


mar ca







Kranjska Gora s Pokalom Vitranc ostaja velika portna Zato se vam, dragi prireditelji in vsi ki se trudite s slovenskim

Vitranc prireditev, ki je v preteklosti pomagala ponesti v svet smu anjem, iskreno zahvaljujem tudi v imenu slovenske sporo ilo, da smo Slovenci smu arski narod. Vsakoletnega vlade. Tako kot se Evropska zveza v zadnjem asu trudi, da bi smu arskega praznika pod Vitrancem ne bi bilo, e ne bi imeli portu zagotovila primerno okolje za razvoj in zlasti tevilnih smu arskih zanesenjakov e iz let pred drugo vrhunskemu pomagala pri iskanju novih poti v na inu pokalu svetovno vojno ter tevilnih odli nih smu arjev v zadnjih njegovega delovanja, smo tudi v Sloveniji dol ni vrednotiti desetletjih, ki so dokazali, da smo lahko enakovredni tekmeci dogajanje v portu. In to prav zato, da bi ob vedno ve ji 47. drugim smu arskih velesilam. profesionalizaciji porta na eni strani ohranili pomembno prvino prostovoljstva, ki ostaja tudi za organizatorje tekme

ob Posebej zaslu ni za tako bogato izro ilo Pokala Vitranc pa so pod Vitrancem dragoceno in nenadomestljivo jedro. seveda vsi, ki so doslej nesebi no in z veliko vnemo v skoraj petdesetih letih tega tekmovanja storili vse, da so bile to Upam in pri akujem, da bo uspe no izpeljana tekma, vedno tekme na najvi ji ravni tako po organizacijski kakor tudi zanimivi portni boji, v katere bodo brez dvoma pomembno ministra tekmovalni plati. Lahko re emo, da so si organizatorji in vsi, ki vpleteni tudi slovenski smu arji, za prireditelje najlep a so kakorkoli sodelovali v teh prireditvah, e doslej napisali lep nagrada in prava spodbuda za tekme pod Vitrancem del slovenske smu arske zgodovine. To naj jim bo spodbuda naslednje leto. Vsi, ki bodo si bodo pri li ogledat tekmovanja, tudi za naprej, da bodo z enako vnemo nadaljevali s tem naj u ivajo v tem portu, gostje iz tujine pa naj se ponovno

Beseda ministra ob 47. pokalu Vitranc Kranjska Gora od 8. do 9. mar ca 2008 delom, saj opravljajo pomembno poslanstvo, ki presega prepri ajo, da smo gostoljubni in da jih bomo vedno z portne okvire. veseljem sprejeli medse.

elim si, da bi Pokal Vitranc, ki ima ute eno organizacijsko Ob estitkah zmagovalcem si vsi skupaj za elimo, da bi bila ekipo, ob prav tako zagnanih organizatorjih mariborske tudi ta tekma nova prilo nost za najlep e sporo ilo, ki ga more enske smu arske tekme in tekem v smu arskih skokih in dati port: bojujemo se med seboj v spretnostih, mo i in poletih v Planici, tudi v prihodnje pomenil za Slovenijo znanju, da bi se e bolje razumeli in da bi tudi gledalci za utili pomembno spodbudo; in to ne le kot dokaz, kako je mogo e z plemenitost takega bojevanja. resnim in predanim delom organizirati najve je portne prireditve, temve tudi kot dragoceno popotnico za slovenski port. Svetovni pokal v alpskem smu anju v Kranjski Gori je e desetletja pomemben spodbujevalec te portne panoge v dr.Milan Zver slovenskem prostoru. Taka tekmovanja zato morajo hoditi z MINISTER ZA OLSTV O IN POR T roko v roki s pano nimi zvezami, ki imajo na skrbi portnike tekmovalce, od vrhunskih do vseh drugih, ki se merijo na razli nih ravneh, ter vse tiste, ki se elijo podati na tako portno pot.V asu, ko predsedujemo Evropski zvezi, je tekma za svetovni pokal v alpskem smu anju v Sloveniji za predsedujo o dr avo lahko tudi pomemben kamen ek v mozaiku bolj ega spoznavanja na e de ele in dr ave.

2 2008









Kranjska Gora with the Vitranc Cup remains a great alpine- important stone in the mosaic of building a better image and the skiing event which has helped to spread the word around the recognizably of our country. For that reason I thank you, dear at world that the Slovenes are a nation of skiers. There would be organizers and all others who work hard for Slovenian skiing, no skiing festival at the foot of Vitranc if we didn't have on behalf of the Slovenian government. The European Union numerous enthusiasts, also those who were determined has lately been trying very hard to provide an appropriate pioneers already before World War 2 and all those excellent environment for the development of sport and has been skiers in the past decades who have proved that we are on par helping to find new ways in managing and working in Minister with the top skiing nations worldwide. competitive sports, and so we in Slovenia also have to

the recognize the value of sports. At the time when we witness the

We owe a great deal to all those who have selflessly and ever growing professionalism in sports, it is important to by enthusiastically, for almost 50 years, been doing their best maintain the important element of volunteerism which for the competitions to be brought on the highest level, from remains a valuable and irreplaceable core for the organizers

the organizational point of view as well as from the point of of competitions on the slopes of Vitranc. Word

view of competing. We can say that the organizers and all A Word by the Minister at the 47th Vitranc Cup from 8. to 9. March 2008 those who have taken part in those sports events, have written I hope and I expect that the successfully performed a lot of pages in the Slovene history of skiing. That should competition, interesting sports battles between competitors also be an encouragement for the future so that they continue which will undoubtfully also include Slovene skiers, will be with work with the same enthusiasm because they have a the greatest reward for the organizers and a real incentive for special mission which reaches well beyond the boundaries of the next year's competition under Vitranc. All those who will sport. come to watch the race shall enjoy in that sport and our guests from abroad shall experience once again that we are I really wish that the Vitranc Cup, which has a well hospitable and will always be glad to welcome them among coordinated organizing team and the equally enthusiastic us. organizers of the ladies' race in Maribor as well as the organizers of ski-jump competitions in Planica, would Let's congratulate the winners and hope that this race will all represent an inspiration for Slovenia; and not only as a bring over the best message that sport can convey: we proof how it is possible to organize even the biggest sports compete with each other in our skills, strength and knowledge events with serious and dedicated work but, even more in order to understand each other better and that the importantly, as a valuable companion for the future spectators will experience the gallantry of such competition. generations in the Slovenian sport. World Cup in alpine skiing in Kranjska Gora has been an important boost for that dr.Milan Zver sport in Slovenia. Such competitions must go MINISTER OF EDUCATION AND SPORT hand in hand with sports associations which take care of the sportsmen competitors, from top competitors to those who compete on various other levels and also for those who would yet like to start with such sporting career. Now, when we are presiding the European Union, the World Cup competition in alpine skiing in Slovenia, the presiding country, represents an

3 Vitranc




Nagovor predsednika OK Polala Vitranc

Leto nja prireditev 47. Pokal Vitranc sovpada s This year's 47th Vitranc Cup coincides with the Slovenian predsedovanjem na e dr ave Evropski uniji, kar bomo sku ali Presidency to the European Union which we shall try to izkoristiti za e ve jo promocijo smu arskega porta v prelepi benefit from for even greater promotion of skiing sport in the Cup Zgornjesavski dolini. beautiful Upper-Sava valley.

Smu arski praznik po strminah Vitranca je postal klasi na Skiing festival on the slopes of Vitranc has become a classical tekma Svetovnega pokala in ponosni smo lahko, da nas je race of the World Cup and we can be proud that the

Vitranc Mednarodna smu arska zveza (FIS) e uvrstila v koledar International Ski Federation (FIS) has already put us on the

OC Svetovnega pokala tudi za prihodnje sezone. Njihovo World Cup calendar for the forthcoming seasons. Their trust zaupanje smo si organizatorji pridobili z izvrstno izvedbo teh was won with excellent execution of these events in the

of prireditev v obdobju zadnjih petindvajsetih let. Pridobljeno period of the last twenty-five years. We will justify the zaupanje FIS bomo opravi ili tudi v bodo e. Zavedamo se attained trust of FIS also in the future. We are well aware of nalog, ki so pred nami, da tekmovalcem izbolj amo pogoje the tasks we have to tackle in order to improve the nastopa, gledalcem pa nudimo ve udobja, ve performance conditions for all competitors, offer the spremljevalnega programa ob vzpodbujanju svojih portnih audience more comfort, offer more accompanying

president idolov. programme while the audience encourages their sports idols.

the Kranjska Gora z okolico ivi za to prireditev in prav ta tesna Kranjska Gora with its surroundings lives for this event and, in of povezanost kraja in organizatorjev je najve ja garancija za particularly, this tight connection of the town and the njeno uspe no izvedbo. Prepri ani smo, da bo 8. 9.marca organisers is the biggest warranty for its successful execution. 2008 pod belimi vitran kimi strminami arelo portno We are convinced that the sports atmosphere will beam on vzdu je, da bodo vrhunski tekmovalci potrdili privla nost te the with Vitranc's steep slopes on 8th and 9 th March 2008 so

Speach of the president of OC Vitranc Cup panoge zimske kraljice portov. Seveda si tudi elimo, da bi se that the topmost competitors will confirm the attractiveness slovenski tekmovalci izkazali, kot e mnogokrat doslej. of this discipline of the winter queen of sports. Of course, we wish for the Slovenian competitors to prove successful as they Lahko se pohvalimo, da smo Slovenci portni narod, ki zna have so many times before. ceniti portne priredtive na visoki ravni in to potrjujejo tudi tevilni obiskovalci. Vabimo vas, da se na emu povabilu We can boast that Slovenians are a sports nation who can odzovete tudi letos v im ve jem tevilu. Ogled junakov belih appreciate top-class sports events and we most certainly strmin v Kranjski Gori nam vedno pu a spomin na confirm that by visiting these events in large numbers. You are nepozabne trenutke. invited to accept our invitation also this year. The heroes of white slopes in Kranjska Gora always leave memories of Nasvidenje marca v Kranjski Gori unforgettable moments.

See you in March in Kranjska Gora

Metod Dragonja Metod Dragonja Predsednik OK Pokala Vitranc President of the OC Vitranc Cup

4 Gora





enjski Glas

foto: Gor

Pozdrav upana Ob ine Kranjska Gora 47. Pokal Vitranc je pred nami in z zadovoljstvom v ob ini The 47th Vitranc Cup is in front of us and it is a great pleasure Kranjska Gora izrekam dobrodo lico vsem tekmovalcem, and joy for me to welcome all the competitors, trainers, trenerjem, spremljevalcem, novinarjem in ljubiteljem accompanying persons, journalists and ski lovers. smu anja. These days, the eyes of sports lovers, especially those who V teh dneh so o i ljubiteljev porta, predvsem smu anja, love skiing, are going to be focused on Kranjska Gora. Every uprte v Kranjsko Goro. To dejstvo nam vsako leto znova year this fact sparks off new tasks for us, namely to provide Gora nalaga, da poskrbimo za razvoj in napredek v na i ob ini. V and promote development and progress in our municipality. zadnjih letih je bil razvoj Kranjske Gore zelo opazen in to pri In the last few years, the development of Kranjska Gora has doma inih, predvsem pa pri obiskovalcih in turistih vzbuja been quite noticeable and now the expectations for even

eljo po ve in bolje. Tem pri akovanjem in zahtevam pa ni better and more services by the locals and in particular by the Kranjska lahko slediti in tudi v prihodnje se bomo trudili, da bomo visitors and tourists has increased significantly. It is not simple

of ustvarjali dobre pogoje za izgradnjo ali nadgradnjo obstoje e to meet those expectations and demands and we shall strive turisti ne in portne infrastrukture. to provide good conditions for the construction of new and for the upgrade of the existent tourism and sports

V leto njem letu se kranjskogorci lahko pohvalimo z ve jim infrastructure also in future. mayor smu i em in novo tirisede nico Kekec. Vle nica, kjer se je nau ilo prvih zavojev ve ina za etnikov, »Mala Mojca« je This year, we can boast with a bigger ski slope and the new the

nova in malce dalj a. i ni arji neutrudno delajo sneg in four-seat chairlift Kekec, The drag-lift 'Mala Mojca' where a of kljubujejo muhasti naravi, ki e drugo leto zapored skopari z lot of beginners have learned their first ski-turns is new and a naravnim snegom. Tako lahko re emo, da turisti na bera e bit longer. The ski-lift team tirelessly produce snow and defy dolgo ni ve naklju je in le skupno delo vseh turisti nih the whimsical mother nature who has not been too generous subjektov zagotavlja, da se bodo zadovoljni gostje vedno with snow in the past two years. We can say that the successful znova vra ali v Zgornjesavsko dolino. Tako kot se vra ajo tourism harvest in our municipality is not a result of a mere Greeting of the mayor of Kranjska Gora smu arji! chance but rather that cooperation and sinergy among all parties involved in tourism has made and will make sure that Strmine pod Vitrancem tako e 47. gostijo najbolj e smu arje satisfied guests will continue to come back to the Upper Sava sveta, ki so vzor mladim in v ponos starej im navija em in Valley. Just like the skiers! ljubiteljem tega porta. Organizacija smu arskih tekem za svetovni pokal je delo profesionalcev in tudi njim gre zahvala, For the 47th time, the slopes under Vitranc are hosting the da je blagovna znamka ime Kranjska Gora prepoznavno v best skiers in the world, who are a great role model for the svetu. young supporters and the pride of a bit more mature supporters and ski-lovers. The organization of the World Cup Vsem tekmovalcem elim veliko uspeha na tekmah za 47. ski races is performed by professionals and they should also Pokal Vitranc, organizatorjem dobro pripravo prog, vsem be praised that our trademark - Kranjska Gora - is well obiskovalcem in ljubiteljem porta pa obilo portnih u itkov. recognizable worldwide.

May I wish all the competitors successful competing on the Jure erjav 47th Vitranc Cup and to the organizers every success in upan Ob ine Kranjska Gora preparing the pistes. May I also take this opportunity to wish all the visitors and sports-lovers much enjoyment and excitement during the upcoming competition, and, of course, a pleasant stay in Kranjska Gora!

Jure erjav , the Mayor of Kranjska Gora

5 Kranjska Gora Lively Adventures in the Julian Alps

SUMMER Walking rules supreme among summer activities. There are enough routes from easy and recreational walks to serious Alpine trecks which demand experience, suitable equipments and an Alpine guide. Would you perhaps be interested in tryingNordic walking , an increasingly favourite option to free walking? Instructors and walking poles are available.

Almost as popular in the summer iscycling – the fresh whistle of the Alpine WINTER air when making a descent or riding on the pass. For those thirsty for Kranjska Gora is in no way merely a romantic winter destination although adrenaline, thecycling park in Kranjska Gora offers Alpine freestyle enjoyment it is true that the snow falling from above transforms the area into a white with adrenaline descents via tables, jumps, swings and other obstacles. wonderland. The beauty of the landscape can perhaps best be viewed on horseback. The white soul of Kranjska Gora has been and will remainAlpine skiing. A If you opt forkayaking, rafting or canyoning on a crystal clear river, the Soèa distinguishing feature of the Kranjska Gora skiing offer is the varied terrain is not far, just a jump across Vršiè. The same water sports might also interest which offers quality skiing for both beginners and expert skiers. Kranjska you a bit more downstream on the Sava River. Gora is known for its quick access to skiing delights: one could say that For all those who can not live withoutgolf, the right address is a golf practice you step right out of bed onto the slopes. course with four playing fields, practice areas and putting greens . At thesnow kindergarten, children with the aid of the children's lift (baby The Zgornjesavska Valley is also a paradise for fishermen for the Alpine lift) and various animated obstacles will quickly »feel at home on skis«. rivers and streams offer numerous possibilities for fishing. The Pišnica and Bistrica Rivers in Kranjska Gora are popular for fly fishing. For those placing contact with nature above speed, there are over 40 km ofcross-country skiing trails set up which will bring you under all Kranjska The same applies tophoto hunting of animals. An experienced guide will Gora ski slopes, past the source of the Sava River, under the ski jumping enable you to see the animals in their natural environments. If all these hills of Planica and on to Tamar. Cross-country skiing will especially seduce activities fail to offer a challenge you can tryalpinism and climb the peaks you once you gaze upon the snowy winter walls and peaks. on which Slovene boys test their skills before setting off on ascents to the We could say the same forski mountaineering. Let's conclude with sledding, Himalayan peaks. the most romantic of winter disciplines.

+386 (0)4 588 50 20F +386 (0)4 588 50 21 eu Gora

Kranjska Gora


RTC Žičnice 04 580 94 00 AMZS-AUTOMOBIL CLUB987 Vreme090 7130 7 2007






46. Pokal Vitranc, veleslalom, 3. 3. 2007








46. Vitranc Cup, , 3. 3. 2007

šič in Srečko Medven

foto: Aleš Fevžer, Istock photo, Mirko Kun 2007






46. Pokal Vitranc, Slalom, 4. 3. 2007







46. Vitranc Cup, Slalom, 4. 3. 2007 Vitranc


Zmagovalci pokala Vitranc


10 Cup



Winners of Vitranc Cup

46. POKAL VITRANC 2007; WORLD CUP veleslalom/ Giant Slalom 3. 3. 2007 1. BenjaminRAICH (AUT) 2. FrancoisBOURQUE (CAN) 3. MassimilianoBLARDONE (ITA) slalom/ Slalom 4. 3. 2007 1. MarioMATT (AUT) 2. BenjaminRAICH (AUT) 3. ManfredMOELGG (ITA)

3. (AUT)





Nagradni sklad Na leto njem tekmovanju bodo prejeli denarne nagrade tekmovalci uvr eni od 1. do 30. mesta. Nagradni sklad za vsako tekmo posebej je 71.000,00 , tor ej skupno 142.000,00 . Denarne nagrade se podeljujejo po naslednjem klju u: Prize founds At this year s competitions all competitiors ranked from 1st to 30th place receive prize money. The prize fund for each competition is 71.000,00 . The prizes will be awar ded according as following:

1...... 25.000,00 € 6...... 2.200,00 € 11. - 15...... 600,00 € 2...... 15.000,00 € 7...... 2.000,00 € 16. - 20...... 450,00 € 3...... 7.500,00 € 8...... 1.600,00 € 21. - 25...... 350,00 € 4...... 4.400,00 € 9...... 1.300,00 € 26. - 30...... 200,00 € 5...... 3.000,00 € 10...... 1.000,00 €

13 komite

izvršni OK executive OC


Organizacijski komite Predsednik Vodja komisije za varnost President Head of Security Committee Simon OBLAK Sandra RAKOVEC Izvršni podpredsednik Vodja komisije za nastanitve Executive Vice President Head of Accommodation Committee Tone ALBREHT Matevž PODREKAR Podpredsednik (predsednik ASK) Vodja tehničnih služb Vice President (president ASK) Head of technical Services Jure ŽERJAV Neda KOVAČIČ

Committee Podpredsednik (župan občine Kr. Gora) Vodja tiskovnega središča Vice President (major of Kranjska Gora) Head of Press Center Vasilij PREŠERN dr. Anton LAH Podpredsednik Vodja komisije za zdravstvo Vice President Head of Health Committee Boris PESJAK Vlasta KOTNIK Organizing Predsednik komisije za finance in marketing Vodja akreditacij in tajništvo tekmovanja President of Committee for Finance and Marketing Head of Race Office and Accreditation Jože KOTNIK Matej PARADIŽ Vodja komisije za protokol, program in ceremonije Vodja protokola Head of Committee for Protocol, Programme and Ceremonies Head of Protocol Janez ŠMITEK Tilen MAJNARDI Vodja tekmovanja Vodja programa spremljajočih prireditev Head of Race Head of side events’ programee Andrej KLINAR Franja KREVZEL Vodja tekmovalnega odbora Vodja ceremonij Head of race Committee Head of Ceremonies Srečko MEDVEN Tomaž KRAJNČIČ Generalni sekretar OK, marketing Vodja odbora sponzorjev OC General Secretary, Marketing Head of Sponsors Committee Bojan KRIŽAJ Član komiteja za svetovni pokal pri FIS-i FIS World cup Committee member Anton RIBNIKAR člani OK OC members Član SZS Member SAS Aleš VIDIC Jaro KALAN Pomočnik vodje tekmovanja Član SZS Race director assistant Member SAS Hugo OITZL Lado VINDIŠ Vodja projektov in investicij RTV Slovenija Head of investments and projects Host broadcaster Jože AJDIŠEK Simon VINDIŠ Vodja komisije za promet Član - PU Kranj Head of Committee for Traffic and Transport Member - Police Kranj

14 odbor

Gunter HUJARA dr. Anton LAH FIS direktor svetovnega pokala Vodja komisije za zdravstvo

Tekmovalni FIS World Cup director Head of Health Committee Peter OBERNAUER Mojca SMOLEJ Tehnični delegat FIS Vodja tekmovalne pisarne TD FIS Head of Race Office Janez ŠMITEK Janko KRŽIČ Vodja tekmovanja Material Head of Race Material Andrej KLINAR Roman SLIVNIK

Vodja tekmovalnega odbora Vodja strojne priprave prog Committee Head of Race Committee Head of Course technical preparation Aleš VIDIC Žare ŠTRUKELJ Pomočnik vodje tekmovalnega odbora Vodja oddrsovalcev Race Assistant Head of race Committee Haed of Side Slippers Hugo OITZL Franja KREVZEL Vodja projektov in investicij Vodja ceremonij Head of investments and projects Head of Ceremonies Janko PIRC Gregor BENEDIK Vodja priprave prog Vodja servisne sobe in ekipe marketinga Head of Course Preparation Head of Service Rooms and advertising implementation Matevž PODREKAR Vodja tehnične službe Rudi KOKALJ Head of Technical Servises Vodja prehrane za osebje Head of Staff Catering Boštjan KNIFIC Predstavnik komisije za varnost Boštjan PRISTAVEC Member of Security Committee Predstavnik komisije za promet Representative of Transport Committee Jaka ŠPORN Vodja kontrol Vinko OTOVIČ Head of Judges PMP Kranjska Gora Police Kranjska Gora Alojz VEBER Vodja cilja Alojz MERTELJ Head of Finish Area Koordinacija z lastniki zemljišč Co-ordination with land owners Janez VIDIC Vodja električnih naprav GRS Kranjska Gora Head of Power Supply Reševalna služba Rescue team

Organizacijski komite Pokal Vitranc Kranjska Gora se zahvaljuje za pomoč: OC Pokal vitranc is grateful for support of:

Mednarodni smučarski organizaciji FIS, Smučarski zvezi Slovenije, Občini Kranjska Gora, RTC Žičnicam Kranjska Gora, LTO Kranjska Gora, Bolnici Jesenice, Komunali Kranjska Gora, Upravni enoti Jesenice, Timingu Mojstrana, Smučarskim klubom, GRS Kranjska Gora, Rateče, ZD Kranjska Gora, Jesenice, Gasilskim društvom v občini, Poklicni gasilski enoti Jesenice, OŠ Kranjska Gora, OŠ Mojstrana, Ministrstvu za notranje zadeve, Policijski upravi Kranj, Policijski postaji Kranjska Gora, Tiskarni Knjigoveznici Radovljica, Rosje - oblikovanju, Komunali Kranjska Gora, Hotelom: HIT Alpinea, Lek, Kotnik in Vili Triglav, Hotelu Klass, Koroni-Casino& Hotel, HIT d.d. Nova Gorica, Elektro Žirovnici, Vigradu celje, Telekomu Kranj, TV Sloveniji, Konica Minolti Ljubljana,Steklarski Novi Rogaška Slatina, Lastnikom zemljišč v Podkorenu, članom kluba ASK in vsem ostalim, ki so in še sodelujejo pri izvedbi tekmovanj za svetovni pokal v alpskem smučanju.

15 STATISTIČ NI PODATKI / STATISTICS Seznam zmagovalcev z največ zmagami in podiji (vključa en tudi 3 nadomestna tekmovanja) 1. mesto / 1st place 2. mesto / 2nd place 3. mesto / 3rd place List of the athletes with most wins and podium SKUPAJVSL SKUPAJ VSL SKUPAJ VSL places ( TOTALSL GSL TOTALSL GSL TOTALSL GSL 1 ITA 5 3 2 1 1 2 11

2007 2 AUT 4 4 2 2 2 2

- 3 Bojan KRIŽAJ SLO 4 3 1 2 2 4 LUX 3 2 1 3 3 5 Joel GASPOZ SUI 3 3 1961 6 ITA 2 2 7 USA 2 2 1 1 8 AUT 2 2 2 2 9 AUT 2 2

Vitranc 10 SWE 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 11 Fernando Francisco OCHOA ESP 2 1 1

Pokal Vitranc 1961 - 2007 12 AUT 2 1 1 1 1

Največs: zmag / Most win 5 Alberto Tomba (ITA) Največ: uvrstitev med najboljšo trojico / Most podium places 8 Alberto Tomba (ITA) Po eno zmago je doseglo / One win has achieved: 4 tekmovalcev i desetih držav / athletes from 10 countries Največ zmagovalcev prihaja iz / Most winners come from: 1 Avstrija /

2007 Zmagovalci prihaj ajo iz / Winners come from: 14 držav / countries - SLALOM / SLALOM Največ: slalomskih zmag / Most Slalom wins 3 Alberto Tomba (ITA) in/and Bojan Križaj (SLO) Največns: zmag v slalomu / Most wi in Slalom 8 Francija / France

1961 Največč ja asovna razlika med zmagovalcem in drugim mestom v slalomu/ Highest time difference between winner and 2nd place in Slalom: 3,10 sec ( 1. Pokal Vitranc 1961) Najmanjšač asovna razlika med zmagovalcem in drugim mestom v slalomu / Lowest time difference between winner and 2nd place in Slalom: 0,01 sec (29. Pokal Vitranc 1990) Cup Razlika več ja kot 1 sekunda med zmagovalcem in drugim mestom v slalomu / Time difference higher than 1 second between winner and 2nd place in Slalom: 4x Razlika manjša kot 0,10 sekunda med zmagovalcem in drugim mestom v slalomu / Time difference lower than a 0,10 second between winner and 2nd place in Slalom: 9x VELESLALOM / GIANT SLALOM Vitranc Cup 1961 - 2007 Največs: veleslalomskih zmag / Most Giant Slalom win Benjamin Raich (AUT) Največ: zmag v veleslalomu / Most wins in Giant Slalom Avstrija /Austria Največč ja asovna razlika med zmagovalcem in drugim mestom v vele slalomu / Highest time difference between winner and 2nd place in Giant Slalom: 2,50 sec ( 1. Pokal Vitranc 1961) Najmanjšač asovna razlika med zmagovalcem in drugim mestom v veleslalomu / Lowest time difference between winner and 2nd place in Giant Slalom: 0,00 sec (17. Pokal Vitranc 1970 – co-winners mauro Bernardi (ITA) in/and Hans Enn (AUT)) Razlika več ja kot 1 sekunda med zmagovalcem in drugim mestom v veleslalomu / Time difference higher than 1 second between winner and 2nd place in Giant Slalom: 10 x Razlika manjša kot 0,10 sekunda med zmagovalcem in drugim mestom v veleslalomu / Time difference lower than a 0,10 second between winner and 2nd place in Giant Slalom 4x

Izvedena tekmovanja za Pokal Vitranc so bila naslednjih kategorij / Conducted races for Pokal Vitranc were of the following categories: Svetovni pokal / World Cup 56 x 27 x veleslalom 28 x slalom Evropski pokal / Evropa Cup 8x 2 x veleslalom 6 x slalom FIS-A 2x 1 x veleslalom 1 x slalom FIS-1A 10 x 5 x veleslalom 5 x slalom FIS 8x 4 x veleslalom 4 x slalom Odpovedana tekmovanja za Pokal Vitranc so bila v naslednjih kategorijah: / Cancelled races for Pokal Vitranc were of the following categories: Svetovni pokal 5x 2 x veleslalom 3 x slalom Evropski pokal 1x 1 x slalom

Razvoj tekmovalne proge za Pokal Vitranc – Veleslalom / Razvoj tekmovalne proge za Pokal Vitranc – Slalom / Development of the race course for Pokal Vitranc – Giant Slalom Development of the race course for Pokal Vitranc –Slalom

1. PV 1961 - 3. PV 1965 Vrh Vitranca do Budinekovega senika / 1. PV 1961 - 9. PV 1970 Od vrha Rora do Budinekovega senika / Top of Vitranc mountain to the Budineks' barn from the top of Ror to the Budineks' barn 4. PV 1966 - 9. PV 1970 Od Kavarne do Brsnine / From Kavarna to Brsnina 10. PV 1971 - 22. PV 1983 Od Budinekovega senika do Petrola / 10. PV 1971 - 22. PV 1983 Od vrha Rora do Petrola / from the top of Ror from Budineks'barn to Petrol to Petrol 23. PV 1984 dalje / onward Podkoren 23. PV - 42. PV 2003 Podkoren 43. PV dalje / onward Podkoren – podaljšana proga / Podkoren – extended course Vstopnice/ Tickets

20 € 25 €


Predprodaja vstopnic za ogled tekmovanja za 47. Pokal Vitranc AUDI FIS svetovni pokal. 10 € 15 € 8 € 10 € Presale of entry tickets for the 47th Pokal Vitranc, the AUDI FIS Ski World Cup.


Vstopnica za ogled PokalaVitranc ima dodano vrednost, Access plan Dostopi saj z njo lahko dobite za 1/3 manjše stroške pri odobritvi kredita v Hypo Group Alpe Adria. Vstopnica vam omogoči tudi prost vstop v igralniško zabaviščni center Korona v Kranjski Gori in dobroimetje v višini 4,00 €.

Entrance ticket forVitranc Cup entitled you to acces Casino Korona Kranjska Gora free of charge and additionally you get tokens in value of 4,00 €.

15 Tribuna / Grand stand





VSTOP ZA EKIPE ACCESS FOR TEAMS Ni v merilu - Not in scale 17 Pokal Vitranc 2008.


Splošna pravila

4. februarja 2008. 26. februarja 2008

START - GS 1278 m

6. marca 2008 51% 59%


provisions 56% 32% 21% 42%

General provisions 30% 41% 48%

22% START - SLALOM 1035 m






33% 4th of February, 2008 26th of February, 2008 40%

6th March


42% SAS CILJ - FINISH 836 m

18 2008




1()HERBST Reinfried AUT 1 HERBST Reinfried() AUT cup 2ŠČ()DRAG I Mitja SLO 2 LIGETY Ted() USA 3()MISSILLIER Steve FRA 3 BROLENIUS Johan() SWE

4ČČ()VALEN I Mitja SLO 4 YUASA Naoki() JPN Europa cup 2008 Evropski pokal 2008 5()SIMARI BIRKNER Cristian Javier ARG 4 HIRSCHER Marcel() AUT 6()LAHDENPERAE Anton SWE 6 HARGIN Mattias() SWE 7()ZARDINI Edoardo ITA 7 JANYK Michael() CAN 8 MARSHALL Cody() USA 8 LAHDENPERAE Anton() SWE 8()HARGIN Mattias SWE 9 MILLER Bode() USA 10 JANYK Michael() CAN 10 LARSSON Markus() SWE 11 MERMILLOD BLONDIN Thomas() FRA 11 KELLEY Tim() USA 12 GINI Marc() SUI 12 WANNINGER Christian() GER 13 BECHTER Patrick() AUT 13 THALER Patrick() ITA 14 SASAKI Akira() JPN 14 MARSHALL Cody() USA

Slalom I, 14. 2.15 2008 SKUBE Matic() SLO Slalom II, 15. 2.15 2008 MISSILLIER Steve() FRA


kontrol Kljub televizijskim kameram je kontrola ob progi še »Despite television cameras the control at the race vedno neizogibna.« course remains inevitable.«


Že 20 let se Jaka Šporn ob večjih tekmovanjih odpravi do Poligona For more than 20 years Jaka Šporn has been heading for the - v Podkorenu. Sprva je pomagal pri pripravi proge in zaščite ob Poligon in Podkoren in time for all major competitions. At the njej, nato je bil osem let pomočnik vodje kontrol, kasneje pa je beginning of his career he helped with race course preparation prevzel mesto vodje kontrol. To funkcijo uspešno opravlja že and protection and then worked as an assistant to the head of sedem let. referees for 8 years and finally became the head of referees himself. He has been performing his work successfully for the past Jaka Šporn se zaveda odgovornosti, ki jo to delo prinaša in seven years.

izpostavlja, da je pomembno predvsem, kako resno ekipo ima JAKA ŠPORN - vodja kontrol okoli sebe. V Mojstrani in Ratečah je izoblikovana ekipa desetih do Jaka Šporn is aware of great responsibility which his work dvanajstih ljudi, ki redno sodelujejo na tekmah, nekaj represents and points out that it is particularly important the kind posameznikov pa prihaja tudi od drugod. of serious team he has. In Mojstrana in Rateče there is a team of ten to twelve people who regularly cooperate in the races while Na prizorišče tekmovanja se kontrolorji odpravijo med prvimi. some individuals come from other towns Ljudi je treba razporediti po terenu. Na kartonu, ki ga dobi vsak kontrolor, sta zapisana številka vratc in ime kontrole. Ko gre za The race course referees head for the venue among the first. tekme svetovnega pokala, en kontrolor nadzoruje največ tri People need to be located around the course. The record sheet, vratca, na evropskih pokalih lahko tudi štiri. Če tekmovalec naredi which they receive, contains the number of gates and the name of napako, jo je treba zabeležiti. Napiše se številko vratc, pri katerih the referee. As regards the World Cup races each referee is allowed se je napaka zgodila in številko tekmovalca. Narisati pa je treba, to control three gates at the most while at the European Cup races, kako je smučar napačno zapeljal skozi vratca. Jaka Šporn po the referee is allowed to control up to four gates. In the event the vsakem teku pobere kartone in jih odnese na pregled, ves čas pa competitor makes a mistake, this needs to be registered; the mora biti v stiku z vodjo tekmovanja in delegatom. Včasih – na number of gates where the mistake has happened and the zahtevo trenerja ali vodje ekipe – morajo diskvalifikacijo kakega number of the competitor are written down. Furthermore, a tekmovalca znova preveriti in lahko se zgodi, da mora kontrolor drawing of the course the skier made needs to be sketched. At the priti na zagovor, pogledajo pa tudi videoposnetke, ki pričajo o end of each run, Jaka Šporn collects all the record sheets and

judges tem, kako je smučar prevozil katera od vratc. submits them for inspection and at the same time remains in contact with the race director and the delegate. Sometimes – upon of Kontrolorji morajo imeti opravljene izpite za sodnike, vsi pa so the request of a coach or team head – disqualification of a člani Alpskega smučarskega kluba Kranjska Gora. Mladega roda particular competitor needs to be investigated and it may happen kontrolorjev še ni na obzorju, a, kot pravi Jaka Šporn, je sreča, da je that a referee needs to come for defence while the video Head v njegovi ekipi veliko staršev otrok, ki so včlanjeni v klub in so s tem recordings, which give evidence on how the skier passed the gate, - obvezani, da morajo pomagati tudi pri izvedbi tekmovanj. Želi si, are examined. da bi ob sebi imel nekoga, na katerega bi lahko prenesel vse znanje in ki bi skozi leta prevzel mesto vodje kontrolorjev. In The referees need to have all qualifications for the referee and all kakšno je kontrolorjevo pravilo? Tekmovalca se nikoli ne sme of them are the members of the Alpine Ski Club Kranjska Gora. oškodovati! There still isn't a young generation of the referees on the horizon yet as Jaka Šporn puts it, it is pure luck that there are many parents

Za Jaka Šporna bi lahko rekli, da je tekmovanjem za Pokal Vitranc of the children who are members of the Ski Club, and thus obliged JAKA ŠPORN - Head of judges predan s srcem in dušo. Ni mu žal časa, ki ga prebije na tekmah in to help out with the organisation of the competitions. He wishes to zelo se veseli dobrih uspehov slovenskih smučarjev, med katerimi have somebody who would take over the post of the head of je tudi njegov sin Andrej. referees to whom he would pass all the knowledge and who would take over the post in the forthcoming years. And what is the rule of the referees? Competitor must never be indemnified!

We could easily say for Jaka Šporn that he is dedicated to the Vitranc Cup with his heart and soul. He does not regret any time he has spent at the races and is extremely happy of the success achieved by the Slovenian skiers among who is also his son Andrej. 23

»Moj krst pod Vitrancem je »My debut under Vitranc was a jump from a helicopter bil skok iz helikopterja into the snow reaching up to my shoulders« do ramen v sneg.«

zdravstvo Around 1980 Anton Lah was asked to cooperate at the European

Okoli leta 1980 so prim. Antona Junior Championship for the first time. He was told to bring his za Laha, dr. med. prvič prosili za medical bag and come to the venue which at that time took place sodelovanje na mladinskem behind the petrol station in Kranjska Gora. “You need to wait in the evropskem prvenstvu. Dejali so finishing area in the event something happens to the competitors mu, naj s seboj prinese le on the race course and the mountain rescuers will bring the zdravniško torbo in pride na injured competitors to you”, were the words which convinced komisije prizorišče, ki je bilo takrat pri Anton Lah to say yes. bencinskem servisu. »Stal boš v cilju, če se bo kateremu Yet then a decision was made that the doctor needed to be present vodja tekmovalcu na progi kaj zgodilo, ti ga bodo v iztek na pregled near the race course since many falls occurred in the channel - pripeljali gorski reševalci,« so bile besede, ki so Antona Laha leading to the then “Es”. Anton Lah said yes also to that challenge prepričale, da je privolil. since they promised him that a helicopter would take him to the sheer slope. The late pilot Hanželj comforted him not to worry as if med. A potem je nenadoma padla odločitev, da mora zdravnik ob the landing ground was prepared next to the race course. Yet

dr. progo, kajti v žlebu do takratnega »Esa« je bilo ogromno padcev. when they flew to the place, it failed to be well prepared for the Tudi na to je Anton Lah pristal, saj so mu obljubili, da ga bo v landing and a strong wind was blowing. The pilot explained Anton strmino peljal helikopter. Žal že pokojni pilot Hanželj ga je takrat that they were unable to land and that he needed to jump out of

LAH, potolažil, naj ne bo v skrbeh, češ da je ob progi pripravljen prostor the helicopter. Anton Lah was not immediately convinced but za pristanek. A ko sta priletela do tja, mesto ni bilo dobro when the pilot said “jump, the wind is pulling the helicopter pripravljeno, pihal pa je močan veter. Pilot mu je razložil, da ne down”, he immediately jumped and landed in snow reaching up moreta pristati in da je treba skočiti iz helikopterja. Antona Laha to his shoulders. This was his debut under Vitranc which he will sicer ni takoj prepričal, a ko mu je pilot rekel »skoči, veter always remember. ANTON helikopter vleče dol«, je to nemudoma storil in pristal do ramen v snegu. To je bil njegov krst pod Vitrancem, ki bo za vedno ostal v Anton Lah started to cooperate in the realization of the Vitranc

spominu. Cup more often. The requirements of the FIS became clearer and prim. ANTON LAH, dr. med. - vodja komisije za zdravstvo dictated that a surgeon or traumatologist needs to be present at all Anton Lah je nato čedalje pogosteje sodeloval pri izvedbi Pokala times during the competition. Vitranc. Zahteve FIS-a so namreč postajale vedno bolj jasne in predpisovale so, da mora biti na tekmovanju prisoten kirurg ali The medical team used to work outside, in the open air, for many travmatolog. years, i.e. next to an ambulance. There were not many major injuries since slalom and giant slalom do not normally demand Zdravniška ekipa je sprva vrsto let delala kar zunaj, na prostem, ob many serious injuries. Yet there are always exceptions! In time of reševalnem vozilu. Hujših poškodb ni bilo veliko, saj jih slalom in low ambulances, Marc Girardelli dislocated his shoulder. Anton veleslalom praviloma ne zahtevata. A vendarle izjeme vedno so! Lah successfully put his shoulder back into place outside in front of Committee Še v času nizkih reševalnih avtomobilov si je ramo izpahnil Marc the eyes of public hence Marc and his father remain forever Girardelli. Anton Lah mu jo je uspešno naravnal kar na prostem, grateful to Anton. Yet that was the moment when they finally pred očmi javnosti in tako Marc kot njegov oče sta mu za vedno started thinking about providing better working conditions for the

ostala hvaležna. A prav to je bil trenutek, ko se je začelo razmišljati medical team; a tent to retreat from the eyes of inquisitive persons Health o tem, da bi zdravniški službi omogočili boljše pogoje. Vsaj šotor, at least. The Radio and Television House was a solution to these da bi poškodovane lahko umaknili z oči številnih radovednežev. problems. They gradually emptied the warehouse and succeeded of Kot priložnost za rešitev te težave se je pod Poligonom kar sama od in refurbishing the place to meet the needs with the help of sebe ponujala RTV hiša. V njej so postopoma izpraznili skladišče in Matevž Podrekar and the Organising Committee of the Vitranc s pomočjo Matevža Podrekarja ter Organizacijskega komiteja Cup. The place offers appropriate lights, medical table, hospital Head Pokala Vitranc prostor preuredili v primernega za oskrbo. V njem devices and plenty more. At the beginning Anton Lah remained - so reflektorji, miza za oskrbo, aparati iz bolnišnice ... Najprej je bil on the field together with the rescuers and he was joined by a

Anton Lah na terenu skupaj z reševalci, čez nekaj let se jim je nurse in a few years later. As it soon turned out, the competition MD pridružila še medicinska sestra. Ker se je izkazalo, da na tekmo was attended by more and more spectators and the burden of prihaja vedno več gledalcev in da je obremenitev za enega Anton's shoulders was too hard so another doctor joined the team zdravnika prevelika, se je ekipi pridružil še en zdravnik, ki skrbi za who looks after the spectators. LAH, občinstvo. Since Anton Lah started attending the competitions for the Vitranc Odkar se Anton Lah službeno udeležuje tekem za Pokal Vitranc, se Cup, none of the competitors has sustained any serious injuries nihče od tekmovalcev ni resneje poškodoval, nihče ni bil v and none of them has been facing a life threatening danger. It is življenjski nevarnosti. Res je, da vsako leto kdo poišče pomoč, true that each year a certain competitor seeks his help yet these ANTON vendar gre za lažje poškodbe; prve ali druge stopnje po FIS-ovi are only minor injuries; first and second degree injuries on the FIS' lestvici. scale.

Anton Lah si prizadeva za posodobitev infrastrukture na Anton Lah has been striving to modernise the infrastructure at the tekmovanjih in domislil se je univerzalnega medicinskega competitions and he has thus come up with the universal trailer for Primarius ANTON LAH, MD - Head of Health Committee zabojnika za vse slovenske prireditve. V njem bi bila vsa potrebna all Slovenian events. The trailer would contain all necessary medicinska oprema, bil pa bi tudi mobilen, tako da bi ga lahko medical equipment, would be mobile and thus transportable from prepeljali z enega na drugo prizorišče. Ideja je stara leto dni in bo one venue to another. The idea is one year old and still needs to morala še dozoreti. A to se lahko zgodi že kaj kmalu – le na prava, grow. However, this can happen very quickly – it only needs to be razumevajoča in odprta ušesa mora naleteti! heard by the right, understanding and open ears! 27


in »Pokal Vitranc je zgodba, na katero smo vsi v Kranjski Kranjski Gori prava evforija! Za celo knjigo bi se nabralo spominov Gori lahko ponosni.« in vtisov, prečutih noči, zrahljanih živcev ... O vsem tem bi vedeli veliko povedati tudi ljudje, ki so dolga leta sodelovali v organizaciji Zgodbo o Pokalu pozna od njenih samih začetkov, intenzivneje pa Pokala Vitranc. se je Jože Kotnik vanjo vključil leta 1991, ko je organizacijo program tekmovanja prevzel Alpski smučarski klub. To je bil za klub velik Z izjemnim spoštovanjem se Jože Kotnik spominja prijatelja in izziv, saj je bilo treba na novo organizirati vse službe in množico zagrizenega športnega navdušenca, »očeta Pokala«, kot mu pravi, prostovoljcev, a so se vztrajnost, pripadnost klubu in navdušenje Vojteha Budineka. Medtem ko je bil Kotnik še župan Občine bogato obrestovali. Tekmovanje se je obdržalo na koledarju in Kranjska Gora, sta z Budinekom in sodelavci poskušala uresničiti danes sodi v sam vrh tradicionalnih tekmovališč v karavani idejo o organizaciji Olimpijskih iger treh dežel leta 2006. Takrat je protokol,

svetovnega pokala, kar je prav gotovo velik uspeh za sam kraj. velik problem predstavljala meja, ki danes, v letu 2008, ne obstaja za več. Igre za leto 2006 je dobil Torino, vendar je Jože Kotnik še Začel je pri promociji, izdelovanju biltena in celostne podobe ter vedno prepričan, da bi bila v Sloveniji organizacija boljša. Meni, da propagandi. Jože Kotnik pravi, da se gospodarstvo nekdaj ni bi projekt zaradi izkušenj, ki so jih pridobili pri organizaciji Pokala veliko vključevalo v potek tekmovanj. Vendar so bili to drugi časi! Vitranc, prav gotovo bolje izpeljali. Vojteha Budineka se

Danes tekmovanje pomeni predvsem promocijo gospodarstva, organizatorji vsako leto spomnijo in na njegov grob v domači komisije sklepanje poslovnih vezi, močne promocijske aktivnosti vodilnih Kranjski Gori položijo venec. S tem želijo pokazati, kako podjetij. Ljudje se vedno bolj zavedajo, kaj organizacija tovrstne pomembno vlogo je odigral pri izvedbi vrhunskih smučarskih športne prireditve pomeni za slovensko gospodarstvo, za razvoj tekmovanj pod Vitrancem in kako velik, neizbrisen pečat je turizma v Zgornjesavski dolini. zapustil Zgornjesavski dolini.

Najbolj nevarno obdobje za Pokal Vitranc so bili v časi Jože Kotnik je ponosen, da je iz majhnega kluba zrasel močan preoblikovanja podjetij, odsotnosti vsakršnih vlaganj, zastarele temelj smučanja v Kranjski Gori. Sam je vodil tudi gradnjo nove infrastrukture, hotelov ... ko bi tekmo samo zaradi slabe stavbe kluba, v kateri so dobri pogoji za delo in prostor za

infrastrukture lahko izgubili. druženje. Klub vzgaja izjemne tekmovalce, ki na največjih KOTNIK – vodja . tekmovanjih dosegajo lepe uvrstitve. Posebej poudarja, kako V 17-ih letih je Jože Kotnik izjemno ponosen na dobro sodelovanje pomembno je vlaganje v mlade športnike. Tekmovanje za Pokal

z novinarji, tako domačimi kot tujimi. Posebej rad se spomni žal že Vitranc se prireja zaradi mladih; ves zaslužek se vrne športu, vzgoji JOŽE KOTNIK – vodja komisije za protokol, program in ceremonije pokojnega Francija Pavšerja, ki je srčno in z veliko dobre volje in izobraževanju perspektivnih smučarjev. In tu je prava vrednost pomagal pri zbiranju evidence tekmovanj in tako pripomogel, da Pokala, da poleg odlično organizirane prireditve tudi Alpski so pri Alpskem smučarskem klubu Kranjska Gora izdelali arhiv smučarski klub sodi med najbolje organizirane klube v Sloveniji. vsega dogajanja pod Vitrancem. Z režiserjem Stanetom Seveda pa vsem najbolj zaigra srce, ko na vitranških strminah Škodlarjem so predstavitev Doline in vse Slovenije prek zmagujejo domači smučarji – člani kranjskogorskega kluba in vsi televizijskih ekranov ponesli v širni svet. Pri sodelovanju s televizijo ostali člani slovenske reprezentance. Takrat je ves trud je bil narejen pomemben korak pri trženju prireditve, saj organizatorjev v trenutku poplačan. televizijske pravice danes pomenijo pomemben delež dohodka organizatorjev tekmovanj. Po končanem županovanju je Jože Kotnik pri Pokalu Vitranc prevzel vodenje protokola. Od vseh visokih gostov so se pod Tudi tiskovno središče ni več to, kar je bilo, pravi Jože Kotnik. Vitrancem, kot pravi, vedno najbolj razveselili nekdanjega Včasih so imeli novinarji prostore za delo v Osnovni šoli Kranjska predsednika republike Milana Kučana, ki je velik športni Gora, danes poročila s tekme v novinarske hiše posredujejo iz navdušenec. Ponosni so tudi, da so gostili predsednika Hotela Kompas. Tam so jim na voljo vsa moderna tehnologija in Mednarodnega olimpijskega komiteja Jacquesa Roggeja. Na odlični pogoji za delo. Pisalni stroji, ki so pred dvajsetimi leti tribunah so vedno želeli gostiti ljudi, ki imajo radi šport in tako bo odzvanjali dolgo v noč, so že zgodovina. Tehnologija komunikacij tudi v prihodnje. je neizmerno hitro napredovala, ravno tako pa so se spremenili tehnika smučanja, oprema, zavarovanja tekmovališča ipd. Včasih Največja zahvala za odlično izpeljana tekmovanja pa gre ljudem, se zdi, da gre vse kar prehitro mimo nas! Ni še tako daleč čas, pravi prostovoljcem, ki vsako leto pomagajo pri organizaciji. Največ jim Jože Kotnik, ko smo dneve in noči zrli v nebo, ali bo zapadlo kaj pomeni prijateljstvo, ki se je stkalo prav na belih strminah Poligona snega, ali ga bo dovolj za tekmo, ali bo preparacija vzdržala; pa v Podkorenu. Dan jim polepša pogled na mladi smučarski rod, ki skrbi zaradi prečkanja meje – ali bodo obmejni organi pustili se kali in ki bo nekoč uspešno zastopal barve Alpskega neoviran prehod za gledalce, ali bodo na meji zastoji in slaba volja. smučarskega kluba Kranjska Gora in vse Slovenije. Še posebno v letih, ko je zmagoval Alberto Tomba, je bila v 31 Ceremonies

and »The Vitranc Cup is a story people in Kranjska Gora are Alberto Tomba was winning the races, we were experiencing great proud of« euphoria in Kranjska Gora! There are enough memories He knows the story of Vitranc Cup from its very beginnings while andimpressions, sleepless nights, shattered nerves for the entire he has been more intensively involved in the story since 1991 when book. People who have cooperated in the organisation of the the Alpine Ski Club took over the competition. That was a great Vitranc Cup for many years would also have a lot to tell about all challenge for the Club since all services and a group of volunteers these.

Programme needed to be organised yet stamina, dedication to the Club and With immense respect is Jože Kotnik also reminiscing of his friend enthusiasm have brought a return. The competition has remained and enthusiastic sports fan, “the father of Vitranc Cup”, as he puts on the calendar and today belongs among the top traditional it, Vojteh Budinek. While Kotnik was still the Mayor of Kranjska venues in the caravan of the World Cup which is undoubtedly a Gora, he and Budinek with colleagues tried to accomplish the idea great success for the town. on the organisation of the of three countries in

Protocol, 2006. At that time the border represented an immense obstacle He began by working on the promotion, bulletin preparation and yet today in 2008 the said problem does not exist any more. In

for comprehensive image as well as advertising. Jože Kotnik says that 2006 the Games were won by Turin yet Jože Kotnik is still the economy failed to take active part in the competition convinced that the organisation in Slovenia would have been organisation in the past. Yet times have changed! Today the better. He believes that the project would have been implemented competition represents the promotion of the economy in better due to all experiences that they have achieved at the particularly, an opportunity for networking as well as a possibility organisation of the Vitranc Cup. Vojteh Budinek is remembered by to perform strong promotional activities by the leading the organisers every year when they lay a wreath on his grave in hometown Kranjska Gora at the time of Vitranc Cup. By doing so,

Committee enterprises. People are becoming aware of what the organisation of such sports event means for the Slovenian economy and they wish to demonstrate just how important Vojteh Budinek of tourism development in the Upper-Sava valley. actually was in realizing the top-class skiing competitions under The most dangerous period for the Vitranc Cup were the times of Vitranc and how great, indelible sign he left to the Upper-Sava enterprise restructuring, lack of any investments, obsolete valley. infrastructure and hotels and suchlike when the competition could Jože Kotnik is proud to highlight the development of the once have been lost due to poor infrastructure. small Club into a strong foundation of skiing in Kranjska Gora. He supervised also the construction of the Club's new building in For the past 17 years, Jože Kotnik has been extremely proud of which there are good conditions for work and place for socialising. excellent cooperation with the journalists, not only national but The Club is raising excellent competitors who constantly win good also foreign. He particularly likes to remember unfortunately results at the major competitions. He particularly emphasises the

KOTNIK – Head already deceased Franci Pavšer who helped with collecting records importance of investing into young sportspersons. The of the competition with all his heart and a lot of enthusiasm and competition for the Vitranc Cup is organised for the young thus contributed that the Alpine Ski Club Kranjska Gora succeeded generation; the entire earnings is returned to sport, education and

JOŽE KOTNIK – Head of Committee forin Protocol, Programme and making Ceremonies the archive of all happenings under Vitranc. Together trainings of perspective skiers. And this is most definitely the real with the film director Stane Škodlar they carried the presentation value of the Cup, i.e. beside well organised event; the Alpine Ski of the Valley and the entire Slovenia via television screens into the Club also belongs among the best organised clubs in Slovenia. His wide world. In cooperation with the television an important step in heart leaps with joy when Slovenian skiers – the members of the marketing the event was made since today the broadcasting rights Club from Kranjska Gora and all the other members of the mean an important portion of the revenues of the competition Slovenian national team – win on the Vitranc's slopes. When that organisers. happens all the efforts of the organisers are repaid.

Even the press centre is not what it used to be any more, says Jože After leaving his duty as the Mayor of Kranjska Gora, Jože Kotnik Kotnik. In the past the journalists had their headquarters in the took over the protocol of the Vitranc Cup. Among many esteemed Kranjska Gora Elementary School while today all reports on the guests under Vitranc, they were particularly happy to welcome the competition are sent from the Kompas Hotel. The new press former President of the Republic of Slovenian, Mr Milan Kučan, centre offers all state-of-the-are technology and excellent who is a great sports fan, says Jože. They are also proud to have conditions for work. Typewriters which used to clatter late into the welcomed the President of the International Olympic Committee, night in the past are today only a memory of the past. Mr Jacques Rogge. They have always wanted to host people who Communication technology has advanced rapidly and the skiing love sport and it shall remain so in the future. technique, equipment, and race venue protection have also changed a great deal. Sometimes it seems that everything goes The greatest thanks for well organised competitions goes to all past us too fast! It wasn't so long ago, says Jože Kotnik, when we people, volunteers, who help with the organisation of the were looking into the sky days and nights wondering whether competition year-on-year. They particularly cherish the there would be enough snow for the race, whether the friendship which grew on the white slopes of the “Poligon” in preparation of the race course would hold out; and the worries Podkoren. Their day becomes more promising by looking at the about crossing the border – would the border authorities allow young skiing generation which is now growing and shall some day unimpeded crossing for the spectators, would there be any delays represent the Alpine Ski Club Kranjska Gora and the entire 32 and bad temper at the border crossings? In particularly when Slovenia.