A History of Ottoman Poetry
151 equal we must come down to modern times when the al- tered state of social matters renders it comparatively so much more easy for a Turkish woman to develop and express what intellectual gifts she may possess. The article on Fitnet Khanim in Fati'n Efendi's Tezkire is as usual of the slightest, and later writers such as Zihni Efendi the author of 'Famous Women', and Ahmed Mukh- tcir Efendi, who has compiled a little book entitled 'Our Poetesses,' have been able to add but little to his meagre details. This poetess, whose personal name was Zubeyde, belonged to a talented and distinguished family, her father, Mehemmed Es^ad Efendi, being Sheykh-ul-Islam under Mah- mud I, and her brother, Mehemmed Sherif Efendi, holding the same high office under '^Abd-ul-Hamid I. The father is said to have been skilled in music, an extraordinary accom- pHshmcnt in a member of the 'ulcma, while both he and his son were gifted, though in far less measure than his daughter, with poetic talent. Fitnet was unfortunate in her marriage, her husband, Dervish Efendi, who became a Qadi- ^Askcr of Rumelia under Seli'm III, being a man without ability and utterly unwortiiy of iiis brilliant wife. When it is added that I'itnct died in the year i 194 (1780), all that is known concerning her life-story has been told. 'I'lie unlucky union of the poetess with Dervish I'^feiuli lias formed a text for more than one subseijuent writer. 'I liiis '\v./.r\ Molla, who lloiiiisiud (liiiiiii; tlu' cailiri part of the niiu;t(:(:iith century, when upbraiding the 'Sphere' in hi'i Milinet-Kirslian for its ill-treat nicnl of poets as a race, marvels why this malicious powei should have niadi- 'an ass lil:i- i)(ivisli Fleiidi' the hiisbaml oj l-'itnet, aihhiij; how nilineet il \v,|-; thai she shnuld be the wile ol thai oldni.in.
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