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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76474-2 - The Two Latin Cultures and the Foundation of Renaissance Humanism in Medieval Italy Ronald G. Witt Index More information Index Subject matter in the footnotes is indexed only where it is not already covered by entries for the main text on the same pages. Scholars’ names in the footnotes are indexed only where I draw attention to historiographical questions as such. For the balance of scholarly work that I simply marshal as evidence, please refer to the notes themselves, loc. cit. Personal names are alphabetized ignoring prepositions. People are arranged by their surnames if they have one; otherwise, by their given names, followed by epithets and other designations. For convenience, under major headwords references to people, places, and works are arranged at the end of the entry. A special entry for the Italian difference thematically arranges the main points of the book’s argument. a fortiori reasoning, 159 Adrian IV, pope, 233 Aachen, Council of (816), 34–35, 37, 38, 51n143, 224, 473 Adversus Catharos et Valdenses, by Moneta of Cremona, Ab urbe condita, by Livy, 86n53, 465n76 405, 409 abbeys. See monasteries advocati, 61, 285n68 Abbo of Fleury, 145, 159, 176n249 Aeneid, by Virgil, 137, 293, 294, 346, 443, 445; compare Roman abbots, 62, 306. See also hermitages; monasteries; and names of d’Aenéas individuals and monasteries Aesop, 446 Abbreviatio artis grammaticae, by Orso, 58, 260 Aganone, bishop of Bergamo, 46 Abelard, Peter, 248, 250, 266, 272, 276n33, 396n45, 406, 490n10; Agiographia, by Uguccio, 391 influence of, 263n143, 264, 265; prob.
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