the FREEWesterly monthly community magazine for Massey to Hobsonville property market report community policing centre Pet tips & advice Home & garden Community notices Food & beverage the show goes on Circulation is 16,000 print copies. Editorial contributions are free from cost. Advertising starts at $75 plus gst for a business card size. Contact John Williamson on 021 028 54178 or
[email protected] February 2017 Intro theWesterly Like a series of overlapping circles, we each have our own connections with those February 2017 issue around us. And those are just the ones we know about. It seems that we are genetical- ly connected to just about everyone whose 4 Community notices geographical origin we share. Everyone’s connectedness is different. And I don’t 6 Safer communities mean just connected via an electronic de- 8 In brief - updates vice on social media. While the closest links will be with family and whānau, and those 10 SeniorNet we work or study with, community involve- 12 People & places ment also provides support. So a communi- ty magazine can be a resource for discover- 13 Area property stats ing what’s around to join, share or do. 14 Property news & advice Look in this month’s Westerly to see what areas of the community you might be able 24 Home & garden to support or join in. There is a rich pick of 26 Dan’s tips opportunities to cater for all tastes. You can dance the night away, or enjoy a full range 28 BBQ of places to eat in our area. Find suggestions 30 Build new for travel, clubs to join, home and garden, retail therapy or advice for your health.