CHICAGOLAWBULLETIN.COM FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 ® Volume 164, No. 175 Serving Chicago’s legal community for 163 years K i n g s l e y. I t’s not that his performance as ‘Operation Finale’ Eichmann is subpar. As one ex- pects, Kingsley is exemplary. I t’s that through Kingsley Eich- mann is presented as a dignified, spy thriller has a Ben RE B E C CA dedicated family man, proud of L. FORD his contribution to the war effort —not majestic, but certainly m a g i s t e r i a l . Kingsley problem Rebecca L. Ford is counsel to Scharf A one-dimensional portrayal Banks Marmor LLC, and concentrates her that set up Eichmann as a straw practice on complex litigation, compliance, villain without providing insight board governance and specialized War criminal written as dynamic character; employment issues. She is the former into his perspective would have executive vice president for litigation and killed the film dramatically. film exchanges accuracy for heroism, drama intellectual property at MGM. She can be But with Kingsley in the role, reached at
[email protected]. Eichmann is portrayed as a sly fox, a verbal fencer, a worthy op- annah Arendt, the mid- by Chris Weitz (“Rogue One: A ponent in a cat-and-mouse game century philosopher Star Wars Story”), based on Eich- Isaac, who resembles a young with his Mossad interrogators. and Holocaust refugee, m a n n’s May 1960 capture by Is- Omar Sharif, has become a go-to According to Arendt’s now-fa- conceived her theory of raeli intelligence agents.