St. Paul's United Church of Christ Church Records (1859-1985

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St. Paul's United Church of Christ Church Records (1859-1985 IMPORTANT! READ CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT LICENSE AGREEMENT AND LIMITED WARRANTY LIMITED USE LICENSE Purchase of this e-book entitles you the right to use one copy of its contents for your personal or professional genealogical and family history research use only. You must treat the enclosed files like any other copyrighted material. • You may not publish material from this book in whole or in part in any electronic, print or other medium, except as unique elements that are part of a unique family history or genealogy. • You may not sell or transfer reproductions of the contents to anyone in any way without written permission of the St. Clair County Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 431, Belleville, Illinois 62222-0431. • You may not network the product or otherwise use it on more than one computer at the same time. • You may not copy the files or contents of this product to the Internet, nor may you reproduce the contents in any public forum. **************************************** Optical character recognition (OCR) used on some e-books is not perfect. SCCGS recommends using the surname index at the end of the book. **************************************** /71. f}J~ ~ C{jluvwft of C(//v,M :!7~:1 #llinoi4 C{jluvwft ~ 1859 - 1985 Published by the St. Clair County Genealogical Society P. 0. Box 431 Belleville, IL 62222-0431 Church Records 1859- 1985 of St. Pauls United Church of Christ Floraville, IL 100 Koerner Waterloo, IL 62298 German Records translated by Martha Mae Schmidt and Delmar Feurer Compiled in 1985 by Martha Mae Schmidt 9848 Hillstown Rd. Marissa, IL 62257-2302 Originally published in St. Clair County Genealogical Society Quarterlies Volume 10 #3 & 4, Volume 11 #1, 2 & 3 & Volume 12 #1 Table of Contents Brief History of St. Pauls and List of Ministers i - ii Baptisms 1 -45 Confirmands 46-58 Marriages 59-71 Deaths 72-97 German Place Name Index 98-99 Index 100- 103 ©June 2006 2nd Printing January 2008 Published by the St. Clair County Genealogical Society P. 0. Box 431 Belleville, IL 62222-0431 Note All spellings of names are as written by the various pastors in the original records. There were apparently very few records kept between 1872 & 1885, although there are burials in the cemetery during that period. History of St. Paul•s United Church of Christ, Floraville, IL In January 1859, forty six men organized the The choir once more demonstrated its devotion "Evangelical Society of Flora of St. Clair County, IL. to the church by constructing sidewalks around the A church building about 30 feet south of the pre­ parsonage and the church, to this day the inscrip­ sent building was dedicated in September 1859. tion 'Concordia Choir 1915' can be read thereon. The first constitution, signed by 34 members read In 1926 Rev. Theo WITTLINGER accepted the as follows: "We the undersigned do hereby organ­ call to be the pastor and he adopted the English ize into a christian congregation under the name, language to one service each month and our older 'The German St. Paul's Congregation of Flora in members received some satisfaction when they re­ the St. Clair County of the State of Illinois. We call alized that even though future generations would ourselves Evangelical because we hold infallible abandon the language of our forefathers they guide of Faith and life, and we accept the interpre­ would continue in the early established faith. tations of the Scriptures as given in the Augsberg Confessions and the Evangelical Catechism. We During the first one hundred years there were are to be instructed as an Evangelical Lutheran times when it was extremely difficult to carry on the Congregation". The first pastor called was the Rev. temporal affairs of this congregation, but faith in the Theo. HORN. The first child baptized was George Almighty God, perseverance and hard work, its tra­ WEIGAND on 6 November 1859. The first confirma­ dition progressed and lived on. tion class was that of 1860. The Constitution and By Laws were revised in The charter members were as follows: John 1944 and in January 1946 'Constitution of the St. HERBERT, Peter ETLING, Elizabeth RAPP, Henry Paul's Evangelical and Reformed Church of Flora­ SENZEL, John ETLING, George WEIGAND, John ville' became operative. The first nine member con­ METZGER, Jacques VOLLMER, William SKAER, sistory was elected on 13 January 1946 and the Henry KILLMER, William KOERBER, John FISCH­ church became a part of the South Illinois Synod. ER, George DIETRICH, Louis KIRLEIS, Peter Charles JUST bequested $1200 for the mainte­ MUELLER, Carl HORN, Philip ETLING, Louis nance of his family's graves in the St. Paul Ceme­ METZGER, Gottlieb OPITZ, John DILL, Karl KAEM­ tery in 1947. Also in 1947 perpetual care for the PER, Henry GEORGE, Henry FISCHER, Konrad cemetery was established and Mr Emil MEHR­ DINTELMANN, Andrew FRANKE, Louis DAESCH, MANN served many years as the custodian, always George WILL, George LENGFELDER, Adam BER­ maintaining beautiful grounds. NI US, Frederich PROBST, Fred C. HORN, Chris­ The Parsonage was completely renovated in toph FISCHER, Henry MILLER, and Fred WAG­ 1951 and on 10 June 1952 Rev. Leroy KLEMM NER. became the pastor while he continued his studies Under the leadership of Rev. W. H. HOSTO, at Eden Seminary. supply pastor in 1891, the "Frau Verein de Evan­ In 1954 a 2 point charge was established with gelishe St. Paul's Gemeinde von Floraville" was Friedens Church in Hecker. formed. Under the leadership of Rev. Neil SCHROEDER In 1891 Rev. MICHELS was called to be the pas­ the Youth Fellowship was organized. tor and under his direction the first choir was organ­ ized with 14 members. The Centennial Celebration was held in 1959 and Rev. BAUMANN wrote in the Centennial book: On 25 December 1893 it was agreed to build a "There can be no doubt that St. Paul's has been a new church on lots owned by Christoph FISCHER, noble and Christian influence in our community. The lots were bought by the Frau Verein and pre­ Perhaps we can best realize what we owe our sented to the congregation. The new church edi­ church and our devoted pastors by trying to visual­ fice was dedicated to the glory of God on 22 Sep­ ize our community with no church at all. We need to tember 1894. The new structure cost $4344. The be on guard lest this institution be taken for granted bells in the tower were bought by the Frau Verein by all our people whose lives are so closely inter­ and the Sunday School. woven with it". A parsonage was built east of the church in 1901 In 1960 the memorial windows were donated by for $1560.00. The congregation continued to individual members and families and installed. grow and the buildings beautified. - i- From 1961 to 1965 Rev. Marion HARRISON In 2002 St. Pauls built a new 1500 square foot served both St. Pauls and St. John's congregation fellowship hall for a total cost of $67,7 45 thanks in in Smithton. large part to much donated labor from church mem­ St. Paul was blessed with the many talents of bers and contractors, who performed the structural Rev. A. E. LIMPER who came to St. Pauls as a re­ work. The hall houses offices, a meeting space, tired supply pastor serving in full time capacity. Un­ kitchen and restrooms. It also provides handi­ der his many years of leadership, St. Pauls contin­ capped accessibility to the sanctuary. In 2003 ued to grow. The first woman president was there were 133 members and only three years prior elected in 1966 and in 1967 the first vacation the membership was only about 30. school was conducted. Note: The town of Floraville (formerly Flora) is lo­ In 1970 church doors were locked for the first cated about six and one-half miles southeast of Mill­ time since 1859 because of vandalism. In 1974 stadt. In 1860 a United States Post Office was es­ Rev. LIMPER retired because of illness and Rev. tablished in Floraville. It was discontinued in 1907 Paul STANGE, another retired pastor came to St. and mail is now received at the Waterloo address. Paul's. Like Rev. LIMPER he soon endeared him­ Originally named Flora, the name was changed be­ self in the hearts of St. Paul's people being active in cause there was already a town named Flora in all its many duties. eastern Illinois. The airport issue lay heavy on the people of St. Paul's since these plans included the razing of the church and concreting over the cemetery. In this community where tradition and family ties are up­ permost in our lives, this created sadness for all Pastors who Served at St. Pauls concerned. To not have Floraville and St. Paul's Church seemed unthinkable. Theodore HORN 1859- 1865 Mrs. Emma BARTHEL retired as church organist Samuel STAIGER 1865- 1869 in 1974 after serving for 38 years. In February 1977 J. H. ROELL 1869- 1873 Phillip STEINHAGE 1873- 1883 Rev. STANGE died and again we had to call upon a G. TESSMER 1883- 1884 retired pastor, Rev. Erwin FLORIN. Although mem­ Bernhard CUNZ 1884- 1886 bership was declining because of the loss of our C. SCHINK 1886- 1891 young people --Rev. FLORIN and Elizabeth kept W. H. HOSTO 1891 - 1891 the church active, striving ever to improve. K. MICHELS 1892- 1893 The church building was designated as an histori­ B. H. HEITHAUS 1893- 1898 cal building in 1980 by the St. Clair County Histori­ P. K. WIEGMANN 1898- 1901 HUEBSCHMANN 1901 - 1904 cal Society. HARDER 1904- 1908 Each year some members depart and few new John MOELLER 1908 - 1915 ones added.
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    Z 6796 C BONN • 22. SEPT. 1961 Nr. 38 • 15. JAHRGANG UNION M „ INFORMATIONSDIENST der Christlich-Demokratischen und Christlich-Sozialen Union Mit Abstand stärkste Partei CDU /CSU zum viertenmal vom Wähler mit der Verantwortung betraut Ein Rundblick über die Wahlergebnisse des 17. September \ Fast 90 °/o der 37,4 Millionen wahlberechtigten Bundesbürger haben am gen Splitterparteien hinnehmen, die weit 17. September über die politische Kräfteverteilung im Vierten Deutschen Bun- uhter der 5%-Grenze blieben. destag entschieden. Auch bei der diesjährigen Bundestagswahl machte der Hohe Wahlbeteiligung Wähler durch sein Vertrauen die CDU/CSU erneut zur weitaus stärksten Audi die vierten Bundestagswahlen politischen Kräftegruppe in der Bundesrepublik. Mit einem Stimmenanteil von sind durch erstaunlich hohe Wahlbeteili- 45,3 °/o fand die Union am vergangenen Sonntag ungefähr gleich starke Reso- gungsziffern gekennzeichnet. Zum glei- chen Zeitpunkt, in dem die kommunisti- nanz wie bei der Bundestagswahl 1953, bei der es der Union als erster Partei schen Machthaber Pankows die Bevölke- in der Geschichte deutscher Wahlen gelang, nahezu jeden zweiten Wähler rung Mitteldeutschlands zur Teilnahme für sich zu gewinnen. an demokratischen Scheinwahlen zwin- gen, entschieden in der Bundesrepublik Audi bei der Bundestagswahl 1961 be- Rekordwahlergebnissen des Jahres 1957; fast 90 % der Wahlberechtigten bei einer stätigte der deutsche Wähler die Union sie erreichte nicht das angestrebte Ziel, freiheitlichen demokratischen Wahl über als große Volkspartei, getragen vom Ver- im vierten Deutschen Bundestag wieder- den künftigen Weg deutscher Politik. trauen der Angehörigen beider Konfes- um über die absolute Mehrheit der Man- Wahlbeteiligung sionen und der verschiedenen sozialen date zu verfügen. Schichten. Allerdings blieb die CDU/CSU Bundestagswahl 1961 87,5 °/o Eine vernichtende Niederlage mußten Bundestagswahl 1957 87,8% am 17.
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