Federal Register/Vol. 70, No. 132/Tuesday, July 12, 2005/Notices
40056 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 132 / Tuesday, July 12, 2005 / Notices PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR fragment, 100 glass beads, 240 clamshell Franklin County disc beads, 14 olivella shell beads, 8 National Park Service abalone pendant and pendant Skinner Tavern, 13361 Upper Strasburg Rd., fragments, and 1 lot of basketry. Letterkenny Township, 05000757 Notice of Inventory Completion: The Howells Point site is dated to the Northampton County Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of post-European contact period based on McCollum and Post Silk Mill, 368 Madison Anthropology, University of California, the presence of glass beads in the Ave., Nazareth Borough, 05000758 Berkeley, Berkeley, CA burials. In 1936, human remains representing Philadelphia County AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior. at least 47 individuals were removed Smaltz Building, 315 N. 12th St., ACTION: Notice. from the Miller site (site CA-Col–1) in Philadelphia, 05000759 Colusa County, CA, by R.F. Heizer and Notice is here given in accordance A.D. Krieger. Mr. Heizer and Mr. Krieger TENNESSEE with the Native American Graves donated the human remains to the Cannon County Protection and Repatriation Act Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of (NAGPRA), 25 U.S.C. 3003, of the Ready-Cates Farm, (Historic Family Farms in Anthropology that same year. The completion of an inventory of human Middle Tennessee MPS) 1662 Northcutt Miller site is an occupation site and Rd., Milton, 05000760 remains and associated funerary objects cemetery located 12 miles southwest of in the possession of the Phoebe A. Davidson County Arbuckle, on the west bank of the Hearst Museum of Anthropology, Sacramento River, Colusa County, CA.
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