

© 2015 RED Warrior Nation LLC. All Rights Reserved. R.E.D. Warrior® and the R.E.D. Warrior Logos are registered trademarks of RED Warrior Nation LLC. R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual 0 Co-written with RED Warrior Nation LLC by:

Jani Roberts, Co-Founder and CEO of RED Warrior Nation LLC

Johnny Roberts, Vice President and Creative Director of RED Warrior Nation LLC

Sabrina Ursaner, Executive Director of RED Warrior Nation LLC


Melissa Carias, R.E.D. Warrior® Guide (Master Trainer)

Raphaella Krass, Vice President of Operations of RED Warrior Nation LLC! !

© 2015 RED Warrior Nation LLC. All Rights Reserved. R.E.D. Warrior® and the R.E.D. Warrior Logos are registered trademarks of RED Warrior Nation LLC.

R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual 1 Table of Contents

What is the R.E.D. Warrior® Program? ...... 4

The story behind the R.E.D. Warrior® Workout ...... 6

About RED Warrior Nation LLC ...... 9

Instructor Objectives and Benefits ...... 10

Empowerment Cueing ...... 12

Participant Benefits ...... 13

R.E.D. Warrior® Class Format – Structure ...... 14 R.E.D. Warrior® Class Format – Overview and Understanding States of Mind ...... 15 R.E.D. Warrior® Class Format – Movement Breakdowns

(Round 1) ...... 16

• Kung Fu (Round 5) ...... 19

(Round 3) ...... 27

• Military Training (Rounds 2, 4 and 6) ...... 31

R.E.D. Warrior Connection ...... 36

Being the Best Instructor You Can Be ...... 37

This R.E.D. Warrior® Instructor Training Manual is the intellectual property of RED Warrior Nation LLC located in Dunedin, Florida. No part of this manual may be copied or reproduced in any manner without the express written authorization of RED Warrior Nation LLC.

R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual 2



REDefine how you live Be EmpoweRED to reach your potential and InspiRED to discover your Inner Warrior

R.E.D. WARRIOR® WORKOUT Improve your physical and mental well-being

R.E.D. Warrior® Moving Meditations™ Improve and enhance your emotional well-being

R.E.D. Warrior® Inspirational Conversations™ Create positive self-talk

Quiet Your Mind. Empower Your Body™.

R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual 3 What is the R.E.D. Warrior® Program?

RED Warrior Nation, LLC is a health, wellness and fitness company that offers a program combining movement, music and conversation designed to provide tools and techniques to help people live a more empowered lifestyle. The program utilizes a Revolutionary combination of and military boot camp-style exercises designed to Empower participants and instructors to Discipline their minds and tap into their external as well as internal strengths.

R.E.D. stands for Revolutionary Empowerment Disciplines.

The R.E.D. Warrior® program consists of three elements:

1. R.E.D. Warrior® fitness classes, which combine martial arts and military training exercises designed to empower participants to improve their physical and mental well- being.

2. R.E.D. Warrior® Moving Meditations, which are short meditations based on martial arts practices set to music to enhance and improve students' emotional well-being.

3. R.E.D. Warrior® Inspirational Conversations, which are designed to promote positive self-talk.

The R.E.D. Warrior® fitness format is a unique mind body workout experience for men and women of all ages fusing the mentality of martial arts and yoga with the physicality of functional fitness.

R.E.D. Warrior® Moving Meditations are designed to help people stay in alignment when they get thrown off during their day. Often, they can’t wait to get to class, so they may need something in the moment to get themselves to a better place. R.E.D. Warrior® provides that tool in the form of 60- to 90-second Moving Meditations based on martial arts Katas. A Kata is essentially repetitive movement that is practiced for many years. The choreography does not change; it is a discipline, a way to learn to control and quiet the mind, and in turn empower the body. By practicing in such a repetitive manner, the learner internalizes the movements and develops the skills to execute them in a natural, reflex-like manner.

4 R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual The R.E.D. Warrior® Moving Meditations are each based on an emotion, and are driven by music. Love, Frustration, Pain, Anger (to name a few examples) – all of the R.E.D. Warrior® Moving Meditations are based on emotions that people deal with on a daily basis. The idea is that they can use the Moving Meditations to help pull themselves back into alignment quickly until they can get to class.

R.E.D. Warrior® Inspirational Conversations are all about keeping ourselves in a positive place about who we are and the skin that we live in.

R.E.D. Warrior® Fitness, Moving Meditations, and Inspirational Conversations—those are the tools that R.E.D. Warrior Nation provides as an empowerment company.

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The R.E.D. Warrior® Workout is more than just another fitness format. It is a Practice designed to help participants take responsibility for their workout, question their “why” for training and accelerate their success.

The class is a fusion of martial arts and military training. The R.E.D. Warrior® Workout is taught in rounds. Each five-minute round represents one form of martial arts or bootcamp/military training regimen followed by a two-minute active recovery period. Each round also includes motivational guidance to help participants overcome their self-imposed limitations and realize their potential physically and mentally.

R.E.D Warrior® Fitness empowers individuals to recognize and achieve their limitless potential. Through this unique combination of fitness and martial arts, the participant develops self- confidence, clarity, and passion to break through self-imposed limits and reach new heights.

In addition to the fitness elements inherent in executing this movement, there is a strong mind-body component present in both martial arts and military training. In martial arts, the more you can quiet your mind, the more powerful you become physically. If we have tools to help us when we get into confrontational environments or situations, we can call on what we learn in R.E.D. Warrior® to quiet our mind, source our power, and move forward.

Similarly, on the military training side, when training is complete, our bodies are stronger, but the real strength is in our heads. If you are deployed into an environment where you don't have your everyday comforts with you, it’s important to have tools to call on in order to be able to quiet your mind and do what you need to do. But this idea doesn’t apply only to the military – many of us feel like this in life, and we can use these same tools to empower ourselves, using the mentality of military training combined with the functionality of the physical movement.

6 R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual The R.E.D. Warrior® program is designed to enhance our participants’ ability to listen to their bodies and understand what works for them – both in and outside of class. We do this through what we call States of Mind™, which provide options for the participants in each round. There are three States of Mind™, and one is not necessarily easier than another; they just require a different skill set. The States of Mind are explained in more detail later when we break down the class format and explain each round. Through our States of Mind™ discipline, students are empowered to make training choices that serve them. The R.E.D. Warrior® Workout enables participants to really listen to their own bodies, versus simply having an expectation that they should follow the instructor. Not everyone can do everything the instructor does, and often participants feel like they are failing if they can’t do what the instructor does (which, of course, is silly because as instructors it is our job so we have to be able to do everything) – but participants still feel as though they are failing and say things like, “I wish I could do it as well as you can do it.”

In R.E.D. Warrior®, we encourage participants to listen to their bodies and do what works for them.

So how did this all come about? R.E.D. Warrior® was created by Jani Roberts, an entrepreneur with 35 years of experience in the health and wellness field. Jani is the co-founder and CEO of RED Warrior Nation, LLC. Her husband, Johnny Roberts, is co-founder and President.

In Jani’s 35 years as a fitness instructor, she had found it challenging to get people to take responsibility for their workout. That makes sense, as there are often 20-30 students or more in a class and only one instructor, so Jani would try to get students into personal training or into an environment where they could learn more. But not all participants want to do that. The idea in R.E.D. Warrior® is that this format can be taught in a way where we encourage participants to take a lot of responsibility for their own workout, and it would be done in a way that they actually could take control over. They would start to understand their mind body connection. They would start to listen to how they felt that day, because every day and every workout is different. And ultimately, they would be able to make their own choices in the workout.

R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual 7 This takes pressure off of the instructor and allows the participant to take responsibility. It even allows them to carry this into every workout they do, so it helps them in general feel more confident in their workouts so they can achieve their goals. Even more broadly, it will help them in their everyday life to help shift they way they think about their mind and body and the connection they have, leading to participants experiencing a sense of real appreciation for what they are able to do. Our students are so often hard on themselves and have a sense of failure when really they should be feeling a sense of appreciation for what they are able to do that day. One of our mantras that we tell our students is to “Mind Your Own Business” – to listen to their bodies and do what works for them in their workout.

When Jani began sharing the program with others, it took on a life of its own. Within months of presenting it, she had received over 130 requests to host workshops and instructor certifications and numerous requests for Workouts.

The R.E.D. Warrior® Workout had been born.

Be prepared to “Go Inside” and “Mind Your Own Business”™ as this format is different from anything you have experienced.

Mind Your Own Business™

8 R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual

About RED Warrior Nation, LLC

When Jani experienced the initial response to the R.E.D. Warrior® Workout in Europe, she knew she had hit upon something that seriously resonated with people.

The company was founded in December of 2013 and a year later over 100 instructors had been trained. By the end of 2014, R.E.D. Warrior® had been experienced by participants in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, Scotland, England, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and China. In 2015, R.E.D Warrior® went global when the company launched streaming classes on its website, available worldwide.

RED Warrior Nation, LLC is unique in that it targets the consumer, and the company’s goal is to empower as many people as possible through its three self-improvement formats. The company provides workshops for participants who seek to progress in their understand of the mind and body, while also providing an opportunity for instructors to teach.

R.E.D. Warrior® has been presented at numerous conventions including IDEA World, Rimini Sports Show, EFC LA, SCW Manias, Zumba Fitness Conventions Orlando & LA, the International Fitness Showcase and headlined the Project Fit Convention in the UK. In addition, R.E.D. Warrior® is a featured format on AFAA’s Live Question and Answer Continuing Education Site.

R.E.D. Warrior® works closely with facilities and providers of the format to ensure quality control and is one of the few fitness formats that requires a national certification to teach.

R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual 9 INSTRUCTOR BENEFITS


The teaching tools learned in this format will make you not only a great R.E.D. Warrior® instructor but will also make you a better instructor in every format you teach:

• You will gain the ability to teach large groups proper form through slow and controlled movement enabling them to “Quiet the Mind™” • You will learn how to teach participants the importance of listening to their body through the discipline of our “States of Mind™” technique. • Gain the ability to connect with participants in a way that will empower them to rely on the instructor less and on their own guidance system more. • Learn how to empower students to understand how each and every movement they complete in their workout serves them functionally in their everyday life. • The application of Empowerment Cueing™ provides a unique approach stimulating the participant to develop belief in their own abilities. Tone of voice plays a key role, so it important to control our tone and use it to create a safe environment so that participants can relax and take the time to listen and feel their way through the movement. • The application of our Mind Your Own Business™ discipline develops focus and priority to each individual participant’s workout experience.

As group fitness professionals, we know that you deal with specific struggles every day. With a passion to help others, frustration can set in as you work to progress your students through a process that will truly teach them the mind-body connection they need to be successful. How many times have you looked out into your classroom and wondered if they are “getting it”? There is only one

10 R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual of you and so many of them. How are you possibly going to help them safely progress to their goals?

We believe this can be accomplished by teaching the participant how to take responsibility for their own workout, and we empower them to do so. After all, no one knows their body like they do.

In group fitness, most of the time we are constantly working on new choreography and finding new music. We spend so much time in preparation for class—often more time in preparation than we do actually teaching. The R.E.D. Warrior® Concept is different. Our movement and music do not change for long periods of time, and instead we ask that you allow your participants to work within that framework, so that you can help them to gain a real understanding of that movement, through empowerment cuing, which will ultimately lead to their growth.

It will also help your students help YOU. They will give you more feedback because you will have more time to assess what they are doing.

R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual 11 EMPOWERMENT CUEING & STATES OF MIND


Empowerment Cueing™ has been well received by participants. Giving people permission to listen to their body allows them to begin trusting themselves to take responsibility for their workout. This Practice of mind body connection builds confidence.

Remember, the R.E.D. Warrior® Workout is a Practice. Like Yoga and Martial Arts, it is created to advance the students’ understanding of movement.

Your tone of voice and consistency of cueing will accelerate the learning process. A calm tone reassures the participant that they are doing well and continuing to improve. It is powerful.

States of Mind™ provide the participant with opportunities to change their workout based on how they feel in the moment. It encourages them to be patient with themselves and as a result their workouts become more personal as well. Their understanding of their body increases. They move into a State of Appreciation™ for their mind as well as their body. This process naturally leads them to greater results.

12 R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual



• Participants will experience more connection to mind and body and greater connection to muscle awareness. • They will have a better understanding of what they are doing and why they are doing it. • They will be challenged in balance and coordination (because they have to do everything slowly first). • Cardio endurance and flexibility will build. • Proper form and technique. Participants will achieve improved form and alignment and they will feel it and understand it. • Functional movement or movement needed throughout the day such as squatting, lunging, reaching overhead or behind is vital to good health. • Gain an understanding of why not all movement is for everyone. • Quieting the mind enables the body to listen, learn and remember, creating new habits and a new understanding of the body. • Increased self-confidence and positive self-talk. The excitement participants get in their voice because they have been on this journey and have had enough time to work with the movement to gain an understanding is palpable. They get very excited and empowered by that. They have a sense of joy and appreciation for their bodies that they didn't have before. Instead of comparing themselves to others in the room, they MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS and feel their own improvement.



R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual 13 THE R.E.D. WARRIOR® CLASS FORMAT

SIX 5-MINUTE ROUNDS (each followed by 2 minutes of active recovery)


Round 1: MUAY THAI Active recovery

Round 2: MILITARY TRAINING Active recovery

Round 3: CAPOEIRA Active recovery

Round 4: MILITARY TRAINING Active recovery

ROUND 5: KUNG FU Active recovery




No Judgment™

R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual 14

The class is taught in a total of six rounds (5-minutes each), with active recovery between each round, a warm-up at the beginning, and a cool down at the end. We teach the martial arts authentically but even if participants have never done martial arts before, everyone can do the workout.

Understanding States of Mind

There is one section in each round that we refer to as States of Mind. What we mean by that is that we are giving the participants options. There are three States of Mind (S.O.M.): State of Mind 1, 2, and 3. One state of mind is not necessarily easier than another; it just requires a different skill set. For example, S.O.M. 1 might require a lot of balance, S.O.M. 2 might be more cardio, and S.O.M. 3 might be more strength. This enables the participant to have variety and take on the responsibility to make a choice. When we are teaching the format, we always show S.O.M. 1 first, then 2, then 3.

As people learn the movement, they start making their own choices. So while we begin each class with S.O.M. 1, some participants will go straight to S.O.M. 3 if they know it and are in the mood. This is exactly what we want them to do, and we cue them that way, saying, “This is your workout, YOU decide what feels right on your body.” That way, as instructors, when you have different people in your classes with all different skill sets and you’re trying to keep them all engaged, this puts the responsibility on them. They can all feel successful in whatever State of Mind they are in that day. Note that only one part of each round has States of Mind; the rest is set movement.

The active recovery is all about being in a state of APPRECIATION. It is a celebration after completing a round, and it really is a celebration of how well our minds and bodies serve us. At the end of the active recovery, we cue that it is time to “go back inside,” focus, “quiet the mind” and move into the next round.

At the end of the workout, we ask participants for ONE WORD that describes the workout for them. The word changes every time, and you’ll be amazed to hear what your participants come up with to describe how the workout affects them.

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MUAY THAI (Round 1)




MUAY THAI is the national sport and cultural martial art of Thailand. It was developed several hundreds of years ago as a form of close-combat that uses the entire body as a weapon. It is commonly known as the “art of eight limbs” or “science of eight limbs” because almost all parts of the body are engaged during the fight, and it uses eight points of contact: 2 fists, 2 elbows, 2 knees, and 2 shins/feet.

Muay Thai is usually done in five 3-minute rounds. Trained to use their fists like boxers, Muay Thai fighters also rely on and two strikes almost unique to Muay Thai, the knee and elbow.

This combination makes Muay Thai uniquely powerful.

KICK The kick is a fundamental strike in Muay Thai, like the jab in western boxing the kick is the long range weapon of the sport.

POWER ANGLE KICK The power of the kick comes from the rotation of the hips. Turning the hips just a bit forces the foot to travel a much greater distance and creates a lot of speed. The longer the leg and the quicker the rotation, the faster and harder the kick.

16 R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual Unlike , Muay Thai fighters are also taught to strike with the hard bone of the shin. It is very powerful. A Muay Thai kick generates roughly the same force as a baseball bat.

ELBOW Human bones can resist forty times more stress than concrete. Unlike most strikes that land with some combination of flesh and bone, the elbow is almost pure bone.

ELBOW STRIKE Basically the elbow works like the point of a knife. All the force is magnified by being concentrated in a small hard area. Even if the elbow doesn’t deliver a knock out, it will almost always leave a nasty cut.

KNEE STRIKE Getting in close neutralizes the opponent’s weapon advantage allowing us to bring more power with the knee. We don’t have to rely on rotation, we can simply pull our opponent to us and use leverage as we drive the knee up.

Notice how Melissa thrusts her hip forward, keeping her upper body safely away from her opponent.

R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual 17 HANUMAN It’s not the arms but the legs that drive our fists. You will use the power of the legs to drive the fists at the same time to a vulnerable area.

BENEFITS: Muay Thai not only allows the participant to improve their balance thru core stability, it provides an environment where flexibility and range of motion are easily modified and achieved.

The States Of Mind™ creates variety and ease of progression.

Listen to Your Body™

18 R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual KUNG FU (Round 5)




The term Kung Fu was traditionally used to describe any great achievement or skill that one has mastered. For example, if you were a master chef, I would refer to you as Kung Fu in cooking. Today Kung Fu refers to any of the nearly 400 martial arts that originated from China.

HORSE STANCE We are going to begin Kung Fu in a HORSE STANCE.

We’ll take a wide stance and bend the knees as though we are actually sitting on a horse.

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See how Johnny here has his feet separated about 2-2.5 feet apart, with toes slightly pointed inward. Make sure your hips are stacked over knees, tuck arms under, engage core, center weight, and focus on breathing.

20 R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual

KNIFE HANDS Our focus is on breathing. Place your fists at your hips with palms up and then raise the arms, placing the hands into a knife-like position, with thumbs in. We will begin a series of movements designed to create tension through the body and deep breathing.

HORSE STANCE WITH FRONT KICK Feet are parallel in your stance. Alternate the kicks and lead the kick with the heel of the foot. In this kick, power generates from the hip.

ARROW PUNCH From the HORSE STANCE position we will allow the body to turn side to side, releasing the heels. As we do this we will extend one arm through to a punch and then move to the opposite side with a block coming back around to the other side, block to punch and again block to punch.

Many people consider Kung Fu to be the most fluid and most beautiful of all martial arts.

We will begin each movement slowly and then build rhythm and intensity.

Johnny demonstrates an arrow punch in the images below.

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22 R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual

HORSE FIRE PUNCH Begin in the HORSE STANCE with the same hand position. As we punch forward with one hand at a time, we will rotate. The arm will move forward as the palm goes down. The palm will be up as the hand returns to the starting position. We will alternate side to side. We will build speed and intensity. In the Horse Fire Punch, you are always hitting the center of your target. Be careful not to lock out your elbow, and watch your wrist.

WING CHUN PUNCH This punch is different as we keep the elbows tucked into the body, behind the fists. This position will help to maximize the energy of each punch. This punch is known for being quick and close. The punch is delivered to opponent’s core along a center line so that the force is more directly applied. Again, it’s a combination of speed and power. It is the punch technique, punch location and punch frequency that makes this punch so powerful. Be careful again not to lock out the elbows.

You’ll notice the more relaxed you are the more punches you can throw.

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WIRE FU KICK This movement can be difficult, however our Warrior® States Of Mind™ will enable us to find a comfortable delivery. Normally you will step into your opponent, powering off your lead leg and raising the opposite knee to create momentum. This movement will also act as a distraction while you strike with the opposite leg.

The momentum of the jump generates additional force.

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Not to worry, we will demonstrate a State Of Mind™ without the jump during the workout.

You’re going to love working with this martial art. As mentioned earlier, it really is beautiful. The movement is very fluid and feels natural on the body. It’s energizing and empowering.

R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual 25 During this particular round in the class (Round 5 out of 6), you’ll notice that the music is a bit slower, giving you time to breathe and focus on the breath. This is a very important stage of the class because you are closer to the end and may feel fatigue.

Kung Fu is placed here intentionally so that the participant can take advantage of it. Whenever we move into fatigue we must focus a little more, dig a little deeper, go inside a little further and Quiet Our Mind™.

This is how we become inspiRED, empoweRED and REDefined!


26 R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual CAPOEIRA (Round 3)




CAPOEIRA is a Brazilian Marital Art that started in the northern part of Brazil in the 15th century. Many consider Capoeira to be part of the roots of Brazilian Cultural. Master Trainer, Bimba, recognized it in the 1970s as a Brazilian national sport. In the early days it was prohibited to play Capoeira in the streets of Brazil, it was during this time that Capoeira was disguised as a dance. As a result, music is a huge part of this martial art.

The foundational movement of Capoeira is known as Ginga, which literally means to swing or rock back and forth. You will need to become very familiar with this step as you begin and finish your kicks with Ginga.

Capoeira is played in a circle, as a result, many of the kicks in Capoeira are circular kicks. Like most martial arts, when you kick in Capoeira you have to use your hips to thrust and gain power. Balance is also very important.

GINGA We will begin from a lunge stance. In order to maintain balance and stability, one leg is back but never crosses behind the other leg. Keep the feet at least hip distance apart and the back heel up. Again, do not cross behind. If the right leg is back, the right arm is up to protect the face from incoming punches and kicks, however, we never cover the eyes. You will then step out to the side with your weight in the center then Ginga to the other side. This is a fluid movement back and forth, from side to side.

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ESQUIVA #1 Esquiva is important in Capoeira as we don’t block the kicks, we move and flow with the kicks. It is this part of the movement that looks like a dance but also protects you. You will learn three variations.

In Esquiva #1 you will move the head and torso in the direction you are traveling and switch the blocking arm. Be sure to stay low, tilting the head out of the way and using the other arm for balance.

ESQUIVA #2 We will begin with the Ginga position and drop down and to the outside into a deep lunge. We will use the outside arm for balance.

ESQUIVA #3 We will begin in the Ginga position and pivot from that position to a parallel position. Remember to pivot on the balls of the feet. Check your foot placement after the pivot. Try to maintain a distance of shoulder width between the feet for balance.

In general remember to always look forward in each variation.

BENCAO Bencao is a forward kick and driven from the hips. Remember to push forward from the hips to generate power. You will need to engage the core for balance. Starting from the Ginga position, R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual 29 bring the knee up as though you are pointing with it. Return to Ginga, finding your balance after kick. Remember this is continuous movement, like a dance. As knee comes up, the arms come up to protect face with the weight in the ball of the foot. Flexibility plays a big role here so you may want to visualize kicking below the waist. As your flexibility increases, you will naturally be able kick at different levels. In addition, as your balance improves, you will be able to transition more quickly.

MARTELO Martelo is similar to a roundhouse kick and makes contact with the top of foot. Begin in Ginga, pivot onto ball of front foot, the hip comes forward. Next pivot and chamber, extend the leg and snap it. Again, the height of kick doesn’t matter as you decide where your target is.

CRUZADO This side kick that begins with Ginga and Esquiva. You then add a foot pattern that moves you into your opponent, loading the kick and driving with the heel, striking with the flat part of foot. This kick is more of push than a snap, thrusting from the hips.

Remember, slow is how you practice everything. Once you can do it slowly you will have developed technique. Speed comes with technique.

Your movement is your personality in Capoeira, let it show! ENJOY!

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The Military or Bootcamp portion of our workout is more about the mindset than the movement. The portion creates powerful mind- body connection forcing balance, strength and agility.

AGILITY Agility is the body’s ability to change position efficiently, move quickly, so we must think on our feet. It requires balance, coordination, speed, quick reflexes, strength and endurance. All of these skills will continue to improve over time through the R.E.D. Warrior® workout. States of Mind™ are going to be key to success in this Round. You will want to work at a challenging level but also one that you’re comfortable with. As you practice, you’ll be able to move through the States of Mind™ with ease. You’ll notice that your reflexes get quicker. You’ll be able to change direction more efficiently. You’ll see major improvement here in your mind body connection during this Round.

You will work with travel patterns, different progressions, directions and cueing for quick response. The constant change of direction will challenge posture. You will use all planes of motion in this portion of our training. You want to think about engaging the core, keeping your shoulders back and your chest lifted.

R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual 31 TIRE RUNS Tire runs are great fun and will really encourage you to bring the energy. You will do them in place, add drops or squats and also work in a triple step format. Speed is where the tire runs get interesting. Through states of mind, we increase the tempo.

At one point in the warm-up, you may recall that we started with an easy jog and then got quicker and quicker. You can also travel side to side with tire runs (the triple step format). You’re also working flexibility because participants have to be able to go down to touch the floor (you can give modifications if they can’t touch the floor, such as touching knees).

JUMPING JACKS Jumping jacks are movement that you’ve probably been doing since you were a kid. You will begin the jumping jack without the plyometric intensely and then slowly progress. State of Mind™ one will allow us to focus on hip abduction. By beginning each movement in State of Mind™ one, you’ll be forced to control your movement and have time to master proper form as you progress to the power jack or flyaway jack. Remember, these are only options. These progressions can be partnered with many drills to increase intensity. However, slow and controlled movement is always our goal and is always more challenging.

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JUMP TUCKS State of Mind™ one will allow you to simply raise the heels and focus on balance. You will progress to a small range of motion with power and continue on with option to move to a full knee tuck.

R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual 33 BURPEES You will begin with half burpees and have the option to move to full, push up, jack and flyaway burpees. Bring it!

SQUATS AND LUNGES We will break down some functional movements such as squats and lunges. Our squats will begin with basic functional variations: including closed, open, sumo, plea, power, travel and more.

34 R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual PUSHUPS If you have a bad wrist, shoulder or back issues, not to worry, we have a State of Mind™ for you. There are many options: full push ups, wall pushups, knee push ups, tricep push ups, basic push ups, travel hover push ups, roll push ups, jump push ups, jack push ups, freeze push ups and more.

You’ll be surprised what you can accomplish.

HOVER We will begin with standing hovers and progress to the floor. There are options for side hovers, one arm hovers and more.

This can sound overwhelming but we will take it one State of Mind™ at a time and you’ll be fine.

R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual 35 R.E.D. WARRIOR® CONNECTION

Maintaining R.E.D. Warrior® Instructor Status

Any instructor who successful completes this training and joins the R.E.D. Warrior® Connection (various subscription options are available) is entitled to call his or her class “R.E.D. Warrior®” and use the title “certified R.E.D. Warrior® Instructor” in his or her instructor name.

R.E.D. Warrior® Connection

R.E.D. Warrior® Connection is a network, career development and support system for R.E.D. Warrior® Instructors. Subscription to the Connection includes:

• The R.E.D. Warrior® Workout Choreography and Music Modules with Cueing • The ability to teach R.E.D. Warrior® Workouts • Marketing tools including name and classes listed on the R.E.D. Warrior® website • Weekly emails and conference calls where instructors receive exclusive support and assistance from the R.E.D. Warrior® organization as well as networking and support opportunities with other instructors • Access to private Facebook group where instructors share ideas, ask questions, and network with one another

Different subscription options are available depending on how much support each individual wants. Certain subscription packages include greater benefits such as:

• Additional teaching tools including various music mixes and choreography breakdown modules of the R.E.D. Warrior® Workout (e.g., music with and without cueing, demo mixes with and without warm-up and cool down, etc.) • Business tools to build your own nation and earn compensation from the company • Access to Moving Meditations™

36 R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual BEING THE BEST INSTRUCTOR YOU CAN BE


As an instructor, it is important for you to have a basic understanding of planes of motion. The human body is divided into three primary planes – transverse plane, frontal plane, and the sagittal plane.

• The Sagittal plane divides body into right and left sides • The Frontal plane divides body into anterior and posterior sides (front/back) • The Transverse plane divides body into superior and inferior parts (top and bottom)

Visualize this: the body cut in half right to left, front to back and top to bottom. All motion occurs around one of these three planes of motion. Generally they occur as follows: • Sagittal Plane – flexion and extension • Frontal Plane – abduction and adduction • Transverse Plane – internal rotation/external rotation

We function in a 3 dimensional environment. However, many traditional training methods tend to emphasize movement in one plane or one plane at a time. The transverse plane is often neglected in training programs. In R.E.D. Warrior® you will be providing your students with the benefits of moving through all planes of motion. Planes of motion help to improve agility as well as balance.

One of the most important things to understand is that every muscle works in connection with a joint action. We often see people trying to do exercises that are simply not targeting the muscle group they think they are. For example, they may think they working their back, when in truth they are actually working their chest. If people are going to train, as instructors we want them to be doing it correctly. This is where we come in. Also, in our view quality is always more important than quantity. Any kind of training that ignores technique puts the client at risk for injury. Their opportunity to get results is reduced. We know it is far better to perform one repetition the correct way, using perfect form, than to do ten the wrong way. We strive to instill in our participants the idea that training slowly first to develop technique will ensure safety, minimize risk for injury and build muscle memory and mind-body connection so that eventually they can add speed.

R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual 37 COMPONENTS OF FITNESS

It is also important for you as a fitness instructor to have a basic knowledge of the five components of fitness.

These 5 components measure your body’s ability to use oxygen as fuel, your muscular strength and endurance, the flexibility of your joints and your total body fat. • Cardiovascular Endurance refers to the ability of your heart and lungs to work together to fuel your body with oxygen. • Muscle Strength refers to the amount of force a muscle can exert, in a single effort. • Muscle Endurance refers to the ability of a muscle to perform a continuous effort without fatiguing. • Flexibility is a key component and refers to the ability of each joint to express its full range of motion. • Body composition refers to the amount of body fat you have, versus the amount of lean muscles, bones and organs.

The R.E.D. Warrior® combination of Martial Arts and Military Training provides all five components for a great workout. In addition it creates a very positive environment in which you can grow and learn to become the best instructor you can be.


QUIET YOUR MIND, WE’LL SEE YOU INSIDE™! ! ! Facebook: facebook.com/redwarriornation Instagram: instagram.com/redwarriornation Twitter: @REDWarriorNtn LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/red-warrior-nation !

38 R.E.D. Warrior® – Instructor Training Manual