MALABAR CEMENTS LIMITED (A Govt. of Kerala Undertaking) WALAYAR, PALAKKAD DISTRICT, KERALA-678 624 Ph: 2862266/73/74 Fax: 0491-2862230 Website: E.mail:
[email protected] NOTICE INVITING TENDER Tender No. MCL/02/PRT/830/2020 Date.05.05.2020 Separate tenders are being invited by the Managing Director, on behalf of the Malabar Cements Ltd,Walayar(P.O) Palakkad 678624,Kerala India, through electronic tender (e-tender) for the Works/Service mentioned in the list given in next page from eligible and resourceful bidders having sufficient credential and financial capability for execution of Works /Service as per the tender. Intending bidders desirous of participating in the e-tender are to login to the website (the official website of kerala Government e portal) Contractors/bidders willing to take part in the process of e-tender are required to obtain Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from any of the authorized ‘Certifying Authorities’ (CA) The prospective bidders may contact the e-tendering State Level Help desk located Thiruvananthapuram Ph: 0471 2577088, Kannur Ph: 0497 2764188 , 0497 2764788 and Malappuram Ph: 0483 7732941 on any working day within working hours for any query on e-tendering. Intending bidders are required to download the e-tender documents directly from the website . Tender documents consisting of Technical specification, schedule of quantities, PAGE NO. 1 commercial terms and conditions etc. MCL reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. If any clarification required, tenderers may also send their queries to the e-mail
[email protected] .