Historical” Nixon Tapes”, President , Washington Post and , and Dan Elsberg

NIXON TAPES: "Get the Son of a B*tch" Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers)

President Richard Nixon talks with his Attorney General John Mitchell about the leaked secret government documents about the , the Pentagon Papers. They first discuss the position of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, who did not want to investigate the leaker, Daniel Ellsberg, because of his friendship with Ellsberg's father-in-law. Nixon descries some of the "softheads" in his administration who want him to go easy on Ellsberg. He notes that they need to "get the son of a b*tch" or else "wholesale thievery" would happen all over the government. The president feels that the P.R. might not be bad on their part, because people don't like thieves.

(Photo: President Richard Nixon and his wife First Lady walk with Gerald and Betty Ford to the helicopter Marine One on the day of Nixon's resignation from the presidency.)

Uploaded on Aug 26, 2008 John Mitchell 006-021 June 29, 1971 White House Telephone

NIXON TAPES: Angry at the New York Times (Haldeman)

President Richard Nixon talks with his Chief of Staff H. R. (Bob) Haldeman about the press. In particular, he tells Haldeman about urging him to do an interview with New York Times reporter James (Scotty) Reston, Sr. Nixon, however, banned all interviews with the New York Times after the paper released the Pentagon Papers and ran an interview that Nixon disliked with Chinese leader Chou Enlai. Nixon was astonished and annoyed that Kissinger would suggest such an interview. He also makes a distinction between print and TV reporters.

(Photo: President Richard Nixon talks to reporters in the White House in 1970. His press secretary is the far right.)

Uploaded on Jul 29, 2008 009-010 September 14, 1971 -- 8:20PM White House Telephone

From YouTube.com 2 November 2013 NIXON TAPES: No Washington Post Reporters Allowed!

President Richard Nixon talks with his press secretary Ron Ziegler about . Nixon, who had earlier banned Washington Post reporters from the White House, had heard that reporters from that paper had attended a televised Christmas event with the First Lady, Pat Nixon, earlier that day. Nixon threatens to fire Ziegler if Post reporters or photographers are allowed in the White House again.

For several months by this point, Washington Post reporters and (later authors of All the President's Men and ) had been writing about the Watergate break-in scandal, which was still in its nascent stage at the time.

(Photo: President Richard Nixon, Attorney General John Mitchell, and White House Press Secretary Ron Ziegler.)

Uploaded on Mar 14, 2009 Ron Ziegler December 11, 1972 7:54PM 034-050

From YouTube.com 2 November 2013