A History of Ottoman Poetry
20I sionally, but not often, tells a story, and sometimes indulges in a little fine language. He is, moreover, the last Tezkire- writer to attempt a complete survey of the field of Ottoman poetry, to start at the' beginning and carry the thread down to the time of writing. The subsequent biographers take up the story at about the point where it is left off by the preceding writer to whose work they mean their own to be a continuation, always bringing the history down to the year in which they write. Riyazi was a poet of some distinction, and as we shall have occasion to speak of his career more fully later on, it is enough to say here that he was born in 980 (1572— 3) and died in 1054 (1644). His Tezkirc, which is of very con- siderable value, is dedicated to Sultan Ahmed I and was begun in the year 10 16 (1607 — 8) and completed in the Rejcb of 10 1 8 (1609). In the preface the author takes credit to himself, justly enough, for having avoided prolixity in language, lest it should prove a 'cause of weariness to the reader and the writer.' He also claims to be more critical than his predecessors who, he says, have inserted in their 'iczkires poets and poetasters alike, while he has admitted the poets (Jiily, turning the others out. In like manner he has perused the entire wcjrks of nearly all the poets he inchules, and chosen as examples such verses only as are really worthy of commendation, while the otlu-r biographers iiave not given themselves this trouble, {•"iiially, lie professes to he \n:yU:rA\y inipaifial in his criticisms, cxtollin).; no man !>) nason ol Im(Im1'.1ii|) 01 coniniinnt )' o| aitn, and \\ it hholdint; due IHiiiM- liMHi none !)(•(, Ill, (• III |)(i soiial aversion.
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