AMW AeSMOS to. pONDWwe cereals -At PARKER, BRIDGET & CO. PARKER, BRIDGET & CO. IN ASIATMARUSSIA a' points Wor the line. McKnew's. A Semall View. "Below to a general view of the great Si- Children's Sc berian railway, as reported by all who hool Suits "Strictly Reliable Qualities." Beioures of i&a Arn a Yet have inspected It. Men's New Fall Shoes "On the western portion of the line, since Hardly Ta Its inusguraUs, 29 new switehvs have bea 25% -less herm thanelsewhere, made as ours McKnew's built, and 10 others are being built at the are made. Special At ai present time; in all, 41 will be built. This $3 nd $3.50. will permit of the running of 10 trains a We use thestrong est COMJTY ERINO AIL TLI day. On this portion of the railway the 50 materials, and have wooden bridges which existed are being "men instead of women, make $1 Kid Gioves, We show a little world of replaced by iron bridges. The long-expected tailors," them, Shoes-that is to Iron bridge over the Yenisei Is now ready; and our are the lowest ever say, every it is 2,810 feet long and 420 feet wide. It Is yet prices quoted style and sort good taste and Industries That Are Still in Their considered. one of the finest pieces of en- for the same good gra(ies. sense demand. Our gineering ever executed. In order to over- good $3 come the heavy grades on this railway it We've moved our children's and Shoes have made has department 4C $3.50 Infancy. been supplied with locomotives of the down to the first flo )r-and we most friends for us, because Malet system. Unfortunately, this portion propose to of the railway cannot operate more than make it the ot in we've sold most of them. Ave pairs of trains a day, and that is why busiest s1 Washington. We'll add to the* list ALONG THE GREAT LINE the minister of ways of communication greatly found this mass of goods waiting its turn this Fall. for the last two months. "On the Trans-Baikal line all the fitted and warranted. We show at these prices almost a nearly $9,~79 Every pair J. C. Monaghan, consul at grading is ready and the rails are 'aid for $2.48 To reduce our stock of $1 Kid Gloves and @core of styles In every desirable Chemnitz, has recently written to the State 880 versts (S8 miles) from Strietensk and for three make room for fall stock, we will sell the leather. There are winter russets, styles of All-wool for Plain Blue and Black and * repartment an interesting description of 70 versts (46 miles) from Muisoff; the total McKnew $1 4-button Kid box calf. patent leather. vici kid and Checked Cheviot all the resources of Asiatic . length of this section of the railway In a Suits, regu- Fancy Cheviot Suits, regularly GloveA. In Specialblack and all cilors. and Ladies' wax calf. SWme are cal$ lined, little over or 66 miles. LaieW' " and the are be- 1,000 versts, Thus, worth worth $1 Mcho Gauntlet have good. heavy soles-not too heavy lands rich it is expected that by June of next year larly $3.00. $3-50- for driving and bicycleGlove 4 1 ( to mar the style or dress of the shoe. yond belief. Their 13,400,000 square kilo- this section of the line will be In operation. wear. every pair fitted and Our Vici Kid Shoes meters (5,213,956 square miles) are Inhabit- Ten thousand workmen and convicts are warranted,' tomorrow, Satur- 7 c $4.oo ed by only 4,000,000 souls. In recent years, working at the Chinese section of the line, day. only. at...... are identical to those shown the which it is expected will be completed in $3.98 $4.98 however, number of immigrants (400,- three years." elsewhere at kid 000 last has been the for of for (Only two pairs to a customer.) $5.00; they're year) equaled only by twenty styles Nobby Hard-finished Plain and lined. tide which poured into the United States SOLDIER REFUTES LIBELS. Mixtures, made as well and as Worsted to in the past. This vast look- Fancy Suits, equal -. territory, long good in- every way as the $5 the best shown elsewhere at - ed upon as a barren waste, is destined to be Member of South Dakota Volunteers elsewhere. Wm.H.McKnew,933 Pa.Av and Youths' Shoes one of the world's richest and most pro- Writes of Filipino Conditions. sorts $6.50. me15-60d Boys' : ductive sections. In northern France wheat From the Chicago Inter . We do not slight the young- r;pens in 137 days; in Siberia in 107. Even H. H. Coburn, a member of the 1st Regi- X sters. We carry a large stock strong night frcsts do not injure the young ment, South Dakota Volunteers, one of the of Boys' and Youths' Shoes seed. Under such conditions the possibili- men who have won glory for the regiment Men's 5ufts, Half Price. and have all the ties of agriculture are practically unlimited. during engagements with the Filipino In- Cozy. patterned I may add that oats require in Siberia and surgents, in a letter to a South Dakota the men's. the Amur styles after Prices country only 96 days, and in the friend completely refutes the charges of With this chill i n the air these X It's time to begin fixing up at and advance to .oo. Choice of Russets, Box and regions of the Yenisei only 107. The frost cruelty made against the American soldiers suits "begin $1-75 $, period lasts 97 in the Irkutsk by the of this to X your house for the cold . Wax Calf. on:y days sympathizers Agulnaldo in ought go a=flying. long country. Transbaikalla lies entirely within country, and gives other information which coming. Half because were carried over X winter that's New the agricultural regions;'so, too, almost the proves the justness, from a soldier's stand- price they entire as from last Carpets are needed, and per- i territory traversed by the Amur point, of the American attitude in the Phil- winter-but they're the neat, sta- The New Derby: and Pedoras. as it runs. Efforts are ippines. His letter is as follows: a new Parlor or Bed being pie styles, that are alvvays in fashion. haps Our hat chief says little, but he's pretty made to obtain along the Amur at least "Well, the volunteers have finally been Room Suite. Pe FAIR with 300,000 square kilometers (115,835 square started home and are, of course, glad of it, Some youths' sulLs among them, too- .positive in his remarks when he< loes speak. miles) for the higher forms of northern J but the and for their re- yourself this year-don't F edoras are agriculture. the best of north- kicking clamoring which are also for half former X He says his $3.oo Derbys and Climatically turn was done over there by the anti-ex- selling prices. 5 wait and save under the mis- ern Asia's territory for planting purposes .not bettered by hats that sell for: 42.oo more is the Usurt country, which, In spite of pansionists and not by the soldiers here. X its vast tracts of wood Of the soldiers kick taken idea that it is economy *elsewhere. Same stock, same stle same, fin- 9 and grazing lands, course, and grumble a X for the $10.oo ones. for the $i.oo ones. 4A has 195.000 square kilometers (75,2 2 square little on general principles, but do .4 $5.00 $9.oo to cash for these hie claimis; and he knoN is whereof C. miles) of arable The of they for the pay things. ishings, ground. building nothing to hamper or embarrass the gov- $6.25 $12.50 ones. $io.oo for the $20.oo ones. .lhe the Trans-Siberian railroad has already * It's all WRONG! You can speaks. added to the empire's wheat product. ernment, and if such friends of the soldiers $7.50 for the $15.00 ones. $11.25 for the $22.50 One- Our $2.50 Mlen's Derbys and Fedoras f re equal as Edward Atkinson and others of his class for the ones. 00 X buv them here-more eco- 11 luats Vast Mineral Resources. $8.25 $16.5o $12.50 for the $25 ones. should happen around heie uuing an en- nomically on credit-than + 1 :,aIes 11nd11 hades. "The mineral resources of western Si- gageient I woulun't guaranlee their safety. 6 Ask to see the new "SenegzI Brown," beria are vast. Between Tomsk and Kooz- "1here is a large amount of lies being elsewhere for cash. Our neet lie 60,400 kilometers publi-lied about now are on big +which is the correct color for th<( season. square (23,167 tiings going new now square miles) of coal lands which have here, some being written by soldiets them- stock is complete wnicn makes itle To mien of modest purse we r ecommend never been touched. The coal is said to be selves, loud fur populist -and credit is papers, which uelit;nt in running uuwn tne AO your good. our Hlats. shade and excellent. In eastern Siberia, with its 280,- government. All accounts *cZ7 $1-50 Every popular * of tne soldiers Small weekly or monthly pay- color is shown. Yes, we guaran- 04K) square kilometers (1OS,112 square miles) kimiing wointen and cniluien or aiiy one ex- positively of fruitful soil, there are 400 places yied- cept those lighting against them are noth- nents. Carpets made, laid ,tee themi equal to anyv $2.0o hat. ing gold. Rich mineral deposits-graphite, ing but lies. A woman or child will some- and lined free. *There is Silk Hat f or occasions and Crush lapus lazuli, iron mines, particularly rich tiines get killed or wounued, but it is dune elegance dress-up in quality (as high as 6i0 per cent); hard unintentionally. I have been in fourteen +FHats at $i.oo for knock-about s ervice. The present is the best and soft coals, i. e., black and brown coals engagements, and under fire thirty-two Hat ever in thi sstore. -await willing hands to work for them. day s in the trenches at San Pedro Macati, showing gathered Today thousands of co*onists are hurrying and I know of but two women being killed, ofeeypi*fSosw to these promising lands. Russia's output and they were in the trenches with the in- EVR4ARo C in gold and silver is already very large, surgeLts and were killed in a charge. Grogran's bake and Is constantly increasing. Three-fourths "A priest was killed at the saine time. Men'sbyorlbrNgFurni, Goods. of all the silver gathered in Russia is - The shells of the warships and neld bat- MAKE SOCK IPEROPLIE WIELL. 11ammoth Credit shing tained In the . Exclusive teries, I have heard, killed some, but I did House,X * ovA Parker + of the gold fields, there are 851 places not happen to see it, but that could veyBs.BxCl Bridget's Furnishing Department in the iiot 6It.S817-89-821=8237thSt. Shoe, p~sta is toilotWVashi what "Budd's" is to New. empire where gold is found. Notwith- be avoiwed. As fur the government giving wear ngton standing the number of p'aces in which over these islanus to Aguinaluo and his sverlhlI 9 * iron is S Bet. H and I Sts. York. The I)est, the swellest, the latest may located there are only four large followers to govern, It would be as sensi- sole,ljutik . establishments for its production. The Lm: as to gather all the tribes of seI4-70d a ma's ho .... always be i here. To trash we hold together >und up ores are 0 per cent of raw iron. Indians in the United States and put them - the sign "N >admittance." If you seek Fur- Infant Industries. In a state or two, and tell the Sioux na- * tion they could run There are a Iness for moderate "The industries of Siberia are things. Gal. Iron c. Bos "OrFln,.-sonishing goo prices-then-- in their in- good many highly educated and well-to-do HOM(E(O PATHI thtft4t a e evwalkaiinto o ir furnishing parlor. fancy; still, they are growing and are 1agals, who are pertectly competent of Coal cafvms4ne bound to grow, so rich are the rewards seIL-government, but there are quite a Hods, a there are the "Manhattans" and the number of tribes almost without To start the fall promised. Chemical, sugar, and paper wholly at-ison we offer unnsual strctil quited I.4"Fitwells and several other well-known brands. have been euucation, anu who would about as leave prices on articles you'll need with the mills put in several places and have roast man for cold first Of cours, the dashingest color effects. Prices, + dinner as anythir-r else shiver. soe,"heso o are paying well. Even , a prov- when they are GAL IRON COAL HODS...... 25c. $1.00 to 4 2.50. hungry. EMira heavy. wer" ...... ince so vast that it might make an em- "I don't believe a white man ever lived - on SMALL COAL ,lj1VFIS ...... 3c. In Glovq1 there are "Dent's" and "Perrin's" and . pire, is looking to Russia for its future de- tjiese islaius who would advocate giv- llE--T %%--ITIIFR STRIP..1.40 per 100 ft. Iof other manufacturers. * ing them self-government. Capital and in- "Jew4l- Drip makes popular $1.00 velopment. The wealth of this province, (;off,-. Maker, BosTogkevcalto $2.50 er pair. dustry would all leave if the Filipinos were d-liclus ofee ...... 25c. od si sal like that of Siberia and all eastern Russia, the reins of NOT CUI kes. She,a is for The traffic in S_ given the government. If the E-ALLS. soda41-0 ev Our line i of Underwear and ripe harvesting. United States withdrew troin here Eng- JOSIAH 820 7th Hosiery rep- beria and eastern Russia is inceasing Aas- land or would R. BAILEY an4 rsy ter than even' advocates off th& Germany step in at once, A The Baley $1 Sa- warranted. Street. ea-$resent the b est foreign and home makers. the rreat and the natives would gain nothing, but SEPARATE CURE FOR EACH- DIISEASE. sei3_2! tf 9 bevlu o h Trans-Siberian road anticipated. The Ob. would have Underw ar from 50c. to another war oil their hands. $4.00 per garment. one of the world's big rivers, emptying When this war ends and is Husiery from to $2.50 per the of Ob into the A. Jc peace restored in 12%2c. pair. through gulf the Eilipinos will be as a wures Landed ocean, has 102 steamers and 200 tugs run- glad, good many C for i Today- * of them are now, that the United StaLes 5Different We call attention to o ur Neck wear we're famed for ning already. On the Yenisei, ten steam- has of and 27th special ers mails The charge things, Uncle Sam can Annual carry the regularly. mouths then begin one of Vle Different I ,rta i of onjr swell -Neckwear. Come and see t nobbv line of English Squares of both these rivers were visited last sum- biggest pieces of lmAN be missionary work ever uliucitaken i - the :atBgin ato $ earn$i.ooand aclo$ the Imperials and Puffs at half a mer by English and Russian ships. This government, In and IIAND-iNIT JA *Kr.s Soc.--regular goods-and proves the practicability of connecting educating civiliziiig are not in a ad beauty in town at the these people, and they are able to pay Fo easw Fir *dollar equaled quality price. eastern and with the bill and r- i..4 _d lower water. flourish at the same time." Dr. Martin's Asthma Care...... 1loe.ed Ii * rwir tl-au --v,-r Finest now, while t lots are so fresh and by The mouth of the Ob is to be knwege choosingNew drb tie complete. are to Dr. Mfartin's Asthma Inhalant ...... 10oe. Send for ill,',trated price prie hos,noe deepened and wharves be built. On Martin's buies.Tec the coast of the Usuri there is SPARROW LOST HIS FIGHT. Baby Care ...... 10c. country reg- D)r. Martin-s ular communication between Nicola- Bladder Cure ...... 10c. $ n .50 to e osve inhisred marksth hench postal Dr. Martin's o eceti PATHII $9.00. jevsk, Vladivostock, and intervening places, Killed by the Flying Fish When Both BloodproeIand Skin Cure .... 10c. c Al LLACHI, 7th ar.d 1H. Domestic M is $up0 Dto s n as well as connection with Japanese ports Went After the Same Dr..4 ______We're__making = atl Bug. Martin s Catarh Cure...... 10C. 1NN Brn & and Port Arthur. From Odessa and St. From the New York Sun. cahdy pnn Co09 to various Asiatic runs Dr. Parker, Petersburg ports C ahart infn ..10C. dget There was a and the strange fascinating bat- OUR so-called volunteer fleet, established in Dr.I'arMartlna'na atrp Cure.oe .. Laiestck,oOutfitterssaoest,l Ninth and Penna. Ave. 187S. It has fourteen steamers with 115,500 tle between a flying fish and a cock spar- Cure.. Head-to=FootYoungwere Dr. Martin': Cholls eera andbuMue...- e ihs helais and n heels,x tons displacement. In war they can be row off the fishing pier at Ocean Grove Dr-arlin' s Ifnun -ue.1e armed: in peace they carry freight, trav- last evening. The novel was ph,er :3, MONOGRAM elers, immigrants and fight wit- -.KIa well .4 troops. nessed by Assistant Clerk H. B. Sal- fewday prhett spes.Upt "Siberia and the Amur country possess City Dr. ChDils vr a d size Mn very similar to those of North ter and several other well-known politi- Martin' , sayOPENG- 6.t $2.oy adFe. advantages Ma-0r.1e America, and parts of . cians of Trenton, who were angling off the Care FLOURV ...... 1 . ~!a the tin-.t and Most Wtfa,tory flour h w"ene The great gain to Russia at present, in de- pier, and they describe It vividly. The bat- sansorwi for inaking Bread. 1t"ll. a Pa she tro sb veloping Siberia, is the guaranty that her Dm (;akes tie was short and fierce, and resulted in tries on the market. aid yet the price is for .hool harvests will come nearer to supplying her S the death of a go nore thaun you 'ay fir he * colo wheat needs." sparrow, whose strange Kra les. It s ail paure tiour-no aduiprra-ordinarry,,ShoeswhcAstterct Ufot abode on the and whose I Foflkso, pier rela- DRUGGISTS' tionl"s. Ml-i-nri,d"d hy the 9 The Great Siberian friendly A4a"hirigtrrr. hest 4_,kks it, We want to better with the Railway. tions with the fishermen had afforded the sy1o-W.f&M-tt Pa you get acquainted In this connection the information t4a t lotur -in Id sift .r given to loH enbru &oes pusCw given Idle cottagers of the Grove considerable - S"Guodness of QuaHity" Z,nd "Lowness of Price" In an article on the Siberian railway from the Novae and sent to the State food for discussion during the season. show. Vremia All summer Department by Mr. Hagerman, second sec- frequenters of the fishing ve. beetn'Ers th ei C- r .S Evor idee Hats Frypoula pier have watched with interest a pair of Jas.s pa DOL SKiOES we sell Is retary of embassy at St. Petersburg, will the despised English sparrows wno appar- r. arinshemtalen +ea. The P. Hl. Sherhy. Whlr*aler (our Monoigram Flour, From the eveal to Danyr.0ht be found of interest. article follows: ently had a fascination for the rolling, rol- Cur. IFla. Ave. end 7rlhioghtSt. rFohr'Phone 1132. irantee. "Each year the great Siberian railway licking ocean. The pier extends probably sel3m.2.%9Y "Yu ayesre, isa Silk a-r-elegavnced draws the attention of state officials, and 250) feet into the ocean and Is built upon D atoie HuedreCr....Ic of Hats gut frionre nockaot do this year Prince H-ilikoff, minister of ways piling. The seething, dashing, rolling ifMertznat( of communication, and Mr. Muasoiezdoff- waves of the ocean splash unceasmngly Estabuished 1823. Hat hwingyu,m eergahre in tld Girls' "Our Best" Shoes. Ivanoff, the newly appo.nted director of against the pier, very often the water be- big preartions,L Cr...... Russian railways, have just inspected the forced between the a u SbsOO None more stylish or durable. ing boards, wetting the Fit well--wear bet- line in question. Both were called there to feet of the patient fishermen. But not- Dr.n' atiLeadios tiato $ .4g decide questions of the utmost imp,ortance. withstanding this the sparrows early this ter. Sizes to ii Two portions of this line may be said to be spring built their nest beneath the floor of WIILSON J, In operation. The amount of traffic on the the pier In a nook at the top of one of the Drarts e06e anr..... t $1.23; to size 2.... line between Tcheliabinsk and Irkutsk Is: pieces of piling. During the day the cock D)escription. 1896. 1897. 1898.I sparrow would leave the nest and, hopping MilinsofTodN OnfteiMrlh. Mari'Ed er tz ur...... I Passenge'rs...... 244.000 512,000 948,000 about the baskets of the cottager fisher- Freight (tons)....191,666 441.666 616.6041 men, would help himself to a piece of what- Girls' "Lucky School Shoe." "During the first two months of the p.:es- ever was being used for bait and disappear WIIIISKIEYo ent year the amount of freight tran:p rt.d beneath the pier. To the "regulars" on For.mri' Athaweknhersot.een A shoe we have had built es- on the great Siberian railway amounted to the pier he became a steady caller. for outdoor and 14,000,000 poods (233,333 tons); and In the th . Marti's Inioa r ...... -lo c l pecially school month of May. on the Central Siberian rail- Every morning at 6 o'clock the cock spar- row would present himself to the first Uire Min s rKen en a. d under.. o .- wear. We know these will way alone, 1,200 cars of freight were wait- They mrtnenight anddayind stay. right Dr.n Maring That's All! ing two months for their turn, being direst- angler to appear, and he would hop upon the L rver and nu beration wear. All styles. the bait basket as if he had a mortgage Mbarutin isua-they aure. Oing Up $ 'l.23 ed to a famine-stricken district in the d rec- edr arinan's Cger...t.othittle north.M Martins.rtin Tis amy C several THE DISTILLING upon its contents. After eating his fill the f Dr.e rin'Measlnuralgiaes Curoteuextntise...... idandfor.unert . he WILSON' CO., to size r r, 98c.; to J tion of the Trans-Balkal. During the first oftedjintDr.e atn'tic.thumb...j firt northin s ouhr oad they Baltimore, MId. two njonths of the present year 150,000 cock sparrow would disappear with food ito ein elry Dr.n marhing Wr- re..and. nume.sttur...... ti0 size 2...... for his mate and little ones beneath the Cuready....volueo aDrrunnton'salthe a* stiNr,railorngdi otei bu utt,"e...h reater....aimed:vou.t he workmen and settlers were carried along upon t ' aa ta -Cks . am4-trr&f-1,30 the Siberian line. pier. The sparrows became known to the fro Marenty holter miniute.passig Xprspectinefr seasoMrtnWhondboaenediggllosouhta....r"IJorr er d cottager. who frequented the pier, and so ein teir dvad eto" Effect of the Railway. artnCoad twie friendly did the birds become they would ute. andp rutree.time, B;;o Mt in Wrcag u e...... lc "The power of economic Impulse given to accept food from the hands of the children. then aretns big pret iny penas astes, and... d Postal Telegraph= Girls' Shoes of splendid style, the great line can be seen in many ways. On more than one occasion the sparrows r theatndhill. Feemand Ma-n were driven from their nest by the rolling Dind saytings quality and wear--and at a In the center of great ranges of mountains n irOue thatin tuh bure has been rich coal mines have been discovered, waves, and on particularly stormy days the Cable price that seems ri- c. and birds would spend the day under one of bDr.athe iareseen seterrdsa are already being exploited by several large the benches on the pier, between the fish- pVRetYW H rnER iE." diculous. Sizes to'j'tS companies. Small villags are becom:ng ermen's feet, but they never, apparently. Company's System towns. On the other han#~, certain indus- ventured in as far as land. REACHES tries (that of the caravan, for Instance) are Early yesterday evening the cock sparrow y ho .&ithr iffayaedt A rtr i 's o a Ce ... .. anen failing off; and as a proof-that the railway was flitting about as usual, while the an- All is to do a great work, nine wooden bridges glers were busy baiting their hooks. Sud- Important Points on the line have been burned down since denly a bug went buzzing by across the I.. ht-aara naohr. fa IN THE Little Boys' Stout Shoes; last spring. This crime is laid to the prin- breakers. The cock sparrow darted after or cavavant up to size - cipal carriers, proprietors, who the bug. Just as the sparrow darted from United States and 13% spring find no more work gincesthe railway has the pier a robin, or flying fish, jumped And connects with the cOMIMERCIAL CABLE heel. One that sells been inaugurated. from the water and went sailing through and beegonorhu the grete-voum i ~nQc. "A serious in the COMPlANY to well because it misforpmen soccurred the air, evidently bent upon capturing the year 18917 in the Trans-Baikal district, same morsel of food the sparrow had deter- All Parts of wears well... v:hich was completely flooded. This occa- mined upon-the bug. Like a flash the cock the World. sioned not only a famine, ptut the necessity sparrow changed his course and went for Waahington Miain Offiee, 3345 Penna. bye. of making a new project 91 the line for the the flying fish. At the attack the fish Branches.: 912 Pa. aye. 1ith and B, General Post railway for a distance of..over 1.000 versta turned several somersaults in the air and O111ce. 8th and City Office; U. S. Ladies' (666 mniles). This flood was followed by seized the sparrow. Then the fish Fi; Post Capitol; Young Heavy Calf bringing with it great disaster suddenly Woodw.ard & Lorhrop's; Kiug's Drug Store, 151th and Kid Shoes, in the newest famine, and darted toward the water with the bird. mnw saying thtebrenhsbe and Vt. ave.; Rtemsburg & Elliott's. 1608 14th at.; much disease. For the moment the onlookers expected Portner 1-harmacy. 15th and U eta.; E..yy's Phnar- shapes. The proper shoe for~ Radieal Changes-Wecessary. the sparrow to be carried under the water, prey hard -ea ie. macy. 14th and Wellinrgton. Mt. Pleasant; West but In another Instant the sparrow and fly- school or dress. $ "The above resum lindittes that radical ing fish had changed their course and wera End Miarket. 22d1 and P ata.; DeMasine's Paint .98g be a & Sizes for and changes must ingneiately. again well up in the air, and, fighting Store. 320 st . a. W. Wharves, foot 7th at.; all, m(Ie ie Raeleigh. National. Ebblitt. Riggs and "First, means .must be (irganized to meet fiercely, were flying toward the Welling. good fitters, too... the mass of passenger and freight traffic, Meanwhile the sparrow was screeching and ton Hotels. never all the while pecking the fish as It sailed 'The great railway expected such suc- on through the air. Now the bird appeared tady cess and has been built economically-.steep to be beneath the fish and again forcing it nrmyofarmanl Condrect...lorth II Souvenirs for All. hills, sharp curves, light rai:s, a limited up In the air; now it. appeared to be strug- quantity of rolling stock of bad quality gling and falling, but the sparrow never amid heerfu surroudings. and a still more limited number of em- ceased to peck at the flying fish. Suddenly ployeE. In a word, all was prepared for a the cock sparrow gave a loud screech and rt roumonidietaste- ., 402 7th St. sleeping country, to which gold alone could the fish was, seen to make severai somer- f entice. What must be done now? It wi:l saults sImilar to those it made when first ou $P SOLID OAK BD be to change the light rails for heavier attacked. The next instant the sparrow RO0 M Sii1TFA4 in d,lli. a ones, to renew the roadbed, to lenghten closed its wings and fell Into the ocean. and to increase the number of sleepers; dead. The sea robin disappeared beneath also to build switch statlops at smnall in-. the water. The hug escaped. laces in all. Now sfered.... vlte vest of a hor-r-se rubbajre of see Petit tervals on the line in order to increase Several interested fishermen followed the he Picpus. a lettaire from a scavenger of the number -of trains, and to change the cock sparrow along the pier as It was wash- iloughton Co., 1214 F see Iwooden bridges for iron bridges. It as14-20d Quartier Latin, in wheeech he say zat he has also ed ashore, and when picked up a stab just been found absolutely necessary to build wound was seen directly beneath the left We have a glass has over-r-r-heardj a boulevardier say ye' to see crossing wing, which probably penetrated- the heart. sod se sweepaire in front ofse To Cure La Grippe iu Two Days Old fishermen say the sea robin can and' dcanerith Gr-r-ande oper-r-ra sat bees will better in midair than In the $1 AT gr-r-ranlmossaire called outhouse, Tak a Isative II.orne Quiuine Tablets. All fight wa- O( *L5. in her aleep sat .st1efm te moe ifN it fanis to m. ter. and they.deelared that the wound -un- D-rreyu was guilty!" der the sparrow's wing was mae by theI flsh. sword =r forward In.