A Bio-Bibliography Of

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A Bio-Bibliography Of 1 A BIO-BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY D.A. FARNIE and GEOFFREY TWEEDALE 5th Edition 2009 2 Preface to Fifth Edition This is the fifth edition of A Bio-Bibliography of Economic and Social History. Its originator and chief author, Douglas Farnie, sadly did not live to see its completion and publication. He died in Manchester on 21 June 2008, aged 82, following complications from heart surgery. The first edition of Douglas‟s Bio-Bibliography was published in Pat Hudson (ed.), Living Economic and Social History. Essays to Mark the 75th Anniversary of the Economic History Society (2001). It listed about 700 individuals. Characteristically, Douglas had been expanding and revising it ever since. It went through further editions, each more expansive than the last. This edition covers over 3,500 individuals. My involvement began casually in 2001, when I began passing Douglas obituaries and snippets of information for inclusion. The amount of information gathered pace as I began using electronic sources to fill gaps and to supplement the material that Douglas was still collecting from libraries and paper sources. Douglas never used a computer (or even a typewriter) and always preferred to use a pen. However, the world-wide-web fascinated Douglas and when it became apparent that it could transform the scope of the Bio-Bibliography, we began to collaborate on producing a much expanded fifth edition. A routine developed. From early 2007 until 27 March 2008, we met once a week at Manchester Metropolitan University Business School not only to revise the electronic copy of the Bio- Bibliography, but also to scour the web for new material. This took considerable effort and courage on Douglas‟s part, because by then his health was making his life increasingly difficult. However, he never complained and never missed a session until the final weeks of his life. It should be underlined that in design and conception, this is Douglas‟s work. It reflects his love of economic history, which was a key feature of his life. A reticent individual, he rarely discussed personal matters and most of his own „history‟ was unknown to even his closest academic colleagues. I worked closely with him over several years, yet knew almost nothing about his background, except that he had once worked at Manchester University and lived in Swinton. Douglas was more expansive about his academic pursuits. More than anyone I have known, he fitted that epithet „widely read‟. Above all, he liked expounding on the subject of the practitioners of economic history. As he sometimes explained to me, what he was attempting in the Bio-Bibliography was to provide information on economic historians throughout the world, but especially the great figures of the past – the individuals that Douglas regarded as the „founders of the discipline‟. Characteristically, Douglas was too modest to place himself on any roster of distinguished historians, so much so that previous 3 editions of the Bio-Bibliography hardly mentioned his own work. One of the sad ironies of this fifth edition is that I have been able, to some extent, to rectify that omission. In the first edition, Douglas apologised „to those whose names have been omitted‟. I can only repeat that apology. We have tried to make the Bio-Bibliography as comprehensive and as international as possible, but inevitably many individuals will have been missed. If so, it is by accident (and our own ignorance) rather than by design. Inclusion in this list is not meant as a mark of commendation. Where possible, we have tried to provide a book title or descriptive comment, but unfortunately not enough time has been available to do this for each individual. Before his death, Douglas made extensive additions to the listing of books and articles for each entry – all of which I have been able to insert from our common copy. One thing I did not have – and which Douglas was completing alone – was a list of the many individuals who had helped him with the project over the years. The acknowledgements for this final edition must, therefore, remain sparse. However, David Jeremy provided information and advice in the UK, not least in publishing the first directory of business historians. John Lyons was helpful in advising on the American economic history scene. The research division at MMUBS must also be thanked for providing key facilities and research time for this project. It was here that Douglas in his retirement found a new academic home and the title of professor – something never accorded him at Manchester University, despite his classic contributions to the history of the Lancashire cotton industry. Geoff Tweedale Manchester Metropolitan University Business School 24 March 2009 4 KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS Note: The place of publication of all sources cited is London, unless otherwise indicated. * Contains additional references. ADBO Australian Dictionary of Biography Online http://www.adb.online.anu.edu.au/adbonline.htm AER American Economic Review, 1911-. AgHR Agricultural History Review, 1953-. AGM Mazour, A.G. , Modern Russian Historiography (Westport: Conn, 1939, 1975). AGM2 Mazour, A.G., The Writing of History in the Soviet Union (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1971). AH Agricultural History, 1927-. AHAP American Historical Association Perspectives, 1981- AHC Cole, A.H. The Birth of a New Social Science Discipline: Achievements of the First Generation of American Economic and Business Historians, 1893-1974 (New York, 1974). AHD Aplin, G., Foster, S.G. and McKernan, M, (eds.) Australians. A Historical Dictionary (Broadway, N.S.W., 1987). AHR American Historical Review, 1936-1980. (See also AHAP.) AJT Toynbee, A.J. Acquaintances (Oxford, 1967). AK Kadish, A. Historians, Economists and Economic History (1989). ALR Rowse, A.L. Historians I Have Known (1995). ANB Garraty, J.A. and Carnes, M.C. (eds.), American National Biography (New York, 1999, 24 vols.). 5 ANN Annales d‟Histoire Économique et Sociale (1929-1938), changing its title to Annales d‟Histoire Sociale (1939-1945), to Annales: Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations (1946-1993) and from 1994 to Annales: Histoire, Science Sociales. APU Lambie, J.T. (ed.), Architects and Craftsmen in History. Festschrift für Abbott Payton Usher (Tübingen, 1956). AWW Academic Who‟s Who, 1975-1976 (1976) with 7,000 entries or 2,000 more than 1973-1974 edition. BBL Jeremy, D.J. & Tweedale, G. (eds.), Dictionary of Twentieth Century British Business Leaders (1994). BD Gannon, Francis X. Biographical Dictionary of the Left (Boston, 3 vols., 1969, 1971, 1972). BDDE Arestis, P., Sawyer, M. (eds), A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists (Aldershot, Elgar, 1992). BDAE Emmett, Ross B. (ed.), The Biographical Dictionary of American Economists (Thoemmes, 2006, 2 vols). BDH Cannon, J., Davis, R.H.C., Doyle, W., and Greene, J.P. (eds.), The Blackwell Dictionary of Historians (1988). BDSU Vronskaya, Jeanne & Chugnev, V., A Biographical Dictionary of the Soviet Union, 1917-1988 (Sevenoaks, 1989). BES Schmitt, B.E. (ed.), Some Historians of Modern Europe (Chicago, 1942). 6 BH Business History, 1958-. BHDE Röder, W. and . Strauss, H.A ( eds.), Biographisches Handbuch der Deutschsprächigen Emigration nach 1933 (Munchen, Saur, 1980-1983, 4 vols). BHR Business History Review, 1926-. BM Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 1955-. BN Biographie Nationale (Brussels, 1866 – 1985, 44 vols.). BNL Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, 1979 - BPD Banglapedia: The National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh (Dacca, 2006). Online: http://banglapedia.org/ BS Semmel, B., Imperialism and Social Reform. English Social – Imperial Thought, 1895 – 1914 (1960). CA/CAP/CANR Contemporary Authors / Permanent Series /New Revision Series (Detroit, 1967 – 1999, listing 101,000 names in 248 vols.). CAO Contemporary Authors Online, (Thomson Gale, 2005). http://galenet.galegroup.com CB Shattock, Joanne (ed.), The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, vol. 4, 1800 – 1900 (Cambridge, 1999, 3rd edition), 2465- 2514, “Political Economy”. CGS Epstein, Catherine, A Past Renewed. A Catalogue of German-Speaking Refugee Historians in the United States after 1933 (Washington, D.C., 1993). CHWW Hancock, W.K. (general editor), History of the Second World War. UK Civil Series, 1949-1962 (26 vols). 7 CSN Newsletter of the Cliometric Society, vols. 5 – 22, 1990 – 2007. CSSH Comparative Studies in Society and History, 1958- DAB/DAB, S Dictionary of American Biography, Supplement (New York, 1928 – 1981, 28 vols.). DAF Farnie, D.A., „Three Historians of the Cotton Industry…‟ Textile History, 9, 1978, 75 – 89. DBE Rutherford, D. (ed.), Dictionary of British Economists (2004, 2 vols.). DBF Dictionnaire de Biographie Française (Paris, 1933 – 2000, 18 vols.). DGB Killy, W, and Vierhaus, R. (eds-in-chief), Dictionary of German Biography (Munich, Saur, 2001-2006, 10 vols). DJS Singal, D.J., The War Within. From Victorian to Modernist Thought in the South, 1919-1945 (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1982). DLAB Saville, John, Bellamy, Joyce, and Martin, D.E., (eds.), Dictionary of Labour Biography (1972 – 2000, 10 vols.). DLB Dictionary of Literary Biography 17, Twentieth Century American Historians (Detroit, 1983). Dictionary of Literary Biography 47, American Historians, 1866 – 1912 (Detroit 1987). DNB Dictionary of National Biography, 1885 – 1996, 33 vols. DNM Gorman, R.A., (ed.) Biographical Dictionary of Neo-Marxism (Westport, Conn., 2 vols., 1985, 1986). DPE Higgs, H., (ed.), Palgrave‟s Dictionary of Political Economy (1925, 3 vols). DPT Debrett‟s People of Today, 2001 (14th edition). DS Dizionario di Storiografia (Milan, 1996), by the courtesy of Paolo Malanima, of Catanzaro, Calabria. DSAB De Kock, W.J., Beyers, C.J. and Basson, J.L., (eds.) Dictionary of South African Biography (Pretoria, 1968 – 1987, 5 vols.). DSB Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York, 1975 – 1981, 18 vols.). DWE Dimand, R.W., Dimand, Mary A. & Forget, Evelyn L., (eds). A Biographical Dictionary of Women Economists (Cheltenham, 2000). 8 EA Economic Affairs. Journal of the Institute of Economic Affairs, 1980- EcHR Economic History Review, 1927.
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