Copyright © 2014 at Kopp Verlag eK, Bertha-Benz-Strasse 10, D-72108 Rottenburg All rights reserved Cover design: Jennifer Hellwagner eBook production: GGP Media GmbH , Pößneck 978-3-86445-164-5 The information published were written with great care by author and publisher and checked. However, no guarantee can be given. Similarly, a liability of the author or the publisher and its agents for personal injury or property damage is excluded. We will send you our publishing directory Kopp Verlag eK Bertha-Benz-Strasse 10 D-72108 Rottenburg Email:
[email protected] Tel .: (07472) 9806-0 Fax: (07472) 9806-11 Our book program can be found on the Internet at If, locked the all journalists as they are there to prison, one would certainly not enter lock so many innocent people, than sitting now in prison. Christian Friedrich Hebbel (1813-1863), German drama and poetry he he On 16 August 2014 my fatherly friend Peter Scholl-Latour died. Long ago he had given me in 2010 the impetus to write this book. I thank him for his friendship and for his advice. And I pay tribute to his life's work. Without him, this book would never have been so. It is dedicated to deep gratitude to my wife Doris and Dr. Thomas Urbach, who saved me almost hopeless situation life. Without their quick, self-sacrificing and selfless help I could not finish this book. All persons named in this book deny a sticky-felted proximity to elite organizations. They also deny to be lobbyists.