do not have one to understand. The Inanimagus is an object infused with a portion of the Arcanit's Arcanist own magical soul and power. It is not truly a Reworked DnD 5e; alternate class. Potential separate being, but it a part of themselves replacement for both Wizard and Sorcerer separated.

THE ARCANIST There are several forms of Inanimagus, each with You are a mystic scholar and combined with your its own advantages. From a rulebook perspective, Inanimagus, you have great magical power. the Inanimagus functions as an Arcane Focus but with extra benefits. CLASS FEATURES As a Arcanist, you gain the following class Command Inanimagus features While not holding their Inanimagus, the Arcanist has little magical ability beyond casting cantrips. HIT POINTS However they can command the Inanimagus as a Hit Dice: 1d6 per wizard level free action. This allows the object to move under Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution its own power for a moment, either related to its modifier physical form or as a small 'hop', usually to return Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) your to its users hands. Inanimagus can roll across st Constitution modifier per wizard level after 1 the ground with supernatural longevity and accuracy, as well as easily slip off a finger of a foe, PROFICIENCIES or tighten itself so it is nearly impossible to Armor: None remove. Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows Inanimagus Types Tools: None Each magical item focus of the Arcanist gives Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom different advantages based on its construction and Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight, function, but each also influences spellcasting. Investigation, Medicine, and Religion Your Inanimagus type is chosen at first level.

EQUIPMENT Inanimagus Durability You start with the following equipment, in Whenever your Inanimagus takes damage, you addition to the equipment granted by your take the same amount of damage. It only breaks background: when you die. • (a) a quarterstaff or (b) a dagger st • (a) of Resistance or (b) 3x 1 level Scrolls Staff • (a) a scholar's pack or (b) an explorer's pack The symbol of wisdom and travel, the staff is a • Your Inanimagus powerful and common Inanimagus. Made of wood or metal, carved and adorned or spartan, the staff SPELLCASTING is a useful and trustworthy tool. You have the spells per day, known spells, spellcasting, and sorcery points of a Sorcerer. Metamagic Modifiers However, to cast any spell requires your •It costs 1 less Sorcery point to cast Careful, Inanimagus, and your casting stat is Intelligence. Distant, or Empowered spells. (minimum of 1) •You cannot cast Quickened or Subtle spells. THE INANIMAGUS Every Arcanist has a magical object known as the Staff Powers Inanimagus. The complex relationship and exact At 1st level, your Inanimagus protects you from the nature of the Inanimagus is difficult for those who elements on your long travels. This counts as though you were wearing appropriate clothing for the environment to make you comfortable, The symbol of the conductor and masters. The regardless of what you are actually wearing. This wand is a more fanciful Inanimagus, capable of does not protect you from damage of that great finesse with magic. type, nor does it count for extreme conditions such as in the planes. Metamagic Modifiers •It costs 1 less Sorcery point to cast Careful, Additionally, the first time you travel to a very Heightened, and Quickened spells. (minimum 1) famous landmark or important spot for travelers, •You cannot cast Empowered or Twinned spells. such as the pirate island, the capital city, or , you instantly recover 1 point of exhaustion. Wand Powers At 1st level; At the cost of one Sorcery point, you At 6th level, your Inanimagus staff is treated as may add your proficiency bonus to the magic though under a constant Shillelagh effect. This attack rolls of straight shooting single target spells. only counts for when you use it as a weapon, not others or enemies. are also the masters of lesser magic and decadent spellcraft, and as such you gain enhanced Additionally, all cone and AoE ranged spell effects Prestidigitation. Any casting of Prestidigitation can can be centered on yourself in an area of effect also have any of the effects of the Thaumaturgy blast, which requires you to butt your staff against cantrip or Druidcraft cantrip. the ground. For example, the Cone of Cold will become a Cone Nova. The effects of the spell don't At 6th level, you gain the ability to cast semi- hurt you but will hurt allies without proper permanent Prestidigitation cantrips. These cantrips precautions. enchant objects, people, or places with any effect detailed under the Prestidigitation, Thaumaturgy, At 14th level, you gain the traveler's blessing. As or Druidcraft cantrips. long as you do not appear armed or make yourself a nuisance, you will be allowed to travel through The effect essentially continues on forever until it lands that are not normally tolerant of you is mystically interrupted by another magic user, traveling through them. The 'law abiding' citizens the object it is cast on is broken, or is ended by a of this land will allow you passage even if they superstitious ritual. There can be other end effects normally would not, as long as you are not as well; for instance a room enchanted with entering an area that is prohibited for other brightly colored curtains and the soft sounds of reasons. This also applies to supernatural planes of music in the background will end if the disrupting existence as well; ergo you can travel through hell sound of another instrument is played within. If without being attacked as long as none of the you enchant your doorstep to rumble to scare away fields suspect you of being there to upset their commoner neighbors, they can end it by throwing power or rescue someone. salt on it, in the belief it will 'uncurse' it.

At 18th level, you are a true traveler. You may now These effects still follow the same restrictions as access any plane of existence not locked down by normal Prestidigitation-like spells, and aren't any a greater being by simply 'traveling' there, not faster. The magic 'cupboard of cleaning' for requiring a spell or magic item. You may take instance can still only clean 1 cubic foot of along your traveling companions, however in material per hour, but it does it ever hour without order to make it to the other plane you will need to you needing to cast the spell again. travel to the literal ends of the earth to do so. The deepest part of the underdark may have a gate to If you absolutely must limit these effects; consider hell, the highest mountain in the world may have a requiring a 1st level spell slot to cast and you can stairway to heaven, etc. only have as many equal to your Intelligence. At 14th level, your wand can be 'winked' back into At 14th level, your Inanimgus makes any self- your possession as a free action as long as it is targeted spell an instant action down from its usual unobserved by enemies. For example, if a time spent casting. If the spell allows for multiple steals your wand and holds it up triumphantly, you targets, like dimension door, it requires you to be can simply pull it out of your sleeve and you will touching the target for it to work. find himself with an empty hand. Additionally, you may now have up to three of the At 18th level, your wand is a true conductor of magic ring features from 6th level and they can magic. Whenever you cast a spell with a duration, now alert you under a specific circumstance, such or any spell that requires concentration during it, as if the Ring-bearer says a specific phrase or if you may simply direct whatever events you wish the Ring-bearer is submerged in water. the spell to follow and leave it at that, not needing to maintain concentration or even to be present to At 18th level, you may have any number of magic maintain the spell. The spell can simply last as duplicate rings and, with concentration, can sense long as its regular maximum duration can, you what is happening around a specific ring at any directed its actions upon casting with your wand. time. The more rings you have however the easier it is for one of the alerts to miss you, or to lose Ring track of one of the rings or ring-bearers. The symbol of refinement and power. This Inanimagus is common among noble Arcanists and the ones who wish to control others. Your magic is lobbed directly from your hands, with emphasis on the one with your ring.

Metamagic Modifiers •It costs 1 less Sorcery point to cast Heightened, Subtle, and Extended spells. (minimum 1) •You cannot cast Distant or Careful spells.

Ring Powers At 1st level, you may sacrifice a spell slot to reduce incoming damage by an amount equal to the sacrificed spell slot. This is done by projecting a magic barrier or thickening, hardening the skin, the ring growing to deflect it, etc.

Every time you gain a new ring power (at 6, 14, and 18) you get a passive +1 damage reduction to this power each time you use it.

At 6th level; You may conjure a magic ring that can be worn by a creature, which is typically a duplicate of your ring or bares your arcane mark. Whenever this ring is put on, the ring-bearer takes damage, or the ring-bearer rolls initiative it alerts you, and allows you to cast single-target spells towards the ring-bearer at any distance, as long as the ring remains on their finger. This magic ring is subject to the power of ring control.