GENERAL FUND The General Fund section presents individual department summaries. Page Department Number Board of Supervisors 161 Capital Projects 165 Central Rappahannock Regional Library 167 Commissioner of the Revenue 173 Commonwealth's Attorney 177 Cooperative Extension 183 Corrections 189 County Administration 193 County Attorney 199 Clerk of the Circuit Court 204 Circuit Court 206 15th District Court Services Unit 208 General District Court 211 Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 212 Magistrate 213 Debt Service 215 Economic Development 217 Finance and Budget 221 Fire and Rescue 227 Human Resources 233 Human Services, Office of 237 Information Technology 241 Non-Departmental 247 Other Transfers 249 Parks, Recreation & Community Facilities 251 Planning and Zoning 259 Public Works 265 Registrar & Electoral Board 273 Schools 277 Sheriff 279 Social Services 285 Treasurer 289 159 160 Jack R. Cavalier Chairman 540-658-4541 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
[email protected] Stafford County Board of Supervisors will provide excellent and efficient government services that promote a safe, healthy and prosperous communitythrough responsible and accountable government and by working to meet its priorities for the community which include Education, Public Safety, Infrastructure, Economic Development and Service Excellence, all encompassed by an overall theme of Fiscal Responsibility and Reducing the Tax Burden. Stafford County operates under the traditional form of government utilizing an elected Board of Supervisors (BOS) and County Administrator. The BOS, consisting of seven members elected by district serve staggered terms and exercise all legislative authority and responsibility granted them by the Commonwealth of Virginia. The BOS enacts ordinances, establishes policies, and adopts the annual budget for the efficient and effective discharge of local government functions and services.