SPARTAN News Stafford Middle School @WeAreSMSpartans October 2016 Book Fair in October the Library! 3—7 Shop ONLINE 9/28—10/11 Tuesday, November 1 Thursday, Mark your calendar… FALL DRAMA SHOW—Nov 3-4 October 6 REPORT CARDS—Nov 14 FALL PARENT CONFERENCE NIGHT—Dec 1 5:00—7:00 PM WINTER CHORUS CONCERT—Dec 14 SCIENCE FAIR—Jan 24 RESPECTFUL • RESPONSIBLE • PRODUCTIVE - “The Spartan Way” Mark J. Smith Jeff Howard Lindsey Conn Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] STAFFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL 101 Spartan Drive, Stafford, VA 22554 ● Phone: 540-658-6210 ● Fax: 540-658-6204 6th Grade English... ow! It’s hard to believe it is the end of September. Time is flying by! Our sixth grade students have been doing a wonderful job adjusting to middle school. From lockers to block scheduling, W students are falling into a routine and are truly Spectacular Spar- tans! In English, students have been busy. We have finished our unit on genres and are moving on to learning about plot elements. We have been studying the parts of the plot diagram and applying this information to new pieces of literature. Writing continues to be a focus as we perfect our knowledge of sentence and paragraph development. Greek and Latin af- fixes have also been threaded into the curriculum. Finally, students have had the opportunity to visit the book fair in the library and have checked out books for pleasure reading. Mrs. Castilleja Mrs. Geslock Mrs. Johnson Ms. Jones Ms. Rodebaugh elcome to the start of a new school year and a year of A+ School Rewards.