicken nugget but healthier and tastier than fast food alternatives, this chicken goes well with salad or even pumpkin and zucchini chips!

You Will Need:

(Serves 4)

4 Chicken Cutlets skinless and boneless, 2 Eggs, ¾ Cups Flour, 1 ½ Cups Breadcrumbs, ¼ Cup Parmesan grated, 8 Tablespoons Olive Oil.

How to:

1. Take three bowls and place in a row. Put flour in the first bowl. To the second, add 2 eggs and beat together, and for the third, combine the breadcrumbs with the parmesan cheese, season with salt and pepper. 2. Sprinkle the chicken cutlets with salt and pepper then dunk in the flour, shake off any extra. 3. Next coat the floured chicken with egg on both sides, shake off any extra. 4. Dip the chicken in the third and final bowl; apply a little pressure to help the breadcrumb mix stick. 5. In a large pan over a medium heat, heat 5 Tbsps of olive oil. 6. Cook the chicken cutlets in two batches and add the extra olive oil as needed. 7. The cutlets take approximately 8 minutes in total to cook, turn them once to make both sides golden brown and crispy!

Baked With Goat’s Cheese This grilled eggplant salad is simple, tasty, and very healthy. Have it as a side to a main meal or a snack to keep you going!

You Will Need:

1 Medium Eggplant, 2 Large Tomatoes sliced, 1 Roll Goats Cheese, Parmesan, 4 Tbsps Olive Oil, 2 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar, Salt, and Pepper – Balsamic glaze and basil to serve.

How to:

1. Preheat oven to 375 F. 2. Mix together the olive oil and balsamic vinegar then season with salt and pepper. 3. Slice the eggplant and dip into the oil / balsamic mix. 4. Line a baking tray with parchment and lay out half of the dipped eggplant slices. 5. Top each with a slice of and a slice of goat cheese, then top with the second slice of eggplant. 6. Secure the towers in place with the help of toothpicks if necessary, then sprinkle each tower with a little parmesan and some extra salt and pepper. 7. Bake in the oven for approximately 15 minutes. 8. Serve with a drizzle of olive oil, balsamic glaze, and a spring of fresh basil.

Round Off The Summer in Style: Labor Day Ideas To Make YOUR Party One To Remember!

As the summer draws to a close, Labor Day is the last festive day before fall takes over and we head for another winter. Officially starting as a federal holiday in 1894, Labor Day honors the American labor movement’s contribution to the success and strength of the nation and the recognition of basic rights such as a five day work week and fair working hours. Like most celebrations, here in the USA we Americans love a good old barbeque to commemorate this day, especially as it’s one of the final times we get to fire up the grill before fall arrives! This year, Labor Day falls on Monday, September 3, and to make this year’s celebrations the best yet, here at NetCost Market we’ve got some great ideas that will get all of your friends and family in the mood for an all-American party! The grill

The main event at any Labor Day celebration is what goes on the grill. Whether it’s simple classics like burgers and hotdogs, or more elaborate greats like some classic Texas- style smoked , or some Kansas City style ribs, it’s good to get something going as soon as the party starts to get everyone’s appetite up and the conversation over the food flowing! NetCost Market offers great deals on classics such as hot dogs and burgers, but also has a huge selection of the best quality grilling meat around! Visit our meat counter and enquire with the trained and experienced butcher about which cut will best suit your party!

All about appetizers

But wait! What if people get hungry before the grill is done, which is especially likely if you’re cooking something low and slow?! Well, this is why it’s always essential to offer appetizers to get everyone’s appetite up to the next level. Try some traditional deviled eggs, some Greek salad , or even a new favorite – bacon wrapped pickles! These small yet flavorful savory treats will get everyone in the mood for what comes next… the meat! NetCost Market stocks freshly prepared salads that make the perfect side to any party! Just come into the store and visit our salad counter to see which ones will take your party to the next level.

Sumptuous sides

But wait…again! We can’t have guests only eating meat! We need some sides to pick up the meal and carry those classic Labor Day flavors. Some of the classics such as potato salad, veggies or some classic pasta salad are great and make it easy. But why not go that little bit further this year and add some excitement to the sides?! Try making some yummy grilled corn topped with cheddar, bacon, and ranch, or some summer Panzanella with plenty of fresh tomatoes and basil!

Desserts to die for

Of course, it needs to be rounded off with something sweet. Often hosts will ask guests to bring a dessert, it’s just courtesy! But, there’s a whole host of great options whether you’re hosting a barbeque yourself or are planning to bring one to a friend’s place. Try making simple classics that conjure up feelings of nostalgia such as ice cream , lemon , or even some strawberry shortcake !

To wash it all down

It’s a good idea to always have enough to drink at a Labor Day party, especially as it’s right at the end of the summer! Make sure you get typical barbeque drinks like beer and wine, and soft drinks like soda, juice, and Kool-Aid. But why not make this party one to remember by getting some classic summer cocktails involved? Great flavors to think about are cucumber, mint, and lime, all of which go well with gin, rum or vodka to create brilliant summer drinks! (or without them to make non- alcoholic versions). Check out the great selection of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks offered at NetCost Market in the run-up to this year’s Labor Day celebration, you’ll be sure to find all the options you desire to make some exciting and refreshing cocktails!

Everyone looks forward to a good Labor Day party because it’s the last time to really let loose before the summer comes to a close. Don’t let them down! Make this year’s party one to remember with some amazing food and drinks. NetCost Market has all the ingredients you need to make the perfect Labour Day party, and our experienced and friendly staff will be more than happy to give you advice on how to prepare and cook your food so you can have confidence that your party will be the best way to round off a brilliant summer!

Benefits of Melon and Watermelon

One of our favorite food items during the summer months is the melon! What’s not to love about this sweet, juicy and versatile piece of fruit (or vegetable, depending on which variety you are talking about!) Summer is the season of the melon and you’ll find them in abundance across the months of May to September. Whether you are a fan of the classic red and green watermelon, the bright orange flesh of the cantaloupe melon, the sweet flavors of the honeydew or one of the much lesser known types such as the Hami, Korean or yes, even the comically named, Santa Claus Melon, there are so many reasons and benefits to make this fruit your go-to snack this summer!

Hydrate with fruit! If you’re struggling to drink more water, substitute your water intake by reaching out for a piece of melon! With a water percentage of approximately 92%, it’s an easy way to feel a little more refreshed and hydrated!

Boost your vitamin and mineral intake!

There’s more to the melon than you think! With each delicious bite you’re one step closer to reaching your RDI goals of Vitamins A, B1, B5, B6 and C, not forgetting the potassium and magnesium! This low-calorie snack is packed with antioxidants to help you keep healthy from the inside out.

Lower your blood pressure

High blood pressure is as we all know a common health condition that can lead to more serious things such as heart attacks and strokes if not addressed. The good news is you can improve your diet in order to help reduce your blood pressure, and melon (in particular, watermelon) can aid you in achieving this. Watermelon contains high levels of an amino acid called citrulline which the body converts into arginine… without all the complicated science stuff, these two things facilitate the production of nitric oxide in the body which helps to relax and dilate blood vessels!

Promote healthy digestion

That high water content we talked about combined with the melon’s high fiber is the perfect combination to help keep your digestive track working efficiently. Adding melon to your daily diet could be helpful for those who have regular problems with constipation.

An alternative source of calcium

If you are lactose intolerant or simply not a fan of drinking milk. Reach for another piece of melon. Melons have varying levels of calcium. Honeydew delivers 6mg per 100g serving, while cantaloupe offers 9mg, and best yet, the Casaba melon offers 11mg per serving. Not only is calcium good for your teeth and bones but also helps to keep your nerves functioning properly.

Weight loss aide

Melon is the perfect addition to your diet if you’re looking to lose a few pounds. The sweet taste is a great substitute for slightly naughtier sweet treats as it has way fewer calories per serving! The high fiber content will help you to feel fuller for longer and can help reduce overeating. Melon can be introduced into both your sweet and savory dishes, so why not try a grilled watermelon, feta, and mint salad for a light summer lunch or making yourself some low-cal ice pops from blended and frozen honeydew melon. Trust us, it’s delicious!

Summer Food Safety

Of course, we all love the Summer season, what’s not to love?! People are happier, the sun is shining, everybody is outside way more and there’s a wide range of seasonal fruits and vegetables that we just can’t get enough of. Then just like with everything, there are things to consider when the temperature is rising. We are all aware that sun cream is a must to protect that skin! And water, we’re constantly reminded of just how easy it is to become dehydrated, especially when riding the subway during rush-hour… but what about food? Food too should be on your list of things to consider carefully during the summer months (but don’t let it slide over the rest of the year!). Let us refresh your knowledge on some of the basic food safety tips and tricks out there. START AT THE SURFACE

It’s simple right… and an easy one to remember, but many people forget or simply skip the number one rule when preparing and storing foods. Clean! Firstly, ensure that the surfaces you’re about to use are sanitized. It’s not just enough that you wiped it after you finished cooking yesterday. Better to be safe than sorry, so give those surfaces a spray and wipe before, throughout, and after cooking. This especially goes for anything that raw meat or poultry comes into contact with.


Always wash your hands before handling and preparing foods and wash them again after touching raw meat, poultry or eggs. REDUCE YOUR RISK OF SALMONELLA

Though many people associate salmonella with undercooked chicken and raw eggs, many forget that raw fruit and vegetables can also cause people to suffer the consequences of the bacteria. Contaminated soil or water can cause raw produce to host the bacteria so always ensure you scrub your fruit and vegetables even if you plan to remove the skin or cook them.


Meat, Poultry, Fish and Fresh Produce… they should only be combined during the cooking stages. Throughout preparation keep them separate. Use separate chopping boards and knives. Once something has been used, put it into the sink and reduce your risk of accidentally chopping your clean veggies with a knife used on raw meat! COOK WITH CARE

Cooking meat can seem scary but keep these temperature guidelines from the USDA in mind and you’ll be fine: all , pork, lamb and veal steaks and chops should be cooked to a minimum internal temperature of 145° F. Ground meats 160°F and poultry to 165°F!


Thawing is best done in the refrigerator, slowly, with a plate under the meat to ensure the juices don’t spill onto other produce. However, sometimes time is of the essence. When that’s the case, frozen foods can be placed in cold water to help the process. Just remember to change the water every 30 mins. Finally, thawing can also be done in a microwave, just be sure to cook all the meat after doing so. As for those leftovers, only leave food out for a maximum of 2 hours and in the summer only 1 hour! Tupperware is your best friend (if you can find the lids!). Store your food and consume within 4 days! Make sure to reheat the food items to 165°F and enjoy! New NetCost Market Location Opening – Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn!

We are excited to announce the opening of the latest addition to our NetCost family in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn. With the opening of this new store, we hope to increase the people of Brooklyn’s access to the best quality food from all over the world, and combine it with a convenient, affordable and most of all, pleasant shopping experience. By making some key changes to the way we run the store, our customers’ shopping experience will become even more flexible and convenient than before, making NetCost Market the go-to store for all of your European specialty needs. So, what are those changes we’re talking about… here are just some of the ways in which we’re making shopping better for you!

Open 24 Hours

We know most people don’t do their shopping at 3 am, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have the option to! With New York being a truly 24-hour city, it is only fair that stores are also open 24 hours a day, which is why this will be our first 24-hour NetCost Market location! So, whether you’re a night shift worker, on the way home from a dinner party, or simply just enjoy shopping at all hours of the night, we’ll have you covered here at NetCost Market Sheepshead Bay!

Plenty of Parking Space

In addition to more convenient opening times, we’re also ramping up our parking space allocation for this new location, meaning you won’t need to carry all of your shopping bags on the busy New York subway! With 170 spaces, there’s room for everyone, even if the store is busy. So, don’t worry about how you’re going to get your shopping home, simply bring your car, find a spot you like and shop stress-free!

Specialty Counters

To make the shopping experience at NetCost Market the best it can be, we’ve also included high-quality food counters that mean you can get exactly what you want, prepared by a professional. This includes a new specialty sushi counter, run by top sushi chefs, and a butcher’s corner, where our experienced in-house butcher will be happy to give you recommendations on cuts of meat, and how best to prepare them. You’ll also be pleasantly surprised by our wide selection of domestic and imported beers. The next time you have a special party to prepare for, or if you simply want to treat yourself, NetCost Market has everything at our in-house specialty counters to make your food dreams a reality!

NetCost Market Sheepshead Bay will be opening in June of this year, and we hope you’re as excited as we are! The exact location is 3100 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn, New York City, so it will be settled right in the heart of the area. With a 28,000 square feet area, it will be hard to miss! Make sure to pay us a visit this coming summer!