The Peterhead Almanac (And Buchan)
PETERHEAD S. 4L'f5 ALMANAC AND DIRECTORY ^835. PETERHEAD, 1853 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from National Library of Scotland y x\j\ m-: w\ \T I) - DIRRCTORY. & STATIOIJER, EESPECTFULLY Solicits attention to his present | Stock of Books and Stationery which is carefully se- '^^1 lected ; consisting of a large Assortment of Books in History, Science, Novels, and General Literature ; all the School Books in general use '; Papers—including Writing, Drawing, Cart- tridge and Fancy Papers ; Envelopes, all sizes and qualities ; Merchants' Account Books, Day Books, Ledgers, Letter Books, Memorandum Books for 1853, ^d. to Is. Aceoimt Books Milled and Bomid to any Pattern- W. L. T. has just got to hand a good supply of Diaries for 185S. Almanacks pok 1853. Letts' Diaries, 4s 6d, 4s, 3s, Oliver and Boyd's*, 4s, and 3d 2s 6d. Is, and 6d Aberdeen Almanack, 23 6d T. J. and J. Smith's do., Is 6d Uncle Tom's Almanack, Is Is, and 6d Illustrated Exhibitor, do. 6d Lurasden ^ Sons' do, 3s and 2s Dietrichsen and Hannay's Al- Renshaw's do. Is manack, 6d Oliver and Boyd's, do. 2s Glenny's Garden Almanack, Tide Tables for 1853, Is 6d, Is Is Nautical Almanacks, 1853-54 Punch's Almanack, 3d All the London and Edinhurgh Periodicals, Netv Boohs, and M'lisic, supplied as published. In great variety of Binding. ?i9 :3n ^tmivt.iwi t\ Mx\$\i UocRs, aitb '3mUin'$ C^w^ Mmt, '-JHt^ William L. Taylor's list, Continued. mw liijii. The Wide, Wide World, by Elizabeth Withevel).
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