DWARKA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL CLASS VII Social Science SESSION 19-20 Name______MM: 80 Roll No. ______TIME: 3 hour

I. Answer the following on based of your understanding: (10*1=10) Q1 The early medieval period run between. Q2 Define Iqtas. Q3 When first battle of took place? Q4 Who are geologist? Q5 Name the waves which do not pass through liquid. Q6 Which scale is used to measure the intensity of an earthquake? Q7 Water is a most powerful agent of. Q8 What is the main reason for the existence of inequality in a society? Q9 All adult citizens, regardless of their cast, religion, gender enjoy the right to vote this is called. Q10 What is prejudice?

II. Correct the following statements: (5*1=5) Q1 Jauna khan was given the title Muhammad Ghori. Q2 Aurangzeb was given the title of living saint meaning conquer of the world. Q3 A belt of active volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean is called the sleeping volcanoes. Q4 The river of snow and ice, which moves very slowly is called a cirque. Q5 The group of Dalit and Adivasi communities often experience stereotype.

III. Answer the following in one word or sentence: (5*1=5) Q1 What does ‘medieval stand for? Q2 Who was responsible for collection of the taxes in Sultanate court? Q3 Who proposed the theory of continental drift? Q4 The circular loop is completely cut off from the main channel and this result in the formation of. Q5 The percentage of nitrogen in the atmosphere is.

IV. Give reasons for the following statements: (5*2=10) Q1 Archaeological sources help in the study of history. Q2 Iltutmish called the actual founder of the slave Dynasty. Q3 Rock cycle considered as a cyclic process. Q4 Thermosphere is known as ionosphere. Q5 Midday meal scheme increase in the number of enrolments.

V. Answer the following questions in 60 to 80 words: (10*3=30) Q1 What does medieval mean in history? Name the two sources of medieval history? Q2 What were the army reforms introduced by Alauddin khalji? Q3 How can we say that Jahangir continued the policy of tolerance initiated by Akbar? Q4 Define briefly the different layer of the earth. Q5 Explain the formation of sand dunes. Q6 What are the main features of stratosphere? Q7 Why do you think the socio-economic situation of all citizens is not equal? Q8 Write a short note on positive and negative information about healthcare services in . Q9 What are different types of wave? Q10 Describe the process of measuring earthquake.

VI. Answer the following in 100 to 120 words: (3*5=15) Q1Why is Firuz shah Tughluq called ‘the reformer’? Or What do you know about the central and provincial administration of the Mughals? Q2 Discuss how a V- shaped valley is formed? Q3 What is women’s movement? How do campaigns and awareness drives improve the conditions of women. VII. Locate the following monuments on the political map of India: (5*1=5) 1 Jodhabai’s palace 2 Red fort 3 Bibi ka 4 Kabuli bagh 5 Fatehpur sikhri