MALABAR CEMENTS LIMITED (A Govt. of Kerala Undertaking) WALAYAR, PALAKKAD DISTRICT, KERALA-678 624 Ph: 2862266/73/74 Fax: 0491-2862230 Website: E.mail:
[email protected] Tender No. MCL/02/PRT/676/2013 Date: 30.04.2013 CLEARING & FORWARDING OF CLINKER FROM PIRAVOM ROAD TO OUR CEMENT GRINDING UNIT AT PALLIPURAM, CHERTHALA, ALLEPPEY (DIST) TENDER DOCUMENT 1.GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS a. The tender is invited for and on behalf of the Managing Director, Malabar Cements Limited, Walayar.PO, Palakkad 678624, Kerala, India for clearing of Clinker from the railway wagons at PIRAVOM ROAD siding and transport the same by tippers/trucks to our Cement Grinding Unit at Pallipuram Cherthala ,Alleppey Dist b. Any offer made in response to this tender, when accepted by Malabar Cements Limited (MCL), Walayar, Palakkad will constitute a contract between the parties by issuing a Work Order. c. The tenderer shall remit an amount of Rs.26,250/-(Rupees twenty six thousand two hundred fifty Only) by online payment SBT & SBT NEFT towards the cost of tender documents.Scanned copy of online payment documents to be enclosed along with the tender. II.SUBMISSION OF TENDER: a. Every tender shall be made in English. Tender should be free from overwriting. The tenderer should duly attest all corrections and alterations. b. Tender is in 2 cover system, ie, cover I (Technical & Commercial Bid) and cover II (Price bid). In the cover I of the tender, the Tenderer should give all the required general conditions with supporting documents as per Tender Signature of the tenderer with seal 1 conditions and Commercial Terms and in cover-II Price Bid, only price to be quoted and the tender’s name in the relevant column c.