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Waste Paper Collection B I N ; ■ 'I ■/.' • -V The T^eather ‘1PAOT TWELVE 8ATUBDAT. FEBRUARY 17, IM I Manchester Evening Herald Average Dally Circulation Fpreeost of C. S. Weather Boroou ror the Month of Joonary, ld48 ter from their tons or brothers, noted that some very evidently go Fair and eontinued cold tonight trying to decipher on the atlas to chatter and gossip. Then there 9,06.3 and Tueeday. About Town Can Get Auto maps juat where a loved one la are those—men, of course—who Many Groups A REMINDER! Heard Along Main Street serving. go because their wives want to. Member of tbe Audit \ In ordinary Umee the average In the latter clasa we have noted Whea Yog NoCd Moro Bwoon of Clroolotions < Manehetter^A CUy of VUla^CHarm Margaret J. Hurlev, License Here And on Some of Manche»ter*$ Side Streets^ Too person would never know, much quite a few who take the chance HelpYMCA ' iauchtar ot Mr. and Mr*. J. P. about the Marianas, Carolines, to get a few wlnka of aleep. (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Rimay, of ISO Walnut atreet, was W**vs Just laamad of the theft-band bat out columns of stuff New Caledonia, Guadalcanal, New 'file other night one fellow was INSURANCE MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1945 oho of SS atudents In tho U. S: Branch Office of Motor about what might have happened Britain, Palau and Leyte in the making use oi his opportunity to Service Clubs and Or­ Fir* • Theft - AatonrabOel (ClaaaUled Advertlatog on Bsgo 8) Okdet Corps at the School of Nurs­ one night during the week of South Pacifi.c to say nothing of hrOL. LXIV., NO. 118 Vehicle Dept, to Be in Chevrolet coupe owned by Maurice if certain things had occurred. the'full. He slumbered through the ganizations Contribute ^ ^or Farnitoyg ing at S t Raphael’s hospital, New Moriarty and parked at the time For example—a cigarat butt Is the many sneeze sounding names picture rather noiaily. Hla snores Haven, to receive her cap last dropped into an awning from a of places In Europe which local Were audible for several rows Sundaiy. The cap signifies her Legion Hoine. in front of his home at 22 Fair- men know about in the business Towards General Fund field street. The car was recovered second story window on Main around him. Hla wife didn’t CALL Here Is Some Real * V-Mail* , Srst six months of training. Miss street. Actually the awning fire of war, or have actually passed bother to awaken him. He snored Burlsy graduated from Manches­ Due to the cooperation of the undamaged the next day by local through or have billeted therein: right through to within 10 minutes Many Manchester service (dubs Marines is quickly extinguished. But this ter High school last June. Personnel department and other police. ' In one family Thursday night of the ending of the main feature. ALEXANDER [Reds Battle Sharp If such a thing Is possible this cub reporter would go on and on and organizations Interested in vIcTpWV state agencies. Commissioner there waa a regular hunt on to lo­ Then he snored loud enough to youth programs have contributed tiumn«M.iTV or~Z A furlough ticket has been left thief should come In for a round picturing what a confiagration cate the Bonin Islands. It so hap­ \ John T. McCarthy announces that could bave resulted if the awning awaken himself. JA RVIS ufVto k t the business office of The of applause. We can hear loud pens that the Bonins and Volcano Durihg the final 10 minutes of to the Manchester Y. M. C. A. in 26 ALEXANDEB»EB ffnUBIET Rerald, 13 Biaafll street, for train he will be able to open the sub­ cheers and hurrahs for him coming fire had Spread. Before he end­ Islands are tiny spits off the south their campaign for fund* thla Gounter-^Attacks; the picture he became interested In BeelSeeee 7278 transportati^ from, Hartford to branch offices In their respective from whatever group It Is that's ed hla account he would have the coast of Japan, and almost direct­ what he saw on the screen. When year. Strip in whole business district wiped out lays end Bondaya Zletroit via/Springfield. It is good districts again this year. pressing for a ban on overnight ly south of the Jap capital, but his wife sUrted to go. the picture Among the generoua contribu­ ‘J Cor SO d ^ a from February 8 and parking here. For this thief was —but it wasn’t because the ,ciga- these islands are hard to locate on having reached the point where is KVaQiible to the first service The office In Manchester will be no low-down overnight parker. ret bad caused only a few square most maps. Perhaps the geog­ she came In her husband objected. tion* la that of the KnighU of Still Forge Ahead man fg apply for it. opened on Tue.sday, Feb. 20. Daily When it came time for him to feet of ths awning to bum. raphers were never given a real "Nothing doing.” he said, "1 Pythiae and the Pythian Siatera office hours will be from 8:30 a. m. abandon his loot his finer Instincts Weil, the down state weekly welcome so' close to Japan. wouldn't miss this picture for a who have made it possible for 35 Resistance Furious [liam Warke, of Chicago, will prompted him to leave It in Hale's must have a reporter with like The Bonin Islands were finally million." Bdoct two services at Gospel to 5 p. m. including Saturday. talents. The prize story current grade school boya and girla to be­ ICounter - Stabs Particularly "We will operate this office for parking lot and that's where the found and something of a. picture So the wife had to remain Oil Burners , 41D Center street tomorrow. police recovered it. Just now is about a Tolland turn­ of the proximity of the recent through the picture agalrt'just be­ come “Y” membera. Their gift Strong from Places in Pom­ Bridges Would Americans Drive 606 Yards The first at 3 o'clock in the after­ the convenience of motor vehicle pike dance hall and what would maM air raid on Tokyo by planes cause her husband had snored was designated for grade school and noon and the second in the evening Certainly there must be a lesson 'teen agera so that they might play erania and Silesia Where k A I Up Riigged Slopes from owners in and about Manchester. in Civic Pride or something to be have happened If the roof from Admiral Mitscher^s farhous while she was intent on the screen. A-W r a t T o'clock. A cordial invitation We estimate about 6,000 persons in had collapsed under the weight of 58th Task Force was revealed. baaketball, and other games, en­ Furnaces Germans Have Entrenched Make Italian Super-Forts Blast Beachhead to Penerate te is extended to ali who would like gained from ail this by any car- joy ping-pong, bowling, showers, this area will take advantage of thieves In the making. snow while dancers were cavort­ Whenever there la a boy in Two women on Main street the to hear him expound the gospet this extra service." ing beneath it. The Manchester service these days, you may be other day took time out from their and club privileges at the "Y.” A Few Still Available. Artillery Positions Dug Bomber Strip as Japan* Commissioner McCarthy empha­ Herald carried a news item last sure the family goes into a hud­ shopping to watch a power ahovel Other clubs who have shown Into the Frozen Earth. Terms Public ese Defend Island With The first annual dance of the sised that he hopes Manchester The process of reproducing a Tuesday to the effect that the dle when an offensive or invasion remove a huge mountain of anow. interest in this recreation center RAGKLIFFE OIL CO. Omnocratlc Club will be held this photograph in a newspaper is a Jap Mainland Again All Their Fanatical Furyi residents will patronise the sub­ walls of the building had sagged is in progress. Said one to the other, *Gee! are membera of the following or­ Teb/klartfnnl 7-SI»l -K -------- \ ----------------------------------------------- syening in the American Legion branch office early and not wait difficult one. and not entirely a under the weight of the snow and Doean’t it seem good these days to ganizations: Army A Navy club. 898 Maple A venae — Hartford Artillery, Mortars and Ma­ h ^ , beginningAt 9 o'clock. A door for the closing days of the mohth. familiar one to newspaper work­ that the owners were taking the The way people here curry their look at something there’s a lot of!” Exchange club, Lillian Grant Ex- ;rh^S”'A™f Cen.ap.U by Al- "V.MaU" symbolizing prlM and several other awards ers. let alone those in no way con­ structure down, planning to re­ trguble.s to George Waddell, Man­ plesaion club, Manchester Im­ 'jjerman counter-attacks inj ]ieg; Has Copy of Put- chine-Guns Used by Japs. will be mads. "We are extremely limited in nected with the business. For that overprinted "Vi'etory. r lulled from office of Philippine President Sergio Osmena to Pedro Lopez, * gs I _ A 7,000 Civilians personnel again this year," stated build it. chester's robust town manager, his Boys bi the service or about to provement Association, Independ­ plnea, they were on letter gets in Daylight Attack. ’ a . mr the ..Commissioner, "as well as reason we often get queries from Nothing happened—and roof office desk has virtually become ent Order of Red Men, Textile ported T.™*.
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