Not Much of a War
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Lesson 8 Not Much of a War world at the time with a population of nine million and among the largest of armies and navies. The Assignment Second Continental Congress realized the serious- ness of these issues when it sent the Olive Branch This lesson is based on information in the follow- Petition to the King and Parliament as late as July ing text selections and video. Read the text care- 6, 1775. fully, watch the video, and study all the material. In January 1776, Thomas Paine published his pamphlet, “Common Sense,” calling for indepen- Text: The chapter number and section title of dence. Its impact was immediate and consequen- reading assignments are the same in both books: tial, serving as a rallying point for the nation. By A. Brinkley, American History: A Survey, Vol- July 2, 1776, Richard Lee’s resolution for indepen- ume 1, 12th edition, and dence was adopted. Two days later, the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson A. Brinkley, The Unfinished Nation, Volume 1, with help from Benjamin Franklin and John Adams 5th edition and based on well-known arguments of the time, The following sections from Chapter 5 of the text was adopted. America was on its own in the war for are covered in this lesson: “The States United,” independence from England. “The War for Independence,” and “War and Soci- Even as independence was being declared, new ety” state governments formed and a new central gov- ernment was created. As preparations for war were Video: Episode 8, “Not Much of a War” begun, America remained a divided country with the Loyalists (Tories) opposing the move toward independence. Still, committed to the cause, the new states adopted the Articles of Confederation and the war effort continued unabated. Overview The most serious problems facing the new country were finances and the lack of a centralized Although America had acknowledged problems militia. Addressing the problem of finances, Con- with England in 1775, the country was not pre- gress borrowed heavily from foreign countries and pared for the outbreak of war with a population of issued large amounts of paper currency; hence the a mere 2.5 million people, no army or navy, and a expression, “Not worth a Continental.” Congress weak central government. In spite of these handi- acted on the problem of the military by creating a caps, the United States faced off with Great Brit- Continental army and appointing George Wash- ain, which was the most powerful nation in the ington, the most knowledgeable and experienced 35 36 THE UNFINISHED NATION (TO 1877) military leader in America at the time, its single commander in chief. But even Washington realized that foreign aid was the ultimate key to victory. Focus Points The war was not as foregone a conclusion as some might have thought. England was fighting a Learning Objectives war far from home, having to transport and supply Once you have read the assigned pages in the text an army in very hostile territory while the United and watched the video, you should be able to: States fought on its own ground and according to its own rules of warfare. Additionally, American ✓ Explain the role Thomas Paine’s pamphlet, patriots were deeply committed to American inde- “Common Sense,” played in America’s break pendence whereas England’s population was from English rule. divided over the war. These American advantages ✓ Analyze the content and structure of the Decla- helped, but it was England’s blunders and miscal- ration of Independence, how it came to be writ- culations that ultimately led to her defeat. ten, the sources from which its ideas were drawn, The Revolution went through three military and identify its authors. stages – New England, the Mid-Atlantic region, and the South. While England fought well in phase ✓ Identify the financial and military problems faced one, especially in New York and New Jersey, the by America during the Revolutionary War. British made grievous mistakes in the second and ✓ Discuss the Revolution from a military point of third phases. For example, General Howe changed view, including the mistakes England made and military strategy in the middle of a campaign. Brit- the significance of George Washington. ish generals not only miscalculated the distances between battle sites, they also underestimated ✓ Understand the effects of the American Revolu- George Washington’s tenacity and ability. tion on Loyalists, slaves, Native Americans, This is not to say that the United States had an women, and the new American economy. easy time during the Revolution. The war wreaked a terrible toll on the Continental Army, which was Key Terms and Concepts usually underpaid and under supplied, while it caused serious deprivations in food, clothing, and After reading the assigned pages in your text and other necessities for the American people. Even watching the video, you should be able to identify Washington’s victories at Princeton and Trenton and explain the significance of the following. were short-lived. The turning point in the war Abigail Adams occurred in 1777 when the United States defeated John Adams England at the Battle of Saratoga. Once that hap- Ethan Allen pened, France, America’s covert supplier of guns anglicanism and provisions, entered the war along with Spain Benedict Arnold and Holland. On October 17, 1781, facing Amer- Articles of Confederation ica’s army, France’s navy, and other countries’ Sally Bache military might, General Cornwallis surrendered at Carl Becker Yorktown. Breed’s Hill Peace followed in September of 1783 when Bunker Hill England recognized the United States as an inde- Father John Carroll pendent country. The American Revolution not George Rogers Clark only created a rival to England, it also raised General Cornwallis numerous issues. The United States had to decide Declaration of Independence who would rule at home. A number of groups were John Dickinson directly affected by the war, including the Loyalists, Dragging Canoe Catholics, Anglicans, slaves, Native Americans, and General Thomas Gage women. And the impacted American economy had General Horatio Gates to adjust to life outside the British Empire. Hessian General William Howe Iroquois Confederacy LESSON 8: NOT MUCH OF A WAR 37 John Jay ✓ Saratoga was the turning point of the war Thomas Jefferson because it led to France entering the war. With Marquis de Lafayette this alliance, America won the war. September 3, Loyalists 1783 (Treaty of Paris) was the official date for Judith Sargent Murray American independence. Thomas Paine ✓ The war affected Loyalists, slaves, Native Ameri- Patriots cans, women, and the new American economy. Redcoats Gen. Jean Baptiste de Rochambeau Saratoga Video Focus Points Second Continental Congress These video focus points are designed to help you Baron von Steuben understand and get the most out of the video for Treaty of Paris, 1783 these sections of the texts. Read these points care- Valley Forge fully before watching the video. You may want to Count de Vergennes take notes for future reference and study. George Washington Yorktown ✓ Despite America’s problems with England, the United States was not prepared for the outbreak Text Focus Points of war. Nearly 60,000 people living in America were Loyalists. Thomas Paine’s “Common These text focus points are the main ideas pre- Sense” crystallized the nation for war and inde- sented in this section of the textbooks. Read these pendence. points carefully before reading the text. You may ✓ The Second Continental Congress moved want to take notes for future reference and study. toward independence with Lee’s resolution of ✓ Although most Americans knew trouble with July 2, 1776. Two days later, it approved Jeffer- England was serious, few realized how imminent son’s Declaration of Independence, which actu- war was, as witnessed by the Continental Con- ally summarized many well-known arguments gress’ Olive Branch Petition to the King and Par- current at that time. liament on July 6, 1775. One year later, on July ✓ Carl Becker’s characterization of the Revolution 2, 1776, Congress adopted Lee’s resolution of as gaining home rule and deciding who would independence and, two days later, Jefferson’s rule at home was clearly seen during and after Declaration of Independence. the Revolution. ✓ Independence was crystallized by Thomas ✓ Patriots worked hard to organize the Continen- Paine’s “Common Sense,” but America tal Army, relying on the least advantaged popu- remained divided with the Loyalists. As war lation to fight. Some fought not so much for began, state governments and a new central gov- American independence as for their own goals, ernment were created when Congress adopted like Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys. the Articles of Confederation in November 1777. ✓ The Revolutionary War itself was not so much a victory for the American army as it was a defeat ✓ Major problems the United States faced in pur- for England. English generals made serious mis- suing its independence included finances and the takes and miscalculations throughout the con- Continental Army. Loans and paper currency flict. Also, George Washington must be given solved the first issue while George Washington credit for his accomplishments. was Congress’ answer to the second problem. ✓ The Revolutionary War was difficult for both the ✓ The Revolutionary War went through three Continental Army and the American population. phases – New England, the Mid-Atlantic region, Where the army was underpaid and under sup- and the South. England’s generals made serious plied, the people faced severe shortages of basic mistakes and miscalculations throughout the necessities. Saratoga was the turning point in the conflict. war as France and other powers transformed the American Revolution into a European conflict. 38 THE UNFINISHED NATION (TO 1877) ✓ While the Peace of Paris assured America of _____ 1.