



PHONE: (650) 941-1570 FAX: (650) 948-6045 www.orthodoxredeemer.org


October 2, 2016 Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost& Second Sunday of Luke Hieromartyr the confessor -martyr Justina; Theophilos the Confessor; New-martyr George at Karatzasou; Andrew of Constantinople, fool-for-Christ; and Constantine, prince-martyrs of Georgia; Anna, princess of Kashin

RESURRECTIONAL APOLYTIKION IN TONE SIX When Mary stood at Thy grave, looking for Thy sacred body, angelic powers shone above Thy revered tomb; and the soldiers who were to keep guard became as dead men. Thou led Hades captive and wast not tempted thereby. Thou didst meet the Virgin and didst give life to the world, O Thou, Who art risen from the dead, O Lord, glory to Thee.

طروبارية القيامة باللحن السادس إ ّن القوا ِت المالئكية ظهرت عند قبرك الموقر, فالحرا ُس صاروا كاألموات, ومريم وقفت َ عنتد القبت ِر بالبتة جستتد ك الهتتافر, فستتبي َ الوحتتي م ولتتم اُوتت ّرف منهتتا, وصتتا ف َ البتتتو مااحتتا الحيتتا , فيتتا متتي قتتا متتي تتيي األموات, يا ر ّف المودُ لك.

APOLYTIKION OF ST. CYPRIAN THE CONFESSOR IN TONE FOUR By choosing the Apostles’ way of life, thou hast succeeded to their throne. Inspired by God, thou didst find the way to divine contemplation through the practice of virtue. After teaching the Word of Truth without error, thou didst defend the Faith to the very shedding of thy blood, O Hieromartyr Cyprian. Entreat the Lord our God to save our souls.

طروبارية القديس كبريانوس المعترف على اللحن الرابع

صر ت مشا ها للرسل في أحوالهم وخليفة في كراسيهم، فوجد ت العمل المرقا إلى الثاوريا، أيّها الالفج اهلل، ألجل ذلك اتبعَ كلمة الح ّق استقام ٍة وجافد ت عي اإليمان حتى الد ، أيّها الشهيد في الكهنة كبريااوس، فتشفع إلى المسيحِ اإلله أن يخلّ ص افو سنا..

TROPARION OF TRANSFIGURATION – TONE 7 When Thou was Transfigured on the mountain top, O Christ our God. Thou didst reveal thy glory to thy disciples as they could bear it. Enlighten us poor sinners as well with thine everlasting light through the intercessions of the , O Thou Giver of light, glory to Thee طروبارية التجلي على اللحن السابع لمتتتا اوليتتتَ أيهتتتا المستتتيح اإللتتته فتتتي الوبتتتل, أظهتتترت موتتتدك للتالميتتت حستتتبما استهاعوا. فأشرق لنا احي الخهتأ اتورك األيلتي, شتفاعة والتد اإللته, يتا متااح النور المود لك.

KONTAKION FOR ORDINARY SUNDAYS IN TONE TWO O protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame, mediation unto the Creator most constant, O despise not the suppliant voices of those who have sinned; but be thou quick, O good one, to come unto our aid, who in faith cry unto thee: Hasten to intercession, and speed thou to make supplication, thou who dost ever protect, O Theotokos, them that honor

قنداق السيدة على اللحن الثاني يا شفيعة المسيحييي غير المخ ولة, المتوسهة لدى الخالق غير المر و , ال اعرضي عي أصوات بلباانا

احي الخهأ , ل اداركينا المعواة ما أاك صالحة احي الصارخيي إليك إيمان: ا ري إلى الشفاعة وأسرعي في الهلبة, يا والد اإلله المتشفعة ائما في مكرميك .

THE EPISTLE O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance. Unto Thee have I cried, O Lord my God. The Reading from the Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians. (4:6-15) Brethren, it is the God Who said, “Let light shine out of darkness” Who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. For while we live we are always being given up to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So death is at work in us, but life in you. Since we have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote, “I believed, and so I spoke,” we too believe, and so we speak, knowing that He Who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into His presence. For it is all for your sake, so that as grace extends to more and more people it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God.

الرسالة خ ِّل ص يا رب شعبك وبارك ميراثك، إليك يا رب أصرخ إلهي فصل من رسالة القديس بولس الرسول الثانية إلى أهل كورنثس يا إخو ، إن هللاُ ال ي قا : »ليُش ِر ْق ِم ي ال ُّظل م ِة النُّو ُر « ف و ال ي أشر ق او ُرهُ في قُلو ِنا ِلتُش ِر ق مع ِر فةُ مو ِد هللاِ، ذ ِل ك ال مو ِد ال ي على وج ِه ي سو ع ال مسيح ِ. وما ا ح ُي إالَّ آاِـي ةٌ خ زفيةٌ ا ح ِم ُل ف ا ال كن ز، ليظ ه ر أ َّن اِل ك ال ُقد ر الفائِ ق ة ِفـ ي ِم ي هللاِ ال ِمنَّا. يشت دُّ ع لينا ال ِ ّضي ُق ِم ْي ُك ِّل جااِ ٍب وال ا ن س ِح ُق، ا حا ُر في أم ِراا وال ا يأ ُس، َّ َّ ُ اُضههدُ وال ي ت خلى عنـا هللاُ، ا سقُط في ال ِ ّصراعِ وال ا ه ِل ُك، ا ح ِم ُل في أجسا ِ اا ُك َّل حيي آال مو ِت ي سو ع ِلت ظ ه ر حيااُهُ أي ضا في أجسا ِ اا. وما ُمنا على قي ِد الحيا ِ ، فن ح ُي اُ سلَّ ُم ِللمو ِت ِم ْي أج ِل ي سو ع ِلت ظ ه ر في أجسا ِ اا الفااِـي ِة حيا ُ ي سو ع أي ضا. فالمو ُت ي ع م ُل فينا والحيا ُ ا ع م ُل في ُكم. وجا ء في ال ِكتا ِف: »ا كلَّم َُ ألاِّي آ من َُ «. وا ح ُي أي ضا ِ ُروحِ ف ا اإليما ِن ال ي لنا ا ت كلَّ ُم ألاَّنا اُؤ ِم ُي، عا ِرفي ي أ َّن هللا ال ي أقا ال َّر َّف ي سو ع ِم ْي ي ِي األموا ِت سيُقي ُمنا ا ح ُي أي ضا م ع ي سو ع وي ْوعلُنا وإيَّا ُكم ي ي ي دي ِه، وف ا ُكلُّهُ ِم ْي أج ِل ُكم. ف ُكلَّما كثُ ر ِت النِّع مةُ، كثُ ر عد ُ الشـا ِكري ي ِل مو ِد هللا ِ.

THE HOLY GOSPEL The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke. (6:31-36) The Lord said: “As you wish that men would do to you, do so to them. If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to receive as much again. But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He is kind to the ungrateful and the selfish. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.”

اإلنجيل المقدس فص ٌل شري ٌف من بشار ِّة القدي ِّس لوقا االنجيلي البشير والتلميذ الطاهر.

قتتا التترف: عتتاملوا النتتاس مثلمتتا اريتتدون أن يعتتاملوكم. فتتإن أحببتتتم متتي يحبتتواكم, فتتأي فضتتل لكتتم الن الخابئيي يحبون مي يحبواهم. وإن أحسنتم إلى مي يحسنون إليكم فأي فضل لكتم الن الختابئيي يفعلتون

ذلك. وإن أقرضتم مي ارجون أن استتوفوا منته, فتأي فضتل لكتم فالختابئون أافستهم يقرضتون ختابئيي ليستوفوا قرضهم. ولكي أحبوا أعداءكم وأحسنوا وأقرضوا غيتر راجتيي عوضتا, فيكتون أجتركم عظيمتا, واكواوا أ ناء هللا العلي, الاه ينعم على الكفر واألشرار. كواوا رحماء كما أن أ اكم رحيم .


OFFERED BY: The parishioners of the Church of the Redeemer; for the good health of the church SOYO members on the occasion of the youth month. Many Years!

OFFERED BY: Maha Elserougi for the good health of her children, grandchildren and the Elserougi family. Many Years!

OFFERED BY: Nicolas and Sonia Azar for the Churching of their granddaughter Layla and the good health of her parents Carol and Alec Baillou. For the good health of Jamie, Jamil, Zoey and David Halaby. Many Years!

OFFERED BY: Kamilia Khoury for the good health of her husband Sami on the occasion of his 75th birthday (Oct 1st), for the good health of their daughter Saba on the occasion of her birthday (Oct 9th) and the good health of Taleen and Thair. For the good health of the Khoury, Samawi and Ammari families. Many Years! OFFERED BY: Amal and Joe Habib on the occasion of their wedding anniversary (Oct 5th), and for good health of their children Fadi and Ramsey. For the good health of Katherine Donelan’s Chrismation. For the good health of Habib family. Many Years!

OFFERED BY: Hadi and Suzan Barghash for the good health of Suzan’s mother Aida Jabaji Kidess, wishing her a healthy recovery. For the good health of the Barghash and Kidess families. Many Years!

OFFERED BY: Hadi and Suzan Barghash in memory of passing of Hadi’s mother Lorees Seikaly Barghash, 2 years anniversary memorial. Memory Eternal!

To all our parishioners: if you wish to offer holy bread for the good heath or in memory of loved one and you are unable to make the actual bread you can allocate a $35 donation to the church instead.

ON BEHALF OF THE CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER WE WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME CAROL BULEZA THE ANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX DEPARTMENT OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION DIRECTOR WHO CAME TO LEAD A TEACHING SESSION FOR OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS AND PARENTS. THANK YOU FOR COMING AND MAY GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR ENTIRE MINISTRY. 2016 ANNUAL FALL BANQUET Save the date Join us to celebrate the approval of the building permit with the presence, His Eminence Metropolitan Annual Banquet Sunday, November 20, 2016 Reception: 5:00pm – 6:00pm Dinner and Entertainment: 6:30pm- 10:30pm Crown Plaza San Jose- Silicon Valley 777 Bellew Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035 Tickets: Adults: $100 per person Children: $45 per child (12 and under) Event and Table sponsorship are available. Please contact Fr. Samer at 408-375-5673 or Sana Eideh at 408-594-2429

CHURCHING Churching the newly born baby girl Layla Barbara Baillou. Her parents are Carol and Alec Baillou. Congratulations.

CHRISTMATION Chrismation of Katherine Donelan, bride to be of Fadi Habib. Congratulations.

COFFEE HOUR Sponsored by: Maha Elseougi (To host the Coffee Hour, please contact Norma Hanani Alhadad at (408) 225-8372 or [email protected] ).

LADIES AUXLIARY ANNUAL TEA PARTY Dear ladies, please join us for our Ladies Auxiliary Annual Tea Party Potluck, honoring the previous president Mona Awad and vice president June Strickland. Date and Time: Saturday October 15, at 12 noon. Location: Church of the Redeemer Hall. Please bring a dish to share following the chart below using your last name first letter.

A - K : Please bring Finger Food. L – T : Please bring Salad. U – Z : Please bring Dessert. Please RSVP by October 10, 2016 to Maha ElSerougi at 408-981-0880 or to the church office email at [email protected].

OCTOBER YOUTH MONTH October is youth month. We encourage all kids to participate in this holy month by reading the Epistle or ushering at the church during the Divine Liturgy. This week Youths are: Epistle: Dimitry Youssef Ushers: Serafina Alhadad, Serena Alhadad and Damian Youssef.

Welcome back to Sunday school! The staff hopes you have had a wonderful summer. We look forward to welcoming you back as a returning or new student for the 2016-17 year! Our Sunday school offers opportunities for learning which supplement the learning-taking place in Divine Liturgy. Let us commit ourselves to learn more about God and our Orthodox Faith. It is our hope that together we can make this a successful year! School Schedule: Sunday school starts 9/25/16 ends 5/14/17. Sunday school graduation ceremony will be on 5/14/17. Sunday school classes begin after communion and end at 12:30 p.m. Pre-Kindergarten through First Grade children must be picked up from their classrooms.

Snacks - We suggest that each parent provide juice and healthy snack to share twice during the school year or monetary donation. Please bring them to your classroom teachers as soon as possible i.e. Apple Juice, Cranberry or Grape Juice Fresh fruits, Cheese sticks, Graham crackers, raisins, Gold-fish. Please do not bring any peanut butter products because of Allergy problems. Attendance – Students need to be here on a regular basis and on time for Divine Liturgy. There are a total of 28 lessons. A special certificate and gift will be given at the end of Sunday school for those students who attend 50% or more. A participation certificate will be given to all students who attend at least 25%. Parent Orientation – This is an orientation for all parents with children in Sunday school to talk about what's happening in the upcoming year. It will take place on September 25, 2016 at church following the end of church service. Please join us Sunday on October 9th , 2016 immediately after Divine Liturgy at our Church grounds. We will have barbecue for a $5 donation per plate. Come and join the fun!!!

Liturgical Hymn, We will meet in the courtyard every Sunday before class for 5 – 10 minutes. The children will be learning various Hymns: More Honorable than the Cherubim, Nativity Hymn, , Holy God Holy Mighty, Christ is Risen, and Transfiguration Troparion during the Sunday school year. It is important for all grade levels to learn to sing and be ready to let music fill the air. We encourage all students to participate. We look forward to another excellent year! Important Dates: Fri - Sep 30 Sunday School Teachers Conversation with Carol Buleza at the Mapars 7 – 9 pm Sat - Oct 1 School Retreat. Speaker: Carol Buleza, Director of Orthodox Christian Education Sun - Oct 2 Carol Buleza – Guest Speaker Sun - Oct 9 Sunday school picnic, barbecue and games, no Sunday School Sun - Oct 16 Casting for Christmas Play Victoria Mapar – Superintendent

Parish Council Members The Parish Council: David Aboujoudom (chairman), Sana Eideh (vice- chair), Mazen Manasseh (secretary), Pierre Joudy ( treasurer), Jad Bateh, Henry Veizades, Rabih Filfili, Sami Haddad, Rana Hanani, Maha Elserougi (president of the Ladies), Victoria Mapar (superintendent of the Sunday School) and Maroan Akkary.

Phase 6 of Iconography Icons are available for donations for the Good Health or In Memory of loved ones. The Name of the Icon The Location Donation St. Elizabeth the New Martyr (January 25), ( Donated ) St. Euphrosyniaus (September 11), St. Eudocia (August 13), Back Wall Over The $ 1,000 ea. (Donated) Doors St. of Milan, St. Irene (May 5), (Donated) St. Theodore the Soldier (Donated) St. Susannah (December 15), St. Back Side Left Wall $ 1,000 ea. Lydia (May 20) St. Dorotheus of Gaza (August 13), Back Side Right Wall $ 1,000 ea. St. John of the Ladder St. Artemius of Antionch (Oct. 20), (DONATED) On the Left and Right St. the Syrian (January 28), $ 1,200 ea. Front Wall St. Tikhon Enlightener of America (April 7)

St. Macrina, (July 19) Back Side Left Wall $ 1,500 St. Sabas The Great Back Side Right Wall $ 1,500 The Synaxis of the angels The Choir Loft $10,000 (Donated) Christ with the Children Back Right Wall (Donated) $10,000

Wedding Feast of Cana Back Left Wall $10,000

SOYO (YOUTH GROUP 12-17 YEARS Our SOYO (Youth Group) is being active through the leadership of the officers; Gabi Elserougi, co-president; Serafina Alhadad, co-president; Taline Kassis, vice-president, Barbra Altawil, secretary, Zeina Fasheh, treasurer; Dimitry Youssef, Public relations.

yoga Class Yoga class started last Friday Sep 30th. A group of ladies attended the class. if you are interested in taking yoga class, please contact Shogher Oknayan at 408-477-0901 The class will be on the Church ground with free will donation.

Upcoming Food Festival Events

- St. Nicholas Church 20th Annual food festival October 1st & 2nd, 2016

Three Holy Youths Camp

NorCal Deanery Camp SAVE THE DATE Three Holy Youths Camp at Camp St. Sava located at the Burial sight of St. Sava. Diocese of Los Angeles and the West’s very own Northern California Deanery brings you Summer camp 2017. Starting June 19th to 23rd. Ages 9-17 welcome!! 17+ counselors and counselors in training. More information to be added on our website….. www.norcaldeanerycamp.org wwwww.norcaldeanerycamp.orgw.norcaldeanerycamp.org