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Download Download OPEN ACCESS The Journal of Threatened Taxa fs dedfcated to bufldfng evfdence for conservafon globally by publfshfng peer-revfewed arfcles onlfne every month at a reasonably rapfd rate at . All arfcles publfshed fn JoTT are regfstered under Creafve Commons Atrfbufon 4.0 Internafonal Lfcense unless otherwfse menfoned. JoTT allows unrestrfcted use of arfcles fn any medfum, reproducfon, and dfstrfbufon by provfdfng adequate credft to the authors and the source of publfcafon. Journal of Threatened Taxa Bufldfng evfdence for conservafon globally ISSN 0974-7907 (Onlfne) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnt) Note Efght new records of the famfly Erebfdae (Lepfdoptera: Noctuofdea) from Indfa Jagbfr Sfngh Kfrf, Navneet Sfngh & Harkanwal Sfngh 26 July 2017 | Vol. 9| No. 7 | Pp. 10480–10486 10.11609/jot. 3690 .9. 7. 10480–10486 For Focus, Scope, Afms, Polfcfes and Gufdelfnes vfsft htp:// For Arfcle Submfssfon Gufdelfnes vfsft htp:// For Polfcfes agafnst Scfenffc Mfsconduct vfsft htp:// For reprfnts contact <[email protected]> Publfsher/Host Partner Threatened Taxa Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10480–10486 Note Erebfdae, undoubtedly a Efght new records of the famfly Erebfdae well-defned group of moths, fs (Lepfdoptera: Noctuofdea) from Indfa the largest famfly of the order 1 2 3 ISSN 0974-7907 (Onlfne) Lepfdoptera. Globally, ft fs known Jagbfr Sfngh Kfrf , Navneet Sfngh & Harkanwal Sfngh ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnt) by approxfmately 24,500 descrfbed 1 specfes under 1750 genera Department of Zoology & Envfronmental Scfences, Punjabf Unfversfty, Pafala, NH 64, Urban Estate Phase II, Pafala Dfstrfct, OPEN ACCESS (Nfeukerken et al. 2011) and 18 Punjab 147002, Indfa subfamflfes: Scolfopterygfnae, 2 Zoologfcal Survey of Indfa,Gangefc Plafns Regfonal Centre, Sector-8, Rfvulfnae, Anobfnae, Hypenfnae, Bahadurpur Housfng Colony, Patna, Bfhar 800026, Indfa 3 Department of Zoology, S.D. College, Barnala, Punjab 148101, Indfa Lymantrffnae, Pangrapfnae, 1 [email protected] , 2 [email protected] (correspondfng Hermfnffnae, Aganafnae, Arcffnae, Calpfnae, author), 3 [email protected] Hypocalfnae, Eulepfdofnae, Toxocampfnae, Tfnolffnae, Scolecocampfnae, Hypenodfnae, Boletobffnae and Erebfnae (Zahfrf et al. 2012). Famfly Erebfdae fs of fmmense economfc fmportance as ft fncludes a large length, remarks, materfal examfned and dfstrfbufon number of major and mfnor pest specfes fn fts fold. fs gfven whereas, frst reference and name of the type The caterpfllars of varfous specfes atack dfferent specfes fs provfded for the respecfve genus. agrfcultural crops, forest trees and ornamental plants. These moths and thefr fmmature stages occupy a varfety Materfals & Methods of nfches, such as external folfage feeders on trees, forbs The studfed materfal was collected usfng lfght traps or grasses and are known by dfferent names such as from dfferent localffes menfoned under materfal subsurface cut worms, army worms, boll worms, stem examfned. The collected moths were kflled wfth the help borers, bud feeders, etc. The huge losses caused by of ethyl acetate vapours and processed as per standard thefr larvae are counted fn terms of mfllfons of rupees technfques fn Lepfdopterology. The wfng venafon every year whfch farmers spend for thefr control. Thus, and genftal studfes have been done by followfng Klots the dfstrfbufonal knowledge of such an economfcally (1970), Robfnson (1976), and Zfmmerman (1978). The fmportant group of fnsects fs vftal for the economy of fdenffcafon was done wfth the help of relevant lfterature any country, agrfculture sector and for mankfnd as a (Hampson 1894; Holloway 2005). Furthermore, the whole. reported specfes of Indfan Erebfdae have been verffed The present communfcafon deals wfth the new from the followfng publfshed works: Hampson (1891, addffons of efght specfes to the known Indfan fauna of 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899a,b,c, 1900, Erebfdae. All the newly reported specfes are dfstrfbuted 1902, 1903, 1904, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, fn northeastern Indfa. For each of the newly reported 1913, 1913a,b, 1914, 1918, 1920, 1922, 1924, 1926), specfes: frst and latest reference, dfagnosfs, wfng Rose (2002), Srfvastava (2002), Smetacek (2008), Zaspel DOI : htp:// 10480-10486 | ZooBank: Edftor: Anonymfty requested. Date of publfcafon: 26 July 2017 (onlfne & prfnt) Manuscrfpt detafls: Ms # 3690 | Recefved 10 December 2016 | Ffnal recefved 18 May 2017 | Ffnally accepted 13 June 2017 Cftafon: Kfrf, J.S., N. Sfngh & H. Sfngh (2017). Efght new records of the famfly Erebfdae (Lepfdoptera: Noctuofdea) from Indfa . Journal of Threatened Taxa 9(7): 10480–10486 ; htp:// 10480-10486 Copyrfght: © Kfrf et al. 2017 . Creafve Commons Atrfbufon 4.0 Internafonal Lfcense. JoTT allows unrestrfcted use of thfs arfcle fn any medfum, reproducfon and dfstrfbufon by provfdfng adequate credft to the authors and the source of publfcafon. Fundfng: UGC, New Delhf fn form of MANF to Harkanwal Sfngh (40-116/(M/S)/2009(SA-III/MANF) dated 08/01/2011). Compefng fnterests: The authors declare no compefng fnterests. Acknowledgements: The authors are thankful to thefr respecfve admfnfstrafve authorffes for thefr kfnd support and for provfdfng the necessary facflffes to carry out thfs research work. 10480 Eight new records of Erebidae from India Kirti et al. & Branham (2008), Gurule et al. (2011), Sivasankaran et © Harkanwal Singh al. (2012), Gurule & Nigam (2013), Kirti & Singh (2013), and Singh et al. (2014). All the voucher specimens of the newly recorded species are deposited in the Department of Zoology & Environmental Sciences, Punjabi University, Patiala (PUP/ZOO). Abbreviations used: AED - Aedeagus, ANT.APO - Anterior apophyses, CRP.BU - Corpus bursae, DU.BU - Ductus bursae, VLV - Valva, PAP.A - Papilla anales, PO.APO - Posterior apophyses, TG - Tegumen, UN - Uncus, VES - Vesica, VIN - Vinculum, JX - Juxta. 1 Results and Discussion Family: Erebidae Subfamily: Erebinae Genus Ischyja Hübner Hübner, 1823; Verz. bekannt. Schmett.: 265. Type species: Phalaena manlia Cramer. Ischyja hagenii (Snellen, 1885) (Images 1,2,3) Potamorpha hagenii Snellen, 1885; Tijdschr. Ent., 28: 6 Ischyja hagenii (Snellen, 1855); Kononenko & Pinratana (2005), Moths of Thailand 3: 106 2 3 Material Examined: PUP/ZOO/HAR/R-840, 13. Images 1–3. Ischyja hagenii (PUP/ZOO/HAR/R-840) ix.2012, 1 male, Mizoram: Mamit (23.92916667 N & 92.49055556 E, elevation 875m). Diagnosis: Male genitalia with uncus swollen at tip, followed by a claw; juxta flask like; valvae robust with broad base, narrow beyond the basal half; vesica with small sclerotizations and spines as well as scobination. Forewing length: 41mm. Remarks: This species is distinct from its closely similar species Ischyja anna Swinhoe by the following characters: second segment of labial palpi is dark brown below, an ovate mark on forewing dorsum and a much broader blue band on the hindwing (in hagenii second 4 segment of labial palpi is pale blue, forewing mark is © Harkanwal Singh angular and blue band of hindwing is narrow) Distribution: India (Mizoram), Thailand, peninsular Malaysia, Indonesia (Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Lombok). Genus Ophisma Guenée Guenée, 1852; in Boisduval & Guenée. Hist. nat. Ins. 7: 236. Type species: Ophisma gravata Guenée. Ophisma pallescens (Walker, [1863] 1864) (Images 4,5) 5 Lagoptera pallescens Walker, [1863] 1864; J. Proc. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), 7: 179. Images 4–5. Ophisma pallescens (PUP/ZOO/HAR/R-843) Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10480–10486 10481 Eight new records of Erebidae from India Kirti et al. Ophisma pallescens (Walker, [1863] 1864); genitalia with ductus bursae small, strongly sclerotized; Kononenko & Pinratana (2005), Moths of Thailand, 3: corpus bursae elongated, weakly sclerotized. 34. Forewing length: 25mm. Material Examined: PUP/ZOO/HAR/R-843, Remarks: According to Holloway (2005) the species 12.ix.2012, 1 male, Mizoram: Mamit (23.92916667 N & is non-congeneric with Serrodes and may be related to 92.49055556 E, elevation 875m). Avatha bipartita Wileman (Taiwan); however, due to Diagnosis: Forewing pale brownish-grey, slightly lack of voucher specimens of related species we are falcate; the reniform and orbicular outlined with black. following Holloway (2005). Hindwing pale yellow, with a submarginal black band, Distribution: India (Mizoram), Indonesia (Java, broadest at apex and narrowing to a point at anal angle. Borneo, Sumatra, Sulawesi), New Guinea, Thailand. Female genitalia with papilla anales rectangular, setosed with long and small setae; posterior apophyses longer Subfamily Herminiinae than the anterior apophyses; ductus bursae strongly Genus Simplicia Guenée curved, slender, long and sclerotized; corpus bursae Guenée, 1854; in Boisduval & Guenée. Hist. nat. irregular, pyriform with a small patch of sclerotization Ins. 8: 15. and lower half membranous. Type species: Herminia rectalis Eversmann. Forewing length: 44mm. Remarks: The second known species of this genus, Simplicia bimarginata (Walker, [1863], 1864) O. gravata Guenée is much smaller in size than O. (Images 8,9,10) pallescens. Culicula bimarginata Walker, [1863], 1864; J. Proc. Distribution: India (Mizoram), Thailand, peninsular Linn. Soc.
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