Member Appreciation Issue VOL. 29, NO. 7 | J U LY 2019 Synoptic View of Lithospheric S-Wave Velocity Structure in the Southern United States: A Comparison of 3D Seismic Tomographic Models 2020 CALENDAR BUY ONLINE } | from the 2020 Postcards Field toll-freeBUY 1.888.443.4472 ONLINE | +1.303.357.1000, } option 3 |
[email protected] JULY 2019 | VOLUME 29, NUMBER 7 SCIENCE 4 Synoptic View of Lithospheric S-Wave Velocity Structure in the Southern United States: GSA TODAY (ISSN 1052-5173 USPS 0456-530) prints news A Comparison of 3D Seismic Tomographic Models and information for more than 22,000 GSA member readers Alden Netto et al. and subscribing libraries, with 11 monthly issues (March- April is a combined issue). GSA TODAY is published by The Cover: Map view of four recent seismic shear wave models of the southern U.S. at 5 km above the Geological Society of America® Inc. (GSA) with offices at 3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, Colorado, USA, and a mail- Moho, plotted as perturbations with respect to the same average 1D model. Solid black lines represent ing address of P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA. a proposed rift and transform fault system. The southern U.S. has relatively low seismicity compared GSA provides this and other forums for the presentation to western and northeastern North America, so few local earthquakes are available for imaging, and of diverse opinions and positions by scientists worldwide, there have historically been few seismic stations to record distant earthquakes as well.