This article was originally published in Shreir’s Corrosion, published by Elsevier. The attached copy is provided by Elsevier for the author’s benefit and for the benefit of the author’s institution. It may be used for non-commercial research and educational use, including (without limitation) use in instruction at your institution, distribution to specific colleagues who you know, and providing a copy to your institution’s administrator. All other uses, reproduction and distribution, including (without limitation) commercial reprints, selling or licensing of copies or access, or posting on open internet sites, personal or institution websites or repositories, are prohibited. For exception, permission may be sought for such use through Elsevier’s permissions site at: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/permissionusematerial Anderko A 2010 Modeling of Aqueous Corrosion. In: Richardson J A et al. (eds.) Shreir’s Corrosion, volume 2, pp. 1585-1629 Amsterdam: Elsevier. Author's personal copy 2.38 Modeling of Aqueous Corrosion A. Anderko OLI Systems Inc., 108 American Road, Morris Plains, NJ 07950, USA ß 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2.38.1 Introduction 1586 2.38.2 Thermodynamic Modeling of Aqueous Corrosion 1587 Computation of Standard-State Chemical Potentials 1588 Computation of Activity Coefficients 1588 Electrochemical Stability Diagrams 1591 Diagrams at elevated temperatures 1594 Effect of multiple active species 1594 Diagrams for nonideal solutions 1595 Diagrams for alloys 1596 Potential–concentration diagrams 1597 Chemical Equilibrium Computations 1597 Problems of Metastability 1599 2.38.3 Modeling the Kinetics of Aqueous Corrosion 1600 Kinetics of Charge-Transfer Reactions 1601 Modeling Adsorption Phenomena 1604 Partial Electrochemical Reactions 1605 Anodic reactions 1605 Cathodic reactions 1607 Temperature dependence 1609 Modeling Mass Transport Using Mass Transfer Coefficients 1609 Example of electrochemical modeling of general corrosion 1611 Detailed Modeling of Mass Transport 1611 Effect of the presence of porous media 1614 Active–Passive Transition and Dissolution in the Passive State 1614 Scaling Effects 1618 Modeling Threshold Conditions for Localized Corrosion 1620 Breakdown of passivity 1621 Repassivation potential and its use to predict localized corrosion 1622 Selected Practical Applications of Aqueous Corrosion Modeling 1624 2.38.4 Concluding Remarks 1626 References 1626 UNIFAC Universal functional activity coefficient Abbreviations (equation) CCT Critical crevice temperature UNIQUAC Universal quasi-chemical (equation) CR Corrosion rate HKF Helgeson–Kirkham–Flowers equation of state Me Metal MSA Mean spherical approximation Symbols NRTL Nonrandom two-liquid (equation) ai Activity of species i Ox Oxidized form A Surface area Re Reduced form Aij Surface interaction coefficient for species i and j SHE Standard hydrogen electrode b Tafel coefficient using decimal logarithms 1585 Shreir’s Corrosion, Fourth Edition (2010), vol. 2, pp. 1585-1629 Author's personal copy 1586 Modeling Corrosion c Bulk molar concentration of species i Sh Sherwood number i,b ci,s Surface molar concentration of species i t Time Cp Heat capacity at constant pressure T Temperature d Characteristic dimension ui Mobility of species i Di Diffusion coefficientsta of species i vi Rate of reaction i Dt Turbulent diffusion coefficient V Linear velocity eÀ Electron z Direction perpendicular to the surface E Potential zi Charge of species i Eb Passivity breakdown potential a Thermal diffusivity Ecorr Corrosion potential ai Electrochemical transfer coefficient for species i E Critical potential for localized corrosion b Tafel coefficient using natural logarithms crit Erp Repassivation potential gi Activity coefficient of species i E0 Equilibrium potential di Nernst layer thickness for species i f Friction factor DG Gibbs energy of adsorption for species i ads,i D 6¼ fi Fugacity of species i H Enthalpy of activation F Faraday constant DF Potential drop Gex Excess Gibbs energy e Dielectric permittivity i Current density h Dynamic viscosity ia Anodic current density ui Coverage fraction of species i ia,ct Charge-transfer contribution to the anodic uP Coverage fraction of passive layer current density l Thermal conductivity ia,L Limiting anodic current density mi Chemical potential of species i 0 ic Cathodic current density mi Standard chemical potential ic,ct Charge-transfer contribution to the cathodic m i Electrochemical potential of species i current density n Kinematic viscosity ic,L Limiting cathodic current density ni Stoichiometric coefficient of species i icorr Corrosion current density r Density ip Passive current density F Electrical potential irp Current density limit for measuring repassivation ji Electrochemical transfer coefficient for reaction i potential v Rotation rate i Exchange current density r Vector differential operator 0 * i Concentration-independent coefficient in X Surface species X expressions for exchange current density J Flux of species i i kads Adsorption rate constant 2.38.1 Introduction kdes Desorption rate constant ki Reaction rate constant for reaction i Aqueous corrosion is an extremely complex physical km ,i Mass transfer coefficient for species i K Equilibrium constant phenomenon that depends on a multitude of factors including the metallurgy of the corroding metal, the Kads Adsorption equilibrium constant chemistry of the corrosion-inducing aqueous phase, Ksp Solubility product the presence of other – solid, gaseous, or nonaqueous li Reaction rate for ith reaction liquid – phases, environmental constraints such as mi Molality of species i temperature and pressure, fluid flow characteristics, m0 Standard molality of species i methods of fabrication, geometrical factors, and con- ni Number of moles of species or electrons Nu Nusselt number struction features. This inherent complexity makes Pr Prandtl number the development of realistic physical models very challenging and, at the same time, provides a strong R Gas constant incentive for the development of practical models to Rk Rate of production or depletion of species k Re Reynolds number understand the corrosion phenomena, and to assist in S Supersaturation their mitigation. The need for tools for simulating Sc Schmidt number aqueous corrosion has been recognized in various industries including oil and gas production and Shreir’s Corrosion, Fourth Edition (2010), vol. 2, pp. 1585-1629 Author's personal copy Modeling of Aqueous Corrosion 1587 transmission, oil refining, nuclear and fossil power gen- which phases are stable on a two-dimensional plane eration, chemical processing, infrastructure mainte- as a function of the potential and pH. The potential nance, hazardous waste management, and so on. The and pH were originally selected because they play a pastthree decades have witnessed the development of key role as independent variables in electrochemical increasingly sophisticated modeling tools, which has corrosion. Just as importantly, they made it possible been made possible by the synergistic combination of to construct the stability diagrams in a semianalytical improved understanding of corrosion mechanisms and way, which was crucial before the advent of computer rapid evolution of computational tools. calculations. Over the past four decades, great prog- Corrosion modeling is an interdisciplinary under- ress has been achieved in the thermodynamics of taking that requires input from electrolyte thermo- electrolyte systems, in particular for concentrated, dynamics, surface electrochemistry, fluid flow and mixed-solvent, and high temperature systems. These mass transport modeling, and metallurgy. In this advances made it possible to improve the accuracy of chapter, we put particular emphasis on corrosion the stability diagrams and, at the same time, increased chemistry by focusing on modeling both the bulk the flexibility of thermodynamic analysis so that it can E environment and the reactions at the corroding inter- go well beyond the –pH plane. face. The models that are reviewed in this chapter are The basic objective of the thermodynamics of intended to answer the following questions: corrosion is to predict the conditions at which a given metal may react with a given environment, leading to 1. What are the aqueous and solid species that give rise to corrosion in a particular system? What are their the formation of dissolved ions or solid reaction pro- thermophysical properties, and what phase behavior ducts. Thermodynamics can predict the properties of the system in equilibrium or, if equilibrium is not can be expected in the system? These questions can be answered by thermodynamic models. achieved, it can predict the direction in which the 2. What are the reactions that are responsible for system will move towards an equilibrium state. Thermodynamics does not provide any information corrosion at the interface? How are they influ- enced by the bulk solution chemistry and by flow on how rapidly the system will approach equilibrium, conditions? How can passivity and formation of and, therefore, it cannot give the rate of corrosion. The general condition of thermodynamic equilib- solid corrosion products be related to environ- mental conditions? How can the interfacial phe- rium is the equality of the electrochemical potential, 2 nomena be related to observable corrosion rates? mi in coexisting phases, that is, These questions belong to the realm of electro- 0 mi ¼ mi þ zi Ff ¼ mi þ RT ln ai þ zi Ff ½1 chemical kinetics and mass transport models. i 0 3. What conditions need to be satisfied for the where mi is the chemical potential of species ; mi , its initiation and long-term occurrence of localized a standard chemical potential; i, the activity of the corrosion? This question can be answered by elec- species; zi, its charge; F, the Faraday constant; and f trochemical models of localized corrosion.
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