Volume 12 Number 2 June 2008 edit this section, she will join a long It was very satisfying to learn that line of distinguished TotBits editors, almost 51% of Charlbury’s voters starting with Alison Holthouse, went to the polls on Thursday May followed by Louise Fordyce, then 1st. As a result, Glena Chadwick was Alison Offer, who was succeeded by returned as the District Councillor for Kat. our area, and twelve Town Council- lors were elected. Congratulations to Contributors to the Community Direc- them all and we hope that these next tory which is in our middle pages are four years will see great things hap- reminded that this section is not the pening in our town. responsibility of the editor. We wel- comed the Directory to our pages on There was a most unfortunate lapse the strict understanding that it would in delivery of many of the candidates’ not add to the editor’s burden, so we leaflets, when the company who were remind anyone who wishes to submit paid to do the deliveries either com- information to make direct contact by pletely failed, or only did a partial job. email to
[email protected] . If We have therefore given two pages in you wish to change your entry on the this issue to a full description of all the last page of the Directory please councillors. email
[email protected] We are sorry to hear that Kat Patrick We remind our contributors that the wishes to hand over her TotBits deadline for copy for the next, baton, and thank her very much for September edition, is August 1st .