Annual Review 2013

Helping bullied children to thrive We all need the right conditions to thrive Every one of the past four years that I have been Director of Kidscape has brought its challenges and successes, as well as It’s hard to flourish in an environment that feels unsafe or inspiring and humbling examples of young people transforming threatening. That’s why Kidscape helps children and young people their lives and growing into the people that they want to be. It has to challenge abuse and in all its forms. been heartening to see so many parents developing new skills to We champion the anti-bullying message in the media and with help their children with issues around bullying, and taking these government, and we train teachers and other professionals who skills back into their own communities. We have also seen a work with children all over the UK and around the world to spot significant number of professionals not only passing on Kidscape the warning signs and help prevent abuse and bullying. Most strategies, but also hope, courage and determination, which form importantly of all, we work directly with families who have been the real seeds of change. affected by bullying. By offering them support, expert advice and practical life-skills, we give them the tools they need to grow and thrive. It’s vital work that can save lives. Read on to find out how we do it, why we need more funding and what you can do to help.

Kidscape trainers also delivered ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! a range of anti-bullying and ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! child protection sessions to ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! over 17,000 professionals and ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! approximately 3000 young people during the year under ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! review. Our ongoing relationship ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! with the British International ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Schools took our trainers ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! to countries as far afield as ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Thailand and Egypt. Kidscape’s flagship ZAP sessions equipped ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! almost 300 severely bullied children and their families from across the UK with vital life skills. The provision of this kind of early intervention, as well as responsive services such as our helplines, enable us to fulfil our mission to keep children safe Our many achievements would from harm. not have been possible without The year ahead will be filled the huge efforts and support with challenges, but also with of all our wonderful Trustees, further exciting opportunities staff team, volunteers and

6 10 to deliver our vital work. Our supporters over the past year, We continue to strive to achieve Positive Assertive Confidence another turbulent period in the our vision of eradicating bullying Skills (PACS) early intervention charity sector. It is their selfless in all its forms, but sadly there programme will enter its second and tireless commitment to the

8 16 is much work left to do. During year of delivery reaching many work of Kidscape that helps us the year under review we have more young people in Essex and to excel at what we do. completed a major project Wolverhampton and September that is right at the heart of our This report celebrates what is 14 2013 will see the launch of a approach. This Department at the heart of our organisation: most exciting Primary Bullying for Education funded initiative, a determination to ensure Intervention programme, ‘Bullying Intervention Training’ children live in a safe and which will operate in 9 London (BIT), which was rolled out nurturing environment and to Boroughs and reach over across England, reached help them to grow into fulfilled 11,000 children by March 2015. 35,730 young people against human beings. It is our hope a target of 30,000. Importantly, A major aim during the next that in its pages you will find the 83% of the beneficiaries year will be to embed a more encouragement and inspiration reported improved confidence sustainable organisational to continue or to begin your and 75% of the young structure for Kidscape. The support of our vital work. On 18 people trained demonstrated new model will provide the behalf of the children and changed behaviour and flexibility required to respond families that we have worked improved control in challenging to opportunities and funding with over the past year, let me situations. Thanks to the challenges in the current climate. convey their deep gratitude hard work of our dedicated Importantly it will help us to to you. It is your support that trainers we have been able to streamline functions that support enables us to continue our convert our objectives into Kidscape’s excellence in quality, vital work that changes and operational reality. delivery and future growth. saves lives.

Page 3 3 letter 4 Kidscape Director’s Introducing Why our work matters Laying the groundwork: 12 courses training Our Sowing the seeds: Our workshops out: Our helplines Nurturing growth: Branching Using the grapevine: Kidscape in public eye Bearing fruit: Fundraising and how you can help 19 Financial information Thanks Our work at Kidscape falls into six main categories: Founded in 1985, Kidscape was the first charity in the UK established specifically to prevent bullying and child sexual abuse. We are a small organisation with far-reaching influence, committed to sharing our insights and techniques with other organisations and individuals all over the world.

Training Information & Advice Workshops Helping bullied children to thrive Helping bullied children to thrive Helping bullied children to thrive Training in best practice approaches to tackling bullying for Information and advice on dealing with bullying and teachers, youth workers and child protection professionals related problems, freely available to schools, families in the UK and internationally. Workshops for children and their parents, teaching proven and children. techniques to build self confidence, stay safe and respond to bullying in practical ways that bring it to a swift end.

Vision Kidscape believes that all children should be able to grow up in a world free from bullying and abuse, and that all adults should keep children safe and help them to reach their full potential. Mission The mission of Kidscape is to ensure children live in a safe and Advocacy Media nurturing environment. By providing training, support and advice Helplines to children, parents, schools and those in professional contact Helping bullied children to thrive Helping bullied children to thrive with young people, we enable them to gain knowledge and Helping bullied children to thrive develop the confidence and skills to challenge abuse and bullying in all its forms. Advocacy – working with Government and other Media engagement to raise awareness and dispel Values Helplines for children and their parents and carers, organisations to ensure that concerns for safeguarding myths about bullying and child protection among the offering on-the-spot support and advice when it’s needed children are high on the national agenda. general public. Our values are based on the beliefs that: most urgently. • all children have the right to lead their lives free from bullying and abuse • all adults have a responsibility to support, nurture and care for children enabling them to reach their full potential We are responding to the challenge by working even harder, and • all children should have the opportunity and confidence to report We raise funds from individual and corporate donors, trusts and every part of the country: from inner-London comprehensives and making every penny go further. This year 87 pence in every pound bullying and abuse foundations, and public and statutory bodies to enable us to from public schools; from rural villages and from major cities. The continue this vital work. Last year, Kidscape spent £695,124, was spent directly on our charitable activities, an increase of 5% children we work with aren’t all being bullied – some of them are • bullying and abuse in all forms are not acceptable and should of which 12% was dedicated to further fundraising activities. In on the previous year’s figures. bullies themselves, and need help to stop. Whatever the situation, not be tolerated the current tough economic climate, where public spending is in The people we help are from every age group: children and young we listen without judgement and offer sound advice based • children, confidentiality and trust are at the heart of everything decline and donors of all kinds have fewer funds to distribute, we people from 6 to 19, concerned parents and grandparents, on years of experience and the counsel of some of the most we do need more support than ever. teachers and carers. And they come from every background and experienced and respected psychologists in the field.

Page 4 Page 5 A number of key studies highlight the importance of our work to prevent and respond to all forms of bullying. NSPCC statistics on bullying collated from recent government reports and research suggest that almost half of children and young people have been bullied at school at some point in their lives. The data also shows that 38% of young people have been affected by .

“I came to one of your sessions and I have found it has really helped me. I am no longer feeling as alienated as I used to. I am feeling much more confident about myself, and I have Kidscape to thank for that.” Workshop participant

Bullying destroys self-esteem. bullying, and bullied children Being a bully is no laughing help to create the conditions in At a time when financial • Equipping children and • Identifying children who • Educating society about It turns confident, friendly are six times more likely to matter, either. No one becomes which all our children and young hardship and cuts in public their families with practical bully and helping them bullying and abuse. It’s vital children into withdrawn, contemplate suicide. a bully because they’re happy, people can grow and thrive? and social services have left strategies to beat bullying. to stop. By giving the right to improve understanding suspicious ones, and makes many families without the vital The Internet, mobile phones well-adjusted and have healthy How can we create a culture These include assertiveness support and training both of these topics among the those who already feel shy and support they need, we believe and social networking have self-esteem. Persistent bullying in which children can assert techniques, support and to young people and to the general public, professionals marginalised want to disappear there are three key areas where provided bullies with new and behaviour can lead to exclusion their rights and speak up about backup from our experts, and adults who care for them, who work with children altogether. Children bullied Kidscape’s work is more urgent ingenious ways to torment from school, and worse. In bullying and abuse, with the the knowledge to demand we can help to nip bullying and young people, and during their early years are up than ever: their targets. ‘Cyber-bullying’ a Kidscape survey of young confidence that complaints will action from schools and behaviour in the bud. political leaders. to three times more likely to allows the bullies to follow you offenders, we found that 100% be dealt with promptly other institutions. self-harm than their classmates home from school, invade of them had been involved in and fairly? when they reach adolescence . your virtual world and spread bullying incidents at school. According to the Home Office, rumours faster and farther than Bullying is not just a problem for 10 to 14 youth suicides every ever before. the targets, it’s a problem for all year are directly attributable to of us. How can we, as a society,

Page 6 Page 7 Over the past 28 years, Kidscape has developed a number of award-winning workshops. Working directly with young people and their families in this way is the most productive and cost-effective method for helping both severely bullied children, and those who bully. We concentrate on giving them the tools they need to change their own behaviour and negotiate potentially stressful situations with confidence. By emphasising role-play and interactive learning we ensure not just that the sessions are fun, but also that the techniques are firmly embedded. It only takes a day to plant the seeds of a whole new approach – one that we hope the participants will continue to nurture for the rest of their lives.

For the parents, attending a ZAP session can be a huge milestone too. The majority of them benefit from assertiveness training just as much as their children. Past participants continue to report a greatly increased level of knowledge, confidence and a sense of empowerment when liaising Case study: Zap workshops with schools and other agencies. When Samuel Payne- “I want to thank you and the Cheney attended a one- team for the most amazing day Zap workshop almost day last Thursday. T and a decade ago, he was in When a child is being bullied, I found it such a positive despair. For six months, it’s difficult for him or her experience and we were he had hidden the truth to see the situation with both quite overwhelmed about the severe bullying any perspective. Children by the care and support he suffered at school, commonly feel that the we received.” becoming progressively bullying is their fault, more withdrawn. His mother ZAP workshop participant and that can leave them only realised how serious completely isolated, too the situation was when Sam ashamed to tell an adult ZAP is a free day-long PACS began to self-harm. When what’s happening. “If I could assertiveness training course PACS is the vital counterpart the school wouldn’t take give one piece of advice for 9 to 16 year olds and their to ZAP, tackling as it does her complaints seriously, to another child in that families that teaches practical the other half of the bullying Kidscape was the only place position, I would say, always strategies to prevent bullying puzzle. The workshops aim to turn for support. tell someone. As small as it and abuse. Sessions run two to divert young people from “Looking back, it’s amazing may seem now, situations to three times a month at our pathways into offending by that something so small can quickly escalate. It offices in London, and are teaching them Positive Assertive as that one-day workshop might be hard to find the currently partly funded by a Confidence Skills. could change my life as right person to confide in, three-year grant from BBC PACS is a preventative much as it has,” says Sam. but keep trying – you’re Children in Need. programme, designed to “The strategies I learned not on your own, and the During 2012-13, Kidscape ran identify and target young from Kidscape gave me problem is not with you.” ZAP workshops for almost 300 people who exhibit aggressive a toolbox for dealing with Today, Sam is a confident, children and their families from or challenging behaviour, and tough situations, not just outgoing young man with across the UK. About a quarter who have the potential to for the immediate future but a budding career in the of the young people who become bullies or get involved for the rest of my life.” Sam theatre. It didn’t happen participated had self-harmed in criminal behaviour. Following feels that the self-awareness overnight – there were other or contemplated suicide. a pilot project in London and confidence he got from bumps in the road, but Sam A large number were on and a successful bid to the the Zap workshop were just was able to take them in his the autistic spectrum or had National Lottery for funding as important as the anti- stride. “All the things I was special educational needs, under their Realising Ambition bullying techniques. bullied about as a child – including ADHD, dyslexia and programme, Kidscape formed “Meeting like-minded singing, dancing, acting - are “I learnt three important things hearing or visual impairments. a three-year partnership with people in the same situation the things I love most, and at PACS – how to keep calm, Over the past few years, two local authorities, Essex and as me was really helpful, now I’m making a career how to handle friendships and we have seen an increasing Wolverhampton, in September too. I’m still in contact with out of them. That day at how not to react in a bad way, number of participants with 2012, and began delivering friends I made that day, and Kidscape gave me the skills like shouting.” eating disorders or issues PACS workshops in they’re all doing amazing and confidence I needed to PACS workshop participant around obesity. January 2013. things now.” turn everything around.”

Page 8 Page 97 We reach a significant number of people through our face-to-face workshops, but for many waiting for a place at a ZAP session is simply not practical. They need help as quickly as possible – which is why Kidscape runs dedicated helplines for both young people and concerned parents, providing focused, practical advice when it’s needed most. And for those who do benefit from our workshops, maintaining and nurturing their new skills isn’t always easy. Sometimes a boost from a sympathetic listener can make all the difference.

Witnessing the bullying of your child can be devastating. The parents who contact Kidscape are desperate for practical suggestions to help children who may be self-harming or refusing to go to school. Parents feel helpless, and often guilty that they didn’t spot the warning signs. Then there are the practical questions: what to do about school, about email, Facebook and mobile phone access. Among the 1500+ calls they answered in the last year, Kidscape’s experienced advisors took a growing number of enquiries from parents and carers about cyber-bullying and online safety. They also handled questions about how to deal with the effects of bullying on the child (, withdrawal, self-harm), and how to liaise effectively with the school to block bullying. Over 90% of our helpline users felt the advice they received was both practical Our award-winning peer and effective. support helpline is dedicated to helping young people aged 11-19 who are struggling with “Today I spoke to a lovely anxiety, depression or mental lady. She was strong and distress. Run and staffed by an gentle and understanding, amazing group of 54 trained never judging, and gave and supervised volunteers aged me the advice I desperately 16-21, Y2Y offers confidential “Y2Y has helped to boost my confidence in everyday life. needed to hear. I needed advice and support by phone, My listening and support giving have greatly improved and those words of advice email, online chat and Skype. I now know the difference between support and advice. because they acted as Each week I love coming to Y2Y and I leave knowing I’ve Operating for two evenings made a difference.” permission for my daughter each week, the helpline and I to move forward.” responded to almost 3000 Y2Y young volunteer Parents’ helpline user requests for support last year. The young volunteers who “ Thank you for your reply. It really helped. I was happy deliver this unique peer-to- that someone stopped me from killing myself because peer service are drawn from a otherwise I would’ve let the people that were bullying diverse range of backgrounds, me win. After your reply to me, I spoke to a friend about and they consistently report it. She helped me and now the bullies have realised they an increase in their own made a big mistake bullying me. Feel free to post this on self-esteem, confidence and your website – your advice really helped” interpersonal skills. Y2Y helpline caller

Page 10 Page 11 The most effective way to propagate our anti-bullying and child safeguarding messages is by training more trainers. For every one professional who completes one of our training courses, dozens if not hundreds of children will eventually benefit as the knowledge and skills we have developed continue to cascade down. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of Kidscape’s team of four, by the time the project ended in March 2013 they had trained more than 3500 professionals across the whole of England – almost 10% above the project target. What is more, each of those professionals undertook to cascade the BIT sessions to at least 10 young people within 10 weeks. That means that a minimum of 35,000 young people are now equipped with vital new life skills and coping strategies as a result of this project. An interim report by the Charities Evaluation Services showed that pupils’ school attendance improved from below 85% to 92% two terms after taking part in a BIT session. The BIT project was led by Julie Wilkinson. With the help of her experienced team, she developed a series of lesson plans and a comprehensive, step-by-step teachers’ pack. “We made the manual very simple to use, and packed it with practical resources. As well as hundreds of mainstream state schools, we were training in pupil referral units, special “I just wanted to say a big In the UK our anti-bullying needs schools, at the RNIB, thank you for delivering workshops are in demand, among the traveller community the BIT training last week. while our child protection – so it was important to make It was informative and and safeguarding training the programme as universal interesting, but above all sessions are also offered as possible.” The resources I feel it will be useful and under the auspices of the included videos, quizzes practical. I did a session British International Schools. Bullying Intervention and role-playing exercises with three students who had In 2012-13 this relationship Training - BIT which made BIT both more been suffering from bullying attractive to young people, and Training is also an important took our trainers as far afield Last year saw the successful and lack of confidence. easier for teachers and other source of income for Kidscape. as Thailand, the United Arab culmination of a two-year I could see their confidence professionals to deliver. In 2012-13 our training arm, Emirates, Greece, Germany training project funded by the grow as the session went on. staffed by 10 freelance and Egypt. We continue to liaise Department for Education. The The BIT programme has When they left one actually Kidscape trainers, delivered closely with many safeguarding BIT programme was designed since been incorporated into turned back with a smile and anti-bullying, child protection, organisations across the world, to help professionals working Kidscape’s paid-for training said to me “I feel so much behaviour management and this aspect of our training with young people in two portfolio, so schools and other more confident now”. This and peer support sessions remains the most buoyant ways: firstly, by training them to service providers across the was a boy who had not been to approximately 17,000 in the current market as it identify those who were on the whole of the UK can now in school for a few days, professionals. They work in a satisfies statutory requirements. cusp of displaying aggressive book sessions at a competitive and the previous day I had wide range of settings that cater Achieving CPD accreditation behaviour and those who might commercial rate. We have met with his parents who to the needs of children and for our Child Protection courses be the targets of bullying; and also successfully trialled a were considering a move to families, including schools, care was a landmark for us, and secondly, by providing skills and primary school version of the another school. He’s been homes and a variety of youth we plan to follow this route for tools to be passed on to the programme, which will be back 3 days now and all and community centres. Our other key courses including young people in their settings funded by the Department for going well so far – smiling trainers also worked directly ZAP Unwrapped and Peer with the aim of limiting incidents Education for two years from every time I’ve seen him!” with over 3000 young people. Support Training. of bullying. April 2013. BIT workshop participant

Page 12 Page 13 Using the grapevine New ways to spread the word All too often, bullying and abuse go unreported. People stay The Body Shop Foundation has been helping grass roots charities silent because they are ashamed about what has happened since 1989 and believe that beauty is all about “looking good, to them; often, they even feel it is their fault. Kidscape can feeling good and doing good.” So Kidscape was delighted to be help by taking a leading role in a thoughtful public debate chosen as one of the charities that The Body Shop’s customers about these difficult subjects. We look for opportunities could support through their shopping choices. 100% of sale every day to reach out to people across the UK and get proceeds from one great, pocket-sized product – Dragon Fruit them engaged with the issues in an intelligent way. Lip Butter – went to charity, and shoppers could choose which of three charities they wanted their money to go to. The partnership was an exciting new departure for us, as it got our name out onto the high street in combination with one of the UK’s best-loved ethical brands. The PR value translated into real income, too. Thanks to this initiative, Kidscape netted nearly £60,000 in direct funds to support our work with young people.

Media outreach and advocacy In 2012-13 Kidscape spokespeople gave between eight and ten media interviews a week, reaching an estimated 15 to 20 million people through the course of the year. Our media activity raises public We took part in national news awareness of the issues of and current affairs coverage on bullying and safeguarding BBC Television, Sky radio and children, helping to influence television, Five Live and LBC, public opinion and shape as well as a number of local TV government policy. In addition and radio stations. For example, we play a more direct role in we contributed at length to policy-making through our items exploring issues such as participation in a number of groups including: “Thank you so much for the need to keep children safe the resources and for a online, the commercialisation • Anti-Bullying Alliance steering brilliant morning last week. and sexualisation of childhood, group It definitely provided food and the link between bullying for thought and will be of • All-Party Parliamentary and child suicide. immense value in our work.” Group on Bullying In print and online, we Teacher contributed to articles in • Child Employment Advisory In February 2013 we launched The Times, Daily Mail, Daily Group to HM Government a completely revamped website Express and many other local “The unhappiness he • Children’s Charities Coalition which is more accessible, easier and national newspapers. experienced was felt by on Internet Safety to navigate and designed to be Notable features in the past the whole family and I felt much more visually attractive to year included an article in • Child Performance Advisory powerless to make it better our target audiences. the Saturday Times aimed at Working Group to HM for any of us. The only helping parents to recognise the Government The new site incorporates a people who could see that signs and symptoms of bullying, much-improved online shop, what I was requesting was Online activities several interviews for the Daily where our supporters can a basic human right to feel Mail exploring ways of keeping Our website is a cornerstone of purchase training materials and safe, were you and the team children safe online as well as our communications activity. We book workshops. Last but not at Kidscape. I will forever items in the Daily Telegraph logged over 367,000 hits during least, we made it far easier to be grateful for what you campaigning for a change in the the year, 77% of them from donate online, using JustGiving, have done.” child performance laws. new visitors. Virgin Money Giving or PayPal. Parent

Page 14 Page 15 How you can help As a registered charity, Kidscape is entirely dependent on grants from public and statutory bodies as well as donations from the general public. There are four main ways in which individuals While cuts to public funding continue to bite deep, charities like can help: Kidscape have to work hard to compensate. Our traditional sources of income – local authorities, grant-making bodies and central government – are under severe pressure. That means that corporate and individual donors are becoming more and more important to us, and we are delighted at their response to our fundraising efforts during the past year. Building long-term relationships with our supporters is key if we are to maintain the level of support we offer to children and parents in dire need of our help. A huge thank you to our key partners:

• Make a donation – even the smallest amount can help. For example, just £5 will pay for a “bully pack” to be sent to a Corporate supporters Sponsored events family desperately needing support. £180 will pay for a teacher to attend a Kidscape workshop and learn how to create a Despite the challenges facing We are sincerely thankful to peer mentoring scheme at school. And £284 will fund a ZAP British business throughout the one particularly speedy bunch workshop place for one severely bullied child and their parents. year, our corporate partners of supporters, who ran up a You can donate via our website with a credit or debit card or continued to provide a vital storm last year. In the Virgin PayPal – and now you can even make a donation by portion of Kidscape’s income. London Marathon alone, the text message! Without their support, we 23 Kidscape runners raised would not have been able to an average of more than • Do some fundraising – sponsored walks, coffee mornings, reach the number of children £2000 each. Adding in the raffles – or why not run a marathon for Kidscape? Find and young people that we did contributions of competitors in inspiration and practical advice on our website. during 2012-13. the BUPA 10K, British 10K and • Get your employer involved – you might be able to nominate 2012 was the fifth year in which Adidas Half Marathon, the total Kidscape as a corporate charity where you work. Join Kidscape benefitted from the raised by sponsored runners household names like Specsavers and do your bit to help. came to more than £60,000 – Specsavers Spectacle Wearer • Remember Kidscape in your will – leaving a legacy is a a tremendous boost to of the Year Awards, which great way to support our future work. raised a record £20,000 for us our finances. You’ll find advice and guidance on all of these ways to support and brought the total for this Enterprising companies and us on our website: relationship to over £100,000. individuals organised a whole Our brand new partnership with host of fundraising events the Body Shop (see case study on Kidscape’s behalf during Even the smallest amount helps. If everyone who received a copy on page 15) was a real eye- the year, from bake sales to of this report gave just £3, this would pay for the costs of running opener, showing us the power skydives and Channel swims. our parents’ helpline for a month. of targeted, in-store charity During Anti-Bullying week, school events like non-uniform To make a donation right now, text KSCP26 £1 (or £2, £3, marketing and raising nearly £4, £5 or £10) to 70070. (The cost of the donation will be added £60,000 to support our work. days raised an impressive £7680. to your mobile phone bill.)

Page 16 Page 17 On behalf of all the children and families that have benefited from Kidscape’s services this year, we’d like to say a big thank you to all our supporters. Special mention goes to the following organisations and individuals:

Despite the continuing challenge of raising money in the Individuals George Lee * Guv’nors Club Dave Taylor current economic climate, we have managed to secure income Esther Alexander Bob Lemmon John Laing Charitable Trust BIT Project Staff representing 93% of expenditure this year. This is an improvement on 2011-12 (86%) and is testament to the incredibly hard work of Karen Barker * Susan Letouze * Kramer Charitable Trust Alye Begum all Kidscape staff. Alan Bates * AB Mckenzie * Lovering Charitable Trust Dawn Green This page shows a breakdown of Kidscape’s income and Andrew Battye * Bridget Monk * New West End Synagogue Deborah Scaife expenditure for the year ending 31st March 2013. The full report and accounts have been sent to the Charity Commission, and David Beckwith * Yvonne Morris Openwork Foundation Sue Seager a copy of the audited accounts can be obtained on request Lesley Beevor * Ismeria Okolaba * Persula Foundation Julie Wilkinson from Kidscape. Tim Bennett Cordelia Oxley Protocol Education PACS Project Staff Sean Brickell Anna Padley Punky Princess Isatu Bundu Margaret Burke * Thanos Papasavvas Source2Sea Nishaharan Vaithilingam Luke Burrage Kevin Parke * Specsavers Trainers Martin Carolan Carlos Patino Stowe School Justine Caroll Julie Carvell David Pettitt Talisman Charitable Trust Jackie Engelberg Chloe Christey-French Kathleen Phillips * The Archbishop Lanfranc Jan Harrup School Janette Citroen * S Pool Eugene O’Riordan Waitrose Marylebone Peter Clark * James Pryor Christine Tanner Westminster City Council Liam Clarke Jess Quick and Emma Farmer- Jonathan Taylor Wright Withington Girls’ School Emily Codd * Debbie Tucker Andrew Robinson * Zurich Community Trust Patrick Cox Robin Watts Stephen Shepherd * Trustees Donna Cregg Patrons Velia Soames * Linda Blair Susan Cygan Anthony Horowitz Kumi Thomas * George Gawlinski (chair) Amy Daniels Dame Mary Perkins DBE Danielle Toutoungi * John Hadjipateras Sarah Dinsdale-Young * Ambassadors Petra Urhofer Sheila King Margaret Dowley * David Davies A Watson * Nick Lovering Harry Draper Jill Halfpenny Lucy Weekes Kevin Parke Jack Dredge Dan Norris Nicholas Wilby * Anna Raeburn Kevin Dredge Patsy Palmer Dennis Wilson * Amanda Ross Nicola Dunning * Dr Wendy Piatt Catherine Wood Andrew Stead Sue Dunstall * * indicates regular givers Founder Andrew Farrer * Volunteers Organisations Michele Elliott OBE Lucy Faulkner -Gawlinski * Jackie Benson A D Power Will Trust Kidscape Staff John Hadjipateras Dave Elmer Advent Software Toyah Anderson Emma Hacker * Bea Gaunt Atlantic Philanthropies Director/ Richard Andrew Roxanne Harley Andrew Morrison Employee Designated Gift Fund Peter Bradley (Deputy Director) Carol Hayes Brenda Stafford Bank Workers’ Charity Claire Burnell Patricia Hernandez * Accountants BBC Children in Need Michelle Edwards Anthony Horowitz Williams & Co. Big Lottery Fund Linda Frost Liz Horrigan * Body Shop Foundation Rosemary Harrison Bob and Kate Huxley * Special thanks to the 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 Chesterhill Charitable Trust Nikki Kerr Westminster Foundation, Derek Jackson * Coca-Cola Enterprises Claude Knights (Director) which has kindly subsided the Gunther Jones * Total income £646,923 £523,265 £581,859 Denman Charitable Trust rent costs of Kidscape’s office Deirdre McLellan Ms Jones * for a number of years. Their Total expenditure £695,124 £608,371 £577,390 Department for Education Kathy O’Connor support is invaluable in ensuring Mary Patricia Keating * Total restricted Income £384,354 £174,047 £293,041 Dudley and Geoffrey Cox that Kidscape can maintain a Steve Perry Sheila King * presence in central London, Charitable expenditure £609,182 £487,128 £445,805 Charitable Trust Jodie Potter which is vital for our outreach David Knowles Fundraising costs £81,579 £117,533 £129,176 Edgar Lee Foundation and training work. Lisa Spencer Mike Landsman * Governance costs £4,363 £3,710 £2,409 Goldsmiths Company Lisa Talbot PJ & HI Lawson * Grass Roots Group

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Annual Report kindly supported by

Kidscape 2 Grosvenor Gardens London SW1W 0DH Tel: 020 7730 3300 Fax: 020 7730 7081 Email: [email protected] Web:

Registered Charity 326864