B-162897 Aircraft Owned Or Leased By
Dear Mr, Thompson: Reference is made to your letter of February 10, 1970, requesting that we update information which we furnished to you in a report dated March 4, 1968, relative to aircraft owned or leased by the Federal Avia- 1 tion Administration (FAA). In accordance with this request, we are fur- nishing you the following information. 1. Inventory of active aircraft owned as of June 30, 1967, 1968, 1969, and January 1, 1970 (enclosure I). 2. Installed passenger capacity and cost of aircraft owned as of June 30, 1967, and January 1, 1970 (enclosure II). 3. Aircraft leased or on loan during the period July 1, 1967, through June 30, 1969 (enclosure III). 4. Aircraft mazntenance, maJor overhaul, and modification costs by aircraft type, for fiscal years 1968 and 1969 (enclosure IV). 5. Average cost per flxght hour by aircraft type, fiscal years 1968 and 1969 (enclosure V>. 6. Aircraft utilization by aircraft type and maJor cate- gories, fiscal years 1968 and 1969 (enclosure VI). 7. Utilization and cost of open market rental aircraft, fiscal years 1968 and 1969 (enclosure VII). In addition, you requested that we advise you of the progress that has been made in establishing a uniform maintenance and operating cost re- porting system for all FAA owned and leased aircraft. As shown zn our March 4, 1968, report, FhCl had 101 aircraft which cost approximately $46 mzlllon 1n its inventory of active aircraft as of June 30, 1967. On January 1, 1970, the number of active air craft had decreased Co 98; however, the cost of the aircraft in the inventory was approximately $52 million, This increase was the net result of.
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