REVIEW ARTICLE A Systematic Review of School-Based Interventions to Prevent

Rachel C. Vreeman, MD; Aaron E. Carroll, MD, MS

Objective: To conduct a systematic review of rigor- responses to violence) and outcomes indirectly related ously evaluated school-based interventions to decrease to bullying (school achievement, perceived . safety, self-esteem, and knowledge or attitudes toward bullying). Data Sources: MEDLINE, PsycINFO, EMBASE, Edu- cational Resources Information Center, Cochrane Col- Results: Only 4 of the 10 curriculum studies showed laboration, the Physical Education Index, and Sociol- decreased bullying, but 3 of those 4 also showed no im- ogy: A SAGE Full-Text Collection were searched for the provement in some populations. Of the 10 studies evalu- terms bullying and bully. ating the whole-school approach, 7 revealed decreased bullying, with younger children having fewer positive ef- Study Selection: We found 2090 article citations and fects. Three of the social skills training studies showed reviewed the references of relevant articles. Two review- no clear bullying reduction. The mentoring study found ers critically evaluated 56 articles and found 26 studies decreased bullying for mentored children. The study of that met the inclusion criteria. increased school social workers found decreased bully- ing, truancy, theft, and drug use. Interventions: The types of interventions could be cat- egorized as curriculum (10 studies), multidisciplinary or Conclusions: Many school-based interventions di- “whole-school” interventions (10 studies), social skills rectly reduce bullying, with better results for interven- groups (4 studies), mentoring (1 study), and social worker tions that involve multiple disciplines. Curricular changes support (1 study). less often affect bullying behaviors. Outcomes indi- rectly related to bullying are not consistently improved Main Outcome Measures: Data were extracted by these interventions. regarding direct outcome measures of bullying (bully- ing, victimization, aggressive behavior, and school Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2007;161:78-88

ULLYING IS A FORM OF AG- creased risk for depressive symptoms and gression in which 1 or more suicidal ideation.6,7 Students who report children repeatedly and in- victimization are 3 to 4 times more likely tentionally intimidate, ha- to report anxiety symptoms than unin- rass, or physically harm a volved children.8,9 The effects of bullying victim.1 Victims of bullying are perceived on emotional health may persist over time; B 10 by their peers as physically or psychologi- 1 study showed that children bullied re- cally weaker than the aggressor(s), and vic- peatedly through middle adolescence had tims perceive themselves as unable to re- lower self-esteem and more depressive taliate.2 Although bullying, , symptoms as adults. Victims of bullying and victimization can take many forms, the are more likely to feel socially rejected or key elements of this behavior are aggres- isolated and to experience greater social sion, repetition, and the context of a re- marginalization and lower social status.11 lationship with an imbalance of power.3 Bullying impacts a child’s experience of Bullying can impact the physical, emo- school on numerous levels. Bullying cre- tional, and social health of the children ates problems with school adjustment and Author Affiliations: Children’s involved. Victims of bullying more often bonding, affecting the victims’ comple- Health Services Research, report sleep disturbances, enuresis, ab- tion of homework or desire to do well at Indiana University School of 6,12 13 Medicine (Drs Vreeman and dominal pain, headaches, and feeling sad school. In 1 study, 20% of grade- 4,5 Carroll), and The Regenstrief than children who are not bullied. Bul- school children reported being fright- Institute for Health Care lies, their victims, and those who are both ened through much of the school day. Bul- (Dr Carroll), Indianapolis, Ind. bullies and victims have significantly in- lying seems to increase school absenteeism,


©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 09/25/2021 with victimized children becoming more school avoid- tively with the strength of treatment effects.24 Duplicate pub- ant as the victimization increases.14 Furthermore, in- lications or multiple articles that reported identical outcomes volvement in bullying affects academic performance, al- measured over the same period on the same population were though studies15-18 show mixed results regarding which excluded. children are most affected. Most bullying takes place at We extracted data from the selected articles regarding di- rect outcome measures of bullying, including bullying, victim- school, particularly at times and places where supervi- 19 ization, aggressive behavior, violence, school responses to vio- sion is minimal. Schools where adults tolerate more bul- lence, and violent injuries. Data were also extracted for outcomes 10 lying may have more severe bullying problems. thought to be indirectly related to bullying, such as school As school bullying increasingly becomes a topic of pub- achievement, perception of school safety, self-esteem, or knowl- lic concern and research efforts, a growing number of stud- edge about or attitudes toward bullying. ies examines school-based interventions targeted to re- duce bullying. Although many of these interventions have RESULTS been rigorously evaluated, the evaluations reveal mixed results.20 For example, evaluations of the Olweus Bully- ing Prevention Program, a comprehensive “whole- The systematic literature search identified 2090 articles. school” intervention on which many subsequent pro- The online search of MEDLINE yielded 353 articles, grams have been based, report reductions of 30% to 70% and the search of EMBASE yielded 269 articles, 9 of in the student reports of being bullied and bullying oth- which were not found by the MEDLINE search. The ers.2,20-22 In contrast, evaluation of a similar comprehen- search of PsycINFO yielded 897 articles, Educational Re- sive prevention program implemented in Belgium did not sources Information Center yielded 552 articles, the Physi- show significant differences in victimization or bullying cal Education Index yielded 16 articles, and Sociology: A scores among primary or secondary school students.23 Al- SAGE Full-Text Collection yielded 3 articles. An addi- 25-28 though some review articles have described several of these tional 4 potential studies were identified through interventions, to our knowledge, no systematic reviews searches of bibliographies and were also reviewed. Once of interventions to reduce bullying have been published articles that obviously did not address school-based in- in peer-reviewed literature. The objective of this study terventions were excluded, 321 relevant articles re- was to review rigorously evaluated school-based inter- mained. Reviewing the abstracts of these articles allowed ventions to reduce or prevent bullying with the goal of for the further exclusion of articles that did not address determining whether these interventions worked. school-based interventions. Fifty-six articles were then as- sessed by both of the reviewers. Articles were most com- monly excluded at this stage because they were not evalu- METHODS ations of interventions, they did not have control groups, or they did not address bullying. We searched several bibliographic databases, including MEDLINE The 26 studies that met the selection criteria varied (January 1, 1966, through August 23, 2004), PsycINFO, EMBASE, substantially in intervention type, study population, study Educational Resources Information Center, the Physical Edu- design, and outcome measures. The detailed character- cation Index, Sociology: A SAGE Full-Text Collection, and the istics of the studies are reported in Table 1. The inter- Cochrane Clinical Trials Registry (all as of August 23, 2004). ventions could be divided into 5 categories: curriculum We used the search terms bullying or bully as Medical Subject interventions, multidisciplinary or whole-school inter- Headings or keywords. We used a keyword search because it ventions, targeted social and behavioral skills groups, men- was more robust than searches using only Medical Subject Head- ings. One of us (R.C.V.) reviewed the titles of all returned ar- toring, and increased social work support. To maximize ticles and the bibliographies of all relevant review articles to clarity and clinical usefulness, we present the subse- determine which studies examined a school-based interven- quent results of the review based on the type of inter- tion to prevent or reduce bullying. Articles were immediately vention. All 26 studies investigated interventions for some excluded if they obviously did not include an intervention or group of primary school students, but the primary grade did not occur at a school. levels varied from first to eighth grade. Six stud- After articles that clearly did not meet the inclusion crite- ies22,23,30,39,41,48 included secondary school students (older ria were excluded, both of us (R.C.V. and A.E.C.), blinded to than eighth grade) in their interventions and outcomes. the journal citation and article text other than the “Methods” The selected studies reported a range of outcomes that section, independently reviewed the articles. The 2 reviewers were subsequently categorized into direct and indirect independently decided on trial inclusion using a standard form with predetermined eligibility criteria. Disagreements were re- outcomes. The direct and indirect outcomes of all of the solved by consensus reached after discussion. For inclusion, a studies are reported in Table 2. study needed to describe an experimental intervention with con- trol and intervention groups and to include a follow-up evalu- CURRICULUM INTERVENTIONS ation with measured outcomes. In addition, the intervention needed to be school based and designed to reduce or prevent Ten studies23,26,29-36 evaluated the implementation of new bullying. Each article was analyzed to determine the study curriculum. The curriculum interventions included vid- method, intervention components, outcomes measured, and re- sults. There was no assessment of quality in choosing or evalu- eotapes, lectures, and written curriculum, and varied in ating study outcomes beyond the inclusion criteria. We did not intensity from a single videotape followed by classroom exclude or discount studies based on baseline similarities among discussion to 15 weeks of classroom modules. The de- treatment groups, study power, retention rates, or program in- tails of the study designs, participants, intervention type, tensity because these characteristics are not associated defini- and important outcomes of the curriculum interven-


©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 09/25/2021 Table 1. Study Characteristics

Grade Level Method Control Intervention or Age Study Educational of Group Source Country Subjects Group Group Group Design Intervention Theory* Assignment Curriculum Interventions Baldry and Italy 239 students 106 students 131 students Aged 10-16 y Pretest, 3-d intervention Social cognitive Random Farrington,29 in 10 classes posttest, program competence allocation by 2004 randomized, (3-h sessions, skills class controlled once a week, trial for 3 wk) Boulton and United 170 students 4 classes 4 classes Grades 7-10 Randomized Short videotaped Not given One class in Flemington,30 Kingdom in 8 classes (aged matched intervention each year 1996 at 1 school 11-14 y) pairs (“Sticks and randomized Stones”) with to the class intervention discussion group Cowie et al,26 United 2 schools, 5 classes 11 classes Aged 7-12 y Pretest, Cooperative Cooperative Schools selected 1994 Kingdom 16 classes, posttest, group work group work, based on 148 students control group curriculum effect on interest design interpersonal relationships Elliott and United 64 students 32 students 32 students Grades 4 Pretest, Videotape and Group Randomized by Faupel,31 Kingdom and 5 posttest, curriculum interpersonal student 1997 randomized, problem controlled solving trial Englert,32 United 71 students 23 students 24 students in the Grade 4 Pretest, 2 curricula: one in Problem-solving Assigned by class 1999 States in 3 classes (1 class) problem- posttest, problem- and solving group control group solving training cooperative (1 class) and design and one in task 24 students in cooperative development the cooperative task task group development (1 class) Kaiser-Ulrey,33 United 125 students 67 students 58 students Grade 7 Pretest, 12-wk Psychoeducation, Assigned in 2003 States posttest, antibullying empathy, cohort groups control group curriculum problem- design solving, dissemination Rican et al,34 Czecho- 198 students 98 students 100 students Grade 4 Pretest, Videotape, Not given Assigned by class 1996 slovakia in 8 classes (median posttest, curriculum age, 10 y) control group changes, design “class charter” Stevens Belgium 24 schools 193 primary 130 primary Primary and Pretest, Videotape, Social cognitive Randomly et al,23 total (728 school school secondary posttest, curriculum orientation assigned by 2000 primary students students and schools randomized, changes, emphasizing school to school and 229 219 secondary controlled “class charter,” cognitive experimental students and secondary school trial role-playing perspective or control 1465 school students within classes taking, group secondary students problem- school solving students) strategies, and social skills Teglasi and United 59 students: 17 8 aggressive 8 aggressive Grades 4 Pretest, 15-wk curriculum Social Partial Rothman,35 States “aggressive” students students and 5 posttest, problem- randomization: 2001 and 42 time-lagged solving skills; nonaggressive “nonaggres- comparison reorganization children sive” of schemas for randomly social placed in information groups of 4; processing and 1-2 aggressive problem- children solving randomly through selected, added experiential to groups learning Warden United 120 students 60 students 60 students (10 Aged 6 and Pretest, Kidscape General safety Kids randomly et al,36 Kingdom in 6 schools (10 from from each of 10 y posttest, Children’s rules applied selected within 1997 each of the the 2 primary randomized, Safety Training with specific school groups, 2 primary classes in each controlled Program stories and role but 3 classes in of 6 schools) design curriculum plays intervention each of 6 implemented schools schools) over 4 wk selected the program


tions are all described in Table 1. The studies all used a no significant improvements in bullying.23,26,30,32,33,36 Al- pretest, posttest, control group design; 6 of the 10 stud- though bullying and victimization did not change sig- ies randomized the assignment of the groups.23,29-31,35,36 nificantly, Boulton and Flemington30 did find that the stu- The curriculum interventions did not consistently de- dents in the intervention group broadened their definition crease bullying, and several actually suggested that the of bullying slightly, and Englert32 found that the teach- bullying within the intervention group increased (Table 2). ers reported a significant decrease in observed physical Of the 10 studies of curriculum interventions, 6 showed and verbal violence (PϽ.01).


©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 09/25/2021 Table 1. Study Characteristics (cont)

Intervention Grade Level Study Educational Method of Group Source Country Subjects Control Group Group or Age Group Design Intervention Theory* Assignment Multidisciplinary or “Whole-School” Interventions Alsaker and Switzerland 319 students 8 kindergartens 8 kindergartens Kindergarten Pretest, posttest, Whole-school Teacher training By school; Valkanover,25 in 16 (n = 152) (n = 167) (aged 5-7 y) control group approach on interested 2001 kindergartens design whole-school teachers approach with selected emphasis on for the rules and intervention social-cognitive skills Melton United 6389 students Year 1: 28 Year 1: 11 Grades 4-6 Pretest, posttest, Whole-school Interventions at Districts matched et al,28 States in 39 schools schools; schools; year (aged 9-11 y) control group approach level of school, by 1998 year 2: 2: 18 schools design curriculum, demographics; 21 schools individual one district in students; each pair materials for assigned to school staff and first year of involved intervention community members Menesini Italy 293 students 5 classes 9 classes Grades 6-8 Pretest, posttest, “Befriending” Training and Assigned by et al,37 in2middle (n = 115) (n = 178) control group intervention implementation class based 2003 schools design of peer on teacher’s supporters willingness to within schools participate Metzler United 1403 students 2 schools 1 school Grades 6-8 Pretest, posttest, Comprehensive Rule system, Assigned by et al,38 States in3middle (n = 758) (n = 645) control group behavior training, school 2001 schools design management increased praise program systems Mitchell Australia 38 schools, 18 schools 21 schools Primary and Pretest, posttest, Health- School staff Randomized by et al,39 primary and secondary randomized, promoting workshop, school 2000 secondary controlled schools resource kit for design intervention school, network meetings for staff, financial support for school-based activities Olweus,22 Norway 2500 students NA NA Primary and Quasi- Whole-school Teacher training, Time-lagged 1994 in 42 primary secondary experimental approach parent advice, cohorts, not and secondary with videotaped randomized schools time-lagged curriculum, age cohort feedback for staff; emphasis on rules and sanctions Rahey and Canada 491 students 1 school 1 school Grades 1-8 Pretest, posttest, Whole-school Curriculum, peer Assigned by Criag,40 in 2 primary (n = 251) (n = 240) control group program mediation school 2002 schools design implemented program, over12wk groups for bullies and victims, teacher training; emphasis on conflict resolution, empathy, and listening skills Roland,41 Norway 7000 students NA NA Primary and Age-cohort Whole-school Teacher training, Time-lagged 2000 in 37 primary secondary design with approach curriculum; cohorts, not and secondary students time-lagged emphasis on randomized schools comparisons rules and sanctions Sanchez United 747 students 6 schools 6 schools Grade 5 Pretest, posttest, Whole-school “Expect Respect 6 pairs of et al,42 States at 12 schools (n = 378- (n = 362-367) randomized, approach Model” with matched 2001 380) matched classroom schools, pairs, curriculum, 1 school in controlled staff training, each pair design policy randomly development, assigned and support to the services for intervention individuals Twemlow United 110 students 1 school 1 school Primary school Pretest, posttest, Whole-school Social Assigned by et al,43 States at 2 schools (n = 64) (n = 46) control group approach systems/ school; 2001 design psychodynamic method intervention, not given including “zero tolerance,” discipline plan, physical education plan, and mentoring program



©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 09/25/2021 Table 1. Study Characteristics (cont)

Intervention Grade Level Study Educational Method of Group Source Country Subjects Control Group Group or Age Group Design Intervention Theory* Assignment Social and Behavioral Skills Group Training Interventions DeRosier,44 United 415 students n = 217 n = 198 Grade 3 Pretest, posttest, “S.S. GRIN” Social learning Random 2004 States with randomized, social skills and cognitive assignment significant controlled group training behavioral by student peer design techniques relationship difficulties Fast et al,45 United 127 students n = 105 n = 22 (12 Grade 7 Quasi-experimental Peer mediator Peer mediation Selected based 2003 States aggressive intervention for group training to improve on aggression and 10 aggressive individual level nonaggressive students only; behavior and students) no matched affect social control norms Meyer and South 54 students at n = 18 Interventional Grades 6-7 Pretest, posttest, Behavioral skills Social Matched by Lesch,46 Africa 3 schools, behavioral randomized, group interactional aggression 2000 all males skills group matched pairs model for level, then identified as (n = 18) and with control behavioral randomly bullies supportive design skills allocated to play group development experimental (n = 18) condition Tierney and United 30 students with n = 15 n = 15 Grade 8 Pretest, posttest, Social skills Social skills Students selected Dowd,47 Kingdom emotional and matched cohort training group training on if “causing 2000 behavioral (6 sessions) speaking/ concern”; concerns, listening, matched to including friendships, control victimization bullying, knowing one’s self, and knowing others Other Interventions Bagley and United 670 students at 1 primary and 1 primary and Primary and Pretest, posttest, Increased social Focus on family Assigned by Pritchard,48 Kingdom 2 primary 1 secondary 1 secondary secondary control group workers and child school 1998 schools and school school design counseling and 2 secondary on addressing schools bullying King et al,49 United 311 fourth-grade Nonmentored “At risk” Grade 4 Cohort study Mentoring Focus on Students selected 2002 States students at students students program twice relationship based on risky 1 school (n = 283) (n = 28) a week building, health self-esteem behaviors, enhancement, , goal setting, and risk for and tutoring school failure

Abbreviation: NA, data not applicable. *For multidisciplinary or whole-school interventions, components are given.

Of the 4 studies that did show less bullying after a cur- WHOLE-SCHOOL MULTIDISCIPLINARY riculum intervention, 3 also showed more bullying or vic- INTERVENTIONS timization in certain populations or with certain mea- surement tools.29,34,35 The study by Baldry and Farrington29 Ten studies22,25,28,37-43 evaluated interventions using a mul- showed a decrease in self-reported victimization among tidisciplinary whole-school approach that included some older children (PϽ.05), but younger children actually re- combination of schoolwide rules and sanctions, teacher ported more victimization (PϽ.01), and there were no training, classroom curriculum, conflict resolution train- significant differences in either victimization or bully- ing, and individual counseling. Table 1 describes the com- ing overall. Teglasi and Rothman35 found that teachers ponents of each of these multidisciplinary studies in de- reported decreased antisocial behavior for children not tail. The whole-school studies involved more subjects than identified as aggressive and increased aggressive behav- the curriculum interventions, with up to 42 schools in a ior for the children previously identified as aggressive single study. Only 2 of the studies39,41 evaluated inter- (PϽ.01 for both). The individual self-reports for aggres- ventions among secondary school students, and the rest sion did not reveal any significant effects from the inter- looked at primary schools. In contrast to the curricu- vention. A study by Rican et al34 found significant de- lum studies, only 2 of the whole-school studies incor- creases in peer nominations of bullying (P=.02) and porated randomization in their study design. Two of the victims (P=.03) using unspecified “broad criteria,” but studies41,50 used a quasi-experimental design with time- no change in victimization using “narrower criteria.” Only lagged age cohorts. 1 curriculum intervention showed unequivocal improve- Two studies, both evaluating the seminal Olweus Bul- ments, and this was in an indirect outcome. The ran- lying Prevention Program, revealed disparate results. The domized trial of Elliott and Faupel31 of a group problem- Olweus Bullying Prevention Program pioneered the solving curriculum resulted in increased generation of whole-school approach to preventing and reducing bul- responses to a simulated bullying situation by the inter- lying with an intervention program in Bergen, Norway, vention group. that included training for school personnel, materials for


©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 09/25/2021 Table 2. Study Outcomes by Intervention Type

Indirect Outcomes: School Achievement, Intervention Direct Outcomes: Bullying, Aggressive Behavior, Violence, Perceived School Safety, Self-esteem, Source Type and School Responses to Violence and Knowledge or Attitudes About Bullying Baldry and Curriculum No difference in victimization or bullying overall (P = .08); less Not measured Farrington,29 victimization in older students (aged 14-16 y) (t = −2.19, PϽ.05); 2004 worse victimization for younger students (t = 2.73, PϽ.01) Boulton and Curriculum No significant change in bullying others No significant difference in attitudes toward bullying; Flemington,30 did broaden definition of bullying slightly to include 1996 name-calling (P = .40), telling nasty stories about other people (P =.55),andforcingpeopletodo things they do not want to do (PϽ.05) Cowie et al,26 Curriculum No significant effect on bullying behavior (increase in both groups); Not measured 1994 small decrease in reporting of victimization Elliott and Curriculum Not measured Improved generation of responses to bullying: group Faupel,31 1997 interpersonal problem-solving curriculum producing 3 times more solutions (105 responses) than control group (32 responses) Englert,32 1999 Curriculum No change from children’s reports; no statistically significant No change; neither intervention group showed difference for individual classrooms; control classroom students significant improvement in problem solving vs the reported significantly fewer incidents of being bullied than control group (PϽ.01); no significant differences in problem-solving classroom students before and after the self-esteem scores preintervention and intervention (PϽ.01); teacher observations of significant decrease postintervention; cooperative task classroom in observed physical and verbal violence, with mean scores actually had significantly lower self-esteem scores decreasing from 3.40 to 1.60 (PϽ.01) for the problem-solving than problem-solving or control classroom group and mean scores decreasing from 3.80 to 1.40 (PϽ.01) postintervention (PϽ.05) for the cooperative task group Kaiser-Ulrey,33 Curriculum No change; MANCOVA for outcomes of bullying incidence, Improved social skills; MANCOVA for outcomes of 2003 victimization incidence, prosocial behaviors, and parental empathy, prosocial behaviors, global self-esteem, involvement revealed no significant multivariate effect between and parental involvement revealed no significant groups; nonparametric analysis of evidence of bullying and multivariate effect between the groups; victimization revealed no improvement nonparametric analysis of social skills development, talking to friends about bullying, talking to parents about bullying, and program success revealed no improvement, except for improved social skills in the intervention group (P = .01) Rican et al,34 Curriculum Improvement in bullying: intervention classes had significantly fewer Not measured 1996 bullies nominated by peers after the intervention (7.1% compared with 11.2% using “broader criterion” to define bullies; P = .02); decreased victimization by some criteria: victims defined by a broader criterion (7.1% in intervention classes compared with 14.3% in control classes (P = .03); for “narrower criterion,” the intervention group did not have a significant change in percentage of victims, but still had a significant change in percentage of bullies (P = .02) Stevens et al,23 Curriculum No significant change for primary students in involvement in No significant changes for primary or secondary 2000 bully-victim behaviors (PϽ.07); no significant change for students in attitude toward bullies and victims, secondary students at posttest 2 self-efficacy, and intention to intervene Teglasi and Curriculum Improved for nonaggressive children; worsened for aggressive Not measured Rothman,35 children; teacher reports showed decreases in externalizing and 2001 antisocial behaviors for children not identified as aggressive (PϽ.01) and increases in externalizing aggressive behavior for children previously identified as aggressive (PϽ.01); a ␹2 analysis of the relationship between identification status and treatment response indicated aggressive children were more likely to have a low response rate (PϽ.001); less externalizing children respond better to treatment (PϽ.001); individual self-reports did not reveal any significant effects from the intervention Warden et al,36 Curriculum Not measured No improvement in responses to bullying situation for 1997 either 6- or 10-year-old children; for other safety situations, responses of the intervention group were rated as significantly more safe than those of the untrained control group; responses of older children were rated as significantly safer than those of younger children on all 3 testings (PϽ.001) Alsaker and Multidisciplinary No changes in teacher or child reports of bullying behavior; decreased Increased awareness of school rules regarding Valkanover,25 victimization on teacher and child reports; on peer reports, the bullying 2001 intervention group had a 15% reduction in the proportion of children nominated as victims by peers in contrast with a 55% increase in children in the control group nominated as victims; teacher reports showed reduction in physical bullying and indirect bullying through isolation, but an increase in verbal bullying; neither children’s peer nominations nor teacher ratings showed any evidence of decrease in bullying behaviors in the intervention or control group; children’s reports in both groups showed a slight increase in nominations of bullying (no statistics given) Melton et al,28 Multidisciplinary After2yoftheintervention,nosignificant differences in bullying, No differences in attitudes toward bullying 1998 antisocial behavior, or victimization (victimization increased in both groups); no significant change in victimization rates in intervention schools at year 1 or 2; intervention schools did have a decline in the rate of bullying by 20% after the first year of the intervention (in contrast with a 9% increase in bullying rates in the control schools), but after2yoftheintervention,therewerenosignificant differences in bullying, general antisocial behaviors, or attitudes toward bullying between the intervention and control students; no significant program effects for 7 original control schools that received only1yoftheintervention



©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 09/25/2021 Table 2. Study Outcomes by Intervention Type (cont)

Indirect Outcomes: School Achievement, Intervention Direct Outcomes: Bullying, Aggressive Behavior, Violence, Perceived School Safety, Self-esteem, Source Type and School Responses to Violence and Knowledge or Attitudes About Bullying Menesini Multidisciplinary Bullying remained stable for the intervention group (although it No decrease in provictim attitudes as seen in the control et al,37 increased for the control group); no change in victim or group 2003 defendant scales; levels of bullying or probullying behaviors in the intervention group remained stable, whereas probullying scales increased in the control group (PϽ.05) Metzler Multidisciplinary Improved discipline referrals for seventh graders (P = .04); Improved perception of safety for sixth graders et al,38 improved harassment among males (P = .02); no changes for (59.3%-75.6% at the first year to 72.2% at the second 2001 sixth and eighth graders; no change in physical or verbal year) and seventh graders (56.4%-60.2% at the first year attacks to 69% at the second year); no change for eighth graders, nor in the comparison school Mitchell Multidisciplinary Not measured Improved awareness of health-promoting school concept et al,39 with significantly greater proportion of staff hearing of 2000 health-promoting school concept (P = .04), reading relevant material (PϽ.001), and attending in-service training on health-promoting schools (PϽ.001); no significant changes in health-related policies or practices occurred in the intervention group, including those related to bullying Olweus,22 Multidisciplinary Decreased level of bully-victim problems, peer reports of Improved, with better social climate and satisfaction with 1994 bullying, and general antisocial behavior; for outcomes of the school bullying others, boys averaged a 16% reduction and girls averaged a 30% reduction after 8 mo; after 20 mo, reductions averaged 35% for boys and 74% for girls; reductions in victimization averaged 48% for boys after 8 mo and 58% for girls; reductions increased to 52% for boys and 62% for girls after 20 mo Rahey and Multidisciplinary No significant decrease in bullying; decreased level of Improved perception of school safety (PϽ.01) and being well Criag,40 victimization (PϽ.05) and peer isolation (PϽ.01) for older liked (PϽ.001) for older students (grades 3-8); worsened 2002 students (grades 5-8); increased level of victimization (PϽ.05) perception of school safety (PϽ.01) and of being well liked and exclusion (PϽ.01) for younger students (grades 1-4) (PϽ.01) for younger students (grades 1-2) Roland,41 Multidisciplinary Increase in bullying (a 24% increase in boys and a 14% increase Not reported 2000 in girls); increased victimization in boys (by 44%); increased for boys (by 12.5%); more positive outcomes for schools implementing programs fully Sanchez Multidisciplinary Not measured No significant increase in knowledge of bullying; intervention et al,42 students more likely to report seeing bullying (PϽ.05) and 2001 expressed greater readiness to intervene personally (PϽ.05); intervention students were less likely to tell an adult about bullying (PϽ.05) Twemlow Multidisciplinary Improved discipline referrals and suspension rates; disciplinary Improved academic achievement scores (from 40th to 58th et al,43 referrals decreased from 74 for physical aggressiveness in percentile for third and fifth graders), whereas the control 2001 1994-1995 to 34 after the first year of the intervention, and school did not change over the same period stabilized at 36 during the second year of the intervention; referrals for other infractions went from 162 to 97 after the first year, and to 93 after the second year; suspension rates were significantly lower in the intervention group, at about 9% after the first year (PϽ.02) and 4% after the second year (PϽ.004) (the control school suspension rate did not vary significantly, ranging between 14% and 19%) DeRosier,44 Social skills Significantly improved aggression on peer report (PϽ.001); Improved peer liking (PϽ.05); improved self esteem 2004 group improved bullying behavior on self-report (PϽ.05); fewer (PϽ.05); improved self-efficacy (PϽ.05); improved social antisocial affiliations on self-report (PϽ.05) only for children anxiety (PϽ.05) for all children in the treatment group; who were more aggressive at baseline significant multivariate main effect for treatment condition (PϽ.05) Fast et al,45 Social skills No significant change in discipline referrals, aggressive behavior, Improved self-concept for highly aggressive students by an 2003 group or impulsivity; improved scores on teachers’ Behavior Rating average of 11.33 points (PϽ.05), while the remainder of Index for Children for highly aggressive students, with a the class had a declining self-concept (PϽ.05) difference in means of 9.05 (PϽ.05) Meyer and Social skills No improvement in bullying on peer reports or self-reports Not measured Lesch,46 group 2000 Tierney and Social skills Improved interactions with peers by teacher report; Decreased level of teacher worry; significant progress in Dowd,47 group no clear change in victimization on self-report areas of friendships and behavior on teacher reports, but 2000 no significant change in level of happiness or confidence Bagley and Increased social Improved bullying in primary school and no improvement in Not measured Pritchard,48 workers by secondary school; improved theft, truancy, fighting, and drug 1998 2.5 workers use in primary and secondary schools (PϽ.05); primary project school’s self-reports of bullying incidents went from 28% to 22%, a 21% decrease, with PϽ.05 (control school rates went from 28% to 30%, a 7% increase); secondary intervention school’s self-reported rates of bully or bullied involvement went from 10% to 12% (a 20% increase), while control school went from 14% to 13% (a 7% decrease) 49 King et al, Mentoring Improved bullying and fighting; at posttest, mentored students Less depression (t27 = 2.97, P = .006); significant 2002 program were significantly less likely to have bullied a peer in the past improvements in mentored students’ overall self-esteem, 30d(t27 = 3.47, PϽ.002) and to have physically fought with a school connectedness, peer connectedness, and family peer in the past 30 d (t27 = 3.48, PϽ.001) than at pretest connectedness; compared with control group children, (results not compared with the control group) the mentored group achieved significantly higher school connectedness and family connectedness, but self-esteem and peer connectedness did not differ significantly; of the 28 students in the program, 20 (71%) showed academic letter-grade improvements from the first quarter

Abbreviation: MANCOVA, multiple analysis of covariance.


©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 09/25/2021 parents, a videotaped classroom curriculum, and evalu- vealed an increased awareness of health-related policies and ation through the bullying questionnaire developed by practices among school administrators after the interven- Olweus.50 By using unspecified composite measures in- tion (P=.04). No significant changes in health-related poli- volving student questionnaires and teacher ratings, the cies or practices occurred in the intervention group, in- follow-up evaluation found decreased bullying, de- cluding those related to bullying. creased victimization, decreased antisocial behavior, and The other evaluation of a whole-school intervention that improved school climate after the intervention.22,51 Evalu- we identified revealed no significant decreases in bullying. ation of the nationwide Olweus Bullying Prevention Pro- Melton et al28 implemented an intervention based on the gram in Rogaland, Norway, revealed strikingly different Olweus Bullying Prevention Program in 6 rural school dis- results. Roland27,41 reported increased victimization and tricts in South Carolina. After 2 years, they found no sig- social exclusion for boys, and increased bullying for boys nificant differences in student self-reports of bullying, vic- and girls based on student self-reports. Unlike in Ol- timization, general antisocial behaviors, or attitudes toward weus’ protocol, the schools in this sample did not inter- bullying between the intervention and control students. act with the researchers during the intervention. The schools’ degree of involvement in the program was di- SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SKILLS GROUP rectly related to positive effects from the antibullying pro- TRAINING INTERVENTIONS gram, particularly for girls. Although the evaluations ap- parently involved the same nationwide campaign and Four studies44-47 looked at targeted interventions involv- evaluation tools, Olweus states that they “were com- ing social and behavioral skills groups for children in- pletely different in terms of planning, data quality, times volved in bullying. Two of these interventions specifi- of measurement, and contact with the schools.”3(p39) cally targeted children with high levels of aggression,45,46 Since the publication of the study by Olweus,51 in- while the other 2 targeted children who were them- terventions targeting the whole school have been im- selves victims.44,47 Of the 4 studies, 3 focused on older plemented in several other countries. Overall, these students, in sixth through eighth grades,45-47 while the whole-school studies had positive effects on bullying. fourth looked at third-grade students.44 The most posi- Of the additional 8 studies, 7 revealed positive out- tive outcomes occurred for the youngest students.44 comes.25,37-40,42,43 Five of these studies25,37,38,40,43 reported DeRosier44 tested the efficacy of social skills group train- decreases in bullying or victimization. Among kinder- ing for third-grade students with peer relationship garteners, Alsaker and Valkanover25 found decreased vic- difficulties in 11 public primary schools in North Caro- timization on teacher and student reports, although there lina. The intervention resulted in decreased aggression was no significant change in bullying on either student on peer reports (PϽ.001), decreased bullying on self- nominations or teacher ratings. An Italian schoolwide peer reports (PϽ.05), and fewer antisocial affiliations on self- support intervention prevented some of the increased reports (PϽ.05) for the previously aggressive children. This negative behaviors and attitudes reported in the control was the only social skills training intervention that showed group on student reports.37 Examining administrative of- clear reductions in bullying from the intervention. fice records, Metzler et al38 found decreased discipline The other social skills group interventions, all of which referrals (P=.04) and harassment (P=.02) in select popu- involved older children, did not result in clear changes. lations after 2 years of implementing a schoolwide be- Meyer and Lesch46 evaluated a behavioral skills modifica- havioral management program. However, student re- tion program for boys identified as bullies in South Africa. ports of physical and verbal attacks did not significantly This intervention did not produce any statistically signifi- change. Twemlow et al43 found decreased disciplinary re- cant decrease in bullying behaviors by peer report or self- ferral rates, decreased suspension rates, and increased report. Fast et al45 examined whether group training in peer achievement test scores after a schoolwide intervention. mediation for aggressive seventh graders would reduce their In their evaluation of a 12-week schoolwide program, Ra- level of aggression. The aggressive students in the inter- hey and Criag40 found mixed results. On peer and self- vention group had a significant decrease in their problem reports, the students in grades 5 through 8 had de- behaviors as measured by their teachers (PϽ.05); how- creased victimization (PϽ.05) and decreased peer isolation ever, no significant changes in disciplinary referrals for ag- (PϽ.01) compared with the controls.40 In contrast, the gressive behavior or impulsivity scores occurred. Tierney younger students reported increased levels of victimiza- and Dowd47 used social skills group training for eighth- tion (PϽ.05) and increased exclusion (PϽ.01).40 In ad- grade girls with emotional and behavioral concerns. Al- dition, neither student nor teacher reports showed a sig- though the teacher data indicated statistically significant nificant decrease in bullying for any age group. progress in the areas of friendships, behavior, interactions Two of the studies39,42 that revealed improvements af- with peers, and level of teacher concern, the data and analy- ter a multidisciplinary intervention only measured out- sis were not given within the article. Data from the pupil comes indirectly related to bullying. Some of the indirect questionnaires were not analyzed, but in student self- outcomes were positively affected, but others remained un- reports, 8 reported no difference in victimization and 7 re- changed. The evaluation by Sanchez et al42 indicated no sig- ported improvement. nificant increase in knowledge of bullying, but the inter- vention students were more likely to report seeing bullying OTHER INTERVENTIONS and to express readiness to intervene personally (PϽ.05 for both). A randomized controlled trial39 evaluating an in- A single study, done by Bagley and Pritchard,48 exam- tervention to develop “health-promoting schools” re- ined the effects of an increase in the number of school


©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 09/25/2021 social workers focused on problem behaviors, includ- ing groups than the younger children.44 The 1 study look- ing bullying. Compared with matched control schools, ing at younger children found decreased aggression, bul- they found a significant decrease in self-reported bully- lying, and antisocial affiliations. Although one cannot ing within the primary school (PϽ.05), but worsening generalize from a single study, it is possible that address- bullying in the secondary school. For self-reports of theft, ing social skills changes in the context of a small tar- truancy, fighting, and drug use, the primary and second- geted group during a particular developmental window ary intervention schools had significant improvements could be effective. Overall, the studies of social skills group (PϽ.05). A study by King et al49 investigated the effects interventions suggest again that failing to address the sys- of a mentoring program for “at-risk” children. The men- temic issues and social environment related to bullying tored students were significantly less likely than their non- undermines success. mentored age-matched peers to report bullying (PϽ.002), The whole-school interventions, which included mul- physically fighting (PϽ.001), and feeling depressed tiple disciplines and complementary components di- (P=.006) in the past 30 days. rected at different levels of the school organization, more often reduced victimization and bullying than the inter- ventions that only included classroom-level curricula or COMMENT social skills groups. The whole-school interventions ad- dress bullying as a systemic problem meriting a sys- As governments, schools, and educators invest increas- temic solution. They seek to alter the school’s entire en- ing amounts of money and time into antibullying inter- vironment and to involve individuals, peer groups, ventions, the findings of this review provide evidence for classrooms, teachers, and administration. The success of how to best achieve the desired outcome of decreased bul- the whole-school interventions suggests that bullying lying within schools. By systematically gathering and com- does, indeed, spring from factors external to individual piling the growing number of studies evaluating these in- children’s psychosocial problems, including a complex terventions, it becomes clear that some of the antibullying process of social interactions. An evaluation of whole- interventions actually decrease bullying, while others have school approaches by Smith et al56(p557) in 2004 suggests no effect or even seem to increase the amount of bully- that these interventions may “reflect a reasonable rate of ing. Grouping the studies by the type of intervention seems return on the investment inherent in low-cost, nonstig- to offer the most insight into what leads to success. matizing primary prevention programs.” Our review of- The curriculum interventions were generally de- fers further support for using whole-school interven- signed to promote an antibullying attitude within the class- tions to reduce or prevent bullying. room and to help children develop prosocial conflict reso- Despite the evidence pointing toward the value of lution skills. Most of these interventions drew on the social whole-school approaches, significant barriers may still cognitive principles of behavioral change,52,53 with fo- limit their effectiveness. The implementation of the in- cus on changing students’ attitudes, altering group norms, tervention can vary significantly, and this clearly alters and increasing self-efficacy. Curriculum changes are the results. The original antibullying whole-school ap- often attractive because they usually require a smaller com- proach studied in Bergen by Olweus51 and the evalua- mitment of resources, personnel, and effort. Neverthe- tion of the same program in Rogaland by Roland27,41 pro- less, the interventions that consisted only of classroom- duced the most strikingly disparate results. The contrast level curriculum seldom improved bullying. The basis may have been the result of decreased school staff par- in social, cognitive, behavioral change may explain part ticipation at the Rogaland schools.27 In addition, the Ol- of the problem; previous work54,55 suggests that younger weus program does not include detailed instructions for children benefit less from these techniques. However, the replicating an identical program in another school set- failure of classroom-level interventions for older and ting. Difficulty in replicating this program may contrib- younger students points to the systemic nature of bul- ute to the lack of success when used in other settings, lying and supports the theory of bullying as a socio- such as South Carolina.28 Although the adaptation of the cultural phenomenon. If bullying is a systemic group interventions in different settings may create more cul- process involving bullies, victims, peers, adults, par- turally appropriate interventions, these modifications may ents, school environments, and home environments,56 an produce some of the variance in success. Unfortunately, intervention on only 1 level is unlikely to have a signifi- the specific components of a given intervention are gen- cant consistent impact. Furthermore, if bullying is, as some erally not described sufficiently to enable faithful repli- propose, a sociocultural phenomenon springing from the cation. The specific school environment could also sig- existence of specified social groups with different levels nificantly impact effectiveness. The small class size, of power,57 then curriculum aimed at altering the atti- excellent teacher training, and tradition of social wel- tudes and behaviors of only a small subset of those groups fare intervention in some settings could enable better ef- is unlikely to have an effect. fects. The suggestion that whole-school interventions may Similarly, the targeted interventions providing train- not work as well for younger children, seen in 2 of the ing in social skills did not clearly improve bullying or vic- studies,25,40 also merits consideration. This, albeit lim- timization.45-47 The failure of these interventions, also ited, evidence may support a developmental theory, based largely on social, cognitive, behavioral changes, whereby bullying begins in early childhood as individu- points again to the inability of a single-level interven- als assert themselves to gain dominance and then gradu- tion to combat bullying effectively. Interestingly, the older ally evolves as children use less socially reprehensive ways children had worse outcomes from the social skills train- to dominate others.58 Schoolwide rules and changes in


©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 09/25/2021 the school’s overall responses to bullying may not be as Author Contributions: Dr Vreeman had full access to all effective in the younger population before they follow their the data in the study and takes responsibility for the in- natural developmental progression into conformity with tegrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. social norms. Study concept and design: Vreeman and Carroll. Acquisi- There are several limitations to this systematic re- tion of data: Vreeman. Analysis and interpretation of data: view that warrant consideration. We only included stud- Vreeman and Carroll. Drafting of the manuscript: Vree- ies in the English language. Although we may have, there- man. Critical revision of the manuscript for important in- fore, overlooked some relevant studies, we located few tellectual content: Vreeman and Carroll. Statistical analy- non–English-language studies that required exclusion. sis: Vreeman and Carroll. Administrative, technical, and Some of the included studies did not have ideal meth- material support: Vreeman and Carroll. Study supervi- odological strength; however, many of the studies were sion: Vreeman and Carroll. reasonably well done and offered important counterbal- Financial Disclosure: None reported. ances to the findings. The study results may be overes- Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are those of the timated because, in many cases, schools or districts were authors and do not necessarily represent the views of In- randomized to treatment conditions, but the students were diana University School of Medicine. evaluated as the unit of analysis. The unit of analysis prob- lem could result in a higher type I error if intraclass cor- REFERENCES relation is not taken into account.59 Even so, many of the studies that did this still found no treatment effects. The 1. 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