Donec Auferatur Luna
Donec Auferatur Luna Kenny A. J. Macco I Donec Auferatur Luna Exploring Early Modern Terrorism in the Low Countries (1566-84) and the Plausibility of a Nexus with Exile. By Kenny A. J. Macco Prof. Dr. Geert Janssen Second reader: Dr. Samuel Kruizinga University of Amsterdam August 2019 19,509 words Cover: Blurred adaptation and excerpt of Maarten van Heemskerck’s (1539-43), St. Lawrence Altarpiece. Permanent Collection of Linköping Cathedral, Denmark. ‘Mijn Schilt ende betrouwen, Sijt Ghy, o Godt mijn Heer; Op U soo wil ick bouwen, Verlaet my nemmermeer. Dat ick doch vroom mach blijven, U dienaer taller stondt, Die tyranny verdrijven, Die my mijn hert doorwondt. (...) Als David moeste vluchten, Voor Saul den tyran, Soo heb ick moeten suchten, Met menich edelman; Maer Godt heeft hem verheven, Verlost uut alder noot, Een Coninckrijck ghegheven, In Israel seer groot.’ The Wilhelmus (Geuzenliedboek 1581) I Abstract The following question was explored in this thesis: ‘Can terrorism be traced in the Early Modern Low Countries (1566-1584), and did exile experience play a role in this?’ This central question was divided into four subquestions. The first asked is whether violence – a fundamental precondition for terrorism – was legitimized. Four influential writers with a history of exile and a selection of propaganda material were studied. Violence was barely legitimized by the selected writers, except for Aldegonde, but it was in propaganda. The religious, political, and economic grievances were similar in these sources and align with the literature about the contextual background of the Dutch Revolt. The second question asked whether cases of terrorism can be found between 1566 and 1584.
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