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Anderko A 2010 Modeling of Aqueous Corrosion. In: Richardson J A et al. (eds.) Shreir’s Corrosion, volume 2, pp. 1585-1629 Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Author’s personal copy

2.38 Modeling of Aqueous Corrosion

A. Anderko OLI Systems Inc., 108 American Road, Morris Plains, NJ 07950, USA

ß 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

2.38.1 Introduction 1586 2.38.2 Thermodynamic Modeling of Aqueous Corrosion 1587 Computation of Standard-State Chemical Potentials 1588 Computation of Activity Coefficients 1588 Electrochemical Stability Diagrams 1591 Diagrams at elevated temperatures 1594 Effect of multiple active species 1594 Diagrams for nonideal solutions 1595 Diagrams for alloys 1596 Potential–concentration diagrams 1597 Chemical Equilibrium Computations 1597 Problems of Metastability 1599 2.38.3 Modeling the Kinetics of Aqueous Corrosion 1600 Kinetics of Charge-Transfer Reactions 1601 Modeling Adsorption Phenomena 1604 Partial Electrochemical Reactions 1605 Anodic reactions 1605 Cathodic reactions 1607 Temperature dependence 1609 Modeling Mass Transport Using Mass Transfer Coefficients 1609 Example of electrochemical modeling of general corrosion 1611 Detailed Modeling of Mass Transport 1611 Effect of the presence of porous media 1614 Active–Passive Transition and Dissolution in the Passive State 1614 Scaling Effects 1618 Modeling Threshold Conditions for Localized Corrosion 1620 Breakdown of passivity 1621 Repassivation potential and its use to predict localized corrosion 1622 Selected Practical Applications of Aqueous Corrosion Modeling 1624 2.38.4 Concluding Remarks 1626

References 1626

UNIFAC Universal functional activity coefficient Abbreviations (equation) CCT Critical crevice temperature UNIQUAC Universal quasi-chemical (equation) CR Corrosion rate HKF Helgeson–Kirkham–Flowers equation of state Me Metal MSA Mean spherical approximation Symbols NRTL Nonrandom two-liquid (equation) ai Activity of species i Ox Oxidized form A Surface area Re Reduced form Aij Surface interaction coefficient for species i and j SHE Standard hydrogen electrode b Tafel coefficient using decimal logarithms

1585 Shreir’s Corrosion, Fourth Edition (2010), vol. 2, pp. 1585-1629

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1586 Modeling Corrosion

ci,b Bulk molar concentration of species i Sh Sherwood number ci,s Surface molar concentration of species i t Time

Cp Heat capacity at constant pressure T Temperature

d Characteristic dimension u Mobility of species i i Di Diffusion coefficientsta of species i vi Rate of reaction i Dt Turbulent diffusion coefficient V Linear velocity e z Direction perpendicular to the surface

E Potential zi Charge of species i Eb Passivity breakdown potential a Thermal diffusivity

Ecorr Corrosion potential ai Electrochemical transfer coefficient for species i

Ecrit Critical potential for localized corrosion b Tafel coefficient using natural logarithms Erp Repassivation potential gi Activity coefficient of species i

E0 Equilibrium potential di Nernst layer thickness for species i

f Friction factor DG Gibbs energy of adsorption for species i ads,i D 6¼ fi Fugacity of species i H Enthalpy of activation F constant DF Potential drop Gex Excess Gibbs energy e Dielectric permittivity

i Current density h Dynamic viscosity ia Anodic current density ui Coverage fraction of species i

ia,ct Charge-transfer contribution to the anodic uP Coverage fraction of passive layer

current density l Thermal conductivity ia,L Limiting anodic current density mi Chemical potential of species i 0 ic Cathodic current density mi Standard chemical potential

i Charge-transfer contribution to the cathodic m Electrochemical potential of species i c,ct i current density n Kinematic viscosity ic,L Limiting cathodic current density ni Stoichiometric coefficient of species i i Corrosion current density r Density corr ip Passive current density F Electrical potential irp Current density limit for measuring repassivation ji Electrochemical transfer coefficient for reaction i potential v Rotation rate r i0 Exchange current density Vector differential operator * i Concentration-independent coefficient in X Surface species X expressions for exchange current density

J Flux of species i i kads Adsorption rate constant 2.38.1 Introduction kdes Desorption rate constant

ki Reaction rate constant for reaction i Aqueous corrosion is an extremely complex physical km ,i Mass transfer coefficient for species i K Equilibrium constant phenomenon that depends on a multitude of factors including the metallurgy of the corroding metal, the Kads Adsorption equilibrium constant chemistry of the corrosion-inducing aqueous phase, Ksp Solubility product the presence of other – solid, gaseous, or nonaqueous li Reaction rate for ith reaction liquid – phases, environmental constraints such as mi Molality of species i temperature and pressure, fluid flow characteristics, m0 Standard molality of species i methods of fabrication, geometrical factors, and con- ni Number of moles of species or Nu Nusselt number struction features. This inherent complexity makes Pr Prandtl number the development of realistic physical models very challenging and, at the same time, provides a strong R Gas constant incentive for the development of practical models to Rk Rate of production or depletion of species k Re Reynolds number understand the corrosion phenomena, and to assist in S Supersaturation their mitigation. The need for tools for simulating Sc Schmidt number aqueous corrosion has been recognized in various industries including oil and gas production and

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transmission, oil refining, nuclear and fossil power gen- which phases are stable on a two-dimensional plane eration, chemical processing, infrastructure mainte- as a function of the potential and pH. The potential nance, hazardous waste management, and so on. The and pH were originally selected because they play a pastthree decades have witnessed the development of key role as independent variables in electrochemical increasingly sophisticated modeling tools, which has corrosion. Just as importantly, they made it possible been made possible by the synergistic combination of to construct the stability diagrams in a semianalytical improved understanding of corrosion mechanisms and way, which was crucial before the advent of computer rapid evolution of computational tools. calculations. Over the past four decades, great prog-

Corrosion modeling is an interdisciplinary under- ress has been achieved in the thermodynamics of taking that requires input from electrolyte thermo- electrolyte systems, in particular for concentrated, dynamics, surface , fluid flow and mixed-solvent, and high temperature systems. These mass transport modeling, and metallurgy. In this advances made it possible to improve the accuracy of chapter, we put particular emphasis on corrosion the stability diagrams and, at the same time, increased chemistry by focusing on modeling both the bulk the flexibility of thermodynamic analysis so that it can E environment and the reactions at the corroding inter- go well beyond the –pH plane. face. The models that are reviewed in this chapter are The basic objective of the thermodynamics of intended to answer the following questions: corrosion is to predict the conditions at which a given metal may react with a given environment, leading to 1. What are the aqueous and solid species that give rise to corrosion in a particular system? What are their the formation of dissolved ions or solid reaction pro- thermophysical properties, and what phase behavior ducts. Thermodynamics can predict the properties of the system in equilibrium or, if equilibrium is not can be expected in the system? These questions can be answered by thermodynamic models. achieved, it can predict the direction in which the 2. What are the reactions that are responsible for system will move towards an equilibrium state. Thermodynamics does not provide any information corrosion at the interface? How are they influ- enced by the bulk solution chemistry and by flow on how rapidly the system will approach equilibrium, conditions? How can passivity and formation of and, therefore, it cannot give the rate of corrosion. The general condition of thermodynamic equilib- solid corrosion products be related to environ- mental conditions? How can the interfacial phe- rium is the equality of the electrochemical potential, 2 nomena be related to observable corrosion rates? mi in coexisting phases, that is,

These questions belong to the realm of electro- 0 mi ¼ mi þ zi Ff ¼ mi þ RT ln ai þ zi Ff ½1 chemical kinetics and mass transport models. i 0 3. What conditions need to be satisfied for the where mi is the chemical potential of species ; mi , its initiation and long-term occurrence of localized a standard chemical potential; i, the activity of the corrosion? This question can be answered by elec- species; zi, its charge; F, the ; and f trochemical models of localized corrosion. is the electrical potential. The standard chemical

These models can be further used as a foundation for potential is a function of the temperature and, sec- larger-scale models for the spatial and temporal evo- ondarily, pressure. The activity depends on the tem- lution of systems and engineering structures subject perature and solution composition and, to a lesser to localized and general corrosion. Also, they can be extent, on pressure. The activity is typically defined m combined with probabilistic and expert system-type in terms of solution molality i, models of corrosion. Models of such kinds are, how- 0 ai ¼ðmi =m Þgi ½2 ever, outside the scope of this review, and will be discussed in companion chapters. where m0 is the standard molality unit (1 mol kg 1

H2O), and gi is the activity coefficient. It should be 2.38.2 Thermodynamic Modeling of noted that the molality basis for species activity Aqueous Corrosion becomes inconvenient for concentrated solutions because molality diverges to infinity as the concentra-

Historically, the first comprehensive approach to tion increases to the pure solute limit. Therefore, the modeling aqueous corrosion was introduced by Pour- mole fraction basis is more generally applicable for baix in the 1950s and 1960s on the basis of purely calculating activities.3 Nevertheless, molality remains thermodynamic considerations.1 Pourbaix1 devel- the most common concentration unit for aqueous oped the E–pH stability diagrams, which indicate systems and is used here for illustrative purposes.

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0 Computation of mi and gi is the central subject in possible to predict the temperature dependence of electrolyte thermodynamics. Numerous methods, the standard chemical potential. with various ranges of applicability, have been A comprehensive methodology for calculating developed over the past several decades for their the standard chemical potential was developed by et al. et al 22 computation. Several comprehensive reviews of the Helgeson (Helgeson ., Tanger and 4 23 available models are available (Zemaitis et al., Helgeson ). This methodology is based on a semi- Renon, 5 Pitzer,6 Rafal et al.,7 Loehe and Donohue,8 empirical treatment of ion solvation, and results in an Anderko et al.3). In the next section, the current status equation of state for the temperature and pressure 0 of modeling mi and gi is outlined as it applies to the dependence of the standard molal heat capacities thermodynamics of corrosion. and volumes. Subsequently, the heat capacities and volumes are used to arrive at a comprehensive equation

of state for standard molal Gibbs energy and, hence, the Computation of Standard-State standard chemical potential. The method is referred to Chemical Potentials as the HKF (Helgeson–Kirkham–Flowers) equation of

The computation of the standard chemical potential state. An important advantage of the HKF equation is 0 mi requires the knowledge of thermochemical data the availability of its parameters for a large number of including ionic and neutral species (Shock and Helgeson,16 Shock et al.,18 Sverjensky et al.24). Also, correlations 1. Gibbs energy of formation of species i at reference exist for the estimation of the parameters for species conditions (298.15 K and 1 bar). for which little experimental information is available. 2. Entropy or, alternatively, enthalpy of formation at The HKFequation of state has been implemented both reference conditions. in publicly available codes (Johnson et al.25) and in 3. Heat capacity and volume as a function of temper- commercial programs. A different equation of state ature and pressure. for standard-state properties has been developed on Fornumerous species, these values are available in the basis of fluctuation solution theory (Sedlbauer 9 10 26 27 various compilations (Chase et al., Barin and Platzki, et al., Sedlbauer and Majer ). This equation offers Cox et al.,11 Glushko et al.,12 Gurvich et al.,13 Kelly,14 improvement over HKF for nonionic solutes and in the Robie et al.,15 Shock and Helgeson,16 Shock et al.,17,18 near-critical region. However, the HKF remains as the et al 19 et al 20 Stull ., Wagman ., and others). In general, most widely accepted model for ionic solutes. thermochemical data are most abundant at near- ambient conditions, and their availability becomes Computation of Activity more limited at elevated temperatures. Coefficients In the case of individual solid species, the chemi- In real solutions, the activity coefficients of spe- cal potential can be computed directly from tabulated cies deviate from unity because of a variety of thermochemical properties according to the standard ionic interaction phenomena, including long-range thermodynamics.2 In the case of ions and aqueous Coulombic interactions, specific ion–ion interactions, neutral species, the thermochemical properties listed solvation phenomena, and short-range interactions above are standard partial molar properties rather between uncharged and charged species. Therefore, than the properties of pure components. The standard a practically-oriented activity coefficient model must partial molar properties are defined at infinite dilution represent a certain compromise between physical in water. The temperature and pressure dependence of reality and computational expediency. the partial molar heat capacity and the volume of ions The treatment of solution chemistry is a particu- and neutral aqueous species are quite complex because larly important feature of an electrolyte model. Here, they are manifestations of the solvation of species, the term ‘solution chemistry’ encompasses ionic dis- which is influenced by electrostatic and structural sociation, ion pair formation, hydrolysis of metal ions, factors. Therefore, the computation of these quantities formation of metal–ligand complexes, acid–base requires a realistic physical model. reactions, and so on. The available electrolyte models An early approach to calculating the chemical can be grouped in three classes: potential of aqueous species as a function of temper- ature is the entropy correspondence principle of 1. models that treat electrolytes on an undissociated Criss and Cobble.21 In this approach, heat capacities basis, of various types of ions were correlated with the 2. models that assume complete dissociation of all reference-state entropies of ions, thus making it electrolytes into constituent ions, and

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3. speciation-based models, which explicitly treat the coefficients was developed by Debye and Hu¨ckel30 by

solution chemistry. considering the long-range electrostatic interactions of ions in a dielectric continuum. The Debye–Hu¨ckelthe- The models that treat electrolytes as undissociated ory predicts the activity coefficients as a function of the components are analogous to nonelectrolyte mixture ionic charge and dielectric constant and density of models. They are particularly suitable for supercriti- the solvent. It reflects only electrostatic effects and, cal and high temperature systems, in which ion pairs therefore, excludes all specific ionic interactions. There- predominate. Although this approach may also be fore, its range of applicability is limited to 0.01 M for used for phase equilibrium computations at moderate typical systems. Several modifications of the Debye– conditions (e.g., Kolker et al.28), it is not suitable for Hu¨ckel theory have been proposed over the past several corrosion modeling because it ignores the existence decades. The most successful modification was devel- 29 of ions. The models that assume complete dissocia- oped by Pitzer who considered hard-core effects tion are the largest class of models for electrolytes on electrostatic interactions. A more comprehensive at typical conditions. Compared with the models treatment of the long-range electrostatic interactions that treat electrolytes as undissociated or completely can be obtained from the mean-spherical approxima- 31,32 dissociated, the speciation-based models are more tion (MSA) theory, which provides a semianalyti- computationally demanding because of the need to cal solution for ions of different sizes in a dielectric solve multiple reactions and phase equilibria. Another continuum. The MSA theory results in a better pre- fundamental difficulty associated with the use of spe- diction of the long-range contribution to activity coef- ciation models lies in the need to define and charac- ficients at somewhat higher electrolyte concentrations. terize the species that are likely to exist in the system. The long-range electrostatic term provides a base-

In many cases, individual species can be clearly line for constructing models that are valid for elec- defined and experimentally verified in relatively trolytes at concentrations that are important in dilute solutions. At high concentrations, the chemical practice. In most practically-oriented electrolyte identity of individual species (e.g., ion pairs or com- models, the solution nonideality is defined by the ex plexes) becomes ambiguous because a given ion has excess Gibbs energy G . The excess Gibbs energy multiple neighbors of opposite sign, and, thus, many is calculated as a sum of the long-range term and one species lose their distinct chemical character. There- or more terms that represent ion–ion, ion–molecule, fore, the application of speciation models to concen- and molecule–molecule interactions: trated solutions requires a careful analysis to separate Gex ¼ Gex þ Gex þ ½3 the chemical effects from physical nonideality effects. long-range specific

It should be noted that, as long as only phase where the long-range contribution is usually calcu- equilibrium computations are of interest, comparable lated either from the Debye–Hu¨ckel or the MSA results could be obtained with models that belong to theory, and the specific interaction term(s) repre- sent(s) all other interactions in an electrolyte solu- various classes. For example, the overall activity coef- ficients and vapor–liquid equilibria of many transi- tion. Subsequently, the activity coefficients are tion metal halide solutions, which show appreciable calculated according to standard thermodynamics2 as complexation, can be reasonably reproduced using 1 @Gex 29 ¼ ½ Pitzer’s ion-interaction approach without taking ln gi 4 RT @ni T;P;n speciation into account. However, it is important to j 6¼i include speciation effects for modeling the thermody- Table 1 lists a number of activity coefficient models namics of aqueous corrosion. This is due to the fact that have been proposed in the literature, and shows that the presence of individual hydrolyzed forms, the nature of the specific interaction terms that have aqueous complexes, and so on is often crucial for the been adopted. In general, these models can be sub- dissolution of metals and metal oxides. It should be divided into two classes: noted that activity coefficients of individual species 1. models for aqueous systems; in special cases, such are different in fully speciated models than in models models can also be used for other solvents as long that treat speciation in a simplified way. Therefore, it is as the system contains a single solvent; important to use activity coefficients that have been 2. mixed-solvent electrolyte models, which allow determined in a fully consistent way, that is, by assum- multiple solvents as well as multiple solutes. ing the appropriate chemical species in the solution. The theory of liquid-phase nonideality is well- The aqueous electrolyte models incorporate various established for dilute solutions. A limiting law for activity ion interaction terms, which are usually defined

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Table 1 Summary of representative models for calculating activity coefficients in electrolyte systems

Reference Terms Features

Aqueous (or single-solvent) electrolyte models Debye and Hu¨ ckel30 Long-range Limiting law valid for very dilute solutions Guggenheim 33,34 Long-range þ ion interaction Simple ion interaction term to extend the Debye–Hu¨ ckel limiting law; applicable to fairly dilute solutions Helgeson 35 Long-range þ ion interaction Ion interaction term to extend the limiting law; applicable to

fairly dilute solutions 29 þ Pitzer Long-range ion interaction Ionic strength-dependent virial coefficient-type ion interaction term; revised Debye–Hu¨ ckel limiting law; applicable to moderately concentrated solutions (6m) 36 Bromley Long range þ ion interaction Ionic strength dependent ion interaction term; applicable to moderately concentrated solutions (6m) Zemaitis 37 Long-range þ ion interaction Modification of the model of Bromley36 to increase applicability range with respect to ionic strength Meissner 38 One-parameter correlation as a Generalized correlation to calculate activities based on a function of ionic strength limited amount of experimental information Pitzer and Long-range þ ion interaction Mole fraction-based expansion used for the ion interaction Simonson, 39 Clegg term; applicable to concentrated systems up to the fused

and Pitzer40 salt limit

Mixed-solvent electrolyte models 41 Chen et al. Long-range þ short-range Local-composition (NRTL) short-range term 42 41 Liu and Watanasiri Long-range þ short- Modification of the model of Chen et al. using a range þ electrostatic solvation Guggenheim-type ion interaction term for systems with two (Born) þ ion interaction liquid phases Abovsky et al.43 Long-range þ short-range Modification of the model of Chen et al.41 using concentration-dependent NRTL parameters to extend applicability range with respect to electrolyte concentration Chen et al.44 Long-range þ short-range þ ion Modification of the model of Chen et al.41 using an analytical

hydration ion hydration term to extend applicability with respect to

electrolyte concentration 45 þ 41 Chen and Song Long-range short- Modification of the model of Chen et al. by introducing range þ electrostatic solvation segment interactions for organic molecules (Born) Sander et al.46 Long-range þ short-range Local composition model (UNIQUAC) with concentration- dependent parameters used for short-range term Macedo et al.47 Long-range þ short-range Local composition model (UNIQUAC) with concentration- dependent parameters used for short-range term Kikic et al.48 Long-range þ short range Local composition group contribution model (UNIFAC) used for short-range term Dahl and Macedo49 Short-range Undissociated basis; no long-range contribution; group

contribution model (UNIFAC) used for short-range term 50 þ Iliuta et al. Long-range short-range Local composition (UNIQUAC) model used for short-range term 31 Wu and Lee Extended long-range (MSA) Mean-spherical approximation (MSA) theory used for the long-range term Li et al .51 Long range þ ion interaction þ short Virial-type form used for the ion interaction term; local range composition used for short-range term Yan et al.52 Long-range þ ion interaction þ short Group contribution models used for both the ion interaction range term and short-range term (UNIFAC) Zerres and Long-range þ short range þ ion Van Laar model used for short-range term; stepwise ion Prausnitz53 solvation solvation model Kolker et al.28 Short-range Undissociated basis; no long-range contribution

Wang et al.54,55 Long range þ ion interaction þ short Ionic strength-dependent virial expansion-type ion

range interaction term; local composition (UNIQUAC) short-range term; detailed treatment of solution chemistry Papaiconomou Extended long-range MSA theory used for the long-range term; local composition et al.32 (MSA) þ short-range model (NRTL) used for the short-range term

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in the form of virial-type expansions in terms of which was the only viable approach at the time 1 molality or mole fractions (see Table 1). Among when they were introduced. The essence of the 29 these models, the Pitzer molality-based model has procedure for generating the Pourbaix diagrams is found wide acceptance. Parameters of the Pitzer29 analyzing all possible reactions between all – aqueous model are available in the open literature for a large or solid – species that may exist in the system. The 6 number of systems. simultaneous analysis of the reactions makes it possi- The mixed-solvent electrolyte models are ble to determine the ranges of potential and pH at designed to handle a wider variety of chemistries. which a given species is stable. The reactions can be

They invariably use the mole fraction and concentra- conveniently subdivided into two classes, that is, tion scales. A common approach in the construction chemical and electrochemical reactions. The chemi- of mixed-solvent models is to use local-composition cal reactions can be written without electrons, that is X models for representing short-range interactions. niMi ¼ 0 ½5 The well-known local-composition models include NRTL, UNIQUAC, and its group-contribution ver- Then, the equilibrium condition for the reaction is et al 56 sion, UNIFAC (see Prausnitz . and Malanowski given in terms of the chemical potentials of individ- and Anderko57 for a review of these models). The ual species by X local composition models are commonly used for ni mi ¼ 0 ½6 nonelectrolyte mixtures and, therefore, it is natural to use them for short-range interactions in electrolyte According to eqn [1], eqn [6] can be further rewritten systems. The combination of the long-range and in terms of species activities as P local-composition terms is typically sufficient for X 0 nimi ni ln ai ¼ ¼ ln K ½7 representing the properties of moderately concen- RT trated electrolytes in any combination of solvents. For systems that may reach very high concentrations where the right-hand side of eqn [7] is defined as the with respect to electrolyte components (e.g., up to the equilibrium constant because it does not depend on species concentrations. fused salt limit), more complex approaches have In contrast to the chemical reactions, the electro- been developed. One viable approach is to explicitly account for hydration and solvation equilibria in chemical reactions involve electrons, e , as well as chemical substances Mi, that is addition to using the long-range and short-range X 53 local composition terms (Zerres and Prausnitz, niMi þ n e ¼ 0 ½8 Chen et al.44). A particularly effective approach is The equilibrium state of an electrochemical reaction is based on combining virial-type ion interaction 51 associated with a certain equilibrium potential. Since terms with local composition models (Li et al., Yan et al., 52 Wang et al.54,55). In such combined models, the electrode potential cannot be measured on an absolute local-composition term reflects the nonelectrolyte-like basis, it is necessary to choose an arbitrary scale against which the potentials can be calculated. If a reference short-range interactions, whereas the virial-type ion interaction term represents primarily the specific electrode is selected, the equilibrium state of the reac- ion–ion interactions that are not accounted for by the tion that takes place on the reference electrode is given by an equation analogous to eqn [8],thatis long-range contribution. These and other approaches X are summarized in Table 1. Among the models sum- ni;ref Mi;ref þ n e ¼ 0 ½9 marized in Table 1, the models of Pitzer,29 Zemaitis,37 E et al 41 44,45 Then, the equilibrium potential 0 of eqn [8] is given Chen . (including their later modifications), 54,55 with respect to the reference electrode as and Wang et al. havebeenimplementedinpublicly P P available or commercial simulation programs. ni mi nI;ref mi;ref E0 E0;ref ¼ ½10 nF Electrochemical Stability Diagrams According to a generally used convention, the stan- þ dard hydrogen electrode (SHE) (i.e., H ða þ ¼ 1Þ= The E–pH diagrams, commonly referred to as the H H ðf ¼ 1Þ) is used as a reference. The corresponding Pourbaix1 diagrams, are historically the first, and 2 H2 reaction that takes place on the SHE is given by remain the most important class of electrochemical stability diagrams. They were originally constructed þ 1 H H2 þ e ¼ 0 ½11 for ideal solutions (i.e., on the assumption that gi ¼ 1), 2

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Then, eqn [10] becomes solid and the other is an aqueous species, the activity of

P the solid is equal to one and the activity of the aqueous 0 1 0 ni mi n m þ m H 2 H2 species can be set equal to a certain predetermined, E E ¼ ½ 0 0;ref nF 12 typically small, value (e.g., 10 6). Then, eqn [16] repre-

0 sentstheboundarybetweenasolidandanaqueous In eqn [12], the standard chemical potentials mH and 0 species at a fixed value of the dissolved species activ- m as well as the reference potential E0;ref are equal H2 to zero at T ¼ 298.15 K. For practical calculations at ity. Similarly, for a boundary between two pure solid phases, the activities of the species A and B are equal to temperatures other than 298.15 K, two conventions can be used for the reference electrode. According to one. Such a boundary is represented by a vertical line in a universal convention established by the Interna- a potential–pH space, and its location depends on the equilibrium constant according to eqn [16]. tional Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (the If eqn [15] represents an electrochemical reaction ‘Stockholm convention’), the potential of SHE is 6¼ arbitrarily defined as zero at all temperatures (i.e., (i.e., n 0), the equilibrium condition (eqn [14]) E ¼ becomes 0;ref 0). When this convention is employed, eqn a [12] is used as a working equation with E ; ¼ 0. In RT a RT RT ln 10m 0 ref E ¼ E0 þ ln A þ ln a þ pH ½17 an alternate convention, the SHE reference potential 0 0 nF ab nF H2O F n B is equal to zero only at room temperature, and its As with the chemical reactions, the term that involves value at other temperatures depends on the actual, 0 0 the activity of water vanishes for dilute solutions, and temperature-dependent values of m þ and m .In H H2 the ratio of the activities of species A and B can be this case, it is straightforward to show (see Chen 58 59 fixed to represent the boundary between the pre- and Aral, Chen et al., ) that eqn [12] becomes P dominance areas of two species. Under such assump- nimi tions, the plot of E versus pH is a straight line with E ¼ ½13 0 nF a slope determined by the stoichiometric coefficients m and n. at all temperatures. Equation [13] can be further rewritten in terms of activities as Thus, for each species, boundaries can be estab- P X X lished using eqns [16] and [17]. As long as the sim- nim0 RT RT E ¼ i þ a ¼ E0 þ a ½ plifying assumptions described above are met, the 0 nF nF ni ln i 0 nF ni ln i 14 boundaries can be calculated analytically. By consid- E0 where 0 is the standard equilibrium potential, which ering all possible boundaries, stability regions can be is calculated from the values of the standard chemical determined using an algorithm described by Pour- potentials m0. 1 E i baix. Sample –pH diagrams are shown for iron in For a brief outline of the essence of the Pourbaix Figure 1. diagrams, let us consider a generic reaction in which One of the main reasons for the usefulness of two species, A and B, undergo a transformation. The stability diagrams is the fact that they can illustrate only other species that participate in the reaction are the interplay of various partial processes of oxidation hydrogen ions and water, that is: and reduction. The classical E–pH diagrams contain þ two dashed lines, labeled as ‘a’ and ‘b,’ which are aA þ cH2O þ ne ¼ bB þ mH ½15 superimposed on the diagram of a given metal (see If eqn [15] is a chemical reaction (i.e., if n ¼ 0), then its Figure 1). The dashed line ‘a’ represents the condi- equilibrium condition (eqn [7]) can be rewritten as tions of equilibrium between water (or hydrogen aa ions) and elemental hydrogen at unit hydrogen fugac- B c mpH ¼ log a logK loga ½16 ity, that is a H2O A þ H þ e ¼ 0:5H2 ðline ‘a’Þ½18 ¼ a þ where pH log H , and decimal rather than natu- ral logarithms is used. For dilute solutions, it is appro- The ‘b’ line describes the equilibrium between water a ¼ priate to assume that H2O 1, and the last term on and oxygen, also at unit fugacity, the right-hand side of eqn [16] vanishes. If we assume þ O2 þ 4H þ 4e ¼ 2H2O ðline ‘b’Þ½19 that the components A and B are aqueous dissolved species and their activities are equal, eqn [16] defines Accordingly, water will be reduced to form hydrogen the boundary between the predominance areas of spe- at potentials below line ‘a,’ and will be oxidized to cies A and B. If one of the species (A or B) is a pure form oxygen at potentials above line ‘b.’ The location

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1.5 2 FeO–2 4 +3

FeCl Fe 2 + 1.0 +2 FeOH

0.5 Fe(OH) Fe(OH) {aq} 3 b Fe O {s} 2 3 0.0 +2 – Fe Fe(OH)4 E (SHE) –0.5 + Fe3O4{s} a Fe(OH)– FeOH 3 –1.0

Fe{s} –1.5

–2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 2.0

+2 1.5 2 + FeCl2 –2 1.0 FeCl FeO4

{aq} 3 + 0.5 FeCl Fe+2 Fe(OH) 0.0 Fe2O3{s}

E (SHE) –0.5 b Fe3O4{s} 120 25 – 270 50 19 Fe(OH)4 {s} 11 FeO{s} 2 –1.0 + 10 FeOH 10 a {aq}

2 22 – Fe(OH)3 Fe{s} 89 NaFeO –1.5 236 – Fe(OH)4

Fe(OH) –2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 pH

Figure 1 E–pH (Pourbaix) diagrams for iron at 25 C (upper diagram) and 300 C (lower diagram). At 300 C, the conditions of the experiments of Partridge and Hall60 are superimposed on the diagram. The vertical bars show the range between the + equilibrium potentials for the reduction of H and oxidation of Fe, thus bracketing the mixed potential in the experiments. The numbers under the bars denote the experimentally determined relative attack. The diagrams have been generated using the Corrosion Analyzer software61 using the algorithm of Anderko et al.62

of the ‘a’ and ‘b’ lines on the diagram indicates line ‘a,’ then water reduction is no longer a viable whether a given redox couple is thermodynamically cathodic process, and the oxidation of iron must be possible. For example, in the region between the line coupled with another reduction process. In the pres-

‘a’ and the upper edge of the stability region of Fe(s) in ence of oxygen, reaction eqn [19] can provide such a Figure 1, the anodic reaction of iron oxidation can be reaction process. In such a case, the open-circuit coupled with the cathodic reaction of water or hydro- (corrosion) potential will establish itself at a higher gen ion reduction. In such a case, the measurable value for which the upper limit will be defined by open-circuit potential of the corrosion process will line ‘b.’ establish itself between the line ‘a’ and the equilib- Pourbaix1 subdivided various regions of the E–pH rium potential for the oxidation of iron (i.e., the upper diagrams into three categories, that is, immunity, edge of the Fe(s) region). If the potential lies above corrosion, and passivation. The immunity region

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encompasses the stability field of elemental metals. 1. generation of diagrams at elevated temperatures,

The corrosion region corresponds to the stability of 2. taking into account the active solution species dissolved, either ionic or neutral species. Finally, other than protons and water molecules, passivation denotes the region in which solid oxides 3. introduction of solution nonideality, which influ- or hydroxides are stable. In Figure 1, the immunity ences the stability of species through realistically and passivation regions are shaded, whereas the cor- modeled activity coefficients, rosion region is not. It should be noted that this 4. introduction of alloying effects by accounting for classification does not necessarily reflect the actual the formation of mixed oxides and the nonideality corrosion behavior of a metal. Only immunity has of alloy components in the solid phase, and a strict significance in terms of thermodynamics 5. flexible selection of independent variables, other because in this region the metal cannot corrode than E and pH, for the generation of diagrams. regardless of the time of exposure. The stability of dissolved species in the ‘corrosion’ region does not Diagrams at elevated temperatures necessarily mean that the metal rapidly corrodes in The key to the construction of stability diagrams this area. In reality, the rate of corrosion in this region at elevated temperatures is the calculation of the may vary markedly because of kinetic reasons. Pas- standard chemical potentials m0 of all individual spe- sivation is also an intrinsically kinetic phenomenon i cies as a function of temperature. In earlier studies, because the protectiveness of a solid layer on the the entropy correspondence principle of Criss and surface of a metal is determined not by its low solu- Cobble21 was used for this purpose. Macdonald and bility alone. The presence of a sparingly soluble solid Cragnolino63 reviewed the development of E–pH dia- is typically a necessary, but not sufficient condition grams at elevated temperatures until the late 1980s. for passivity. 22,23 E The HKF equation of state formed a compre- Although the –pH diagrams indicate only the E hensive basis for the development of –pH diagrams thermodynamic tendency for the stability of various at temperatures up to 300 C for iron, zinc, chro- metals, ions, and solid compounds, they may still mium, nickel, copper, and other metals (Beverskog provide useful qualitative clues as to the expected and Puigdomenech,64–69 Anderko et al.62) An example trends in corrosion rates. This is illustrated in the of a high temperature E–pH diagram is shown for Fe lower diagram of Figure 1. In this diagram, the vertical at 300 C in the lower diagram of Figure 1. Compar- bars denote the difference between the equilibrium ison of the Fe diagrams at room temperature and potentials for the reduction of water and oxidation of 300 C shows a shift in the predominance domains iron. Thus, the bars indicate the tendency of the of cations to lower pH values and an expansion of the metal to corrode in deaerated aqueous solutions domains of metal oxyanions at higher pH values. with varying pH. They bracket the location of the Such effects are relatively common for metal–water corrosion potential and, thus, indicate whether the systems. corrosion potential will establish itself in the ‘corro- sion’ or ‘passivation’ regions. The numbers associated Effect of multiple active species with the bars represent the experimentally deter- The concept of stability diagrams can be easily mined relative attack. It is clear that the observed extended to solutions that contain multiple chemi- relative attack is substantially greater in the regions cally active species other than H+ and H O. In such a where a solid phase is predicted to be stable than in 2 general case, the simple reaction eqn [15] needs to be the regions where no solid phase is predicted. Thus, extended as subject to the limitations discussed above, the stabil- Xk ity diagrams can be used for the qualitative assess- nX X þ ni Ai ¼ Y þ ne ½ e 20 ment of the tendency of metals to corrode, and for i¼1 estimating the range of the corrosion potential. X Y Following the pioneering work of Pourbaix and where the species and contain at least one com- his coworkers, further refinements of stability dia- mon element and Ai (i ¼ 1, ..., k) are the basis species grams were made to extend their range of applicabil- that are necessary to define equilibrium equations ity. These refinements were made possible by the between all species containing a given element. Reac- progress of the thermodynamics of electrolyte solu- tion eqn [20] is normalized so that the stoichiometric tions and alloys. Specifically, further developments coefficient for the right-hand side species (Y)is focused on equal to 1. Such an extension results in generalized

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expressions for the boundaries between predomi- significant decrease in the stability of metal oxides, nance regions (eqns [16] and [17]). The equilibrium which may, under some conditions, indicate an expression for the chemical reactions (eqn [20] with increased dissolution tendency in the passive state 80,81 82 ne ¼ 0) then becomes (Silverman, Kubal and Panacek, Silverman and !83 Xk Silverman ). An important example of the impor- K ¼ a a a tance of complexation is provided by the behavior ln ln Y nX ln X ni ln Ai i¼1 of copper and other metals in ammoniated environ- !ments. Figure 2 (upper diagram) illustrates an E–pH Xk 1 0 0 0 ¼ m m ni m ½ diagram for copper in a 0.2 m NH3 solution. As RT Y X Ai 21 i¼1 shown in the figure, the copper oxide stability field is bisected by the stability area of an aqueous com- and the expression for an electrochemical reaction plex. The formation of a stable dissolved complex (eqn [20] with ne 6¼ 0) takes the form: !indicates that the passivity of copper and copper-base RT Xk alloys may be adversely affected in weakly alkaline E ¼ E0 þ a a a ½ 0 0 ln Y nX ln X ni ln Ai 22 Fne NH3-containing environments. In reality, ammonia i¼1 attack on copper-base alloys is observed in steam Thus, the expression for the boundary lines become cycle environments.63 Stability diagrams are a useful more complicated but the algorithm for generating tool for the qualitative evaluation of the tendency of the diagrams remains the same, that is, the predomi- metals to corrode in such environments. nance areas can still be determined semianalytically. The strongest effect of solution species on the Diagrams for nonideal solutions stability diagrams of metals is observed in the case As long as the solution is assumed to be ideal (i.e., of complex-forming ligands and species that form gi ¼ 1ineqn [2]), the chemical and electrochemical stable, sparingly soluble solid phases other than equilibrium expressions can be written in an analyti- oxides or hydroxides (e.g., sulfides or carbonates). Sev- E cal form, and the –pH diagrams can be generated eral authors focused on stability diagrams for metals semianalytically. For nonideal solutions, the analyti- such as iron, nickel, or copper in systems containing cal character of the equilibrium lines can be pre- sulfur species (Biernat and Robbins,70 Froning et al.,71 served if fixed activity coefficients are assumed for 72 et al 73,74 79 Macdonald and Syrett, Macdonald ., Chen each species (see Bianchi and Longhi ). However, 58 59 75 and Aral, Chen et al., Anderko and Shuler ). such an approach does not have a general character This is due to the importance of iron sulfide phases, because the activities of species change as a function of which have a strong tendency to form in aqueous pH. This is due to the fact that, in real systems, pH environments even at very low concentrations of dis- changes result from varying concentrations of acids solved hydrogen sulfide. The stability domains of and bases, which influence the activity coefficients of various iron sulfides can be clearly rationalized all solution species. In a nonideal solution, the activities E using –pH diagrams. Diagrams have also been devel- of all species are inextricably linked to each other oped for metals in brines (Pourbaix,76 Macdonald because they all are obtained by differentiating the and Syrett,72 Macdonald et al.,73,74 Kesavan et al.,77 solution’s excess Gibbs energy with respect to the num- et al 78 2 Mun˜ oz-Portero . ). The presence of halide ions ber of moles of the individual species. Therefore, in a manifests itself in the stability of various metal– general case, the equilibrium expressions (eqns [21] and halide complexes. Typically, the effect of halides on [22]) can no longer be expressed by analytical expres- the thermodynamic stability is less pronounced than sions. This necessitates a modification of the algorithm the effect of sulfides. However, concentrated brines for generating stability diagrams. A general methodol- can substantially shrink the stability regions of metal ogy for constructing stability diagrams of nonideal oxides and promote the active behavior of metals. et al 62 solutions has been developed by Anderko . An example of such effects is provided by the dia- In general, the nonideality of aqueous solutions grams for copper in concentrated bromide brines may shift the location of the equilibrium lines (Mun˜oz-Portero et al.78) Effects of formation of vari- because the activity coefficients may vary by one or ous carbonate and sulfate phases have also been even two orders of magnitude. Such effects become reported (Bianchi and Longhi,79 Pourbaix76). pronounced in concentrated electrolyte solutions and The formation of complexes of metal ions with in mixed-solvent solutions, in which water is not organic ligands (e.g., chelants) frequently leads to a necessarily the predominant solvent.

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+2 2 ) 3 +2 – 3 3

) 1.5 +2 3 {aq} 3 2

+2 2 +2 Cu(NH ) – 4 + Cu Cu(NH 3 4

Cu CuNH 1.0 Cu(OH)

Cu(NH Cu(OH) 0.5 Cu(OH) CuO{s} CuO{s} b

0.0 CuCl{s} Cu O{s} 2 E (SHE)

–0.5 a –1.0 Cu{s}


–2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 pH



1.0 CuO{s} Cu(NH )+2 +2 3 4 Cu(NH3)5 Cu(OH)2{aq} b 0.5

0.0 Cu2O{s} E (SHE) –0.5 a

–1.0 Cu+ Cu{s}


–2.0 –3.0 –2.0 –1.0 0.0 1.0

Log10 [M(NH3)]

Figure 2 Use of thermodynamic stability diagrams to analyze the effect of ammonia on the corrosion of copper. The upper plot is an E–pH diagram for Cu in a 0.2 m NH3 solution. The lower plot is a potential–ammonia molality diagram. Diagrams for alloys are not independent because the alloy components The vast majority of the published stability diagrams form a solid solution and, therefore, their properties have been developed for pure metals. However, sev- are linked. The superposition of partial diagrams eral studies have been devoted to generating stability makes it possible to analyze the tendency of alloy diagrams for alloys, particularly those from the components for preferential dissolution. This may Fe–Ni–Cr–Mo family (Cubicciotti,84,85 Beverskog be the case when a diagram indicates that one alloy 69 et al 86 et al 87 and Puigdomenech, Yang ., Anderko . ). component has a tendency to form a passivating In general, a stability diagram for an alloy is a super- oxide, whereas another component has a tendency position of partial diagrams for the individual com- to form ions. Also, stability diagrams indicate in a ponents of the alloy.69 However, the partial diagrams simple way which alloy component is more anodic.

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There are two key effects of alloying on thermo- the metal stability area in E–pH diagrams. The effect dynamic equilibrium, that is, the formation of mixed of mixed oxide phases is usually much more pro- solid corrosion products and the nonideality of alloy nounced on stability diagrams. components in the solid phase. The formation of Potential–concentration diagrams mixed solid corrosion products may be particularly significant for passive systems. Fe–Ni–Cr alloys may Once the thermodynamic treatment of solution chemistry is extended to allow for the effect of spe- form mixed oxides, including NiFe2O4, FeCr2O4, and cies other than H+ and H O (see eqns [21] and [22]), NiCr2O4. Such oxides may be more stable than the 2 other independent variables become possible in addi- single oxides of chromium, nickel, and iron, which appear in stability diagrams for pure metals. E–pH tion to E and pH. The chemical and electrochemical diagrams that include mixed oxide phases have been boundaries can then be calculated as a function of 84,85 concentration variables other than pH. In particular, reported by Cubicciotti, Beverskog and Puigdo- 69 86 menech, and Yang et al. for Fe–Ni–Cr alloys in the stability diagrams can be generated as a function ideal aqueous solutions. of the concentration of active solution species that may react with metals through precipitation, com- Another fundamental effect of alloying on the thermodynamic behavior results from the nonideal- plexation, or other reactions. Thus, an extension of E E ity of the solid solution phase. In contrast to pure –pH diagrams to –species concentration diagrams metals, the activity of a metal in an alloy is no longer is relatively straightforward. The algorithm devel- et al 62 equal to 1. This affects the value of the equilibrium oped by Anderko . for nonideal solutions is E E potential for metal dissolution, which determines equally applicable to –pH and –concentration dia- the upper boundary of the stability field of an alloy grams. An example of such a diagram is provided in E the lower plot of Figure 2. This plot is an E–NH component on an –pH diagram. As with the liquid 3 phase, the activity of solid solution components molality diagram and illustrates the thermodynamic can be obtained from a comprehensive excess Gibbs behavior of copper when increasing amounts of ammonia are added to an aqueous environment. In energy model of the solid phase. Thermodynamic modeling of alloys is a very wide area of research, this simulation, pH varies with ammonia concentra- which is beyond the scope of this chapter (see tion. However, pH is less important in this case 88 89 Lupis and Saunders and Miodownik for reviews). than the concentration of NH3 because the stability of copper oxide is controlled by the formation of Detailed models have been developed for the ther- modynamic behavior of alloys on the basis of high copper–ammonia complexes. The diagram indi- temperature data that are relevant to metallurgical cates at which concentration of ammonia the copper oxide film becomes thermodynamically unstable, processes. These models can be, in principle, extrapo- lated to lower temperatures that are of interest in thus increasing the tendency for metal dissolution. aqueous corrosion. Despite the inherent uncertainties associated with extrapolation, estimates of activities of Chemical Equilibrium alloy components can be obtained in this way and Computations incorporated into the calculation of stability diagrams. While the E–concentration diagrams are merely an Such an approach was used by Anderko et al.87 in a extension of Pourbaix’s original concept of stability study in which solid solution models were coupled diagrams, a completely different kind of thermody- with an algorithm for generating stability diagrams namic analysis can also be performed using electro- for Fe–Ni–Cr–Mo–C and Cu–Ni alloys. In that work, 90 lyte thermodynamics. This kind of analysis relies the solid solution models of Hertzman, Hertzman 91 92 on solving the chemical equilibrium expressions and Jarl, and Anderson and Lange were imple- without using the potential as an independent vari- mented to estimate the activities of alloy components. able. Assuming that temperature, pressure, and start- It should be noted that the effect of varying activ- ing amounts of components (both metals and solution ities of alloy components on E–pH diagrams is rela- species) are known, the equilibrium state of the tively limited. This is due to the fact that alloy phase system of interest can be found by simultaneously nonideality, while crucial for modeling alloy metal- solving the following set of equations: lurgy, is only a secondary contribution to the ener- getics of reactions between metals and aqueous 1. chemical equilibrium equations (eqn [6]) for a species. The effect of alloy solution nonideality man- linearly independent set of reactions that link all ifests itself in a limited shift of the upper boundary of the species that exist in the system; this set of

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equations also includes solid–liquid equilibrium conducive to gaining qualitative insight into the key

reactions (or precipitation equilibria); anodic and cathodic reactions that occur in the system. 2. if applicable, vapor–liquid and, possibly, liquid– To visualize the information obtained from liquid equilibrium equations (i.e., the equality of detailed chemical equilibrium computations, stability

chemical potentials of species in coexisting phases), diagrams can be constructed by selecting key inde- 3. material balance equations for each element in the pendent variables. Such diagrams can be referred to system, and as ‘chemical’ as opposed to ‘electrochemical’ because they do not involve the potential as an independent 4. electroneutrality balance condition. variable. An example of such a diagram is shown in Once the solution is found, the potential can be Figure 3, which shows the stability areas of solid calculated using the Nernst equation for any redox corrosion products of iron as a function of the amount pair in the equilibrated system. It should be noted of dissolved iron and hydrogen sulfide in 1 kg of that procedures for solving these equations are very water. Diagrams of this type can be generated by involved and require sophisticated numerical techni- repeatedly solving the chemical equilibrium expres- ques. Methods for solving such electrolyte equilib- sions outlined above and tracing the stability bound- 4 94 rium problems were reviewed by Zemaitis et al. and aries of various species (Lencka et al., Sridhar Rafal et al.,7 and will not be discussed here. et al.93). Such diagrams are useful for illustrating the The solution of the chemical equilibrium conditions transition between various corrosion products (e.g., provides detailed information about the thermodynam- iron sulfide and magnetite in Figure 3) as a function ically stable form(s) of the metal in a particular system. of environmental conditions. Diagrams of this kind This is in contrast with the information presented on have been generated by Sridhar et al.95 to identify the E the –pH diagrams, which essentially indicate whether conditions under which FeCO3,Fe3O4, and Fe2O3 a given oxidation reaction (e.g., dissolution of a metal) coexist as corrosion products of carbon steel. This can occur simultaneously with a given reduction reac- approach was used to elucidate conditions that are tion (e.g., reduction of water). In the chemical equilib- conducive to intergranular stress corrosion cracking rium algorithm outlined above, all possible reduction in weakly alkaline carbonate systems, which has been and oxidation equilibria are solved simultaneously. associated with the transition between iron carbonate, This provides very detailed information about the iron (II), and iron (III) corrosion products. chemical identity of all species and their concentra- It should be noted that simplified ‘chemical’ dia- tions. On the other hand, this kind of information is less grams can be generated using activities rather than


–1.0 FeS(mackinawite){s}


–3.0 ] S) 2 (H –4.0

log [M –5.0


–7.0 Fe3O4{s}

–8.0 –9.0 –8.0 –7.0 –6.0 –5.0 –4.0 –3.0 –2.0 –1.0

log [M ] (Fe) Figure 3 Stability diagram for solid iron corrosion products as a function of the molality of dissolved Fe and the total number of moles of H2S per 1 kg of H2O. The diagram has been constructed by computing the equilibrium states of solid–liquid–vapor reactions.93

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concentrations of species as independent variables. to any electrochemical kinetic studies of surfaces.

Such an approach makes it possible to obtain the At the same time, the purely thermodynamic nature ‘chemical’ diagrams in a semianalytical way, as with of the diagrams is also their main weakness. An impor- the classical Pourbaix diagrams. An example of such tant limitation of the stability diagrams is the fact that 96 diagrams is provided by Mohr and McNeil for they predict the equilibrium phases, whereas the actual the Cu–H–O–Cl system. However, such simplified corrosion behavior may be controlled by metastable ‘chemical’ diagrams suffer from the fundamental phases. The same limitation applies to the detailed disadvantage that species activities are not directly thermodynamic computations outlined earlier. measurable and are, therefore, much less suitable as To illustrate the problems of metastability, it is independent variables than concentrations. Compre- instructive to examine how E–pH diagrams can be hensive ‘chemical’ diagrams can be obtained only by used to rationalize the Faraday paradox of iron simultaneously solving the chemical and phase equilib- corrosion in nitric acid, which historically played a rium expressions for each set of conditions, preferably great role in establishing the concept of passivity with the help of a realistic model for liquid-phase (Macdonald97). Faraday’s key observation was that activity coefficients. iron easily corroded in dilute nitric acid with the evolution of hydrogen. However, it did not corrode with an appreciable rate in concentrated HNO solu- Problems of Metastability 3 tions despite their greater acidity. When scratched in

The main strength of the stability diagrams lies in the solution, an iron sample would corrode for a short their purely thermodynamic nature. Accordingly, time and, then, rapidly passivate. A stability diagram they can be generated using equilibrium thermo- for this system is shown in Figure 4. This figure E chemical properties that are obtained from a variety presents a superposition of an –pH diagram for of classical experimental sources (e.g., solubility, iron species and another one for nitrogen species. vapor pressure, calorimetric or Dilute nitric acid is a weak oxidizing agent and, measurements for bulk systems) without recourse therefore, the main cathodic reaction in this case is


– 1.5 NO3 +3 FeO–2 Fe 4

1.0 c Concentrated HNO3 0.5 N2{aq} b Metastable Fe Fe2O3{s} 2O 0.0 3

E (SHE) Metastable Fe Dilute 3O4 +2 –0.5 HNO3 Fe 3 Fe3O4{s}

FeOH – a + Fe(OH)3 NH4 –1.0 NH {aq} Fe{s} 3 –1.5

–2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0

pH Figure 4 Metastability on the E–pH diagram and the interpretation of the Faraday paradox of iron corrosion in dilute and concentrated nitric acid. The stability fields of the oxides (Fe3O4 and Fe2O3) are extended into the metastable region (long dashed lines). An E–pH diagram for nitrogen is superimposed on the diagram for Fe. The line ‘c’ is a metastable equilibrium line for the reduction of HNO3 to HNO2. The ovals marked as ‘concentrated HNO3’ and ‘dilute HNO3’ indicate the mixed potential ranges that are expected for iron in concentrated and dilute HNO3, respectively.

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1600 Modeling Corrosion

the common reaction of reduction of H+ ions. The The formation of metastable solid phases is fairly equilibrium potential for this reaction is given by the common. The metastability of chromium oxide dotted line marked as ‘a’ in the diagram. The anodic phases is important for the passivity of Fe–Ni–Cr process is the oxidation of Fe, for which the equilib- alloys in acidic solutions. Although the E–pH dia- rium potential is given by the equilibrium line grams indicate that chromium oxides/hydroxides 2+ between Fe(s) and Fe in the diagram. Thus, the cease to be stable in relatively weakly acidic solu- corrosion potential will establish itself between the ‘a’ tions, the practical passivity range extends to a more line and the upper limit of the stability field of ele- acidic range for numerous alloys. Also, the metasta- mental iron. This corrosion potential range is approx- bility of iron sulfide phases plays an important role in imately shown by the lower ellipsoid in Figure 4.In the behavior of corrosion products in H2S containing this region, the stable iron species is Fe2+ and, there- environments. Anderko and Shuler75 used stability fore, the stability diagram predicts the dissolution of diagrams to evaluate the natural sequence of forma- 2+ iron with the formation of Fe ions. Unlike dilute tion of various iron sulfide phases (e.g., amorphous nitric acid, concentrated HNO3 is a strong oxidizing FeS, mackinawite, pyrrhotite, greigite, marcasite, or agent. The main reduction reaction in this case is pyrite). The sequence of formation of such phases þ could be predicted on the basis of the simple but NO þ 2H þ 2e ¼ NO þ H O ½23 3 2 2 reasonably accurate rule that the order of formation The equilibrium potential for this reaction is shown of solids is the inverse of the order of their thermo- by a line marked as ‘c’ in Figure 4. It should be noted dynamic stability. Stability diagrams are then used to that the nitrite ions (NO2 ) are metastable and, there- predict the conditions under which various metasta- fore, a stability field of nitrites does not appear on an ble phases are likely to form. E –pH diagram of nitrogen. Nevertheless, the equilib- Thermodynamics provides a convenient starting rium potential for reaction eqn [21] can be easily point in the simulation of aqueous corrosion. Although calculated as described above. It lies within the sta- it is inherently incapable of predicting the rates of bility field of elemental nitrogen N2(aq). The corro- interfacial phenomena, it is useful for predicting the sion potential will then establish itself at a much final state toward which the system should evolve if it higher potential, relatively close to the dominant is to reach equilibrium. Furthermore, the computation cathodic line ‘c.’ The likely location of the corrosion of the final, thermodynamic equilibrium state can be potential is outlined in Figure 4 by an ellipsoid refined by taking into account the metastable phases. marked ‘concentrated HNO3.’ However, the stable In addition to determining the equilibrium state in species in this region are the Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions. metal–environment systems, electrolyte thermody-

Thus, the stability diagram does not explain the namics provides information on the properties of the Faraday paradox as long as only stable species are environment. Such information, including speciation considered. As indicated by Macdonald,97 the E–pH in the liquid phase, concentrations and activities of diagram becomes consistent with experimental individual species, and phase equilibria, is necessary observation when the existence of metastable phases for constructing kinetic models of corrosion. is allowed for. The dashed lines in Figure 4 show the metastable extensions of the Fe2+/Fe O and Fe O / 3 4 3 4 2.38.3 Modeling the Kinetics of Fe2O 3 equilibrium lines into the acidic range. Thus, it Aqueous Corrosion is clear that the corrosion potential of iron in con- centrated HNO is likely to establish itself in a poten- 3 Aqueous corrosion is intrinsically an electrochemical tial range in which metastable iron oxides are stable. process that involves charge transfer at a metal– In contrast, the metastable solids are not expected to solution interface. Because aqueous corrosion is a form at the low potentials that correspond to dilute heterogeneous process, it involves the following fun- HNO environments (i.e., below the Fe2+/metastable 3 damental steps: Fe3O4 boundary). If the surface is scratched, the large supply of H+ ions near the scratch will create condi- 1. reactions in the bulk aqueous environment, tions under which the potential will be below the ‘a’ 2. mass transport of reactants to the surface, line and short-term hydrogen evolution will follow. 3. charge transfer reactions at the metal surface, However, this will lead to a rapid depletion of the H+ 4. mass transport of reaction products from the sur- ions, and the potential will shift to higher values, at face, and which metastable phases can lead to passivation. 5. reactions of the products in the bulk environment.

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Modeling of Aqueous Corrosion 1601

Reactions in the bulk environment (1 and 5) can be and an oxidized form ‘Ox’: considered, with some important exceptions, to be r a Red ! Ox þ ne ½24 equilibrium. As long as they are treated as equilib- r rium phenomena, they remain within the domain of c the current density associated with this reaction is, electrolyte thermodynamics. On the other hand, the charge transfer reactions at the surface (3), and their according to Faraday’s law, equal to the difference v v coupling with mass transport (2 and 4) require the between the anodic rate a and the cathodic rate c, tools of electrochemical kinetics. In this section, we multiplied by nF: review the fundamentals of modeling approaches to i ¼ nFðva vcÞ½25 electrochemical kinetics. 98 The objective of modeling the kinetics of aqueous According to the theory of electrochemical kinetics, the rates of the anodic and cathodic reactions are corrosion is to relate the rate of electrochemical corrosion to external conditions (e.g., environment related to the potential and the concentrations of composition, temperature, and pressure), flow condi- the reacting species at the phase boundary, that is tions, and the chemistry and metallurgical character- a nFE i ¼ nFv ¼ nFk cx;r a ½ istics of the corroding interface. The two main a a a r;s exp RT 26 quantities that can be obtained from electrochemical modeling are the corrosion rate (v , often expressed corr x; a nFE i i ¼nFv ¼nFk c o exp c ½27 as the corrosion current density corr) and corrosion c c c o;s RT E potential ( corr). For practical applications, the calcu- k k lation of the corrosion rate is of primary interest for where a and c are the anodic and cathodic rate simulating general corrosion and the rate of dissolu- constants, aa and ac are the anodic and cathodic c c tion in occluded environments such as pits or cre- electrochemical transfer coefficients, r,s and o,s are vices. The value of the corrosion potential (Ecorr)is the concentrations of the reduced (r) and oxidized (o) forms at the surface, respectively, and x,r and x,o are also of interest because there is often a relationship between the value of the corrosion potential and the the reaction orders with respect to the reduced and type of corrosion damage that occurs. In general, if oxidized species. For a given individual redox pro- the corrosion potential is above a certain critical cess, the anodic and cathodic electrochemical trans- E a ¼ a potential ( crit), a specific form of corrosion that is fer coefficients are interrelated as c 1 a.The associated with Ecrit can occur, typically at a rate total current density for reaction eqn [24] is then that is determined by the difference Ecorr – Ecrit. nFE nFE x;r aa x;o ac i ¼ nFkac ; exp nFkcc ; exp ½28 This general observation applies to localized corro- r s RT o s RT sion including pitting, crevice corrosion, intergranu- E lar stress corrosion cracking, and so on. An internally At the equilibrium (reversible) potential 0, the cur- i consistent model for general corrosion should simul- rent density is equal to zero. In the absence of a net current, the concentrations of the species at the sur- taneously provide reasonable values of the corrosion rate and corrosion potential. Thus, the computation face are equal to their bulk concentrations (i.e., c ¼ c c ¼ c of the corrosion potential is of interest not so much r;s r;b and o;s o;b). Then, the current density of the anodic process is equal to that of the anodic for modeling general corrosion but for predicting other forms of corrosion. process and is defined as the exchange current den- i sity 0, that is, x; a nFE x; a nFE Kinetics of Charge-Transfer i ¼ nFk c rexp a 0 ¼ nFk c oexp c 0 ½29 0 a r;b RT c o;b RT Reactions Using eqn [29], the equation for the current density The theory of charge-transfer reactions is well devel- [28] can be expressed in terms of the exchange cur- oped and has been reviewed in detail by a number of 98 99 rent density and the overvoltage ¼ E E0: authors including Vetter, Bockris and Reddy, 100 101 102 x;r Kaesche, Bockris and Khan, and Gileadi. cr;s aanFðE E0Þ i ¼i0 exp Here, we summarize the key relationships that form cr;b RT the basis of modeling. x;o c ; a nFðE E Þ Considering a simple reaction of transfer of n i o s c 0 ½ 0 c exp RT 30 electrons between two species, a reduced form ‘Red’ o;b

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The ratios c ; =c ; and c ; =c ; depend on the trans- As mentioned above, the concentrations of reac- r s r b o s o b port of reactants and products to and from the corrod- tants and products at the surface depend on the mass ing interface. If the mass transport is slow compared to transport to and from the corroding interface. In charge transfer, the surface concentrations become general, three mechanisms contribute to mass trans- different from those in the bulk. Conversely, if charge port, that is, diffusion, migration, and convection. In transfer is slow relative to mass transfer, the reaction is many practical applications, migration can be under charge transfer control and the ratios are equal neglected. This is the case for the transport of neutral to one not only at the equilibrium potential. In such a molecules in any environment and, also, for the trans- case, eqn [30] takes a particularly simple form and is port of charged species in environments that contain usually referred to as the Butler–Volmer equation for appreciable amounts of background electrolytic com- charge-transfer reactions: ponents (e.g., as supporting electrolyte). Migration nFðE E Þ nFðE E Þ becomes important in ionic systems in which there i ¼ i aa 0 i ac 0 ½ 0 exp RT 0 exp RT 31 is no supporting electrolyte. We will return to the treatment of migration later in this review. If migra- The electrochemical transfer coefficient a depends on tion is neglected, the treatment of mass transfer by the mechanism of the charge transfer reaction. For diffusion and convection can be simplified by using some reactions, its value can be deduced from mecha- the concept of the Nernst diffusion layer. According nistic considerations. However, in many cases, it needs to this concept, the environment near the corroding to be determined empirically. It can be determined in surface can be divided into two regions. In the inner the form of empirical Tafel coefficients defined as the region, called the Nernst diffusion layer, convection slope of a plot of potential against the logarithm of is negligible and diffusion is the only mechanism of current density, that is transport. In the outer region, concentrations are E E considered to be uniform and equal to those in the ¼ d ; ¼ d ½ ba bc 32 dln ia dlnic bulk solution. Thus, the concentration changes line- arly from the surface concentration to the bulk con- which yields centration over a distance d, which is the thickness of RT RT ¼ ; ¼ ½ the diffusion layer. In such a model, the flux of a ba nF bc nF 33 aa ac species i in the vicinity of a corroding interface is or, in a more traditional decimal logarithm form: given by Fick’s law @c 2:303RT 2:303RT i b ¼ ; b ¼ ½ Ji ¼Di ½35 a nF c nF 34 @z aa ac z ¼ 0

b b Then, the Tafel coefficients a or c can be used in eqns where Di is the diffusion coefficient of species i and z [28] or [30] instead of the electrochemical transfer in the direction perpendicular to the surface. Integra- coefficient. tion of eqn [35] over the thickness of the diffusion The above formalism includes both the cathodic and layer gives: anodic process for a particular redox couple. However, ci;b ci;s in practical corrosion modeling, it is usually entirely Ji ¼Di ½36 di sufficient to include only either a cathodic or an anodic partial current for a given redox process. Specifically, It should be noted that the diffusion layer thickness the cathodic partial process can be neglected for metal- d is not a general physical property of the system. ion reactions because the deposition of metal ions (i.e., Rather, it is a convenient mathematical construct that the reverse of metal dissolution) is typically not of makes it possible to separate the effects of diffusion practical significance in corrosion. Similarly, the anodic and convection. It depends on the flow conditions, properties of the environment, and the diffusion coef- partial process can be usually neglected for oxidizing agents because it is only their reduction that is of ficient of individual species. Thus, it may be different interest for corrosion. There are some exceptions to for various species. Methods for calculating d will be this rule, for example, in the case of relatively noble outlined later in this review. Equation [36] can be metals whose ions can be reduced under realistic con- applied to both the reactants that enter into electro- ditions. Nevertheless, in the remainder of this review, chemical reactions at the interface and to corrosion we will separately consider partial anodic and cathodic products that leave the interface. Then, it can be processes for corrosion-related reactions. combined with Faraday’s law to obtain the current

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density. For an oxidant o, eqn [36] yields an expres- order, the current density can be computed numeri- sion for a cathodic partial current density: cally by solving a single equation. It should be noted that eqns [26] and [27] are co;b co;s ic ¼ nFJo ¼nFDo ½37 particularly simple forms for reactions of the type do Red Ox [24], in which no species other that and According to eqn [37], the current density reaches a participate. In general, the preexponential part of maximum, limiting value when the surface concen- eqns [26] and [27] depends on the mechanism of a c particular electrochemical reaction. In general, the tration o,s decreases to zero. This condition defines the limiting current density, that is preexponential terms of eqns [26] and [27] can be generalized using the surface coverage factors, yi, for nFD c i ¼ o o;b ½ reactive species that participate in electrochemical c;L 38 do processes, that is, For a corrosion product (e.g., Me ions), an analogous a nFE x1 x2 xm a ia ¼ nFkay y ...ym exp ½43 equation can be written for an anodic current density 1 2 RT

cMe;b cMe;s i ¼ nFJ ¼nFD ½39 a Me Me x x xm a nFE dMe i ¼nFk 1 2 ... c ½ c cy1 y2 ym exp 44 RT In eqn [39], the surface concentration is typically limited by the solubility of corrosion products. Thus, The surface coverage factors, yi, are further related a limiting anodic current density can be reached when to the concentrations (or, more precisely, activities) of individual species at the metal surface through the surface concentration of metal ions corresponds to the metal solubility, that is appropriate adsorption isotherms. In general, analysis of reaction mechanisms on the basis of experimental cMe;b cMe;sat ia;L ¼nFDMe ½40 data leads to a substantial simplification of eqns [43] dMe and [44]. In many cases, activities of species can be Combination of eqns [26]–[28] for charge-transfer directly used in the kinetic expressions rather than processes and the simplified mass-transport equations the surface coverage fractions. (eqns [37] and [39]) yields a general formalism for The above formalism makes it possible to set up a electrochemical processes that are influenced by both model of electrochemical kinetics on a corroding charge transfer and mass transport. For example, for a metal surface by considering the following steps: cathodic process, the current density obtained from eqn [37] is equal to that obtained from eqn [27].Thus, 1. determining all possible partial cathodic and anodic processes that may occur in a given the surface concentration of the diffusing species can be obtained from eqn [37] and substituted into eqn metal-environment combination; [27]. The resulting equation can be solved analytically 2. writing equations for the partial cathodic or anodic current densities associated with charge for ic for some values of the reaction order x,o. If the transfer reactions (eqns [43] and [44] or simplifi- reaction order is equal to one (i.e., x; o ¼ 1ineqn [27], i cations thereof); and a particularly simple relationship is obtained for c, that is 3. writing equations for the mass transport of the species that participate in the charge-transfer 1 1 1 ¼ þ ½41 reactions (eqns [37] and [39]). In some simple, ic ic;ct ic;L but realistic cases a combination of the charge- i where c,L is the limiting current density (eqn [38])and transfer and mass-transport equations results in i is the charge-transfer contribution to the current c,ct analytical formulas such as eqn [41] for partial density. The latter quantity is given by eqn [27] with electrochemical processes. the bulk concentration co,b replacing the surface con- centration, that is Once the equations for the partial anodic and cathodic processes are established, the behavior of a x; acnFE corroding surface can be modeled on the basis of the i ¼nFk c o exp with x;o ¼ 1 ½42 104 c c o;b RT Wagner–Traud theory of metallic corrosion, often referred to as the mixed potential theory. According An analytical formula can also be obtained when to the mixed potential theory, the sum of all partial x;o ¼ 0:5.103 For an arbitrary value of the reaction anodic currents is equal to the sum of all cathodic

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currents. Further, it is assumed that the electrical by the factor (1Syj), in which yj is a coverage j potential of the metal at an anodic site is equal to fraction by species . At the same time, adsorption that at a cathodic site. These assumptions follow from may result in the formation of surface complexes that the requirement that charge accumulation within a have different dissolution characteristics. An example metal cannot occur and, therefore, the electrons pro- of such a dual effect is provided by halide ions on Fe- duced as a result of oxidation processes must be group metal surfaces corroding in the active state. At consumed in the reduction processes. Therefore, in relatively low or moderate halide concentrations, a freely corroding system, we have adsorption of halides leads to a reduction in electro- X X chemical reaction rates. However, at higher halide A i ;j þ A i ; j ¼ E ¼ E ½ a a c c 0at corr 45 j j concentrations, the adsorbed halide ions interfere with the mechanism of anodic dissolution of iron, A A where a and c are the areas over which the anodic which may lead to an increase in the corrosion rate. and cathodic reactions occur, respectively. The first A general formalism for modeling the effect of sum in eqn [45] enumerates all anodic partial reac- adsorption on electrochemical reactions is provided tions and the second sum pertains to all cathodic by the Frumkin isotherm. The Frumkin formalism reactions. Equation [45] is written using the sign takes into account the interactions between the spe- conventions introduced earlier, in which the cathodic cies adsorbed on the surface. It results from the processes are written with a negative sign. requirement that the rate of adsorption is equal to 105 Equation [45] can be solved to obtain the corro- the rate of desorption in the stationary state, that is sion potential, Ecorr. Then, the corrosion current den- v ;i ¼ v ;i ½47 sity and, equivalently, the corrosion rate, can be ads des where the subscript i denotes any adsorbable species. computed from the anodic current density for metal dissolution at the corrosion potential, that is The rate of adsorption is given by 0 1 0 1 i ¼ i ; ðE Þ½46 X X corr a Me corr @ A @ A vads;i ¼ kads;i 1 yj ai exp b Aij yj ½48 At potentials that deviate from the corrosion poten- j j tial, the left-hand side of eqn [45] represents the k predicted current. Such a computed current versus where ads,i is an adsorption rate constant, yi is a potential relationship can be compared with experi- fraction of the surface covered by species i, ai is the i mentally determined polarization behavior. activity of species in the solution, b is a transfer Aij In the case of general corrosion, Aa ¼ Ac and the coefficient, and is a surface interaction coefficient between species i and j. The first term in parentheses solution of eqns [45] and [46] yields the corrosion potential and general corrosion rate. For localized on the right-hand side of eqn [48] represents the corrosion, there is usually a great disparity between available surface, and the second term represents the areas on which the anodic and cathodic processes the effect of pairwise interactions between adsorbed operate. species. The rate of desorption is given by 0 1 X @ A v ;i ¼ k ;iyi ð bÞ Aij yj ½ Modeling Adsorption Phenomena des des exp 1 49 j Before discussing partial electrochemical reactions, it where k i is the desorption rate constant. Combina- is necessary to outline the treatment of adsorption des, tion of eqns [48] and [49] yields the Frumkin iso- because the presence of adsorbed species is fre- therm, that is quently assumed to derive expressions for electro- 0 1 k X chemical processes. K a ¼ ads;i a ¼ yPi @ A A ½ ads;i i k i exp ij yj 50 Adsorption of neutral molecules and ions on des;i 1 yj j 105 j metals has been reviewed in detail by Gileadi, 106 107 K Damaskin et al., and Habib and Bockris. In gen- where ads,i is an adsorption equilibrium constant. eral, adsorption leads to the reduction of the surface Equation [50] can be simplified if it is assumed that area that is accessible to electrochemical reactions. In the species are independently adsorbed. Then, the such cases, adsorption results in a reduction in the interactions between the species become zero, and rate of both anodic and cathodic processes. Thus, the eqn [50] takes the form of the well-known Langmuir rates of electrochemical reactions become modified isotherm:

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yPi [44] can often be simplified by using activities of Kads;iai ¼ ½51 1 yj species rather than their surface coverages. j

The Langmuir isotherm is extensively used in elec- Partial Electrochemical Reactions trochemical kinetics. The Frumkin isotherm has been used in some studies when more accurate modeling The behavior of a corroding system results from the of adsorption is warranted by experimental data, for interplay of at least two and, frequently, many partial electrochemical reactions. Such reactions include: example, in the case of corrosion in very concen- 108 trated brines (Anderko and Young ). 1. anodic dissolution of pure metals and alloys in

It should be noted that detailed modeling of both the active and passive state; adsorption requires taking into account the effect of 2. reduction of protons, which is usually the primary potential on adsorption. Equations [50] and [51] are cathodic reaction in acid corrosion; strictly valid only when adsorption is not significantly 3. reduction of water molecules, which is frequently influenced by metal dissolution. An approach to the main cathodic reaction in deaerated neutral include the effect of dissolution and, hence, potential and alkaline solutions; on adsorption has been developed by Heusler and 4. reduction of dissolved species that can act as pro- 109 Cartledge who proposed an additional process in ton donors such as undissociated carboxylic acids, which a metal atom from an uncovered area (1Syj) carbonic acid, hydrogen sulfide, and numerous reacts with an adsorbed ion from the covered area yi ions that contain protons (e.g., bicarbonates, bisul- to dissolve as ferrous ion. The adsorbed ion is then fides, etc.); postulated to leave the surface during the reaction, 5. reduction of oxygen, which is a common cathodic thus contributing to the desorption process. Accord- process in aerated solutions; ingly, eqn [49] is rewritten by adding an additional 6. reduction of metal ions at high oxidation states term, that is such as Fe(III) or Cu(II), which can be reduced to ! X a lower oxidation state; v ¼ k ð Þ A þ i ½ des ;i di yi exp 1 b ij yj des;i 52 7. reduction of oxyanions such as nitrites, nitrates, or j hypochlorites in which a nonmetallic element is

i reduced to a lower oxidation state; where the desorption current des,i is given by 8. oxidation of water to oxygen, which occurs at high ! X FE potentials and, therefore, is rarely important in i ¼ k a b ½ des ;i ri yi 1 yj X exp RT 53 freely corroding systems; and j 9. oxidation of metals to higher oxidation states, for

example, Cr(III) to Cr(VI), which may occur in the where aX is the activity of possible additional species transpassive dissolution region of stainless steels (e.g., OH ) that participate in the dissolution. In eqn and nickel base alloys. [53], the desorption current is potential-dependent because it involves the dissolution of the metal. Equa- In this section, we present illustrative examples of tion [53] can be combined with eqns [48] and [52] to how these reactions can be modeled in practice. n n form a system of equations for a solution with adsorbable species. This system can be solved numer- Anodic reactions ically for the coverage fractions yi of each adsorbed The dissolution of several pure metals such as iron, species. Because of the potential dependence, the copper, or nickel has been extensively investigated. model predicts that the adsorption coverage rapidly Thus, it is possible to construct practical equations decreases above a certain potential range. for the partial anodic dissolution processes on the

It should be noted that a detailed treatment of basis of mechanistic information. For most alloys, adsorption is not always necessary for modeling detailed mechanistic information is not available and, aqueous corrosion. In particular, the potential depen- therefore, it is necessary to establish kinetic expres- dence of adsorption can be often neglected. In most sions on a more empirical basis. cases, simplified approaches are warranted. Specifi- For iron dissolution, various multistep reaction cally, for low surface coverage, the fraction yi can be mechanisms have been proposed. They have been assumed to be proportional to the activity of the reviewed in detail by Lorenz and Heusler,110 species i as shown by eqn [51]. Thus, eqns [43] and Drazic,111 and Keddam.112 From the point of view of

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modeling, particularly important parameters are the by OH ions. This assumption is consistent with the electrochemical transfer coefficient and reaction reaction mechanism (see eqns [54]–[56]). Thus, 108 orders with respect to the ions that participate in eqn [57] can be generalized as : anodic dissolution. Although there are substantial FðE E Þ c aFe 0;Fe differences between the various proposed mechan- iFe;OH ¼ i ; yOHa exp ½58 Fe OH H2O RT isms, the dependence of the iron dissolution rate in acidic solutions on the activity of hydroxide ions is Assuming that yOH follows the Langmuir adsorption generally accepted. The mechanism proposed by model, eqn [58] can be rewritten as et al 113 Bockris ., that is aOH c i ; ¼ i a Fe OH Fe;OH H2O Fe þ OH ! FeOH þ e ½54 1 þ KOHaOH ads FðE E Þ ! þ þ aFe 0;Fe ½ FeOHads FeOHads e exp RT 59

ðrate-determining stepÞ½55 Equation [59] reduces to eqn [57] for low activities of þ ! 2þ þ ½ OH , that is, for acidic solutions. For higher concen- FeOHads Fe OH 56 trations of hydroxide ions, the reaction order with predicts that the reaction order with respect to the respect to OH becomes zero. This is consistent with OH ion is one because of the intermediate step of the lack of a dependence of the Fe oxidation reaction OH adsorption. The validity of this prediction has on pH in CO2 corrosion of mild steel, which occurs at been verified for acidic solutions. Other mechanisms pH values above 4(Nesˇic´ et al.,115 Nordsveen et al.116). yield reaction orders between one and two. Addition- The effect of halide ions on the dissolution of iron ally, the current density for iron dissolution has been and carbon steel is of particular interest. Adsorbed found to depend on the activity of water (Smart halide ions may accelerate the anodic dissolution, and Bockris114). The mechanism of Bockris et al.113 especially in concentrated halide solutions. A number also predicts that the anodic transfer coefficient is of reaction mechanisms have been proposed to ex- ¼ aFe 1.5, which is consistent with experimentally plain this phenomenon. In particular, Chin and observed Tafel slopes of 30–40 mV. Thus, the current Nobe117 and Kuo and Nobe118 developed a mecha- density for Fe dissolution in acidic solutions can be nism that postulates a reaction route that is parallel to expressed as eqns [52]–[54]. An essentially identical mechanism FðE E Þ 119 c aFe 0;Fe has also been proposed by Drazic and Drazic. iFe;OH ¼ i ; aOHa exp ½57 Fe OH H2O RT According to this mechanism, a halide-containing surface complex is responsible for the dissolu- i where Fe;OH is a temperature-dependent coefficient, tion. Thus, eqn [54] is followed by the following the subscript Fe,OH indicates that the dissolution parallel route: reaction is mediated by OH ions, and c is an empiri- þ ! ½ cally determined reaction order with respect to the FeOHads X FeOHXads 60 activity of water. According to Smart and Bockris114 c ¼ 1.6. The effect of the activity of water on the FeOHX ! FeOHX þ e ads ads current density becomes significant for concentrated ðrate-determining stepÞ½61 solutions, for which the activity of water is usually significantly lower than 1. þ þ FeOHX þ H ! Fe2 þ X þ H O ½62 Although the reaction order with respect to the ads 2 OH ions is valid for acidic solutions, it has been The mechanism eqns [60]–[62] results in a dissolu- found that iron dissolution proceeds with little influ- tion current density that depends on the activities of ence of pH for solutions with pH above 4. Bockris both halide and hydroxide ions. In acidic solutions, an 113 et al. explained this phenomenon by assuming a equation analogous to eqn [57] can be written as 2+ certain nonzero reaction order with respect to Fe FðE E Þ 2+ s t aFe 0;Fe and by considering the hydrolysis of the Fe ions i ;X ¼ i a a exp ½63 Fe Fe;X X OH RT that result from the dissolution. Alternatively, the change in the reaction order with respect to OH where the subscript X indicates the halide ions that ions can be reproduced by assuming that the exchange mediate the reaction. For chloride systems, s ¼ 0.4 current density is proportional to the surface coverage and t ¼ 0.6 when concentrations are used instead of

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activities. 118 Since the mechanism described by eqns the passive state is more important than in the active

[60]–[62] is assumed to be parallel to the mechanism state. For these alloys, active dissolution is of impor- under halide-free conditions, the total current den- tance only in acidic solutions. In this case, expressions sity of anodic dissolution can be assumed to be a sum for anodic dissolution need to be established on an of the contributions of two mechanisms. Also, eqn empirical basis. For stainless steels and nickel-base [63] can be generalized to neutral solutions in anal- alloys, a positive reaction order between one and two ogywith eqn [59]. Additionally, the desorption cur- with respect to hydroxide ions is observed. While rent density (eqn [53]) contributes to the total such values are similar to those observed for Fe, the current, although it becomes important only at rela- exchange current densities are very different and tively high potentials, and its numerical significance need to be determined separately for individual is usually limited. Thus, the expression for the total alloys. active Fe dissolution current in halide solutions 108 becomes Cathodic reactions Among the numerous possible partial cathodic pro- iFe ¼ iFe;OH þ iFe;X þ ides;i ½64 cesses, the reduction of protons, water molecules, and As with iron, anodic dissolution of copper has also dissolved oxygen is ubiquitous in aqueous corrosion. been extensively investigated. Kear et al.120 reviewed Reduction of protons is an important cathodic process in acidic solutions. The overall reaction is given by the mechanisms and associated expressions for the current density of anodic dissolution of copper in the þ H þ e ! 0:5H2 ½69 active state in chloride environments. Copper disso- lution is generally thought to proceed through the The mechanisms of this reaction have been reviewed 98 100 formation of cuprous chloride complexes and to be by Vetter and Kaesche. Proton reduction proceeds under mixed, charge-transfer and transport, control in two steps according to two alternative mechanisms. close to the corrosion potential. Several authors (Lee The Volmer–Heyrovsky mechanism applies to most 121 122 123 and Nobe, Deslouis et al., King et al. ) assumed metals, whereas the Volmer–Tafel mechanism may the following mechanism: be observed on certain noble metals. The Volmer– Heyrovsky mechanism can be represented as a k1 Cu þ Cl ! CuCl þ e ½65 sequence of two elementary reactions, that is k1 þ H þ e ! H ½70 ads k2 Cu þ Cl ! CuCl ½66 þ k 2 þ ! ½ 2 H Hads H2 71

+ The expression for the anodic current density It is generally accepted that the H reduction reaction derived from eqns [65] and [66] is may proceed under activation or mass transfer control. + The cathodic process of H reduction can be modeled iCu k1k2 FðE E0;CuÞ ¼ a2 k a ½ Cl exp 2 CuCl 67 assuming that the reaction order with respect to the nF k RT 2 1 protons is equal to one. Then, eqns [41] and [42] can Since the reaction rate depends on the activity of the be directly used for modeling. In addition to its depen- reaction products (CuCl2 ) at the surface (see the dence on the activity of protons, there is empirical second term on the right-hand side of eqn [67]), the evidence that the H+ reduction depends on the activ- reaction is partially controlled by the mass transport ity of water. According to Smart et al.,124 the reaction of the CuCl2 ions, and the anodic current density is order with respect to water activity is 2.2 on iron. The simultaneously equal to electrochemical transfer coefficient can be assumed to a be equal to 0.5 for carbon steels and many corrosion- iCu CuCl ¼ D 2 ½68 CuCl2 resistant alloys, which corresponds to a Tafel slope of nF dCuCl 2 118 mV at 25 C. Equation [68] is a special case of eqn [39] when the As the pH of a solution increases, the importance bulk concentration of CuCl is negligible. of the proton reduction reaction rapidly decreases. In 2 Much less mechanistic information is available for neutral and alkaline solutions, the reduction of water the anodic dissolution of alloys in the active state. In molecules becomes predominant unless stronger oxi- the case of stainless steels and nickel-base alloys, this dizing agents (e.g., oxygen) are present in the system. is due to the fact that dissolution of these metals in The water reduction is given by

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1608 Modeling Corrosion

þ ! : þ ½ current density for oxygen reduction is usually greater H2O e 0 5H2 OH 72 than the passive current density at typical dissolved and is thermodynamically equivalent to the reduction oxygen concentrations. of protons. However, its kinetic characteristics are For modeling purposes, the key parameters are the different. Unlike the reduction of protons, the water electrochemical transfer coefficient and the reaction reduction reaction typically does not exhibit a limit- orders with respect to dissolved oxygen and protons. ing current density because there are no diffusion These parameters determine the dependence of the limitations for the transport of H2O molecules to reduction reaction on dissolved oxygen concentra- the surface. This remains true as long as the system tion (or, equivalently, the partial pressure of oxygen) is predominantly aqueous. The water reduction pro- and on pH. Once these parameters are known, the cess can be modeled by assuming the same reaction oxygen reduction process can be modeled on a semi- order with respect to H2O as that for proton reduc- empirical basis. The current density for oxygen tion. Also, practically the same value of the electro- reduction can be written as: chemical transfer coefficient can be assumed. q a FE E ; Reduction of oxygen, that is r O2 0 O2 iO ¼ i a ; a þ; exp ½75 2 O2 O2 s H s RT þ O2 þ 4H þ 4e ! 2H2O ½73 Equation [75] needs to be coupled with eqn [37] with is the predominant cathodic reaction in aerated aque- n ¼ 4 for mass-transfer limitations. The reaction ous solutions unless the solution contains stronger orders q and r in eqn [75] are, in general, specific to oxidizing agents such as ferric, cupric, or hypochlorite the metal surface although they are expected to be ions. The mechanism of oxygen reduction is substan- similar within families of alloys. For stainless steels, tially more complex than the mechanisms of H+ or there seems to be a consensus that the reaction order 129 H2O reduction. Oxygen reduction on iron and car- with respect to dissolved oxygen is 0.5 (Kapusta, 131 bon steel has been reviewed by Jovancicevic and Sridhar et al. ), whereas the order with respect to Bockris, 125 Zecevic et al.,126 and Jovancicevic.127 On protons ranges from 0.5 to 1 (or, equivalently, the stainless steels, it has been analyzed by Le Bozec order with respect to hydroxide ions varies from et al 128 129 ., Kapusta, and in papers cited therein. On 0.5 to 1). For passive iron or carbon steel, the et al 130 copper, it has been studied by King . In general, reaction order with respect to O2 has been reported it has been established that the reaction may proceed as 0.5 (Calvo and Schiffrin132) or 1 (Jovancicevic and 125 127 either through a four-electron pathway, which leads to Bockris, Jovancicevic ). For copper, a value of 1 130 the reduction of O2 to H2O, or through a two-electron has been reported (King et al. ). pathway, which leads to the formation of H2O2 as an Another important cathodic reaction is the reduc- 3+ 2+ intermediate. An overall reaction scheme may be tion of transition metal ions such as Fe and Cu to represented as lower oxidation states, for example

3þ 2þ – Fe þ e ! Fe ½76 O2,bulk O2,surf O2,ads H2O2,ads OH ½74 This process can be modeled as a first-order reac- O H O H O 2,bulk 2 2,bulk 2 2,surf tion with respect to the activity of ferric ions by taking where the subscripts ‘surf ’ and ‘ads’ denote the oxygen into account the mass transport limitations (eqn [37]). in the diffusion layer close to the surface and oxygen All the cathodic reactions discussed above may adsorbed on the surface, respectively. The absorbed proceed under mass transfer limitations due to the intermediate H2O2 can be either further reduced to diffusion of reactants to the corroding surface. How- OH or desorbed and dissolved in the solution or ever, cathodic limiting current densities may also converted back to oxygen through decomposition or arise because of limitations due to homogeneous reoxidation. The actual reaction pathway is influenced reactions in the solution. A prominent example of by many factors such as the surface treatment of the such a reaction is the reduction of carbonic acid, 128 electrode. However, the four-electron reduction which is the key cathodic process in CO2 corrosion 129 path from O2 to OH seems to predominate. Oxy- of carbon steel. This reaction accounts for the sub- gen reduction may be under charge transfer or mass stantially higher corrosivity of CO solutions than 2 transfer control, due to the diffusion of dissolved oxy- mineral acid solutions at the same pH. Carbonic gen molecules. For passive metals, the process is usu- acid results from the hydration of dissolved CO2, ally under charge transfer control because the limiting that is

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or, equivalently, the limiting current density. Theo- CO2 þ H2O ¼ H2CO3 ½77 retical formulas for these quantities cannot be Reaction eqn [77] is followed by the reduction of obtained for arbitrary flow conditions and, therefore,

H2CO3 on the surface, that is empirical approaches are necessary for most practical

applications. H2CO3 þ e ! 0:5H2 þ OH ½78 In the case of a rotating disk electrode, a theoreti- which is thermodynamically equivalent to the reduc- cal solution has been derived by Levich.133 It is note- tion of protons, but is characterized by different worthy that Levich’s solution preceded experimental kinetics. The H2CO3 reduction is under activation results. The thickness of the diffusion layer on a or chemical reaction control, and can be modeled rotating disk electrode is using eqn [41]. The charge transfer current is 1=3 1=6 1=2 et al 115 di ¼ 1:61Di n o ½82 expressed as (Nesˇic´ . ): 0:5 D i ¼ i a a þ where i is the diffusion coefficient of the reacting H2CO3 H2CO3 H2CO3 H species, o is the rotation rate, and n is the kinematic FE E ; aH2CO3 0 H viscosity, which is the ratio of the dynamic viscosity exp ½79 RT and density, that is where the transfer coefficient can be assumed to be n ¼ =r ½83 equal to that for H2O reduction. The limiting current In view of the relationships between the thickness of density can be calculated from an equation developed by Nes ˇic´ et al.115 on the basis of a formula derived by the diffusion layer and the limiting current density Vetter 98 for processes with a rate-determining homo- (eqns [38] and [40]), a physically equivalent predic- tive expression can be written for the limiting current geneous reaction in the solution. Here, the rate- density. For example, the limiting current density of a determining reaction is the hydration of CO2 and the limiting current density is: cathodic reaction (eqn [38]) then becomes: = = = 1=2 i ¼ : nFc D2 3 1 6 1 2 ½ f c;L 0 6205 o;b o n o 84 i ; ¼ Fa D K k ½80 H2CO 3 L H2CO3 H2CO3 H2CO3 H2CO3 f For many other flow geometries, mass transport can where D , K , and k are the diffusion H2CO3 H2CO3 H2CO3 be calculated using empirical correlations expressed coefficient of H2CO3, equilibrium constant for the k in terms of the mass transfer coefficient m. In general, hydration of CO2, and forward reaction constant for the mass transfer coefficient is defined as the hydration reaction, respectively. Reaction rate km ¼ ½85 Concentration driving force Temperature dependence The rates of the majority of partial anodic and For an electrochemical reaction, the reaction rate is cathodic processes are strongly dependent on tem- expressed using the current density, and eqn [36] for perature. This temperature dependence can be mod- a mass transport-limited reaction can be rewritten in eled by assuming that the concentration-independent terms of the mass transfer coefficient km as part of the exchange current density (here denoted i c c i i;b i;s i* Ji ¼ ¼Di ¼km;i ðci; ci; Þ½86 by ) is expressed as n F b s i di 6¼ DH 1 1 k i ðT Þ¼i ðT Þ ½ This indicates a relationship between di and m,i,thatis ref exp R T T 81 ref D i km;i ¼ ½87 Equation [81] is equivalent to assuming a constant di enthalpy of activation DH 6¼ for each partial process. Mass transport rates can be expressed using dimen- sionless groups, for which empirical correlations can Modeling Mass Transport Using be developed for a number of flow patterns. The mass k Mass Transfer Coefficients transfer coefficient m enters into the Sherwood num- ber Sh, which is defined as To calculate the mass-transport effects on electro- k d chemical kinetics according to eqns [37]–[40],itis Sh ¼ m ½ D 88 necessary to predict the diffusion layer thickness di

Shreir’s Corrosion, Fourth Edition (2010), vol. 2, pp. 1585-1629

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1610 Modeling Corrosion

where d is a characteristic dimension (e.g., a pipe or Thus, once a relationship has been established for a D rotating disk diameter); , a diffusion coefficient; and given phenomenon in terms of dimensionless numbers, the subscript i has been dropped for convenience as it it can further serve for the calculation of another phe- is understood that eqn [88] is written for individual nomenon that takes place under the same geometric reacting species. The Sherwood number can be corre- and physical conditions but with different velocities, lated with the Reynolds (Re) and Schmidt (Sc)num- dimensions, and physical properties of the system. In bers, which are defined as particular, the correlations established for heat trans- Vd fer can be used for mass transfer calculations. The Re ¼ ½89 n analogy between the heat, mass, and momentum transfer has been stated in a dimensionless form by Sc ¼ n ½ Chilton and Colburn140 as D 90 Sh Nu f V ¼ ¼ ½95 where is the linear velocity. It can be shown by Re Sc1=3 Re Pr 1=3 2 Sh Re dimensional analysis that is a function of and Nu Sc. This function typically has the form134,135 where the Nusselt number, , and the Prandtl num- ber, Pr, are the heat transfer equivalents of the Sher- x y Sh ¼ Const Re Sc ½91 wood and Schmidt numbers in mass transfer, f where x is usually between 0.3 and 1 and y is about 1/3. respectively, and is a friction factor. Correlations

For example, the theoretically derived results for the for the friction factor are available as a function of pipe roughness, its diameter, and the Reynolds num- rotating disk can be recast in terms of the mass transfer 141 coefficient as ber (Frank ). The exponent 1/3 in eqn [95] can be replaced with a generalized exponent n. The Nusselt : : Sh ¼ 0:6205 Re0 5Sc0 33 ½92 and Prandtl numbers are defined as

Empirical expressions for other flow geometries have hd 134,135 Nu ¼ ½96 been reviewed by Poulson for single-phase flow l conditions. Equations of the type eqn [91] exist for the n rotating cylinder, impinging jet, nozzle or orifice, and Pr ¼ ½97 a pipe flow. For the rotating cylinder, the correlation of et al 136 where h is the convection heat transfer coefficient; l, Eisenberg . is widely used the thermal conductivity; and a, the thermal diffusiv- Sh ¼ : Re0:70Sc0:356 ½ 0 0791 93 ity (a ¼ l=rCp). This relationship makes it possible to determine For single-phase flow in a straight pipe, several corre- lations have been developed. Among these equations, the mass transfer coefficient in two-phase flow Berger and Hau’s137 correlation has found use in a systems for which experimental heat transfer correla- number of corrosion modeling studies: tions are available. Heat transfer correlations take the form Sh ¼ : Re0:86Sc0:33 ½ 0 0165 94 x y Nu ¼ Const Re Pr ½98 The earlier pipe flow formulas have been reviewed by 134 They have been reviewed by Kim et al.142 and Adsani Poulson, and the use of more recent equations has 138 et al 143,144 been discussed by Lin et al. Equations of this kind . for annular, slug, and bubbly flow in hori- et al 143,144 are not as well developed for multiphase flow. Corre- zontal and vertical tubes. Also, Adsani . developed a correlation for calculating the two- lations are available for stratified flow (Wang and 139 Nesˇic ´ ), but a comprehensive treatment is not avail- phase Nusselt number, which is a generalization of 140 able for various regimes of multiphase flow. Therefore, the Chilton-Colburn heat transfer expression (i.e., the second equality of eqn [95]): a convenient alternative is to base the computation of C mass transfer coefficients on the well-known analogy V d 3 = C2 L 1 3 between heat and mass transfer. Nutwo phase ¼ C1f Pr ½99 - L n L The analogies between the transport of mass, f momentum, and heat can be understood by considering where the liquid-phase friction factor L and velocity V the similarity between their respective mathematical L are calculated using flow models for annular, slug, C C C formulations, namely, Fick’s law of diffusion, Newton’s and bubbly flow, and 1, 2, and 3 are fitting con- law of viscosity, and Fourier’s law of heat conduction. stants. Subsequently, the Sherwood number and the

Shreir’s Corrosion, Fourth Edition (2010), vol. 2, pp. 1585-1629

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Modeling of Aqueous Corrosion 1611

mass transfer coefficient can be obtained from according to eqn [45] with A ¼ A and marked with a c the first equality in eqn [95]. a triangle. The complete model reproduces the As shown in the above equations, the computation experimental corrosion rates (Figure 5(b)) and cor- of the mass transfer coefficient requires the diffusion rosion potentials (Figure 5(c)) as a function of HF coefficients, viscosity, and density. Density is a ther- concentration and temperature. modynamic property and, as such, can be calculated from any comprehensive thermodynamic model for electrolyte systems. For example, Wang et al.54 Detailed Modeling of Mass describe how to calculate densities in a way that is Transport consistent with other thermodynamic properties. The treatment of mass transport by the use of mass The computation of viscosities and diffusion coeffi- cients requires separate models, which are beyond transfer coefficients is computationally efficient and is capable of reproducing steady-state corrosion the scope of this chapter. Viscosity and diffusivity behavior with good accuracy. However, it is subject models have been reviewed and critically evaluated et al 145 to some limitations including: by Corti . with particular emphasis on systems at elevated temperatures. 1. it is suitable for calculating only steady-state behavior and, therefore, it is not appropriate for Example of electrochemical modeling time-dependent corrosion, modeling of general corrosion 2. it neglects migration which introduces errors To illustrate the application of the principles especially for dilute systems without a background described earlier, Figure 5 shows the computation electrolyte, and of the corrosion rate and potential of type 316 stain- 3. it is not convenient for modeling transport in less steel in aqueous solutions of HF. These calcula- systems with geometrical constraints, especially tions have been made using the model of Anderko when the cathodic and anodic areas are spatially et al.108,146 as implemented in the Corrosion Analyzer separated; thus, it is not well suited for modeling 61 software. The upper diagram shows the partial the propagation of localized corrosion. cathodic and anodic processes in a 2 m HF solution. Three cathodic processes are taken into account in These limitations can be eliminated by a more this system: reduction of protons (H+), reduction of comprehensive (but much more computationally demanding) treatment of transport phenomena. This undissociated HF molecules, and reduction of water treatment is based on the conservation laws for each molecules. These partial processes are marked in 150 + ): Figure 5(a) as (1), (2), and (3), respectively. The H species in the solution (Newman @c reduction reaction is modeled using eqns [41] and k ¼rJk þ Rk k ¼ 1; ...; K ½100 [42] as described earlier. The HF reduction process is @t calculated using the same equations, but with a dif- where Ck is the concentration of species k, t is the time, + ferent exchange current density. Both the H and HF Jk is the flux of species k, r is the vector differential reduction processes show partial current densities operator (which reduces to @/@x in a one-dimensional because of mass transport limitations for the trans- case), and Rk is the rate of production (source) or + port of H and HF to the surface. Because of the low depletion (sink) of this species as a result of chemical degree of dissociation of HF, the reduction of HF reactions. In the vast majority of practical applications, (line two in Figure 5(a)) plays a much more impor- the dilute solution theory is used to calculate the flux + tant role than the reduction of H ions (line 1). The of the species, that is partial anodic curve for the oxidation of 316 SS is Jk ¼Dkrck zkFukckr’ þ ckv ½101 labeled as (4). It is assumed that the alloy components u k ’ dissolve congruently, and the dependence of the where k is the mobility of species , is the electrostatic partial anodic current density on the acidity of potential in the solution, v is the fluid velocity, and the the solution is analogous to that observed for Fe other symbols were defined previously. In eqn [101],the (see eqn [59]), but with a different exchange current first term on the right-hand side represents the contri- density. The superposition of the partial cathodic and butions of diffusion, the second term describes migra- anodic processes yields a predicted polarization tion, and the third term is a contribution of convection. curve, which is shown by a thick line in Figure 5(a). In the migration term, the mobility can be calculated The location of the mixed potential is calculated from the diffusivity using the Nernst–Einstein equation:

Shreir’s Corrosion, Fourth Edition (2010), vol. 2, pp. 1585-1629

Author’s personal copy

1612 Modeling Corrosion


1.25 (1) H(+) = 0.5H2–e

(2) HF = 0.5H2+ F(–)–e 1.0 (3) H2O=0.5H2+ OH(–)–e (4) S31600 = {Fe, Cr, Ni, Mo}(x+)+ xe 0.75 Net current density 0.5 Corrosion potential 0.25 (2)


Potential ( V (SHE)) –0.25 (4)

–0.5 (3) (1)


–1.0 1.0e - 4 1.0e - 3 1.0e - 2 1.0e - 1 1.0e 0 1.0e 1 1.0e 2 1.0e 3 1.0e 4 (a) Current density (A m–2)



–1 10

year 1 Pawel (1994) 297 K Schmitt (2004) 298 K 0.1 Ciaraldi et al. (1982) 298 K 0.01 Pawel (1994) 323 K Corrosion rate (mm Pawel (1994) 349 K 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 (b) m HF

1.0 0.8 Schmitt (2004) 298 K, 0.6 aerated 0.4 Schmitt (2004) 298 K, V /SHE)

( 0.2 deaerated


E 0.0 Ciaraldi et al. (1982) –0.2 366 K, deaerated

–0.4 0 2 468 10 12 14 (c) m HF

Figure 5 Application of an electrochemical model of general corrosion108,146 to type 316L stainless steel in aqueous HF solutions. The upper diagram (a) shows the partial cathodic and anodic processes in a 2 m HF solution. The middle (b) and 147–149 lower (c) diagrams compare the calculated and experimental corrosion rates and potentials, respectively.

D F X k 2 uk ¼ ½102 r ’ ¼ zkck ½103 RT e k which is exact for species at infinite dilution and pro- where e is the dielectric permittivity of the solution. It vides a good approximation at finite concentrations. can be shown150 that, due to the large value of the ratio An additional condition for determining the potential PF/e, even a very small separation of charges (i.e., in eqn [101] is given by the Poisson equation: zkck 6¼ 0) results in a large potential gradient,

Shreir’s Corrosion, Fourth Edition (2010), vol. 2, pp. 1585-1629

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Modeling of Aqueous Corrosion 1613

which in turn prevents any appreciable separation of ckv, is approximated by a turbulent diffusivity D rc charge. Therefore, eqn [103] is very often replaced term, t k, which can be lumped with the molecu- in practice by the simple electroneutrality condition, lar diffusion term thus defining an effective diffusion that is X coefficient (Davis,151 Nordsveen et al.116) z c ¼ ½ k k 0 104 eff Dk ¼ Dk þ Dt ½109 which is one of the basic equations for computing where Dt can be obtained from empirical correlations equilibrium properties of electrolytes. 151,152 151 with fluid properties. For example, Davis’s It should be noted that eqn [101] is rigorous only correlation has been used in the CO2 corrosion for dilute solutions. For concentrated solutions, its et al 116 150 model of Nordsveen . : more general counterpart is z 3 Jk ¼ ckvk ½105 Dt ¼ 0:18 ½110 d r where the velocities vk of species k are determined by where z represents the distance from the surface (either the multicomponent diffusion equations: X a metal surface or a surface covered with corrosion ckcj c r ¼ RT ðv v Þ½ products), is the viscosity, r is the density, and d is k mk c D j k 106 j tot kj the thickness of the laminar boundary layer, which can

be calculated for a pipe with a diameter d as where Dkj are the mutual diffusion coefficients, and c 7=8 tot is the total concentration of all components. The d ¼ 25Re d ½111 application of eqns [105] and [106] is very difficult due to the lack of a general methodology for com- It is noteworthy that this formalism can be shown to be D physically equivalent to the treatment of turbulent flow puting kj and computational complexity. Therefore, eqns [105] and [106] have found few applications in through mass transfer coefficients as described in the 139 practical models. However, a practical simplified previous section. Specifically, Wang and Nesˇic´ form can be obtained for moderately dilute solutions showed a relationship between the mass transfer coef-

ficient and Dt : for which the concentrations of solute species are smaller than the concentration of the solvent. Then, Z d 1 dz eqns [105] and [106] simplify to ¼ ½112 km;i Di þ Dt Dk 0 Jk ¼ ckrmk þ ckv ½107 RT The computation of the rates of production or deple-

0 R Considering that mk ¼ mk þ RT ln ckgk þ zkF’, the tion k is necessary in order to apply eqn [100]. flux equation becomes150 A general matrix formalism for calculating the Rk

J ¼D rc z Fu c r’ þ c v D c r ½ terms in a system with multiple reactions has been k k k k k k k k k ln gk 108 et al 116 developed by Nordsveen . The main limitation which is only moderately more complex than the here is the fact that rate data are available only for a dilute-solution eqn [101], but benefits from the infor- very limited number of reactions such as precipitation mation on solution nonideality that is embedded in of common scales (CaCO , FeCO )andselected 3 3 the activity coefficient and can be calculated from an homogeneous reactions (e.g., hydration of H2CO3). electrolyte thermodynamic model. For the vast majority of reactions, only equilibrium In the convective term of eqn [101] or [108], the equations are available and, in fact, there is no physical v instantaneous fluid velocity ( ) can be calculated, in need for kinetic expressions for most homogeneous principle, by the methods of computational fluid reactions because they are fast relative to mass trans- dynamics. However, such calculations involve a large port. Therefore, arbitrary rate expressions may be computational effort and are, in practice, limited with assumed as long as they are constrained by the equilib- respect to flow geometries and conditions. For turbu- rium constant (i.e., the ratio of the forward and reverse lent flow, a practical approach relies on introducing rate constants is equal to the equilibrium constant), turbulent diffusion. Accordingly, instantaneous veloc- give appropriately fast reaction rates and change direc- ity is divided into steady and turbulent components. tion as the equilibrium point is crossed. A convenient The steady component is parallel to the surface and expression for the production or depletion rate for does not contribute to transport to and from the sur- species k can be defined in terms of the departure of face. Then, the convection term in eqn [101] or [108], the ionic product from equilibrium (Walton153):

Shreir’s Corrosion, Fourth Edition (2010), vol. 2, pp. 1585-1629

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1614 Modeling Corrosion

M Q 150 154 X cnkm discussed by Newman and Bear. A detailed cor- k Rk ¼ rmnkm ln ½113 rosion model that includes the transport in porous Km m ¼ 1 corrosion products has been developed for CO2 cor- 116 155 where rm is an adjustable numerical rate parameter rosion by Nordsveen et al. and Nesˇic´ and Lee. m K for reaction , m is the equilibrium constant for reaction m, and nkm is the stoichiometric coefficient for species k in the mth reaction. Alternatively, the Active–Passive Transition and transport equations can be first solved separately Dissolution in the Passive State from the chemical effects and, then, at the end of The expressions for anodic partial current densities each sufficiently small time step, thermodynamic discussed above (eqns [54]–[68]) are limited to the equilibrium calculations can be performed in each dissolution in the active state. However, dissolution in elementary volume. the passive state and the transition between the active To solve the system of transport eqns [100] and and passive state are equally important for modeling [101] or [108], boundary conditions are required. In aqueous corrosion. In fact, passivity is the key to our the bulk solution, the equilibrium concentrations are metal-based civilization (Macdonald97) and has been the natural boundary conditions. For each species extensively investigated since the pioneering work of involved in electrochemical reactions, the flux at Faraday and Scho¨nbein in the 1830s. Theories of the metal surface is determined from passivity have been reviewed by many investigators 156 157 ik (Frankenthal and Kruger, Froment, Marcus and J ¼ ½ k 114 158 et al 159 97,160 nkF Oudar, Natishan ., Macdonald ) and are beyond the scope of this chapter. In this section, we i where the current density k is calculated from appro- focus solely on practical models for calculating the priate expressions for cathodic and anodic partial pro- anodic current density in the passive and active– cesses as a function of concentrations at the metal passive transition regions as a function of solution surface. This provides a link to the mechanistic chemistry. or empirical electrochemical expressions described Passivity manifests itself by a sharp drop in the above. For the species that are not involved in the anodic current density at a certain critical potential reactions, the flux at the interface is zero. It should be as the metal is polarized in a negative-to-positive noted that the application of this formalism of mass potential direction. For calculation purposes, empiri- transport can become quite computationally involved, cally determined anodic polarization curves can be especially for systems with numerous species, because reproduced using a suitable fitting function. For it requires solving a system of differential equations example, such a function has been developed by (eqns [100] and [101] or [108]) with constraints (eqns 161 Macdonald. Then, empirical fitting functions can [103] or [104] and chemical terms). be used within the framework of the mixed potential theory as described above. Effect of the presence of A convenient way to introduce the active–passive porous media transition into a computational model is to consider a

The above transport equations need to be modified current that leads to the formation of a passive layer in addition to the current that leads to active dissolu- when mass transport occurs through porous media et al 162 108 such as corrosion products, calcareous deposits, soil tion (Ebersbach ., Anderko and Young ). For y or sand, and various man-made environments, includ- this purpose, a certain fraction of the surface P can be assumed to be covered by a passive layer. The ing concrete and ceramics. Such a generalization can be formulated in terms of two characteristic quantities, change of the passive layer coverage fraction with porosity and tortuosity. Porosity (e) is the volumetric time can be expressed as void fraction of the medium, whereas tortuosity (t)is @ yP ¼ ci ð ÞK ½ defined as the ratio of the distance that an ion or MeO 1 yP yP 115 @t E;a molecule travels around solid particles to the direct i i path. For practical applications, tortuosity can be cor- where MeO is the current density that contributes to related with porosity thus leaving porosity as the only the formation of a passive layer. The second term on parameter to affect transport equations. The generali- the right-hand side of eqn [115] represents the rate zation of transport equations to porous media has been of dissolution of the passive layer, which is

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Modeling of Aqueous Corrosion 1615

proportional to the coverage fraction. Solution of this depends on flow conditions because the O reduction 2 equation in the steady-state limit yields an expression is partially under mass transport control. for the anodic dissolution current: Passive dissolution and active–passive transition i þ i i þ i strongly depend on solution chemistry. In the i ¼ Me MeO ¼ Me MeO ½ Me;TOT 116 absence of specific active ions, the dissolution of 1 þðciMeO=K Þ 1 þðiMeO=iPÞ oxide films depends primarily on the pH of the i where Me is the dissolution current density in the solution. Appropriate kinetic expressions can be con- i ¼ c K structed by considering dissolution reactions between active state and the ratio P / constitutes the passive current density. The current iMe is calcu- the passive oxide/hydroxide surface layers and solu- lated using the active dissolution models described tion species (Anderko et al.,146 Sridhar et al.131,164)In

iM acidic solutions, the key reaction involves the protons above. The current eO is expressed using the usual expression for process under activation control, from the solution: that is ð Þ þð a þ b xÞ þ MeOa OH b 2 H a2FðE EFÞ i ¼ i0 exp ½117 ð2aþbxÞþ 2 2 RT ¼ MeðOHÞx þða þ b xÞH2O ½118 in which the parameters can be adjusted to reproduce where the symbol ‘’ denotes surface species. The the observable characteristics of the active–passive corresponding kinetic equation is

i q transition including the critical current density ( crit) i þ ¼ k þ a ½ 146 p;H H Hþ;s 119 and Flade potential (EF). Equation [116] can be a þ then used for the anodic process of metal dissolution where H ;s denotes the surface concentration of q within the framework of the mixed-potential theory hydrogen ions and is a reaction order, which is not (eqns [45] and [46]. necessarily related to the stoichiometric coefficient in An example of mixed-potential calculations for a the dissolution reaction. In neutral solutions, the pre- passive metal is shown in Figure 6. This figure illus- dominant dissolution reaction can be written as trates the computation of the corrosion potential of 0 MeOaðOHÞ þ aH O ¼ MeðOHÞ ½120 alloy 600 in a dilute LiOH solution as a function b 2 ð2aþbÞ;aq of dissolved oxygen concentration. As in Figure 5, where the predominant species on the right-hand the upper and middle diagrams of Figure 6 show the side of eqn [120] is a neutral complex as indicated predicted partial E versus i curves for the anodic and by the superscript 0. The corresponding kinetic cathodic processes. The upper diagram (Figure 6(a)) equation is shows the predictions for a very low O2 concentration r ip;H O ¼ kH Oa ; ½121 (0.013 ppm), whereas the concentration in the middle 2 2 H2O s diagram is somewhat higher (0.096 ppm). In a weakly where the reaction order with respect to water indi- alkaline solution, the alloy is passive as indicated by cates that dissolution may be affected by water activ- the vertical portion of the anodic curve (line labeled ity. Similarly, the predominant reaction in alkaline as (3)). Two main cathodic processes are taken into solutions is account in this system, that is, the reduction of MeOaðOHÞb þðx 2a bÞOH þ aH2O H2O (line (1)) and the reduction of O2 (line (2)). At the lower O concentration, the limiting current den- ðx2abÞ 2 ¼ MeðOHÞ ½122 sity is lower than the passive current density, and the x main cathodic process is the reduction of H2O (i.e., with a corresponding kinetic equation given by the mixed potential lies at the intersection of the lines s i ; ¼ k a ½123 p OH OH OH ;s (1) and (3) in Figure 6(a)). As the O2 concentration increases, the O2 reduction reaction becomes pre- The total passive current density as a function of pH dominant and determines the mixed potential, is given by which then lies at the intersection of lines (2) and i ¼ i ; þ þ i ; þ i ; ½124 (3). This behavior explains the experimentally deter- p p H p H2O p OH E mined s-shaped dependence of corr on O2 concen- It should be noted that the passive dissolution may be tration as shown in Figure 6(c). The s-shape is due to influenced by mass transport. For example, aluminum the transition from H2O reduction to O2 reduction as dissolution in alkaline solutions is known to be partly the dominant cathodic process. The transition under mass transport control due to the transport of

Shreir’s Corrosion, Fourth Edition (2010), vol. 2, pp. 1585-1629

Author’s personal copy

1616 Modeling Corrosion



0.5 (4)

0.25 (1) H O = 0.5H + OH(–)–e 2 2 0.0 (2) (2) O + 4H(+) = 2H O-4e 2 2 (3) Alloy 600={Ni, Cr, Fe}(x+)+ xe –0.25 (1) (4) Cr2O3 +5H2O=2CrO4(2–) + 10H(+) + 8e –0.5 Net current density Corrosion potential Potential ( V (SHE)) –0.75

–1.0 (3) –1.25

–1.5 1.0e - 4 1.0e - 3 1.0e - 2 1.0e - 1 1.0e0 –2 (a) Current density (A m )


0.75 0.5 (4)

0.25 (1) H2O = 0.5H2 + OH(–)–e 0.0 (2) (2) O2 + 4H(+) = 2H2O–4e (3) Alloy 600 = {Ni, Cr, Fe}(x+)+ xe –0.25 (1) (4) Cr O +5H O=2CrO (2–) + 10H(+) + 8e 2 3 2 4 –0.5 Net current density

Corrosion potential Potential ( V (SHE)) –0.75

–1.0 (3) –1.25

–1.5 1.0e - 4 1.0e - 3 1.0e - 2 1.0e - 1 1.0e0

Current density (A m–2) (b)




0.0 (SHE) –0.2 corr Ecorr, exp E –0.4 Ecorr, cal


–0.8 1.E - 07 1.E - 06 1.E - 05 1.E - 04 1.E - 03 (c) m O2

Figure 6 Modeling of the corrosion potential of alloy 600 in a 0.1 M LiOH solution at 200 C as a function of dissolved oxygen concentration. The upper and middle diagrams (a and b) show the calculated partial electrochemical reactions 6 and predicted polarization curve for solutions containing 4e-7 m (0.013 ppm) and 3 10 m (0.096 ppm) O2, respectively. The lower diagram (c) compares the calculated corrosion potential with experimental data163 at 200 C as a function of dissolved oxygen molality.

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Modeling of Aqueous Corrosion 1617



1.0 (1) H(+) = 0.5H2 –e (2) H2O=0.5H2 + OH(–)–e 0.75 (3) O2 + 4H(+) = 2H2O–4e 0.5 (4) S30400 = {Fe, Cr, Ni}(x+)+ xe (3) Net current density (1) 0.25 Corrosion potential


Potential (V (SHE)) –0.25 (4) (2) –0.5


–1.0 1.0e-4 1.0e-3 1.0e-2 1.0e-1 1.0e-0 1.0e1 1.0e2 1.0e3 1.0e4

(a) Current density (A m–2)

1.5 1.25

1.0 (1) H(+) = 0.5H2 –e (2) H2O = 0.5H2 + OH(–)–e 0.75 (3) O2 + 4H(+) = 2H2O–4e (4) S30400 = {Fe, Cr, Ni}(x+)+ xe 0.5 (3) Net current density 0.25 Corrosion potential (1) 0.0

Potential ( V (SHE)) –0.25 (4) (2) –0.5


–1.0 1.0e-4 1.0e-3 1.0e-2 1.0e-1 1.0e0 1.0e1 1.0e2 1.0e3 1.0e4 (b) Current density (A m–2)

0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10

/SHE 0.05

corr E 0.00 –0.05 –0.10 –0.15 –0.20 0 1 23456 (c) pH Figure 7 Electrochemical modeling of the depassivation pH and corrosion potential of type 304 stainless steel in aerated

0.1 M Na SO þ H SO solutions. The upper (a) and middle (b) diagrams show the calculated partial electrochemical 2 4 2 4 processes and predicted polarization curve for pH = 0.8 and 1.8, respectively. The lower diagram (c) compares the calculated 165 corrosion potentials with experimental data. OH ions from the bulk to the interface. Then, the Figure 7 illustrates the electrochemical modeling contributions to the passive current density (eqn of the pH dependence of the active–passive transition [124]) should be coupled with mass-transfer equa- of type 304 stainless steel. The upper and middle tions such as eqn [36].131 diagrams in Figure 7 show the partial electrochemical

Shreir’s Corrosion, Fourth Edition (2010), vol. 2, pp. 1585-1629

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1618 Modeling Corrosion

processes in Na SO solutions with pH ¼ 0.8 and 1.8, these processes change when a moderate amount of 2 4 respectively. The anodic curve (line 4) was modeled HF (1.57%) is added. A 20 wt.% HNO3 solution is using a model based on eqns [116] and [117].The an oxidizing medium, and, therefore, reduction of main cathodic process is the reduction of O2.Because NO3 ions in an acidic environment is the main of the pH effect on the active–passive transition, the cathodic process. This results in a high corrosion mixed potential moves from the active dissolution potential as shown in Figure 8(a). The corrosion region for pH ¼ 0.8 to the passive region for rate is controlled by the dissolution rate of the pH ¼ 1.8. This explains the dependence of the experi- oxide film. When HF is added, the dissolution rate mentally determined corrosion potential on pH of the oxide substantially increases even though a (Figure 7(c)). The pH value at which an abrupt moderate amount of HF has practically no effect on change of E occurs can be identified with the depas- the acidity of the system. This effect is reproduced by corr sivation pH. eqn [127] and manifests itself by the increased passive In addition to pH effects, some active ions may current density in Figure 8(b). The predicted effects influence the magnitude of the passive current density. can be compared with the observed corrosion rates in

The effect of active species on the dissolution in the 20% HNO3 solution as a function of HF concentra- passive state can be modeled by considering surface tion (Figure 8(c)). reactions between the metal oxide film and solution species (Blesa et al.,166 Anderko et al.146):

ð Þ þ c X ¼ Scaling Effects MeOa OH b i i að Þ Xc þ ei ½ In addition to passive dissolution and active–passive MeO OH b i OH 125 transition, modeling of surface scale formation is of X i where i is the th reactive species in the solution, and great practical importance. Scales form as a result of the subscripts a, b, ci,andei represent the reaction deposition of corrosion products (e.g., iron carbonate stoichiometry. In general, eqn [125] may be written or sulfide) or other solids that reach supersaturation i for any active, aggressive, or inhibitive species in the near metal interfaces (e.g., calcareous deposits). solution (i =1, ..., n). It is reasonable to assume that Scales can be distinguished from passive films in eqn [125] is in quasi-equilibrium. The surface species that they do not give rise to the classical active– that forms as a result of reaction eqn [125] may passive transition such as that shown in Figure 7. undergo irreversible dissolution reactions such as: Rather, they reduce the rate of dissolution by ð Þ X þ a ! providing a barrier to the diffusion of species to and MeOa OH b ci H2O from the surface and by partially blocking the inter- ð Þ0 þ c X ½ Me OH 2aþb;aq i i 126 face, thus reducing the overall rate of electrochemical reactions. In general, there may be multiple mechan- in which dissolved metal species are formed in analogy isms of scale formation depending on the chemistry to those described by eqns [118], [120], and [122]. of the precipitating solids. Mathematical analysis of reactions eqns [125] and 108,146 One mechanism of scale formation can be quanti- [126] yields a relationship between the passive fied in terms of the competition between the rate of current density and activities of reactive species: P scale formation, which results in the precipitation of a ci ei þ li ða =a Þ 1 Xi OH corrosion product, and the rate of corrosion under i ¼ i0ð Þ Pi ½ the scale, which leads to the ‘undermining’ of the p p pH ci ei 127 þ Ki ða =a Þ 1 Xi OH i scale. When the rate of precipitation exceeds the rate of corrosion, dense protective films are formed. i0ð Þ l where p pH is given by eqn [124], i is the forward Conversely, when the corrosion rate is greater than K rate of reaction eqn [126],and i is the equilibrium the precipitation rate, the scale still forms, but the constant of reaction eqn [125]. precipitation rate is not fast enough to fill the grow- Figure 8 illustrates the effect of active ions on the ing voids. Then, the scale becomes unprotective even rate of general corrosion using alloy 22 in mixed though it may be thick. Nesˇic´ and Lee155 developed a þ HNO3 HF solutions as an example. The upper model to represent this phenomenon for FeCO3 scale diagram (Figure 8(a)) shows the predicted partial formation. In Nesˇic´ and Lee’s155 model, the local electrochemical processes in a 20% HNO3 solution change in the volumetric concentration of the scale- and the middle diagram (Figure 8(b)) shows how forming solid is given by a redefined eqn [100]:

Shreir’s Corrosion, Fourth Edition (2010), vol. 2, pp. 1585-1629

Author’s personal copy

Modeling of Aqueous Corrosion 1619

1.5 (3) 1.25



0.5 (1) H(+) = 0.5H – e (1) 2 0.25 (2) H2O = 0.5H2 + OH(–) – e (3) NO (–) + wH(+) = NOx + yH O–ze 0.0 (2) 3 2 (4) C–22 = {Ni, Cr, Mo, W}(x+)+ xe Potential ( V (SHE)) –0.25 (4) Net current density

Corrosion potential –0.5


–1.0 1.0e-4 1.0e-3 1.0e-2 1.0e-1 1.0e0 1.0e1 1.0e2 1.0e3 1.0e4 (a) Current density (A m–2)

1.5 (3) 1.25


0.75 (1) H(+) = 0.5H2 – e (2) HF = 0.5H + F(–) – e 0.5 2 (3) H O = 0.5H + OH(–) – e (1) (2) 2 2 (4) NO (–) + wH(+) = NOx + yH O–ze 0.25 3 2 (5) C–22 = {Ni, Cr, Mo, W}(x+)+ xe 0.0 (4) Net current density Potential ( V (SHE)) –0.25 (5) Corrosion potential



–1.0 1.0e-4 1.0e-3 1.0e-2 1.0e-1 1.0e0 1.0e1 1.0e2 1.0e3 1.0e4 (b) Current density (A m–2)



–1 10

Sridhar et al. (1987) 1 20 wt% HNO3, 353 K

Calculated 0.1 (mmRate year

0.01 0 1 2 3 45 (c) wt.% HF

Figure 8 Electrochemical modeling of the effect of HF concentration on the corrosion rate of alloy 22 in HNO3 þ HF solutions. The upper (a) and middle (b) diagrams show the partial electrochemical processes in 20% HNO3 solutions without HF and with 1.57% HF, respectively. The lower diagram compares the calculated results with experimental data167 as a function of HF concentration.

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Author’s personal copy

1620 Modeling Corrosion

@csolid @csolid propagation, and stifling of individual pits, crevices, ¼ Rsolid CR ½128 @t @z and cracks and for the statistical behavior of their ensembles in corroding structures. However, this where the first term on the right-hand side represents topic is outside the scope of this chapter and will be the rate of the scale formation and the second term is reviewed in the chapter ‘Predictive Modeling of the scale undermining rate. In eqn [128], CR is the Corrosion’ in this volume. corrosion rate and z is a direction perpendicular to In this chapter, we focus solely on models that the surface. The rate of formation of the scale is, in predict the conditions for the occurrence of localized general, a product of the scale particles’ surface area- corrosion without going into the treatment of the to-volume ratio A/V, a function of temperature, the evolution of localized corrosion events in time and thermodynamic solubility product K , and an empir- sp space. Such models are designed to find the threshold ical function of supersaturation S: criteria for localized corrosion. In general, localized A corrosion occurs when the corrosion potential of an Rsolid ¼ f ðTÞKsp f ðSÞ½129 V alloy in a given environment exceeds a critical poten- where supersaturation is defined as tial. The meaning, experimental determination, and Q Q interpretation of the key potentials that characterize ani cni S ¼ i ¼ i ½ localized corrosion have been reviewed by Szklarska- K K 130 sp sp Smialowska.172 While this general concept is well

While the f (T) and f (S) functions can be, in principle, accepted, what constitutes a critical potential con- derived from precipitation kinetics data that are inde- tinues to be debated. The selection of the critical 168 potential depends on the particular phenomenon pendent of corrosion, Sun and Nesˇic´ have deter- mined that much more reliable precipitation rates that is to be modeled. can be obtained from corrosion weight loss and gain The applicability of the critical potential concept to modeling localized corrosion is qualitatively illu- measurements than from kinetic measurements that start from dissolved metal ions. The A/V ratio strated in Figure 9. In this figure, the arrows indicate depends on the porosity of the scale on the metal the conditions at which localized corrosion is surface. Nesˇic´ and Lee155 developed an empirical expected. For a given alloy, the critical potential decreases with an increase in the concentration function of porosity that is consistent with the exper- imental data for FeCO scale formation. of aggressive species (e.g., halide ions) as shown in 3 E A different model is necessary for scales whose Figure 9(a). The shape of the crit curve corresponds to that of the repassivation potential curve, but the formation does not follow the kinetics of precipita- tion processes. For example, FeS scales form very fast qualitative pattern is more general. Unlike the critical in highly undersaturated solutions, in which they potential, the corrosion potential is usually not a would be thermodynamically unstable in the bulk, strong function of aggressive ion concentration unless andtheir formation appears not to be influenced by significant localized corrosion occurs. The critical solution supersaturation. Thus, the effect of FeS aggressive species concentration for localized corro- E E scales can be modeled by assuming a solid-state reac- sion is observed when corr exceeds crit. Similarly, for a given aggressive chemical environment, a critical tion at the metal surface that is mediated by the 169 adsorption of H2S (Anderko and Young, Nesˇic´ temperature exists (see Figure 9(b)). The critical et al.170 ) The formation of FeS scales is further com- potential is also strongly affected by the presence of inhibitors. As shown in Figure 9(c), this gives rise to a plicated by the existence of an outer layer that results from the growth, cracking, and delamination of the critical inhibitor concentration. In many environ- E FeS film. A model that accounts for these phenomena ments, the presence of oxidants may increase corr was developed by Sun and Nesˇic´.171 so that localized corrosion may occur beyond a criti-

cal concentration of redox species (Figure 9(d)). The actual conditions in a system may be a combination of Modeling Threshold Conditions for the four idealized cases shown in Figure 9. Thus, the Localized Corrosion key is to predict both the corrosion potential and the

Modeling of the evolution of localized corrosion has repassivation potential. The corrosion potential can be been the subject of extensive research during the past obtained from a general-corrosion, mixed-potential three decades, and a number of important models model for passive metals as described above. For have been developed for the initiation, stabilization, the critical potential, separate models are necessary.

Shreir’s Corrosion, Fourth Edition (2010), vol. 2, pp. 1585-1629

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Modeling of Aqueous Corrosion 1621

Ecrit Ecrit

E Ecorr corr

Potential Potential Localized corrosion Localized corrosion

(a) Aggressive ions (b) Temperature

Ecorr Ecrit

Ecrit Ecorr

Potential Potential Localized corrosion Localized corrosion

(c) Inhibitor (d) Oxidant

Figure 9 A general conceptual scheme of the use of the corrosion potential (Ecorr) and critical potential (Ecrit) to predict the effect of aggressive ions, temperature, inhibitors, and oxidizing redox species on localized corrosion. The arrows marked ‘localized corrosion’ denote the potential ranges in which localized corrosion can be expected.

In this chapter, we briefly review the computation and : RT J : RT 4 606 m 2 303 Eb ¼ log log aX ½131 applicability of the passivity breakdown potential and waF ^aDuw=2 aF the repassivation potential. where Jm is the rate of annihilation of cation vacancies aˆ u Breakdown of passivity at the metal/barrier layer interface, and are ther-

To predict the initiation of localized corrosion, it is modynamic parameters related to the absorption of an D necessary to calculate the critical passivity breakdown aggressive ion into an oxygen vacancy, is the cation potential. Several theories have been developed to vacancy diffusivity, and a is the polarizability of the film–solution interface. Yang and Macdonald179 relate the breakdown potential to the concentration of aggressive species in the solution (Heusler and extended eqn [131] to systems containing both aggres- X Yz Fischer, 173 Strehblow and Titze,174 Lin et al.,175 sive ions and inhibitive ions : 176 177 178 Okada, McCafferty, Haruna and Macdonald, b 2:303 a 97 179 E ¼ E0 X ½ Macdonald, Yang and Macdonald, and papers b pH log 132 b a aa F a z cited therein). A common theoretical result, confirmed 0 Y E0 by experimental data, is the linear dependence of the where the constant b is a function of adsorption and passivity breakdown potential on the logarithm of the elementary reaction rate parameters that is derived concentration of aggressive ions. While this observa- from a competitive adsorption model for the X and z tion is generally accepted, its generalization to systems Y species, b is the dependence of the potential drop with multiple aggressive and inhibitive ions is not across the barrier layer–solution interface on pH, and immediately obvious. a0 is a transfer coefficient. The predictions of the point A particularly comprehensive treatment of passiv- defect model have been found to be in agreement with ity breakdown is provided by the point defect model of experimental phenomena including the linear depen- 175 Macdonald and coworkers (Lin et al., Haruna and dence of the breakdown potential on the concentra- Macdonald, 178 Macdonald,97 Yang and Macdonald179). tions of aggressive and inhibitive ions, the dependence

According to the point defect model, passivity break- of the induction time on potential and chloride con- down results from the condensation of cation or metal centration, dependence of the breakdown potential on vacancies at the interface between the metal and the the scan rate and the inhibition of pitting by Mo and passive barrier layer. The vacancies are envisaged to be W in the alloy. It should be noted that the breakdown generated at the barrier layer–solution interface in an potential is a distributed quantity that can be described autocatalytic, anion-induced process. For systems con- with a normal distribution function. The distribution taining only aggressive (halide) ions X, the critical in Eb has been reproduced by assuming that the cation breakdown potential is expressed as diffusivity is normally distributed.97

Shreir’s Corrosion, Fourth Edition (2010), vol. 2, pp. 1585-1629

Author’s personal copy

1622 Modeling Corrosion

While the logarithmic dependence of the breakdown corroding pit does not become significant compared potential on the aggressive species concentration is to the overall area. predicted by most passivity breakdown models, the A model for calculating the repassivation potential induction time provides a more stringent criterion for has been developed by Anderko et al.183 by consider- et al 180 testing alternative models. Accordingly, Milosˇev . ing the electrochemistry of a metal M that undergoes tested the validity of the point defect model, the dissolution underneath a layer of concentrated metal two-dimensional nucleation model of Heusler and halide solution MX. The concentrated solution may Fischer, 173 and the halide nuclei model of Okada176 for or may not be saturated with respect to a hydrous the pitting of copper. The point defect model was found solid metal halide. In the process of repassivation, a to yield the best agreement with experimental data. thin layer of oxide forms at the interface between the metal and the hydrous metal halide. The model Repassivation potential and its use assumes that, at a given instant, the oxide layer covers to predict localized corrosion a certain fraction of the metal surface. This fraction While the breakdown potential is the critical param- increases as repassivation is approached. Further, eter for the initiation of pitting, the repassivation the model includes the effects of multiple aggressive potential (Erp) has been used for predicting the and nonaggressive or inhibitive species, which are long-term occurrence of pitting and crevice corro- taken into account through a competitive adsorption sion. The repassivation potential (also called protec- scheme. The aggressive species form metal com- tion potential) is the potential at which a stably plexes, which dissolve in the active state. On the growing pit or crevice corrosion will cease to grow. other hand, the inhibitive species and water contrib- Thus, localized corrosion cannot occur at potentials ute to the formation of oxides, which induce passivity. E E below rp. The use of rp for engineering predictions The model assumes that the measurable potential can be justified by the fact that only the fate of stable drop across the interface can be expressed as a sum pitsor crevice corrosion is important for predicting of four contributions, that is the possibility of failure, and metastable pits do not E ¼ DF þ DF þ DF þ DF ½ M=MX MX MX=S S 133 adversely affect the performance of engineering 181,182 structures. It has been shown by Dunn et al. where DFM/MX is the potential difference at the that E is practically independent of the amount of interface between the metal and metal halide, which rp charge passed in a localized corrosion process as long may be influenced by the partial coverage by the as it is above a certain minimum amount of charge. As metal oxide, DFMX is the potential drop across the a result, the repassivation potential is relatively insen- hydrous halide layer, DFM is the potential differ- X/S sitive to prior pit depth and surface finish. As a ence across the metal halide–solution interface, and corollary, it has been shown that the repassivation DFS is the potential drop across the boundary layer potential for pitting (i.e., measured on an open sam- within the solution. Expressions for the potential drops ple)and the repassivation potential for crevice corro- can be derived using the methods of nonequilibrium 184 sion (i.e., measured on a creviced sample) coincide at thermodynamics. In general, these expressions are high pit depths. This has demonstrated the utility of complex and can be solved only numerically. However, the repassivation potential for engineering design as a closed-form equation has been found in the limit of it provides a reproducible and inherently conserva- repassivation, that is, when the current density reaches 2 tive threshold for the occurrence of localized corro- a predetermined low value irp (typically irp ¼ 10 sion. Thus, the prediction of long-term occurrence of Am 2) and the fluxes of metal ions become small localized corrosion can be separated into two inde- and comparable to those for passive dissolution. pendent parts, that is, the calculation of the repassi- Then, eqn [133] can be used to arrive at a closed- vation and the corrosion potentials. The separation of form expression for the repassivation potential. This localized corrosion modeling into these two steps is closed-form expression, which can be solved numeri- valid as long as the initial stages of stable localized cally to calculate Erp, is given by: corrosion are considered because the corrosion X 00 irp lk n xkFErp potential is not affected at this stage by the progress 1 þ 1 y k exp i i k RT k p rp of the localized corrosion process and the interaction X 00 between pits can be ignored. The separation remains kj n aj FE ¼ j rp ½ valid as long as significant pit or crevice corrosion i yj exp RT 134 growth does not occur and the area of an actively j rp

Shreir’s Corrosion, Fourth Edition (2010), vol. 2, pp. 1585-1629

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Modeling of Aqueous Corrosion 1623

00 where ip is the passive current density, T is the temper- solutions containing such ions. Finally, the lk parameters R F k ature, is the gas constant, and is the Faraday constant. for inhibitive ions are determined on the basis of data The partial coverage fraction of a species j is related to for mixed solutions containing chlorides and inhibitors. E the activity of this species in the bulk solution by Data for mixed systems are necessary because rp is K a undefined in solutions containing only inhibitors. ¼ Pads;j j ½ yj 135 The repassivation potential model has a limiting 1 þ k Kads;kak character, that is, it accurately represents the state of where the system in the repassivation potential limit. In

DG ;j ads addition to the value of the repassivation potential, Kads;j ¼ exp ½136 RT the model predicts the correct slope of the current DG and ads,j is the Gibbs energy of adsorption. The density versus potential relationship as the potential k00 l 00 E 183 parameters j and k in eqn [134] are rate constants deviates from rp. The current density predicted for surface reactions mediated by the adsorption of by the model as a function of potential is given by aggressive and inhibitive species, respectively. The P P k00 nj aj FE þ l 00 nj xj FE inhibitive species include water, as it is necessary for j yj exp RT j yj exp RT j j nj i ¼ ½ oxide formation. The parameter is the reaction order P n FE 137 1 00 j xj with respect to species j,andaj and xk are the electro- 1 þ i lj yj exp RT p j chemical transfer coefficients for reactions mediated by E ¼ E aggressive and inhibitive species, respectively. Some Equation [137] reduces to eqn [134] for rp and DG n parameters ( ads,i, aj ,and k) can be assigned default i ¼ irp. Since eqn [137] is a limiting law, its accuracy values. The remaining parameters need to be regressed gradually deteriorates as the potential increasingly E E from a limited amount of experimental rp measure- deviates from rp. Equation [137] cannot be regarded ments. Since Erp data are most abundant for chloride as a model for the propagation rate of an actively k00 solutions, the rate constant for the chloride ions ( Cl), growing pit or crevice because it does not take into n reaction order with respect to chlorides ( Cl), rate con- account the factors such as the ohmic potential drop, 00 stant for water (l ), and electrochemical transfer coef- H2O transport limitations, and so on. However, the current E > E ficient for water (xH2O) are determined based on the data density predicted using eqn [137] for rp is useful for chloride solutions. The determination of parameters because it provides an estimate of the maximum is greatly simplified by the fact that the parameters for propagation rate of an isolated pit as a function of Fe–Ni–Cr–Mo–W–N alloys can be correlated with potential. Such an upper estimate is convenient alloy composition,185,186 thus enhancing the predictive because it relies only on parameters that are cali- k00 n value of the model. The j and, if necessary, j para- brated using repassivation potential data. meters are determined for other aggressive species j (e.g., Figure 10 shows the application of the repassiva- bromide ions) using E data for either pure or mixed tion potential model to alloy CuNi 7030 in chloride rp

1.2 t = 23C, pH = 9, borate 1.0 t = 60C, pH = 9, borate t = 95C, pH = 9, borate

0.8 t = 23C, pH = 11

t = 23C, pH = 11, borate 0.6 t = 60C, pH = 11 t = 95C, pH = 11 (SHE)

rp 0.4

E Cal, t = 23C, borate

Cal, t = 60C, borate 0.2 Cal, t = 95C, borate 0.0 Cal,t = 23C, pH = 11 Cal, t = 60C, pH = 11

–0.2 Cal, t = 95C, pH = 11 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 m Cl– Figure 10 Modeling the repassivation potential of alloy CuNi 7030 (UNS C71500).217 as a function of chloride activity at various temperatures.

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1624 Modeling Corrosion

solutions at three temperatures. As shown in the Figure 12 illustrates an application of the corro- figure, the slope of the repassivation potential sion potential and repassivation potential models to changes as a function of chloride activity. A steeper predict the critical crevice temperature. At tempera- slope is observed at low chloride concentrations. This tures below critical crevice temperature (CCT), the E is a general phenomenon for alloys and becomes more calculated corrosion potential ( corr) should lie below 183 pronounced for more corrosion-resistant alloys. the repassivation potential, whereas it should exceed The transition between the low-slope and high- Erp above CCT. Thus, the intersection of the Ecorr and slope segments of the curves strongly depends on E curves versus temperature provides an estimate of rp the alloy and temperature. CCT. Figure 12 shows the results of such calcula- 188 A particularly useful application of the repassiva- tions for alloy C-276 in 6% FeCl3 solutions. The tion potential model is for investigating the com- repassivation potential shows an initially steep peting effects of aggressive and inhibitive species. decrease followed by a moderate decrease at higher For example, Figure 11 shows the inhibitive effect temperatures. On the other hand, the corrosion of nitrate ions on localized corrosion of alloy 22 potential shows a much weaker temperature depen- in concentrated chloride solutions. The Erp versus dence. The intersection points of the Ecorr and Erp NO3 concentration curves have a characteristic curves can be compared with experimental critical shape with two distinct slopes. As the concentration crevice temperatures (Hibner189). of the NO3 ions is increased, the slope of the Erp versus It should be noted that while the approach based on E E NO3 concentration curve initially slowly increases computing corr and rp can predict the long-term with a low slope. At a certain concentration of NO3 , occurrence and maximum propagation rate of loca- E the slope of the rp curve rapidly increases and the lized corrosion, it gives no spatial or temporal informa- repassivation potential attains a high value. At NO3 tion. For predicting the spatial and temporal evolution concentrations that lie beyond the high-slope portion of localized corrosion, models are required that include of the Erp versus NO3 curve, localized corrosion a detailed treatment of mass transport and take into becomes impossible even in systems with a high corro- account the geometric constraints of crevices, pits, and sion potential. Thus, there is a fairly narrow range of so on. Such models are outside the scope of this chapter. inhibitor concentrations over which the Erp curve tran- sitions from a low-slope region (in which localized Selected Practical Applications of corrosion is possible depending on the value of the Aqueous Corrosion Modeling corrosion potential) to a high-slope region that consti- tutes the upper limit of inhibitor concentrations for In this section, we briefly outline selected models that localized corrosion. The exact location of the transition have been developed for practical applications on the region depends on the temperature and chloride con- basis of the principles discussed above. centration and can be accurately reproduced using the Extensive efforts have been devoted to the model- repassivation potential model. ing of aqueous corrosion in oil and gas environments.

1.0 No localized corrosion 0.8 (typically, transpassive dissolution) 95 C, 4M NaCl, exp 0.6 80 C, 4M MgCl2, exp 0.4 110 C, 4M MgCl2, exp


rp 0.2 95 C, 4M NaCl, cal E 0.0 80 C, 4M MgCl2, cal Transition to inhibition of localized corrosion –0.2 110 C, 4M MgCl2, cal


0.0001 0.01 1 – M NO3

Figure 11 Modeling the effect of nitrate ions on the repassivation potential of alloy 22 in concentrated chloride solutions. The experimental data are from Dunn et al.187

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Modeling of Aqueous Corrosion 1625

170 2.0 systems (Nesˇic´ et al. ). Also, a stochastic algorithm

for predicting localized corrosion due to partially pro- 1.8 Erp 1.6 tective FeCO3 scales has been integrated with this 199 1.4 model (Nesˇic´ et al. ).

1.2 Another area in which electrochemical models 1.0 have found wide applicability is the prediction of E (SHE) corr

E 0.8 the corrosion potential in dilute aqueous solutions that exist in power generation industries. In particu- 0.6 0.4 lar, mixed-potential models have been developed for 0.2 stainless steels in water as a function of oxygen and exp. CCT 161 et al 138 0.0 hydrogen content (Macdonald, Lin ., 103 E 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Kim ). Such models are useful for calculating corr t (ЊC) in boiling water reactors and related environments.

Ecorr is then further used for localized corrosion Figure 12 Prediction of the critical crevice temperature (CCT) for various alloys in a 6% FeCl3 solution using modeling. In such systems, modeling of the initiation 188 corrosion potential and repassivation potential models. and evolution of crevice corrosion, stress corrosion The vertical lines show the location of the experimental CCT 189 cracking, and corrosion fatigue is of primary impor- values. The intersection of the calculated corrosion tance. For this purpose, several electrochemical mod- potential and repassivation potential lines shows the predicted critical crevice temperature. els that are suitable for alloys in high temperature and low-conductivity water have been developed (see This is due to the great practical importance of Betts and Boulton,200 Turnbull,201–203 Engelhardt et al 204,205 corrosion in oil and gas production and transmission, . and references therein). and to the fact that the number of key corrosive Corrosion in halide-containing natural and indus- components in such environments is relatively lim- trial environments such as seawater, deliquescing ited (primarily to CO2,H2S, acetic acid, and O2), thus liquids, or production brines is another important 123 making the modeling task manageable despite the application for modeling. For example, King et al. inherent complexity of corrosion mechanisms and developed a model for calculating the corrosion their dependence of flow conditions. Corrosion mod- potential of copper in aerated chloride solutions. et al 190 108 eling in this area has been reviewed by Nesˇic´ ., Anderko and Young modeled general corrosion 191 et al 192–194 Nyborg, and Papavisanam . The CO2/ of steel in concentrated bromide brines used in H S models range from expert systems based on absorption cooling. Sridhar et al.131 developed a 2 laboratory and field data to mechanistic models that model that predicts both the general corrosion and recognize the partial electrochemical processes in an the occurrence of localized corrosion for stainless explicit way. Among the electrochemical models, the steels and aluminum in seawater. A mixed-potential treatment of flow effects using mass transfer coeffi- model has been developed to predict the behavior of 206 cients has found wide applicability for both single- nuclear fuel in steel containers (Shoesmith et al. ). phase and two-phase flow (Nesˇic´ et al.,115 Dayalan Models for the initiation, stabilization, and propaga- et al., 195 Anderko and Young,169 Pots and Kapusta,196 tion of pitting, crevice corrosion, and cracking in et al 197 Deng . ). While the methodology for modeling halide systems have been developed by a number of 207 203,208 CO2 corrosion is well established, the modeling of authors (Turnbull and Ferris, Turnbull, Betts 200 209,210 211 H2S effects is still in a state of flux and is a subject of and Boulton, Engelhardt et al., Cui et al., 169 significant research efforts (Anderko and Young, and references therein). 170 171 Nesˇic ´ et al., Sun and Nesˇic´ ). A CO2 corrosion Modeling corrosion in the process industries is a model based on a detailed treatment of transport potentially fruitful area but is subject to great diffi- (eqns [100]–[103]) has been developed by Nordsveen culties because of the complex and variable nature of 116 198 166 et al., Nesˇic´ et al., and Nesˇic´ and Lee. This the chemical environments. In principle, acid systems model has been further extended to CO2/H2S corro- are amenable to modeling because of their well- sion by considering mechanistic aspects of FeS scale defined chemistry. In particular, corrosion in acids et al 170 171 212 formation (Nesˇic´ ., Sun and Nesˇic´ ). The has been modeled by Sridhar and Anderko in the model has been integrated with a multiphase flow moderate concentration range. Rahmani and Strutt213 model, which made it possible to predict the effect of developed a model for very concentrated sulfuric water entrainment and water wetting in oil–water acid solutions, in which corrosion can be assumed to

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be exclusively under mass transport control. Veawab Acknowledgments 214 and Arronwilas developed a model for the general corrosion in amine–CO2 systems. Models are also The work reported in this paper has been supported available for the corrosivity in wet porous media by the Department of Energy (award number DE- et al 215 et al 216 (Huet . ). Anderko . applied the localized FC36-04GO14043) and cosponsored by Chevron- corrosion model based on calculating the repassiva- Texaco, DuPont, Haynes International, Mitsubishi tion and corrosion potentials to predict the occur- Chemical, Shell, and Toyo Engineering. rence of pitting and estimate the worst-case propagation rates of localized corrosion in a process environment. References

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(especially chemical processing and geology), they Tables, 3rd ed., supplement no. 1, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 1985, 14, 1–1856. are increasingly used to predict the solution chemis- 10. Barin, I.; Platzki, G. Thermochemical Data of Pure try of corrosive environments and to understand the Substances, 3rd ed.; Wiley-VCH: Verlag, 1997. effect of phase behavior on corrosion. Electrochemi- 11. Cox, J. D.; Wagman, D. D.; Medvedev, V. A. CODATA Key Values for Thermodynamics; Hemisphere cal models of corroding interfaces have been devel- Publishing: New York, 1989. oped to predict the kinetics of anodic and cathodic 12. Glushko, V. P.; Medvedev, V. A.; Bergman, G. A.; reactions that are responsible for corrosion and to Vasil’ev, B. P.; Kolesov, V. P.; Gurvich, L. V.; Yungman, V. S.; Khodakovskii, I. L.; Resnitskii, L. A.; , relate them to bulk solution chemistry and flow con- Smirnova, N. L.; et al. Thermal Constants of Compounds; ditions. Semiempirical and mechanistic models of Academy of Sciences: Moscow, USSR, 1965–1981. passivity have been developed to predict the behavior 13. Gurvich, L. V.; Veyts, I. V.; Alcock, C. B.; Iorish, V. S. Thermodynamic Properties of Individual Substances; of passive metals and the breakdown of passivity. Hemisphere Publishing: New York, 1988–1998; Vols 1–5. Also, models are available to predict the threshold 14. Kelly, K. K. Contribution to the Data on Theoretical conditions for localized corrosion. Metallurgy XIII. High Temperature Heat Content, Heat Capacity and Entropy Data for the Elements and The main focus of the models reviewed in this Inorganic Components, Bull. 584, Bureau of Mines, US chapter is on relating the chemistry of the environ- Dept. of Interior, 1960. ment to electrochemical corrosion phenomena on 15. Robie, R. A.; Hemingway, B. S.; Fisher, J. R. US Geol. Survey Bull 1978, 1452. metal surfaces. However, this is often only the first 16. Shock, E. L.; Helgeson, H. C. Geochim. Cosmochim. stage of corrosion modeling. Beyond this stage, the Acta 1988, 52, 2009–2036; Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta models discussed here serve as a basis for simulating 1990, 54, 915–943. 17. Shock, E. L.; Helgeson, H. C.; Sverjensky, D. A. the spatial and temporal evolution of localized and Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 1989, 53, 2157–2183. general corrosion damage in various engineering 18. Shock, E. L.; Sassani, D. C.; Willis, M.; Sverjensky, D. A. structures subject to localized and general corrosion. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 1997, 61, 907–950. 19. Stull, D. R.; Westrum, E. F., Jr.; Sinke, G. L. The Chemical This level of modeling will be discussed in other Thermodynamics of Organic Compounds; R. F. Krieger: chapters of this volume. Malabara, FL, 1987.

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Shreir’s Corrosion, Fourth Edition (2010), vol. 2, pp. 1585-1629